
slangasekbkerensa: I don't have any affiliation with PSU! :)16:06
slangasekand my only affiliation with Bart is social16:07
slangasekbut, ok ;)16:07
=== tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883
bkerensaslangasek: cool :) I'm sure its not like we will expect you to do much except for have root23:52
bkerensaslangasek: blkperl suggested it in case nathwill or I am unavailable23:52
bkerensablkperl: When can I come out to PSU and feed the students and talk about FFOS? :)23:52
blkperlbkerensa: when the students return from summer break23:53
blkperlits a ghost town right now23:53
bkerensaoh yeah summer break23:54

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