
david_How do I find out where a program like xchat is installed?05:30
david_Firefox asks me what application to open an IRC link in.05:31
holsteindavid_: i wouldnt bother... i would just open xchat, and go to the channel.. its not that hard, and you want to register05:39
holsteindavid_: right now, you can /join #channel-name05:39
holsteinto answer the question. should find what you need in /usr/bin.. /usr/bin/firefox for example05:40
david_Thanks holstein05:52
ZudoHackzhello, I just installed ubuntu studio!07:46
dan-rogerwhy is it soo difficult too upgrade my nvidia-drivers from 304.88 too 319.0011:19
smartboyhwdan-roger, you just install it?11:20
smartboyhwIt shouldn't be that difficult11:20
dan-rogercan i get some helpsoo i can update my drivers11:21
dan-rogeri have ubuntustudio 13.0411:21
smartboyhwdan-roger, uh oh, 319.00 is only in saucy hmm11:21
smartboyhwdan-roger, would you mind having 310 insted?11:21
cubdan-roger, off topic but tre.se where are you in Sweden? I'm in Sthlm.11:22
cubaha, the dark side. ;)11:23
dan-rogernu skall fjollträskbon inte va kaxi11:23
cubhaha no I grew up in Halmstad, then Haparanda and now fjollträsk11:24
dan-rogerare you  a bird11:24
cubnice to see more Swedes using US11:24
* smartboyhw wonders why so many Ubuntu Studio users are Swedish11:24
cubsmartboyhw, we are artistic. ;)11:25
smartboyhwcub, :o11:25
dan-rogerbecause the music-program are FREE11:25
dan-rogerand that is it not for PYTTEMJUK= microsoft11:25
cubI'm no help about nvidia though, runnin ATI here11:29
* smartboyhw too11:29
OvenWerksstudio-user033: Hello?17:04
=== david is now known as Guest96212
NavionCan someone suggest an S/PDIF digital audio input for Ubuntu-Studio? I've got an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 but I'm having trouble with the drivers (or lack of drivers).20:51
widadhello every body plz i have a problem with my sound i cant add volume or neither reduce it and it's all the time muted and can't turn it on. what can i do?21:14
widad_hello every body plz i have a problem with my sound i cant add volume or neither reduce it and it's all the time muted and can't turn it on. what can i do?21:17
widadhello every body plz i have a problem with my sound i cant add volume or neither reduce it and it's all the time muted and can't turn it on it worked perfectly before update i have audacious . what can i do?21:18

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