
weather15Denni: Sorry, I just connected to the IRC channel, maybe I can help with your question?00:01
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Deniiif anybody have some intrest to read the pastebin, would get that im using linux mint then :)00:17
wilee-nileeDenii, This channel does not support mint, it is not our personal rules go to the mint channel, you are wasting your time here. ;)00:18
reisioDenii: most people aren't willing to scour their buffer/log for things they weren't present for, IME00:18
kylepottswin 200:21
jimi_holy shit an upgrade takes a whole hell of a lot longer than a fresh install00:24
jimi_this is like a 6 hour upgrade00:24
donvitohello is there a way to delete unused linux distro?00:26
congyep that's why a fresh install is better, and it has less things going wrong.00:26
wilee-nileedonvito, Yes what is left and does it boot?00:26
donvitoim upgrading to -49 distro00:26
donvitoso all others i want to delete00:26
wilee-nileedonvito,  -49 distro?00:27
wilee-nileedonvito, Thats a kernel not a OS.00:27
donvitothan sorry again :)00:27
donvitoi want to delete old kernels ;)00:28
Deniireisio: what are you talking about?00:28
wilee-nileedonvito, Here are several ways, using ubuntu-tweak is probably the easiest. http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-to-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu00:29
wilee-nileeyou can do it manually as well.00:29
reisioDenii: ?00:30
Deniihaha :)00:30
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neworderhi guys00:36
neworderI set password for linuxmint but it doesn't prompt me when I restart my computer00:36
jrib!mint | neworder00:37
ubottuneworder: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:37
Deniiwould cinnamon and mate get applied to ubuntu? :D00:39
DeniiUbuntu + MATE, Cinnamon = Linux Mint :)00:40
wilee-nileeDenii, Your argument is a waste of time, we see this all day and night no one is ever helped here.00:41
reisioisn't cinnamon for gnome 3?00:41
wilee-nileecinnamon is in the repo00:41
reisiowhat else is in the repo? :p00:41
wilee-nileereisio, reisio-he-good-desktop00:42
Deniimaybe im talking to the wrong person :P00:42
reisioDenii: nobody knows what you want anyways00:42
Sazpaimonis there something about ubuntu's disk encryption in recent kernels that isn't compatible with FreeOTFE?00:42
SazpaimonI cannot or the life of me get my dm-crypt partition to be unlocked by it00:43
SazpaimonI know this isn't technically ubuntu but I encrypted the disk using the ubuntu mini iso00:43
reisiogiven that the last release of FreeOTFE was apparently 3+ years ago, that's entirely possible00:43
Deniino, do you?00:44
reisioDenii: pardon?00:44
Sazpaimonyeah it's been a while00:44
SazpaimonI dont know if the implementation of LUKS has changed in recent years00:44
reisioI would be dumbfounded if it hadn't00:44
SazpaimonThat sucks, I'd really like to be able to at least read my rootfs partition in Windows00:44
reisioSazpaimon: so you have older installs that it works with?00:45
Sazpaimonreisio, no, this is my first foray into LUKS00:45
Deniihaha really, that sad00:45
wilee-nileeSazpaimon, You can get all the ubuntu releases if that helps to get in.00:46
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reisioSazpaimon: oh, so you aren't actually missing something you once had :)00:46
SazpaimonWell if any of the backwards incompatible changes to LUKS increase its security from exploits I would not want to downgrade00:47
SazpaimonI'm also using UEFI so anything before 12.04 would be a problem to install00:47
reisioSazpaimon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dm-crypt#Compatibility00:47
Sazpaimon"Encrypted Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4 filesystems are supported by use of Ext2Fsd (all ext* versions) or Ext2 Installable File System for Windows (ext2 and ext3 only) and with FreeOTFE"00:48
reisioext2fsd is superior00:48
SazpaimonI have both of these, ext2fsd works with my ext4 /boot/ partition, but FreeOTFE will not accept my passkey00:48
reisiothe way I read it didn't suggest you needed both00:48
SazpaimonWell, you need FreeOTFE to unlock the volume, then ext2fsd to be able to read the ext2/3/4 data00:49
SazpaimonFreeOTFE doesn't support any filesystem, and ext2fsd doesn't support any encryption, you need both to work00:49
SazpaimonIt knows the volume is LUKS but it just doesn't accept my password00:50
neworderjrib: Just assume I'm using ubuntu =)00:50
SazpaimonIt's really odd00:50
neworderSo what do I do00:50
neworderWhen I restart my com, the login screen does not appear00:50
reisioSazpaimon: you could do it with a virtualized GNU/Linux system00:50
SazpaimonThat's what I'm gonna have to do :/00:50
reisioyou might check if anybody else has this problem first00:51
switchingdoes anyone know how to enable h.264 support in nightly? I searched for gstreamer.enabled in about:config and nothing came up00:51
wilee-nileeswitching, 13.10?00:51
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:51
switchingwilee-nilee no 13.0400:51
SazpaimonI have checked, I googled the error message I get from FreeOTFE (Unable to mount volume), and came up empty00:51
wilee-nileeswitching, There is no nightly for 13.0400:51
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switchingwilee-nilee i just installed it.. ?00:52
wilee-nileeswitching, check the date, it has been released the nightly's stop then.00:52
Sazpaimonand the program is not verbose enough to tell me what the issue is exactly00:52
reisioSazpaimon: maybe you're just doing something wrong, then00:53
reisiobut even if you weren't, I'd hate to rely on dead software00:53
switchingwilee-nilee sorry, what do you mean "it has been released the nightly's stop then"?00:53
reisiowaste of time even learning how to use it00:53
wilee-nileeswitching, I can't say it any clearer.00:53
Sazpaimonreisio, I agree00:54
switchingwilee-nilee well what is "the nightly's stop"?00:54
Sazpaimonmy only guess is that it doesn't accept a passphrase and only a key?00:54
SazpaimonBecause when it asks me to unlock it, it gives me the option of "user entered" and "read from keyfile" for a key00:54
Sazpaimonwith "read from keyfile" giving the option "Keyfile contains an ASCII password"00:55
wilee-nileeswitching, Ubuntu has a 6month development of each release, at the end of that six months it is called a release, at that point the nightly's that are part of the development cycle stop.00:55
SazpaimonI tried making a text file with my passphrase in it, and feeding it to mount dialog with that option checked, and it still did not work00:55
Sazpaimonis there a way to have dm-crypt require either a key OR a passphrase?00:55
Sazpaimonthen I can just keep the key on my bitlocker encrypted Windows partition and it'd be safe00:55
wilee-nileeswitching, Anyway this is not part of your problem per-say unless you are actually running 13.10 and then #ubuntu+1 is the channel you would use00:56
switchingwilee-nilee I know that, but that shouldn't make enabling gstreamer an issue right?00:56
switchingwilee-nilee why does the fact that nightly stops at the end of a development cycle affect one's ability to enable gstreamer in nightly 25 on ubuntu 13.04?00:57
wilee-nileeswitching, WE have to able to communicate, we are actually yet to do so, I can't help good luck. ;)00:58
switchingwilee-nilee haha ok00:58
Sazpaimoncryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/mapper/<device> (/path/to/<additionalkeyfile>) -d /path/to/<keyfile>00:58
Nick119119Hey guys! Rather complex question this time, as I need help setting up a partition with GParted00:58
SazpaimonI'm gonna try this and add a keyfile to my luks disk and see if FreeOTFE accepts it00:59
switchinganyways, does anyone know why gstreamer.enabled isn't turning up any results in about:config on nightly 25 in ubuntu 13.04?00:59
Sazpaimonhopefully just storing the key on bitlocker will be safe enough00:59
switchingi just made sure that gstreamer is installed, too00:59
Sazpaimoni hate having to depend on bitlocker on windows but it's the only UEFI-compatible boot partition encryption system that can actually be mounted in linux01:00
Sazpaimonand I'm weird and share my home folder on linux with my home folder on windows01:00
reisiowhat now?01:00
wilee-nileeNick119119, can you screenshot it in a imagebin and state you goals.01:00
SazpaimonI mount my home folder from windows as my linux home folder. NTFS-3G works great with it and neither windows nor linux cares01:00
Sazpaimonbeen doing it for about 6 months now01:01
reisioyeah but what about boot partitions?01:01
Nick119119I'm trying to make a partition to install windows 7, so I can boot into it if I need to. What should I screenshot?01:01
SazpaimonThere isn't another disk encryption system that supports encrypting your windows boot partition if you use UEFI that is also compatible with Linux01:01
reisioNick119119: you don't even need a partition, just free space01:01
wilee-nileeNick119119, gparted what you asked about.01:01
reisio20GB's worth01:01
reisioand keep in mind it might wipe out your GRUB01:02
Sazpaimonthere's a few commercial alternatives that support UEFI booting an encrypted windows boot drive, but they don't have unlocking tools on Linux01:02
Nick119119I tried installing it already, it said it couldn't because it wasn't formatted to ntfs or whatever01:02
SazpaimonBitlocker has both, so I can freely mount windows bitlocker volumes in linux01:02
wilee-nileeno partition=boot partition, if you want one.01:02
reisioNick119119: that is unlikely :)01:02
reisioNick119119: maybe you made a partition and formatted it01:02
reisioNick119119: in any event, it only needs free space, you don't actually have to make a partition01:02
SazpaimonI really wish Truecrypt wasn't essentially a dead project, I'd love to use it in place of Bitlocker01:03
reisioSazpaimon: isn't uefi grand...01:03
reisiotruecrypt is mystery meat01:03
reisiowhy not just keep sensitive data out of your Windows01:03
reisiowhich I assume you use for games01:03
pfifohello fellas01:04
Sazpaimonit's not about sensitive data, it's about peace of mind01:04
Nick119119Don't need just free space, cause it wouldn't let me install win7 to either partition because it was an unrecognized format.01:04
reisioSazpaimon: isn't the peace of mind from not having people see your sensitive data? :p01:04
reisioNick119119: partitions aren't free space, they're partitions01:04
reisioNick119119: you only have one hard disk?01:04
wilee-nileeNick119119, As suggested you need a free space fpr windows to install, it will not resize the others01:04
Sazpaimonthe peace of mind is that if my laptop is stolen, I can rest easy knowing that all the drives in it are useless to them01:05
Sazpaimoneven if there's no sensitive data on it01:05
Nick119119But you have to install an OS to a partition, which I can't do because it says it's an invalid format. I have 200gb of free space01:05
reisioSazpaimon: so at most you've lost them $50?01:05
Ben64Sazpaimon: they can just format it...01:05
reisioNick119119: you only have one hard disk?01:05
Nick119119I'm pretty sure01:05
Sazpaimonyeah I mean that they can't access a single thing on it01:05
reisiopeople don't steal laptops to sell them at competitive prices, anyways01:05
reisiothey steal them to sell them for $5 of crack01:06
reisiowhy not use truecrypt then01:06
reisiohas as much of a future as windows01:06
reisioNick119119: okay, then you'll have to resize your partitions to make space if you want to install Windows alongside Ubuntu01:06
reisioNick119119: resizing partitions is not 100% safe, so consider backing up important data if you haven't already beforehand01:07
wilee-nileedo lvm's read a full generally?01:07
Sazpaimonbecause being able to boot all of my encrypted volumes regardless of the OS on them is important to me01:07
reisiowilee-nilee: ?01:07
Sazpaimoneven if it does mean using closed-source encryption software01:07
reisioSazpaimon: it's just important to most people it's important to because they have sensitive data, was my point :p01:08
wilee-nileereisio, The sda5 says it is full.01:08
reisiooh indeed01:08
SazpaimonI also can't guarantee I won't recieve sensistive data while on windows for whatever reason01:08
wilee-nilee4mib empty, hee01:08
reisioI'm guessing yes, he'd probably have noticed if he only had 4.00 MiB of space left :p01:09
reisioyeah :p01:09
reisioSazpaimon: you could, but obviously you don't care to :D which is fine01:09
Sazpaimonso just being able to have peace of mind should that ever happen is great01:09
Sazpaimonwhich also means I have another reason to tell my bosses that it's okay for me to connect my laptop to their internal network01:10
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wilee-nileeSazpaimon, All encrypted I doubt you ever have a peace of mind. ;)01:10
Nick119119I can't resize the partition, it lets me click move/resize, but once the menu pops up, the resize button is greyed out no matter what I try01:11
wilee-nileeNick119119, Two things it looks like the partition is completely full, and you have the swap on.01:12
reisioNick119119: is this a laptop?01:12
Nick119119It is a laptop, but I don't have swap on and I have 200gb of free space. The onlyt hings installed are Ubuntu and Minecraft01:12
wilee-nileeor actually sda5 mounted doh01:12
reisioyou might need to resize the lv first01:12
reisioI don't play with lvm often01:12
reisioNick119119: http://www.google.com/search?q=how%20to%20resize%20lvm%20partition01:13
reisioyeah you'll want to do it from a live OS as well01:13
reisiolike the install media ('try')01:13
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GromitI have a question that isn't stricly Ubuntu related but this is my go to channel for tech help so I'm just going to put it here to see if anyone can help:01:21
Kyan[is there a bash script compiler? not shc please01:21
GromitIf I create a VPN connection why would I need an additional proxy? I'm referring to this LifeHacker article: http://lifehacker.com/5978098/turn-a-raspberry-pi-into-a-personal-vpn-for-secure-browsing-anywhere-you-go01:22
pfifoIs there a middle ground between sudo -s and sudo -i, I want to become root with everything in my enviroment setup like -s except for HOME and maybe a few others, -i is complete overkill.01:23
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:23
pfifowilee-nilee, thanks but I just got done checking the manual :) wouldnt have asked without checking first01:24
wilee-nileepfifo, If you had actually researched you would know ubuntu is not designed to run in root and it is detrimantal.01:25
wilee-nileenor will anyone here help you within channel rules.01:25
pfifowilee-nilee, I think you think im asking something else?01:26
wilee-nileeI want to become root with everything in my enviroment01:26
wilee-nileemaybe a better explanation at least for me I'm kinda slow. ;)01:27
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pfifoI know knot to set root password and such, ubuntu isnt designed for that. Im tring to use sudo to become root so I can work which is usually done with sudo -i, or atleast thats whats recommended, I however use sudo -s to keep custom PATH and several other things I set as my normal user, but in this case I want to over ride a few things so my enviroment is more suitable for livecd development.01:30
pfifoIm thinking about just creating a new user with the correct enviroment setup and then switching to that user, and then using sudo -s... but thats quite the workaround01:31
Sazpaimonalso, another issue I've been having01:34
pfifoohh wow, sudo -s and -i isnt supported, thats a new one on me, havent been here in awhile. disregard my issue, ill look elsewhere01:34
SazpaimonI find myself needing to modprobe -r ath9k; modprobe ath9k several times before my wifi card is picked up01:34
Sazpaimonhow can i fix this?01:34
Sazpaimonit's really annoying because I keep running into "waiting 60 more seconds for network configuration" during startup01:36
pfifoSazpaimon, you should only need todo it once to actually load it, reproduce the error and then run it once, then check the output of 'lsmod' to ensure its loaded, if it is loaded then your problem lies elsewhere01:36
Sazpaimoni check lsmod as soon as I log in, ath9k is loaded01:37
Sazpaimonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5848529/ here's my dmesg for my most recent boot01:38
Sazpaimonyou can see wlan0 only shows up after a few unloads01:40
SazpaimonI had this same issue with a broadcom card, but I thought it was due to the buggy closed source broadcom drivers, so I switched to the atheros card, with the same problems01:40
wheatthinnow show if lsmod is ath9k or ath3k01:41
Sazpaimonlsmod |grep ath: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5848534/01:42
wheatthinin your modules.d, I think, you need to block ath3k from loading01:43
Guest42443Greetings! I was just wondering if anybody could guide me or at least point me to the correct direction. I recently installed Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and noticed that video playback is slow, regardless if it's a video from the web or from a file I have in my HDD01:43
pfifoI agree01:43
Sazpaimonyeah I'll try to blacklist ath3k01:43
reisioGuest42443: /nick xfcevideoguy01:43
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Sazpaimonok let me reboot and see if it's resolved01:44
reisioxfcevideoguy: :)01:44
reisioxfcevideoguy: slow...er than what?01:45
xfcevideoguyreisio, slow and not tolerable. I mean the files I am trying to play have been tested to play just fine from any other player from Windows 7. Plays just great in VLC Win version, but not in Xubuntu.01:47
reisioxfcevideoguy: on the same hardware?01:48
pfifoxfcevideoguy, can you pastebin the output of 'lsmod && lshw' and what player do you use?01:49
xfcevideoguyreisio, yes, on the same hardware. This is an old desktop BTW, but yes it plays those videos just fine.01:49
reisioxfcevideoguy: what graphics hardware? driver?01:49
xfcevideoguyreisio, ATI Radeon 9250 series.01:50
Sazpaimonno luck01:50
pfifoSazpaimon, do you need your wifi to connect to this chat?01:51
SazpaimonI blacklisted ath3k (which turns out is probably the bluetooth chip) and wlan0 didn't show up until I modprobe -r'd ath9k and re-modprobed it several times01:51
Sazpaimonpfifo, no, I'm connected here over another machine01:51
reisioxfcevideoguy: and which driver?01:52
Sazpaimonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5848548/ pastebin of my latest dmest01:52
pfifocan you reboot and pastebin the output of 'lsmod && rfkill list && dmesg' before you fuss with the driver01:53
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xfcevideoguyreisio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5848549/ pastebin of lsmod & lshw01:54
Sazpaimonwill do, let me just install rfkill01:55
Sazpaimonrebooting now01:55
pfifoxfcevideoguy, and what player do you use? VLC01:55
xfcevideoguyreisio, I haven't installed any driver manually. I'm using VLC, yes.01:56
wheatthinSazpaimon, I think ath3k is still being loaded01:57
wheatthinand disregarded afterwards01:57
xfcevideoguypfifo, VLC, yes. But any other player displays the same output.01:58
reisioxfcevideoguy: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI01:58
pfifoxfcevideoguy, in vlc, goto tools->preferences (ctrl+p) then select the video tab on the left, under that section youll notice a dropdown for 'output' select the x11 driver and see if you get better performance, if not try the opengl driver and see if it gets better performance.01:58
wheatthinSazpaimon, cat /etc/modules to see if its in there01:59
barretjhello, i'm trying to run ufw on my chromebook running Ubuntu 13.04, but am getting some errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5848556/02:00
barretji suspect it has something to do with the fact that i am not using the stock Ubuntu 13.04 kernel02:00
xfcevideoguyreisio, checking... thanks for the link.02:00
switchingdoes anyone know why openjdk7 won't update to u25?02:01
xfcevideoguypfifo, will try that too. Thanks!02:01
barretjanyone here running ubuntu on a chromebook?02:01
Sazpaimonwheatthin, I unblocked it, it wasn't doing anything and plus it's the bluetooth driver so it has nothing to do with the wifi card02:02
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Guest40834don't install Ubuntu 13.0402:02
Sazpaimonanyway this time I just waited a while and eventually the wireless card showed up02:03
Sazpaimoni didnt unload any modules02:03
switchingguest40834 why not?02:03
barretjwhat's wrong with 13.04?02:03
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wheatthinSazpaimon, actuall ath9k has the bluetooth with it02:03
Guest40834its not good02:04
switchingguest40834 how so? i am using it right now02:04
pfifoSazpaimon, could be interference from a neighbor, try using a different channel. It could also be failing hardware, i dont have a fix for that... yet... :)02:04
Sazpaimonwheatthin, im pretty sure it's still a different chip on the card itself02:05
Guest40834yeah i used it for 1 day and then it just you know kabotte02:05
wheatthinpfifo, negative, the ath9k actually controls the bluetooth within as well. it's module confliction02:05
SazpaimonI see an atheros bluetooth card when I lsusb02:05
pfifowheatthin, could have swore he blacklisted 3k02:06
switchingguest40834 what is kabotte? and what exactly happened?02:06
wheatthinath9k supports 2-wire and 3-wire Bluetooth coexistence, for details see the ath9k btcoex page.02:06
wheatthinyes, but it's also loading in /etc/modules02:06
barretjanyone know what might be causing these problems? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5848556/02:06
pfifoahh, then I got ahead of myself02:06
SazpaimonI did blacklist it, but I removed it from the blacklist when it did nothing to fix the issue02:07
SazpaimonI did confirm that ath3k was not being loaded02:07
Sazpaimonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5848571/ lsusb output where you can see that there's an atheros bluetooth device02:07
wheatthinSazpaimon, did you also make sure it's not in /etc/modules?02:07
Guest40834black screen - kabotte is an svenski namn för sönder02:07
SazpaimonI did, it's not there02:07
Morph4meSazpaimon, can you run this  to see if you gert anything > lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net02:08
Sazpaimononly 3 modules there are loop, lp, and rtc02:08
switchingguest40834 when did the black screen occur? were you able to boot into ubuntu? to what point? be more specific plz02:08
switchingalso does anyone here know, generally speaking, about openjdk?02:08
Guest4083410 sec after longing in02:09
wheatthin!default-jdk | switching02:09
SazpaimonIIRC, I dont think I had this problem on 12.04 or 12.10, but this is a fresh install from a mini.iso02:09
Guest40834im installing 12.10 now02:09
SazpaimonI only installed cinnamon desktop, software-center, and all their dependencies02:10
switchingwheatthin i just need to know why there isn't an openjdk7u2502:10
switchingguest40834 you might want to go with 12.04 for the lts02:10
Guest40834ok have a fin day02:10
switchingguest40834 and from what i've seen it has gotten better reviews than 12.1002:10
wheatthinswitching, http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-openjdk-7-on-ubuntu-13-04/02:11
Sazpaimonand like I said, this most recent boot I didn't do anything other than wait, after about 5 or so minutes the device showed up02:12
switchingwheatthin i already have it installed02:12
Sazpaimonfor the record, this doesn't happen on windows02:12
wilee-nileebarretj, Stock kernels are only supported here, just a heads up, does not mean you wont get help. ;)02:14
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draconushello folks02:16
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barretjwilee-nilee: thanks, unfortunately the chromebook cannot run a stock ubuntu kernel02:20
draconusis there anything better than xen when it comes to virtualization?02:21
SnapSnapWhat time server does Ubuntu 13.04 synchronize with by default?02:21
pfifoSnapSnap, one of the ubuntu.pool.ntp.org02:22
SonikkuAmericaSnapSnap: If you're in the US, I'd go with time.nist.gov if you can select your server02:23
SnapSnapSonikkuAmerica, how do I select my server?02:23
pfifoSonikkuAmerica, you can change it in /etc/ntp.conf02:23
SonikkuAmericapfifo: Ah. SnapSnap, see what pfifo said.02:24
lauratikaubntu keep mirror display even i just have one minitor, how can i tell ubuntu that i only have one monitor?02:24
SnapSnappfifo, how do I change what server it syncs with?02:25
SonikkuAmericadraconus: Are you looking to create and use VMs?02:26
pfifoSnapSnap, edit the firl /etc/ntp.conf, before the section that lists ubuntu's servers add a line that says 'server time.nist.gov' you can and should leave the ubuntu servers there as a backup02:27
lauratikaubuntu thinks i have 2 monitors02:28
SnapSnappfifo, but it will sync to nist primarily?02:29
maximus2pp yea right02:29
SonikkuAmericaOh draconus, are you there?02:29
pfifoSnapSnap, it will try nist first, if there server is down it will move to the next entry on the list02:29
SonikkuAmericamaximus2: :P02:30
maximus2what im in rage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:30
SonikkuAmericadraconus: For VMs, you can use VirtualBox, QEMU or GNOME Boxes (that last one don't even try)02:30
Es0tericwhen adding hosts in /etc/hosts file... can you add ports as well? as in site.dev ?02:32
SnapSnappfifo, there's no file called ntp.conf in /etc. Do I need to create it?02:32
SonikkuAmericaSnapSnap: [ sudo apt-get install ntp ]02:32
pfifoSnapSnap, it could be /etc/ntp/ntp.conf (im referencing a 12.04 system)02:33
xentity1xhas anyone figured out how to reneable workspaces for gnome in ubuntu 13.0402:33
ef5c_ef5cEs0teric, what are you trying to do?02:33
Es0tericef5c_ef5c i have a vagrant setup and i want to point local domains to the vagrant box but it only works through port 8002:34
SnapSnappfifo, No such folder. I'm running 13.0402:34
Es0tericef5c_ef5c i mean 808002:34
SnapSnappfifo, SonikkuAmerica, I installed NTP. The file is there now02:34
SonikkuAmerica!ot | maximus202:34
ubottumaximus2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:34
Es0tericef5c_ef5c well locally in the virtual box, i have /etc/hosts already set up but i want my local machine to hit the same url and get to the same files02:34
pfifoSnapSnap, pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l | grep ntp' if there is any output02:35
ef5c_ef5cEs0teric, ah; I see.  No, /etc/hosts will be consulted before a DNS for host to IP mappings, so can be used to override those.  But it's not used for port mappings02:35
SonikkuAmericaxentity1x: You mean in Unity?02:35
Es0tericef5c_ef5c ah i see.. so then how can i "bridge" the hosts file from the virtualbox on my local machine?02:35
xentity1xi got it to work in unity02:36
xentity1xbut i like using the gnome fallback02:36
SnapSnappfifo, SonikkuAmerica, got it fixed. Thanks for your help. :)02:36
ef5c_ef5cEs0teric, you might be able to set up kind of port forwarding between 80 and 8080, but that's outside my knowledge02:36
xentity1xtrying to get it to work with that as well, <SonikkuAmerica>02:36
SonikkuAmericaxentity1x: The workspaces should be there in gnome-panel... but it's deprecated.02:36
Es0tericef5c_ef5c well i already have that... port 80 on my machine goes to 8080 on the virtual box02:36
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ef5c_ef5cEs0teric, there is an /etc/services file that maps service names to ports, but it's probably not a good solution for you, because: a) it would only have any effect for apps which look up the port name based on the service name (i.e. not any that hard-code '80'), and b) it affects everything, not just a single destination host02:39
Es0tericef5c_ef5c i see...02:39
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Es0tericef5c_ef5c nevermind... i guess i'll halt the vm because this is getting pointless... it feels like i should use the virtualbox for rails production and not PHP02:41
tannjiif a program freezes, is there a command or key combo to kill it or get to a task manager?02:42
ef5c_ef5cEs0teric, sorry I couldn't help; good luck!02:42
Es0tericef5c_ef5c its alright... i spent too much time on that vm anyways lol02:42
deSouzai need help02:43
ef5c_ef5cEs0teric, builds character :)02:43
saiarcot895tannji: I just click on the X to force-close it02:43
Es0tericef5c_ef5c true.. also builds patience lol02:43
tannjiits cold enough that the x doesnt work02:44
pfifotannji, you can use 'sudo kill <pid>' or very carefully 'sudo killall <program name>' you can append a signal as well for example: 'sudo killall -9 bash' will send a sigkill to every instance of bash on your system02:44
saiarcot895tannji: If it's using the CPU, I open up terminal (Ctrl+Alt+A), start top, hit k, and type in the PID02:44
Ben64pfifo, tannji: sudo is not needed for kill unless its a root owned process02:45
saiarcot895!ask | deSouza02:45
ubottudeSouza: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:45
deSouzaI installed fedora and ubuntu in different partitions but I can only use ubuntu. What do I do?02:46
tannjiI cant open a terminal tho...  mouse moves, nothing is clickable, ctrl+alt does nothing02:46
Sazpaimonwell, I tried adding a keyfile to my LUKS partition and FreeOTFE still doesn't want to mount it02:46
Sazpaimonguess I have to give up02:46
pfifoBen64, good point, now I feel like a warmonger02:47
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maximus2now that im here,my real nick name is poisioned-_-computer and im here to claim my revenge from being banned from being banned from god damn #linuxmint-chat and help so i want to be unbanned from those channels so i could get my friends back to chat with them!!!!02:47
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saiarcot895tannji: that would open up the lock/log out menu02:47
Ben64tannji: what i find helpful... running an ssh server. a lot of times if the gui is non-responsive you still can get access via ssh02:47
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maximus2and thats finial02:48
saiarcot895deSouza: does fedora appear in the list of OSes to boot in the GRUB boot menu?02:48
Ben64maximus2: not related to ubuntu support at all, take it somewhere else02:48
zsugiarthey guys02:48
tannjiok, barring a ssh server, log out then?  = )02:48
Ben64tannji: or ctrl+alt+f102:49
deSouzathe grub boot menu doesnt show up. But when I run the fedora liveos it shows that fedora is installed02:49
zsugiartanyone know how can I make ubuntu to prefer WLAn over LAN connection?02:49
maximus2i cant (crying)02:49
Tony_Starkzsugiart: You can make the lan not connect automatically in the networking settings.02:50
pfifodeSouza, add your fedora listing to '/etc/grub.d/40_custom' and then run 'sudo mkinitramfs'02:50
Sazpaimonyou know it could very well be that freeotfe just does not support GPT partitions02:50
pfifodeSouza, sorry, not mkinitramfs, you need to run 'sudo update-grub'02:51
* pfifo has livecds on his mind02:52
zsugiartTony_Stark: I don't want to disable the LAN, I needed both as the LAN is connected to local resource, but connection from my pocket wifi is faster. So I'd like to tell it to PREFER the wlan, but still use lan for local resources. BUT, if my pocket wifi is off, then fallback to LAN connection02:52
maximus2i lost all of my friends at #linuxmint-chat and help (crying)and i wont get to see them again!!!!!!(crying)02:53
Tony_Starkzsugiart: I was suggesting allowing the lan not connect automatically, but once the wlan is done, you can still connect manually to the lan.02:53
Ben64maximus2: stop02:53
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zsugiartTony_Stark: oh, is this how ubuntu determine the order of priority of the 2? eg. if I connect on WLAN first, and THEN connect the LAN, will ubuntu then prioritize WLAN over LAN?02:53
kkerwinHi. I seem to be having some difficulties with sound output on my Ubuntu laptop. I am attempting to locate the source of the problem, but nothing is showing up in dmesg.02:54
zsugiartOK ima give this a go02:54
Tony_Starkzsugiart: In my experience yes...but it requires the extra step of connecting to the second connection manually, but should the first go down...you will be connected to the 1st.02:55
Tony_Starkzsugiart: I ment should the 2nd go down, you are connected to the first.02:56
maximus2ben64:i lost all of my friends and i will never see them again at #linuxmint-chat and help (crying) and i am banned forever and dont tell me to stop(crying)02:57
pfifozsugiart, you can see your default route with 'ip route show table main'02:58
Ben64maximus2: take it to ##ranting . this channel is for ubuntu support ONLY02:58
zsugiartTony_Stark: nope that didn't work. Once I activated the LAN connection, it became the preferred route - tested this via traceroute. I retsarted the computer to make sure that config change is effected.02:59
Ben64zsugiart: you could probably add metrics to the adapters in /etc/network/interfaces02:59
Ben64zsugiart: lower = priority02:59
zsugiartBen64: lemme check03:00
maximus2where is it ben64? i am running xchat gnome irc chat03:00
Ben64maximus2: /join ##ranting03:01
SonikkuAmericaBen64: lol I own that channel03:01
halawanyplease i need help with the aircrack-ng when i try to get the key it tells me Error message "fopen(dictionary)failed: No such file or directory"Error message "fopen(dictionary)failed: No such file or directory" so how can i specify the dictionary03:02
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zsugiartBen64: can't - is this because networkManager gets in the way? eg. do I need to somehow disable it first? my config don't seem to effect any changes. after changing the /interfaces file what do I do? 'service network restart' tells me network is not a recognized service03:04
zsugiartBen64: I restarted it by using the network manager 'disable networking -> enable networking'03:05
pfifozsugiart, it would be 'service nerworking restart'03:06
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mikubuntuhmmmm ... just added lubuntu-desktop to mom's laptop, did all updates -- and added a bookmark to her yahoo mail -- yahoo mail will not display an email -- it displays the list of emails (inbox), but when you click on a particular email, it doesn't render03:10
mikubuntups... mail works properly in firefox, but not chromium03:10
reisiomikubuntu: which version of chromium?03:11
