
fwereadejam, sounds good, thanks very much, I'll be on later tonight for reviews etc10:14
jamfwereade: api-watcher has been updated with your requests, I'm a bit blocked on upgrader-api-client-watcher because it doesn't seem to be firing the very low level Mongo watcher10:15
jamfwereade: And I'm working on a NotifyWorker which is all the Worker logic around looping/waiting on Tomb/etc10:15
jamwhich lets you write a worker in terms of "trigger this when an event comes in" rather than re-implementing all the Wait/Kill/Stop/loop logic.10:16
jamI started working on Upgrader, and realized a lot of this logic was very generic.10:16
jamI hope you had a good time at the wedding.10:31
=== bigjools_ is now known as bigjools
jamfwereade: ping?13:18
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
thumperwallyworld: you working today?22:54
thumperwallyworld: wouldn't mind a catch up call22:55
thumperalso I need some help with a sounding board22:55
wallyworldagreed. give me a few minutes22:55
* thumper takes the dog outside for 5 minutes of chasing a ball23:02
thumperwallyworld: back23:11
wallyworldok, almost ready23:12
thumperwallyworld: quick, put some pants on23:14
wallyworldthumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d3f48db1cccf0d24b0573a02f3a46f709af109a623:15

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