
carloshola hi?16:21
=== carlos is now known as Guest72554
Guest72554you are so bad in that16:22
jbichadarkxst: now that the new X is in -proposed I installed it and rebuilt mutter against it; it seems that the pressure-sensitive message try reveal is not sensitive enough for my trackpad19:39
gnusouthcould use some help if anyone is available20:03
roastedhello friends22:48
roastedis there a way to make it so backspace in nautilus takes you one layer up?22:48
jbicharoasted: you don't like Alt + ↑ ?22:53
roastedjbicha: eh, it works, but it doesn't feel natural.22:53
roastedbackspace just makes sense.22:54
jbichait's logical if you're used to Alt + ←  for back, which also works in Linux web browsers22:55
roastedI wasn't aware it worked in browsers.22:55
roastedThanks for that tip, but it still doesn't feel natural either way. :P22:56
jbichaanyway, see http://askubuntu.com/q/287301/157922:56
roastedahhhhhhhhhhh that's so nice22:59
roastedthanks jbicha22:59
jbichasnwh: hey23:35

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