mikubuntui asked for help in #lubuntu, but was referred to the main #ubuntu channel03:11
mikubuntureisio ... not sure which version of chromium, how can i find out03:12
mikubuntureisio ... i suppose it is the most current as i just did all updates on this machine (mom's laptop)03:12
pfifomikubuntu, 'dpkg -l | grep chromium'03:13
deSouzahow do I know if my ubuntu is 32 or 64 bit?03:16
mikubuntureisio :: ii  chromium-browser   25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu0.10.04.1    Chromium browser ii  chromium-browser-l10n   25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu0.10.04.1   chromium-browser language packages ii  chromium-codecs-ffmpeg    25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu0.10.04.1    Free ffmpeg codecs for the Chromium Browser03:16
pfifodeSouza, 'uname -a'03:17
reisiodeSouza: uname -m03:17
varunendradeSouza, pfifo, even better - "arch"03:17
pfifomikubuntu, your chromium is out of date03:17
bigbob_dang Im lost03:17
mikubuntupfifo, how can i update it?03:18
ranjanHi all, is there anybody running ubuntu on a hp dv4. I am facing a lot of problem with switchable graphics, screen brightness etc03:18
pfifovarunendra, thank you, I learned something new today, it has been quite some time since I learned anything new in linux03:18
varunendrapfifo, you're welcome! :)03:18
rodhashGuys .. I've plugged in a USB disk with LVM ... I've deactivated the VG (vgchange -an) and unplugged it ... then I noticed lots of I/O erros ... what is wrong? any idea?03:19
pfifomikubuntu, i usually run 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade chromium-browser'03:19
reisioyay, you learned a redundant command03:19
reisiothat probably doesn't work on other Unixes03:19
pfifo... and that ill never use cause I KNOW my computer and OS, but hey, knowledge is power03:20
mikubuntupfifo -- so chromium is not updated regularly in *buntu updates?03:20
reisiodpkg -L coreutils | grep bin03:20
pfifomikubuntu, yes it is, but you have to actually upgrade your system03:20
varunendrareisio, I don't know if it works on others or not (I know lshw doesn't, but used it often) ;P03:20
d1bhi why isn't there a linux-image for saucy yet?03:22
somsip!13.10 | d1b03:22
ubottud1b: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:22
pfifoYou might be looking for 'linux-image-generic'03:22
reisiomikubuntu: you might see what getting the user agent switcher for chromium and setting it to some recent windows browser and reloading does03:23
d1bpfifo: already did03:23
reisiomikubuntu: would indicate yahoo mail is just incredibly poorly made03:23
mikubuntupfifo, here's output from update -- can you tell me if its problematic?03:25
mikubuntupfifo :: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5848692/03:25
pfifoubottu took forever, but she is saying linux-image exists in saucy, but anyway, I have no idea about saucy stuff, ask in #ubuntu+103:25
pfifo!eol | mikubuntu03:26
ubottumikubuntu: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:26
dcraigmaybe this is a stupid question, but why are jaunty and lucid both in there?03:27
varunendramikubuntu, those jaunty related repositories are obsolete now. What version of ubuntu are you using?03:27
mikubuntupfifo, ok mail working now --- varunendra, not sure -- should i do a dist upgrade? and how?03:28
varunendramikubuntu, what is the output of "lsb_release -d" ?03:28
mikubuntuvarunendra :: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS03:29
mikubuntuvarunendra -- so isn't Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS still supported another 3 years i thought?03:30
pfifomikubuntu, only the server version of 10.04 is supported, you need to either try a 'sudo do-release-upgrade' or do a fresh install03:31
varunendramikubuntu, desktop? That has reached its end of life too. You should do a fresh install of 12.04 or later now. Use torrent to download it : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads03:31
pfifoi need to sleep, good night all03:32
varunendranight !!03:32
mikubuntuvarunendra --- i don't know how to back up, and there's so much stuff on here i hate to lose ... arrgh --- do you think upgrading would be problematic?03:33
reisiofresh install, ew03:33
reisiowhat is this Windows03:33
varunendramikubuntu, you should try any version in Live mode first before upgrading. See if it plays well with your hardware, then install.03:33
mikubuntureisio, thats what i said .... ewwwwww03:34
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varunendramikubuntu, also, if you are using PPAs or proprietary software on your current installation, then an upgrade will almost certainly be problematic.03:34
mikubuntuvarunendra, whats the recommended update -- am i going to run into the 'pae' problem?03:35
varunendramikubuntu, is your system 64 bit capable (arch command)03:36
mikubuntuvarunendra: it has a sticker for an amd athlon 64 on it03:36
rypervencheThat won't show arch compatibility.03:37
mikubuntuvarunendra: but its several years old, maybe 503:37
varunendraoh yeah,, forgot it.. sorry rypervenche mikubuntu03:37
varunendramikubuntu, you need to lookup your CPU model to see if it is 64 bit03:38
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mikubuntuvarunendra: command line?03:38
varunendramikubuntu, try "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model"03:39
rypervenchemikubuntu: egrep -o '\<lm\>' /proc/cpuinfo03:39
rypervenchemikubuntu: Do you see "lm" ?03:40
varunendramikubuntu, in any case, I don't think the pae kernel is problematic anymore. But 64 bit is recommended if is supported03:40
mikubunturypervenche: lm comes up in red in the term03:41
Vinnie_winIs there a way to reorder the icons in the side bar?03:41
VelesTheGodyou have to drag outside the side bar though03:42
Vinnie_winahh...that was it03:42
rypervenchemikubuntu: You can install 64-bit then.03:42
mikubunturypervenche: i thought there were other considerations? memory, etc?03:43
rypervenchemikubuntu: Whether or not you should, that's a different question. But you can.03:43
Vinnie_winHow do I find out the path to the "good" terminal (i.e. not xterm)03:44
KriShaNsinwhat is the the two Wine packages in the Ubuntu Soft Center? Do i need to install the meta package and the binary emulator both ?03:44
varunendraVinnie_win, "which gnome-terminal"03:45
Vinnie_winvarunendra: Thanks! Oh yes...that is the good one03:45
reisioKriShaNsin: two?03:46
varunendraKriShaNsin, just install the metapackage, that is -"wine"03:46
thurstylarkI have ubuntu 12.10 in a VirtualBox VM on my iMac, and the graphics are extremely sluggish. What should I check? Also, are there non-free drivers that I need to look for?03:47
Ben64or get the ppa, which has a much newer version of wine03:47
varunendraunless you have also added the ppa for it ;) KriShaNsin03:47
KriShaNsinwhat is the one with the wine glass ? the binary emulator? i dont need that ? on ly the meta package ?03:47
reisiothurstylark: turn off the guest and change your settings03:48
reisiothurstylark: give it more ram, more processing, more graphics hardware access03:48
histoKriShaNsin: wine?03:48
reisiothurstylark: and install guest additions03:48
varunendrathurstylark, have you installed "Guest Additions" in the vm?03:48
histoKriShaNsin: what are you trying to get running?03:48
KriShaNsinhisto: well, i miss a program for windows called "iFunbox" , it allows installation of .ipa files from desktop. i really want to install .ipa files to my iDevices using Ubuntu but I dont know how to Debian packager etc...03:49
Sazpaimonopenntpd does not seem to be adjusting my clock, I was checking my log and see: Jul  6 03:42:44 ip-10-138-33-48 ntpd[24174]: adjusting local clock by -13.350968s Jul  6 03:47:07 ip-10-138-33-48 ntpd[24174]: adjusting local clock by -13.269553s03:50
Sazpaimonthere's no way that my clock was 13 seconds off in a 5 minute span03:51
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thurstylarkreisio, varunendra: I do have guest additions installed, but my display memory is at like, 4MB, so I'll bump that up a bit...03:52
mikubunturypervenche: thx -- i think i will hold off -- i don't have any storage medium to save everything on this computer right now anyways -- i think i saw tiger has a 64gb usb for $20 right now, maybe i'll look into it03:53
histoKriShaNsin: you'd have to check the appdb for wine to see if iFunbox is something that runs okay  or not03:53
rypervenchemikubuntu: Up to you. Pae should be fine.03:53
histo!appdb | KriShaNsin03:53
ubottuKriShaNsin: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:53
mikubuntuthanx rypervenche pfifo reisio and varunendra for your most excellent assistance03:53
varunendrathurstylark, for 12.10, make it at least 64 MB or more..03:53
histoKriShaNsin: I would also look for open source alternatives on alternativeto.net website.03:54
varunendramikubuntu, np :)03:54
asgardBSDMy computer take a while to boot up, and then i am put in a console environment03:54
histoasgardBSD: are there any errors?03:55
asgardBSDhow to know?03:55
histoasgardBSD: and has it ever worked previously?03:55
histoasgardBSD: check your /var/log/syslog to see what's going on during boot03:55
asgardBSDi just restarted it 1 hours ago03:55
thurstylarkvarunendra: Sounds good. What does 13.04 need? I plan to upgrade03:55
Ari-Yangwhat do you mean by "need", thurstylark?03:55
histoasgardBSD: did you have proprietary video drivers installed?03:55
varunendrathurstylark, more advanced graphics = more video memory. I'd recommend 256 MB :)03:56
asgardBSDyes, NVIDIA03:56
histoasgardBSD: were you using the drivers from nvidia.com?03:57
thurstylarkvarunendra: Cool beans. Thanks!03:57
asgardBSDi needed more up to date driver03:57
KriShaNsinhisto: ok so, apparently there is no need for a app like iFunbox on Ubuntu/ I am missing something. there is another way obviously to install .ipa files to iDevices using debian somehow. anyway thanks.03:57
asgardBSDfailed to start X server03:57
Ari-YangasgardBSD, personally I wouldn't trust drivers from the site03:57
asgardBSDstarting failsafe X server03:57
Ari-YangI'd use the ones in ubuntu's repos03:58
histoasgardBSD: It's possible that your kernel updated and the modules installed from nvidia.com are not there for your current kenrel. So you need to reinstall those drivers to rebuild the module03:58
asgardBSDcannote execute /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer no such file or directory03:58
varunendrathurstylark, beans??03:58
histoasgardBSD: This is why you use drivers from the repos as the modules will be rebuilt with each new kernel vs. using a 3rd party solution.03:58
Sazpaimonanyone know? I'd like to get ntpd working on my server but its kinda useless if it wont actually adjust the clock03:58
histoSazpaimon: if you install ntpd it should be updating the clock03:59
asgardBSDi just rerun my driver installer04:00
Sazpaimonhisto, I agree04:00
asgardBSDI had to get up to date driver... had a GTX 660 ti04:00
asgardBSDthats still pretty recent (less than one year ago)04:00
thurstylarkvarunendra: as opposed to hot beans. because i let them cool.  ...*noms*04:01
asgardBSDand that distro date from december04:01
asgardBSDMint 1504:01
Sazpaimonexcept it's not, it's logging the fact that the clock is skewed, but not actually adjusting the clock04:01
SazpaimonI see this in my syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/04:01
Sazpaimonthere's no way my clock is 13 seconds off in a 5 minute span04:01
varunendrathurstylark, good practice ;)04:01
rypervencheTHAT SCARED ME SO BADLY!04:01
histoasgardBSD: this is not mint support btw04:01
rypervencheHuge creeper in Zelda Solarus XD04:02
SazpaimonI also tested by doing while true; do date; sleep 1; done, and looking to see if the time changes, and it doesn't04:02
asgardBSDbut anyway, next version of Mint (or Ubuntu, still dont know what i will install), will have better driver from the distro04:02
rypervencheOops, sorry, wrong channel.04:02
asgardBSDrypervenche:  hi04:02
Sazpaimonsorry, this is my syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5848764/04:02
histo!info nvidia-current | asgardBSD04:04
asgardBSDlike i said still dont know what i will install, ubunto or mint, since i see no difference between the two (except the desktop installed), been few month i use mint, and i didnt really saw those minty goody everyone is talking about that is supposed to enhence our experience04:04
ubottuasgardBSD: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)04:04
histoasgardBSD: most people use mint for the cinnamon desktop and the mp3 flash out of the box04:04
asgardBSDmp3 out of the box?? Ubuntu also had that last time i used it... a checkbox during installation for restricted software04:05
asgardBSDI liked cinamon, but prefer KDE and gnome 2 over it04:05
histoasgardBSD: I've recommended mint to people who have not used linux before as it's an easier transition from windows to cinnamon vs. unity04:05
asgardBSDand cinamon was buggy04:05
asgardBSDwell, thats been a while i am on linux (since 2-3 year)04:06
asgardBSDThe easier of the distro i tried was debian, from the install it was exactly how i wanteed it04:06
b80905help me   i have installed lxde and now i can't change brightness.04:06
asgardBSDunfortunately, with old package04:06
holsteinb80905: but, you can in other desktop environments?04:07
histob80905: is this a laptop? have you tried the Fn keys for brightness?04:07
asgardBSDits true that with unity, if we dont already know the name of the program we want to start, we are screwed04:07
histoasgardBSD: No there is a dash04:08
holsteinasgardBSD: thats actually a checkbox during install for the fluendo codec.. which is not "restricted" necessarily.. AFAIK, fluendo pays for that for ubuntu, or someone does04:08
histoasgardBSD: Although how would you not know the name of an application you installed04:08
holsteinits not "open", thats for sure04:09
asgardBSDhisto default application installed with the system04:09
asgardBSDholstein: then what does mint use for mp3?04:09
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histoasgardBSD: I can scroll through the apps in the dash just fine on my ubuntu box.04:09
holsteinasgardBSD: not sure.. could be the same.. but i think its just the "good, bad and ugly" or whatever04:10
histoholstein: gstreamer04:10
holsteinasgardBSD: i agree with histo .. i think its gstreamer they ship04:10
asgardBSDAnyways, the only reason why i run mint at the moment is because at the time i installed it, kubuntu didnt worked well (it had a bug that whenever i had lot of disk write, the system would hang up completely) and mint 15 kde didnt had that bug04:11
asgardBSDfor example, copying a 15 GB file would make my whole system screw up04:11
asgardBSDirc would disconnect from internet04:12
asgardBSDall slow, even my mouse pointer was moving slow04:12
rodhashWhat is the correct procedure to UNPLUG a usb disk with LVM pls?04:12
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asgardBSDbecause of that bug, was banned temporary from some IRC channel (connecting, disconnecting, connecting, disconnecting......)04:13
reisiorodhash: a usb disk with lvm?04:13
reisiorodhash: as in it's part of an lv with other disks?04:13
asgardBSDBut i dont know WHY mint didnt had that bug while kubuntu had it... dosent both are built on the same package?04:13
rodhashreisio, Yes .. I've just plugged in a USB disk with LVM (my older HD) in order to copy some data .. now I need to UNPLUG this disk.04:14
holsteinasgardBSD: sounds like different versions to me04:14
reisioasgardBSD: they aren't 100% the same, that's enough for a bug04:14
reisiorodhash: ah, that's something else04:14
reisiorodhash: umount it to be nice (or right-click eject or something from the file manager)04:14
historodhash: if you sync and umount would be good04:14
reisiorodhash: but just taking it out should also be fine most of the time04:14
asgardBSDwas only happening when i doing massive disk access/write from KDE, from console was fine04:14
asgardBSDstrangely, other people from #kubuntu didnt had that bug04:15
tkingI can't seem to open this file correctly, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46512205/L6_ITCI_G2_670.doc    normally, it should contain complete data but some stuffs are missing, if you could please try to open it and tell me how you did it i would be very greatful. I do not have windows at all04:15
rodhashreisio, Yes I tried .. I umounted the LVs and tried to deactivate the VG (vgchange -an) .. but then I received a LOT of "I/O  error"  :/04:15
holsteintking: what are you using? openoffice?04:16
reisiorodhash: and?04:16
rodhashreisio, sorry... I meant, the error came after unplugging the disk04:16
tkingholstein, am using libreoffice04:16
reisiorodhash: and?04:16
rodhashreisio, well that's what I'm trying to understand ... something is wrong with this procedure04:17
holsteintking: whats the result?04:17
reisiorodhash: mmm, if you did it again with different hardware I might support that conclusion04:17
varunendratking, it's an office 2007 format. Change the extension name to "docx"04:17
holsteintking: libre says its corrupt04:18
reisiocould be that your usb stick is just falling apart, as they do from time to time04:18
holsteinvarunendra: is that all? thats easy :)04:18
varunendraholstein, a shot in the dark XD04:18
asgardBSDLast time i tried Unity was with 11.04, how it changed?04:18
tkingholstein, its a timetable with data in a table. my friends view theirs correctly on windows. but on my linux the table and text within table is missing04:18
histoasgardBSD: quite a bit04:18
holsteinvarunendra: yup.. popped right up.. good job!04:18
tkingvarunendra, i have renamed to "docx"othing changed04:19
varunendratking, I can open it fine here.. with the ext. changed.04:19
holsteintking: it works for me as varunendra suggested...04:19
holsteintking: it changed for me... opened right up04:19
varunendratking, only the extension - from .doc, to .docx04:19
tkingvarunendra, it opens, what is in front of 9:0004:20
varunendratking, 3 hrs.04:20
tkingvarunendra, it should be   | 9:00 | Programming Lecture | 3hrs|04:21
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holsteintking: you should be able to edit it04:21
varunendratking, that's what I got, no details in-between. holstein should be able to confirm..04:22
histovarunendra: extension shouldn't matter04:23
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varunendrahisto, I agree, not sure why it showed error.04:24
holsteinhisto: try it... it failed with an error as *doc ... opened right up as docx04:24
histovarunendra: holstein what does 'file whatever.doc'  show for output?04:24
histoThat shouldn't change based on filename... Unless libre office is retarded04:24
varunendramaybe libreoffice handles files differently than rest of the linux world? or just these files ??04:25
derpHow can i make Ubuntu behave like OS X task bar?04:27
holsteinderp: be specific.. what do you want from what?04:28
derplike bouncing icons and the genie effect04:28
varunendraderp, install cairo-dock04:28
xanguaderp: you can configure the minimize efects with Compiz Settings Manager04:28
varunendrahisto, missed your question (although doesn't matter now). The command returns "Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract" with both doc and docx04:29
histovarunendra: yeah libre office must be putting weight on the filename for some reason....04:29
tkingvarunendra,  this is what i mean in both links, holstein Linux: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46512205/linux.png, Windows: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46512205/windows.png04:36
holsteintking: its not a "linux/windows" thing.. thats word and libreoffice04:37
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reisioand at a higher level, your educational people being daft04:37
holsteintking: show the document creator that, and suggest they be more open for the software you are running04:37
penosis ubuntu same as android?04:38
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reisiopenos: heheh04:39
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VelesTheGod_anyone knows any cool software for the terminal? i have cowsay but i wanna know if I'm missing on something totally radical04:48
histoVelesTheGod_: cmatrix04:49
lotuspsychjeVelesTheGod_: what kind of stuff you looking for04:49
holsteinVelesTheGod_: im using irssi in screen right now.. there are curses games..04:49
histoDoesn't aptitude still ahve minesweeper?04:49
VelesTheGod_nothing in particular, I had archey for ubuntu for a while but i didn't like it04:49
VelesTheGod_what does cmatrix do?04:49
holstein!info figlet04:49
ubottufiglet (source: figlet): Make large character ASCII banners out of ordinary text. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.5-2 (raring), package size 173 kB, installed size 721 kB04:49
holstein^^ thats kind of fun04:50
holstein!info cmatrix04:50
ubottucmatrix (source: cmatrix): simulates the display from "The Matrix". In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2a-4 (raring), package size 16 kB, installed size 100 kB04:50
lotuspsychjeholstein: is that inside the terminal04:50
holsteinlotuspsychje: figlet? yes.. i think thats what VelesTheGod_ is looking for.. cli apps04:51
VelesTheGod_i'll try out cmatrx04:51
lotuspsychjeholstein: no cmatrix04:51
lotuspsychjegonna test that 1 out aswell04:51
holsteinlotuspsychje: that was histo 's suggestion ..i havent tried it04:51
VelesTheGod_I'm bored so I'll try all three of them, cmatrix, figlet and irsii04:52
lotuspsychjehisto: tnx for tip mate04:53
lotuspsychjeVelesTheGod_: http://parveenmeet.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/fun-with-ubuntu-terminal/04:55
VelesTheGod_lotuspsychje looks interesting, i'll check it out04:55
VelesTheGod_i just got done configuring cowsay04:56
VelesTheGod_it's a blast04:56
lotuspsychjeVelesTheGod_: http://smashingtips.com/linux/cool-terminal-commands-for-linux04:56
histoVelesTheGod_: espeak ... mplayer can play videos on frame buffer.  Also there are web browsers like w3m etc... cli-apps.org  is worth a look.04:57
lotuspsychje!info links2 | VelesTheGod_04:57
ubottuVelesTheGod_: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1909 kB, installed size 2934 kB04:57
VelesTheGod_lotuspychje the second linkg you send me was ok04:58
VelesTheGod_I don't really like the graphics and it's not minimal04:58
sdf555555Is  there a reason why 13.04 is completely unstable? I know it isn't suppose to be a stable release, but their were a ton of problems on both my desktop/laptop, using standard hardware w/ intel graphics04:59
lotuspsychjesdf555555: 13.04 isnt unstable at all04:59
ahow628Where would be a good place to put this information: Ubuntu 12.04.2 live cd works on a CR-48, but the install breaks trackpad, X, and wireless. Instead, install 12.04.0  and it works flawlessly.04:59
lotuspsychjesdf555555: did you check hardware requierments before installing?05:00
sdf555555well random crashes+ other stuff, that happen to me would say otherwise05:00
lotuspsychjesdf555555: did you clean install or upgrade?05:00
sdf555555clean install on both desktop+laptop05:01
lotuspsychjesdf555555: updated you system and checked additional drivers?05:01
sdf555555I do really like unity7 on it verses the older one, but it kept causing problems to the point I just reinstalled LTS05:02
sdf555555yea, I did updates on them05:02
Ari-Yangif you can run ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10, I think you can run 13.04 just fine....05:02
lotuspsychjesdf555555: any logs we can troubleshoot errors from?05:02
sdf555555and drivers, I won't go into details of the problems, but just want to know if its common for other users of 13.04 having issues05:03
lotuspsychjesdf555555: im running 13.04 64bit without any error mate05:03
Ari-Yangsdf555555, not, not really common I'd say...05:03
varunendraahow628, are you seeking help with that or just want to share that info?05:03
lotuspsychje!details | sdf55555505:03
ubottusdf555555: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:03
sdf555555IRan on my desktop, i5 2300, 6GB ram, 64GB ssd, intel 2000 gpu, and laptop was an dell xps 13 running i5 sandy bridge, don't know the model name off hand, but with 4gb of ram, and 128gb ssd, with intel 300 gpu05:04
ahow628varunendra: I was in here earlier because I was installing 12.04.2 on my Chromebook and it would break wireless, X, and trackpad. So then I tried installing 12.04.0 and it worked properly.05:04
lotuspsychjesdf555555: what kind of errors are we talking about then?05:05
sdf555555everything worked out of the box prefectly, but issues with updates, and lock screens, and other bits after running for a week just made be rage to the point of reinstall LTS on them05:05
lotuspsychjesdf555555: lock screen in what way? define 'issues'05:06
varunendraahow628, you may put that info in one of the stickys in Ubuntu Forums here : http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=332 Can't say if there is a better wiki page for all that info combined.05:06
holsteinsdf555555: interesting..05:06
sdf555555random shutdowns on my laptop, eating battery life on the laptop, lock screen problems on both desktop and laptop, at one point it would want to upgrade on my desktop, and other small stuff that I can't remember05:06
sdf555555wouldn't upgrade*05:07
ahow628varunendra: Thanks. I'll post it.05:07
varunendraahow628, np :)05:07
sdf555555Once at the lock screen, if I enter the password, then enter, it would go to a black screen05:07
Ari-Yangsdf555555, tbh if you really wanted someone to tell you what the problem could have been, you would've saved log files.05:07
Ari-Yangthere really is no point in talking about it now05:07
Ari-Yangunless you're going to reinstall 13.04 now and would like support....05:07
sdf555555And, the ubuntu system thing, where it says an error has happen would come up about 20times a day05:08
PhyiisGreetings. I'd like to know.. What is the possibility I became a sad guy, if i uninst ATI driver and manage my power only with jupiter?05:08
sdf555555and I would submit that error, so the devs would get a look at it05:08
lotuspsychjesdf555555: conclusion is like Ari-Yang says, 13.04 isnt unstable we might have solved it for you05:08
ahow628varunendra: Should I post in the compatibility sticky (12.04.0 works) or the incompatibility (12.04.2 doesn't work) or both?05:09
sdf555555At least 20times a day it would come up "Ubuntu has incountered an error" which was annoying that many times05:09
lotuspsychjesdf555555: errors are there to be solved05:09
lotuspsychje!patience | Phyiis05:09
ubottuPhyiis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:09
Ari-Yangsdf555555, okay, that's enough now. We understand it didn't work out for you. I think it's time to move on...05:09
Ari-YangPhyiis, you should be able to, I don't see why not05:10
varunendraahow628, both look okay, I'd suggest the incompatibility one, then add your solution at the bottom of your post.05:10
holsteinPhyiis: try it.. jupiter is not supported anymore AFAIK, though.. the driver idea might help.. might not05:10
ahow628varunendra: Thanks.05:10
sdf555555However, I still have 13.04 on my desktop, what log files should I be pulling out for you guys to take a look at?05:11
PhyiisI'm not satisfied with the quality of the drivers available. My HP Notebook is much better without it.05:11
lotuspsychjeholstein: uninstalling gnome-screensaver fixed my issue last time tnx again mate!05:12
holsteinlotuspsychje: sure. no worries :)05:12
PhyiisThproblem is that the power consume is very high.05:12
lotuspsychjeholstein: xscreensaver asked to launch deamon and end of story :p05:12
Ari-YangPhyiis, imo the radeon open source drivers are far better. fglrx has horrible 2d acceleration.... you'd only use fglrx really for gaming.05:12
lotuspsychjesdf555555: /var/log/syslog.105:12
sdf555555I'll get them up on plaste bin and link you guys05:13
lotuspsychjesdf555555: or any logs at /var/log that could be relevant for your errors05:13
Ari-YangPhyiis, but the open source drivers do run laptops hot, for now anyway. They released patches for dynamic power management (I'm currently using that kernel and it works just fine). http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=MTM5NjE05:13
Ari-YangPhyiis, if you want you can simply install http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-next/ and get the appropriate firmware for your gpu (if it's apu you don't need one) and you'll be good to go.05:14
lotuspsychjesdf555555: but remember 13.04 is not lts05:15
PhyiisAri-Yang: I already tried every drivers. When I'm watching in VLC, the videos is divided by two pieces.. horrible.. anyway, I'm going to try it.05:15
Ari-YangPhyiis, what card do you have? and it sounds like you have video tearing....05:16
Ari-YangPhyiis, I got nothing but tearing when I tried fglrx, you're better off with the open source drivers...05:16
PhyiisAri-Yang: Radeon 6600G A8-3500 APU05:17
Ari-Yangah, Phyiis so you're going to try what exactly?05:17
sdf555555lotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/k5cwqH8y05:17
PhyiisAri-Yang: I'm going to remove everything. I'll use only jupiter control the power consume.05:18
lotuspsychjesdf555555: is that on your current system or your 13.04?05:19
sdf555555thats my desktop with 13.0405:19
sdf555555havn't change that one over yet05:19
Ari-YangPhyiis, okay, good luck. if the radeon open source drivers are running your laptop/netbook hot, you can always try out the 3.10 drm-next kernel.05:19
PhyiisAri-Yang: Ok. Just experimentally..... Thank youI will see the links later.05:20
lotuspsychjesdf555555: i dont see anything very unusual at first...05:21
lotuspsychjesdf555555: did you install your ssd yourself?05:22
sdf555555Yes, I built that desktop05:22
lotuspsychjesdf555555: are you sure your hardware is connected properly and bios configged right?05:23
sdf555555Its a foxxcon motherboard i5 2300, 64gb curical ssd, 1tb hdd [forgot brand]05:23
sdf555555ssd is running in achi mode from the bios05:23
sdf555555I'm pretty sure its all connected correctly05:24
lotuspsychjesdf555555: i use 13.04 64bit on ssd without any issue, you need to find the proper errors mate05:24
lotuspsychjesdf555555: so we can help you on it05:24
sdf555555I've done system building for a while now, a+ cert & network cerf, but by no means does that mean I couldn't have something messed up05:25
sdf555555but it ran fine with last OSes I've used in the past such as linux mint 1305:25
lotuspsychjesdf555555: lets stick to the ubuntu support05:25
sdf555555Its a few year old system, but the last OSes, its ran perfectly fine, thats just for references that its been stable in the past without problems, just with 13.04 for some reason05:26
lotuspsychjesdf555555: i had one box on ubuntu, that freezed on me with 1TB disk as slave05:27
sdf555555Yea, it has a 1tb disk in that system for storage05:27
lotuspsychjesdf555555: had to plug it out and single ssd05:27
lotuspsychjesdf555555: but i suggest you track down whats really happening with your system and let us know05:28
sdf555555The 64gb curical ssd [M4] is on the only sate3 port, and the hdd is on a sata 2 port, with no cd or other hard drives05:28
lotuspsychjesdf555555: check ##hardware aswell for your device problems05:28
sdf555555The hdd is M$ [ntfs?] formated, just for infomation05:29
lotuspsychjesdf555555: you told us you had several errors a day lets focus on those05:30
lotuspsychjesdf555555: ##hardware channel to discuss hardware issues yes05:31
sdf555555lotuspsychje: doesn't seem anyone currently is in there to help out, but your saying that it could be the hdd [or ssd] causing these issues? Also did you notice any noticable issues in my syslog1?05:37
lotuspsychjesdf555555: didnt see anything suspicious in syslog at first, best way is to run your desktop 13.04 for some time and solve problem by problem05:39
lotuspsychjehave to bbl05:39
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sdf555555dpkg: warning: ignoring pre-dependency problem! ; reason for this?05:46
sdf555555lotuspsychje: also I forgot to mention, few days ago, the system would not boot up into ubuntu, it said to go into recovery mode or something, but wouldn't boot up into that, I plan on reinstall 12.04 on it, but didn't have time, rebooted a cuple of times that day, and it still had that issuse, then two days later I boot the system up and it booted up fine05:49
holsteinsdf555555: sounds like you have some hardare specific issues with support for that device05:50
holsteinsdf555555: what kernel was chrome using?05:50
sdf555555no idea05:50
holsteinsdf555555: i think it would be worth looking into what the kernel that was designed to support that hardware is doing05:51
holsteinsdf555555: im not sure on why you bought a chrome-book to run ubuntu, other that the price.. and i can imagine your frustration.. but, there might be some "magic" in that kernel verion that would really help you05:51
sdf555555I'm not using a chrome-book, I'm running an i5 2300, 6GB ram intel 2000 64gb ssd system05:52
sdf555555holstein:  also I wouldn't even buy a pos chromebook, however I did receive one from google, the cr-48 dev's chromebook when they where giving them to 'testers'05:54
holsteinsdf555555: so, what is the issue?05:54
holsteinwhat are you trying to install that gives that error?05:54
sdf555555Not trying to install anything, Stating that my desktop running 13.04 64bit is having a bunch of issues, mainly three issues, one being a lock screen that doesn't work and goes to a black page, the other having the ubuntu has an error window pop-up a number of times a day under normal usage, and the last, of where the system would not boot into ubuntu, and wanted to go into recovery mode [i believe] but wouldn't boot into that, rebo05:57
sdf555555wouldn't boot into ubuntu, and then a few days later I decide to turn on the system, and it magically booted into ubuntu without problem05:57
holsteinwhat would i do? test the hardware.. test the memory, and hard drive.. look for and apply all upgrades.. try and reproduce these errors from a live CD05:58
holsteinsdf555555: test whatever live CD you want to use before installing to be sure hardware support is there05:59
wilee-nileesdf555555, Have you checked the poups as to maybe installed apps, or 3rd parties, and have you modified grub?05:59
holsteinsdf555555: the "magically booted" sounds like something a failing hard drive would do05:59
sdf555555It would boot up into the grub recovery window, but wouldn't boot into ubuntu, but a few days later it did for some reason06:00
