
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
Noskcajroaksoax, PING02:24
NoskcajWhat is the best way to learn Qt as someone who has no knowledge of C, C++ or C#?04:31
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reshi, iam creating an app indicator.  is there a way to add a Gtk Scale to App Indicator menu item?11:05
resin python11:05
tumbleweedres: you want #ubuntu-app-devel. See the /topic11:06
restumbleweed: aw sorry. thanks.11:07
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mlankhorstYokoZar: did you upload wine yet?19:17
YokoZarmlankhorst: no19:18
YokoZarmlankhorst:  nevermind, yes, if you mean to PPA, then its at wine1.6 rc4, which is the most current19:19
mlankhorstoh no release this week?19:20
mlankhorstoh well I did an ugly hack to fix winegstreamer threading, did my work of wine for this week..19:20
mlankhorstand I should probably cherry pick https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47824 to mesa at some point19:23
ubottuFreedesktop bug 47824 in Other "osmesa using --enable-shared-glapi depends on libgl" [Normal,New]19:23
=== tyhicks` is now known as tyhicks

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