
elfylderan rowboatnick - not sure if I've told you his name, but DanChapman in #ubuntu-quality is someone that's happy to help us with autopilot tests - he's the guy who did the ubiquity stuff but "i'm a bread and butter kinda guy. Care more about the things i use daily. So i would rather work on those things... So i'm happy to work on xubuntu autopilot tests if they are needed/wanted."08:53
Noskcaj10elfy, on the topic of xubuntu autopilot. did any of the existing testcases work in xubuntu?08:58
elfyhave you tried them? 09:01
elfywhich existing xubuntu testcases? 09:01
Noskcaj10no, any testcases that have programs in xubuntu, and always ping me when you say stuff or i'll ignore it and keep looking at other stuff09:12
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
elfyhi smartboyhw 13:37
smartboyhwelfy, hmm, why are you welcoming me here and not in #ubuntu-quality? Hello nevertheless:)13:37
elfydidn't see you there13:42
knomepleia2, you okay?20:02
Noskcajknome, when is the shimmer project ppa going to have a saucy version22:46
pleia2knome: yeah, thankfully no flying today23:08

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