
zaileionis this an ubuntu support channel?00:17
monkeyjuicezaileion: Kubuntu   ubuntu is #ubuntu00:20
zaileionright.  is this a channel i can find some support?00:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:21
SonikkuAmericaWhat do I need to install to play DVDs via Dragon Player?01:11
kdefkde is also slow....bloated and slow.... firefox slows down01:53
kdefbut , my other debian-based OS with LXDE runs fine...doesn't seem to matter how many tabs01:53
kdefkde = fail01:54
SonikkuAmerica!ot | kdef01:54
ubottukdef: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:54
yahyaadoes any one know how to make the num lock key automatically turn on when the system boots up?02:27
yahyaaI am running kubuntu 13.402:28
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yahyaahello, can someone please help me with automatic num lock on log in of Kubuntu?????????03:45
luckyphuqyahyaa: system-settings->input devices-> numlock on kde startup radio button03:58
draikHello all. I had my dual monitor setup (1:VGA 2:HDMI). I did away with my VGA monitor and stayed with the HDMI TV. Now, the 1920x1080 resolution looks like 800x600. How can I fix it so everything is in the correct resolution?04:15
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yahyaawow its that easy, thanks04:33
draikI had to reboot for a tested change. I show that the driver is activated, but not in use.04:36
draikGoing to install the driver from nVidia without X running. I'll be back if that doesn't work.04:38
draikReinstalled nvidia-current, but the resolution size issue is not resolved.04:51
draikxMy xorg.conf seems to keep the old VGA info, and hasn't updated to show only the HDMI info.06:08
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:43
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lordievaderGood morning.07:55
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AlgomekwinHello, Hitchcock. This is first time use for me, stil have to find out all topics of this app.09:54
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BluesKaj_Howdy folks11:22
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kdeffor wifi, what is recommended, pci-e, pci or usb?    and which chipset?   I thought maybe atheros13:16
smartboyhwkdef, whoa, are you trying to build a computer?13:18
BluesKajbroadcom has the most popular and linux friendly wifi chips  IME13:20
kdefbroadcom? lol13:25
smartboyhwkdef, why lol?13:27
kdefbroadcom's support is notoriously bad13:27
smartboyhwwell well13:28
kdefI think they opensourced for linux, though?   but, I don't know of any new broadcom wifi hardware out there that works13:28
kdefdo you know the phoronix site?   they tested a mac pro with ubuntu and the broadcom wifi was a problem ;-)13:29
kdefoops, mac air13:29
kdefanyway, I would like to know the thoughts on pci-e vs usb....  I read someplace where ppl said the antennas are in the cables with pci-e13:30
kdefbecause the pci-e card is in the bottom portion of the case13:31
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n0ydAnyone have experience building kvirc from svn?13:47
n0ydJust curious if anyone has gotten it to work succesfully (yes I am well aware it is available in the repos)13:47
BluesKajn0yd, I tried the repos version and it was ok , kvirc's not my cuppa tea tho13:56
BluesKajkdef, there's lots of broadcom wifi working on ubuntu , just ask there13:58
BluesKajkdef, of course I'm not insisting you use it ...it's your choice and researching the forums might be a good method to find what's best nowadays14:08
BluesKajkdef, check this out , https://www.thinkpenguin.com/catalog/wireless-networking-gnulinux14:14
kdefinteresting... they sell Atheros chipsets mostly14:18
vitaliy_Any Archipellers here?14:23
vitaliy_Anybody here?14:24
sithlord48whats an archipeller?14:24
vitaliy_Who uses Archipel14:24
vitaliy_I would be greatful if someone could help me14:25
sithlord48oh i have never heard of it but now that i know what it is maybe i will set up some VMs14:26
sithlord48whats your problem?14:26
vitaliy_I have a problem with "New VM" button. It does not do anything when I click on it... I have looked over the FAQ that tells about a Hypervisor view, but I could not find that14:27
sithlord48oh i see application specific .. do they maybe have an irc channel you could ask in. you may have better luck.14:29
sithlord48the one general suggestion i have it start it via the command line and see if you get any helpful output .14:29
vitaliy_Actually I tought this is their IRC chanel14:31
vitaliy_Anyway, thanks14:32
sithlord48this is #kubuntu for Offical Support for Kubuntu (gnu/linux distro)14:32
sithlord48sorry if you have kubuntu for KDE problems im much more helpful. best of luck finding a solution.14:33
BluesKajkdef, looks like atheros might be your best choice for linux14:34
sithlord48hey BluesKaj i grow board w/ my netbook and looking for a distro to toy with on my i386 netbook any good suggestions14:37
BluesKajwhat's on your netbook now , sithlord48 ?14:39
sithlord48BluesKaj:  kubuntu 13.04 or maybe saucy14:39
sithlord48it sits in a corner i don't use it much now. i was trying to get RBOS running since it all wayland but it don't like me.14:41
BluesKajuhm , sithlord48 , run lsb_release -r14:42
sithlord48oh its not on now. i pretty sure it raring since i have not used it recently enuff for it to be updated to saucy14:42
BluesKajok, well wayland won't be official for kubuntu until 14.0414:43
sithlord48i know .14:43
sithlord48i wanted to try to build my Qt project on it for fun14:44