holsteinsdf555555: sure, im not doubting you.. im proposing the reason is failing hard ware06:00
sdf555555Also, its an SSD, so it could be dying?06:01
St1gmaI would probably check SMART output06:01
holsteinsdf555555: thats what im proposing it wouldnt be a waste of time confirming06:01
holsteinsdf555555: also, memory issues can just cause all kinds of "funkiness"06:01
St1gmaOh ssd...06:01
holsteinsdf555555: if you are asking "do you all use 13.04 and it acts like this?"... of course not06:01
sdf555555Its a Curical M4 64GB SSD, and they had reports of those SSDs failing, but when I check, might had the new rev on it/bios/firmware on it where they weren't the ones to fail06:02
sdf555555mine had*06:02
holsteinsdf555555: you either have *drastic* hardware incompatibities to work around or failing hardware in my opinion06:02
St1gmaI have had no problems like that on my installations... And I'm running on an ssd06:03
holsteinsdf555555: *all* drives fail.. im not saying yours has failed.. im just saying it wont hurt to test06:03
sdf555555I can use mem84 test for the ram, what could I use for the ssd?06:03
holsteinsdf555555: i usually remove what i can from the equation.. trying to replicate from a live CD was a suggestion i gave above, and here for that06:04
holsteinhttp://blogs.nologin.es/slopez/archives/33-Checking-the-health-of-your-SSD-from-GNULinux.html myabe06:04
holsteinmaybe* .. i dont have an ssh to try this on06:04
izxHow do i resolve this error? >> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? ??06:05
holsteinsdf555555: try and think of what the constants are in the scenario.. the internet that downloaded the iso. the USB stick that had the iso that installed the os's.. the user setup and config.. etc06:06
holsteinizx: is another process using it? if so, close it.. if you have 2 package managers open, for example06:06
sdf555555I will say this holstein, I use to run linux mint on this box before, and would have random power-offs, mainly once a 13hour day, or on some days; a few times a day, however with ubuntu I havn't had that problem06:06
holsteinsdf555555: unless you are comparing ubuntu with the mint version that is the same, that could be due to version changes06:07
sdf555555but I guess that could be a funny way of showing a dying ssd or maybe even a motherboard [back when I was running mint on it, I did rule out the powersupply being the problem]06:07
holsteinsdf555555: that could have been, you had ubuntu 11.10, and the ubntu 12.04 based mint, and mint was fine.. and the ubuntu 12.04 would have been fine as well06:07
holsteinsdf555555: so, unless you have those version #'s, that example is not relevant06:08
sdf555555it was mint 13, ubuntu, not the debain one06:08
holsteinsdf555555: overheating is typically what causes what you are describing06:08
theadminHm. sdf555555, another reason Ubuntu may fail is due to graphic cards. Ubuntu is heavy on 3D nowadays, which is pretty but...06:08
holsteinsdf555555: i *never* said "debian"06:08
sdf555555its watered cooled, running at around 35C stable all the time06:09
holsteinsdf555555: if it were stable, we wouldnt be talking...06:09
holsteinsdf555555: im just saying "typically".. and in mint, that kernel could have supported the hardware better06:09
qinWhy software center want me to "Buy" steam?06:10
holsteinsdf555555: could have been that ubuntu was a different version, as i said, and that the same ubuntu base that mint was utilizing would have produced the same result06:10
holstein!steam | qin06:10
ubottuqin: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.06:10
sdf555555theadmin: I'm using intel 2000 gpu off of the i5 230006:10
theadminsdf555555: Hm. I think I have the same one (although I also have a nVIDIA one and I have no idea which one is actually in use)06:11
sdf555555okay, well thanks everyone, guess its time for ruling out hardware causing the problems06:13
holsteinsdf555555: likely, its past time for that.. good luck, and let the volunteers here know how you are getting along with it..06:14
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theadminqin: Third-party software is like that. If a separate repo requires enabling, it will show "Buy...", I'm quite sure that's a bug.06:15
theadminqin: Probably being worked on, you won't be charged, don't worry. It will ask you to sign in with your Ubuntu One account, though.06:15
sdf555555holstein: I had a hard time believing it to be a hardware issue, since on 12.04 it was stable, however it does appear to me that it could be hardware related06:15
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Guest38915I have ubuntu server 12.04, just installed it and i want to install samba, it got messed up from an update i think. But i can't get samba working again. I had it so no one needed too login to it but i can't get that again with 3.6.306:17
qintheadmin: it's more about ubuntuone account requirment.06:18
theadminqin: Yeah, well, again, third-party software (like those submitted to the Software Center by other developers, not the Ubuntu team) require an account, currently.06:18
KidBetawould this be a okay challenege to ask about Make or is there a better place06:18
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david1I have ubuntu server 12.04, just installed it and i want to install samba, it got messed up from an update i think. But i can't get samba working again. I had it so no one needed too login to it but i can't get that again with 3.6.306:19
KidBetaokay place06:19
thomasdHi there06:19
thomasdis there someone how can help me with my modem/router configuration.06:20
varunendrathomasd, if it is Ubuntu related..06:21
thomasdvarunendra, it is not ubuntu related, but it is some general knowledge about networking that I am lacking.06:22
trueneuthomasd, probably you want to ask it in ##networking then.06:23
thomasdbut I am runing ubuntu powered compters behind this router if that matters :-)06:23
varunendrathomasd, you should try #hardware or ##networking then06:23
w30 /part06:24
qintheadmin: Thank you. :( (does steam know now my ubuntuone email?)06:25
theadminqin: No, it's not passed anywhere outside of Canonical's internal infrastructure, only the Ubuntu One services know about it06:26
qintheadmin: That's uplifting ;)06:26
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netlarAnyone else have the system hang when shutting down computer when there are more than one persong logged in?06:41
cokaI'm lost I just got a webtv and I can't find chat.talkcity.com06:49
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serialquestionerhello! is there anybody out there?06:50
cokaanyone know how to hook a webtv up to Talkcity06:50
serialquestionerneed some really easy help06:50
niparAnyone up for helping me through installing a Radeon HD 4xxx on Ubuntu 12.04? been struggling all morning, and im not getting anywhere.06:51
serialquestionerwell not for me cause i'm a faggot chicken06:51
serialquestionerwell i got some problem to run qbittorrent..for some weird reasons it doesn't want to run06:51
serialquestioneri tried to restart but still got the same problem..i hope there are no errors in that and/or there is no script blocking it.06:52
bazhang!language | serialquestioner06:53
ubottuserialquestioner: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:53
ncdmranyone else having an issue adding ppa's?  I get tracebacks of what looks like ssl errors06:53
serialquestionerbazhang i think telling i am a chicken is not so offending...maybe telling about myself that i'm a f****t one is not so polite..but it's not my fault if i born that way...anyway you know chickens are not usually so professional animals,except for doing eggs..in that situation they are second only to dinosaurs.06:56
serialquestionerwell i'm sorry..but i still got same problem i need to solve..and i'm here hoping in some help.06:57
exportwait wat was the problem?06:57
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serialquestionergot problems running qbittorent...it doesn't want to run,i tried to reinstall it but still doesn't work..and i'm not so experienced on those things so..06:59
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: did you try to run it from terminal?07:01
serialquestionersymbol lookup error: qbittorrent: undefined symbol: _ZN10libtorrent7sessionC1ERKNS_11fingerprintEii07:01
serialquestionersorry for not using pastebin but really short line07:02
=== Ububegin_ is now known as Ububegin
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: you can also search existing bugs here: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues07:03
serialquestionerCouldn't set environment variable...07:03
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: what ubuntu version are you on mate?07:05
niparNot sure if learning to make ubuntu work requires more reading than actually learning to read07:05
niparand there went the keyboard support! 3rd reinstall this morning :)07:06
beyondcrHello I am using ubuntu 13.04 and I was wondering if there was a way to keep the window controls always visible07:07
lotuspsychjenipar: plz stick to ubuntu support questions07:07
serialquestioner12.04 «precise pargolin»07:07
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: found some thread with sortlike issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174986707:07
lotuspsychjebeyondcr: maybe unity-tweak-tool can solve such things07:08
serialquestioneroh my hero <307:09
souravajwhats the use of ls command07:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:09
exporttype 'man ls' :)07:09
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/07:10
beyondcrlotuspsychje, I was looking around in the unity-tweak-tool, and I did not come across anything yet although that is a must have tool07:10
niparlotuspsychje, pointing out to people to stick to support questions is not in itself sticking to support questions either, so you're just as guilty as me! Also, im ending this line with a support question to justify it: Does anyone know how to get a Radeon HD 4xxx card working on ubuntu any version >= 12.04?07:10
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IdleOne!msgthebot > souravaj07:10
ubottusouravaj, please see my private message07:10
kit-kat1hi all i got the below error while compiling the bluez-utils-3.36 http://pastebin.com/CRFh0Db4 can you tell me any solution or any  patches07:11
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beyondcra friend of mine is freaking out because the close buttons went away when he full screens it I told him to just get use to it07:11
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: http://askubuntu.com/questions/52498/openshot-and-qbittorrent-quits-after-after-being-launched07:11
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lotuspsychjebeyondcr: i think your friend will have to deal with unity changes, even with min/max buttons visible you still need to go ontop for options07:12
bazhangbeyondcr, on unity or gnome-shell07:12
beyondcrYhea plus if they were always visible some info would be missing like the apps title.07:13
beyondcrbut it would be nice to have a option to keep them always visible but you would loose the programs title07:15
lotuspsychjebeyondcr: you can maximize so you still see the min/max buttons, bu that about does it07:15
bazhangbeyondcr, care to answer my question?07:15
beyondcrhis main thing was they are not visible till you mouse over07:15
beyondcrbazhang, unity07:16
exportwhy not just change the desktop environment? :P07:16
bazhangthats unity then07:16
bazhangtry the unity tweak tool07:16
beyondcrsorry I thought you were saying its the same way on both07:16
lotuspsychjebeyonddr: like export says you could install gnome fallback for your friend07:16
exportor possibly cinnamon ;D07:17
exportlol mate is nice too :)07:17
bazhang!info unity-tweak-tool | beyondcr give this a try07:17
ubottubeyondcr give this a try: unity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration manager for Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.4ubuntu0.1 (raring), package size 414 kB, installed size 2139 kB07:17
exportthe world is full of choice and thats why linux is great!! ;)07:17
serialquestionerlotuspsyche so i have to type command: sudo aptitude purge qbittorrent ???07:17
beyondcrbazhang, I am in unity-tweak-tool but I seen no options to keep them always visible07:18
bazhang!aptitude > serialquestioner07:18
ubottuserialquestioner, please see my private message07:18
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: purge is for complete uninstall, not sure if that will fix your issue, read the thread07:18
bazhangbeyondcr, ok, thought it was worth suggesting07:18
serialquestionerthanks mr. ubottu07:19
beyondcrbazhang, it was a good suggestion, that is a must have tool in my imo07:19
serialquestionerlotuspsychje well i can try07:19
exportbeyondcr: you can tell your friend to try different desktop environments and even keep them all and choose which one your friend wants at login :)07:19
lotuspsychjebeyondcr: but still after getting used to unity, it all gets very easy07:20
beyondcrunity is nice we tried them all, just the little things he wants to pick on07:20
lotuspsychjeheADaChE: plz stick to ubuntu support mate07:20
exportyeah i know what you mean XD i went with cinnamon XD fell in love07:20
beyondcrpersonally I did not care for unity then I had is empty feeling and had to have it back07:21
exporti don't hate unity i just don't really prefer it07:21
lotuspsychjelets move on guys07:21
beyondcryep thanks for the help07:21
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: did you try transmission its pretty good and comes by default?07:23
paul_hi there, Can I have some assistance please.07:24
lotuspsychje!ask | paul_07:24
ubottupaul_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:24
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "sudo" - See !sudo07:24
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paul_I am attempting to run a citrix session - using java.07:24
serialquestioner!aptitude >  lotuspsychje07:25
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message07:25
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paul_When I click on "my desktop" link, my browser proceeds to download an "ica" file.07:25
paul_rather than load my citrix desktop.07:25
serialquestionerwell anyway i don't have it installed and it tells me that it shouldn't work properly on my ubuntu version07:25
paul_this was not happening a couple of days ago.07:25
Guest52181how to adduser?07:25
paul_I want it to load my citrix desktop.07:26
lotuspsychjeGuest52181: you just triggered the info...07:26
paul_I have tried to install Citrix Receiver from the citrix reciver website, though it didn't have sufficient libraries for my 64bit system.07:26
lotuspsychjepaul_: from ubuntu you want a citrix session?07:26
paul_yes that's right.07:27
paul_I want to access my work citrix from my ubuntu environment.07:27
lotuspsychje!citrix | paul_07:27
ubottupaul_: For help configuring the Citrix ICA Client, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo07:27
paul_thank you07:28
lotuspsychjepaul_: np mate07:28
wskkI'm having graphics issues07:29
lotuspsychjewskk: shoot your issue mate07:29
bazhang!details | wskk07:30
ubottuwskk: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:30
ReiXorI would like to say hello to the Linux community. I've been interested in Linux and it's potential for years, but as a gamer I got stuck with... well, you know. Then I started watching the Linux Action Show and discovered that I had lost track of the progress being made. I've now been using Ubuntu on a laptop for about 2 months now (my first hands-on experience), and I can't get enough....07:30
ReiXor...However, as I have been stuck in the black hole that is MS for 15 years or so, I'm basically as noobish as it gets. So any advice for a brand-spanking-new Linux user would be invaluable. My apologies for the gigantic post.07:30
bazhang!manual | ReiXor07:30
ubottuReiXor: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:30
bazhang!rute > ReiXor07:30
ubottuReiXor, please see my private message07:30
lotuspsychjeReiXor: you still wanna game from ubuntu?07:31
bazhangReiXor, please keep it to actual support questions with your ubuntu install07:31
ReiXorI am a long-term gamer, so yes I really want to game with Linux.07:32
serialquestionerhow to access my qbittorrent configuration log?07:32
wskkI'm running on Ubuntu 12.04 with an ATI Radeon HD 7770, and tried dling the fglrx software; it was disabled because of some kind of issue (after I noticed my Snap feature and such were not working even after double checking the systems settings to see if they were all on). So, I tried purging these files, re-dling them repeatedly with errors by the end and damaged pkgs07:32
lotuspsychjeReiXor: try steam, playonlinux and wine for gaming07:32
bazhangwskk, dling from where07:33
ReiXorwill do07:33
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: maybe in you /home (showing hidden files)07:33
wskkI have been using http://askubuntu.com/questions/124292/what-is-the-correct-way-to-install-ati-catalyst-video-drivers-fglrx with the proprietary driver from the ATI site07:34
wskk(12.6 as provided)07:34
SilverexHey guys, I downloaded a tarball compiz patch from launchpad but how do I install the patch?07:35
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man1/qbittorrent.1.html    <------ serialquestioner07:35
vnwildmanlzop is very fast, so why it isn't installed by default07:36
lotuspsychje!ot | vnwildman07:37
ubottuvnwildman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:37
serialquestionerlotuspsychje i'm sorry lol i always forget...i don't usually use linux for everything cause i'm mainly a gamer too..i use it only for serious things and as a chicken i don't have a really serious life lol07:39
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: please stick to ubuntu related questions here mate07:39
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: you can discuss all kinds of things in #ubuntu-offtopic07:40
serialquestionerok lotuspsychje.. anyway i would say : thank you guys for your help you so nice to me.07:40
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: come back any time for support here :p07:41
lotuspsychje!ati | wskk07:41
ubottuwskk: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:41
lotuspsychjecodephobic: hello, what can we help you with,?07:42
codephobicI absent-mindedly installed an xterm app that ubuntu 13.04 has hooked up to the Ctrl+f shortcut.07:42
codephobicI think I must have done it whilst installing/configuring something else (but it was a while ago)07:42
codephobicI need to reclaim the Ctrl+f for find07:43
codephobichow do I reset that?07:43
ReiXorthere is some sort of network service in Ubuntu that isn't compatible with a windows network. (my gaming pc is still XP) I don't remember what it's called because the alert only shows for a second, and I can't find it again.07:43
prashant_123456insyde h2o uefi no options for secure boot and Windows "Fast boot" ??07:44
lotuspsychje!uefi | prashant_12345607:44
ubottuprashant_123456: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:44
prashant_123456lotuspsychje: cant find options07:44
SilverexHey guys, I downloaded a tarball compiz patch from launchpad but how do I install the patch?07:45
wskkIs there a way for me to purge all of the files that I dled from my past attempts and clean out my damaged package (that didn't show up in Synaptic)07:45
serialquestionercan i purge qbittorrent without using aptitude?07:46
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: you can also uninstall packages from software centre07:46
bazhang!apt-get | serialquestioner07:47
ubottuserialquestioner: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)07:47
EchoDevHi, what happens when I answer "no" to the question "Clone multiply-claimed block" in e2fsck?07:50
captineanyone here use ubuntu on macbook successfully.  i am little depressed as i had rewards and the only tech I could spend it on was Mac, but not being able to customise osx is making me miss ubuntu07:50
lotuspsychje!mac | captine07:51
ubottucaptine: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages07:51
SilverexHey guys, I downloaded a tarball compiz patch from launchpad but how do I install the patch?07:52
lotuspsychjeSilverex: you got an url on that?07:52
serialquestionerguys i tried to purge with  apt-get and reinstall but still can't get the point...tried to change something in configuration but i'm still so noob..it doesn't want to work..i think i need some more binding help O.o07:53
aeon-ltdSilverex: got a link for the patch?07:54
lotuspsychjeEchoDev: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172068607:54
aeon-ltdSilverex: but i'm guessing you'll have to compile compiz with that07:54
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: how about you use pasteubuntu for your error on qbittorrent and paste it here07:55
codephobichmm, I'm guessing experts are thin on the ground at this time of the morning.07:56
codephobicwhen does this place get busy? I'll come back later.07:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:56
Silverexlotuspsychje: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/0.9.9/revision/362107:56
lotuspsychjecodephobic: re-ask your issue in here once in a while, not everyone is here all the time07:56
EchoDevthanks lotuspsychje07:56
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aeon-ltdcaptine: i heard macs work pretty well, i've installed on a macbook4,1(2008) mostly no problems, broadcom wifi worked fine, media/alternative function keys can work - downsides battery life is 1-2hours worse than osx, trackpad isn't as smooth07:57
codephobiclotuspsychje, ah ... sorry thought you were a bot earlier.07:58
codephobicI absent-mindedly installed an xterm app that ubuntu 13.04 has hooked up to the Ctrl+f shortcut.07:58
codephobicI need to reclaim the Ctrl+f for find07:58
codephobichow do I reset that?07:58
karlmhi really am LOVING my new laptop from walmart today!! on sale for 298, intel i3 dual core 1.9, 6gb ram, 500 hdd, intel graphics (workimg with DRI, GLX). imstalled ubuntu right away, got compiz workng too07:58
karlmh15.6 widescreen07:58
lotuspsychje!yay | karlmh07:58
ubottukarlmh: Glad you made it! :-)07:59
codephobickarlmh, that reminds me .... I need to get a new graphics card, Ubuntu's more demanding than Windows 7 :(07:59
karlmhubottu: been using linux for 10 years, used gentoo before ubuntu07:59
ubottukarlmh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:59
kanliotthere's a 7570 on sale for $70 or something07:59
serialquestionerlotuspsychje i'm not able to define where the error is..cause i'm a noob chicken08:00
karlmhcodephobic: no way!08:00
codephobicI'm going to have to catch-up with the times, can't use W8 or the newer X in Linux distributions.08:00
serialquestionerubottu i think who created you is :)08:00
=== resure is now known as Guest62782
lotuspsychjeguys, lets stick to ubuntu supporting questions08:00
kanliotx.org is gone in 13.1008:00
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lotuspsychjeuse #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions08:00
karlmhkanliot: whats in its place??08:01
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbittorrent/+bug/99028408:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990284 in qBittorrent "Does not start (Can't set environment variable) (stack smashing detected)" [Undecided,Invalid]08:02
gordonjcpcodephobic: you could try turning off compositing?08:02
gordonjcpcodephobic: I find it hard to believe you've got a graphics card that will work with Windows 7 but not work with Ubuntu08:03
lotuspsychjeserialquestioner: dont you like transmission?08:05
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codephobicgordonjcp, no that's not what I meant. my graphics card (at present) is working with ubuntu using default drivers, I can't use compiz or anything flash because nvidia aren't supporting the card any more. W7 just has the usual legacy support thing, so it works perfectly.08:06
serialquestioneri like it a lot...and i find it works really good..but still haven't got browser implemented...and i don't like to search for torrents in web :P08:07
codephobicgoing forward, I'll need to upgrade my graphics card, in order to make use of the more powerful functionalities available in any of the desktop Linux distros (aside from Debian which seems to be staying put with the old x).08:07
lotuspsychjebbl guys08:09
suoreHello. I'have problem. VLC could not open the file "/media/wlosio/RECORDS/HBPVR/TVP_Rozrywka-07062013-0829.ts". (Input/output error)08:14
suoreTVP_Rozrywka-07062013-0829.mts: writable, regular file, no read permission08:14
captinelotuspsychje, thanks for the link.  My challenge is my macbook is not listed.. Will try install when on better internet connection and see how it works.08:15
=== chris is now known as Guest80509
prashant_123456not able to disable secure boot and fast boot on hp 2000-2106tu08:23
SilverexDoes anyone know why compiz is taking up excessive amounts of CPU? It's giving me 100% CPU usage on core 108:27
SilverexCauses applications to lag and video stutters08:28
SilverexDoes anyone know why compiz is taking up excessive amounts of CPU? It's giving me 100% CPU usage on core 1. Causes applications to lag and video stutters08:32
vadiMy USC has been stuck "applying changes" while installing distributed-net for two hours now. I don't think it'll ever finish, and I've already checked for possible windows it might have opened, there are none. How can I tell it to cancel installing?08:33
vadiI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.08:33
pyoungyangi tried to install the wireless driver .08:34
pyoungyangbut failed.08:35
varunendrapyoungyang, what is your card? (lspci -nn)08:35
vadiI think he missed the question08:36
varunendrapyoungyang, what is your card? (lspci -nn)08:36
pyoungyangwhere can I check the card specification?08:36
pyoungyangsorry, i am newbee08:36
varunendrapyoungyang, the command - "lspci -nn" in a terminal. Post its output here08:37
pyoungyangubuntu version is 10.04 LTS08:37
bekksDo not post the output here.08:37
bekksPastebin it, and give us the URL only.08:37
bekks!pastebin | pyoungyang08:37
ubottupyoungyang: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:37
varunendrabekks, that output is only one line by the way :)08:37
vadiIt's pretty large for me08:38
varunendrapyoungyang, my first suggestion would be to upgrade to 12.04, maybe your wireless will work out-of-box.08:38
bekksvarunendra: lspci -nn | wc -l returns 16 here.08:38
varunendraoh sorry, I forgot "| grep -i net" /facepalms08:39
varunendrapyoungyang, "lspci -nn | grep -i net". And 10.04 has reached its end of life. It is outdated now.08:40
bekksvarunendra: "Only" the desktop, not the server.08:41
varunendrabekks, sure ! But I don't think they're using server.08:42
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ntzrmtthihu777howdy all :D08:44
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prashant_123456dual boot win7 and ubuntu but after completion of ubuntu 13.04 only win7 starts on hp2000-2106tu08:49
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histo!grub | prashant_12345608:49
ubottuprashant_123456: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:49
prashant_123456histo: secure boot is also disabled but i cannot find fast boot in bios setup08:50
histoprashant_123456: does grub load at all?08:50
prashant_123456histo: no straight windows 7 starts08:51
histoprashant_123456: well you need to install grub. At the end of installation it should have asked you if you wanted to install it.08:51
histo!uefi | prashant_12345608:51
ubottuprashant_123456: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:51
prashant_123456histo: it havent asked it08:51
prashant_123456histo: asked me08:52
ntzrmtthihu777prashant_123456: should check out boot-repair08:52
ntzrmtthihu777=_= this is not a command why? its too damn useful XD08:52
prashant_123456ntzrmtthihu777: ok so i have to boot repair using live cd ?08:52
UnniHello folks ...I''m not able to use "put" command on my tftp server in 12.04  ...it says file not found..I can still able to use the "get" command....08:53
UnniCan someone help..08:53
ntzrmtthihu777prashant_123456: yeah, but idk about how it acts with eufi or whatever its acalled.08:53
vadiUnni: what syntax are you using?08:53
prashant_123456ntzrmtthihu777: ok i will try to repair grub08:53
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vadiMy USC has been stuck "applying changes" while installing distributed-net for two hours now. I don't think it'll ever finish, and I've already checked for possible windows it might have opened, there are none. How can I tell it to cancel installing?08:55
ntzrmtthihu777dunno, I haven't used usc in quite some time.08:56
vadihttp://askubuntu.com/a/240226/4918 seems to have helped me.08:57
prashant_123456ntzrmtthihu777: path boot/grub is not accessible09:00
Unnivadi...its solved ...09:00
giwrgarashow can i change permission to a scv file09:01
giwrgarasi want to copy a csv file to a postgres table and i get the following:09:02
giwrgaraspermission denied09:02
Unniactually I've to use  -c option to enable it...so I mofified /etc/defaults/tftpd-hpa file and changed the tftp_option to  TFTP_OPTIONS ="-c --secure09:02
Unninow the issue is solved..09:02
Unnivadi...thanks fr the replay...09:03
gordonjcpgiwrgaras: without seeing the actual command and error message verbatim it's impossible to say09:03
gordonjcpgiwrgaras: pastebin what you typed and the error message09:04
giwrgarasthere is no error. i try to copy a file from my /home/me/Downloads to a table file using the command \copy mytable from /home/me/Downloads with header csv; and i get a 'PERMISSION DENIED'09:05
giwrgaraswhich means i am not the primary user of the file and cannot copy it i guess09:05
mvfdvsaqwsgnhnbtest too...09:06
paco135Hello guys, I was SMART testing this computer's hard drive and it says that the disk is healthy but that also FAILED to read. I tested a second, brand new hard drive and it's the same. What is wrong? The motherboard? The PSU?09:07
giwrgarastried the chmod g+r, o+r NOTHING09:07
medflyhello. I have a problem w/ USB devices suddenly stopping to work (two kinds, so it is most likely not the devices themselves). if I type "lsusb" it gets stuck until I remove all the USB devices (which do not work).09:07
giwrgarastried the chmod g+r, o+r /home/me/Downloads/myfile.csv09:07
gordonjcpgiwrgaras: without seeing the command you typed and the exact error message there's no way to track it down09:08
gordonjcpgiwrgaras: you did not get just "permission denied"09:08
ntzrmtthihu777alrighty, seems to be in order :D09:08
medflythe two USB devices that cause problems: 1. Logitech mouse (not a problem on its own) 2. keyboard with a PS/2->USB adapter. (introduction of this started causing the problems)09:09
medflyhowever, if I connect just the mouse now it doesn't work either.09:09
histomedfly: check dmesg09:10
giwrgaras'Could not open the file09:11
giwrgaras'Could not open the file '/mpla/mpla/mytable.csv' for reading. Permission denied'09:11
histogiwrgaras: ls -l /mpla/mpla/mytable.csv09:12
medflyI did. says stuff like: [ 6118.142249] usb 2-1.4: device descriptor read/64, error -11009:12
histomedfly: is that device possibly going bad?09:12
gordonjcpmedfly: ps/2-usb adaptors are flaky at best :-/09:12
medflyhisto: no USB device is working, so yes.09:12
medflygordonjcp: yes, I have noticed. but I wonder why just inserting the USB mouse doesn't work now either. I assume that if I reboot it iwll start working...09:13
medflyI really like having a keyboard. oh well09:13
medflymaybe buy a normal USB one09:13
gordonjcpmedfly: I don't know, maybe it just makes the controller toss its cookies09:13
giwrgaras-rw-r--rw- 109:14
=== jinie is now known as zz_jinie
histogiwrgaras: what command are you using?09:17
giwrgarasCOPY table_name09:18
giwrgarasFROM '/home/kramer65/Bureaublad/table_data.csv'09:18
giwrgarasQUOTE '"'09:18
FloodBot1giwrgaras: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:18
histogiwrgaras: ask in mysql support09:18
giwrgarasits a ubuntu problem09:19
histogiwrgaras: or whatever database you are using09:19
giwrgarasas always everything works fine in windows but not in this crap09:19
histogiwrgaras: Well it's a permissions issue mostlike with your database09:20
=== JotaK2 is now known as JotaK
histogiwrgaras: but feel free to blame the os09:24
lesshastehow do you start ssh-agent at boot rather than having to open a terminal and start it there?09:25
lesshasteor at log in09:25
tofalesshaste I think you can use update-rc.d09:28
lesshasteisn't there a  "manage passwords" tool or something?09:28
bekkslesshaste: No.09:30
lesshastebekks, so what is the standard way of doing this? The problem is that if I run ssh-agent from a terminal then apps I run by clicking on icons don't work09:31
srimantaCan somebody help me out with Ralink3290 driver.09:32
lesshasteisn't there a gnome keyring?09:32
srimantaIt si frequently crashing my system09:32
lesshastesrimanta, best to google any error messages09:32
srimantaNot got any solution from googling09:33
srimantaMy dmesg shows : RT3290_AsicTxAlcGetAutoAgcOffset: Incorrect desired TSSI or current TSSI09:33
superdocan I somehow download boot-repair package ?09:34
srimantaOn forum it tells to upgrade to kernel 3.709:34
srimantabut it doesnot help09:34
lesshastesrimanta, try posting to askubuntu assumign you have done all the right upgrading09:35
superdoI have problems with dual booting Win8 & Ubuntu, but have no internet conn. when I run the Live Usb ..09:35
lesshastesrimanta, read http://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=10422.30 too09:35
DJonessuperdo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair Has a link to a downloadable iso which contains the boot repair package09:36
=== knightwolf is now known as knightwolf-home
superdoDJones, thanks, but I tried it with a boot repair usb install, it needs internet to work properly, so its quits..09:38
superdothe strange, when I disable EFI in bios, my laptop cant find ubuntu on usb, gives a command line like ...09:40
superdoi think about its better to burn ubuntu install on a dvd..09:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:41
OerHeks+ black screen + blinking cursor09:41
DJones!uefi | superdo Thankfully, I've nor come across any Win 8 machines yet, but maybe something in this link that will help,09:41
