[00:05] dunpeal: Think gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg will do it. [00:09] "gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is already the newest version." [00:09] xubuntu072, did you read the wiki? you dont "need" to download the iso, you can just install boot-repair in any live session [00:32] hi , everybody [00:47] Unit193: sorry, it's working, thanks! :) [00:47] Heh, sure. [00:48] strangely, Parole (and Gmusicbrowser) wouldn't play a file foo.aac, but did play it when renamed foo.m4a [00:49] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [00:52] file -i foo.m4a see what that says. [01:48] hi [04:39] Hello [04:39] Just installed xubuntu :D [05:32] hi all! [05:34] I have a trouble to connect to my computer an the port 4567, but a have allowed this port in ufw? [05:43] question: i just moved to i3wm on 13.04, and was wondering what wireless manager xubuntu uses, or how to access it from the terminal [05:46] problem is solved, it doesn't depend on xubuntu... [05:47] nukke: network-manager-gnome nm-tool is a commandline application. [05:50] thanks Unit193, nm-applet worked [05:50] That's the applet, yep. [05:51] is there a way to use nm-tool to connect to a specific signal? nm-tool displays all the available connections, and highlights the one i'm connected atm [05:51] the applet looks rather ugly on the taskbar [05:52] Ugly as in "There's something on my taskbar I don't like." or as in "My theme is messed up, thus making the icon look terrible."? [05:53] There's nmcli, but I've never used it. [06:04] the former. it's a graphical icon, and the rest of the i3bar is pure text. it looks rather out of place. [06:04] it's not really that distracting, but i'd prefer it to keep it as clean as possible. [06:05] hmm, when i close the terminal window with with i opened nm-applet, it also closes the applet. i guess i could connect to a signal, and then close the applet. thanks again Unit193, hehe [06:06] Sure. [06:57] hello [06:57] lwizardl, greetings [06:57] is there a way to export or save the display settings? what I want to do is take my working resolutions and then be able to add them back later if not detected as the same [07:05] why would they not be detected again? Normally X is pretty good at that [07:14] Well when I installed the mythbuntu disc it seems to not find a resolution that both displays could use. but when I do a vanilla xubuntu install it finds 1024x768 but one does 75.1hz and the other at 60hz. [08:38] Hi guys, is there any grub config GUI ? I have Xubunu + MS windows, but it autoloads xubuntu [08:38] I'd like to make MS windows by default [08:38] !grub2|XATRIX, you can edit grub settings [08:38] XATRIX, you can edit grub settings: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [08:49] cfhowlett: i've read the second link you provided me with, but still can't find anything that declares default entry of os autoprober [08:52] XATRIX, I've never done it, but you can edit the grub priority settings. lemme look for the link [08:54] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS [08:56] Ok, let's investigate a bit [08:57] This guide applies only to systems using grub (aka grub legacy, where menu.lst exists) and not grub-pc (aka grub2, where menu.lst doesn't exist). [08:57] It doesn't compatible with autoprober script [08:57] that grub2 uses [08:58] XATRIX, errr. right. looking for the grub2 version ... [08:59] XATRIX, I believe this is the relevant version http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-change-the-default-boot-order-for-grub2-in-ubuntu-1004-and-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat/ [09:22] cfhowlett: yes, it works! i've made it thanks a lot! [10:14] how do I clear gnome-keyring credentials? (or, "lock the keyring" again) [10:15] e.g. with gpg-agent I just send sighup to the agent process and it flushes the cache [10:15] but man gnome-keyring-daemon says nothing about anything [10:43] hi all [10:44] is there a way to remove the buttons sometimes blue sometimes white on the right hand side that show you which workspace you are in? [10:44] These buttons are at the bottom on the desktop [10:50] right click -> remove [10:52] I have tried to right click and no menu comes up [10:53] I have even removed the bottom panel [10:53] This is on Xubuntu 13.04 [10:59] can you show a screenshot? [11:01] how would I send a screen shot I am chatting via a web browser [11:02] !paste [11:02] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:02] The default is the blue circles at the bottom on the right hand side [11:02] xubuntu151, use the imagebin link [11:05] the latest version of the screenshot tool that comes with xubuntu has a built-in upload [11:05] koegs, that requires being a registered user in zimagez though [11:09] can not upload the image to a url [11:13] xubuntu151, you can also right-click on a clear area of the panel, select Panel→Panel settings (or something), and remove it from the Elements tab [11:22] someone here using Voyager? [11:22] !derivatives [11:22] There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) [11:23] -.