
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:37
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon08:40
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS08:40
MartijnVdSanother day to play with WPA-Enterprise 8-)08:41
MartijnVdSoh and to charge my kindle08:49
brobostigona normal kindle, or a tablet kindle, but the latter isnt so good, so more likely to be the former.08:50
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's the old normal kindle08:51
MartijnVdS(post-keyboard but pre-paperwhite)08:52
brobostigongood, :)08:52
MartijnVdSand the charge is free!08:52
MartijnVdS(yay sunlight)08:52
brobostigonyay for EM radiation.08:53
MartijnVdSFinally, a use for the big bright light in the blue room08:54
brobostigonand gamma rays and photons.08:54
SuperMatthttps://cloud.supermatt.net/public.php?service=files&t=41bd142409caec36ad02a9c34f965d25 <- well all right!11:00
SuperMattoh, and there's another 1TB not mounted because it has my windows games11:01
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: lots of spinning rust! ;)11:01
* MartijnVdS is playing with certtool from gnutls11:04
SuperMattwell, I was just coming up to the edge of the 5TB I did have11:04
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: I'm having a hard time filling up 2TB..11:05
SuperMattI hoard a lot of TV programs and stuff11:07
SuperMattoh and porn, always porn11:08
MartijnVdSsure but 4.9TB of it 8-)11:09
redtape|renegadeAfternoon guys.11:21
redtape|renegadeOT | One question today : Andy Murray or Novak Djokovic Today ?  Everyone seems to awaiting the bad news of the final .. #wimbledon11:33
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: I'm listening to F111:35
redtape|renegadein wat language ? Pirrelli ?11:35
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: whatever they speak on BBC R5SX11:38
redtape|renegaderedtape scans for BBC R5SX ...11:38
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: "Radio 5 sports extra"11:39
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redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Nice & seems legit :: http://bit.ly/1a3cz1H ::: Last time I listened was the Olympics.11:42
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: I'm receiving it from a FreeSat transponder on Astra 2.. of course it's legit :)11:44
redtape|renegadeOh, it says 'cant play due to rights restrictions'  .. Sooooo it's playing yesterday's footie review .. can't get satellite as I don't own a Tele...11:44
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: you can get a dish and sat card for your PC :)11:44
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: isn't it on DVB-T as well?11:44
redtape|renegadedunno .. but redtape doesn't believe in the promise of television .. prefer radio, by far.11:45
MartijnVdSthere are more radio stations than TV stations on free{sat,view} ;)11:46
brobostigonyep :)11:47
redtape|renegadeI believe so .. but it's miniscule compared to radio on t'internet .. :: http://bit.ly/13CDst6 :: My Dad is getting the cheque for selling his TV firm on Monday due to on-line sales & PC World competition .. but TV has always been a 'product' for someone' else in my family.11:50
redtape|renegadeI gave some DeNiro to ::  http://open.commonly.cc/ :: be nice if they could reach their target .. they've been going 12 days so far ..11:55
redtape|renegadeI going to give to wm8650 attempt on Linux another try , if I can get it for £15 (P&P incl.) :: http://r.ebay.com/qZavXs :: but it's a long shot using Arch|ARM ..11:59
penguin42redtape|renegade: It's an ARM9 core - don't bother12:04
penguin42redtape|renegade: Now, if you're a good guy mechanically then using that chassis for a beagleboard:black would be more useful12:06
redtape|renegadepenguin42: It's a technical experiment that has been proved before ..(see link at end).. if it works then I'll get one hundred and fifty of the same type for £5 each, which will go to the 3rdworld/charity. [ http://bit.ly/1a3gM5s ]  i.e.  It's not for me.12:21
penguin42redtape|renegade: I'm not sure it's worth it frankly; they're really really shit chips12:40
redtape|renegadepenguin42: Yeah, yur prob.ly right .. just had a grand lying around with nothing to-do. Kinda glad I'm not top bidder now.12:48
penguin42redtape|renegade: Yeh it's terrible when it's burning a hole in your bank account12:50
* redtape|renegade re-looksie's at the #LSE to get solaptops instead.12:51
redtape|renegadeOT | redtape likes the new Alan Partridge Film .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRivx-wEaiE   .. Anyone seen it yet .& when's it gonna be on DVD ?12:58