ubottusuperdo Thankfully, I've nor come across any Win 8 machines yet, but maybe something in this link that will help,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:41
superdoDJones, yes, I know this link, the article doesnt count with when I have no internet booting the live cd/usb09:42
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superdoI used successfully earlier boot-repair, but that time - dont know why, how - had internet conn.09:43
DJonessuperdo: I can't understand why it needs internet to run09:43
superdoboot-repair sends a link trough internet after its ready09:43
DJonessuperdo: Are you able to use a wired connection on a temporary basis to get past that09:44
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. just a bit o' info, please. I should like to delete a few certain files each day @ 00:00. I know chron is what I need to use, and I know the command needed to be executed (rm $HOME/.irssi/logs/*/*/*/*/{nickserv,auth}.log), but exactly *where* to place this idk.09:44
superdono :(09:44
varunendrasuperdo, in case of no internet, boot repair will just save the boot info in a local file (not sure in Home or desktop).09:44
ntzrmtthihu777superdo: just grab the .deb package and install it. the don't really need the link :P09:44
ntzrmtthihu777this is one of the packages I think really belongs on the iso :P, like how gparted is on the livecd but isn't installed on the system itself. its too damn useful :D09:45
superdodo you think that it can be a problem I use now SSD drive?09:46
ntzrmtthihu777superdo: unlikely.09:46
varunendrasuperdo, you can also manually run the boot info script to generate the boot-info summary : http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/09:47
superdoread some forum posts on askubuntu guys leave ssd and go back to HDD and was all ok09:47
superdovarunendra, and what info can I get to use it in next step?09:48
varunendrasuperdo, the link I gave you also has the steps to use it.09:49
BlueChaosguys any ps3 emulator for ubuntu or olther kaind of emulator for ubuntu ?09:49
BlueChaoshow can i do to run ps3 file?09:49
varunendraonce you have the "Results.txt" file, copy it to the usb drive and pastebin it from a system which has internet connection. superdo09:50
superdovarunendra, ok.09:50
OerHeksBlueChaos, PCSX2 will enable you to play ps2 games. Nothing yet for PS3.09:50
varunendraBlueChaos, I don't think there is a PS3 emulator out yet09:50
varunendrafor ps2, you have plenty of choices in Ubuntu. BlueChaos09:51
BlueChaosi'm using ubuntu varunendra  but i'm wanna play naruto shippuden ultimate storm 309:51
varunendraI personally like PCSX, BlueChaos09:51
BlueChaosand I cannot run that file intro ps209:52
varunendraBlueChaos, is it a ps3 game ?09:52
varunendraThen probably you are out of luck, BlueChaos09:53
tofalesshaste , try sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults09:54
claudiaper parlare in italiano?09:54
DJones!it | claudia09:54
ubottuclaudia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:54
BlueChaosbut I sow in youtube.com guys running it , ive replace windows with ubuntu to run it ..09:54
ntzrmtthihu777!it | claudia09:54
BlueChaoscan u take a look ?09:55
BlueChaosand tell me how to do please.09:55
varunendraBlueChaos, I don't know of a ps3 emulator yet. But I'd sure like to take a look if you have a link to it.09:56
OerHeksBlueChaos, show us the ps3 game running on ubuntu09:57
BlueChaosOerHeks, I've told i'm searching for a emulator for ubuntu  not i'm use I test ps2 emulator with windows09:57
varunendraBlueChaos, by the way, it's the first time I've heard someone replacing windows with Linux for games !! LOL09:58
ntzrmtthihu777varunendra: make me the second one, then :P09:58
gordonjcpvarunendra: all the good stuff is already in Linux09:58
magic_ali created a shellscript which opens a application with some specific parameters. can anyone tell me how i can add a "shell shortcut" to this script? i want the script to be executed by just writing a single word in the terminal09:58
gordonjcpvarunendra: and the Source engine actually works better in Wine than native Windows...09:58
BlueChaosI know , it's sounds bad , but what too do that i've sow that i do ..09:58
OerHeksBlueChaos, you stated a ps3 game could be run on ubuntu, so i asked.09:59
gordonjcpBlueChaos: most PCs don't really have the grunt to emulate a PS309:59
tofalesshaste , has it worked?09:59
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: easy. place it in a folder ~/.bin, and add that to your $PATH variabl09:59
OerHeksBlueChaos, PCSX2 will enable you to play ps2 games. Nothing yet for PS3.09:59
gordonjcpBlueChaos: in fact a quick back-of-an-envelope calculation suggests you'd need a fairly meaty cluster to do it09:59
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, how to add it to the path?09:59
histogordonjcp: why wouldn't you just run steam natively instead of wine09:59
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: easy enough. add the following line towards the end of your ~/.bashrc10:00
histomagic_al: add an alias10:00
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
gordonjcphisto: Steam != Source10:00
varunendraBlueChaos, if you have any link showing ps3 game running on an emulator, please share it with us.10:00
gordonjcphisto: I haven't played with Steam recently though10:01
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: now any script/binary you place in ~/.bin can be called from the terminal. I have quite a few there myself. (assuming they have the executable bit set and a proper shebang)10:01
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, thanks a lot, i'll test10:02
varunendragordonjcp, I recall reading somewhere that the directx actually translates the instructions into opengl types before sending them to the hardware, thus double work !10:02
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: no prob. I find this setup to be useful :P10:02
histomagic_al: you will ahve to log out and back in of a terminal for it to work.10:02
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: or run source ~/.bashrc10:02
gordonjcpvarunendra: !10:04
ntzrmtthihu777varunendra: typical M$ :P10:04
gordonjcpvarunendra: as I understand it, OpenGL is closer to the hardware primitives of most GPUs than DX10:04
varunendraBlueChaos, I'd like to mention that I'm on a GPRS connection, so a video is going to take me ..... umm... probably less than a couple hours ??10:04
gordonjcpvarunendra: ie. OpenGL was written as a thin layer on the GPU of *a specific device*10:04
denysonique16WAAOW51 17WAB05WZ  18VABEU1S  co to za kosmici?10:05
gordonjcpvarunendra: and subsequent devices have kind of tried to match up to OpenGL, which in turn tries to match up to the hardware...10:05
DJonesBlueChaos: Looking at the videos, the first was running on Windows and the second was Ubuntu running on a PS3, neither of them was a PS3 game running in an emulator on Ubuntu10:05
OerHeksBlueChaos, the 1st one is windows, the 2nd one is running ubuntu on ps3. not actually running a ps3 game on ubuntu.10:06
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, i get this error: bash: /home/alex/.bin/rapidminer.sh: /bin/rapidminer: bad interpreter: No such file or directory10:06
DJones!pl | denysonique10:06
ubottudenysonique: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:06
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: could you pastebin it?10:06
BlueChaosDJones,  I gave u a url just to see it works I don`t search directly for ubuntu  ,10:06
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, but before moving it, the script work well10:06
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, the script or the error?10:06
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: the script10:06
BlueChaosand the ps3 is on the marked but only payd not free versions'10:06
OerHeksBlueChaos, if theere was a solution, we told you.10:07
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magic_alntzrmtthihu777, just one line: #!/bin/rapidminer10:07
magic_al  2 java -jar ~/RapidMiner/lib/rapidminer.jar10:07
BlueChaosk thank you for support ..10:07
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: not how you do that, lol.10:07
histomagic_al: yeah #!/bin/rapidminer is wrong and you should replace ~ with /home/username10:07
ntzrmtthihu777I don't think, at least. this is a java jar program?10:07
=== blinkyb is now known as amaranth
Technodromeall of once, my apt-get can't connect to a repo10:08
Technodromejust sits at 0 percent10:08
histomagic_al: #!/bin/bash  and the second line shoudl be java -jar /home/username/RapidMiner/lib/rapidminer.jar10:08
Technodromebut i can ping anything i want10:08
varunendragordonjcp, that's the fact that doubly baffles me why there are no decent 3d games for Linux.10:08
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: you did not answer our question, lol.10:09
histoTechnodrome: perhaps the repo is down10:09
=== reefrocks is now known as reef
res32hi, my brightness slider in "Brightness and Lock" settings of Ubuntu 13.04 is not working. There is no change to brightness when I use the slider. i've tried several solutions posted by others in forums and askubuntu, but none helped.10:09
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, sorry i dont understand, what is the question? :)10:09
Technodromeit pings just fine histo10:10
Technodromethe repo10:10
=== wojciech_ is now known as wojciech
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: rapidminer is a jar program, right?10:10
tofares32, what hardware?10:10
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, yes it is10:10
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: then likely what histo gave will work.10:10
res32tofa: I'm using a dell 14r n4010 laptop.10:10
res32tofa: intel hd graphics10:11
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: the #!/bin/whatever should point to a command interpreter, not a program as most people think of them.10:11
magic_alntzrmtthihu777, alright i got it. it works fine now, thank you guys for help10:11
ntzrmtthihu777magic_al: np man, I've been there :P10:12
tofares32, have you tried this ppa? linux-kamal-mjgbacklight PPA10:12
res32tofa: nop. I wasn't sure if I could use it with raring10:13
res32tofa: i've seen it10:13
tofares32, you can add non-raring ppa's10:14
tofares32, by editing them in sources.d10:14
res32tofa: okay. let me try adding it10:14
histores32: ppa's aren't supported10:17
res32histo: sorry, I don't understand10:17
theadminres32: What histo means is if a ppa breaks your system or doesn't work, this channel will not help with it10:18
ntzrmtthihu777res32: he means they are not "official ubuntu software" so #ubuntu does not support them.10:18
res32ntzrmtthihu777: histo ah understood.10:18
ntzrmtthihu777res32: doesn't mean they don't work, or that someone here won't help you on a personal level, but #ubuntu as a whole doesn't support them.10:19
res32ntzrmtthihu777: . yea, if there's any problem, i should contact the dev right? or it's respective forum or something10:19
ntzrmtthihu777res32: you got it.10:20
tofares32, sorry it seems this is a confirmed bug.10:22
res32tofa: so, shouldn't i use the ppa and see?10:23
tofares32, sure try it out, if it works great but I have no idea how it does it.10:23
threesomeHi, is it possible to set up whole disk encryption when installing Ubuntu in something like VirtualBox? (Does it even make sense to do this?)10:23
theadminthreesome: Sure, it'll encrypt the virtual virtualbox HD10:24
OerHeksres32, that ppa won't work unless you are on Natty 11.0410:24
tofares32, If all else fails run xev in a terminal and see if it registers anything for the function keys that control the backlight.10:24
BluesKajHiyas all10:24
res32tofa: trying an apt-get update after adding the ppa gives me a 404 error.10:25
res32OerHeks: oh okay.10:25
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threesometheadmin, so when running the ISO installer in VirtualBox it'll give the same option to set up full-disk encryption just like when running the installer on a desktop? (Sorry I don't have much experience with VirtualBox)10:25
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theadminthreesome: Sure, the installer doesn't care whether the hardware is virtual or not (well, it sort of does, it will download the Virtualbox Guest Additions during the install, I *think*, but other than that...)10:26
res32tofa: yes, the keys are detected10:26
=== Guest27040 is now known as resure
threesometheadmin, cool, I'll try this out10:26
OerHekstofa, maybe ths option " acpi_backlight=vendor" , add it to grub like !nomodeset10:27
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:27
tofaOerHeks, I found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/289171/brightness-controls-not-working-on-a-dell-inspiron-n4010-laptop/289177#28917710:27
res32OerHeks: i have the boot parameter already set.10:28
tofaOerHeks, which links to a confirmed bug.10:28
A1ReconAnyone using Wireless Keyboard Mouse for Ubuntu?? Is Logitech good??10:28
OerHekstofa, oke, the last part is the same solution10:28
BluesKajA1Recon, I'm using a MS KB and mouse without any problems10:29
tofaOerHeks, any other thoughts on the solution?10:29
A1ReconBluesKaj: Model??10:29
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: I'm using a logitech mouse, it does well for me.10:29
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: in general if its not something hot off the press it works, lol.10:30
OerHekstofa nope, this is the best i know :-(10:30
res32so this means I'm stuck rt10:30
tofares32, have you tried using xev.10:30
BluesKajA1Recon, MS wireless 200010:30
res32tofa. it registers the keys10:30
A1ReconBluesKaj: TY10:30
tofares32, also changing the boot parameter acpi_osi= can sometimes help.10:31
BluesKajA1Recon, got them on sale for 30 bucks10:31
res32should i leave acpi_osi=  blank?10:31
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: I have USB keyboards of Logitech. But I like this P/S 2 keboard of Logitech - K100. I think they are cute and they have no key tapping sounds at all.. I love them10:32
tofares32, yes you can try it don't think it'll help but I had a similar problem on this laptop and it helped.10:32
res32tofa: if i remember correctly, i have tried acpi_osi="Linux" and acpi_osi="'Windows 2012'" or something like this, but didn't help10:33
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: heh, my current machine has no ps2 ports10:33
superdovarunendra: my results from bootinfoscript, can you help me? http://pastebin.com/Uf7AsHn910:33
varunendrasuperdo, what is the problem? I didn't follow it earlier..10:35
res32tofa: is there a way i could detect the hotkey press in python, get the current value and increase or decrease it according to the key10:35
superdowin8 , ubuntu dual boot problem10:35
columbWhy there is a org.chromium.Chromium.shmem.libcef_ at my /dev/shm? I don't even have Chronium installed.10:36
MonkeyDustsuperdo  what command did you use to get that output?10:36
varunendrasuperdo, as per the boot info, you currently aren't dual booting at all! Only Windows10:36
varunendraMonkeyDust, boot_info_script10:37
superdoMonkeyDust : just run the bootinfoscript10:37
cfhowlettsuperdo, how did you install?  windows/wubi?10:37
superdocfhowlett: nono, no wubi10:37
superdo1. win810:37
superdo2. ubuntu 13.0410:37
cfhowlettcheesecakes, greetings10:37
cheesecakescan i get some quasselcore help?10:37
OerHekscolumb a google search shows that it comes with Steam?10:37
superdocfhowlett: on the same SSD10:38
varunendraoh, ok, taking a closer look, superdo10:38
columbDerHeks. Oh, okay.10:38
cheesecakesanyone setup a quasselcore on ubuntu?10:38
cfhowlettsuperdo, ah, ssd AND uefi.  nice but completely out of my range of experience.  someone else on this channel will no doubt know.  post details and ask again10:38
varunendrasuperdo, did you install it in UEFI mode? Is your BIOS currently set to use EFI?10:39
superdocfhowlett, ok10:39
cheesecakesok one guy just quit10:39
cheesecakesanyway to just state my problem10:39
cheesecakesi cant connect to the core from the interwebz10:39
cheesecakesi get the error in core.log as "Non authed Client disconncted"10:39
superdovarunendra: I hat to switch on. because EFI switch off and trying to boot Ubuntu LiveUSB gave me "error", dropped to some command line10:39
mamdouhhello everyone10:39
varunendracfhowlett, the fact that it is ssd shouldn't affect anything regarding booting.10:40
superdovarunendra: but not the usual command line10:40
cheesecakesalso for some strange reason quasselcore is listening on ip6, when i dont even have it enables10:40
cfhowlettvarunendra, sounds like you'd be better at advising him than I.  Proceed.10:40
cheesecakesi can connect from lolcalhost10:40
varunendrasuperdo, that's not a problem. Just so you know, if the live system boots with UEFI, it will install in UEFI mode. If you change that later, it won't boot10:41
superdovarunendra, yes10:41
varunendrabut it's long since I dealt with any boot issue, so can't be sure on everything. I invite others to jump in..!10:42
tofares32, I think there's a way to hard code key presses in X but I don't know how to do it.10:42
tofares32, does manually changing the screen brightness work then?10:42
superdovarunendra, I tried boot-repair with liveusb, but drops error it needs some package to pre-installed..10:43
res32tofa: only the command where I echo the value to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight works10:43
varunendrasuperdo, did you try the Live ISOs that come with boot-repair pre-installed?10:43
varunendrato fix the boot.10:43
superdovarunendra, yes.10:43
varunendrathat shouldn't need any extra packages to install grub ! superdo10:44
superdovarunendra, I run the auto mode, made something, then gave the message I dont have internet so exiting,...10:44
tofares32, I'm pretty sure you can hardcode X to echo numbers to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight but how you do that I don't know.10:44
tofares32, just a stupid question you are running update-grub each time?10:45
res32tofa: okay, i'll look up on that10:45
res32tofa: yup10:45
varunendrasuperdo, that would be regarding the uploading of the report. You should boot it again, then try installing grub in /dev/sda10:45
superdovarunendra, hmm good idea10:45
tofares32, try uname -r what does it return? Might be a kernel thing.10:45
res32tofa: 3.8.0-26-generic10:46
superdovarunendra, need to google for the appropriate grub install commands..10:46
varunendrasuperdo, boot repair should give you options, you should only need to choose the correct one > then install10:46
MonkeyDustres32  the current kernel is -25, where did you get that one?10:46
tofares32, Sorry I can't be of more help. There should be a way around this, ask round.10:46
res32MonkeyDust: i just use the regular software update10:47
res32tofa: thanks for the help10:47
theadminWhat's the actual status on Wubi, by the way? Is it completely dropped from future releases, or is it just not present in 13.04?10:47
* MonkeyDust updates to see kernel changes10:47
superdotheadmin, its on the 13.04 liveusb, but I read doesnt work with Win8.. not sure..10:48
cfhowletttheadmin, like a zombie, it is risen from the dead and (I've heard) live with 13.10 ...10:48
gustav___Eh, so if supertuxkart hangs and I'm not using optirun, just onprocessor GPU, what am I doing wrong?10:48
res32MonkeyDust: maybe i use the raring-proposed branch too10:48
varunendrasuperdo, the option I'm looking for is (in my old version of Boot-Repair) Boot-Repair GUI > Advanced options > Grub Location10:48
cheesecakestheadmin: are you from blinken?10:48
theadmincfhowlett: lol, oookay10:48
cheesecakeskaran here10:48
theadmincheesecakes: Used to be. I stopped visiting it a while ago because some, ahem, was harrasing me.10:48
cheesecakesyeah i know10:49
cheesecakesglad to meet you again :d10:49
theadmincheesecakes: :P pm me if you wish10:49
BluesKajtheadmin, afaik , wubi is finished , kaput , dropped10:49
superdovarunendra, thanks, trying things ..10:49
cheesecakestheadmin: i gotta run10:49
cheesecakescatch you later10:50
theadminsuperdo: The "wubi.exe" on the LiveCDs isn't WUBI in the common sense anymore, it's just a tool to help you boot the install media without using the actual media -- it copies install data to the HD and then boots that.10:50
gustav___3D games hanging. Help?10:50
varunendrasuperdo, make sure you choose correct location of "OS to boot", and place grub into "/dev/sda"10:51
theadmincfhowlett, BluesKaj: Soo... Which one is it? :D10:51
BluesKajtheadmin, dropped10:51
theadminEh, guess I'll see for myself with certainty around when 14.04 is released10:52
BluesKajtheadmin, no guessing , it won't be available10:53
theadminBluesKaj: Okay. That's for the better, I suppose.10:53
BluesKajyes , wubi caused more problems than it's worth IMO10:54
LaykeOn 12.04. (KDE as well if relevant) I'd like to increase my mouse wheel scroll. Is there any setting to achieve this?10:54
theadminTrue enough, on the one hand it helps attract new users, on the other it makes them think Ubuntu's buggy10:54
cfhowlettBluesKaj, wubi has probably killed more interest in ubuntu than any ubuntu bug10:54
LaykeI went to Mouse KDE Control Module, and increased Mouse wheel scrolls by 4 lines, but it had no affect after saving.10:54
gordonjcpwubi is horrible10:54
gustav___3D games hanging. Help?10:55
gordonjcpand using wubi results in a *terrible* user experience10:55
gordonjcp!help | gustav___10:55
ubottugustav___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:55
MonkeyDustsoon, the last release with wubi in the iso, will be !eol10:55
theadmingustav___: Run any of those games from a terminal and paste the output, maybe one can deduct something from that.10:55
gordonjcpMonkeyDust: about time too10:55
gustav___Supertuxkart just crashed a few minutes ago and I don't know what's wrong. There's no output and there was nothing in dmesg.10:55
gustav___I want to fix the crashes. How do I fix it?10:56
BluesKajcfhowlett, I used to get frustrated when trying to help someone running on wubi , but assumed it was like a normal install so we weren't informed10:56
superdovarunendra: found a live image, ubuntu 13.04 , w integrated boot-repair and things. i guess ill try it :)10:57
cfhowlettBluesKaj, best to ask explicitly is my policy ...10:57
varunendrasuperdo, go ahead :)10:57
superdovarunendra, what do you think with Win7 shouldnt have this problem ? only Win8 makes our life harder this way?10:58
varunendrasuperdo, I don't have much experience with UEFI booting, and absolutely zero experience with win 8. So can't comment on it.11:00
gustav___So what do I do? How do I solve this?11:02
varunendrasuperdo, when in live mode, can you see an "EFI" folder in any of the hdd partitions?11:02
gustav___I posted my question to askubuntu as well... maybe they can help.11:08
superdovarunendra, have to check i dont remember11:09
superdovarunendra, now I try this new image and boot-repair, maybe manual mode11:09
varunendrasuperdo, was it a 64 bit version that you installed?11:09
superdobut my 2nd time Win8 install was EFI swtiched off11:10
varunendraand this live image that you are using for boot-repair? superdo11:10
varunendrasuperdo, you reinstalled Win8 ??11:10
superdoyes 64 bit11:10
superdovarunendra, yes but deleted all partitions11:11
varunendrasuperdo, both OS should boot in same mode, either UEFI on or off.11:11
MOUDHey all11:12
superdovarunendra, hmm then maybe Ill have a 3rd win8 install with EFI, and Ubuntu with EFI11:12
varunendrasuperdo, read this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:12
superdovarunendra yes I read it11:12
varunendrayet missed it :P11:13
gustav___http://askubuntu.com/questions/317042/3d-games-crashes-i7-intel-gpu Another tumbleweed...11:13
MOUDMy 6GB ubuntu partition is almost full (300MB left), how big is Ubuntu after installation? I only installed Wine, VLC, KBounce11:14
superdono, i stopped with it bc. thought I need internet for boot-repair.. but not11:14
superdoso trying the trial & error part again11:14
varunendraMOUD, 4.5 GB almost11:14
varunendraMOUD, and wine is not "only"... it's huge. ;)11:14
MOUDyeah, around 600MB after install :/11:15
MOUDhow big should be the swap? Mine is 4GB. I'm thinking about giving 2GB extra from the swap to the ubuntu partition (if that's possible)11:16
varunendrasuperdo, I may have to leave in a while. If the problem persists and you can't get help here, I'd suggest to post a thread in ubuntu forums and pm "oldfred" to take a look at it. He's the best guy with UEFI + win 811:16
DJonesvarunendra: They quit just before you posted that last message11:17
DJonesvarunendra: If I see them come back, I'll repost your message for them11:17
varunendraDJones, :(11:17
varunendrathanks !! :D11:17
varunendraMOUD, swap size should be 1 to 2 gb, if you are not going to hibernate and have 2gb ram or more.11:18
MOUDvarunendra: I have 4GB ram but I don't use hibernate11:18
varunendraMOUD, 2 gb should be good then.11:18
MOUDvarunendra: ok then, thanks for the help :)11:19
varunendranp :)11:19
varunendrasuperdo, I may have to leave in a while. If the problem persists and you can't get help here, I'd suggest to post a thread in ubuntu forums and pm "oldfred" to take a look at it. He's the best guy with UEFI + win 811:21
superdovarunendra, no result. boot-repair NEEDS internet. after a message about loss of internet, I can click only OK, then quit: operation aborted11:21
vfe1are there any security issues by connecting to Local area network, without negotiating any file sharing etc? Is it the same as connecting to the internet? Or is because of the physical connection i need to worry more?11:22
varunendrasuperdo, did'n it allow you to go to advance mode? Don't use any other button after opening it.11:22
bekksvfe1: Basically, it is the same, yes.11:22
MOUDhow do I restart the ubuntu GUI from terminal?11:23
bekksMOUD: sudo service lightdm restart11:23
vfe1bekks, thanks11:23
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MOUDthanks :)11:23
superdovarunendra, yes I was in advanced tab,11:23
superdobut as I said, gives error about internet, and goes back to the main screen.11:24
superdoother option is Quit, but then gives me operation aborted message.11:25
varunendrasuperdo, the problem maybe that it detects the windows installation in EFI mode, while the Ubuntu installation in legacy mode (or vice-versa), so can't repair it and hence just tries to generate the report and upload it.11:25
superdowhat is it mean , Install Ubuntu alongside Windows? autom. makes partitions to the empty space ?11:26
superdovarunendra, yes11:26
varunendrasuperdo, no.11:26
superdovarunendra, so dont you recommend that option?11:26
varunendrasuperdo, Is your current windows installation in Non-EFI mode?11:26
superdocurrenty, yes11:27
superdofirst, it was in EFI mode11:27
superdoyou know trial and error, now I tried wo EFI11:27
varunendrasuperdo, then why don't you try installing Ubuntu in same way? Non-EFI11:27
superdovarunendra, because cant boot my live usb that way11:28
superdodrops me into a command line11:28
varunendradid you try to troubleshoot that?11:29
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PaulePanterHi. A friends laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 did not boot anymore and just got into `grub-rescue` unknown filesystem. Using Grml to boot from USB, it turned out the filesystem had errors. Though my friend said  before the problem nothing suspicious was there.11:29
varunendrasuperdo, it may be easier than reinstalling win 811:29
superdovarunendra, ok, ill write down to paper and google for it.. you right11:30
PaulePanterMounting it did not work either and doing `fsck /dev/sda5` and saying yes to everything it works again. It said something about a corrupt superblock.11:30
PaulePanterThough for example `/var/log/kern.log` has garbage at the end now. :(11:30
PaulePanterNot only does that means files are corrupted, it also means I do not know what happened during the last shutdown.11:31
PaulePanter`smartctl` did not show anything suspicious either.11:31
PaulePanterDo you know of a bug report for Ubuntu 12.04?11:31
PaulePanterSearching the Web it looks like more people had that problem.11:32
silv3r_m00nplease suggest a good screencasting tool that allows to record selected windows or screen areas11:35
theadminsilv3r_m00n: Kazam can do that.11:36
kostkonsilv3r_m00n, kazam or vokoscreen11:36
silv3r_m00ntheadmin: it is not working properly on KDE, cannot select a particular window11:36
theadminsilv3r_m00n: Ah, must rely on specific window managers, just select a screen area then?11:37
silv3r_m00nok, vokoscreen works well, thanks for that11:40
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DJones!pl | letnI11:43
ubottuletnI: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:43
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:43
BluesKajoops :)11:44
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Dickman_ReturnsnHI MOTHER BUCKERS11:47
FloodBot1Dickman_Returnsn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:47
ubottuDickman_Returnsn,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!11:47
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  ignore it, summertime, more bored teens online11:48
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, agreed.  just hoping a quick boot/ban might be effected.11:48
cfhowlettUbuntuUser022, greetings.11:48
UbuntuUser022Bye chfhowlett <311:49
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superdovarunendra, success.11:53
superdovarunendra with this new image , I dont have the boot time error11:54
superdoits made by the guy who wrote boot-repair11:54
superdooriginal ubuntu image doesnt boot.11:54
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ohnoididitagainHey there. Can somebody explain to me how to set screen refreshing rate to 60Hz permanently? I tried Compiz, but everytime I restart it goes back to 50Hz12:17
mumpitzelyour X has probably a very good reason why it set it to 50Hz. so go and check your Xorg.0.log why it did it12:18
ohnoididitagainwell, my X probably wants me to blind12:18
ohnoididitagainsince my screen works at 60Hz12:18
ohnoididitagainat 50Hz it's really annoying12:18
mumpitzelplease do what I told you. less rambling, more reading logs12:19
ohnoididitagainanything specific I should be looking out for?12:21
theadminohnoididitagain: Which Ubuntu flavor/version are you using? These settings can easily be added to the login manager's startup script12:22
kostkonohnoididitagain, true. anything below 75Hz is unhealthy12:22
mumpitzelkostkon: then you obvisouly have never used a LCD display :)12:23
kostkonmumpitzel, whoops. i meant on crts12:23
ohnoididitagaintheadmin: I'm using 13.04 64bit12:24
mumpitzeltheadmin: how and where do you set monitor refreshrate on the displaymanager?12:24
blinky_Hi guys could someone help me with my mouse on my main system.  Running 13.04 and the usb mouse is intermittent.  When I open a program I can use that program my the mouse wont control anything else12:24
theadminohnoididitagain: Okaysies, open /etc/init/lightdm.conf and find the section that says "post-start script", add a line saying "xrandr --rate 60" (or whichever value you prefer) right before the "end script" line of that section.12:25
theadminmumpitzel: ^12:25
theadminCould also do it via xorg.conf, but eh...12:25
manevskifi4oare the ati opensource drivers better then the default ones that come with ubuntu ?12:26
theadminmanevskifi4o: Eh, Ubuntu comes with the open-source ATI drivers12:26
theadminmanevskifi4o: As such, your question makes no sense: "are the ati opensource drivers better than the ati opensource drivers?". If you mean fglrx, which is the closed-source ATI driver, it definetly performs better, as long as your card is supported...12:27
manevskifi4otheadmin: fine then help me with my problem my garapics card is ati radeon hd 4650 witch is more than caipable of streaming hd videos yet for some reason when i do it in ubuntu my pc crashes12:27
ohnoididitagaintheadmin: I can't save the file, the save button is dark12:28
blinky_Guys just done a logout and then logged back in and the mouse is working, any ideas how to keep it working after a reboot?12:28
theadminohnoididitagain: You're supposed to edit that as root, try with: gksudo gedit /etc/init/lightdm.conf12:28
theadminohnoididitagain: (might need to also install gksudo :/ sudo apt-get install gksu )12:29
theadminohnoididitagain: Or just use a command-line editor such as nano or vi: sudo nano /etc/init/lightdm.conf12:29
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ohnoididitagaintheadmin: okay, I installed that g tool, edited it and saved. I'll reboot now and let you know if it worked :)12:34
nkhodyunyaI have installed and configured postgresql from sources. I'm starting it as postgres user with postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data &. How can i add a startup script to run it during boot?12:37
nkhodyunyausing ubuntu 13.1012:38
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theadminnkhodyunya: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5849704/ - put something like this in /etc/init/postgresql.conf, but make sure the path to the binary is correct12:39
bekksnkhodyunya: Why didnt you just used "apt-get installl postgres"?12:40
nkhodyunyai want to run 9.3 beta12:40
mchlbhmAnybody have luck playing rift in ubuntu?12:41
nkhodyunyatheadmin: [2345] Can this be leaved unchanged?12:41
theadminnkhodyunya: Yup12:42
mchlbhmIs there a wine chat I should be in? lol12:43
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BluesKajwine the linux app or wine the drink12:44
mchlbhmapp still drunk from last night12:45
theadminmchlbhm: #winehq if you're refering to the WINE.12:45
blinky_So has anyone got any ideas where I can start with my mouse issues?12:45
nkhodyunyatheadmin: i guess this will start postgres as root(seems i need to start it as postgres), need to specify user, or it's ok?12:45
ohnoididitagaintheadmin: I restarded and the screen is still not right. I googled xrandr and this is what it looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/5849712/12:46
ohnoididitagainwhich is impossible, since this monitor works with at least 60Hz12:47
theadminnkhodyunya: Oh, oops. you'll need to use "setuid postgres" before that exec line, also "setgid postgres" if you need to set the group too.12:47
