
zaileionno thats not true.  the mobo has a raid hardware controller built in...  at least i think thats what is says on Asus website.00:01
bekksYes. And it is managed by windows drivers.00:01
bekkszaileion: http://blog.miketoscano.com/?p=30700:01
bekkszaileion: http://comtech247.net/2012/11/20/how-to-set-up-software-raid-on-ubuntu-12-04/00:02
zaileionhow can it be managed by a windows driver if the raid drive shows up in bios?  i am not arguing (so to speak) im asking so i can understand.00:05
zaileionalso, will i be able to install windows on this raid array created by the LVM after i install ubuntu?00:06
zaileionalso, will i be able to install windows on this raid array created by the LVM after i install ubuntu?00:10
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RhinullHi there00:20
RhinullWhen I run: ls -l /media/me I get the following: drwx------ 1 me me 28672 Jun 29 20:06 USBHDD00:21
tkingplease doesn, anyone here know how website selling socks proxy get them? it baffles me... i am sorry to ask this here, dont know the right channel, hope am not hurting anyone00:21
RhinullHowever for some reason unknown to me when I try  to copy files across it says it's read only.00:21
Poonamyou are not the owner of the directory/files00:22
tkingplease doesn, anyone here know how website selling socks proxy get them? it baffles me... i am sorry to ask this here, dont know the right channel, hope am not hurting anyone00:22
Poonamcheck the ownership00:22
RhinullPoonam: The ownership's correct.00:24
b0whow can i changue my dns settings!00:25
xanguab0w: you can change your dns via the network icon00:27
dummynethi all00:28
dummynethow do i send tcp request from 1 machine to another?00:29
dummynetping6 is icmp00:29
b0wxangua, really? thats great, how can i do it?00:33
GodoyXcan someone help me? i need to make my webcam work00:36
GodoyXim running ubuntu 13.04 on a MacBook Pro mid-201200:36
iFlipIs there a way to analyze my disk and see what areas are using the most space00:36
GodoyXyes, just let me check, i did that yesterday, let me see if i can find it00:37
arhaszaiFlip: there's a nice graphical tool called Disk Usage Analyzer that is installed by default :)00:37
GodoyXiFlip: yes, just click on the ubuntu icon on your top left corner and write disk00:38
djapohello world, im new to iptables and would like to drop all through eth0 but allow localhost access ? how can this be done00:40
essai12345hello world, please tell me if you see my message, it's the first time i use an irc and i don't know if all is ok … thanks00:41
GodoyXessai12345: seen00:41
punzillaHi all I'm having issues using folder sharing in my ubuntu network.00:42
punzillaI have set up folder sharing of my "video" folder in my home directory.00:42
GodoyXpunzilla: what happens?00:42
essai12345thanks punzilla & GodoyX00:43
GodoyXnp essai1234500:43
punzillaI then load up my android phone...00:43
punzillaand use ES file manager..00:43
punzillaconduct a search and find my samba share, I can connect, and see all the files and folders.00:43
punzillawhen I attempt to open a file on my android (from my samba share) I can't actually open the files.00:44
b0wxangua, really? thats great, how can i do it?00:45
punzillaif for example I try and open a jpg file.. The picture application on my phone shows a blank screen.00:45
b0whello, can anyone tell how can i changue my dns settings!00:45
punzillawell a blank photo, not entirely blank screen with the left and right buttons underneath.00:45
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xanguab0w: clic on the network icon...edit conections00:46
punzillaquite strange.00:46
punzillahttp://pastebin.com/WSVv9ah3 this is a copy of my smb.conf file.00:47
b0wxangua, yeah i saw that but where on ipv4 settings or on ipv600:47
osirisx11hi all00:49
osirisx11is it safe to apt-get remove nvidia-*?00:49
punzillais my log file - I appear to be getting a permission denied error.00:49
Ari-Yangpunzilla, you have to run as sudo00:50
Ari-Yangsudo apt-get remove nvidia-*00:50
GodoyXosirisx11: dont think its a good idea00:50
osirisx11i tried to install the binary nvidia and it failed and i think there are remnants00:51
GodoyXosirisx11: actually i dont really know what will happen...00:51
punzillaI'm not running nvidia drivers, what's that got to do with samba?00:52
switchingso i figured out how to get my printer running with ubuntu, and it seems to be the only way to get it working currently, but the solution isn't published.  Should I go ahead and write up documentation here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCanonPixmaip1700WirelessInUbuntu?action=edit?00:56
switchinghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCanonPixmaip1700WirelessInUbuntu?action=edit *00:56
=== Ububegin_ is now known as Ububegin
BaribalHi. How can I tell a CD-ROM drive to spin down? It's spinning up every now and then by accident, and while I want to keep the disk in the drive, the sound of it is bothering me a bit.01:01
switchingbaribal i really don't know, but most optical drives i have had did the same thing when you have a cd in the drive.  Not sure why though, how bad is it?01:08
switchingdoes anyone know if there is a documentation channel?01:09
GodoyXBaribal: i think you could disable the disk drive, but that would be akward, having to enable/disable your CD-ROM drive every time you want to use it... I think the best thing to do is take out the CD...01:10
switchinggodoyz: agreed01:10
ericluwolfI'm having trouble recompiling the Linux kernel on 13.04, I've downloaded the headers and the source, and am having some difficulty with the compiler flags.01:13
ericluwolfNever mind, I traced it back to a syntax error in the MAKEFILE.01:15
ericluwolfAlso, does anybody know of a ppa for texlive 2012 for raring?01:15
Baribalswitching, not really bad, it's just a nuisance, and I assumend that there would be a swift and easy way to deal with it for the CLI-savvy.01:17
switchingbaribal im not sure, sorry!01:20
reshi, is changing the permissions of the file "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" to 777 a bad idea? I wrote an app which requires write permission for the file.01:21
switchingbaribal is it an old computer?01:21
Baribalswitching, no, a i3-quadcore notebook.01:21
resi3 is actually dualcore01:23
Baribalres, setting world-writable is generally a bad idea, although it's hard to imagine an actual scenario in which it would become relevant. Running your app with appropriate user/group would be the more traditional way.01:23
switchinghm, idk then baribal01:23
Baribalres, okay, it's two processors, two cores each. :p01:24
resyup :)01:24
