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boikoKaleo: I was going to talk to you about a regression on the toolbar, but first I need to port the phone-app to use ActionItems03:03
TobyKLooks like the touch-coreapps package is broken06:14
TobyKtouch-coreapps : Depends: stock-ticker-mobile-app but it is not installable                   Depends: dropping-letters but it is not going to be installed06:14
dholbachgood morning06:50
Mirvhmp, Qt 5.1 fails to build for me right in the beginning07:13
Mirvunlike beta1 which built fine07:13
oSoMoNgusch: good morning, would you have some time to review a MR of mine? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/tabslist-no-static-newtab/+merge/17296107:37
guschoSoMoN: ok07:37
guschoSoMoN: I think it would be easier to use http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-listview.html#header-prop for the "newTabDelegate"07:47
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oSoMoNgusch: very good point (sorry I missed your comment because I got disconnected and my nick changed)08:24
guschoSoMoN: no worries08:25
oSoMoNgusch: I’ll give it a try, in the meantime would you mind approving this one-liner? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/increase-test-timeout/+merge/17296708:25
guschoSoMoN: timing problem?08:25
oSoMoNgusch: yes, I explained it in the comments of the MR, my laptop is horribly slow these days08:26
guschoSoMoN: argh - I always forget to read that ...08:26
guschoSoMoN: approved08:29
oSoMoNgusch: another trivial one-liner: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/remove-unused-variable/+merge/17296808:29
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Upload A Virus To The Alien Mothership Day! :-D08:29
t1mphaha :)08:30
dpmmorning JamesTait and all :)08:30
dpmhi oSoMoN, what do you think we could answer to this guy's question? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=231959808:31
sais there any simulator for ubuntu ?08:32
oSoMoNdpm: flash is not going to be supported, however html5 videos should work (not tested though)08:33
dpmoSoMoN, ah, I didn't really know that we were not going to support flash, thanks for the info.08:35
guschoSoMoN: ok (sorry for the delay - I just started the gallery tests ;)08:35
dpmoSoMoN, going to a test page for html5 videos, they don't seem to be working yet. Do we have any blueprint to track the html5 video support work?08:37
oSoMoNdpm: not that I know of, but at least a bug report to track the issue08:40
oSoMoNwould be a good start08:40
oSoMoNdpm: maybe you can suggest the guy on the xda forum to file a bug with details about what he tried?08:40
dpmoSoMoN, the guy didn't try loading html5 videos. I can file the bug myself, I've just tested the video samples page on a device08:42
Mirvqtchooser updated for raring in the PPA:s. nothing drastic, but friendlier help texts among else. matches the saucy version.08:42
oSoMoNdpm: ok, thanks08:42
guschoSoMoN: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-robust-open-photo/+merge/17297108:48
oSoMoNgusch: sure08:49
dpmoSoMoN, ok, here's bug 119769908:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1197699 in webbrowser-app "HTML5 videos not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119769908:50
oSoMoNdpm: thanks, will look into it (at least to get an idea of how much work that involves) later today08:51
dpmawesome, thanks oSoMoN!08:51
oSoMoNgusch: yet another one-liner, for your reviewing pleasure: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/update-tabsview-label/+merge/17297208:53
oSoMoNseb128: hey, sorry I didn’t have time to review your MR yesterday as I said I would, I was going to do it this morning but then I saw it was merged already08:54
seb128oSoMoN, hey, no worry, Kaleo reviewed it for us ;-)08:56
seb128oSoMoN, thanks ;-)08:56
guschoSoMoN: commented on the label MR09:07
oSoMoNgusch: thanks09:08
guschoSoMoN: one other thing - the hardcoded color is not nice (I have too many of them in gallery as well - need to replace them with UbuntuColors.xyz)09:10
guschoSoMoN: do you know if there is some "highlightColor" property?09:10
guschoSoMoN: well - you would need it as string here ...09:10
guschoSoMoN: just asking, as using UbuntuColors won't go well with theming/branding (T-Mobile for sure wants to have magenta ;)09:11
