
sindriI'm having problem running vsftpd on my server;  getting "530 Non-anonymous sessions must use encryption." My  config looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5846998/ and my  user config like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5847003/ any  help would be welcome. Thanks!00:03
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mardraumsindri: you seem to have turned that on in your config.00:08
mardraumsindri: you enabled ssl then forced everyone to use it00:09
sarnoldsindri: make sure you also force ssl in the client00:09
sindrimardraum: but shouldn't it still be possible to access it? running "ftp localhost" I'm not even asked for password00:10
mardraumperhaps vsftpd handles localhost differently.00:11
sarnoldsindri: hrm, note the guest_enable=YES and guest_username=ftp combination, is that intentional?00:12
sindrisarnold: I followed a guide on the forums for setting it up (virtual users and ssl) And I think that was included00:14
sindrisarnold: but using a pre declared username in a .db I'm not considered being a guest right?00:16
sarnoldsindri: I don't know that level of details, it just looked potentially problematic. :)00:17
sindrisarnold: Thanks, I'll make a note and look into it :)00:18
sarnoldsindri: client config is more likely your problem00:19
sindriYou mean the vsftpd.config ?00:21
sarnoldsindri: you need to make sure your ftp client requests SSL00:22
sindriBut isn't stating "ftps://ipadress" in filezilla forcing it to use SSL?00:23
sarnoldperhaps? does the log show the client asking for AUTH TLS or AUTH SSL?00:24
sindriIt says it initiates TLS after establishing a connection00:26
sindrithen I get timedout00:26
sarnoldsindri: you might need to break out openssl s_client -starttls ftp   ...00:29
sindriOn the server toward localhost?00:30
sarnoldsindri: sure00:31
sindrihm, "Connection refused" Errno:11100:33
sindriNo ok, my bad - wasn't sure how to really run the command. can pastebin output.00:35
sindrisarnold: thanks for help but I have no idea what that command is, trying to figure it out still00:42
sarnoldsindri: does the openssl s_client connect alright? can you get data back out of the ftp daemon after you've connected?00:43
axisysALERT!  /dev/mapper/rootvol-root does not exist.  Dropping to a shell! after 10.04 to 12.04 with do-release-upgrade00:44
axisysany suggestion on a fix?00:44
sindrisarnold: It connects in some way, but I don't know how to feed it my user and password :S00:45
sarnoldsindri: iirc, it's "user username-goes-here" and "pass password-goes-here"00:47
sarnoldsindri: full thing is here: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt00:47
Guest51645axisys: looks like you're using LVM, and somehow ubuntu cannot find that VG00:50
Guest51645are you using LUKS  or RAID ?00:50
Guest51645or something ?00:50
axisysGuest51645: raid and lvm .. no luks00:50
Guest51645axisys: RAID 1? 0?00:50
tarvidhow can I track down which tasks are using my database00:50
Guest51645which one ?00:50
axisysGuest51645: raid 1000:51
axisysGuest51645: no, raid 100:51
axisysback to grub menu00:51
sarnoldtarvid: lsof | grep /path/to/socket00:51
Guest51645axisys: can you run cat /proc/mdstat ?00:51
axisysGuest51645: i can go to recovery mode or pick the first optio00:52
=== Guest51645 is now known as virusuy
sarnoldtarvid: of course, if any programs are using a TCP socket, you'll need to look for those too, netstat -np | grep :portnumber00:52
virusuyaxisys: go to recovery and pastebin the output of cat /proc/mdstat00:52
virusuythat will show us in which state your array is right now00:52
axisysvirusuy: k00:53
tarvidsarnold, I am trying to track down which databases are actually being used. They have been created over time and most have been abandoned00:53
virusuytarvid: mysql ?00:54
virusuyrun show processlist;00:54
sarnoldtarvid: beware cronjobs or webscripts that are rarely used but still needed..00:54
virusuyand that will show you which query and database are being used00:54
virusuyat the moment00:54
tarvidI created a log file and added a log: line in my.cnf00:54
virusuyaxisys: seems like everything is up and running00:54
virusuyrealy odd00:54
sindrisarnold: Thanks alot! I'm guessing I'm close to a solution now, think my password might contain some illegal characters as I get error 331 which means User name ok but missing password. Using "!" and "_" among other tokens might this be a problem?00:55
tarvidI cleaned up the apache virtual stanza but lining up users and databases eludes me00:55
sarnoldsindri: oh jeeze, that'd be unfortunate...00:56
sarnoldsindri: maybe make a new user account with very simple password, for testing..00:56