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Cameraman down .. ::: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTA05RezBac&feature=youtu.be :::13:21
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: yes that was early in the race13:24
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: I can't wait for a tweetpic of the black eye :D13:35
dogmatic69I am trying to record some screen casts and have tried recordmydesktop with openshop video editor to put it together. But some sections of the output are stuck.13:51
dogmatic69Like the first 1 min of the video is the same frame, then it starts working13:51
dogmatic69anyone got better apps for this, or know what could be going on?13:51
dogmatic69it seems to be the openshot video that is breaking things13:53
dogmatic69the output from recordmydesktop seems fine13:54
penguin42tried ptivi?13:56
penguin42also kino and kdenlive13:56
dogmatic69nope, will try now13:56
dogmatic69it may just be the format, recordmydesktop spits out ovg or something.13:56
dogmatic69might be good to make it avi or something normal13:56
dogmatic69ptivi seems better already.13:59
dogmatic69thanks penguin4213:59
penguin42no prob13:59
dogmatic69man, so much smoother. openshot was pushing the CPU thought the roof and could not even show the preview properly.14:01
dogmatic69Can't belive it made 45k on kickstarter14:02
penguin42no one said kickstarter selected for sanity14:05
penguin42dogmatic69: There seem to be a lot of video editors all of which have some down side; it would seem better to share some more14:14
dogmatic69they should just join forces14:15
penguin42yeh, although it's not too bad to have some competition between them - it helps push forward14:16
dogmatic69sure, but its not exactly a huge market14:16
mgdmand it's a hard problem14:16
dogmatic69like IDE's or something14:17
dwatkinsDoes anyone happen to know the name of the CD/DVD Creator application, so I can start it manually, please?14:17
* penguin42 would use k3b14:17
dwatkinsI renamed a directory and now it won't start when I try to send it to it14:17
dwatkinspenguin42: yeah, I'm almost at that stage myself, Unity not letting me move the launcher etc.14:18
penguin42mgdm: I think the other problem is that there seem to be two separate focuses 'simple' and 'pro' where the simple are for those of us who just want to edit a quick clip we took of something, and the pro's want to make a small film14:19
penguin42dwatkins: You can use k3b in gnome as well14:19
mgdmah yes14:19
dwatkinsaha thanks penguin4214:19
* dwatkins gives up on CD/DVD creator14:19
redtape|renegadeOT | Just having a look at Audioboo to give proper audio messages on twitter ... Anyone tried it ? :: https://twitter.com/audioboo ::14:31
olyanyone here have a suggestion for a good device for outdoor use, thats portables and around 40014:36
olymain requirements are gtk, so i can run apps like inkscape and geany14:37
olyso no ubuntu touch unless x11 and gtk will be coming soon :)14:37
olydell xps 10 looks like good potential but i can not find much about compatibility14:38
penguin42oly: I don't think you have much chance with ARM based Windows tablets14:40
redtape|renegadeoly: You'd better get onto ebay.co.uk and take yur pick from these .. :: https://friendly.ubuntu.com/ :: but I always recommenmd system 7614:40
penguin42oly: Android tablets are more hackable because in the end they're running Linux already (and I think Windows on ARM are very locked down)14:40
olyyeah tempted with android, but the only option is ubuntu touch ?14:41
olyie no gtk or X apps14:41
penguin42oly: It depends....14:41
redtape|renegadeis it a tablet you are after ?14:41
olytablet or small laptop,14:41
olysomething portable, only for some hacking / graphics when i am about14:42
olyi have a 17 inch laptop it ways a tone :p14:42
penguin42oly: It's very variable by tablet /hardware - most of them you can persuade to run a chroot with Linux, getting X to work depends on the exact driver - I've got X just about tottering along on an ereader14:42
penguin42oly: But also getting power saving to work as well as Android is very difficult14:42
olyyeah, i know thats why i am asking about :)14:42
penguin42oly: Ubuntu Touch might not be a bad bet with Mir, as I understand there is an X backend'd by Mir - would be an interesting thing to try14:43
redtape|renegadeoly. I'd just save up for a haswell in Q3~13, unless it's time critical ?14:43
olyyeah but i dont know how far of that is, no point getting it if i have to wait a year to run the apps i am after14:44
penguin42oly: nod14:44
penguin42oly: Maybe Asus transformer ?14:44
penguin42oly: Or one of the x86 tablets14:45
olyasus transformer looks good, but not sure its proper x86 apps ?14:45