oSoMoNgusch: there is something upcoming, Kaleo will soon tell us more about it09:12
oSoMoNgusch: in the meantime, it’s ok to have hardcoded colors, as long as we are aware that they will need to be updated09:12
guschoSoMoN: ah - fine - thx09:12
oSoMoNgusch: yeah, Kaleo is working on something to expose the theme colors09:12
guschKaleo: good boy09:12
oSoMoN_gusch: regarding the meaning of the number in the label, I sent an e-mail to Jouni to confirm, let’s see what he says09:19
julia_segalHello, I'm using Ubuntu.Components Dialog and would like to add a [label checkbox] above my buttons without it getting all stretched out.09:19
guschoSoMoN_: ok - and are you reviewing my MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-robust-open-photo/+merge/17297109:20
oSoMoN_gusch: yes, I am09:20
guschoSoMoN_: thx09:20
julia_segalI'd like to use Ubuntu.Components to get the nice style, where can I find the Dialog qml?09:20
oSoMoN_julia_segal: what do you mean by the Dialog qml?09:22
oSoMoN_gusch: approved09:23
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guschoSoMoN: thx09:24
guschjulia_segal: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Popups/Dialog.qml09:27
julia_segal_gusch: ah, that's where it is, thank you09:28
guschoSoMoN: do you know what went wrong the second time jenksin was building? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/increase-test-timeout/+merge/17296710:13
guschoSoMoN: I'm not sure if it's safe to top-approve10:13
oSoMoNgusch: looking10:23
oSoMoNgusch: no idea, which is why I triggered a rebuild, and yes, I think it’s safe10:24
guschoSoMoN: sure that the 10 sec. wait won't trigger an assert to timeout?10:24
oSoMoNgusch: I don’t think so, I think the default test timeout is much higher (30 or 60 secs, iirc)10:25
guschoSoMoN: ok - I'll top approve10:25
oSoMoNgusch: I updated https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/tabslist-no-static-newtab/+merge/172961, following your advice to use a ListView + header, it’s ready for review10:34
guschoSoMoN: ok checking10:37
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julia_segal_brendand: I'd like a Ubuntu style dialog with an additional [label checkbox] in the middle, do you have any recommended way to do this?10:52
julia_segal_brendand: the problem is my label and checkbox get formatted vertically down the middle10:52
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hrwhi guys10:55
hrwhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/programming-languages/qml/ lists "Getting started with QML and Qt Creator" which points to http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/qt-creator which is 40410:55
dpmhi hrw, thanks for the heads up, fixing it now!10:58
hrwdpm: which package contains QtQml headers btw?10:58
dpmhrw, no idea, what are you trying to do?10:59
hrwdpm: build one thing outside of ubuntu app stuff11:00
cor3ntinhrw> check out qt-project.org11:02
Laneywere Buttons always orange? :-)11:14
Laneyseb128: can you do me a favour and check background with today's ui-toolkit please? I get weird corruption: http://ubuntuone.com/7ibGVZ0LQ1yt1SqQohjkMb11:16
Laneyif I click on an image and then go back then it looks ok11:16
guschoSoMoN: not the best day for autopilot on jenkins today it seems ;)11:16
Laneyalso I'm sure the text wasn't that black before :P11:16
seb128Laney, urg, let me try ... I noticed the orange buttons earlier, and I think that's a known issue11:17
seb128Laney, images are fine here, no corruption11:17
t1mpLaney: if you use a Label, by default the text shouldn't be that black11:18
Laneyt1mp: it is a Label11:18
Laneylet me downgrade the toolkit ...11:18
seb128it's the toolkit update that does that11:18
Laneywant to see if that resolves the corruption11:19
t1mpmake sure you update the toolkit theme also11:19
Laneyyeah I have 20130703.1 of that11:19
seb128qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin and ubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme are both 0.1.46+13.10.20130703.1-0ubuntu111:19
seb128t1mp, Laney: http://ubuntuone.com/0jMuI8fySsFXi92kGEY5se11:20
Laneyyeah that's how it looks for me11:20
seb128the Ubuntu\nVendor line is a ListItem.Base with a label packaged in it11:20
Laneylabels definitely got blacker11:20
Laneyyou can see it on the starting grid too11:20
seb128was how it was looking before11:21