BluesKajI'm running 13.10 atm and it's quite stable14:45
sithlord48i have that on my work computer14:45
sithlord48i know it sounds bad but i only browse with it .14:45
sithlord48kubuntu is really slow on my netbook  because i enabled encryption of my home so it takes it time on disk stuff.14:46
sithlord48lsb_release -r: 13.0414:47
BluesKajreally ? ...work compuer with a dev OS , I admire your sense of adventure14:47
sithlord48i only use it for browsing the net and very few work related tasks. since @ work i deal mostly w/ hardware stuf.14:47
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prsteeleAnyone know how I can get applications launched via the launcher to have access to variables defined in my .bashrc?15:11
DarthFrogprsteele: Why do you think they don't?15:20
prsteeleDarthFrog: If I open Konsole, echo $PATH is 'correct' for my purposes15:21
prsteeleDarthFrog: but if I launch emacs from launcher, it doesn't have  the same $PATH15:21
prsteeleDarthFrog: however, if I launch emacs from Konsole, it does15:21
DarthFrogReally?  Hmm, that's surprising.  I guess the launcher isn't spawning a sub-shell.15:22
prsteeleDarthFrog: what I assumed. I can get it to 'run in a terminal', but that literally leaves a terminal window open as well15:22
DarthFrogIn that case, launch emacs or whatever prograom you want to have your .bashrc enviromental variables via  a shell script.15:23
prsteeleDarthFrog: so should I just delete the emacs launcher, make a shell script and add it in?15:23
DarthFrogPerhaps not delete, rename as a backup.15:24
prsteeleDarthFrog: I feel like I'm working against KDE, not with it -- even if I do this, when I open a launcher and type 'emacs', the first option will still be 'run emacs' (which doesn't work) and not the editable emacs icon15:24
DarthFrogBy launcher, I presume you mean Alt-F2?15:25
prsteeleDarthFrog: actually, clicking the "K" in the ... task-bar thing15:26
DarthFrogOK.  Alt-F2 is actually krunner.15:26
prsteeleDarthFrog: good to know15:26
prsteeleDarthFrog: maybe I need to alias emacs? although that seems... kludgy15:27
DarthFrogprsteele: I'm sure there's a more elegant solution.  But I've never had to do what you're trying to do.15:27
prsteeleDarthFrog: its strange; I source my bashrc on login (assuming bash_profile is actually run by lightdm), so it should 'just work'15:28
DarthFrogTry setting your $PATH in .profile.15:29
prsteeleDarthFrog: is .profile a lightdm thing?15:29
DarthFrogI think it's an X thing. :-)15:30
DarthFrogNot sure.  It's been a very long time since I've had to look at this stuff. :-)  Things have just worked.15:30
DarthFrogI think you'll have to restart X if you update .profile.15:31
prsteelemy current .profile sources .bashrc, it seems15:31
prsteeleand that was the system default, I haven't changed it15:31
prsteelewait, that checks to see if bash is running...15:31
prsteelemaybe all this is running in sh?15:31
DarthFrogsh is dash.15:32
prsteelewell, logging out to give this a try, thanks15:33
DarthFrogLet me know if it works, please.15:33
alphacryptmy windows were just fixed, read, maybe kwin crashed? then I stopped just processes by system monitor stopped startet lightdm and seems to work again15:55
alphacryptwhats the way to solve it the right way, me dont know, that seems just to be luck not know how I did15:55
prsteeleif anyone was wondering (or if this channel is logged), defining $PATH in .profile worked16:01
stack3457_is there a way I can upgrade plasma1 to plasma2 ?16:32
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n0yd|awayhmm nice17:32
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xfred2222hi, had major system crash, now loaded with live dvd, want to backup to dvd with k3b, k3b says insufficient permissions to read following files, how can i change this so i can backup?21:44
zuperfreaknot to familar with k3b, you could try opening a terminal, changing to the live cd root, then launching k3b from that terminal window21:49
geniikdesudo k3b21:52
xfred2222tryied to open terminal - crashs in live dvd?? weird21:53
xfred2222run command interface, : KDEinit could not luanch '/usr/bin/konsole21:56
xfred2222my entire folders/files is right in front of me and i can't do anything about it.... shoot me please...21:58
zuperfreakyou didn't eject the live cd, did you?21:59
xfred2222yes, to put in a new dvd21:59
zuperfreakput it back in22:00
zuperfreakis your current drive in good working condition? and do you happen to have a second drive, or a server on your network?22:00
zuperfreaktry again22:00
xfred2222this is a usb external drive\22:00
xfred2222ah ha i see something good happenin22:03
zuperfreakgood deal :)22:04
xfred2222in process of changing permission in k3b, hold on...22:07
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xfred2222ok, i'm still having crashs, and problems but now i know the right commands to get to my root, and kdesudo k3b is the command to use to get k3b to change permissions proper. now i just have to get k3b to work right and i can back up my data.  so silly me removing disk before running app. i thought everything was in memory, did'nt need disk... lol ahead of myself. Thanks for help, will let you know how it goes in a bit after reboot 22:23
onooneHey everyone I'm tearing my hair out trying to get fullscreen resolution with kubuntu in virtualbox22:28
onooneI already installed vbox guest additions, and it seems to have done nothing22:28
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