Baribalres, I just checked my /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness and it is at 644 and root:root, so running your app with sudo / gksudo might be a better idea.01:26
resBaribal: my app is actually an panel indicator01:26
Guest18524how can i reinstall sound?01:27
BaribalAh, I see the problem... Well, do you really want it to *set* brightness, res?01:28
switchingguest18524 you mean your speakers?01:28
resBaribal: , well, the problem is that brightness doesn't work for me in 13.04. it's a confirmed bug as someone told me yesterday. So i decided to write a small indicator01:28
Guest18524switching: im having all sorts of audio problems, and i think that would be the easiest way to fix it. Im having alsa problems and jack problems, and id like to be able to just reinstall everything01:29
BaribalIf not, 644 will be just fine. If yes, the easy way really is setting it 666 and being aware that now everybody on your system can set brightness. The sophisticated way would be finding or writing a service that runs as root and allows authorized users to set brightness.01:29
switchingguest18524 did it ever work? is this an ubuntu-preinstall system or did you install it?01:30
BaribalThen again, res, the scenario of someone ssh-ing into a notebook which is on somebody elses lap and messing with its brightness is something that IRL would probably only occur in university dorms and nerdy flat-sharing communities.01:31
Guest18524switching: It did. I updated from 12.04 a few weeks ago, and was trying to get Jack to work lastnight and it managed to mess up alsa as well.01:31
resBaribal: lol yea. I guess I'll move forward then01:31
switchingguest18524 so it stopped working immediately on update to 13.04?01:31
Guest18524No, it worked fine until I started messing with JACK, but I dont remember what I did to mess it up.01:32
switchingguest18524 ohhh sorry01:32
Baribalres, and if you'd be so kind to give me shell access, I'll go ahead messing with you just to make a point. :)01:32
eazel7woooho, each time I come there is more people here, love to see that01:32
resBaribal: as good as it sounds, i'd have to pass :P01:33
switchingguest18524 did you try reinstalling jack? i actually don't know the first thing about jack01:33
switchingeazel7 :D01:33
BaribalAww, there goes my tertiary backup location... :)01:33
Guest18524switching: well now ALSA is messed up too01:33
resGuest18524:  did you check "alsamixer". Make sure nothing is muted01:34
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switchingguest18524 why not just reinstall both?01:36
ubottuciao: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:37
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ubottuciao: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:45
xkernelafter I set proxy in Skype I can't login, now how to clear it from the conf file?01:51
Kitt3nxkernel, wild guess, but have you tried looking for the configuration file in ~/.config? :)01:54
xkernelKitt3n, yes and the conf file contains something like 9\xd0\xcb\0\x1\0\0\0\0\x1.\xff\xff\xff\01:56
Kitt3nxkernel, ow, that's fun.01:57
Kitt3nxkernel, back it up, and delete it?01:57
Netpiratehow to take a screenshot using ubuntu01:58
Stanley00Netpirate: just press the PrtScr key on your key board01:58
Stanley00Netpirate: or there an *app* called Screenshot, with some more options01:59
xinke2411i used compiz  set screenshot with super+mouse02:00
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xinke2411taotao:   are you chinese?02:27
name1I am having some internet problems with Ubuntu02:30
name1compared to windows 7, I have both installed on my computer02:30
name1when I torrent on windows 7 I get really good DL speeds, anywhere from 100kb/s to 1MB/s02:30
name1For some reason when I'm on Ubuntu the DL speeds are MUCH slower, max 10-12 kb/s02:30
name1This happened in the last couple of weeks, and I'm not sure what the cause of this malfunction is02:31
name1Can any of you offer any insight into what may be going on?02:31
wilee-nileename1 Have you ran one OS then the other, immediately, you are subject to the sources speeds02:37
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Guest14819Hello everybody. I have a problem with my hdd, my hdd was internal and I have to change it to external, but when I boot from external hdd grub froze and only appear a message "loading grub", someone could help me?02:41
wilee-nileeGuest14819, YOu have the external first read in the bios02:41
wilee-nileeGuest14819, Was it booting being troubled?02:42
Guest14819Yes the external is first02:42
wilee-nileeGuest14819, You say it has problems, how would making it a external to be read at much slower speeds help?02:43
Guest14819how can i change the speed of hdd?02:45
wilee-nileeGuest14819, You can't if it is a usb plugged external it is just slower.02:46
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Guest14819there's a way to see a log of boot of grub?02:48
pfifoHello Everyone02:48
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wilee-nileeGuest14819, IF you want help you might consider answering questions, giving details, and your final goal.02:50
pfifoGuest14819, but to answer youir question, no, grub uses disks in read only mode, so no files can get written02:52
wilee-nileeGuest14819, generally you would boot in text to see that, but your not booting.02:54
wilee-nileenot exactly a grub log though02:54
Guest14819i'd would like to get more details of the grub freeze, but i don't now how could i get it02:55
wilee-nileeGuest14819, I will try once more, what made you think the HD had problems?02:56
wilee-nileeIt may not be the HD is failing but a software problem that would be best addressed as an internal.02:57
Guest14819i can't boot my OS , i have no menu02:58
wilee-nileeGuest14819, So when the HD was still an internal you had no grub menu? Was this always?02:58
Guest14819no, when it was internal all was fine02:59
wilee-nileeGuest14819, Ah, I am not sure why your having problems as an external but it is problematic to run ubuntu or any OS externally in less than usb3 it is slower, you could try the shift key at powering on to see the grub menu.03:00
Guest14819keep pressing shift key?03:02
wilee-nileeGuest14819, In general to see grub on a singke install OS on  hd the shift key is used03:02
Guest14819I tried shift, but nothing appeared allways freeze in grub03:06
SecretFirehow do I compile a .cpp in terminal?03:10
pfifoSecretFire, 'g++ myfile.cpp'03:11
Guest14819g++ file.cpp03:11
SecretFirethank you03:11
pfifoGuest14819, where does it freeze? Whats on the screen and what happens before the freeze?03:11