nkhodyunyatheadmin: ok, thank you!12:47
cretsiahso which ubuntu would be usable? specs are 1gig ram, upto 40gig hd, 2.6ghz cpu, wpa2 wifi, between 64mg to 128mg nvida graphics card, also require wireless mouse and keyboard support, attached to a sanyo Lcd 66cm screen (by monitor port) purpose is for dvd player, youtube and catch-up tv (using flash and java)?12:49
litepooli have software raid on my ubuntu box, was auto installed like this. I think it is causing high io waits and would like to remove it12:50
theadmincretsiah: Uh, any version would work with those specs really, I recommend 12.04 as it's more stable in general.12:50
phixcretsiah: If you want real stable I recommend Debian12:50
theadminphix: That's called 'ancient' not stable ;)12:51
phixtheadmin: ah :)12:51
cretsiahbut doesnt anything over ubuntu 10 require like 2gig+ ram?12:51
mchlbhmSo debian isn't stable?12:51
cretsiahdebian i would use if i could get to net install via wifi but it doesnt12:52
mchlbhmLook I'm new...that probably sounded like trolling12:52
cretsiahcurrently have puppylinux on it but it doesnt do mp4 files12:52
theadmincretsiah: Wha? Heck no, Ubuntu's not that RAM heavy, the minimum requirement is 512M for traditional version, 256 for lightwieght editions like Lubuntu and Xubuntu12:53
mchlbhmI switched to ubuntu 12.04 from win7 because I was told that it was just better. I was left hanging when I found that I couldn't play the games I liked12:53
theadminmchlbhm: Debian's so stable it tends to have very, *very* old software versions, which is why I say it's "ancient"12:54
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ohnoididitagaintheadmin: could you please look into it?12:54
Guest58052Is it possible to fix an issue where a USB device is being incorrectly identified?  As in, force it to be recognized as a different device that is completely compatible?  (I have a 3rd part XBox controller that isn't working).12:55
theadminohnoididitagain: Eh... I'm not sure, could you pastebin your /etc/init/lightdm.conf ?12:55
Guest58052Would just like to "trick" the system into seeing it as a genuine MS controller.12:55
bekksGuest58052: There is no such trick.12:55
mchlbhmtheadmin Ah! thank you for the reply. :)12:56
cretsiahI know what you mean about the games mchlbhm, ive got 2, 8gig ram systems just so the kids can play things like moshi monsters, just because they oonly do windows versions and all the junk stuff you gotta run when running the windows systems12:56
ohnoididitagaintheadmin: here you go, hope this helps http://paste.ubuntu.com/5849736/12:57
mchlbhmcretsiah I feel you. Its not as simple as they pointed out, but still takes less time then reinstalling windows lol12:57
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theadminohnoididitagain: Hm, that looks fine... Odd. Supposed to work :(12:58
ohnoididitagainI'm so gonna need glasses soon :[12:58
theadminohnoididitagain: Can you just log in and run "xrandr --rate 60" in a terminal to see if that works, at least?12:59
MonkeyDustohnoididitagain  i already have them, no harm in wearing glasses12:59
cretsiahmchlbhm ..... ive basically had to turn an old acer veritron 5600 into a dvd player, but i figure i might as well try getting access to youtube, and catchup tv IF i can oh and the all important avi/ mp4 files ....13:00
cretsiahtheadmin does ubuntu still work with latest java and flash junk?13:01
mchlbhmcretsiah Gah! over my head! googlegoogle...duckduckgo13:01
ohnoididitagaintheadmin: it says it's not possible for this size to work at 60Hz13:02
ohnoididitagaintheadmin: maybe it's nvidia drivers?13:02
theadmincretsiah: Not exactly latest, sadly, Adobe dropped Flash for Linux so the latest version is 11.2 or something along those lines, but other than that yes, they are in the repos, the packages you want are openjdk-7-jre (for Java 7), openjdk-6-jre (for Java 6) and flashplugin-installer for Flash.13:02
theadminohnoididitagain: Could be, altough that's a rather odd behavior13:03
cretsiahtheadmin would a symlink get rid of the "you must have latest blah blah" problem?13:04
mchlbhmcretsiah when I installed ubuntu I also installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. That took care of a lot of problems for me.13:04
theadmincretsiah: There's no such problem from what I'm aware. Browsers (Chromium and Firefox, at least) don't complain as they are aware that's the latest for the platform.13:04
theadmincretsiah: If a Flash app complains, then not much you can do, it likely does need the latest Flash.13:05
cretsiahWAH WAH i dont really want those 2 browsers lol but oh well if  i must13:05
theadmincretsiah: What do you run?13:05
mchlbhmtheadmin I read that even netflix is switching to html 5 instead of silverlight. That mean others will follow suit?13:05
theadmincretsiah: Opera doesn't complain, either... I dunno what other browsers are there.13:06
theadminmchlbhm: Maybe. Silverlight is an abnomination :/13:06
mchlbhmtheadmin agreed13:06
theadmincretsiah: Anything NPAPI-compatible will work with the Flash in repos, generally.13:06
phixtheadmin, mchlbhm: Silverlight is also MS so it probably isn't compatible with anything other than MS products.13:06
phixor if it is it would be pretty crippled13:07
Guest58052bekks: there is no way to change which driver a usb device is using?  When I plug in this device, it's listed in lsusb as something completely different than what it is (and a device that not even Google believes to exist: Numark).13:07
theadminphix: Not really, there's a version of Silverlight for Linux developed by Novell, called Moonlight.13:07
theadminphix: Works fine for the most part13:07
phixtheadmin: which is behind MS's implementation?13:07
phixsame with C#13:07
theadminphix: True about that, though :( Sadly.13:07
cretsiahdepends which system........  our 2 main gaming systems run win7, but have 8gig of ram cos i like to play around with virtual machines as well, i was running a computer with xp, debian and slackware -----till it died....13:07
mchlbhmPhix I could so see that! Can't use it unless you're running IE13:08
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phixI mean the mono project is awesome but still a few versions behind13:08
phixmchlbhm: and even then it probably causes developers to pull out all of their hair to actually create anything useful in it13:08
cretsiahi also generally run Opera as my prefered browser but that is mainly because the download manager is better and means i dont have to have a hole heap of other programs for torrents, irc etc13:09
theadmincretsiah: That makes sense. Well, Opera works with Flash in the repos quite well.13:09
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zipyhttp://pastebin.com/ZerATaVR it says my lv size is now ~1TB (i added 2 hdds) and mounted it in /home via fstab: /dev/mapper/zipy--server--data-data /homeext4 defaults,noatime      0      213:11
zipybut my home folder only shows 500gb13:11
zipyas if i only have 1 hdd in use13:11
cretsiahtheadmin where possible i like to maintain a small amount programs that do the most (hence opera) but of course it doesnt always work so you gotta have a back-up just incase..13:12
theadmincretsiah: Opera's great in that regard, I agree, it's a full internet suite that works great (altough the last I tried, GMail and Google Docs were broken in it, but then again that was ages ago)13:12
pip__Has someone fixed the gma3600/power vr drivers, cos in 13.04 it looks like it, my graphics work perfectly13:13
cretsiahyeh somewhere around opera version 9.2 to 11 i experienced issues on both linux and windows..... most of it being website compatability issues13:14
deNi_how do i boot an iso from grub, which is on an seperated partition?13:15
mchlbhmdeNi_ CD or USB13:17
deNi_i dont have any cds or dvd or usb13:17
cretsiahoh forgot to ask how well does ubuntu 12.04 play with winxp / win7 shares? does it play nice and find them or destroy them13:18
DJonesdeNi_: Its not something I've done, but this link may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot13:18
theadmindeNi_: Hm... Booting an ISO from GRUB is possible, yes. But it's most easy to place it in /boot for that matter, as then Ubuntu has an easy script that'll do the set up for you (simply sudo apt-get install grml-rescueboot, then move the ISO to /boot/grml and finally update-grub)13:18
theadmincretsiah: Works fine, I also have a few shares set up on Ubuntu itself that I did with just a few mouse clicks13:18
deNi_theadmin: i need to do that on a seperated partition13:19
mchlbhmtheadmin couldn't deni also set up bios to boot from that partition?13:19
theadminmchlbhm: (s)he needs to boot an ISO, not a partition13:19
theadmindeNi_: Well, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot#Manually_editing_the_GRUB_files13:20
deNi_theadmin: ok how do i pount it to the partituin13:21
theadmindeNi_: The article has it all, so just read it -- I myself didn't really do it so I'm not reliable here13:23
epi2000bom dia ... não estou consigo rodar a vmware dentro do meu ubuntu 64bits13:25
theadmin!es | epi200013:25
ubottuepi2000: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:25
theadmin(that was Spanish, right?)13:25
Kitt3nLooks like it :P13:26
DJones!pt | epi200013:26
ubottuepi2000: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:26
epi2000diz que eu preciso antes de executar alguns modulos tem que sr recompilados e carregados13:26
theadminThanks DJones13:27
DJonestheadmin: I just put in google translate and see what language it said, my first guess was Spanish though13:27
theadminDJones: lol :D Yeah that works13:28
BluesKajyeah theadmin, DJones , sometimes an IP trace works as well ..he' in Brazil13:31
DJonesBluesKaj: :)13:32
bekks"bom dia" is portugues ;)13:32
BluesKajof course the cloaked are hard to trace13:32
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cretsiahoh does ubuntu have like a user time limiter? (win7 has parental controls that includes time limits)13:37
bekkscretsiah: Nope.13:37
Kitt3ncretsiah, checked ubuntu software center?13:37
usr13 cretsiah You mean, when you create a new user, the account expires after a certain length of time?13:40
usr13cretsiah: If that is what you mean, I've seen that option present for as long as I can remember, it's part of the process, it's just that most skip over that option and continue without it.13:41
theadmincretsiah: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/rsibreak - is this similar to what you're searching for?13:41
ahmed_plz i tryied to install whosthere again but terminal say Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/whosthere-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found13:44
ahmed_E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:44
epi2000good day ... I can not run the vmware within my ubuntu 13 64bit13:45
bekksepi2000: Why not?13:47
epi2000says I need before running some modules have to be recompiled and loaded13:47
bekksepi2000: And did you do that?13:47
ahmed_hey can somebody help plz?13:47
reisioahmed_: with?13:48
bekksahmed_: Disable that PPA.13:48
epi2000"VMware Kernel Module Updater"13:48
HankMccoygreetings and salutations everybody...13:48
ahmed_plz am trying to install whosthere but i cant13:48
epi2000Before you can run VMware, several modules must be compiled and loaded inti into running kernel13:48
bekksepi2000: And did you do that?13:49
reisioVirtualBox would probably be easier to use13:49
MonkeyDustahmed_  a PPA is not screened and potentially dangerous, other than the repos13:49
reisiokvm even moreso, in a way13:49
usr13I take that back, it looks like "Expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD)" option has been removed from adduser script, (at least it has been in the 12.04 system I just checked here).  Sorry for the miss-information.  I didn't know.13:49
bekksahmed_: That PPA is having problems - and only the maintainer of the PPA can help you.13:49
HankMccoyi'm here to learn moar about my OS...13:49
reisioadduser is magick anywyas, useradd is the standard util13:49
DJonesahmed_: I can't even find that ppa as existing, where did you find out about the ppa13:49
ahmed_ok i can send you the link13:50
bekksahmed_: I dont need it. You have to contact the maintainer :)13:50
ahmed_ok thanks13:50
zilla99hi all, can someone please assist with my folder sharing issues.13:51
usr13reisio: adduser is the script that runs useradd, (useradd is the binary for actually doing the job).13:51
zilla99I have set up folder sharing, and can see the drive on my mobile telephone.13:51
zilla99I vaguely remember having an issue in the past related to my PC name - or netbios name being too long. Though I can't remember how to shorten it.13:52
usr13reisio: But I really do not know how to set expiration date for a user without it being in the script and being done for me.  Do you?13:52
reisiousr13: --expiredate, just like man useradd says13:53
zilla99can someone please assist me change the netbios or PC name so that I can shorten it and have access to the folder wirelessly.13:53
reisiozilla99: which folder?13:53
usr13reisio: Oh, it is  "chage"  change -d13:53
reisiousr13: usermod -e?13:54
zilla99I'm trying to share a video folder in my home directory13:54
reisiozilla99: and?13:54
zilla99so I've followed the directions on http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-ubuntu-shared-folders-windows-713:55
usr13reisio: I see. Ok.  (reading man file).13:55
zilla99I can see the network on my android when using the file manager.13:55
zilla99I can see the folders, though when I attempt to open a video file...13:56
HankMccoyoh I wish I could get dual boot or a shell to work13:56
zilla99it eventually sais, login failure13:56
zilla99 - the account has no permissions (on my android device using EStrong File manager).13:57
usr13!nfs | zilla9913:57
ubottuzilla99: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:57
HankMccoyrun Linux and Windows? I wish I could13:57
reisioHankMccoy: so why don't you13:57
usr13zilla99: Oh, you are sharing with MS Windows.  Yea, you have to use samba13:57
usr13zilla99: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf13:58
zilla99yeah I'm using samba.13:58
bekksOr having Win7 Non-Starter and Non-Home, Win7 has a NFS client.13:58
zilla99yes I am sharing with windows.13:58
weather15zilla99: The NetBIOS name that Samba uses can be changed in /etc/samba/smb.conf. You should see something like "netbios name = mypc" in the file, change it to the name you would like, then restart Samba. sudo service samba restart.13:58
HankMccoyI'm noob level13:58
epi2000can someone please assist me to solve : I can not run the vmware within my ubuntu 13 64bit13:59
HankMccoyjust started using Linux this year dad recommended I switch years ago13:59
reisioHankMccoy: nice dad :)13:59
reisioHankMccoy: what do you want Windows for?13:59
reisioepi2000: VirtualBox or kvm would be easier13:59
HankMccoyHe was wise13:59
bekksepi2000: So did you do what the installer suggested?14:00
zilla99when typing sudo service samba restart...14:00
zilla99it states "samba: unrecognized service"14:00
epi2000yes i did14:01
HankMccoyI am comfortable with it and my University makes you use Windows so I need both even though I wiped my drive and loaded Ubuntu14:01
bekksepi2000: So the error messages changed now, right?14:01
reisioHankMccoy: use it for what, though?14:01
HankMccoyI only have one PC one drive14:01
weather15zilla99: Do you have samba installed?14:01
zilla99I had the /etc/samba/smb.conf.14:02
zilla99one sec I'll check.14:02
HankMccoyYou have to have windows and use firefox to submit assignments14:02
usr13zilla99: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf14:02
zilla99yes  I have edited the smb.conf file.14:03
epi2000bekks: "VMware Kernel Module Updater"     Before you can run VMware, several modules must be compiled and loaded inti into running kernel14:03
HankMccoyIE, google = fail you have to submit your assignment in the proper format using the proper software or you will fail the class14:03
zilla99now I just need to restart samba.14:03
weather15zilla99: On my computer running 13.04, I have that file, but Samba is not installed.14:03
bekksepi2000: And did you load thos modules? I am asking for the third time now.14:03
reisioHankMccoy: what they don't know won't hurt them14:03
reisioHankMccoy: can you elaborate?14:04
usr13zilla99: An example: http://pastebin.com/7Keamu9L14:04
epi2000bekks: what should I do? I'm not sure if I did correctly14:04
usr13zilla99: sudo service smbd restart14:05
bekksepi2000: Did you load the modules mentioned?14:05
HankMccoyIf I use IE or Chrome 50/50 chance of document submission success FireFox = 100% success submission rate14:05
weather15zilla99: Looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html it looks like you need to install Samba even though the files already there. sudo apt-get install samba14:05
bekksepi2000: And what exactly did you do, actually?14:05
epi2000bekks: i dont konow14:05
bekksepi2000: Why dont you know what you did?14:05
reisioHankMccoy: so use Firefox, what's the problem14:06
HankMccoythey started out using Safari and other freeware but then switched to Firefox & Mac14:06
epi2000bekks: I follow some tutorials I found.14:06
epi2000But I do not know much about modules, kernel.14:06
bekksepi2000: So tell us what you are doing. We dont know those manuals, we cant see them in our magic glass orbs. :)14:07
HankMccoyWell there are the other less legitimate stuff I do Really I am here to learn stuff you guys know14:07
* HankMccoy bows down before superior knowledge 14:07
rohitkavhow to install virtualenvwrapper in my ubuntu 12.10 machine14:08
HankMccoyOh and FireFox is going to be fased out in the next year or two14:08
rohitkavit's not installing14:08
weather15usr13: Not sure about your system, but I have not configured any shares and both the samba service and smb service does not exist. It appears that Samba is not installed right out of the box.14:08
HankMccoyjust like they ditched the other Freeware14:09
weather15zilla99: Where you able to install Samba?14:09
usr13weather15: noted.14:09
reisioHankMccoy: from your uni?14:10
reisioHankMccoy: well, trust me when I say that even the worst browser requirements can be met without having Windows installed14:10
lesshastebekks, so what is the standard way of doing this? The problem is that if I run ssh-agent from a terminal then apps I run by clicking on icons don't work14:10
lesshastehow do you start ssh-agent at boot rather than having to open a terminal and start it there?14:10
reisioHankMccoy: but they should obviously really make no such absurd requirements14:10
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zilla99yes it states that samba is already at its latest version14:10
Myrttijust a reminder, this channel is for Ubuntu support issues, please keep the chitchat to other channels like #ubuntu-offtopic or if it's Ubuntu related non-support then #ubuntu-discuss14:11
zilla99when I ran the command sudo apt-get samba14:11
HankMccoyyeah they loved freeware then ditched it in favor of Mac14:11
zilla99sudo apt-get isnstall samba14:11
HankMccoyit is University Politics and Business14:11
HankMccoyMainly Business14:11
weather15zilla99: And sudo service samba status returns an error?14:11
zilla99yes - samba: unrecognized service14:12
weather15zilla99: does sudo service smbd status work?14:12
zilla99yes it does - smbd start/running, process 637614:13
weather15zilla99: That means Samba is running on your system.14:14
HankMccoyhey I am also trying to join a chat on another server anyone want to help me?14:14
zilla99yeah it is running..14:14
weather15zilla99: To restart it you can use sudo service smbd restart.14:14
weather15zilla99: Then if you made the changes to the file that user13 pointed out earlier, you should be good to go.14:15
kingbeastHankMccoy, PM me I'll walk you through it14:16
HankMccoyI usuallu just type\14:16
kingbeastHankMccoy, you have to be connected to the server first14:17
bekksepi2000: There is no need to query me. Keep it in this channel please.14:17
reisioHankMccoy: CTRL+s is the easy way14:17
HankMccoyyeah I know /join channel but what is the CMD for join server?14:17
reisioHankMccoy: you can also send /help server14:17
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reisioor just /help to see all the commands your client handles14:18
zilla99I've restarted the service - made changes, still no deal.14:18
zilla99I'll pastebin my smb.conf.14:18
weather15zilla99: Okay. Where are you trying to access the shared files? On a Windows Machine or....?14:19
zilla99well, I'm trying to access it on an android.14:19
zilla99Also my digital setup box downstairs.14:19
zilla99I've set up shares in the past successfully through samba using distro's in the past - sabayon, and mint.14:20
weather15zilla99: Okay an Android have you exited an restarted the app you are using?14:20
zilla99just doing that now..14:20
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zilla99yes I have restarted app - still fails.14:21
weather15zilla99: Any specific error message?14:21
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zilla99on Android "Login failure" This may be caused by: - The account has no permissions14:22
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MonkeyDustzilla99  havent followed... what's the output of     cat /etc/issue ?14:22
weather15zilla99: Okay. I'm going to assume that the Android app tries to logon as the guest user. Since you are sharing files in your home directory, maybe there is a permissions issue.14:23
usr13zilla99: YOu are trying to access your samba share from an android?14:23
zilla99yes I am trying to access samba share from an android.14:23
KuroshitaHas anyone here setup pptpd? I'm having trouble connecting from external IPs. I've port forwarded port 1723 to the server with TCP/UDP but it's fails.14:24
zilla99cat etc/issue - Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) \n \l14:24
gordonjcpKuroshita: yes14:24
gordonjcpKuroshita: what exactly is it failing on?14:24
MonkeyDustzilla99  saucy is not stable yet, it's supported in #ubuntu+114:24
gordonjcpdo I need 32-bit ubuntu for Steam games to work properly?14:25
KuroshitaI can connect to the server via internal IP address in Network Connections, but when I switch to my WAN IP with :1723, I get a message that the service failed to start.14:25
reisiogordonjcp: I'd be surprised if you couldn't use 64-bit14:26
weather15zilla99: Can you PM me?14:26
gordonjcpreisio: yeah14:27
Kuroshitasorry gordonjcp I didn't reply directly to you, still saw it/.14:27
reisiolike incredibly surprised :p14:27
denysoniqueHow can I get cpufreq utils to work on 12.04?14:28
denysonique $ ls /sys/devices/cpu14:28
denysonique  power  subsystem  type  uevent14:28
denysoniqueAs you can see cpu0 and cpu1 are missing14:28
FloodBot1denysonique: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
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denysoniqueAnyone knows how I can isntall that kernel module?14:30
HankMccoyDamn ppl how do I add another server it can't be that hard...14:30
MonkeyDustHankMccoy  better ask in #ubuntu-server14:31
secundumquidI'm having a lot of trouble getting my monitor to display 1920x1080 correctly, and I can't seem to figure out why. The edges of the screen don't display.14:34
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netlarI am trying to install Handbrake.  I have added the ppa's and I am done the update, but it still does not show up, why?14:40
AleXaStatic internal IP won't work on wireless connection. PC connects and has no connection then, or doesn't even connect. When dropped back to automatic IP (in which case the router gives an IP to the PC), everything works fine.14:40
AleXaHow do I solve my problem?ž14:40
netlarMaybe I am missing a step?14:41
snqli think you set wrong data14:42
netlarnevermind, I got it14:43
AleXawrong data, well, DNS set to and mask to
AleXawhat could be wrong?14:44
reisionetlar: what version of Ubuntu?14:46
AleXawould Static DHCP in router settings help?14:46
reisionetlar: winff is in universe14:46
reisionetlar: arista is another option14:46
blinky_Hi guys could someone help me with my mouse on my main system.  Running 13.04 and the usb mouse is intermittent.  When I open a program I can use that program my the mouse wont control anything else14:47
cretsiahSorry user13 and theadmin I got puked all over by my 9month old ......no usr13, a non admin a/c can have specified log-in time (ie 7am till 9pm) it then just stops them from being able to do anything even if they are logged in....14:51
gordonjcpreisio: meh, turns out I need to use Steam to run HL2 anyway14:51
reisiogordonjcp: hrmm?14:55
reisioyou don't you mean?14:55
gordonjcpreisio: no, HL2 works just great in Wine14:55
Peakeris there a standard way to set permissions on /sys files persistently?14:55
gordonjcpreisio: it won't work at all in its native Linux client14:55
PeakerI want any user to be able to write to a particular /sys/ file14:55
gordonjcpreisio: the graphics chipset I have isn't supported by the native port14:56
Peaker /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness <-- specifically14:56
gordonjcpI'm not about to go and buy a whole new PC for one game14:56
gordonjcpactually, new PC, and rip apart and rebuild my workshop14:56
kelvinellahello, what is the best software for OCR?14:57
bekks!best | kelvinella14:58
ubottukelvinella: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:58
bekks!ocr | kelvinella14:58
ubottukelvinella: For OCR (optical character recognition) software in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR for packages and instructions.14:58
kelvinellaI have tried Tesseract, it doesnt work very well14:59
kelvinellait recognize nothing14:59
reisiokelvinella: tesseract is okay15:00
reisioI haven't tried it15:00
reisioocrad is alright, IIRC15:00
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HankMccoyanyone that wants to discuss the politics of the day join EFNet #politics15:03
HankMccoywe welcome discussion and debate just no public mastrubation15:04
blasteryHello! I have installed Kubuntu and made all updates avaible. Now I have grub2 2.00-13ubuntu3. But it doesn't recognize my EFI Windows installation. This is a bug and I read on launchpad it got fixed in grub2_2.00-14. How can I install the more recent package of grub2? What do I have to do?15:04
DJonesHankMccoy: Please don't advertise in the ubuntu channels15:07
HankMccoysorry just got this piece of sh!t to work so sorry15:07
xangua!language | HankMccoy15:08
ubottuHankMccoy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:08
w1ntermutehi @ all15:08
reisiohi w1ntermute15:08
reisiotoo much ice15:08
HankMccoyok once again sorry15:08
=== DestinyAwaits1 is now known as DestinyAwaits
HankMccoyI was just telling ppl to watch us too15:09
w1ntermutewould anyone *nix savy be willing to help me out?15:09
kelvinellatesseract detects nothing15:10
HankMccoyand thanks for the help...15:10
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HankMccoyI'll scratch your back if you scratch mine...15:11
reisiow1ntermute: nope, but many people *nix savy would be15:11
usr13w1ntermute: What do you need help with.15:12
w1ntermutei am tryin to install eprint server on uberspace.de15:12
w1ntermutedoesnt work out right15:12
reisiow1ntermute: how does it not work out right?15:13
w1ntermutethe thing is uberspace is technically more a webspace provider with some extras... not a VPS or something like that..15:14
MonkeyDustw1ntermute  and what do the site maintainers advice?15:14
* reisio sits back and waits for an answer to his question15:14
w1ntermuteI tried to install manually, but it does not really work15:14
usr13w1ntermute: try ppa?15:16
w1ntermuteMonkeyDust: they advice using toast and serveral tricks that are described as part of uberspace support wiki... but I am having a rather hard time getting the server runnin since my linux days are ... well... far away...15:16
w1ntermuteusr13: what u mean by ppa?15:17
usr13w1ntermute: If there is one, (I don't know, maybe there's not).15:17
usr13!ppa | w1ntermute15:18
ubottuw1ntermute: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:18
thesebhow make the desktop system NOT "steal" the escape key from Emacs ? :)15:20
theseb(it opens a menu to run an app)15:21
=== blaster_ is now known as blastery
blastery I have installed Ubuntu and made all updates avaible. Now I have grub2 2.00-13ubuntu3. But it doesn't recognize my EFI Windows installation. This is a bug and I read on launchpad it got fixed in grub2_2.00-14. How can I install the more recent package of grub2? What do I have to do?15:26
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MonkeyDust!uefi | blastery is this useful15:28
ubottublastery is this useful: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:28
blasteryI will explain a bit more: I have Windows 7 x64 and *buntux64 installed as dualboot. But there is no Windows entry in grub2. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/807801 tells me, that this got fixed in grub 2.00-1415:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807801 in grub2 (Ubuntu Precise) "GRUB2 fails to detect/add Windows entries on a UEFI system" [High,Triaged]15:29
blasteryBut apt-get update only installs .1315:29
MonkeyDustblastery  then maybe it will be solved if you upgrade, so get th .15:33
MonkeyDustthe .1415:33
w1ntermutecould someone help me setup eprints server for open document movement at my university ... I am to install server on uberspace.de15:34
blasteryYes I of course did apt-get upgrade15:34
blasteryIt seems it isnt in the repos yyet for 13.04?15:34
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MonkeyDustblastery  what's the package name?15:35
MonkeyDustblastery  i said upgrade, because the bug mentions Precise, so I assumed you were using Precise15:36
WulframnHey guys! My sound is not working. I am using a PC, not a laptop, hooked up to my TV via HDMI. Any tips?15:36
holsteinWulframn: dont use hdmi15:37
holstein!sound | Wulframn15:37
ubottuWulframn: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:37
Wulframnholstein, it is the only option I have right now. I can use headphones, which work, but often watch movies with friends using the computer and that solution (the headphones) isn't...good.15:39
holsteinWulframn: then, check the links.. hdmi doesnt have to work15:41
holsteinWulframn: i usually try using liv CD's with different kernel and alsa versions to test15:41
Wulframnholstein, I am following the links. It is good to know that HDMI doesn't have to work, though. I thought something was amiss on my end.15:41
THEtruthHOOAwhy join #ubuntu-women and get banned15:42
MonkeyDustTHEtruthHOOA  because "the truth" is always a matter of opinion and opinions can be insulting15:43
wanderleyboa tarde15:43
G0doyboa tarde15:43
THEtruthHOOAi oky15:43
THEtruthHOOAif you have one opinion keep it to your self15:44
thesebhow do you know if you are running unity 2d or 3d?15:44
THEtruthHOOAthats how freedom works15:44
THEtruthHOOAunless you are an op15:44
DJonesTHEtruthHOOA: Please remember this is a support channel and not for rants15:44
thesebecho $DESKTOP_SESSION gives "ubuntu"15:45
paradoxgoI use Synergy across Win7 (server) and Ubuntu 13 (client.) It works for the most part but the mouse and keyboard are kinda laggy on the ubuntu machine. it will 'stutter' at times. Anyone experience this and possibly have a fix?15:45
jackw411why would all my torrents not be working but the rest of my internet connection functions perfectly?15:49
jackw411looking at netstat -> all torrent traffic is getting saying CLOSE_WAIT15:50
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saiarcot895jackw411: Not related to ubuntu itself, but you may need to open ports on your router15:50
jackw411torrents will function for a certain period of time15:51
jackw411then they will all drop15:51
jackw411sometimes taking the entire connect with them15:51
jackw411sometimes not15:51
MonkeyDustjackw411  maybe because of legal reasons15:51
jackw411MonkeyDust: my windows partition connected to the same router does not have the same difficulties15:52
jackw411nor on android devices I have torrenting over wifi15:53
jackw411leads me to believe its something ubuntu15:53
MonkeyDustjackw411  then maybe because of security reasons15:53
framesethey all15:53
jackw411MonkeyDust: elaborate please?15:54
saiarcot895jackw411: try limiting the number of connections your torrent client makes15:54
awktion_torrents will drop jackw411 ?15:54
awktion_what you need to do is start a torrent and cap its speed15:54
awktion_then do a packet capture15:54
framesetI just upgraded my server over ssh to the raring, and i'm having some grub problems15:54
awktion_look for reset packets15:54
=== THEtruthHOOA is now known as DartEvader
jackw411awktion_: when i do netstat i get lots of CLOSE_WAIT tcps on traffic with torrent client open15:55
framesetit seems to be a rpoblem with setting grub to my boot device15:55
awktion_close_wait could be a reset to the other side15:55
awktion_but basically isp's doing deep packet inspection and optimization are all suspect15:55
awktion_such as cox, or comcast for instance15:55
framesethttp://pastebin.com/SLimJgW6 that's the terminal output15:55
awktion_torrent+vpn usually resolves this issue.15:55
framesetany help is appreciated15:55
jackw411awktion_: why would a win7 install be unaffected on the same network?15:55
awktion_reset isnt to all traffic15:56
awktion_just the suspect traffic15:56
awktion_read about deep packet inspection and you should understand15:56
awktion_it actually looks in the packets to read the content and ident what kind of packet it is15:56
awktion_torrent, streaming media, voip, etc15:56
DartEvadersome one is setting up fires near my house15:56
awktion_then they make decisions of qos based on the type of traffic.15:56
jackw411traffic shaping^15:57
awktion_the shaping is what does it15:57
awktion_they can choose to just drop the cx15:57
awktion_they can send reset packets to either side15:57
awktion_OR it could be your modem/router15:57
awktion_just depends15:57
awktion_but usually if its the modem/router all devices will be affected that use it15:57
jackw411but i do not understand why a win7 laptop, a win7 partition on the same machine, 2 android devices and a jailbroken ipad all torrent fine15:57
jackw411just the ubuntu box has difficulties15:58
awktion_Same torrent?15:58
awktion_What client?15:58
jackw411any, been happening for weeks15:58
jackw411max connections 20015:58
