
=== neo31 is now known as Neo31
=== neo31 is now known as Neo31
=== Neo31-desk is now known as Neo31
=== Lutin is now known as Guest85904
=== mfisch is now known as Guest95146
=== Tm_T is now known as Guest51964
=== jbicha is now known as Guest14309
=== zoktar_ is now known as zoktar
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
dholbachgood morning06:35
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
obounaimHow to install the dependencies needed to build the source package using bzr bd -- -S07:49
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
jamespageobounaim, hmm - that can be awkward - when I'm building source packages from branch like that I generally use "-nc" in this situation08:54
jamespagenc = no-clean08:54
jamespageso you work around this issue08:54
jamespagethe branch should be clean as anything that is not checked into bzr won't be included in the source package build08:55
jamespage"-nc" is less good advice if not building using git or bzr08:55
obounaimso the use of -nc should be avoided right?09:04
=== geser_ is now known as geser
=== slacker_1l is now known as slacker_nl
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
=== Guest79110 is now known as JanC
=== JanC is now known as Guest3754
=== Guest3754 is now known as JanC
=== Guest51964 is now known as Tm_T
=== Guest28536 is now known as ahasenack
=== Guest14861 is now known as maxb
=== Guest85904 is now known as Lutin
=== Guest51174 is now known as elky

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