Guest148191. Appeared logo of laptop. 2. GRUB loading Welcome to GRUB!  _ 3. Froze03:13
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Ben64is there a way to make meta4+tab work as alt+tab03:13
pfifoBen64, meta4?03:14
Ben64windows key, super key, whatever you want to call it03:14
pfifoGuest14819, are you sure you have the bios booting from external USB drive?03:14
trismBen64: you can, but it is already set to switch between launchers03:15
Ben64i don't use unity03:16
Ben64it causes problems to alt+tab out of wine and so i would like to use meta4+tab to avoid the problem, instead of the more difficult task of fixing the bug in wine03:17
pfifoBen64, Im thinking you can just edit your keymap and trick it into thinking the super key is really the alt key, Im not sure if this works for you OR works at all though03:17
Ben64well it wouldn't help the problem if it was alt, i'd just like it to have alt+tab functionality03:17
pfifoGuest14819, are you using uefi or bios?03:18
pfifoGuest14819, can you change your nick to something else03:19
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Guest92962oh no03:27
pfifoI notice that the page for casper in launchpad lists the maintainer as 'Ubuntu Developers' what exactly does this mean? When I click on the link for 'Ubuntu Developers' it takes me to a page that says Ubuntu Developers do not use launchpad, this is confusing to me.03:31
acovrigMy sound dies when I launch pavucontrol, any ideas on why? (pulseaudio -k doesn't fix it)03:34
meowI need some help with 12.0403:35
wilee-nileemeow, Can you describe your problem to the channel.03:36
meowMy laptop has ran 12.04 LTS since release and all of a sudden it won't boot. It keeps restarting its self continuously and the screen stays black.03:37
meowI caught it in a restart and pressed F10 continously and it's staying on, however the screen is black. I have pressed F3 about a million times as a solution to the screen being dark and a common problem with HPs03:38
wilee-nileemeow, So your sure that when you power on it restarts itself, or you just see a black screen?03:39
wilee-nileesounds like your sure just checking03:39
meowYes, it will come on for 10-15 seconds and the lights will come on on the keyboard and the screen stays black, and it will shut off and turn back on and repeat03:40
MyLordJesusChrisEarth is God's Footstool03:40
MyLordJesusChris!ops | Earth is God's Footstool03:41
ubottuEarth is God's Footstool: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!03:41
wilee-nileemeow, Not sure here.03:41
MyLordJesusChris!staff | Earth is God's Footstool03:41
ubottuEarth is God's Footstool: Hey christel, Corey, Dave2, Gary, Myrtti, Pricey, VorTechS, jayne, marienz, niko, nhandler, tomaw, ldunn, I could use a bit of your time :)03:41
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MyLordJesusChriswilee-nilee beware if your wicked you will be God's footstool03:41
MyLordJesusChrisor in hell03:41
redmetalmenaceC'est quoi fuck?03:41
wilee-nileeMyLordJesusChris, I'm an agnostic nice try03:41
MyLordJesusChrisagnostic == hell03:42
redmetalmenaceSeriously dude, if you're trolling then you're doing a fine job03:42
IdleOneredmetalmenace: no swearing please03:42
redmetalmenaceSorry :303:42
NeonJuggalois this a linux room or a church room03:42
redmetalmenace¿Por que no los dos?03:42
wilee-nileeubuntu support03:42
pfifochurch of ubuntu03:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:43
IdleOnePlease get back to support03:43
meowany idea on what I should do. I got my computer to stay on by pressing F10 a few times and now it's just sitting here, on, but with a black screen?03:43
acovrigI can see sound coming into pavucontrol, but I don't hear anything03:43
redmetalmenacemeow, it sounds like you have a BIOS problem…03:43
meowCould it just go bad over night?03:44
Diamondcitemeow: What happens if you don't press F10?03:44
meowThe screen will stay off and it will keep rebooting it's self until I unplug the power from the computer.03:45
Diamondcitemeow: How far into the boot does it get? Ubuntu logo?03:46
redmetalmenaceDo you get a manufacturer logo when you press the power button?03:46
joobzhey guys? any known issues with grub-install failing during install?03:46
meownothing at all03:46
joobzusing frodo03:46
redmetalmenacemeow: you may have a loose monitor cable03:47
Diamondcitemeow: If you turn it off, unplug power, pull out the battery, plug in power and power up, same thing?03:47
yahyaacan someone please help me with automatic num lock on login of kubuntu???03:47
meowat one point I saw the ubuntu loading page. but that was just once just for a second03:47
DiamondciteErr I kept thinking it was a laptop03:47
Diamondcitemeow: laptop or desktop?03:47
meow2 things. 1. i don't use a battery and 2. it sat here for about 10 minutes on and then it just shut off when you asked me this03:47
meowit's a laptop03:47
DiamondciteSo it's a batteryless laptop?03:48
meowacting as a desktop for now03:48
wilee-nileemeow, How many time has it been unplugged while running?03:48
meow(it's just sitting on my desk)03:48
Diamondcitemeow: I have a laptop like that at home, battery is flatter than a pancake.03:48
redmetalmenaceDiamondcite, would resetting the CMOS battery help him any?03:48
meowI don't ever unplug it while it is running unless it freezes for more than 10 minutes.03:49
joobzmeow, i joined mid discussion.. what's the prob?03:49
meowmy laptop keeps restarting03:49
meowi have no screen at all03:49
wilee-nileemeow, I just ask as hard shutdowns are not good, enough will mess up the OS.03:49
joobzhow do you know it is restarting without a screen?03:49
Diamondciteredmetalmenace: If it reboots in mid OS boot it's more likely an HDD error? Trying to boot from CD-ROM or USB would be the best test.03:49
meowI can hear it03:49
joobz.. do you see BIOS?03:50
pfifoyahyaa, run this 'sudo apt-get install numlockx && echo "numlockx on" | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local'03:50
joobzBIOS splash screen03:50
redmetalmenaceSo, let's try this…03:50
meowThe fans stop and all of the drives stop working and lights on the power button go off and then everything turns on03:50
meowI don't see anything03:50
joobzif you don't see BIOS03:50
joobzthen your issue is OS independant03:50
SeegeeHey there guys, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I could make this IPTables rule filter per IP: -A syn-flood -m limit --limit 10/sec --limit-burst 30 -j RETURN03:50
joobzit's a hardware problem03:50
meowOk. Let me ask you this then...03:50
Diamondcitemeow: How old is this laptop in question>03:51
joobzmeow, sure03:51
meowI unplugged it and moved my house around and set it back up. I put my USB in that has Tails on it and turned it on.03:51