olywhats the haswell redtape|renegade ?14:45
penguin42oly: It's not it's ARM14:46
penguin42oly: So get an x86 tablet?14:46
olyx86 tablet is an option but they all seem to be windows uefi, and not found one thats known to work :p14:46
olyi was hoping someone may have such a device which they are using :)14:46
penguin42UEFI in itself isn't such a problem - I think the x86 uefi's MS says you're supposed to be able to install your own stuff - not sure about the practice, or how well the touch works14:47
penguin42oly: But if you want to run inkscape/gnome there is no reason to restrict to x86 - they should work fine on ARM14:48
olytrue, just reading about the transformer  again14:48
redtape|renegadepenguin42: Maybe it's good with other optional prog.s .. althou I find use of a Transformer with Ubuntu .. as of yet .. ::: http://bit.ly/16gp85u ::14:49
redtape|renegadeoly. Can you not just cross-search the ubuntu friendly page with an auction site and install ubuntu via there ?14:50
olymaybe but the ubuntu friendly site does not tell you about the machines quickly, weight size etc14:52
olyi dont want another brick :)14:53
olygot one already :-D14:53
penguin42haha - what did you brick?14:53
penguin42oh, you mean brick by weight?14:53
olyyeah, got a dell 17 studio works beautifully but i can just pop it into a bag and carry it around all day14:55
penguin42oly: The other question is how something like inkscape works with a touchscreen - touchscreens are a bit weird when you try themn on existing apps14:55
olywell inkscape says it supports touch14:56
olyi remember using inkscape and gimp on my n900 that worked, if very fiddly on a small screen :)14:57
penguin42ok yeh14:57
redtape|renegadeThe brief seems quite constrictive to answer, IMHO.15:01
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mgdm \o/ \o/ \o/16:29
mgdmUntil last year I didn't give two hoots about tennis, that has changed :-)16:29
PendulumI was staying with friends outside Manchester who are big tennis fans in 2005 when he had his surprising run after Henman got knocked out.16:31
PendulumThat's what got me interested in tennis at all.16:31
penguin42Pendulum: Tennis must be good for you - all that swinging back and foward looking at one player and then the other16:33
mgdmthat's not really how it's filmed, though. it's more of an up-and-down eye movement. :P16:34
penguin42it's like Snooker, I never figure why with widescreen they don't just turn the camera around and have it going across16:45
mgdmI suspect with tennis it's because a lot of the interesting/important lines are the ones down the sides16:50
mgdmso it's easier to see the way it's filmed16:50
mgdmalso, probably in part "because that's the way they've always done it"16:51
PendulumFor tennis I think you're definitely right regarding being able to see angles.16:51
redtape|renegadeOT | Soooo Tim wins at Tennis .. who'd a thunk it !16:53
mgdmYes, that is what happened.16:53
redtape|renegadeJust realised it's 77years since last UK champion and it is the 7/7 today .. #just-sayin'17:04
penguin42Stockport will be upset, their Fred Perry way will be outdated now17:11
* redtape|renegade tries to find a fitting conspiracy :: https://twitter.com/thetracyaustin/status/353925986842181632 :: #7thHeaven17:20
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bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)17:53
brobostigonevening bigcalm17:54
dogmatic69After updating to 13.04 from 12.04 printing has gone south. Now I get some margin top/left I cant seem to clear.18:02
dogmatic69anyone have ideas for that?18:02
penguin42dogmatic69: Even on the test page?18:09
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StevenRhrrmph. Anyone in central Scotland and use Freeview? (Trying to determine if there's a problem with Black Hill (Lanarkshire) transmitter)18:29
redtape|renegadeStevenR: The last time I used tv was two years ago .. but good luck with your question.18:30
penguin42StevenR: https://www.radioandtvhelp.co.uk/diagnostic/?id=IRDPIBK4IQ7HGHTA4D7HV584G6&uid=218553210  ?18:30
StevenRpenguin42: thanks, I've already been down that route. They say "no reported problems". TBH, I suspect local antenna issue, but I was hoping to find someone else how happened to recive from the same transmitter18:32
StevenR*who happened18:32
dwatkinsI don't even have an aerial; I'm in Edinburgh.18:41
mgdmStevenR: I'm pretty sure I'm on Black hill and it's fine18:53
StevenRmgdm: thanks. Looking at other antennas, I might be on Craigkelly, but I don't know which antenna is mine18:55
mgdmStevenR: some boxes will tell you the transmitter ID18:56
StevenRmgdm: I'm not getting anything at all :)18:56
