
=== jono is now known as Guest55880
MCR_ricotz, hi. Just FYI: Solved my issues with (old) fglrx 12.11-beta. For comparison: Valley Score 1117, with fglrx-13 around 700 points there and a lot of gfx problems...06:10
SarvattMCR_: there havent been any updates in xorg-edgers that would affect fglrx in many many months06:14
Sarvattso is 13.whatever slower on whatever release you're testing 12.11-beta on? thats worth trying if you havent06:16
MCR_Sarvatt, that is strange. Yes, 13.x is much slower here and also creates visual bugs (many of them).06:35
MCR_HD 6950 hardware06:36
MCR_Sarvatt, I might drop fglrx in the near future anyway as radeon seems to improve steadily...06:38
MCR_and scrolling and other things were already better than with fglrx...06:38
MCR_for example, 3 displays with radeon -> no problem06:39
MCR_3 displays with fglrx -> not working06:39
MCR_and I have video 6 outputs (2xHDMI 4xDP) on my card06:40
Sarvattwhat release and what DE? there was a unity upgrade on 6-25 that might be problematic if it was raring, and there was a kubuntu upgrade at the same time06:43
MCR_Raring, Compiz trunk, Unity 7 -> but I'm updating daily and it broke 2 or 3 days ago06:45
MCR_Sarvatt, with purged xorg-edgers ppa and downgraded fglrx to 12.11-beta everything is fast and bug-free again (just FYI)...06:51
MCR_I'm out, c ya.06:52
=== ara_ is now known as ara
mlankhorstoh so that's the osmesa bug..15:56
mlankhorsteasy to fix, too!16:03
mlankhorstI'm going to slap someone if they suggest fixing it by doing another build round, if I'm not mistaking removing 4 lines is enough to fix this..16:04
mlankhorsthm no, needs some more, I need to figure out how gl does it16:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF

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