meowAt that point it started doing this weird stuff03:51
meowI go the lap top in 2007 when I graduated HS.03:52
Diamondcitea USB with tails?03:52
DiamondciteWhat is that?03:52
joobzbro, if you power on your laptop and you don't see the BIOS screen.. your hardware is the problem03:52
redmetalmenaceTails is a liveOS that is completely anonymous03:52
joobzit's not an OS based issue03:52
meowIt's basically like what the TOR browser is, but a whole OS that is Linux based.03:52
redmetalmenaceruns all traffic through TOR, etc03:52
meowI'm not a bro for one. And I was just asking.03:53
joobzmeow, oh.. you're a chick?03:53
SeegeeHey guys, does anyone know about IPtables?03:53
redmetalmenacejoobz, you're help is greatly appreciated here, but could you leave Diamondcite and I to this? Too many people trying to support 1 person03:53
joobzSeegee, sup?03:54
meowSince this is clearly NOT an OS based issue, what do I need to do to figure out what is wrong?03:54
redmetalmenacemeow: first, try resetting your CMOS battery03:54
joobzredmetalmenace, sure03:54
Seegeejoobz, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I could make this IPTables rule filter per IP: -A syn-flood -m limit --limit 10/sec --limit-burst 30 -j RETURN03:54
meowhow do I do that?03:54
Seegeejoobz: I was told I need to do something with -m recent?03:54
redmetalmenaceIt's a relatively simple process: just leave your computer unplugged for 20 minutes03:54
pfifoSeegee, I have done limiting, not sure if it can be done on a per IP basis, but with a name like pfifo, I better find out right?03:54
redmetalmenacejoobz: also, thanks :) <303:55
Seegeepfifo, I guess so :) xD03:55
joobzSeegee, -m recent will load the recent module of iptables03:55
redmetalmenacemeow, yup03:55
redmetalmenaceThat's just a first step in troubleshooting03:55
redmetalmenacethere's a strong chance it won't really help you, but it's always good to check03:55
Seegeejoobz: What exactly is the recent module...03:55
joobzSeegee, im not sure if it is needed for syn flood detection.. let me check03:55
pfifoSeegee, does -s not work for this?03:56
akurilin2Quick question, what do I have to do, as user of the old 12.04, to get all of the updates in 12.04.2?03:56
meowOk. I think it was unplugged when I came in here earlier because it was doing this earlier today and I let it do it for a few minutes and then unplugged it because I didn't want it just sitting here for hours rebooting it's self.03:56
SeegeeOk, because I know with this rule, it denies everyone access to the server, not just the person who is flooding it03:56
Seegeepfifo: what would I put after -s? Wouldnt I need a specific IP?03:56
meowI think I unplugged it like 10 hours ago and went about my business for the day03:56
joobzSeegee, it looks like recent module is not needed to detect synfloods03:56
redmetalmenacemeow: then the battery should have (theoretically) reset03:56
joobzSeegee, you should be right with just using limit03:57
* redmetalmenace is pondering what to do...03:57
meowI just think that I'm not 100% sure because I don't remember03:57
pfifoSeegee, -s is the source address/mask, so like to apply the rule to google dns, '-s'03:57
meowIs it possible that the battery could have died and it needs a new one? Or is it going to be more than that03:57
Seegeepfifo, but how will I know the address of someone flooding my server before it happens?03:57
redmetalmenaceCMOS battery?03:57
joobzSeegee, what happens when you use that iptables rule you pasted above?03:57
redmetalmenaceThose aren't known to die…03:57
redmetalmenaceI mean, even after 4 years03:58
Seegeejoobz, it works, but when the connection limit is reached, it denies everyone access, not just the attacker03:58
meowI didn't think so, in all of my years of computering, I've never heard of one dying.03:58
pfifoSeegee, if your trying to prevent a flood your approaching the problem incorrectly, limit is for QoS03:58
redmetalmenaceFair enough03:58
SeegeeWhat does QoS stand for?03:58
meoweither way this sucks because I was going to get rid of it next week to a friend03:58
joobzSeegee, ahh.. and when you say denies everyone access, do you mean just syn's or all traffic?03:58
SeegeeJust syns03:59
redmetalmenaceCan I ask what happened to the original battery?03:59
SeegeeWhich denies access to the webserver03:59
pfifoSeegee, Quality of Service, its how you split a 1000Mbps connection into 10 100Mbps connections03:59
Seegeepfifo, I am trying to prevent a layer 7 flood, not a bandwidth saturating flood like a UDP flood03:59
meoware you talking to me?04:00
redmetalmenaceYup :3 sorry :P04:00
meowoh. I was 18 and dumb and didn't take care of the battery by keeping it plugged into the wall all of the time and I think that ruined it. So I have to run it with a power source at all times now.04:01
pfifoSeegee, what exactly is happening?04:01
Seegeepfifo, I am trying to prevent an HTTP flood on my web server04:01
pfifoSeegee, so someone if just sending lots of requests but not saturating your bandwidth?04:02
redmetalmenacemeow ahhhh.04:02
Seegeepfifo, they are crashing apache, my web server04:02
pfifoSeegee, is this distributed or just someone with a dhcp address?04:03
meowI was going to buy a new battery for it and a new heatsink/ fan and put it in with some new thermal paste and give it to a friend. I guess not anymore.04:03
Seegeepfifo: A layer 7 flood is an attack that targets the application layer, such as apache, ssh, etc. They aim to crash the service using an exploit or sheer overwhelming ammount04:03
redmetalmenaceI can't think of anything that could work… then again, it's Sunday...04:03
Seegeepfifo: It is not that someone is doing it now, but it is a fairly common attack, that I would like to be protected against04:04
joobzSeegee, give me a sec, just reading into this.. looks like limit module doesn't have a concept of isolating src addreses04:04
joobz.. ie, it is doing what it should be doing and blocking all SYN's04:04
pfifoSeegee, why do you want to limit them? Just '-j DROP'04:04
Seegeepfifo: Because I cannot manually do that everytime I get attacked by a 1k + botnet04:05
pfifoSeegee ohh I see, proactive security04:05
Seegeeyea :)04:05
Seegeepfifo and joobz, someone said something about hashlimit if I remember correctly...04:05
Ben64get hardware ddos protection04:05
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joobzSeegee, OK, you can do this just with recent module04:06
joobzlimit module has no concept of isolating the SRC address, so it's useless in this case04:06
joobztry this04:07