awktion_just dump deluge15:58
awktion_i use rtorrent in a screen typically15:58
awktion_99% awesome15:58
jackw411i'll take a look15:58
awktion_for gui...15:58
awktion_shoot ive even run utorrent in wine15:58
awktion_let me look15:58
jackw411utorrent is filled with bloat + owned by the mpaa these days =[15:59
awktion_torrentflux is kinda heavy15:59
awktion_transmission was so so iirc15:59
jackw411yeah it was alright i used to use that on osx when it first came out16:00
draconus2jackw411 is that true about utorrent?16:00
jackw411draconus2: yes16:00
jackw411avoid it16:00
framesetso any grub experts here?16:00
draconus2jackw411 i noticed some strange behaviour in fact16:00
jackw411draconus2: since around 2.2?16:00
draconus2jackw411 exactly... was even about to downgrade16:01
jackw411basically stealing all your datas16:01
draconus2jackw411 must be it but it could be hard to proove16:01
draconus2jackw411 what other app do you recommend then? i liked utorrent alot for it being just nice and simple, very well designed16:02
awktion_oh there looks to be a gui for rtorrent16:02
jackw411i don't really need a gui16:02
draconus2well of course there is awktion_16:02
awktion_utorrent does NOT report everything16:02
saiarcot895frameset: I'm not an expert on grub, but have you tried using a Live CD on the computer itself and using Boot Repair?16:02
jackw411nah awktion_16:02
jackw411but its bad news16:02
awktion_if it did i would have been dmca'd a long time ago from my roomate's shit practices16:03
awktion_scuse the language16:03
frameseti'm working over ssh to a server in a datacentre16:03
framesetso it's not really an option16:03
draconus2awktion_ and NSA won't tell you when you are being tapped as well :)16:03
draconus2still, i liked emule even better than torrent :) those were the days16:04
jackw411awktion_: rtorrent quick guide? :)16:05
bekksDear NSA, can I please a backup of my disk - it just died ;)16:05
jackw411download torrents and open with rtorrent and thats it? how about configuring magnet links etc?\16:06
draconus2bekks from what year do you need that backup? :)16:06
bekksdraconus2: They will know it :P16:06
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draconus2bekks he he16:06
toastcfhi have issue with my xps after buying a new battery. while plugged in it works fine. after unplugging it randomly shuts down without warning. i sent the first battery back and it still happens. i dual boot windows and do not have the issue in windows. im not sure whats wrong or how to catch the error. anyone can help?16:07
jackw411toastcfh: sounds like powermanagement16:08
toastcfhyeah it's really odd. after it shuts down and i power back on it works fine if i boot up without th charger plugged in (afaict).16:09
jackw411toastcfh: ever heard of caffeine?16:09
* toastcfh googles16:09
jackw411get that, set it on, see if the laptop still cuts out unplugged16:10
jackw411it will at the very least validate that its a power management problem, or something deeper rooted16:10
toastcfhk man16:10
toastcfhwill try16:10
jackw411(also might solve it, basically stops the computer responding to shutdown/sleep commands)16:11
reisiosurely gnome's screensaver has a disable command16:11
reisioxscreensaver has16:11
reisioxscreensaver-command -deactivate16:11
reisioI use something called 'caffeine' on Windows sometimes, though, because Windows cannot be relied upon :p16:11
jackw411reisio: i use caffeine with awesomeWM16:11
jackw411just means i don't have to fuck about with config files every time i want always on behaviour16:12
reisiodoes awesome even do blanking?16:12
reisioyeah, just seems like a sledgehammer16:12
jackw411it is16:12
reisioI don't know how GNOME 3's saver works, though16:13
jackw411because screw configuring everything all day :)16:13
reisiomaybe it doesn't :p16:13
reisioconfiguring, telling an app to run, same thing16:13
reisiohi sseehh16:13
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Ryan_L_williamsI've lost my Ubuntu 13.04 MB16:21
Ryan_L_williams(Master Boot Record)16:22
Ryan_L_williamsTo cut a long story short my O.S is falling to boot into Ubuntu16:22
awktion_do you know the exact way it was setup before?16:22
apm1this is scrambled info16:23
Ryan_L_williamsI've downloaded Ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com, then burned it to a 2GB USB stick. I've had it on my Laptop for about nearly 2 weeks and failing to boot into Ubuntu 13.04. Should I boot into the Live USB stick and download software to try and fix my OS16:25
MonkeyDustRyan_L_williams  what goes wrong?16:27
awktion_i think supergrub should be able to try to autodetect16:27
awktion_but in general, this is something you should be backing up16:27
awktion_its the index of how your hdd is split up16:27
awktion_if you already know how it was16:27
awktion_you could use something like fdisk and set the partitions again manually16:28
awktion_but if you make mistakes... :P16:28
Ryan_L_williamsWhen i turn the laptop on it just gives me a error saying "Missing Operating System"16:28
MonkeyDustRyan_L_williams  did you copy the iso to the usb stick, or install it on the usb stick ?16:29
MonkeyDustRyan_L_williams  with unetbootin or so16:30
Ryan_L_williamsno I burned it to a usb16:30
MonkeyDustRyan_L_williams  do you have casper et al on the usb stick, or just the .iso file?16:31
Ryan_L_williamsThe software that I used pendrive linix usb installer16:31
anthonie_join #maemo16:31
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Ryan_L_williamsI havejust the iso file on the usb stick16:32
MonkeyDustRyan_L_williams  that's not how to do it16:32
MonkeyDust!usb | Ryan_L_williams16:32
ubottuRyan_L_williams: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:32
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MonkeyDustRyan_L_williams  the .iso has to be extracted on the usb stick16:33
Pinkamena_Danyone know how you can find and replace only in selected text in gedit?16:35
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meomichi, is there some known bug causing sound corruption on newest ubuntu? because as of today i can not hear anything from my notebook - pulseaudio control tool shows only dummy profile - (it dont see sound card or something anymore?)16:41
andybrineHello Everyone16:42
meomicive tried many 'workarounds' for similar bugs from the net - even purging alsa-base and pulseaudio - but nothing changed16:42
andybrinehas anyone here managed to get a nintendo 64 emulator working in the latest version of ubuntu?16:43
andybrineim using mupen64plus and the graphics and not working16:45
kostkonandybrine, mupen64 is only command line now. try one of the front-ends listed here http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins16:46
resmeomic, does it work when you try "sudo alsa force-reload" ?16:46
andybrinethanks kostkon. Is there one you would recomend?16:48
meomicres: no it does not - it says that there are no modules to reload16:48
kostkonandybrine, maybe try m64py first16:48
meomicres: i have no idea what caused this  - it was working like 2 days ago - ive changed nothing16:49
andybrinecool, thanks. Thats the one im downloading :)16:49
kostkonandybrine, ;)16:49
resmeomic, i have the same dummy output problem but doing a force-reload works for me.16:49
resmeomic, do u still have alsa and pulse audio installed?16:49
meomicres: yes ive installed them - after purge16:50
meomicres: i did even tried alsa force-reload before puring - same affect16:50
thelinuxdriveHi um im new here :| anyone have experience with Nvidia GPU's in Ubuntu 13.04?16:50
andybrineok I have it installed but there are no graphics16:50
andybrinei just have a black screen16:50
serethelinuxdrive: whats your q?16:51
sereandybrine: how many monitors do you have/16:51
andybrineI only have 1 monitor16:51
thelinuxdriveI have tome trouble with my GPU in this version of Ubuntu... i cant get it to work or even get the OS to access my gpu :| ive tried modiving the PCI value of a config in Bumblebee and ive installed and had trial and error with drivers16:52
andybrineim using my laptop at the moment16:52
thelinuxdrivemy gpu is an Nvidia GeForce 310m16:52
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sereandybrine: i black screen can be a few things.. might be bad resolution to monitor or wrong output to monitor16:53
ohnoididitagainhey, is it possible to make a shortcut for an app that I use command to run? I'd like to put it on my Docky but dont know how16:53
resmeomic, so it used to work before in 13.04?16:53
andybrinemy graphics drivers work as I play pro evo on my laptop16:53
serethelinuxdrive: i take it you tried nvidia-current?16:53
andybrineok, I will look at that16:54
meomicres: yes - it stopped today - it was working 2 days ago16:54
resmeomic, have u done any update recently?16:54
andybrineIm unable to change the resolution in the emulator16:55
meomicres: no nothing - just shutdow the notebook and launched today16:55
freelinuxmy, isnt it dead here.16:57
freelinuxI swear it's so dead in here16:57
andybrineIs there anything i need to change in my video settings? I am using rice16:58
freelinuxWhat do you mean andybrine?16:58
resmeomic,  what do u get when u run "ps -ef|grep pulseaudio"16:58
andybrineIm running M64py and get a blank screen when i run a rom16:59
andybrinejust wondering why16:59
freelinuxYeah andybrine, are you running in fullscreen?16:59
andybrineno im running in window mode at the moment17:00
freelinuxAnd it's still blank?17:00
freelinuxDo you have proper hardware?17:00
freelinuxDo you have other problems like this?17:01
resmeomic, see this http://askubuntu.com/questions/294016/no-sound-in-ubuntu-13-04-only-dummy-output-device-listed/29991517:01
thelinuxdriveCan anyone help? i have a problem in Ubuntu 13.04 with the Nvidia Geforce 310m17:01
andybrinenot at all. I play pro evo and it works flawlessly17:01
freelinuxThis is odd.17:02
freelinuxCan you use other emulators?17:02
freelinuxIt might be a bug with the emu itself...17:02
freelinuxandybrine, when did this start?17:03
freelinuxandybrine, earth to andybrine17:04
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Gilligan94So I have bumblebee and nvidia-current installed and my about section still says I'm using Intel graphics, What do I do?17:05
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thurstylarkhow do I change my unix username? I was able to do so through webmin, but I don't know what commands or set of commands it used to do it correctly. Anyone17:05
gordonjcpthelinuxdrive: you pretty much can't17:05
gordonjcpthelinuxdrive: sorry, disregard17:05
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gordonjcp... and the person who asked quit almost immediately17:06
andybrinefreelinux apologies i have had it all the time with mupen64plus17:06
andybrinegraphics have never worked in the latest version on ubuntu17:06
Gilligan94really? dang17:07
Gilligan94andybrine: what broke? them the kernel update?17:07
andybrineThe graphics are working in ubuntu, just not with the n64 emulator17:07
gordonjcpGilligan94: if you've got NVidia drivers installed, and it says you're using Intel, then you must have two graphics cards17:07
andybrineits not through an update, it was just when i tried to install it17:08
Gilligan94gordonjcp: this is kinda true I have a 620m and the inbuilt intel400017:08
andybrineso from first installing mupen64plus i have had the problem17:08
Gilligan94andybrine: Mupen is working fine for me17:08
gordonjcpGilligan94: right, so you need to look at your display properties and work out which card you actually want to use with which monitor17:08
rajeshvHi, i tried installing glib-2.37.3 and some new version of libatk and it broke everything! Gnome went into fallback mode.Unity panel service crashed.So how to restore.Thanks17:09
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Gilligan94gordonjcp: ok, how do I do that?17:09
andybrinecan I just check which settings you have for graphics?17:09
CaseyIs there a way to put a truecrypt partition in the fstab to automount when booting?17:09
Gilligan94andybrine: sure 1 sec17:09
andybrinealso, which front end are you using?17:09
Gilligan94andybrine: I am using the python front end17:10
Gilligan94andybrine: m64py17:10
andybrinecool, same here17:10
rajeshvHi, i tried installing glib-2.37.3 and some new version of libatk and it broke everything! Gnome went into fallback mode.Unity panel service crashed.So how to restore.Thanks17:10
andybrineI have just spotted this error: Video Warning: Failed to set GL_DEPTH_SIZE to 16. (it's 24)17:11
Gilligan94andybrine: I have everything unchecked atm but I do change it from game to game,17:11
rajeshvGnome fallback is occupying 100% of my cpu17:11
andybrinecan you printscreen and pastbin?17:11
Gilligan94anyone know how I can check my display properties?17:11
Gilligan94andybrine: there isn't much to show, I have all the boxes unchecked17:12
andybrineare you using rice as well?17:12
Gilligan94andybrine: umm I dont think so 1 sec17:12
Samkovnot that this is specifically ubuntu related, but does anyone have any idea what icon set these folders come from? http://i1-linux.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Adwaita-Cupertino-Flavors_2.png17:13
andybrinewas just curious to know the mipmapping and OpenGLRenderSettings17:13
MacroManI previously configured exim4, but I've decided to use ssmtp instead. How can un-configure exim4?17:13
Gilligan94andybrine: I dont think rice is working I am using z64 sometimes I use glide6417:13
MacroManI used "dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config" to configure it.17:13
andybrineahh ok17:13
rajeshvHi, i tried installing glib-2.37.3 and some new version of libatk and it broke everything! Gnome went into fallback mode.Unity panel service crashed.So how to restore.Thanks17:13
andybrineim using rice and im unable to select any of the others17:13
thelinuxdrivecan anyone help me with a situation regarding Ubuntu 13.04 and the Nvidia GeForce 310m?17:14
reisioSamkov: 'adwaita' is a theme set17:14
Gilligan94andybrine: odd, can't say I've had that17:14
bekksthelinuxdrive: Depends on the situation.17:14
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bekks!details | thelinuxdrive17:14
ubottuthelinuxdrive: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:14
Gilligan94thelinuxdrive: I am also having issues with a nvidia card (620m)17:14
reisiothelinuxdrive: check faenza17:14
reisiofaenza was all Mac OS-y last I checked17:14
reisiofaenza, yes17:15
rajeshvHello  can anybody see me?17:15
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reisioSamkov: easy way to find out17:15
Gilligan94rajeshv: yes17:15
rajeshvHi, i tried installing glib-2.37.3 and some new version of libatk and it broke everything! Gnome went into fallback mode.Unity panel service crashed.So how to restore.Thanks17:15
rajeshvand Gnome fallback occupying 100% of my cpu :(17:15
andybrineGilligan94 can you choose many video options then?17:15
MacroManpatience | rajeshv17:15
MacroMan!patience | rajeshv17:16
ubotturajeshv: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:16
Gilligan94andybrine: I have no idea17:16
rajeshvoh. ok thnx :)17:16
Gilligan94andybrine: where do I look?17:16
thelinuxdriveBasically i have a problem with Ubuntu 13.04 not being able to acces my secondary GPU (i have intel HD Graphics and an Nvidia Geforce 310m) and ive tried Bumblebee and tiraled and errored with ALOT of nvidia Drivers and ive just failed at getting the GPU to work :|17:16
bekksrajeshv: Did you install that from some regular repo, or from some bleeding edge ppa?17:16
Gilligan94thelinuxdrive: I have the exact same problem17:17
rajeshvi downloaded and installed17:17
rajeshvfrom source17:17
andybrineif you go to settings > emulator > plugins17:17
bekksrajeshv: Then revert your changes.17:17
thelinuxdriveabout the output i can only say that the ID of the 2 (Intel HD and Nvidia GPU) are shown in terminal but are not being able to be saved in the Bumblebee config file17:17
OerHeksthelinuxdrive, there is a #Bumblebee channel here on freenode too.17:17
thelinuxdriveand just in case ; My BIOS do not show an option to disable one or the other17:17
rajeshvhow do i do that?17:17
andybrineit will be placed under videp17:17
Gilligan94andybrine: emulator?17:18
Gilligan94andybrine: oh oh, um yes I have like 4 or 5 options17:18
Gilligan94Gilligan94: sorry forgot what we were talking about :P17:18
Gilligan94andybrine: sorry forgot what we were talking about :P17:18
Gilligan94andybrine: I think I added the mupen PPA and updated BTW17:19
bekksrajeshv: By reverting every single step you did for installing.17:19
andybrinejust need to check graphics settings. It looks like my computer only has one which is rice17:19
andybrinewhats the mupen PPA?17:20
Gilligan94andybrine: 1 sec I'll find it17:20
bekksthelinuxdrive: Please keep it in this channel.17:20
andybrinethanks :)17:20
MacroManDoes anyone know how to un-configure exim4 so it will no longer be used for sending emails?17:20
thelinuxdrivealright sorry17:20
MacroManI want to use ssmtp instead.17:21
Gilligan94andybrine: http://ppa.launchpad.net/sven-eckelmann/ppa-mupen64plus/ubuntu17:21
bekksMacroMan: Uninstall exim4 then.17:21
MacroManbekks, It was already installed. I just used 'dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config'.17:21
andybrinenice one, thanks17:21
andybrinethis will sort it :)17:21
thelinuxdrivehas anyone had succes on ubuntu 13.04 not being able to access a secondary gpu? (nvidia to be more exact)17:21
bekksMacroMan: That one will configure it.17:21
Gilligan94Does anyone know how I can get my Nvidia 620m working? I have Nvidia-current and bumblebee installed with no luck17:22
adamkthelinuxdrive: Is this a laptop?17:22
Gilligan94andybrine: No problem17:22
thelinuxdriveyes it is17:22
thelinuxdriveits a Toshiba Satellite E20517:23
mrdebhi. compiz crashes sometimes and freezes. y17:23
rajeshvso i did "sudo make uninstall".Let me reboot and see.Bye17:23
MacroManbekks, I don't want to configure it, I want to revert to before I configured it, but not sure how.17:23
adamkthelinuxdrive: Have you installed Optimus?17:23
bekksMacroMan: Basically, you cant.17:23
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:23
bekksMacroMan: Either configure ssmtp or uninstall exim417:24
thelinuxdrivewell not sure but when i checked in the synaptic package manager i had an Optimus translation package :| but still17:24
MacroManCan I just remove the /etc/exim4/ directory?17:24
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Gilligan94OerHeks: that is not very helpful, thanks anyway17:25
bekksMacroMan: That will remove the exim4 config, but not the system config to use exim4.17:25
bekksGilligan94: Did you go through that guide carefully already?17:25
Gilligan94bekks: yup, very carefully17:25
Akshay_dHello people. I am trying to boot Ubuntu13.04 x64 gpt liveUSB in UEFI boot, but the keybord doesnt work at all. I have Win 7 installed under same configuration which works smoothly.17:26
Akshay_dDoes anyone have any idea what must be wrong?17:26
ikoniaAkshay_d: where does the keyboard not work ? in the OS, at the boot prompt ?17:26
MacroManbekks, OK, got it. just googled to uninstall it and I've got the commands. Thanks for your help.17:27
Akshay_dAt the grub menu17:27
Gilligan94Akshay_d: try a different keymap maybe? seems like an odd issue. have you tried a different keyboard?17:27
Caseycan someone tell me if this is the correct way to mount a raid1 on my system for the fstab file. the last line is the raid1. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850375/17:27
ikoniaCasey: why have you put a UID ?17:27
ikoniaCasey: as in uid=administrator, why have you put that in ?17:28
Akshay_dThe keyboard is perfectly fine as it works under windows 7, xp, ubuntu 12.10 32 bit, but does not work with aforementioned 13.04 setup17:28
Caseyikonia: I was following this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/164926/how-to-make-hdds-mount-at-startup-in-ubuntu-12-0417:28
ikoniaCasey: there is also no file system specified, what file system is in on ?17:28
freelinuxIm back... Im back... and alive :D17:28
Gilligan94Akshay_d: try a different keyboard, things can be a little ficcle in the areas like bios/grub. for example the corsair K70 doesn't work in the bios due to anti ghosting17:29
ikoniaCasey: that guide is for basically mounting an external disk17:29
freelinuxWorking on burning a chakra os copy17:29
freelinuxim pumped :D17:29
bazhang!ot | freelinux17:29
ubottufreelinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:29
Caseyikonia: I'm not sure if I understand the last question. would that be this?:  /media/2TB117:29
ikoniaCasey: no, thats a mount point, the file system is ext4, ntfs, ext2, reiser etc etc17:30
Caseyikonia: thanks for the clarification, I will look for an internal mounting page.17:30
ikoniaCasey: also you've got a UUID line AND a device file reference,17:30
ikoniaCasey: basically - it's the same as the line above for /17:30
Caseyikonia: can I PM you?17:31
ikoniaCasey: why ?17:31
ikoniaCasey: look at line 7 of your pastebin, it tells you the format you should use17:31
Caseyikonia: Would be best if I addressed the reason why.17:31
Caseyin a PM**17:31
ikoniaCasey: ok, please send me a pm then17:32
Akshay_dI will attempt another keyboard tomorrow morning. But that idea seems fruitless as KB works fine everywhere else. Even in BIOS menu, Feeling like a mutant!17:33
Gilligan94anyone know how to use BBswitch?17:34
andybrineGilligan94 its very strange. When I try and install any of the mupen64plus packages it says they are broken17:36
andybrinethink im going to reboot and try again17:36
Gilligan94andybrine: seems odd17:36
JesseHI tried to install the "php5-sqlite3" package but it gave me an error saying I was holding broken packages.17:37
JesseHNot quite sure how to fix.17:38
jribJesseH: pastebin full input and output17:38
JesseHjrib, Hastebin is better :317:39
Nothing_MuchI have a question, will Ubuntu adopt systemd eventually, like, maybe when 16.04 comes out?17:39
jribJesseH: you're using non-standard packages or repositories?17:40
kostkonNothing_Much, don't think so. but that's for #ubuntu-offtopic17:40
JesseHjrib, should be17:40
mumpitzelNothing_Much: no, ubuntu already has upstart. it won't change that17:40
jribJesseH: this is why you have issues17:40
Nothing_MuchOh oops17:40
Nothing_MuchMy bad17:40
JesseHjrib, mean SHOULDNT :P17:41
toastcfhjackw411: it didnt work. as soon as i plugged it back up and unplugged it shut off like a minute later17:41
mumpitzelJesseH: phpapi from 2006? really?17:42
jribJesseH: pastebin « apt-cache policy phpapi-20060613+lfs php5-sqlite3 »17:42
HankMccoyI was just telling ppl to watch us too17:42
Ryan_L_WilliamsHow do I install MoonLight17:45
MonkeyDustRyan_L_Williams  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/06/linux-silverlight-plugin-moonlight-abandoned17:47
reshi, is there a way to find if a program is running as root or not?17:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:47
DJonesRyan_L_Williams: Doesn't look like there's been any sign of moonlight since lucid17:47
MonkeyDustres  ps -ef | grep [process name]17:47
Ryan_L_Williamsbecause I can't access their official website because it's giving me 40417:48
resMonkeyDust: thanks17:48
resMonkeyDust: is the user field in system monitor the same thing?17:48
=== enzo is now known as Guest31471
Ryan_L_WilliamsI need Silverlight but i cant find it anyweay17:49
MonkeyDustres  not sure, but try ps -ef|grep root17:49
Gilligan94Hi, I've trying to install bbswitch, I'm getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850440/ (trying to use make)17:49
resMonkeyDust: okay17:49
Guest31471is any one having boot problems with Ubuntu 13.04 ?17:49
Guest31471Taking too long17:50
Gilligan94Guest31471: I am not17:50
wilee-nileeGuest31471, How long?17:50
Guest31471when the LAN cable or the flash drive is plugged in ...17:50
Ryan_L_WilliamsGuest31471: how did you install it17:50
Guest31471clean install17:50
Kitt3nGuest31471, you can't boot when you have a lan cable or USB plugged in?17:51
Guest31471dual boot with 717:51
Gilligan94Guest31471: Do you have your hard drive set as first boot priority?17:51
Guest31471No it boots ... but it may take 10-15 min17:51
=== ewok is now known as Guest38111
Guest31471and the easy solution is to plug out the cable or the flash17:51
Ryan_L_WilliamsSo is there any software like Sliverlight then17:51
resMonkeyDust: sorry, my question was a little wrong. I meant, is there a way to know if an app has root privileges? like, when we run an app using the sudo command17:51
Guest38111Hey folks, is there anything grub-related I need to do before installing winxp on a separate hdd from ubuntu? I have no idea what i'm doing.17:52
Kitt3nres, when an application is run with sudo, it has root access, simple as that17:52
Guest31471And the same thing happens when shutting down it hangs and i'm forced to remove every thing or shut it down manually17:52
Kitt3nGuest31471, is the computer EFI based?17:53
Gilligan94Guest38111: Hi ewok 0.017:53
Gilligan94Hi, I've trying to install bbswitch, I'm getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850440/ (trying to use make)17:54
Kitt3nGuest38111, Grub should be able to find the Windows XP partition and add it to the boot list17:54
resKitt3n: well, I have added a user in the sudoers file. But the app is still asking for password when it has to execute a sudo command. So I was wondering if it actually is executing with root privs17:54
Guest31471I may not know much about EFI .. but i think not my laptop is 3 years old17:54
Caseytrying to automount a raid1 volume on bootup. Can someone tell me if the last lines are correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850452/17:54
MarikawnCan anyone offer me some help on getting my skype to work?17:54
Ryan_L_WilliamsSo there isn't17:54
Ryan_L_Williamssudo apt-get skype17:54
MarikawnI've installed skype already17:54
Gilligan94Ryan_L_Williams: I think you missed 'install'17:55
MarikawnI'm running Backtrack 5 R217:55
Ryan_L_Williamsoh yes lol17:55
Marikawnwith Ubuntu 10.04 under it17:55
bazhangMarikawn, get support in thebacktrack channel17:55
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:55
MarikawnThe problem I am having is with the camera17:55
Ryan_L_WilliamsCan't i install Silverlight17:55
bazhangMarikawn, bt is not supported here17:55
Gilligan94Ryan_L_Williams: why do you want silverlight?17:55
MarikawnIt's Ubuntu17:55
bazhangRyan_L_Williams, its dead, so no17:55
Guest31471Kitt3n: I may not know much about EFI .. but i think not my laptop is 3 years old.17:55
Kitt3nRyan_L_Williams, you could try Moonlight17:56
Marikawn?? I don't understand17:56
Gilligan94!backtrack | Marikawn17:56
ubottuMarikawn: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:56
bazhangMarikawn, it's bt, so join #backtrack-linux17:56
Ryan_L_WilliamsTo watch SkyGo17:56
Ryan_L_WilliamsI CAN!!!:@17:56
reisioRyan_L_Williams: you can install it in a win32 browser via Wine17:56
wilee-nileeRyan_L_Williams, you can install ie8 in wine  or playonlinux, maybe silverlight in there not sure.17:56
reisioor Firefox in Wine17:56
Ryan_L_WilliamsSHOW ME HOW to install it then Please??17:57
wilee-nileeeven better17:57
reisioRyan_L_Williams: min17:57
Ryan_L_Williams1 min ok17:57
reisioRyan_L_Williams: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/ grab the English win3217:57
Gilligan94Can anyone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850440/17:57
reisioRyan_L_Williams: sudo apt-get install wine17:58
Kitt3nGilligan94, insteall the linux headers?17:58
reisioRyan_L_Williams: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.skygo wine path/to/Firefox\ Setup\ 22.0.exe /S17:58
Ryan_L_WilliamsThen what17:59
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I thought I had them installed17:59
Kitt3nGilligan94, The log doesn't agree with you17:59
Ryan_L_Williamsand what do i do with that command then17:59
Gilligan94Kitt3n: maybe I did it wrong, how would you install them?17:59
Gilligan94Ryan_L_Williams: type it into a terminal session18:00
reisioRyan_L_Williams: wait until it finishes18:00
Ryan_L_WilliamsNice day today isn't it18:01
reisioRyan_L_Williams: then this one: wget -O /tmp/Silverlight.exe -U 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)' 'http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/handlers/getsilverlight.ashx' && WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.skygo wine /tmp/Silverlight.exe /q18:01
Ryan_L_WilliamsStop, can't I use it on Chrome18:01
Gilligan94it would seem there is not linux-headers package for 3.8.0-20 0.o18:01
reisioRyan_L_Williams: probably18:02
Kitt3nGilligan94, what version of the kernel do you have installed?18:02
Ari-YangGilligan94, type uname -r in terminal18:02
GodoyXdoes anyone know how do i make my webcam work on ubuntu?18:02
GodoyXi am using a MacBook Pro mid-201218:03
Gilligan94Kitt3n: uname -a gives me Linux ThinkPad-T430u 3.8.0-20-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 6 17:03:32 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:03
trismGilligan94: it is there, but it is in -proposed, but then again, I still see 3.8.0-20 in -proposed too...18:03
trismGilligan94: the linux-image I mean18:03
Gilligan94trism: OOOH, I guess I should uncheck proposed,18:04
Kitt3nYou should also update the kernel18:04
Gilligan94Kitt3n: how do I do that18:04
Gilligan94actually proposed is not checked =-O18:04
Kitt3nGilligan94, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"18:04
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I do that fairly regularly I think it is latest18:05
Kitt3n.26 is the newest18:05
Gilligan94Kitt3n: hmm, I'll wait and let you know what happens18:06
=== _BJFreeman is now known as Guest57693
AfgghHi all18:06
Gilligan94Kitt3n: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:07
AfgghWill ubuntu 64 bit run on 768MB ram 2.2GHz p4?18:07
Gilligan94Kitt3n: seems fairly alarming that I'm not being updated correctly18:07
wilee-nileeAfggh, you want more ram if that is a 64bit computer18:08
trismGilligan94: do you not have -updates enabled, that version is -26, or perhaps your mirror is behind18:08
Afggh2gb ram18:08
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
Gilligan94trism: I think I have it enabled, I'll try a different mirror18:08
Kitt3nAfggh, Use 32 bits18:08
Kitt3nGilligan94, Try the official ubuntu download server18:09
Afggh64 bit won't boot?18:09
Gilligan94Kitt3n: roger, I was using the Australian one18:09
wilee-nileeAfggh, How muck ram do you actually have you gave two amounts.18:09
AfgghI have 768 now...will it boot?18:10
Gilligan94Afggh: I have doubts18:10
wilee-nileeAfggh, Ubuntu sugesstes at least a gig for 32 bit18:10
AfgghSo even 32 bit will have probs?18:11
reisioRyan_L_Williams: http://dpaste.com/1291092/plain/ cba to find the google chrome download path18:11
wilee-nileeAfggh, I would run lxde/lubuntu 32bit if it were me.18:11
Gilligan94does Ign in the update list mean ignore?18:12
wilee-nileeGilligan94, If you want the latest kernel run dist-upgrade18:12
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: ok18:12
AfgghWilee-nilee, can you please give the link for that? Thanks18:12
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:13
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:13
trismGilligan94: maybe pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?18:14
wilee-nileeGilligan94, I have not followed your posts, except it seemed you needed a higher kernel to that tar installed, not really my best area.18:14
Gilligan94trism: ok18:15
andybrineHas anyone come across the problem "held broken packages"?18:15
wilee-nileeandybrine, Yes, best to wait till available, may be just missing parts of the full package, how many are there?18:16
Gilligan94trism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850510/18:16
andybrineim not sure to be honest18:17
andybrineim dont think it said that18:17
wilee-nileeandybrine, Run sudo apt-get update and pastebin all the text.18:17
trismGilligan94: looks fine, maybe you don't have linux-image-generic installed?18:17
wilee-nileeI wondered that18:17
Gilligan94trism: there is no linux-image-generic for my kernel18:18
andybrinethe update worked perfectly18:18
Gilligan94trism: for some reason I have -2018:18
andybrinethere is nothing to update18:18
trismGilligan94: yes, I know that's an older one, but I just mean: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic; (no version numbers)18:19
trismGilligan94: so you can pull in -26 if it is there (which is should be) and then get the headers for -2618:19
wilee-nileeandybrine, Then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if you see the packeges added it is good, otherwise pastebin it and hit n for no.18:19
trismGilligan94: so you probably want linux-headers-generic too if you need the headers for each kernel18:20
Gilligan94trism: alright the -28 headers are installing18:20
Gilligan94trism: **-2618:20
Gilligan94trism: should I reboot after this?18:21
trismGilligan94: yeah18:21
andybrinethere were 4 to update18:21
andybrinethough they are nothing to do with the ones i want to install18:21
wilee-nileeandybrine, kernels?18:21
andybrineit then worked perfectly18:21
Gilligan94BRB rebooting18:22
andybrineis there anyway to purge everything to do with mupen64plus?18:22
bazhangandybrine, a ppa?18:23
andybrinepurge a ppa yeah18:23
bazhang!ppa-purge > andybrine18:23
ubottuandybrine, please see my private message18:23
wilee-nileeandybrine, sudo apt-get purge mupen64plus   I see it in the repos, but answer the ppa question.18:23
Gilligan94ok well that didn't work18:24
Gilligan94I'm still on -20 and there is only -20 in grub18:24
wilee-nileeGilligan94, Do you have more than one linux OS installed?18:25
trismGilligan94: apt-cache policy linux-image-3.8.0-26-generic18:25
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: nope18:25
ReactoAny way to improve dual monitoring? Really annoying that you sometimes can't move your cursor over to the other monitor before you unfocus an application18:25
Reactowould be nice to be able to hide the taskbar on the second monitor too18:25
andybrinethanks, im purging everything at the moment to do with mupen64plus18:25
wilee-nileeandybrine, THe ppa purge should do it all.18:26
andybrinehow can i purge the ppa?18:26
wilee-nileeunless it leaves the repo version18:26
Gilligan94andybrine: !PPA-purge18:26
wilee-nileeandybrine, check you pm from the bot18:27
Gilligan94trism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850550/18:27
