
PaulW2Upleia2: summaries now finished unless any new links are added. Glad I found an old USB keyboard to plug in to the laptop :o)14:45
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
pleia2PaulW2U: you rock, thank you :)16:08
PaulW2UWe need more summary writers. Where have they all gone?16:09
pleia2I might need to do another call for them, people get burnt out and go on vacations in the summer16:13
smartboyhwlike me for instance, I'm not 'ere till 30th july starting from 10th16:17
PaulW2Upleia2: I'll do whatever I can to help out but I don't like writing summaries for things that I don't understand or know little about hence your plea for help when you find a number of unwritten summaries on a Sunday evening (my time).16:24
* pleia2 nods16:25
Pendulumpleia2: if you need any more help summary today, feel free to poke me. I'll definitely make sure to get in some editorial review this week, as well.16:30
* pleia2 loves PaulW2U's summaries, very little editing required19:44
pleia2Unit193: do your thing? :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32420:10
pleia2waiting on translations stats, but otherwise ready for review20:10

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