kymeHello, I just want to ask question. How do i fix my gwibber? My twitter feeds won't work already.04:07
Seegeethats what I though joobz04:07
joobziptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW --syn -m recent --name FLOODERS --set04:08
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joobzerr sorry04:08
joobzdo this instead04:08
joobzdont do that above :P 1 sec04:08
joobziptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW --syn -m recent --name FLOODERS --update --seconds 1 --hitcount 3 -j DROP04:10
joobziptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW --syn -m recent --name FLOODERS --set04:10
kyme:) Hello, How do I fix my gwibber for twitter :)04:10
joobztype those two commands Seegee, in that order04:10
joobza few things to note..04:10
joobz1. that rule will drop SYN's if it receives 3 SYN's within 1 second04:11
SeegeeHmmm... unknown option `--syn'04:11
joobz2. the -I INPUT is used, which will mean it's right at the top of your INPUT table (this rule is not matching just web server traffic, but all input traffic)04:11
joobzSeegee, drop the --syn04:11
ktopchinahi guys04:12
joobzSeegee, it won't matter as --state NEW is used04:12
SeegeeI have done that...04:12
joobztry it now04:12
ktopchinai installed 12.04.2 last night and i have worked on it for about three hours04:12
SeegeeSo let me try this04:12
ktopchinaso far i have encountered three crushes04:13
joobzSeegee, keep in mind, this is for all traffic, not just web server04:13
ktopchinais it common04:13
joobzSeegee, but if i were you (having DoS issues), i would not just limit this rule to web server only04:13
joobzSeegee, also this rule is pretty rigid.. you could play wiht --seconds and --hitcount to be a bit more generous04:13
SeegeeI know joobz, I am just scared of connection hungry protocols and falsely blocking people... I mean I do sell Game servers04:14
pfifoSeegee, joobz, can you specify '-dport 80' here?04:14
joobzyou can do --dport 8004:15
kymektopchina - just keep update and don''t ignore those updates :)04:15
SeegeeAs you have it, it will apply to all ports though right?04:15
yugandharHi, how do i install the fai on ubuntu 10.04 ?04:18
holsteinyugandhar: 10.04 server?04:18
holstein!info fai04:18
ubottuPackage fai does not exist in raring04:18
pfifoSeegee, set your hitcount to 4, and set your webservers to max-connections 2 (the default I think) and you likely will never block anyone who is legit. The 3rd connection will be refused and the webbrowser should hopefully wait until it closes a connection before retrying04:19
holsteinyugandhar: http://fai-project.org/download/ mentions a PPA04:19
holsteinyugandhar: https://launchpad.net/~fai/+archive/ppa04:20
yugandharholstein : ok, thanks..04:20
pfifoanyway Im off to bed, good luck with your mitigation efforts.04:22
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PKKidHey Guys,  I have a weird problem that started happening maybe a week ago.  I have 2 drives one for Ubuntu (SSD) and another for Games that I called HDD.  For some reason /media/HDD is not showing me what looks like a linux root directory inside, and the what used to be under /media/HDD is now moved to /media/<username>/HDD.04:36
PKKidDoes this make sense to anyone?04:36
redmetalmenaceRegarding the second part04:37
redmetalmenaceI've noticed 13.04 does this… it's strange as fuck04:37
redmetalmenacewhat's the HD formatted as?04:37
PKKidlet me check, 2 sec04:38
IdleOneredmetalmenace: 2nd, no swearing please04:38
PKKidIt's ext404:38
PKKidmy fstab looks like this: http://pastebin.com/EuuceENH04:39
PKKidnothing seems terrible unusual04:39
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PKKidand mount -l is showing me this: http://pastebin.com/v3BXu8bZ04:40
PKKidIt looks like /dev/sdc1 should be /dev/sdb1 in my fstab?04:42
deezedDoes anyone know why I cant connect to a PEAP connection with my ubuntu 12.04?04:46
PKKidYep, that was it..04:47
holsteinthat would be handy...04:49
holsteindeezed: TBH, i havent heard of anyone implementing it... http://askubuntu.com/questions/285234/cannot-connect-to-wpa2-wpa-enterprise-peap-and-mschap04:50
deezedholstein: thank you!04:52
foobArrrwhat does the "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications" Addon do and why is the remove button missing?04:52
deezedholstein: its actually my university connection, which I cant connect with Ubuntu, but with Debian its fine... strange...04:53
holsteinfoobArrr: it adds "ubuntu branding" to FF, AFAIK.. what "remove" button?04:53
foobArrrholstein: the remove button in the firefox addon manager04:53
foobArrrholstein: other addons have, this one doesn't04:53
holsteinfoobArrr: you can take a screenshot if you want.. but, it could be that that is the ubuntu repackaged version or whatever04:54
holsteinfoobArrr: you *are* using ubuntu.. whats the issue? you dont want the branding? you can install and mainting FF on your own. not sure why you cant remove it easily04:54
foobArrrholstein: it stands out as the only unremoveable addon, that just made me curious.04:56
holsteinfoobArrr: http://notepad2.blogspot.com/2011/03/how-to-remove-ubuntu-firefox.html suggests sudo aptitude purge ubufox xul-ext-ubufox04:57
cretsiahso whats with ubuntu12.04LTS, wifi finds network, put in wap2 code, says is connected, BUT firefox and installer says its not??????04:57
holsteinprobably gets added some other way, and doesnt fit the convention? not sure foobArrr04:58
holsteincretsiah: i would try pinging something... opening a terminal and running "ping google.com"04:59
holsteincretsiah: are you able to ping google?05:01
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cretsiahnope unknown host ... trying to use ubuntu120.4LTS-i38605:01
cretsiahjust keeps coming up with Authentication required by wireless network05:02
holsteincretsiah: remove the wireless network from the list05:04
holsteincretsiah: that is *not* as you stated... its is *not* connected05:04
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cretsiahum the network manager or what ever it is, when right clicking has "disconnect" highlighted, if i click on it it says now disconnected, whilst it is supposedly connected the wifi manager is flashing as though connected.05:11
holsteincretsiah: its not connected.. please find the wifi connection in the list, remove it, and input your passcode again05:12
cretsiahit also is looping to the Authentication required screen every few minutes........ rx = 77.3kb and tx = 88.8kb05:12
holsteincretsiah: that is what i would expect for a connection that has the passcode incorrectly "inputed".. please remove the connection, and reconnect fresh05:14
pranavis there an easier way to switch workspace then pressing ctrl+alt+arrow-keys combinations ?05:14