sarnolddoes it work at all :)00:56
axisysvirusuy: md0 and md1 is missing00:56
virusuyaxisys: oh!00:56
virusuythat's it !00:56
axisyssda and sdb is missing00:56
virusuywell, that's the reason why your system doesn't boot up00:57
virusuyso, now we should see why those 2 drivers are missing00:57
axisysvirusuy: well not missing .. but not in that output00:57
virusuycan you pastebin the output of  fdisk -l  ?00:57
axisysvirusuy: not from initramfs00:58
axisys(initramfs) fdisk -l00:58
axisys/bin/sh: fdisk: not found00:58
virusuyoh, ok00:58
axisys[   21.982045] sd 9:0:0:0: [sda] 143134720 512-byte logical blocks: (73.2 GB/68.2 GiB)00:58
axisys[   21.982298] sd 9:0:1:0: [sdb] 143134720 512-byte logical blocks: (73.2 GB/68.2 GiB)00:59
virusuywell, at least are there00:59
virusuybut somehow they're not defined as an array00:59
axisysvirusuy: yes00:59
virusuycan you see /etc/mdadm.conf ?01:00
virusuyprobably they're not defined there01:00
axisys/dev/md0 is defined twice01:02
axisysexact same entry01:02
axisyshow do I modify from here and update ?01:02
virusuyusing vi01:03
virusuybut first !! backup that file !!!01:03
axisysnot from initramfs01:04
virusuyyou can also rescan those arrays, and create mdadm.conf based on that scan01:04
axisysmdadm --detail --scan does not see md0 or md101:06
virusuy mdadm --examine --scan > /etc/mdadm.conf01:06
virusuybut first, backup mdadm.conf01:06
axisys(initramfs) cp /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf.bak01:07
sindrisarnold: Ok, didn't matter how simple the password was. :(01:07
axisysvirusuy: ok modified mdadm.conf01:07
axisysvirusuy: I think I need to update initramfs before the reboot01:08
virusuybut first, cat mdadm.conf01:08
virusuyto see if it is ok now01:08
sarnoldsindri: nuts, I was afraid of that. check your vsftpd logs again, they might have new data..01:08
virusuyaxisys: cool :-)01:09
sindrisarnold: Will do tomorrow :) thanks again for taking the time - goodnight all!01:09
sarnoldsindri: good luck01:10
axisysvirusuy: thanks a lot for your help.. still may be one more step01:10
virusuyaxisys: no problem sir, you're welcome ! :-D01:11
axisysvirusuy: can I just reboot ? I know I need to run update-initramfs when I am on OS01:11
virusuyaxisys: i'm not sure01:12
virusuyat least, you can re-do this steps01:12
axisysvirusuy: yep :-)01:13
virusuy:-) tell us later if everything goes well01:13
axisysstuck same spot01:16
virusuyeven running update-initramfs ?01:16
axisysmdadm -As after the --examine --scan and then exit seem to do the trick..01:19
axisyslooks good now.. thanks a lot for your help01:20
virusuyno problem01:21
virusuygood to know you got that big boy up and running again01:21
fangj1nI installed postfix dovecot sasl2-bin in ubuntu-server,but use foxmail not connect to hostname,this error prompt:535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure,who can help me ?01:46
sarnoldfangj1n: are there error messages in the server log files?01:47
fangj1nJul  6 09:45:25 ubuntu-server postfix/smtpd[8722]: warning: localhost[]: SASL login authentication failed: authentication failur01:49
fangj1nthat is error log01:49
sarnoldfangj1n: time for me to go -- check the sasl configuration to see what it requires for authentication. good luck! :)01:50
huntermanhow to install unity on ubuntu server?06:50
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axisysdon't see one of the VG after the do-release-upgrade21:14
axisyslots of duplicate PVs21:14
axisyshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5850884/ shows VG splunk is there21:15
axisysbut vgs does not show it21:15
axisysanyway to recover the VG splunk?21:15
virusuyaxisys: you're having the same problem than yesterday ?21:15
axisysvirusuy: hey21:15
axisysvirusuy: no I past that21:15
axisysvirusuy: now issue with LVM21:16
axisyswhich is built on top of those mds21:16
axisysmd2, md3 and md4 should be the PVs that were used to build the VG splunk21:17
virusuyseems like udev changed all your HD names21:18
axisyssdc1,sdd1 => md2 ; sde1,sdf1 => md3 and sdg1,sdh1 => md421:21
axisysand then md2,md3,md4 to make VG splunk21:22
axisysthose are raid1s21:22
axisysso trying to avoid rebuilding the PVs to keep the data if possible21:22
axisysremoved the duplicate PVs with pvremove21:40
axisysbut it does not let me add /dev/md221:40
axisysor /dev/md3 and /dev/md421:40
axisysonly allow /dev/md2p1 or /dev/md3p1 or /dev/md4p121:41
mike024I want to add 3 drives to my raid 5 and convert it to raid 6 at the same time. Any suggestions?23:04
mike024can i mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sd[hig] --level 623:06

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