Laneydowngrading fixes the corruption11:21
seb128(ignore the spacing difference, that's an older version)11:21
Laneyit could be that I'm doing something undefined of course and it just happened to work11:21
seb128Laney, I don't see the corruption problem here on current saucy11:22
LaneyI also don't get it on my laptop11:22
seb128Laney, but current saucy doesn't have your changes from yesterday yet (that just landed)11:22
seb128intel driver here11:22
Laneywhich runs nvidia too, same as the desktop11:23
oSoMoNgusch: remember how you said you hate mumble? well I hate jenkins a 1000 times more for its unreliability…11:23
guschoSoMoN: hehe - well - it's not jenkins itself bein unreliable here - to be exact11:23
oSoMoNgusch: well, not in that case, but there have been cases where it was jenkins itself11:24
guschoSoMoN: it could be worse11:24
Laneyseb128: I see it on the saucy version too anyway11:24
oSoMoNgusch: and all issues adding up, we waste a considerable amount of time trying to please the CI jobs11:25
guschoSoMoN: I have seen it being worse11:25
Laneya simple UbuntuShape test app doesn't reproduce11:25
guschoSoMoN: but once they work reliable, it's cool - as then I don't waste my time to run the tests locally11:26
Laneyah, yes, it's to do with resizing11:26
oSoMoNgusch: cool, as long as jenkins behaves, because for example today a lot of jobs are failing for apparently no good reason, the tests are all fine11:27
oSoMoNgusch: and we end up wasting a lot of time tracking down what’s going on, and re-approving stuff that should have merged cleanly11:27
guschoSoMoN: I guess there is too much load on the jenkins server - don't know if anyone works in improving that situation11:28
Laneyseb128: I see Xlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0".11:28
oSoMoNgusch: dunno, but I hope so11:29
* Laney goes to tickle mlankhorst11:29
guschoSoMoN: yes, as one testrun surely should not take 1h, but rather 20min11:31
guscht1mp: do UbuntuColors work atm?11:32
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guschvictorp:can you test this? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/qtubuntu-camera/camera-torch-support/+merge/16846811:41
oSoMoNgusch: another relatively small MR for when you have some spare time: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/center-current-tab/+merge/17300611:43
guschoSoMoN: ok11:43
t1mpgusch: it should work.11:51
guschjulia_segal_: UbuntuColors should work ^11:52
t1mpgusch, julia_segal_ they should but I notice they don't for me... let me figure out why.11:53
guscht1mp: it's not included in the qmldir file it seems ?!?11:54
t1mpgusch: it is not exported as a qml type, but as a singleton UbuntuColors11:57
t1mpin the cpp plugin11:57
t1mpbut I get "ReferenceError: UbuntuColors is not defined11:58
t1mpwhen I use it11:58
t1mpKaleo_: ^11:58
t1mpah nevermind11:59
t1mpgusch: I wasn't importing Ubuntu.Components in my test program ;)11:59
t1mpso, with the latest version of the ubuntu-ui-toolkit and with import Ubuntu.Components 0.1, you can use UbuntuColors12:00
t1mpgusch, julia_segal_ ^12:00
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guschoSoMoN: I have to disable one test. can you check again? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-robust-open-photo/+merge/17297112:07
oSoMoNgusch: sure12:11
Mirvif anyone has a second, please upgrade your Qt Creator to the ~test10 version from ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/staging before I copy it to Release PPA12:33
Mirvsmoke test should be enough, nothing really changed compared to ~test9, but it's always nice to know someone else besides me has tested12:33
Mirv(I've smoke tested all of precise/quantal/raring/saucy)12:34
guschoSoMoN_ tmoenicke_ renato_ I'm now upgrading my machine to saucy - if I'm offline soon (for longer), then you know why ...12:36
renato_gusch, ok :D12:36
renato_gusch, good luck12:37
guschrenato_: thx :)12:37
Mirvrenato_: hi please test the new qtpim on desktop/device again as well so that I can proceed with getting the 20130701 snapshot uploaded to saucy12:53
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AskUbuntuBeginner Help Learning Python: Global Variables | http://askubuntu.com/q/31633915:02
guschrenato_: well - I did not have too much luck, but I'm back15:13
renato_gusch, great :D15:17
renato_gusch, what was the problem?15:18