pranavlike probably mouse gestures or sth in ubuntu 12.04 ?05:15
holsteinpranav: some environments use the mousewheel.. but i dont like it05:15
holsteinpranav: there are pagers you can just click05:15
theadminpranav: Uh, there's the "Workspace switcher" button05:15
theadminpranav: There's also Super+S, which will display all the workspaces.05:15
pranavholstein: theadmin: i think Super+s is better when we are lazier :P thanks :)05:16
pranavnow, during clippling screenshots using ctrl+shift+print-screen. is there a tool which can extract text from my clip. (say OCR) :D05:18
theadminpranav: ...Well, yes, but if you have that text on your screen already why not just copy it05:18
pranavtheadmin: not all the time they can be copied. like say images in browsers. or some tool. i guess you know a handy one :)05:19
Ben64is there a way to make super+tab work as alt+tab05:19
theadminpranav: OCR isn't exactly perfect... But there's a few packages. Tesseract is one I've heard of a lot05:20
pranavtheadmin: thanks :) will try it in the cases where i cannot copy stuffs..05:21
pranavsaves time typing05:21
ubuntu890this is ubuntu room?05:22
ubuntu890i wanna secure and encrypt my internet connection...how to?   tnx05:23
switching@ubuntu890 ^05:23
switchingwhoops sorry05:23
yugandharcan anyone please give me the steps for FAI installation on ubuntu05:24
pranavtheadmin: wouldn't it be great if i strike the edges of my workspace twice with my cursor then it would goto the workspace belonging to that side. :D05:25
aeon-ltdis it possible to register right and left click at the same time?05:27
random_seedpranav: the enlightenment desktop does that, or rather pause at the right or left edge for how long you set it05:27
theadminBen64: Run CompizConfig, then find "Ubuntu Unity plugin" and disable Launcher -> Key to start application switcher, then change "Key to start the switcher" as well but I'm not sure how to have both defined for the same action.05:28
Ben64theadmin: i don't use unity05:28
random_seedand then    it changes right desktop or left desktop05:28
theadminBen64: Bah, should've said that first, that much is likely desktop/wm dependent05:28
Ben64using gnome-fallback05:28
ntzrmtthihu777oy. I currently use the 3.2.0-49 kernel, 64bit. can I upgrade this and still be supported?05:29
pranavrandom_seed: oh.. wow! i tried it once. thnx for info.. though.. :)05:29
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: what version of ubuntu05:29
theadminntzrmtthihu777: What's your Ubuntu version?05:29
ntzrmtthihu777precise, xubuntu05:29
theadmin!info linux-image-generic precise05:29
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB05:29
Ben64yeah theres extra kernels available in the repo05:29
theadminntzrmtthihu777: Well, that's the latest that is in the repos05:30
Ben64!find raring precise05:30
ubottuFound: linux-generic-lts-raring, linux-headers-generic-lts-raring, linux-image-generic-lts-raring, linux-tools-lts-raring05:30
theadminntzrmtthihu777: Anything installed from outside of Ubuntu's official repositories is unsupported05:30
Ben64theadmin: since 12.04, more kernels are available for LTS05:30
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: which is why I'm asking :D05:30
Ben64!info linux-generic-lts-raring precise05:30
ubottulinux-generic-lts-raring (source: linux-meta-lts-raring): Generic Linux kernel image and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:30
theadminHuh. Amusing.05:31
theadminBen64: Thanks, didn't know that05:31
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: so apt-get install linux-image-current-raring will get me the raring line of kernels?05:32
ntzrmtthihu777and I'll still be "legit", as they say?05:32
Ben64thats not the correct package name05:33
Ben64linux-generic-lts-raring works05:33
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: ah, thankya. now about the legitimacy for support here?05:33
Ben64should be fine as they're in the official repositories05:34
ntzrmtthihu777excess IT.05:34
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, feel free to upgrade your kernel, you shouldn't really /have/ to be supported because most of the time it works out lol you could still boot into any previous kernels btw05:34
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: and obviously as the kernel gets better performance generally goes up, right?05:34
ntzrmtthihu777Ari-Yang: yeah, gotta love "Previous Linux Versions", right? I'm just making sure I have my ducks in a row05:35
Ben64not much of a difference http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_linux32_38&num=505:35
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, heh, I upgraded my ubuntu 12.10 kernel myself (using 3.10 drm-next)05:36
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theadminIs there a utility that'd automatically clean out all kernels? I'm currently using dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge, but that's just... weird.05:38
theadminI wouldn't want to pass a command like that to some other user :D05:38
lotuspsychjetheadmin: i use ubuntu-tweak to cleanout kernels and system05:38
Ben64i think bleachbit can do that too05:39
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit > lotuspsychje05:39
Ari-Yangtheadmin, I used synapitc package manager...05:39
theadminAri-Yang: I did say "automatically" :P05:39
lotuspsychjeBen64: tnx for tip, didnt know that package yet05:39
Ben64lotuspsychje: really handy to clean up unnecessary stuff05:40
Ari-Yangtheadmin, oh my bad lol well I have seen codes like that for terminals05:40
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: depending on your de, yes.05:40
lotuspsychjeBen64: ill grab it tnx :p05:40
theadminntzrmtthihu777: DE? How would something like that depend on a desktop?05:40
ntzrmtthihu777nah, bleachbit don't do it.05:40
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: strangely enough ubuntu-tweak-tool needs unity :/05:40
lotuspsychjeBen64: niceone, even links2 shows in my list :p05:42
OerHeksIs this still valid? see last pic > http://askubuntu.com/a/15325  "number of kernels to keep" ?05:42
ntzrmtthihu777OerHeks: wow, that would be nice would it still be active :P05:43
Ari-YangOerHeks, I don't see why not. probably just runs a command to uninstall kernels except for the one you're currently using and the one before that...05:43
OerHeksAri-Yang, can't check, i am on kubuntu now, but find it interesting05:44
amanSharmaafter updating alternatives for java , bash prompt doesn't seem to recognize the command java. What should I do ?05:44
Ari-Yangheh, probably dead anyway05:44