andybrineGilligan94 that ppa caused me some issued18:28
Gilligan94andybrine: oh sorry :/18:28
andybrinenot sure whats going on to be honest18:28
andybrinenot your fault, the ppa seems fine18:29
Gilligan94andybrine: it's working for me, I used it to install mupen from though18:29
trismGilligan94: that is weird: how about: sudo update-grub; though the install should have run that18:29
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:29
wilee-nileeWARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages18:29
andybrineis there anyway to remove everything related to mupen64plus as i think thats what the problem is18:30
Gilligan94trism: i'll try that and reboot but I definatly saw the install run that18:30
toastcfhjackw411: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65889/computer-shuts-down-when-unplugged <~ workaround18:30
wilee-nileeandybrine, Have you run the purge?18:30
andybrineyeah mostly appart from the ppa18:31
bazhang!ppa-purge | andybrine please read this time18:31
ubottuandybrine please read this time: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:31
wilee-nileeandybrine, A "I think" approach can get dangerous, some will just start removing stuff be careful to remember what you do.18:31
motaka2hello i cant imprt files into phpmyadmin in ubuntu, i have changed file_max_size etc ... any suggestion ?18:32
Gilligan94yeah still no change18:32
Buckhey there18:32
andybrinethanks guys I have read that and purged everything18:32
PazoozaI run VMware VMX 5.0.2 on Ubuntu 13.04.    Every time there is a kernel update I have to uninstall and reinstall VMware because the module rebuild fails. Any fix for this18:32
Buckafter setting up postfix on my ubuntu dev server, I seem to be unable to log back in to the machine via SSH. It must be something I changed, but I am uncertain where to start looking. Could someone help? Ubuntu 12.0418:33
Ryan_L_Williamsokay Wine is officlal installed on my Ubuntu 13.04 Laptop, what next18:35
=== sam113101_afk is now known as sam113101
Gilligan94I'm still stuck with -2018:36
bekksPazooza: No fix for it besides blaming VMware. And you should update your VMware Workstation version, since 5 isnt supported anymore for ages.18:36
reisioRyan_L_Williams: http://dpaste.com/1291092/plain/ cba to find the google chrome download path18:36
wilee-nileeandybrine, If you have to remove something ppa related purge the ppa first.18:36
trismGilligan94: what does: ls /boot/grub; look like?18:36
Gilligan94this happend to my a while ago http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2143411 and I used this at some point https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair could it have messed up grub stopping me from update grub?18:37
Ryan_L_WilliamsWhere do I put that?18:37
Gilligan94trism: ill have a look18:37
andybrineok thanks18:37
wilee-nileeRyan_L_Williams, reisio was helping you you might try telling the with their nick.18:37
reisioRyan_L_Williams: they're commands, one per line18:38
Ryan_L_WilliamsCopy and paste into Command, Yes?18:38
reisioRyan_L_Williams: yes, but the 2nd and last lines need modification18:38
Gilligan94trism: it contains the following: fonts  grub.cfg  grub.cfg~  grubenv  locale  unicode.pf2  x86_64-efi18:38
trismGilligan94: can you pastebin /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:39
Gilligan94trism: sure18:39
trismGilligan94: I just want to see if the correct kernels are in there18:39
Gilligan94Gilligan94: !pastebin18:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:40
Ari-YangGilligan94, susepaste is better http://paste.opensuse.org/18:40
trismGilligan94: if they are then I'm guessing somebody else owns grub18:40
Ryan_L_Williamsthat second line18:40
Ryan_L_Williamswhat you mean18:40
Gilligan94trism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850587/18:41
Gilligan94Ari-Yang: Naaaah18:41
wilee-nileeGilligan94, YOU have any usb's plugged in?18:41
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: nope, I'm in bed with the power cord that's all18:41
wilee-nileeGilligan94, I think trism is probably right on grub ownership, you can set grub in the mbr with sudo grub-install /dev/sdX X is the hd ubuntu is is probabli sda18:42
motaka2hello i cant imprt files into phpmyadmin in ubuntu, i have changed file_max_size etc ... any suggestion ?18:43
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: maybe it's on my little SSD?18:43
Ryan_L_Williamsi'm confused now18:43
wilee-nileeGilligan94, THis a W8 dual boot?18:43
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: nope18:44
wilee-nileeGilligan94, Run the booinfo summary on the botrepair only and post the http.18:44
Ryan_L_WilliamsCan we just do firefox & I will do chrome my self later18:44
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: ok18:44
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: 1 sec gotta install it18:46
Ryan_L_Williamsreisio: can we just do FireFox then I shall do Chrome myself later18:46
wilee-nileethat script generated is a huge help in general with boot problems. Gilligan9418:47
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: I love boot-repair, saved my bacon AND made my boot all EFI compatible and pretty18:48
wilee-nileeah efi is this an apple computer? GillesM18:48
reisioRyan_L_Williams: http://dpaste.com/1291123/plain/18:49
wilee-nileeGilligan94, ^^^^18:49
wilee-nileesorry GillesM18:49
Kitt3nwilee-nilee, EFI doesn't mean M$c :P18:49
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: No, this is a lenovo T430u18:49
Ryan_L_Williamsreisio: I've already got Firefox installed??18:49
wilee-nileeKitt3n, For the record I do not need your comments to me generally I have you on ignore 2/3rds of the time you are off topic.18:50
wilee-nileeyou do help but are bad with the offtopic and this or that sucks..etc18:51
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850618/18:51
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: such a nifty little program :)18:51
wilee-nileeGilligan94, I'm not up on lvm or gpt, however this info should have been in your first post.18:52
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: well my first post was about my graphics card not working and we slowly got to this :P18:53
wilee-nileeGilligan94, Cool, but you get what I mean, no biggie, but it helps to have details.18:53
GodoyXhello people18:54
wilee-nileeGilligan94, If you don't get this fixed here try a thread at the ubuntu forums.18:54
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: Sorry, I try my best to include all the details I can, often I don't know where to find the details you might need18:54
Kitt3nGilligan94, mind updating me on what the actual problem is right now?18:54
wilee-nileeGilligan94, I do the same thing inspite of knowing better. ;)18:54
Gilligan94Alright so if anyone wants to join in I have an issue where I cant get my nvidia card working because I can install linux headers because I cant update my kernel because my grub is aodd here is a paste bin of info that seems important http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850618/18:56
Ryan_L_Williamsreisio: done18:56
Kitt3nGilligan94, is the grub-efi bootloader working?18:56
Ari-YangGilligan94, also pastebin /etc/default/grub18:57
Ari-Yangjust so we can see what that looks like18:57
Gilligan94Ari-Yang: roger, I think I did I'll see if I can find it18:57
Ryan_L_Williamsreisio: File is corrupt18:58
reisioRyan_L_Williams: hrmm?18:58
Ryan_L_Williamsreisio: is that ment to happent18:59
Gilligan94Ari-Yang: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850640/18:59
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I have no idea18:59
WMipv6Hi all, I installed ubuntu server and than apt-get gnome packages, i got the graphical interface but it is broken, i cant access the start up menu and cant start any applications or console. anyone know why this happened? is this common? didn't find anything about it S19:00
Reacto"Would you like to install Twitter (...)" when entering Twitter with Firefox, any way to disable these notifications?19:00
=== Kitt3n is now known as Kitt3n|afk
GodoyXdoes anyone know how to make so this "... has joined/left" stop appearing??19:01
WMipv6thanks in advance19:01
DJonesGodoyX: which irc client are you using19:01
msdaisyReacto: I wish. http://xkcd.com/1174/19:01
trismReacto: http://askubuntu.com/questions/206710/how-do-i-disable-unity-webapps-notifications-from-popping-up-everytime-i-visit-a19:02
GodoyXDjones: Quassel IRC19:02
arooni-mobile__why does alt + tab show minimized windows in ubuntu?  is there a way to only show active windows?  (ubuntu 13.04)19:02
submanHas anyone else noticed that the new Google Maps freezes up Firefox and just crawls really slowly?  Is there a fix for this?19:02
Reactothanks trism19:02
Reactosaw that link when I googled, but thought it had to do with something else19:02
Gilligan94subman: that sounds like a firefox issue19:03
Gilligan94subman: works fine on chromium under ubunt19:03
DJonesGodoyX: I don't use Quassel, but I've got this saved as a bookmark http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages#Quassel19:03
submanGilligan94, I'll try that but I cannot stand chromium19:03
reisioRyan_L_Williams: what?19:03
msdaisyWMipv6: Why do you want a GUI on your server?19:04
Gilligan94subman: to each their own, I cant stand firefox uses too many resources19:04
holsteinWMipv6: what graphical insterface did you install? and how are you trying to start it?19:04
submanGilligan94, I did a resource study on my machine awhile ago and I found virtually no difference at all.19:04
wilee-nileesubman, uses a bit of the processor and ram what is your hardware info there?19:05
Gilligan94subman: I switched a LONG time ago and at the time (XP days) firefox was very heavy, now all my stuff is synced with google and I am happy19:05
wilee-nileeGilligan94, THat is persoanl opinions and not helpful.19:06
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: sorry19:06
Gilligan94So if my grub is in the wrong place or somthing, what should I do to correct it?19:07
submanwilee-nilee, Pentium dual core E5800, 8 GB RAM, NVidia GeForce 620019:07
wilee-nileesubman, That should do it have you checked the use in general, do you have a lot of stuff open at times?19:08
WMipv6msdaisy Hey, i installed gnome. let me find the command i used19:08
submanwilee-nilee, it just seems to be anything Google.  It happens on my netbook as well.19:08
submanwilee-nilee, I've not noticed it with other sites.  On my netbook just opening Firefox and Gmail bring my computer to a crawl19:09
wilee-nileesubman, You can install htop and look at whats running, I just have a conky to see in general.19:09
ldapnoobHello everybody, Is anybody here familiar with openldap (and have a few minutes for some questions)?19:09
WMipv6msdaisy i used guide on http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-gui-in-ubuntu-server.html command was sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:09
submanwilee-nilee, yes, I use htop.  Firefox, when accessing Google services, crawls to the top of the CPU usage ranks.19:10
holstein!ask | ldapnoob19:10
wilee-nileesubman, I run FF with nothing saved but bookmarks, could need a cleaning, just a guess.19:10
submanwilee-nilee, wouldn't this be a java problem?19:10
Gilligan94I have an issue where I cant get my nvidia card working because I cant install linux headers because I cant update my kernel because my grub is aodd here is a paste bin of info that seems important http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850618/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850640/ it has been suggested that my grub is under the wrong ownership or sothing anyone have ideas regarding this? this will be my last post before I move onto askubuntu/ubuntuforum19:10
wilee-nileenot sure19:10
ubottuldapnoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:10
=== aravind1 is now known as arvindeep
mustafa_hi >>>>19:11
WMipv6msdaisy I have the graphical interface, but problem is that when i click on start up menu, and try to find something, the search thinky moves, but doesnt show anything i can take screenshoot if needed19:11
holsteinGilligan94: any errors when running "sudo update-grub" ?19:11
wilee-nileesubman, I start with the simplest first and knock out variables, in the ares I know which are limited.19:11
Gilligan94holstein: none :/19:11
=== folivora_ is now known as folivora
holsteinGilligan94: so, you can forget where you are heading then.. about permissions.. you *have* permission19:12
mustafa_i have a problem with sychronizing my samba with external drive to make it backup19:12
holsteinGilligan94: what errors from "sudo apt-get update" ?19:12
Gilligan94holstein: none there either19:12
holsteinGilligan94: so, whats the issue?19:13
Gilligan94holstein: I have tried different mirrors too, I'm currently using the main mirror19:13
wilee-nileeholstein, YOU catch the lvm and gpt in their setuo?19:13
babinlonstonCentos users here ?19:13
bazhangbabinlonston, #centos19:13
wilee-nileesorry for caps and bad spelling19:14
Gilligan94holstein: um well I try updating to -26 but i'm stuck with -20 (linux headers)19:14
holsteinGilligan94: did you run grup repair? i was told that was a bad idea with GPT19:14
ldapnoobI configured slapd, and was attempting to add a user using ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com -W -f base.ldif.  This outputs "Invalid credentials (49)" and despite resetting the password and reconfiguring and reinstalling, I cannot seem to manage to authenticate correctly. I am also using the OLC format rather than the slapd.conf.  Is there any known issue with the default configuration19:15
ldapnoobthat I may have overlooked?19:15
babinlonston#centos not there seems19:15
babinlonstongiving error like Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services19:15
Gilligan94holstein: I used boot-repair a while ago but if any thing it increase compatibility19:15
mustafa_i have a problem with sychronizing my samba with external drive to make it backup  using back in time it dont make a automatic backup with external hard drive ......please help19:15
holsteinGilligan94: yeah? it should literally only repair the boot19:15
bazhangbabinlonston, ask for help registering in #freenode19:15
holsteinGilligan94: what are you trying to install, how, and what are the error messages?19:15
wilee-nileebabinlonston, You may need to be registerd.19:15
holstein!patience | mustafa_19:16
ubottumustafa_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:16
holsteinmustafa_: i suggest trying via ssh, or use the included backup tool19:16
babinlonstonWill u please Guide me how to register19:16
bazhangbabinlonston, join #freenode19:17
holstein!register | babinlonston19:17
ubottubabinlonston: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:17
Gilligan94holstein: I'm trying to update to kernel -26 because -20 does not have any headers and I need to install headers to install bbswitch with is required for bumblebee19:17
Gilligan94holstein: there are no errors however after updating and rebooting I'm still on -2019:17
holsteinGilligan94: bumblebee is not officially supported.. what are the errors?19:17
Gilligan94holstein: no errors19:18
mustafa_<holstein> you mean like using degacup it doesnt offer advance feature like back in time19:18
holsteinGilligan94: if you are having trouble installing something from the bumblebee PPA, you will need to ask the maintainer for support19:18
mustafa_<holstein> and whats the difference if i used ssh19:18
wilee-nilee!tab > mustafa_19:18
ubottumustafa_, please see my private message19:18
holsteinmustafa_: it might offer arguably advaced features such as allowing you to use a USB drive with samba easily19:18
Gilligan94holstein: No, I'm having trouble updating from linux kernel 3.8.0-20 to 3.8.0-2619:18
reisioRyan_L_Williams: what's up?19:18
holsteinGilligan94: purge the ppas that could be causing breakage.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...report errors19:19
Gilligan94holstein: there are no PPAs causeing a breakage19:20
Ari-YangI say uninstall your current kernel, image, and headers, then reinstall them Gilligan9419:20
holsteinGilligan94: then, run the command above, and report errors19:20
holsteinGilligan94: if you have *any* ppa's, they *can* be causing breakage, and are not supported19:21
Gilligan94Ari-Yang: I have tried that, but dispite the install running smoothly grub doesn't update19:21
Ari-YangGilligan94, even update-grub doesn't update grub?19:21
Gilligan94holstein: I have *NO* PPAs other than the default enabled19:21
holsteinGilligan94: OK.. and the command? "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?19:22
Gilligan94Ari-Yang: unfortunatly yeh, sudo update-grub doesn't work19:22
holsteinGilligan94: i was told that gave no errors..19:22
holsteinGilligan94: how does it "not work" ?19:22
Gilligan94holstein: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:22
=== Kitt3n|afk is now known as Kitt3n
mustafa_<holstein> no it doesnt offer such feature like seeing usb19:23
Kitt3nGilligan94, can you paste the output of "sudo update-grub"?19:23
Gilligan94holstein: updateing grub does not give error but rebooting reveils only the -20 header in the list19:23
Gilligan94Kitt3n: ok19:23
holsteinmustafa_: ssh should the files system.. and you can mount whatever you want to where ever the samba share is19:23
Gilligan94Gilligan94: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850708/19:24
Gilligan94Kitt3n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850708/19:24
mustafa_<holstein> well l19:24
Gilligan94So even though http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850708/ shows -26 in the list when I reboot only -20 is available19:25
mustafa_the system sees the hard drive but when the system reset the syc is gone19:25
mustafa_it sees the drive but dont make automatic backup19:25
holsteinGilligan94: so, you have the kernel installed.. have you gone into the "other" area of grub? to see "past" versions?19:25
mustafa_unless iam making it manually19:26
holsteinmustafa_: right.. you would add that to fstab, or do it manually AFAIK19:26
Gilligan94holstein: yes, it only shows 3.8.0-2019:26
holsteinGilligan94: do you have another operating system on there running grub?19:26
Gilligan94holstein: No I do not19:26
mustafa_<holstein> iam not following you ......can you exp?19:27
wilee-nileeholstein, I had them run the boot script earlier if it is helpful, they have also run the bootrepair fix. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5850618/19:27
wilee-nileejust info19:28
Gilligan94wilee-nilee: thanks19:28
wilee-nileeno problem19:28
holstein!fstab | mustafa_19:28
ubottumustafa_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:28
holsteinmustafa_: that is how one would define a mount to a particular place at boot.. i would just do it manually19:29
esmirlinhey guys19:30
Gilligan94is it possible that I am using some different kind of grub since I use boot-repair and that the update-grub is trying to update the old one? before I used boot-repair my screen didn't use it's full res while booting now it does19:30
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esmirlinhow can i remember my nickname pass from freenode?19:30
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holsteinesmirlin: i would ask in #freenode19:31
wilee-nileeesmirlin, GO to #freenode and they will send it you to your registered email19:31
Sntif any xubuntu user is alive and have a clue, how to fix the problem, please help :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2160348&p=1272034519:31
holstein!ask | Snt19:31
ubottuSnt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:31
Kitt3nGilligan94, "sudo grub-install -v" that should print the grub version.19:31
Gilligan94Kitt3n: grub-install (GRUB) 2.00-13ubuntu319:32
Gilligan94Kitt3n: but is there a seperate version for EFI?19:33
Kitt3nGilligan94, well, THAT is correct.19:33
holsteinGilligan94: i have no idea.. i would reinstalling grub, making sure to try and see that it is getting "updated" while you are doing it19:33
Kitt3nGilligan94, Yes, grub-efi is for EFI19:33
Gilligan94holstein: thanks for your help sir19:33
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I'll try updateing that19:33
_jayhaving issues with my dvd drive, cds/dvds aren't recognized. Did a search and most places say to make a symlink to dev/dvd , but terminal is saying it fails because file exists19:34
_jaythis started on 12.04, i upgraded to 13.04, still happens19:34
holsteinGilligan94: i wouldnt mind trying another boot manager as well.. some you can try "live" AFAIK.. plop, GAG19:34
Gilligan94holstein: what do you recommend?19:35
holsteinGilligan94: trying plop, or GAG19:35
Gilligan94holstein: I think I need EFI support, do they offer this?19:35
holstein_jay: nothing software will fix a broken optical drive19:35
holsteinGilligan94: i have no idea, but, as i said, they should support running live, so no permanant breakage from trying them"19:35
Gilligan94holstein: ok thanks19:36
holsteinGilligan94: i havent had the fortune of working with UEFI yet. and im not looking forward to it :/19:36
Gilligan94holstein: it is hell19:36
Kitt3nGilligan94, um, when you're at the Grub window, do you have an extra option to "enter the bios"?19:36
Kitt3nholstein, it's not hell at all.19:37
holsteinGilligan94: well, we dont know for certain that this issue is related, yet...19:37
holsteinGilligan94: im certainly avoiding the hardware, though19:37
Kitt3nholstein, impossible, you can't avoid EFI now. :P19:37
ShadowBlaze18Hello, does Ubuntu still have source code for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?19:37
Gilligan94holstein: I havn't had issues with EFI and ubuntu but I had big trouble trying to get windows 7 to install on EFI hardware19:38
holsteinGilligan94: interesting...19:38
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I get Ubuntu, Ubuntu Advanced and recovery19:38
Gilligan94holstein: yea :P19:38
holsteinShadowBlaze18: yes19:38
Kitt3nGilligan94, errrm. That does NOT sound correct.19:38
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thanks, I have one more question19:38
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I might be miss remembering19:39
Gilligan94Kitt3n: what should be there?19:39
Kitt3nGilligan94, Grub-efi adds in an option to easily access the EFI bios.19:40
Gilligan94Kitt3n: huh, I dont think I have that19:40
Kitt3nGilligan94, Paste this in a terminal: [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD"19:41
ShadowBlaze18When redistributing the Ubuntu OS, just as it is, what happens if Ubuntu no longer has the source code avaliable after giving it to somebody, does this violate any licenses for software that comes with Ubuntu?19:41
Gilligan94Kitt3n: ok, done19:41
Gilligan94Kitt3n: I get [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD"19:41
Gilligan94Kitt3n: woops19:41
Gilligan94Kitt3n: EFI boot on HDD19:42
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Gilligan94Kitt3n: should I uninstall grub and tru grub-efi?19:42
Ryan_L_WilliamsI lost connection to the server19:42
Kitt3nGilligan94, well, it's the correct bootloader, I don't understand why it won't list the new kernels though.19:42
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Kitt3nGilligan94, you HAVE grub-efi.19:42
Gilligan94Kitt3n: Oh I see19:43
holsteini think thats a good place to start.. you used bootrepair, and it seems to have worked OK19:43
holsteinassuming you try and switch and break something that is19:43
Ryan_L_Williamswhere iks the paste gone19:43
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Gilligan94holstein: I do have a mini SSD which I'm not sure does anything under linux. I have the feeling I might have tryed to move my boot there when I repaired all those months ago19:44
smallmousehi have basic question on ubuntu. how do file permissions work ? is it by user ?19:45
smallmouseso can one user have different file permissions to another user ?19:45
ikoniasmallmouse: user/group/world19:45
ikoniasmallmouse: I'd suggest looking at tldp.org to understand how linux file system permissions work19:45
Gilligan94I just had a look in gparted It doesnt look like there's anything in the SSD19:46
pfifo!info unity-greeter precise19:47
ubottuunity-greeter (source: unity-greeter): Unity Greeter. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.9-0ubuntu1.2 (precise), package size 88 kB, installed size 324 kB19:47
Gilligan94quick question does uname work on anything other that linux and if not why have a command that just spits out "Linux"19:47
ikoniaGilligan94: uname works on any unix variaent19:48
Gilligan94ikonia: I see, thanks19:48
LjLsmallmouse: a file has an owner user, and an owner group. if you're the owner user, you have some permissions, if you're in the owner group, you have some other permissions, and if you are just a random somebody, you have yet another set of permissions. these permissions can be "read", "write" and "execute", and the whole thing is often shown like this: rwxr-x--x (this would mean the owner can "rwx", i.e. read, write and execute, the group can only "r-x", i.e.19:48
LjLread and execute, and the rest of the world can only "--x", execute)19:48
holsteinsmallmouse: yes19:49
smallmouseLjL: thanks19:49
Gilligan94Thanks to anyone who tried to help me out, It's almost 4am over her in Australia so I'll have to give up for the night, cya o/19:49
holsteinGilligan94: good luck!19:49
Gilligan94holstein: thank you sir19:49
holsteinGilligan94: im sure you'll get it sorted19:49
smallmouseLjL: i have  a problem where i chmod 777 -R an entire www directory19:49
pfifoDoes this look safe? http://fpaste.org/23456/40140137/19:50
smallmouseLjL: i know need to set permissions back but wow this is complicated19:50
Gilligan94holstein: might have to just do a fresh install :P well I'm off19:50
Ryan_L_Williamshow do i delete all ogf Minecraft app, jar, and all of it conent on my laptop19:51
grex25Anyone knows a good alternative for google keep to  self-host? Should work on Desktop and Android... I already got Owncloud but there is no good sync option to android19:51
LjLsmallmouse: well clearly you need to know what the original permissions were (often, people come here telling us they've mistakenly chmod'd the entire /, and then we tell them "reinstall" because that's the only really sane option); once you do, the chmod command can work with numbers (like the "777" you mentioned) but it can also work with a little friendlier syntax19:51
Ryan_L_WilliamsAnd make sure that it's perm deleted of my hdd19:51
smallmouseLjL: thanks yes i think i need to go back to an original set up and see19:52
smallmouseLjL: but having done a -R  was not the brightest idea in the world.19:53
LjLsmallmouse: examples: "chmod u+rw" means "give the owner user read and write permission, leave the execute permission alone"; "chmod g-w" means "take away write permission from the owner group, leave everything else untouched"; "chmod o=x" means "give everyone else execute permissions only"; "chmod a+rwx" means "give all users (owner, group and world) read, write and execute abilities" (this is equivalent to 777 i believe)19:53
LjLsmallmouse: yeah, it wasn't, but it happens19:53
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smallmouseLjL: so a file or directory has an owner and group attached19:54
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LjLsmallmouse: yep, you change those with the "chown" command19:55
smallmouseLjL: i suspect i need to understand what the www group is and unfortunately it is a CMS so this becomes even more complicagted19:55
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smallmouseLjL: is there an undo button ?19:55
LjLsmallmouse: eh i'm afraid not :(19:55
smallmouseLjL: or can i get the changes in the log files ?19:55
FloodBot1Ryan_L_Williams: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
LjLsmallmouse: no, i don't think chmod logs anything19:55
LjLRyan_L_Williams: you've been banned by the bots for flooding, please leave and then join again to be able to speak again19:56
pfifohe got kicked too :(19:56
Ryan_L_WilliamsGuys, how do I clean up my Ubuntu 13.04 to run a bit faster19:57
litepoolMy server came preinstalled with ubuntu which has software raid1, is there a way of removing this? getting really bad io write speed19:57
BlueEagle!ot | agghg19:57
ubottuagghg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:57
DJonesagghg: Wrong channel, this is Ubuntu support19:58
esmobghi evry one20:01
pfifolitepool, you can try degrading the array, it might help performance20:04
esmobgi m from bulgaria20:04
esmobgnice too met u20:04
Kitt3n!ot | esmobg20:04
ubottuesmobg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:04
Ryan_L_Williamsriex: How do I clean up my H.D.D to make it run fastester20:04
ShadowBlaze18Hi, what happens if I give Ubuntu out with preinstalled software, and Ubuntu later no longer has the source code avaliable, I'm I in violation of those software licenses?20:04
generic1hi mates!20:05
ShadowBlaze18*the default preinstalled software20:05
generic1somehow, I just disabled the top bar of ALL windows on ubuntu 12.04.220:05
esmobgi search  ubuntu bulgarian20:06
generic1I mean the top bar, where one can minimize, restore or maximize the window20:06
pfifoShadowBlaze18, all you have todo is provide a link to the softwares website. "make available"20:06
generic1how can I enable it again?20:06
DJones!br | esmobg20:06
ubottuesmobg: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:06
DJonesesmobg: Sorry, wrong link20:06
DJones!bg | esmobg20:07
ubottuesmobg: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently20:07
ShadowBlaze18pfifo, does Ubuntu already have links to those on the OS?20:07
ShadowBlaze18pfifo: speciffically 12.04 LTS20:07
archierpwhy i m getting :W: Falhou obter http://ppa.launchpad.net/glennric/dolphin-emu/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found20:07
archierp ? I use ubuntu 13.1020:07
archierpsudo apt-get update20:08
pfifoShadowBlaze18, im not a lawyer, but if you give away ubuntu, and use the software from the repos, your complying with all licensing, ubuntu takes care of it for you.20:08
trismarchierp: that ppa doesn't build packages for saucy yet20:08
DJonesarchierp: Support for 13.10 is in #ubuntu+1 however you may also need to contact the ppa maintainer as its possible the ppa hasn't been updated for saucy with it not being released yet20:09
pfifoShadowBlaze18, and of course if your compiling from source, just leave the source on the machine20:09
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ShadowBlaze18pfifo: so using the default programs, I don't have to worry? I just got the iso on a CD and gave it away (the OS)20:09
archierpDJones: will work on 12.04? ..20:10
pfifoShadowBlaze18, your fine, you can give away the iso, its ubuntu's responsibility20:10
esmobghi i have a  problem with orca scfreen reader last version20:10
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thank you, pfifo20:10
DJonesarchierp: I've no idea, its not something I've seen before, you'd need to contact the ppa maintainer20:11
brontosaurusrexShadowBlaze18, also you haven't make any releases by handling a cd, so in that case gpl is irrelevant basically20:11
archierpDJones:but is not one its tree ppa ... im getting ..20:11
litepoolpfifo what do you mean?20:11
ShadowBlaze18brontosaurusrex: what do you mean? I gave the cd away and the computer with Ubuntu20:12
pfifolitepool, you can degrade lvm and make it not use the additional disks at all20:12
DJonesarchierp: Looking at the ppa, it doesn't have a saucy version20:13
dummynethow do i send ipv6 packet from one machine to another and tcpdump on the destination machine?20:13
Reactohttp://i.imgur.com/PgvWjUZ.png - probably a retarded question, but how do I get past this? Trying to install Wine :P20:13
pfifo!lvm | litepool, heres the docs, check them out it will give you a few ideas20:13
ubottulitepool, heres the docs, check them out it will give you a few ideas: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:13
archierpDJones:Okay, thank you men20:14
jribReacto: tab, enter20:14
Reactoah, thanks20:14
brontosaurusrexShadowBlaze18, read the gpl lately?20:14
ShadowBlaze18Yes, I review it20:14
DebolazShadowBlaze18: The GPL requires you to make sure source code is available at least for 3 years after you've distributed the CD (Not necessarily through you, pointing to the Ubuntu website is sufficient as far as your end of the bargain goes). But the only penality for not doing so, is not being allowed to distribute any further CDs.20:15
ShadowBlaze18I'm also talking about GPL 1,2, and 3 brontosaurusrex20:15
DebolazShadowBlaze18: This holds true for both GPL v2 and v3. I don't know about v1. :-)20:15
ShadowBlaze18Okay, does Ubuntu have any GPL 1 software?20:15
DebolazShadowBlaze18: Ie, the only consequence for you if you violate it, is being prohibited from redistributing the GPL licensed software again.20:16
ikoniaShadowBlaze18: you'll need to check each package20:16
brontosaurusrexShadowBlaze18, you are not changing the code, not making any releases, so you have no copyrights of any kinds20:16
pfifobut gpl also says 'This version or any later version at your discretion'20:16
brontosaurusrexShadowBlaze18, so the license is irrelevant to you20:16
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thanks20:16
ShadowBlaze18I was making a release by giving the CD, though, correct?20:17
ikoniaShadowBlaze18: no, you are not making a release20:17
Debolazpfifo: GPL doesn't say that, sources using GPL says that.20:17
ikoniaShadowBlaze18: you are giving someone a pre-made release cerfitied by canonical that it complies with the license.20:17
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thank you20:18
Debolazikonia: That's wrong imho. The GPL doesn't talk about releases, it talks about distribution.20:18
ikoniaDebolaz: I didn't see it talked about a release20:18
ikoniaDebolaz: I said he is distributing a release certified by canonical to comply with the license.20:18
brontosaurusrexDebolaz, distribution is encouraged afaik20:19
DebolazPoint is that ShadowBlaze18 is subject to the GPL when he distributes a CD.20:19
Debolazikonia: Misread it a bit.20:19
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DebolazBut point still stands, the GPL is what allows ShadowBlaze18 to give someone a CD with GPL licensed software on it, hence it applies to him.20:19
ikoniaDebolaz: no-one is saying it doesn't20:19