- [11:25] no elements panel and the top panel is panel 0 and there is only one panel === jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x === surfdaemon is now known as SuRfDaeMoN [14:48] Привет всем! [14:48] По-русски говорящие есть тут? [14:48] !ru | tmrmlk [14:48] tmrmlk: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [14:50] #ubuntu-ru :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services [14:50] What to do? [14:50] n00b here ^_^ [14:50] tmrmlk: identify [14:50] How? [14:50] !register | tmrmlk [14:50] tmrmlk: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia [16:30] * twbc_sound is installing XUbuntu *again!* [17:09] Is this the english support channel of Xubuntu ? [17:09] yes [17:10] I have a problem with the installation process of Xubuntu in a old notebook... [17:11] !ask [17:11] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:11] :) [19:40] hello [19:41] !hi [19:41] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [19:44] I am contemplating installing xubuntu on an old pentium III laptop...anyone know the minimum hardware requirements? [19:45] They can be found here http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ [19:45] xubuntu547: try it live.. though, you might prefer something lighter.. lubuntu, puppylinux, bodhi... how much memory does the machine have? [19:45] xubuntu547: You are free to try it, but I wouldn't myself. Have you checked out AntiX such? [19:46] +1 antiX as well, for light [19:47] 320MB [19:47] Thanks, I will check out antiX [19:48] I was hoping to get edubuntu too for the kids. Do you guys know if antiX has any educational apps? [19:48] You can try anything you like, but I wouldn't even try Lubuntu on that. [19:49] there is a puppy linux that is supposed to be ubuntu based, and compaitible [19:49] xubuntu547: i would just try whatever distro works well on that hardware, and get the apps that are in the edubuntu system running on there, which should be in most any repo [19:50] Oh, I meant to say that AntiX is Debian based, so has the use of the Debian repos. [19:50] and, i would think all of those app would be in the debian repos === Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti [19:51] sweet [19:53] thanks for your help...been out of the linux scene for a while. Anyone still use gentoo? [19:53] !gentoo [19:53] Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) [19:54] xubuntu547: this is the official xubuntu support channel.. see http://www.gentoo.org/ or offtopic [19:55] no worries...was a rhetorical question. [19:55] thanks again for your help [19:55] l8r [19:55] Sure. === rowboatn1ck is now known as rowboatnick [21:04] hi all [21:05] how would I remove the blue circles on the right near the bottom of the screen and this shows you which workspace that you are currently using or in. [21:49] hello [21:49] how are you ? [21:49] someone may help me ? [21:50] !ask [21:50] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:51] Edgarx: thera are plenty of people here, but we are shy and say nothing. Unless someone asks a question which we all then will be eager to answer. [21:52] I have a error with automonting in Xubuntu and I have to use mode command for mounting devices [21:54] when I want to use a pendrive I have to mount it manually [21:55] Which error? [21:56] I do clic in mount and open and this don't mount it but It open a windows like preferences to thunar [21:56] do you want a capture to the windows ? [21:58] Well, we need to know whats in that window :) [21:58] what xubuntu version and what format is the pendrive, fat32? [22:00] the version is 13.04 and this happens with others devices like: CD, PEN, HDD [22:01] I only can mount device with terminal or fstab file [22:02] tihs is tedious [22:02] this* [22:04] when I try to mount in mode grafic this is what show me [22:04] http://es.zimagez.com/zimage/capturamontado.php [22:04] maybe only I have this problem I do not know [22:05] Excuse me my lack of vocabulary I am from Spain [22:10] Edgarx: can you mount and open the device from the Places menu? [22:11] Edgarx: will it appear in the Places menu? [22:11] this option show me but when I use it only apparents this http://es.zimagez.com/zimage/capturamontado.php [22:13] Edgarx: That is preferences (or settings) for the file manager (Thunar). [22:15] Edgarx: if the removable device does not show in Places menu, or does not open when you want to, see settings (or preferences) for Removable Drives And Media [22:17] I know that It is preferences of thunar but It should not apperans when I try to mount a device [22:19] because the device appears in Places menu however when I try to mount a device show me that windows of preferences thunar [22:20] Edgarx: that is strange. does the settings for Removable Drives And Media look normal? [22:22] I did know you question sorry [22:22] did not * [22:23] I did not understand your question [22:23] * [22:24] question. while removing schroot and debootstrap from my install (had them to compile 32bit wine with a special patch for starcraft <3) I accidentally deleted (among others) my ~/Music folder. now, this actually has no contents because I keep my music on my samba server and it wasnt mounted at the time, but after creating a new ~/Music folder and correcting ~/.gtk-bookmarks and ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs it still only shows the generic [22:27] I suppose I should actually as a question, lol. How do I fix this? I just tried gtk-update-icon-cache [22:28] Edgarx: there is a setting for Removable Drives And Media. does it look normal? especially, Auto-run and Auto-open are disabled? [22:29] I don't know that setting is that [22:30] In places only apparens mount or mount and open And when I do click in open only show me the windows of preference's thunar [22:31] nevermind, just ran thunar -q and it restored itself. [22:32] how I can solve it ? [22:33] Edgarx: could you repeat your question? I just came on channel and may be able to help [22:34] How can I solve my problem with automount of devices ? [22:35] Edgarx: what kind of devices? and is your problem that they do not automount, or that they do? [22:35] all external devices [22:35] all external devices what? [22:36] when I try to mount devices in places menu appears this http://es.zimagez.com/zimage/capturamontado.php [22:37] Edgarx: I have problem installing spaninsh in my test vm, can you try guess what Setting for Removable Devices would be called on your system? [22:37] so I have to mount devices in termianal or command mode [22:38] Edgarx: open the xfce menu (button in top right, normally), click the top icon, and then the top icon in that. [22:40] ntzrmtthihu777: I don't where is that could you say me again [22:40] I do not know * [22:41] Applicacions > Settings > Settings Manager [22:43] this http://es.zimagez.com/zimage/setings.php ? [22:44] Edgarx: in spanish the settings seems to be called Dispositivos Y Soportes Extraibles [22:47] Ok already I know where is what you say me [22:47] Edgarx: better yet, just press alt+f2 and do this command xfce4-settings-manager [22:47] or better even than that, thunar-volman-settings [22:47] David-A: because, correct me if I'm wrong, no matter the locale commands remain the same? [22:47] Edgarx: should be a section about removeable devices. check the settings in there. [22:48] ok [22:48] and now ? [22:48] there should be automount options, check them. [22:50] apparently everything is in order [22:51] well, if there is no solution there I don't know what to say. [22:52] Ok surely it is solve reinstalling the system thank you [22:52] Edgarx: if you login as Guest, or any other user, is the problem the same? [22:52] I do not know [22:52] I do not test it [22:53] Edgarx: (if you re-install the system you probably want to keep /home. if the problem is in /home, it will remain after a re-install) [22:54] Edgarx: (by trying login as guest and it works, then it is likely the problem is a dot-file in your /home) [22:56] with other user do not show me in places the devices for mount [22:59] maybe he's not part of the fuser group? [22:59] maybe [23:01] I have much sleep thanks for everything good night all take care [23:06] welp, I solved my issue, so I'm off. later #xubuntu, great being a part of thie :P