lotuspsychjeOerheks: the ubuntu-tweak part still works for sure, i use it on 13.0405:44
ntzrmtthihu777amanSharma: you needa restart your session, methinks. i just had the same happen to me with jruby looking for java6 after I installed 705:45
yugandharHi, Please give me the steps for fai on ubuntu05:45
Ari-Yangspeaking of kernels I have a question....05:45
amanSharmantzrmtthihu777: no it doesn't work after a restart.05:45
theadminHm... Would apt-get autoremove get rid of old kernels? I mean, they are in theory no longer needed, and they were pulled in as a dependency...05:45
theadminI don't have a way to test at the moment as I'm up-to-date05:45
Ari-Yangthe value of line 'GRUB_DEFAULT=0' in /etc/default/gurb means that it's set to boot the current kernel. lets say I want to automatically boot an old kernel without selecting it via grub menu, would I change the 0 in GRUB_DEFAULT to -1 or increase it by 1?05:46
ntzrmtthihu777amanSharma: hmm. what version of java have you installed? and from where?05:46
theadminAri-Yang: Eh, that's the number of the menu entry. They start with 005:46
ubuntu890how to totally encrypt my internet connection?   link plz05:46
theadminAri-Yang: So, you'd increase the number05:46
ntzrmtthihu777ubuntu890: ssl, tor, and https :p05:47
agoraif someone has a tiny bit of spare time and wants to look over the community documentation I just wrote, I would greatly appreciate it.  It's the first documentation page I've written: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/CanonPixmaIP170005:47
lotuspsychjebut isnt having a previous kernel handy for updates going faulty05:47
theadminubuntu890: You can't. But here's a guide I wrote up that's close enough: http://askubuntu.com/questions/312692/howto-run-tor-and-vidalia-on-ubuntu-easily-browse-and-im-anonymously05:47
theadminlotuspsychje: If the new one works for you, why keep the old ones?05:47
amanSharmantzrmtthihu777: I have downloaded the tar ball from Oracle site for both versions 6 and 7. Then I extracted the it to /usr/lib/jvm/ I have done same on my netbook too and it worked there05:48
amanSharmantzrmtthihu777: but not here?05:48
ntzrmtthihu777amanSharma: heh, you're going about it the hard way.05:48
amanSharmantzrmtthihu777: this computer had not previous version of java not even openjdk05:48
ubuntu890ntzrmtthihu77 , theadmain:thanks ^_^05:48
ntzrmtthihu777sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer05:48
amanSharmantzrmtthihu777: that I can't do downloading it all over because I don';t have a good connection for that05:49
ntzrmtthihu777amanSharma: works a charm for me, sorry to hear about that. other than that I know not what to tell you. if your gonna install it from tarball with make and whatnot I would suggest checkinstall, it will install it like a debian package so you can easily remove later, unlike stuff installed with just make, make install :P05:50
amanSharmantzrmtthihu777: I am not building it :-P asshole05:51
ntzrmtthihu777!language | amanSharma and its not nice to cuss at folk trying to help you.05:51
ubottuamanSharma and its not nice to cuss at folk trying to help you.: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:51
Ari-Yangtheadmin, ah I see.... so for e.g. http://paste.opensuse.org/56920907 on line 135 of that paste mentions kernel 3.10, the one I'm currently using, the next kernel it mentions is (line 172 of that paste) 3.5. So if I change the value of GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to 1, then it would specifically boot kernel 3.5.0-34-generic? (which is the next kernel /boot/grub/grub.cfg mentions)?05:52
lotuspsychje!java | amanSharma05:52
ubottuamanSharma: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.05:52
theadminAri-Yang: Something like that, yup. Not necessarily kernel, can be another OS too, like Windows or OS X05:53
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ntzrmtthihu777hmm. after installing linux-generic-lts-raring I get dkms build errors fro fglrx, bcmwl, and virtualbox05:54
theadminntzrmtthihu777: That is not good... Those packages probably don't support this new kernel in your Ubuntu version :(05:54
theadminntzrmtthihu777: I'd suggest staying with the old one then. Does it work? If so, there's no reason whatsoever to upgrade.05:55
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, proprietary stuff most of the time aren't compatible with mainline kernels...05:55
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: you need to get the headers05:55
Ari-Yangespecially video drivers05:55
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: yeah, I figured as much. I just decided I would give it a shot :P05:55
cordovali did at some point add translations for spanish, how to recover full english ubuntu?05:55
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, you /might/ be able to compile the wifi proprietary driver into the new kernel though.05:55
caskaidTrying to connect ubuntu 12.04 laptop to another machine desktop on local network via remote desktop and desktop sharing wont work for me, any ideas? Made sure there's no firewall, and can ssh from laptop to desktop just fine05:55
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic-lts-raring05:55
theadmincordoval: System Settings -> Language Support -> (drag/drop languages, make "English (Canada)" or such the first one) -> Apply Systemwide05:56
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms05:56
ntzrmtthihu777Ari-Yang: quite frankly I don't think i actualy *need* it, lol. I don't even use my on-board wifi card anymore, just the usb card I have :P05:56
caskaidalso, connecting from machine to itself works fine using localhost05:56
lotuspsychjecaskaid: maybe the ##networking guys might know aswell05:57
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: already have them, it seams. and dpkg-reconfigure dkms did not seem to do much :P05:57
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, ah I see..... I haven't gotten to compiling my wifi proprietary driver into 3.10 yet.... so far the built in one seems to be fine though, it doesn't d/c me like it did when I was on 3.505:58
lotuspsychjecaskaid: got a router that could block?05:58
caskaidlotuspsychje, ok. just wasn't sure if it is in fact a networking issue, or client/server issue05:58
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, http://askubuntu.com/questions/147651/nvidia-drivers-dont-work-with-mainline-kernel05:58
Ari-Yangyou might find that interesting05:58
ntzrmtthihu777heres a quick question. how can I have "source ~/.bashrc" ran after sshing into a machine?05:58
Ben64Ari-Yang: completely different issue05:59
