
manchickenJontheEchidna: Hey man, I've got the thing updating the sources. Now I'm having fun getting it to update the system.00:13
JontheEchidnamanchicken: fun?00:22
manchickenThe sarcastic variety :)00:22
manchicken    m_backend->updateCache(); That's what I'm calling.00:23
JontheEchidnaDid you run into any problems with that?00:24
manchickenfound error while replying QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", "") 00:24
JontheEchidnathat should be harmless00:25
manchickenI guess the question is how do I detect whether or not the update is working?00:25
JontheEchidnaah, right00:25
JontheEchidnaso that method returns a QApt::Transaction object used to track the cache update00:26
JontheEchidnamanchicken: if you have a libqapt checkout, there's some example code for that in the example/ subdir00:27
manchickenI'll look there. Thanks.00:27
JontheEchidnano prob00:28
manchickenJontheEchidna: Why not just provide QApt widgets?00:35
manchickenOr is that kinda what you meant with the examples?00:36
manchickenIn a less formal way?00:36
JontheEchidnamanchicken: I was trying to keep libqapt Qt-only00:36
JontheEchidnaand widgets would require KDE integration like l10n00:36
manchickenThat's a good point.00:37
JontheEchidnaI have to duck out for a bit, bbl00:37
smartboyhwHoly cow06:17
smartboyhwTranslating kde4libs.po for zh_HK is a hard job06:17
ScottKsmartboyhw: You aren't doing it in Launchpad are you?06:18
smartboyhwScottK, no.06:18
smartboyhwKDE -18n06:18
smartboyhwComplete disaster06:18
smartboyhwPeople translated it with extremely wrong sense06:19
smartboyhwThe translated words just doesn't match06:19
ScottKJust wanted to make sure you were doing it upstream and not in LP.06:19
smartboyhwScottK, no worries.06:21
smartboyhwI just want to revive the zh_HK KDE localization team:P06:21
smartboyhwScottK, but one .po file is already giving me a disaster.06:24
smartboyhwFor example, somebody translated "Yesterday" as “星期一” (which means "Monday"), but "Yesterday" should be "昨天“.06:25
smartboyhwScottK, how terrible is that? ....06:25
ScottKDoes sound bad.06:26
=== mkv is now known as m4v
* smartboyhw screams at the horribleness of the kdelibs zh_HK.po06:45
lordievaderGood morning.07:55
=== Guest3548 is now known as gaurav
Mamarokfolks, did you disable Nepomuk in 4.10.90 on Raring? I can't get it to run09:42
Mamarokwas already a problem in 4.10.8009:42
yofelnot particulary. Mind sharing your .xsession-errors?09:44
Quintasansmartboyhw: I'm kind of actually getting the idea10:56
QuintasanThat the thought process behind that one was lkke10:57
QuintasanYesterday == One Day Ago == 星期一10:57
QuintasanThough I might be wrong10:57
QuintasanWell, it really does mean Monday10:59
QuintasanHow did that happen10:59
QuintasanBut don't worry, Polish translation is bad too10:59
BluesKaj_Howdy folks11:23
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
soeegood morning11:37
smartboyhwQuintasan, LOL12:06
vHandaMamarok: what's the problem?15:28
vHandaMamarok: please email me directly when you have a problem or file a bug report. It's easier that way.15:28
MamarokvHanda: the problem is that since KDE 4.10.80 I have no more running Nepomuk instance, despite having it activated in the System Settings15:31
Mamarokso to give you more information I need you to tell me what you need :)15:31
Mamarokthe Indexer just doesn't run15:31
vHanda$ nepomukctl status15:31
MamarokNepomuk Server is running.15:32
MamarokService storage is running.15:32
vHandaRight. Ugh. So many seem to be having this problem without the code changing at all15:33
vHandarun $ nepomukctl restart storage15:33
Mamarokthat is a major problem for the 4.11 release15:33
vHandaunfortunately, it's an installation issue, not a programming one15:33
Mamarokwell, then the settings need to be tweaked so this doesn't happen, installation scripts can do that15:34
Mamarokyou should tell the distros about that, so they can take care of it15:34
