
kirbaciousdany one here?01:02
Noskcaj!ask | kirbaciousd01:20
ubot5kirbaciousd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:20
jasonl1331Hi, I recently booted into a new install of Ubuntu Touch and it says in a circle "No data sources available" and I can't seem to (or figure out how to) unlock it. Any help?01:53
rax0jasonl1331: I just installed it myself so I'm the last person who should be answering, but if you swipe to the left another screen will slide over. If you hold on the left edge and slowly move to the right a dock will appear.01:59
jasonl1331Yeah, I see the dock come up very quickly but then its gone?02:00
jasonl1331Nexus 7 is my device02:00
jasonl1331Aha there we go!02:00
rax0if you move slowly towards the right it will stay02:01
jasonl1331Are you too on a Nexus 7?02:02
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rax0galaxy nexus02:02
jasonl1331Graphics seem a bit iffy, like an Ubuntu computer install without a graphics update...02:03
rax0graphics look pretty nice to me02:04
jasonl1331Ya got an icon for Music and Videos in the apps screen?02:05
rax0no, it's just empty02:06
rax0it still takes me to a music and video section though02:07
jasonl1331actually, all of those white icons dont work at all02:08
jasonl1331This OS is almost a dud02:09
jasonl1331Half of the clickables do nothing...02:09
rax0can't expect a lot from a developer preview02:10
rax0having a proper terminal on my phone is enough to keep me happy02:10
jasonl1331Totally wasn't aware it was a developer preview, my apologies02:11
jasonl1331Not sure what I expected anyway.02:11
jasonl1331Would've helped if I read what I was getting into I guess.02:12
jasonl1331Now I follow the guide to get back.02:12
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
ddaygoldI installed saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip, then phablet-20130412-cm_spyder.zip onto my Droid RAZR (spyder). Both md5sums are fine, but when trying to flash, I get an error of "Signature verification failed" if i enable zip file signature verification. Is this broken on my end, or is something wrong with the zipfile?03:47
ddaygold^also, it doesn't seem to boot (blackscreen) if I turn off verification.03:47
NoskcajQMLScene seems to be broken in xubuntu 13.1004:51
Avi__hi I am new to ubuntu05:44
Avi__can you guys guide me about Ubuntu Touch05:45
omkar_how to install ubuntu touch on raspberry pi ?06:40
BillChanhello all08:32
BillChanI checked the pages and googled for a while. Seems Asus fonepad is not popular for ubuntu touch dev, is it true?08:38
=== jishnu7 is now known as jishnu|away
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> Guys, is there any way to view the Components of an app when I'm running it?09:36
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> i.e. if I click on that button, it shows me the name and such09:36
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> In QtCreator that is09:36
smartboyhwI accidentally pasted it to release channel, but anyways, someone plz answer09:37
* smartboyhw pings popey :P09:37
user82hi popey. could you please point me to the instructions how to set up mobile data on nexus 4 again? thanks!09:40
smartboyhwForget about it, I think I should work on Clock autopilot instead of Calc autopilot:P09:41
user82or if someone else could tell me how to get mobile data up, that would be nice!09:43
rigveduser82: are you referring to these instructions: https://plus.google.com/100264483712374857174/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx ?09:45
user82that's it. thx rigved09:45
rigveduser82: welcome :)09:45
user82adb is always enabled in ubuntu touch, am i correct?09:47
ogra_(for the moment :) )09:54
nik90smartboyhw: feel free to ping me in case you have question regarding clock autopilot :D10:04
smartboyhwnik90, great:) I'm doing one to add an alarm:D10:05
nik90smartboyhw: I wouldn't recommend that test10:08
nik90smartboyhw: the alarm UI needs to be revamped which will break tests next week itself. I would recommend starting on Timer and Stopwatch which are complete and stable as of now.10:09
nik90clock is also ready10:09
user82hi. what does this mean? "Error: Connection activation failed: The connection was not supported by oFono."10:09
user82i tried nmcli to activate it10:10
smartboyhwnik90, ...10:10
nik90smartboyhw: sry10:11
smartboyhwnik90, there's one left not alarm in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bugs?field.tag=needs-autopilot-test then10:11
nik90smartboyhw: Alarms is been in my backburner for a long time. The platform API is not ready for it so I have not been motivated to fix its ui10:11
smartboyhwnik90, I can only do one test then:910:12
nik90smartboyhw: you can do the add/remove timer preset test10:12
smartboyhwnik90, what's the expected steps for that test?10:12
nik90smartboyhw: also the run timer preset test is available10:12
nik90smartboyhw: 1. Swipe the toolbar, press Add Preset 2. Rotate clock hands and enter preset name. 3. Press the Done Button10:13
nik90You can check if it actually added the preset by checking the saved timer preset listView10:13
