
tsimpsonAlanBell: actually I had do kill it, it was spinning the CPU at 100%, that's where the signal 15 came from00:56
tsimpsonthen I had to clear the nearly 40GB of log files suppybot decided to make, so you may want to do something about the 1.7GB log meetingology has00:58
ubottuIn #ubuntu, pfifo said: ubottu took forever, but she is saying linux-image exists in saucy, but anyway, I have no idea about saucy stuff, ask in #ubuntu+103:25
IdleOneqbittorent isn't even in the repos07:03
bazhangseems to be here07:04
bazhangperhaps spelled with one t instead of two07:04
IdleOne!info qbittorent07:04
ubottuPackage qbittorent does not exist in raring07:04
IdleOne!info qbitorent07:04
ubottuPackage qbitorent does not exist in raring07:04
bazhang!info qbittorrent07:04
ubottuqbittorrent (source: qbittorrent): bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt4 GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.9-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 2784 kB, installed size 6070 kB07:04
IdleOnemissing r07:05
ubottuIn #ubuntu, serialquestioner said: ubottu i think who created you is :)08:00
AlanBelltsimpson: ah, right I will remove that08:19
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Dickman_Returnsn,)11:47
Myrttihe moves like Jagger11:48
=== jtrucks_ is now known as jtrucks
DJones16:42 < THEtruthHOOA> why join #ubuntu-women and get banned15:43
DJonesFrom #u15:43
AlanBellyeah, that was me, they were ban evading15:55
DJonesThey were in #u & seemed to be starting a bit of a rant, but then gave up16:13
bazhangmrdeb asking for support in #ubuntu the other day is actually using crunchbang17:33
ikoniaI know17:33
ikoniaI warned him about it the other day17:33
bazhang#debian does not to support him either17:33
ikoniahe was asking in #ubuntu because #crunchbang got fed up of him/laughed at him17:34
ikonia@mark Casey #ubuntu actually the nick THEUSD17:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:34
ikoniahellow ajw010018:21
DJonesajw0100: Is there something we can help you with? If there isn't, please note that the channel has a no idling policy18:27
LjLmight be getting redirected from somewhere else (though i see nothing in the tracker)19:09
bazhang*!*@*.sub-174-*.myvzw.com$#ubuntu-ops by DJones in #ubuntu   LjL19:11
bazhangfrom #ubuntu19:11
bazhangthe @bansearch with the bot found that19:11
bazhang<esmirlin> how can i remember my nickname pass from freenode?19:32
bazhangwhat is the sound of one hand clapping19:32
DJonesajw0100: You have been asked if you need any help and asked not to idle in the channel20:41

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