=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away === Cueball_ is now known as Cueball [08:51] Jeri Ellsworth on Valve and Augmented Reality games http://cf.jenesee.com/pcasts/2013-July/Episode_101.mp3 [09:03] good morning everyone, [09:07] good morning brobostigon [09:07] good morning MartijnVdS [09:07] * MartijnVdS is playing with radius and wpa again [09:08] :) [09:09] and it seems to be working \o/ [09:10] woop [09:10] except it's PEAP and MSCHAPv2 which is known to be h4x0rable [09:10] oh [09:11] PEAP might be OK for now [09:12] ah.. only if I create my own cert and verify it on the client [10:02] * DJones settles down in front of the tv to see whether the Lions can eat the Wallabies === Guest25742 is now known as Seeker` [11:35] http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/07/bbc-realizes-the-obvious-puts-3d-plans-on-hold/ [11:35] \o/ Ars headlines :) [11:54] Ah well, I think I can safely say "Well done Lions" [15:31] * penguin42 giggles at the patchset someone has just sent to X of 'remove CRAY support' === GentileBen is now known as CrispinOnTheCan === CrispinOnTheCan is now known as GentileBen [16:33] evening [16:33] \o popey [16:33] MartijnVdS: how do we play l4d2 together? [16:33] and does it do voice and stuff? [16:34] popey: uhh.. I don't have a microphone on that machine, so I don't think we get that [16:34] ok [16:34] i was playing a game the other day and could hear my own speech echoing back to me from another player [16:34] popey: I can probably invite you, or you me.. from somewhere in the menus [16:34] let me check [16:35] * popey opens it [16:35] * penguin42 is watching the Doug Engelbart mouse Demo from 1968; mouse, menu system, a few line drawings - but all uppercase characters [16:36] popey: you can [16:36] * popey reboots [16:36] "join a friend's game" in campaign mode [16:40] popey: it seems you need to accept my friend request first :) [16:40] Anyone else joining L4D2? :) [16:46] popey: bad reboot? :) [16:47] gheh [16:47] accepted [17:07] penguin42: your point being? [17:09] mgdm: Oh just that it's odd the order technology moves; you get lots of neat stuff but no lower case characters yet [17:09] Heh [17:37] graphics are totally more exciting to build than lower case letters [17:37] the latter seems so trivial one wishes someone else do the work [17:42] slvr: Haha possible; it looks in http://sloan.stanford.edu/mousesite/1968Demo.html#complete as if they're using overlining to represent upper case [17:52] (In other news Visual Studio 2013 is returning to ALL CAPS MENUS) [17:52] yeah, a guy at work is using it [17:52] dark theme + all caps = looks like my Fluxbox desktop from 2003 [17:54] Does anyone actually use Visual Studio? [17:54] Yes, clearly [17:54] There are so many programming tools on linux [17:54] all those WIndows apps, Windows Phone apps, XBox apps don't write themselves [17:59] * MartijnVdS returns from the zombie hunt [17:59] do you have many around there? [18:00] penguin42: l4d2 has LOADS of zombies [18:11] MartijnVdS that was fun [18:11] it was :) [18:11] MartijnVdS: kids came in and wanted a water fight, l4d2 got me psyched up for it ☻ [18:12] popey: ZOMBIES 8-) [19:58] QI XL, bbc2 :) [23:37] any django developers here, who have used mongoengine?