smartboyhwnik90, ah OK10:14
smartboyhwnik90, what's the method called by autopilot to swipe the  toolbar?10:19
nik90smartboyhw: You need to write one :)10:20
smartboyhwnik90, :O10:20
* smartboyhw thinks he will rather copy from other apps10:20
nik90smartboyhw: or even better you can import nicholas skaags's ubuntu sdk emulator which provides common autopilot functions10:20
smartboyhwnik90, yeah, why didn't you guys do that?10:20
nik90smartboyhw: because there was another dev who was actually trying to get those functions into the official sdk package10:21
smartboyhwnik90, ah10:21
smartboyhwWell, he should:p10:21
nik90so I thoght of waiting for them to land in the sdk rather than do something temporary10:21
nik90however the dev ran into some issues.10:21
nik90so it will be delayed for about 2 weeks10:22
smartboyhwnik90, heck, it's much more easier in there:P10:23
nik90smartboyhw: true10:23
smartboyhwnik90, em, but that will mean I have to rewrite the other tests too.10:25
smartboyhwSince it's now fully rebased10:25
smartboyhwAnd some functions don't exist anymore10:25
nik90smartboyhw: if you want you can copy only the toolbar emulator functions from nicholas skaags and paste it.10:26
nik90You can use this for now to perform the autopilot tests you need10:26
nik90later when they land in the sdk, it will be simple to remove the copied emulator functions alone10:27
nik90popey: Can I go ahead and disable Alarms tab until it is ready? Until I have bug reports, comments stating that the Alarms do not work as expected. But that is because it has not been implemented yet. What would your advice be?12:06
nik90I also meant *Until now, I have been receiving bug report, comments,....*12:07
liquidsebbeyhello everyone!12:13
liquidsebbeyLiquidSebbey from Netherlands here! Welcome!12:13
smartboyhwnik90, still here?12:38
=== valerio is now known as valerio_away
liquidsebbeyi have an Android 2.3 old samsung device. can i port ubuntu to it?12:44
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
asacogra_: any idea how i can check whether i am on a gsm/gprs or 3g wwan?13:26
asacok guess getting a 50ms ping means its a hsdpa/3g13:26
asaclool-: where can i find those logs myself?13:28
ogra_asac, check the default route and which device it points to13:37
ogra_(route -n)13:37
asacit uses rmnet0 ...13:37
asacstill wonder if i am on 2g or 3g13:37
ogra_hmm, probably cyphermox can tell i  dont even have a SIM :)13:38
asacogra_: where can i file bugs?13:38
asacfor a) webrowser not supporting GPS13:38
[SLB]some time ago i installed ubuntu on my nexus 4, then recovered my android installation thru twrp. now i just realised i have an ubuntu folder under /data. is it completely safe to remove?13:39
asacb) camera app having artifacts and being upside down if i go to "self camera" mode13:39
ogra_webbrowser-app is in the archive ... make your pick :)13:39
asacyeah ... just one bug... feels odd :)13:39
ogra_camera-spp too13:39
asacogra_: can i take screenshots?13:39
asacor even make a video :)13:39
ogra_i think so, there was a way to do it via adb13:40
asacyeah on android ther eis13:40
zeokilaasac, http://blog.shvetsov.com/2013/02/grab-android-screenshot-to-computer-via.html13:40
ogra_well, it is there too on flipped, but you need to give it the full path13:40
ogra_(/system isnt in the path, it could override some ubuntu defaults)13:40
zeokilaSo that means it would be 'adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png' instead?13:42
ogra_something like that ... rather /data/screen.png though13:42
ogra_(or just store it in /root .... we dont have /sdcard in the flipped images atm13:43
* asac tries13:43
asacwow ... works :)13:44
asaclet me see if it captures the artifacts13:44
asacthe artifacts are gone :)13:45
asacguess poking the framebuffer fixed whatever situation here was13:45
ogra_nice, so we should jjst replace the camera app with schreenshorts13:45
asacand i am also not upside down anymore13:45
ogra_gave up on the handstand ?13:45
asacgood at least mail.yahoo.com just stoppin gwith a weird animation is reproducible in browser and GPS still doesnt work13:46
asacogra_: is that supposed to work?13:46
ogra_no idea13:46
ogra_location services are surely in the platform-api13:47
ogra_but no idea which apps can use it yet13:47
asacyeah. well. browser also needs to implement a user ack mechanism that allows user to share/not share location13:47
asacguess thatsw missing13:47
asacstill a bit concenred that there is no realy usable network UI13:48
ogra_app wise there is still a lot of stuff missing13:48
ogra_especially for the permissions13:48
asacsaw a bunch of apparmor things13:48
ogra_NM will change massively as soon as we use lightdm13:48
asaclike basic dhcp stuff13:48
ogra_our session doesnt integrate with systemd yet13:48
asacthat will fix that we have no UI etc.?13:49
ogra_that cause somw weird NM probs13:49
asacmaybe... for polkit stuff13:49
asacbut the UI etc. seems to be just no there13:49
ogra_no, thats a matter of implementation :)13:49