mgdmor you could work it out from the frequencies of the multiplexes18:56
mgdm(when it works, yes :)18:56
mgdmStevenR: or one way to tell is if you get the Glasgow or Edinburgh version of the STV News at Six :)18:57
StevenRyeah. Mythtv can probably tell me that, but it doesn't find a single channel18:57
brobostigoni wonder what they will do with new top gear ep, with the tennis still going on, hopefully thwy will ditch the tennis.18:59
mgdmI'd hope they'd move Top Gear18:59
mgdmit's not live18:59
mgdmFacebook is asking me to rate my office (as I've tagged photos there)19:00
brobostigoni find top gear significantly more entertaining, and also, when not move the tennix to bbc 1 ?19:00
brobostigonwhy not*19:00
brobostigonand delay country file?19:01
brobostigonor stick the tennis onto bbc3 or 4?19:01
mgdmBBC1 is their 'main'c hannel19:01
brobostigonby that same argument, country file is also pre-recorded. so they can shift that.19:02
mgdmThey have contingencies for these things19:03
mgdmnot sure what they are though19:03
brobostigonlike sticking stuff onto red buttons, and online.19:03
brobostigonwhich it seems they have.19:04
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HoT|2fC^<HoT|2fC^> Can anybody tell me how I would boot a .IMG (pfSense-2.0.3-RELEASE-1g-i386-nanobsd-20130412-1022.img) how can I boot this or run this on my machine?19:28
HoT|2fC^<HoT|2fC^> I have blank DVD-R's.19:28
HoT|2fC^I want to do this BSD Router :)19:28
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: what does 'file' say?19:29
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: file blah.img19:29
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS ^^ Above mate :)19:29
HoT|2fC^I wan't to run pfSense 2.0.3 Relaese.19:30
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: yes.. run the command "file pfSense-2.0.3-RELEASE-1g-i386-nanobsd-20130412-1022.img" please :)19:30
MartijnVdSand paste the output19:30
HoT|2fC^Ok brb jumping on my Ubuntu machine :)19:30
HoT|2fC^thanks MartijnVdS19:31
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: that's not good for most hardware :P19:31
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: "file" will just tell you what kind of file it is19:31
HoT|2fC^what isnt ?19:31
MartijnVdSjumping on a computer is bad for the computer :P19:31
HoT|2fC^ah cool I want to run it :) maybe test?19:31
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS hahah yeah it is idd19:31
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: no, if "file" says it's an iso-9660 or UDF image, you can burn it to CD or DVD by opening "brasero" and loading the image and burning it19:31
HoT|2fC^ah ok MartijnVdS I will go and double check now :) thanks.. brb.19:32
MartijnVdSif it's a "partition table" or "file system" of some kind, you need to "dd" it to an USB stick, or a partition on $same19:32
MartijnVdS(partition table to the device, so /dev/sdz for example; file system to the partition, so /dev/sdz1 for instance)19:33
HoT|2fC^ah ok ok :)19:33
MartijnVdSbut it's probably an ISO image19:33
HoT|2fC^Well I tried to do it here on my Windows box but its not happending.19:33
HoT|2fC^using Deamontools etc.. and other type of programmes19:34
MartijnVdSweird, burning ISOs to disc is built into Windows Vista and up19:34
MartijnVdSjust right-click and burn19:34
MartijnVdSit's a vmware image?19:34
HoT|2fC^nono I want to try it :)19:34
MartijnVdSoh :)19:34
HoT|2fC^never mind I have that Oracle VM VirtualBox19:35
MartijnVdSwoo, radius accounting is working now \o/19:38
MartijnVdShi popey19:49
brobostigonyay, my dad has brought me back a bottle of talisker from his trip, :)19:50
brobostigonwill be yummy.19:51
brobostigonhip flask refill, me thinks.19:51
mgdmI got a hip flask and a bottle of Talisker for my birthday19:52
mgdmI've not *yet* put the two together19:52
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: have you ordered Broeders or Dark Roast yet? :)19:52
brobostigonMartijnVdS: it will have to wait roughly a week, for more money.19:54
brobostigondelivary cost is my worry.19:55
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: yeah, that's a bit steep.. international shipping :(19:55
MartijnVdSmaybe they could get a discount if they shipped a shipping container at once.. :)19:56
brobostigonMartijnVdS: certainly, that my worry. and my main reason why i might not.19:56
* MartijnVdS should write up the steps to set up freeradius + WPA-enterprise20:01
^2fCSounds interesting MartijnVdS :D20:02
^2fCI just come on my Linux box took me a while lol, had something to eat and drink first :D20:02
popeyL4D2 TIME!20:53
MartijnVdSnah, Zzz o'clock20:54

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