Debolazbrontosaurusrex said so. :)20:20
ikoniaDebolaz: not if you read the context, he was basically saying "it's not your problem - ubuntu has it covered"20:20
ikoniabottom line is - please distribute ubuntu with confidence20:21
pfifoShadowBlaze18, ive read about blatant violations of free software licenses, no one does anything about it anyway.20:21
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ShadowBlaze18Okay, but it still breaks copyright law, in the U.S. I believe if it's a violation20:21
Debolazikonia: Legally, it is his problem.20:22
ikoniaDebolaz: enough now - you're just trying to make a problem out of nothing20:22
litepoolthis is my iotop http://i.imgur.com/OHMQfEK.png is there anything wrong with this?20:22
ikoniaDebolaz: canonical has checked the software - it's THEIR distgribtuion, it's covered, it's fine20:22
Debolazikonia: I don't like people being given confusing or misleading information.20:22
DebolazBut fine.20:23
bekkslitepool: Everything is fine. You dont have any valuable IO currently. :)20:23
ikoniaDebolaz: then stop confusing the issue - you are making confusion. Ubuntu complies with the GPL of the software it includes, distribute it with confidence.20:23
chrohow can I list all users that I logged to a machine? w does not show users that are logged in to lightDM20:27
pfifochro, 'who' isnt working for you?20:29
chrooh it shows20:30
chropfifo: but it does not show for how long that user has been logged20:30
pfifochro, it shows when they logged in, guess you have todo the math yourself20:31
chrooh right20:32
Giwrgaraswhat a piece of shit20:38
ShadowBlaze18What is?20:39
IdleOneGiwrgaras: Please mind your language20:39
Giwrgarasseriously just write 'its a piece of shit we admit it' and stop torturing people20:39
Giwrgarasi have recomended ubuntu to all of my enemies20:39
Giwrgarasive found a use for it20:39
SonikkuAmericadkdek,dcxk,dk,dcfkdcfk Giwrgaras20:39
DJonesGiwrgaras: This channel isn't for rants20:40
Giwrgarasits for nerds and crash20:40
Giwrgarasok i go20:40
SonikkuAmericaGiwrgaras: ##ranting is though.20:40
ShadowBlaze18I'm going20:40
estucheequis de...20:44
estuchesi claro20:44
estucheyo me largo20:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:44
_j0k3r_hi guys...20:48
_j0k3r_i installed ubuntu by using wubi (don't ask me why, needed a fast way to get a linux distro and was not able to use a burnt cd but just a usb)20:49
_j0k3r_now the /host folder is full...20:49
_j0k3r_but i installed no more than few kb of stuff (mainly python sources)20:49
MonkeyDust_j0k3r_  the problem is wubi20:49
_j0k3r_yes but i am  mostly new to that...do i have any hcance to sort this out or do i have to reinstall ubuntu without wubi ?20:50
_j0k3r_MonkeyDust, ?20:50
MonkeyDust_j0k3r_  can't say, never seen a /host folder20:51
MonkeyDust_j0k3r_  or do you mean /home ?20:51
_j0k3r_MonkeyDust /host20:52
=== aaron__ is now known as somethingnew
=== somethingnew is now known as newdat
MonkeyDust_j0k3r_  and what's inside that /host folder ?20:53
_j0k3r_MonkeyDust, j0k3r@ubuntu:~$ ls /host/20:53
_j0k3r_$RECYCLE.BIN  System Volume Information  ubuntu20:53
_j0k3r_j0k3r@ubuntu:~$ ls /host/20:53
_j0k3r_i gave more than 200 GB for such partition...20:53
newdatlets say that i want to see the  spectrum analyzer when i am listening to radio how can i do that?20:54
MonkeyDustnewdat  in what program?20:54
newdat MonkeyDust  yes20:54
MonkeyDustnewdat  that was no yes/no question20:55
sugusi need some help here20:55
=== cheesecakes is now known as yummy
newdatMonkeyDust, so you are saying there is no way to do that?20:56
MonkeyDust_j0k3r_  can't help with wubi, sorry20:56
suguswhat should i do in order to make my graphic card works perfectly so that i can play Window's games smoothly?20:56
MonkeyDustnewdat  what program are you using?20:56
newdatMonkeyDust, radiotray20:56
MonkeyDustnewdat  ah, I don't even get that to work in 13.0420:57
bekkssugus: That depends on your hardware and the requirements of that game.20:57
sugusby the way, my graphic card is ATI Mobility Radeon 5470 and Intel HD Graphic.. it's a hybrid20:57
newdatMonkeyDust, :(20:58
sugusbekks: i played Warcraft III Frozen Throne perfectly when running windows20:58
newdatMonkeyDust, i've tried to see the spectrum with aaronia20:58
newdatMonkeyDust, but it seems that it works only with external devices20:58
sugusbekks: but not in linux20:58
bekkssugus: That doesnt mean it will work the same in Ubuntu.20:58
newdatMonkeyDust, and it was looking pretty cool20:58
MonkeyDustsugus  check in !appdb20:59
newdatMonkeyDust, any ideas?20:59
MonkeyDustnewdat  nope, first I must get radiotray to work and then, I'm not much "into" eye candy and such20:59
sugusMonkeyDust: how to check it? i don't really know how since i'm new21:00
bekks!appdb | sugus21:00
ubottusugus: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:00
MonkeyDustbekks  was faster21:00
sugusbekks: thanks for help!21:02
sugusMonkeyDust: thanks for help!21:02
generic1hi there!21:10
generic1could you please tell me how to restore the titlebars for ALL gnome-shell windows? PLEEEEASE21:10
generic1i disabled them somehow :-(21:11
reshi, i'd like a little advice. is it bad to chmod the file  "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" to 77721:17
user01im having problems with bcm4313 driver any thoughts?21:27
min2______anybody here21:27
freaky[t]_is anyone here familiar with osticket? i need to know, how can i let osticket send an email to all staff members when someone already answered a ticket21:32
freaky[t]_of the staff21:32
SonikkuAmericauser01: Try http://wireless.kernel.org21:32
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | min2______21:33
ubottumin2______: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:33
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user01SonikkuAmerica, not seeing specifically21:38
SonikkuAmericauser01: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4321:40
lj1102Hello! My mousecursor froze, i had this several times already so i just tried to toggle my touchpad via functionkey but this time my cursor remained frozen so is searched google and tried modprobe -r psmouse && modprobe psmouse with no success then i tried synclient touchpadoff=0, i got an error like "couldnt find synaptics properties, no synaptics driver loaded?" so i went ahead and did the 13.04 update in the hope that it'll fix itself. it did21:43
gbappletonI haven'nt done any coding since I studied FORTRAN and COBOL on a honeywell mainframe 40 years ago, except for a little bit of Basic back in my dos days. i have switched to linux and realize that to really enjoy the richness and flexability of the OS, I need to learn a high level language. where should i start?21:43
lj1102btw. my touchpad worked flawless for several month oO21:44
user01SonikkuAmerica, i have 14e4:4727o (WIP)BCM4313 b/g/nLCN (r1)wl/brcm8021121:47
SonikkuAmericauser01: Did you do [ sudo modprobe wl ]? (It should be in the kernel)21:49
lj1102@gbappleton the question is what do you want to develop?21:49
user01SonikkuAmerica, FATAL:Module wl not found.21:50
gordonjcpgbappleton: Honeywell!!21:51
gordonjcpgbappleton: I have fond memories of the CP-6 system at RGIT ;-)21:51
SonikkuAmericauser01: Then [ sudo modprobe brcmsmac ]21:51
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gordonjcpgbappleton: if you want to start with a current (I'm struggling to say modern) high-level language, you could do worse than look at Python21:51
wilee-nileegbappleton, YOu might try ##linux I know no code and have full control in general.21:52
gordonjcpgbappleton: but it very much depends what you want to hack on21:52
gbappletonsmall apps, equivalent do a complex dos batch files, some modeling for physics, but mostly want to get a good understanding of whats really going on in the system. i used to have it , but since gui's came out I am not that comfortable modifying or digging in to the guts of the os like I used to.21:53
lj1102gbappleton: i would say if you want to fiddle around in the system and get a deep understanding of it there is no way around c(++)21:54
gbappletonI would like to be able to know what is going on when I get errors etc.21:54
Ryan_L_WilliamsSome user on this Freenode network had told me to install something, and its crashing and laggy my laptop. Is this Freenode network safe, and are you professionals to sort out customers, the members of the public. To me you, you need to get you act sorted out and sort out customers, and the general public who use ubuntu21:55
MonkeyDustgbappleton  maybe #ubuntu-app-devel suits you21:56
bekksRyan_L_Williams: If you deliberately install "something" which you dont know about - well, that critical. :)21:57
lj1102anybody here can help me on my touchpad problem? or somebody knows where i can see what happens when i hit the function key to enable my touchpad but it doesnt switch, like a log file?21:57
lj1102cant find anything in .xsession-errors21:57
kingbeastRyan_L_Williams, not to mention the fact that you do not install freenode, nor do any of us get paid, we willing help for nothing21:57
widadhello every body plz i have a problem with my sound i cant add volume or neither reduce it and it's all the time muted and can't turn it on it worked perfectly before update i have audacious . what can i do?21:58
gbappletonC++? sounds like a lot of work, but thats life, .since i used to input on punch cards, and love goto statements can I start with C++ or should I use something to get a handle on object oriented programming?21:59
Ryan_L_Williamsbekks: I understand your what your saying, & kingbeast: I do also understand what you mean by that I'm on about the "User" who told me to install something which doesn't work,21:59
kingbeastwidad, have you checked to see if it was muted in alsamixer?21:59
widadkingbeast, no where can i find it in ubuntu studio21:59
kingbeastRyan_L_Williams, what was you told to install?21:59
Ryan_L_WilliamsWine, Firefox, Microsoft Sliverlight22:00
kingbeastwidad, open a terminal and type in alsamixer22:00
lj1102gbappleton: i would take a look and do some tutorials or books on it if you get stuck you can always switch to a more high level language to first grasp the concepts.22:00
kingbeastRyan_L_Williams, all of those run fine on mine, and I have a four year old computer22:01
Ryan_L_Williamskingbeast: well it's not on mine, could you try and help me to use it, and if you can't I will have to uninstalling it22:02
ni544690does anyone have any suggestions for a Linux for beginers comprehensive video course?22:02
kingbeastRyan_L_Williams, if it isn't, uninstall it22:02
gbappletoni have Python installed on my system, I just dont really know where to start22:02
Ryan_L_Williamskingbeast: Right ok22:03
lj1102gbappleton: hello world has prooven as a good starting point ;)22:03
widadkingbeast, how can i know that it is muted? (i tiped it in terminal)22:03
gbappletonhello world? language or web site?22:03
MonkeyDustwidad  in a terminal, type     alsamixer    <-- mm means muted22:03
reisiogbappleton: http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/22:03
widadit is muted22:03
widadkingbeast, it is muted22:04
reisiomore at #python22:04
kingbeastwidad, if it shows a MM underneath anything hit the "m" key after you have scrolled over to it22:04
Ryan_L_Williamskingbeast: So whats the best thing to do then?22:04
lj1102gbappleton: hello world is a begginers programming example to get started, its actually THE code available in any language just search for "python hello world" and you'll find a good entry tutorial22:04
X-Sleepy-XRyan_L_Williams: Whenever I feel like using Windows specific software I just start VirtualBox and run Windows from there and perhaps that's something you'd like to go for.22:05
reisiowhat's the problem?22:05
Ryan_L_Williamskingbeast: by the way all of Silverlight, firefox are.exe's22:05
lj1102gbappleton: also youtube has to offer a lot of entry level video tutorials to get you started if you like it more visually22:05
kingbeastRyan_L_Williams, you are installing things in wine when you shouldn't22:06
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kingbeastRyan_L_Williams, open Ubuntu Software Center and install through it. Firefox came with Ubuntu unless you installed the server version22:07
lj1102can somebody tell me where i can see what commands/actions are called when i press a function key on my notebook, probably catched by the gnome-settings-daemon ?22:07
Ryan_L_Williamskingbeast: so i should uninstall them all22:07
gbappletonthat sounds good, I'll give it a try and go from there. thank you all for your help. i guess no  one uses assembly any more?22:07
reisiolj1102: xev22:07
widadMonkeyDust, thank you but it still doesn't work22:07
lj1102gbappleton: not for application programming :)22:07
widadkingbeast, it still doesn't work22:07
lj1102reisio: ok, what is this ?22:08
kingbeastwidad, open a terminal and type in without the quotes "lspci | grep Audio22:08
lj1102reisio: ok ..22:08
reisiolj1102: ...what you asked for22:08
widadkingbeast, it says "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)"22:09
lj1102reisio: mh yeh, its just giving me MappingNotify events ... my problem is that i cannot reenable my touchpad on my notebook, not via terminal commands and nor via function key, is there some gnome-settings-daemon log? where i can see what goes wrong, or even what the daemon is trying to do?22:10
gbappletonI figured as much. well, I off to nursery school again. it's kind of nice going through your second childhood. Bye and thanks again22:10
kingbeastwidad, I dont understand why it isn't working unless it is turned down22:11
reisiolj1102: xinput22:11
=== gbit86_ is now known as gbit86
Megabytehello there, guys22:12
MegabyteHow's Ubuntu been?22:12
Ryan_L_Williamskingbeast: Help me to uninstal them all22:12
wilee-nileeMegabyte, depends on who you ask, lol.22:13
wilee-nileefine here22:13
pixleIs it *Possible* to dual boot ubuntu22:13
pixleWithout using a flash drive or CD22:14
wilee-nileepixle, YOu have grub 2 installed anywhere?22:14
pixleI believe so wilee-nilee22:14
widadkingbeast, they say "Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s22:14
widadIn this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Properties or default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.22:14
widadThis situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.22:14
widadIf this is the case, then PulseAudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you should run start-pulseaudio-x11 manually."22:14
pixleI had it dual-booting before but...I screwed it up22:14
wilee-nileepixle, YOu can boot the ISO from with grub 2 in the mbr, if you have another install.22:14
pixleHow would I do that?22:15
wilee-nileepixle, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot22:16
lj1102reisio: is the Virtual core pointer likely to be my touchpad? (got no other mouse attached)22:16
wilee-nileepixle, Having a live cd on a disc/usb is your best tool however.22:16
pixleAway from home, don't have either of those with me atm22:17
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reisiolj1102: dunno, but if it's not listed as disabled, it doesn't matter22:17
reisiopixle: what are you ircing with?22:17
reisioon what os?22:18
widadanyone who can help me22:19
lj1102reisio: actually all is enabled, still the "nice" gnome overlay shows my touchpad with a cross which means its disabled, no matter how often i hit that toggle button. I've already tried modprobe -r psmouse && modprobe psmouse and synclient touchpadoff=0, the latter says "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?" i've already removed and reinstalled the xorg input driver stuff but still the same message, i'm kinda stuck on 22:20
wilee-nileewidad, Sure let me guess the meaning of life.22:20
reisiolj1102: what model 'puter?22:21
wilee-nileewidad, In other words describe the problem.22:21
fizban99ubuntu 13.04 64-bit fresh install. Installed skype via ppa, but my webcam is showing a green screen22:21
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:21
widadwilee-nilee, i already posted my problem but if you want i can reposted22:21
fizban99There's a good post here describing some workarounds: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73357/how-do-i-install-the-driver-for-a-microsoft-lifecam-vx-300022:22
lj1102reisio: its an asus ux31a but the touchpad worked fine for several month, it just started to begin to freeze in the last few days and now its 'toly frozen and wont come back.22:22
widadwilee-nilee, i have a problem with my sound it says "Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s22:22
widadIn this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Properties or default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.22:22
widadThis situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.22:22
widadIf this is the case, then PulseAudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you should run start-pulseaudio-x11 manually."22:22
wilee-nileewidad, Sorry missed that, it is just that asking for help is not a functional norm here.22:22
fizban99I installed the packages it asked for and tried all 3 variants of LD_PRELOAD, but I'm still getting a green screen. Any ideas?22:22
fizban99(and the webcam works in cheese btw)22:22
reisiolj1102: did you try cleaning it with a damp cloth?22:23
reisiofor serious22:23
widadwilee-nilee, i know don't worry22:23
widadwilee-nilee, and thanks22:23
wilee-nileeI'm not all that functional anyway, ;)22:23
widadwilee-nilee, did you read my problem? i reposted it22:23
wilee-nileewidad, Yeah, out my knowledge area.22:24
widadok thanks anyway22:24
lj1102reisio: yes i'm already about to open this thing up and check if the wiring is still working but i wired it myself several times.. so i'm pretty sure its still working, unfortunately i've killed my windows partition several weeks ago so i could check it there.22:24
widadso can anyone help me?22:24
widadplease i realy need help22:24
reisiolj1102: live os?22:25
sandmanIs there any benefit to running ziproxy if your ISP isn't running it? And secondly, anyone know if there's a decent way to tell if your ISP is running it?22:25
PeakerI want to report a bug in linux-image-extra-3.8.0-26-generic -- but I can't find any URL to file a bug? why is it carefully hidden? :P22:25
=== away is now known as twss
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:25
fizban99If anyone has Skype working with webcam on 13.04 64-bit, please let me know any tips to get it working22:26
Peakerwilee-nilee, thanks22:26
lj1102reisio: not a too bad idea i think i still got puppy linux somewhere flyin around, I'll try that. brb22:26
wilee-nileefizban99, When I have had skype working I use the download from their site not a ppa, that is about all I know.22:26
Peakerwilee-nilee, it did some GUI progress bar stuff, and then died22:26
fizban99I can try that.22:27
lj1102reisio: thanks so far, cu in a minute22:27
wilee-nileeah, well do what you have to.22:27
Peakeroh, "not an official Linux mint package" -- because to solve the bug I had to rebuild the package manually22:27
wilee-nileefizban99, You will have to purge that ppa first. Hard to say at least for me what the problem actually is.22:28
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:28
PeakerI found the bug, understood it, worked around it (built my own package), and now I can't report it so others will have to suffer through same bug, and bugs.launchpad.net has no "report a bug" feature, apparently.. :-(22:28
fizban99wilee-nilee: yep purging etc right now22:28
Peakerwhy make contributors' lives difficult?22:28
wilee-nileePeaker, You see the bots message?22:29
yugandharHi , Can anyone give me the link for FAI  installation and configuration for ubuntu 10.0422:29
wilee-nileeyugandhar, Desktop or server22:29
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trismPeaker: it would just be: ubuntu-bug linux; you don't have to do the specific package22:29
Peakertrism, ah, thanks22:29
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Peakertrism, why no "report a bug" on the website?22:29
reisiokeep the pedestrians away :p22:30
trismPeaker: it is there, but it is not obvious, since ubuntu-bug is preferred22:30
yugandharwilee-nilee:  i have steps for Debian only\22:30
Peakertrism, Fortunately today I had much patience, but I'm pretty sure the Ubuntu project is losing on a lot of bug reports..22:31
X-Sleepy-Xyugandhar: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/index.html22:31
reisiolosing the bug reports war? :p22:31
Peaker"ubuntu-bug linux" seems stuck :(22:31
PeakerNot even ^C stops it22:31
mstafahi . can i install like drupal cms on ubuntu sing ftp on local network ....does installing ftp give me priviliges as a root use to upload what ever files to any directory with in the system22:31
reisioroot does?22:32
trismPeaker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug?no-redirect22:32
Peakerok, I have two ubuntu-bug zombies stuck waiting on apport-gtk22:32
Peakernow I'm very sure Ubuntu is losing out on a lot of bug reports22:32
mstafai mean root priviliges to upload my files as a commercial host22:33
PeakerI guess nobody is alerted in the middle of the night if "ubuntu-bug" doesn't work22:33
reisiomstafa: ?22:33
Peakertrism, thanks, finally a form I can fill22:33
yugandhar<X-Sleepy-X> : How can i set up the fai server?22:34
Peakerubuntu-bug doesn't seem to actually work.. it should be made more robust so if any problems occur, it just directs you to a web browser with a new ticket report22:35
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X-Sleepy-Xreisio: fully automatical install22:37
PeakerLinux Mint bugs in packages that come from Ubuntu are to be reported to the same Ubuntu bug tracker, right?22:37
FolasHello there my ubuntu friends :P I'm having some issues with TeamSpeak 3 sound quality.22:41
FolasIs there anyone willing to analyse this issue and help me out a bit? =)22:41
fizban99hmm same result with the deb from the skype website22:44
Peakertrism, thanks to you I managed to file a (hopefully useful) bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1198556  thanks :)22:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1198556 in linux (Ubuntu) "The module "asus-nb-wmi" and its dependency "asus-wmi" are incompatible" [Undecided,New]22:44
Peakerheh, this one :)22:44
fizban99anyone have skype working with webcam on 13.04 64-bit?22:45
rlw8how do i install silverlight22:46
reisiorlw8: wine22:46
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rlw8reisio: I've don't that22:47
reisiothen you're done?22:48
wilee-nileefizban99, You have windows or android setup? I have found those OS much easier with skype.22:48
svanpeltthat's not really the point wilee22:49
svanpelt. . .22:49
wilee-nileeset it and forget it, lol22:49
wilee-nileesvanpelt, And your opinion means about as much as a louse to me.22:50
FolasWell, that issue just fixed itself. But *.jar files are not being executed with OpenJDK JRE and instead I see it as a folder.22:50
reisioright click22:50
FolasIt's set as "execute file as program" but still does it.22:50
FolasIf that is what you were to suggest.22:51
dummynethow do i tcpdump from the sent msg from machine1 to machine2?22:51
=== draconus2 is now known as draconus
riqdiizHi all22:51
FolasHi riqdiiz22:52
riqdiizFolas: can modeswitch work on slitaz distro?22:54
FolasI didn't say I know anything about ubuntu, I'm a 100% noob, so I'll pass that to someone else :)22:54
FolasI just wanted to be friendly :P22:54
orst3nive set a wallpaper ages ago, but dont have the orginal image anymore..22:55
riqdiizMe too :-) grop my way here. Thanks22:55
ShadowBlaze18Debolaz: Do I need to have the source code in a certain way for GPL V2 because it was redistributed as a CD and not the default .iso?22:55
orst3ndoes someoone know where ubuntu is saving the current wallpaper?22:55
DebolazShadowBlaze18: No.22:56
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thanks22:56
gp5sthello. /etc/apt/apt.conf contains the line 'Acquire::socks::proxy "socks://localhost:3128/";' (no quotes). apt doesn't seem to be using the proxy, though22:56
=== DartEvader is now known as SanPedro
svanpeltorst3n: "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri"23:00
reisioShadowBlaze18: jeeez man23:01
ShadowBlaze18Lol, yeah I should stop23:01
ShadowBlaze18I'm going to stop asking23:01
Tuna-Fishon newest ubuntu, what's the proper way to change the default application to open a file?23:01
orst3nthanks svanpelt23:01
reisioright click23:01
Tuna-Fishreisio: I can choose to open with something else, but how do I make the choice permanent?23:02
reisiosame way23:02
McDefficeHi, i have an problem with 'for' and 'ls' for dirname with space.  i have  somes folder begin with "[www.site.xxx]  dirname" and i need rename without www.site.xxx]23:09
reisiorename.ul 'foo' 'bar' foo*23:10
* lj1102 looking around for the guy i forget the username23:10
lj1102ah hey23:11
Poonamhi ppl23:12
lj1102reisio: man u were right my damn touchpad was hardware disconnected23:12
reisiooh? gj23:12
lj1102reisio: it took me some time to fiddle that 4mm flat wire bridge back into that ultra small flat wire port :)23:12
Poonamwill i get help here to solve my ubuntu problm23:12
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Poonamif you are discussing somthing else, i will wait23:13
lj1102reisio: thanks again!23:13
lj1102no my problem got solved :)23:13
lj1102go hit it Poonam23:13
=== Ububegin_ is now known as Ububegin
PoonamI got ubuntu 13.04, I changed my account password from adminiustrator account using terminal. now when i login i get prompt for "online accounts"23:15
PoonamI forgot the pasword and clueless hw to reset it23:15
rampage73I have a intel I350-t4 ethernet card (4 nics 1 controller i think) and in ubuntu I only see 1 nic even if I use intel's driver, anyone have any experience with this card? I am really stumped and google is not helping (or I am typing the wrong think into the search)23:15
gordonjcp!password | Poonam23:15
ubottuPoonam: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords23:15
lj1102you forgott ur root password?23:15
Poonamno, my Online accounts settings password23:16
reisiough, what idiot wrote that strong passwords article :/23:17
Kitt3nreisio, suggesting to generate a random password full of garbage? That's just asking for a disaster...23:18
Poonammy question is hw to reset the Online Accounts settings password23:18
lj1102regarding secure passwords https://xkcd.com/936/23:18
gordonjcpPoonam: the question as you've described it doesn't really make sense23:19
gordonjcpPoonam: there isn't a password for the "administrator account", and there isn't really an "administrator account" anyway23:19
PoonamUbuntu 13.04, Settings -> Online Accounts23:20
Poonamhow to reset the password for the settings23:20
Kitt3nPoonam, it should be the same password you use for your user?23:20
reisioKitt3n: yeah23:21
PoonamAdministrator changed my passowrd form termonal using "passwd"23:21
PoonamSince i forgot my password23:22
Kitt3nAdministrator? Someone else owns the computer?23:22
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Poonamya my brother and sister23:23
gordonjcpSuzie cat says hi ;-)23:23
Kitt3ngordonjcp, it happens.23:23
reisioyou can fix it from the live OS23:23
Kitt3nPoonam, just reboot your computer into recovery and use the root terminal from there?23:23
blahblah_I love windows23:24
PoonamI will give  a try23:24
PoonamI too :-(23:24
Kitt3n!ot | blahblah_23:24
ubottublahblah_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:24
bitpimpinteresting... someone I'm tutoring just ran 'rm -rf ~' while trying to erase a file they had named ~ and it seems to have erased their Downloads dir but nothing else.  In what order/how does rm -rf work?23:24
blahblah_windows of my cars tint23:25
bitpimpI'm wondering what kind of housekeeping I should do for them before they ever reboot... wonder if their user will come up again.23:25
reisiobitpimp: maybe that's all that was in ~/23:25
bitpimpreisio, no... they had a number of files and directories.23:26
Kitt3nbitpimp, well, ~/ is the user's home, the other folders are probably protected from harm, to some extent23:26
bitpimpreisio, I assumed they had hosed everything... I was sitting next to them and hit ctrl-c in about 3 seconds.23:26
DiodoI have problem with my zenbook battery and ubuntu 12.0423:26
reisiowell you said it only did downloads...23:26
bitpimpreisio, *have23:26
mike024MDADM: I want to add 3 devices and change my raid level from 5 to 6 at the same time. How do I go about this?23:27
Kitt3nbitpimp, rm -rf deletes folders forcefully, IIRC.23:27
bitpimpreisio, they have Pictures, Desktop, and so forth, and a number of individual files, most of which seem to have survived.23:27
FolasNot sure if I can convince anyone to like this, but if you would that'd be great https://www.facebook.com/LolOnLinux23:27
reisiowas the operation cancelled?23:28
Kitt3n!ot | Folas23:28
ubottuFolas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:28
bitpimpKitt3n, oh definitely23:28
FolasOh, m'kay, will do that23:28
bitpimpreisio, yes, then I cringed, then 'ls'd, to find most files/dirs there.23:28
Poonammust have had large download folder. As  for us i know rm deletes in particular order we know. it is based on the nodes in directory23:28
Kitt3nbitpimp, if the directories are still there, they aren't deleted.23:28
Kitt3nbitpimp, everything should be fine.23:29
bitpimpKitt3n, no, that was the thing, most everything was there, except Downloads, which is gone.23:29
bitpimpKitt3n, it was as if Downloads was like a sandbag wall!23:29
reisio... it goes in order23:29
reisioif you cancelled it, the lower end was spared23:30
bitpimpKitt3n, no doubt, there were a number of files in there.  It was probably in the next file after Downloads, then I cancelled.23:30
bitpimpreisio, what order?23:30
Kitt3nbitpimp, I don't feel like 'testing' on my computer since I've already reinstalled 4 times on my poor poor SSD hard drive.23:30
reisioD is near the beginning23:30
bitpimpKitt3n, omg nobody please 'test' this.23:30
Kitt3nreisio, Desktop, Documents THEN Downloads on my computer.23:30
gordonjcpKitt3n: did you read the article about the guys testing SSDs to destruction?23:31
reisioa-z, caps then lower23:31
lj1102If i may ask one more question, how can i fix my screen brightness hotkeys, they actually work but only 1 step so like 90% or 100%, i've already written a terminal program to write the values on my own into utility program to write stuff into the gsd-backlight-helper but it would be nice if i could do it via the hotkeys instead of terminal program.23:31
bitpimpKitt3n, plus, on your SSD, it'd go much much faster.23:31
Poonamhey check when hidden . files are stilll intact23:31
Kitt3ngordonjcp, Ummm, nope. Haven't heard of it, I prooobably should look into how I can make my SSD last a little longer, heeeh...23:32
bitpimpanyway, I also wanted to share the anecdote, since it's kinda amazing.23:32
=== gbit86_ is now known as gbit86
bitpimpPoonam, will do now23:32
reisioanyways, the data is still there unless it was overwritten23:32
bitpimpPoonam, that's what I'm after... trying to see what I should do before they log out.23:32
bitpimpPoonam, they seem to be there, nice.23:33
Kitt3nbitpimp, what reisio just said. You can easily recover the "deleted" data23:33
bitpimpKitt3n, really?  how?23:33
bitpimpreisio, Kitt3n ah right, yeah, I know it's there, but I've actually never contemplated how you recover on linux.  I probably should know that.23:34
reisioextundelete might be a start, if it's ext23:34
lj1102forget about my second question, i saw that stuff works after a bios update!23:34
reisiotry to not make writes in the interim23:34
* lj1102 is leaving23:35
lj1102thx 4 ur help, have a nice day23:35
Guest18524Im having audio problems. None of my media players will play anything, i get "Failed to connect: Connection refused" on most of them. And JACK can't start if im trying to do anything with that. Is there any way to remove any audio configurations and reinstall what ever kubuntu needs for audio. I reinstalled my distro, but it kept all my settings from before the install (my /home is on a seperate partition)23:37
Kitt3nGuest18524, do you have an AMD graphics card?23:39
Guest18524Kitt3n: Intel23:43
Kitt3nGuest18524, Okay, so it's not an AMD HDMI audio problem, have you checked the KDE sound mixer?23:44
=== Ryan is now known as Guest3247
Guest18524Kitt3n: I have.23:44
Kitt3nGuest18524, are the audio output set to the default analog?23:45
Guest18524Kitt3n: Yes23:45
=== gbit86_ is now known as gbit86
Kitt3nGuest18524, hmm..I don't know then.23:46
ozruxowould someone be able to help me with a backup of configuration file of vsftpd23:47
=== johnthebear is now known as johntheursidae
PoonamGuys prblmis not solved.23:52
Poonam"The password you use to  log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring"23:53
zaileionam i connected to the offical ubuntu support channel?23:53
Poonami get this prompt again and again23:53
bekkszaileion: Yes, you are.23:53
zaileionok.  super cool.  this is the first time in like 20 years ive used irc.23:53
zaileioni have a problem, to which i hope someone can help.23:54
Kitt3n!ask | zaileion23:54
ubottuzaileion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:54
zaileionok.  i have 2 samsung 840 pro ssd drives, connected into 2 - SATA3 ports on my motherboard (Asus Rampage 3 Black Edition) and i created a RAID 0 array using the Marvell BIOS Setup during the post.  I am trying to install a dual boot with wondows and ubuntu.  i can get winodws installed no prob, but ubuntu will not detect my Raid array.  ive tried ubuntu 13.04, 12.10, 12.04 and the alternate disk of ubuntu.23:57
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
bekkszaileion: That will not work at all, because you dont have a real HW raid controller. You have a so-called "fakeraid" controller which just works because of the windows drivers provided.23:58
bekkszaileion: alas: do not use fakeraid at all.23:59
zaileionwell.  the Asus support page says its true RAID...23:59
bekkszaileion: It actually is a raid - an true one, because it exists. But it is managed by windows drivers, not by some hardware controller.23:59
zaileionok.  if thats not how i do it, thaan please someone provide some advice.  ive checked 1000 pages on google, and have been at this for weeks.23:59

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