asacoh right ... polkit is now logind?13:50
ogra_well, consolekit is13:50
ogra_polkit is still the same but uses CK/ligind13:50
ogra_anyway, i need to run ...13:51
* ogra_ goes to pick up GF about 160km from here 13:51
ogra_back in 2-3h13:51
asacdrive carefully13:51
ogra_well, i have to ... it in the middle of nowhere in the "ostharz" .... lots of slalom over bumpy roads13:52
asactake care13:52
ogra_(worse than eastern europe)13:52
asacdont be a racist :)13:52
ogra_lol,, roadist rather :P13:53
asacguess rather roadparrot13:53
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
=== jishnu|away is now known as jishnu7
zeokilaAre there any system wide assets to use?14:15
Aylwardhello all!14:47
Aylwardhello is anyone here?14:52
Aylwardi have touch installed on nexus 4... having problems with phone function14:53
Aylwardany moderators?14:54
Aylwardhow do i join?14:54
nik90Aylward: you might want to ask your question again on Monday for more responses14:59
nik90its sunday:-)14:59
Aylwardthank you nik9015:00
AylwardI thought there was something wrong with the channel15:00
Aylwardanyone having any luck running touch on the nexus 4?15:02
zeokilaWhat's your problem with it?15:04
Aylwardive got it loaded ok but cant get the phone to function15:04
zeokilaHave you desactivated the sim code?15:04
Aylwardor the system settings15:04
zeokilaSystem settings has a lot which is 'dummy' content15:05
Aylwardno i gues i should read before postin dumb questions huh15:05
zeokilaAnd to desactivate the sim code you'll need to go back into android15:05
Aylwardok cool15:05
zeokilaor find another phone you can stick it in to desactivate15:05
Aylwardwhere should i look for instructions?15:06
zeokilaTo go back to Android?15:06
Aylwardno to deactivate sim code15:06
Aylwardim running tmobile15:06
zeokilaWell you can't currently do it from Ubuntu touch15:06
Aylwardi have another nexus 415:07
zeokilaWell put the sim card in it, reboot and enter the sim card15:07
Aylwardhow to enter sim card?15:07
zeokilathen you go into something like system settings > security > sim lock? (i can't really remember but it's self explanitory) and uncheck lock sim card or something like that15:08
zeokilaphysically enter it15:08
zeokilaput the sim card in it15:08
Aylwardoh ok thanks much zeokila15:08
BillChanuser82: hello15:23
ddaygoldI installed saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip, then phablet-20130412-cm_spyder.zip onto my Droid RAZR (spyder). Both md5sums are fine, but when trying to flash, I get an error of "Signature verification failed" if i enable zip file signature verification. Is this broken on my end, or is something wrong with the zipfile?15:58
ddaygold^also, it doesn't seem to boot (blackscreen) if I turn off verification.15:58
snwhis there a command to reload the unity touch shell?16:48
zeokilasnwh, run 'unity8', I think that does the job17:24
askonei have a question17:59
askonewill ububtu touch usable as a desktop pc, if your phone has a hdmi port and the ability to recognise usb mouse and keyboard18:00
AskUbuntuHow can I write apps with java for ubuntu phone? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31748618:06
snwhzeokila, thanks18:11
zeokilaaskone, I *think* I heard that that will be possible somewhere, but don't take my word for it18:26
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=== NewNick is now known as carnac
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=== NewNick is now known as carnac
jondecker76Can anyone help me uninstall UT from my nexus 7?  I have the original file needed, but ADB refuses to see the tablet.  I had the same problem when I loaded UT initially.  Finally i noticed that i missed a signing notification in android, accepted the key then it worked.  Its now happening all over again but in reverse - and now android isn't there to addept the key19:02
jondecker76I'm attempting this on the same Ubuntu 13.04 install that I flashed UT from, so there is no reason the key should have changed19:04
jondecker76but running adb devices just retuns a blank list.  lsusb shows that the nexus 7 is indeed being picked up via USB19:04
jondecker76if I go to recovery mode from the bootloader,  adb devices will return a bunch of question marks for the serial number and states a permissions problem19:05
jondecker76running adb kill-server and retrying has no effect on the situation either19:06
netcurli_jondecker76: if you have question marks, you can try running adb start-server as root19:06
jondecker76i've tried root; no luck :(19:08
jondecker76I literally spent a full day getting UT installed for this reason.  I'm completely baffled as to why ADB or fastboot can't see the device???19:14
jondecker76and now that android is not there, I have no way of accepting a key file19:16
zeokilajondecker, have you try starting the server with sudo adb start-server19:40
zeokilaroot permissions often helps me with it19:41
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=== SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI

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