vHandaI don't know what distros have changed. It seems that suddenly the wrong odbc drivers are being shipped15:35
vHandaanyway, yeah. I'll take it up15:35
vHanda( The relevant code has not changed in 3 years now )15:35
Mamarokalso, the SystemTray doesn't show the indexer widget anymore, seems to have gone into Nirwana15:35
vHandayup. I removed it15:35
vHandaI'll do a blog post about it. Because indexing has been made slower, and email indexing has been properly scheduled now.15:36
Mamarokat least one could easily stop and restart the indexer with that widget, now it only is accessible through the system settings15:36
vHandaWith email indexing the indexing icon is almost always active15:36
vHandathe reasoning is that with the improved scheduling the user should not have to care about indexing15:36
MamarokI don't want email indexing, I don't use local mail15:36
vHandaand therefore they don't need to be notified when stuff is being indexed15:36
Mamarokwell, I do :)15:37
MamarokI want to know if it is runnng or idle, since I don't use local mail15:37
vHandamay I ask why?15:37
Mamarokand I know a lot of other people who don't use local mail either15:37
Mamaroksince the kmail disaster there are very little people left who use that15:37
vHandaAlright, in the context of just "files". Why do you want to be notified when stuff is being indexed?15:37
Mamarokand I am not going to try again soon, it still looses my mail even in the last version15:37
MamarokvHanda: cause I need to know if it indexes my external disks or not, as those are not always connected15:38
Mamarokand for Amarok, which starts with only 134 files out of 16.000+ it should show15:38
vHandaFor amarok - It's amarok's responsibility to add code to make sure stuff is indexed and show an appropriate UI. They already have this for their normal indexing, it should be adapted for the Nepomuk Collection. From the user point of view, it's not at all obvious that one should be checking the system tray.15:40
vHandaIn terms of hard disk indexing - again, as far as I'm concerned, it should just work. The only reason you want to be notified is because it has not worked for you.15:40
vHandaIf it is not working, then please file detailed bugs.15:40
vHandaIt seems to be working for me. Unless I can reproduce it, I cannot fix it15:41
MamarokOK, will do15:41
Mamarokthat's why I wanted to know how to debug the current isuse15:41
vHandacould you please run $nepomukctl restart storage15:41
vHandaand paste the output?15:41
MamarokI just did: 15:42
MamarokNepomuk nepomukstorage stopped succesfully.15:42
Mamaroknepomukstorage started succesfully.15:42
vHandaplease enable the debug output via kdebugdialog. There should be some more stuff.15:42
Mamarokbut since there is no widget I can't tell what is running, and opening the system settings seems a bit too much when there can be just a widget15:42
MamarokvHanda: http://paste.kde.org/790796/15:44
vHandathat's it?15:44
Mamarokit's still running something apparently, waiting for it to print more output15:44
Mamarokbut seems to have stalled15:45
Mamarokah, I get this now: nepomukstorage(25486)/nepomuk (storage service) Nepomuk2::Repository::open: Unable to create model for repository "main"15:45
vHandayup. The same issue.15:45
Mamarokfwiw, I disabled the automatic backup as it was just filling up my storage devices15:45
vHandaI'll get back to you. Let me talk to the distro people15:46
vHandait seems like it's a common problem15:46
Mamarokwith now apparent advantage but to loose disk space15:46
shadeslayer_vHanda: Mamarok seems fine on kubuntu saucy nepomukstorage(5780)/nepomuk (storage service) Nepomuk2::Repository::open: Successfully created new model for repository "main"18:06
Mamarokshadeslayer_: which is of not much use to me, I use Raring18:12
ahoneybunhello all22:39
* genii makes more coffee22:40

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