
GridCubedbolton_, nope00:10
GridCubeyou could help editing thunar and adding it to the code though P:00:11
dbolton_GridCube, Do you know of any file searchers that show context (even if they are not integrated with any file manager)?00:16
GridCubeunity lens come to mind00:17
GridCubedbolton_, maybe this http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/synapse-indicator-new-search.html00:18
dbolton_ok thanks00:19
GridCubethis might be relevant too dbolton_ http://www.webupd8.org/2013/05/desktop-search-tool-recoll-updated-with.html00:20
GridCubethere are many desktop searchers though00:20
RlolZI enjoyed messing w studio when it had xfce + nautilus...02:44
Unit193You can install nautilus if you'd like.02:44
RlolZnever tried in .deb, but on fedora 13 I tried to do openbox + nautilus... lol, no go02:46
RlolZI thought it made studio unique, I can apt-get whatever, but can't get nautilus to play nice with desktop/wallpaper/right-click02:47
RlolZIts been 12+ years since I've been on IRC, but I am way to paranoid without a cloak... keep checking that there's, in fact, only 1 port open02:53
RlolZg2g, lol02:53
gartralhey all, I have a newer Blade Servre that I'm looking to migrate my current server too, any thoughts on best practices?08:33
cfhowlettgartral, great question for #ubuntuserver!08:33
gartralthis migration consists of a direct HDD transplant from my current server to the new one08:34
gartralcfhowlett: I thought I was in @ubuntuserver, my apologies!08:34
cfhowlettgartral, no worries.08:34
mbeierlAnyone know why zietgeist is turned on in US 13.04?  I don't need it if I'm not using Unity, correct?14:41
SonikkuAmericambeierl: Catfish has a dependency on it14:42
mbeierlSonikkuAmerica, thanks, but where is catfish used in US?14:45
SonikkuAmericambeierl: It's part of XFCE14:45
SonikkuAmerica!info catfish14:45
ubottucatfish (source: catfish): a versatile file searching tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 71 kB, installed size 585 kB14:45
Xycois ubuntu studio's lowlatency kernel the same that is available in ubuntu vanilla?17:50
zequenceXyco: Yes, all Ubuntu flavors share the same repos17:51
zequenceso, you can install any packages from any flavor17:51
zequencesome settings you won't get enabled17:51
Xycodo you happen to know which ones?17:51
zequencethe most important is adding yourself to audio group, if you need realtime privilege17:51
zequenceand, the other is really just swappiness, which you get from installing ubuntustudio-default-settings17:52
zequenceto add yourself to audio group: sudo usermode -a -G audio $USER17:52
zequencesudo usermod -a -G audio $USER17:53
zequence(no e for the usermod command)17:53
Xycozequence, thank you17:55
ApolloHello - anybody there available to assist me getting Jack working with my recording interface?23:12

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