guschrenato_: first it didn't boot, then unity didn't start15:18
renato_do you recommend the update?15:18
guschrenato_: danm packages from some weired ppa ...15:18
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guschvictorp: can you please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/qtubuntu-camera/camera-torch-support/+merge/168468 as it works fine ...15:28
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victorpgusch no probs15:29
guschoSoMoN: I explained why I disabled the one test15:30
victorphas anyone notice a slow down on performance on qml recently? I just run my dogfight game on the latest image on the galaxy nexus and it is impossible slow, it use to be pretty good a couple of weeks back15:30
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victorpgusch, how do i do that ?15:31
oSoMoNgusch: got it, but is this failing test related to this MR at all? or is it just failing all CI runs?15:31
guschoSoMoN: failing in general, but the whole MR is about staliizing the CI runs15:32
oSoMoNgusch: ok15:32
guschvictorp: under the comment, there is a combo box - select "approve" and post a comment ("looking good ...")15:33
victorpgusch, done15:33
guschvictorp: cool, thx15:34
oSoMoNgusch: so, instead of commenting out a few lines of the test, since the whole test is about running the auto-enhance method, how about using a decorator on the test method to skip it? that would be cleaner, and easier to track to re-enable in the future15:35
guschoSoMoN: auto enhance is only one part of that test15:37
guschoSoMoN: and only that part is disabled15:37
oSoMoNgusch: what does the rest of the test do?15:37
guschoSoMoN: test rotate, undo, redo, ...15:38
dpmKaleo_, the Calculator app is broken in the last builds after the recent UI Toolkit theming changes. It seems it depends on a MP being approved and merged: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/119665315:38
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1196653 in Ubuntu Calculator App "calculator fails to start on device" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:38
dpmKaleo_, can that MP get merged, or are you guys waiting on anything else to land first?15:39
dpmpopey, ^15:39
oSoMoNgusch: ok, got it, sorry I misread the code15:39
guschoSoMoN: np15:40
oSoMoNgusch: approved15:41
guschoSoMoN: thx15:41
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seb128could somebody look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1197784 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1197781 and tell us if those are likely app/qt/ubuntu-toolkit bugs?16:17
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1197784 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "system-settings crashed with SIGSEGV in QHashData::detach_helper()" [Medium,New]16:17
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1197781 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "system-settings assert failure: *** Error in `system-settings': free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x00007f59e40242d0 ***" [Medium,New]16:17
seb128e.g https://launchpadlibrarian.net/144155233/Stacktrace.txt16:18
seb128GIconProvider::requestImage  is from our toolkit right?16:18
seb128Kaleo_, ^16:21
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boikot1mp: hi16:28
boikot1mp: the Action class had visible and enabled properties, do ActionItem or ToolbarButton have something similar?16:29
t1mpboiko: yes, they have exactly the same16:30
boikot1mp: ah ok, nice! thanks16:30
t1mpboiko: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/qml/ui-toolkit/qml-ubuntu-components0-actionitem.html16:30
t1mpboiko: the properties you asked for are not listed there, but ActionItem is an Item, and it gets the properties from the Item. They work the same as previously in Action.16:31
boikot1mp: ok, I asked exactly because I didn't see them there :)16:31
t1mpyeah, the docs don't show the parent class if it is not in the UITK16:32
Kaleo_seb128: sorry not right now, critical bug in progresss16:51
seb128Kaleo_, no worry, good luck with that16:51
seb128Kaleo_, those bugs are less of a priority but still annoying, it's a quite frequent segfault, like for Laney system-settings segfault on start most of the time16:52
Kaleo_seb128: ok16:53
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