lotuspsychjecaskaid: could be both indeed05:59
caskaidlotuspsychje, running dd-wrt with firewall disabled and open ports. something I didn't think about was actuallys specifying the VNC service ports though05:59
theadminntzrmtthihu777: Uh, it likely will. That file is sourced every time bash starts.05:59
ntzrmtthihu777Ari-Yang: eh, I have an ati card. echo "$LINUS_NVIDIA_QUOTE"05:59
Ari-YangBen64, oh....05:59
ghsAnyone knows a good alternatives similar to wgetpaste command line for Ubuntu ?05:59
theadminghs: pastebinit is in the repos. Actually, I think it's even in the default install.05:59
lotuspsychjecaskaid: maybe nmap your machines to see whats running where05:59
cordovaltheadmin: it keeps on spanish06:00
ghstheadmin, How to install ?06:00
Ari-Yangntzrmtthihu777, you a gamer? personally fglrx is horrible >_> it has horrible 2d acceleration06:00
theadminghs: sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:00
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: then uh... make sure linux-headers-3.8.0-26 is installed?06:00
Ari-Yangif you don't do any gaming, you're better off with the open source drivers06:00
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: I ran ssh localhost as a test, and it was not sourced, lol. I can tell as some of my scripts could not be called without a full path, whereas normally it does.06:00
theadmincordoval: Eh... You'd need to log out and back in to chane that language06:00
lotuspsychje!vnc | caskaid06:00
squaregoldfishntzrmtthihu777: Put this in your .profile: http://pastebin.com/NtypGHm206:00
ubottucaskaid: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:00
caskaidlotuspsychje, might not be a bad idea, was hoping it was a common thing, never tried before only used other vnc alternatives. Figured I'd give the built-in  programs a try.06:00
caskaidlotuspsychje, i know what VNC is :) thx06:00
ntzrmtthihu777Ari-Yang: erm, yeah I suppose you could call me a gamer, but I rather enjoy older games so its not an issue06:00
caskaidbut yes... i'll check out the references there06:01
ghstheadmin, Great!06:01
lotuspsychjecaskaid: you could try teamviewer just for testing out if connection between both machines work there06:01
ntzrmtthihu777squaregoldfish: no dice.06:01
caskaidlotuspsychje, that was my next step.... but I'd like it to work with a much simpler app, as I'm hoping to build in the functions06:02
theadminlotuspsychje: TeamViewer is a bad suggestion, it does creepy magic that gets past about any hardware or software firewall06:02
squaregoldfishntzrmtthihu777: That's all I've got. Sorry.06:02
theadminlotuspsychje: So for testing connections... eh.06:02
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: not to mention its wine anyways, right?06:02
caskaidtheadmin, known06:02
fchmmri came here for personal guidance, already my suspicions are confirmed (that people are asleep so far). so. amazon issue (and facebook, etc). collaboration with non-free software distribution (drivers, firmware). open endorsement of non-free software like skype (which, among others, happens to be part of prism and many other scandals). casual dismissal of Secure Boot issue. Community complacency (or in some cases, ignor06:02
fchmmrance) of these and other issue. On the part of nkowledgeable people, unwillingness to discuss or casual dismissal of the issue. I believe these should at least be considered openly. Discuss?06:02
caskaidreally, they don't have a native version? wow06:02
caskaidgoogle says they do06:03
ntzrmtthihu777fchmmr: more along the lines for an ubuntu-offtopic discussion06:03
theadminntzrmtthihu777: Halfish. The Linux version actually is different, it has a proper daemon that starts on system bootup (service) and a few features that don't work on Linux were pulled out06:03
theadmincaskaid: Well, most of their Linux version runs through Wine06:03
caskaidlotuspsychje, let me try manually forwarding ports first I suppose.06:03
fchmmrit is extremely on-topic. if something this important is put off to a sub-section, most people do not see.06:03
caskaidtheadmin, i see06:04
Ben64fchmmr: actually its off topic. this is for ubuntu support only06:04
logavancNot sure where else to go... thought I might try here.  I need to tell a module that it can work with a device that I have.  The vendor and device IDs are not in the module alias list, but it should still be using the cp210x module.  Any ideas?06:04
fchmmrindeed, i stand corrected. where do you think will be the most appropriate (and most effective) place to discuss these issues openly? (where many people can see, right at the lions heart)06:05
ntzrmtthihu777squaregoldfish: ah, placing this into ~/.bash_profile does the trick, however.06:05
Ben64fchmmr: #ubuntu-offtopic exists06:05
ubuntu890i686   is it 32 or 64 architecture?06:05
theadminubuntu890: 32-bit06:06
ubuntu890theadmin thanks06:06
fchmmrnot many people there.06:06
ntzrmtthihu777fchmmr: cannot be helped.06:06
theadminfchmmr: This isn't really this channel's concern where you discuss this issue. Please stay ontopic while you're here. Although I agree the problem is serious, it's still offtopic here.06:07
fchmmrmy only wish is that ubuntu users start to consider these issue more. everywhere i go, i see only positive things, its like people are asleep. forums, videos, this channel, etc. what is being discussed, public attitudes, i believe its healthy to talk about them.06:07
NonaSuomiI think I may have asked already, but quick question: I'm formatting a drive freshly, with the intent of hosing media for a home server. What filesystem is ideal for this?06:07
fchmmri also would like cannonical to reconsider their collective stance on these issues06:08
logavancNonaSuomi, I use ext4... nice and stable.06:08
caskaidNonaSuomi, personally I have 8TB on ext4 without issue06:08
NonaSuomiThat's what I was thinking, but is there any reason Butter isn't preferable?06:09
caskaidNonaSuomi, though zfs can be fun and challenging. FreeNAS uses it by default..06:09
lotuspsychjecan lost+found be deleted safely on ext4?06:09
theadminNonaSuomi: The fact that it's highly experimental and there's no stable release?06:09
ntzrmtthihu777lotuspsychje: should not.06:09
theadminlotuspsychje: It can't be at all, it's part of the filesystem06:09
ntzrmtthihu777lotuspsychje: its there for a reason.06:09
NonaSuomiOkay, sounds like ext4 then. Stable and simple, right. Thanks!06:09
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: actually it can, but it comes back like immediatly. I did it back before I knew beter.06:09
agoraif anyone has a canon ip1700 i just wrote up a howto on the community documentation wiki for it :)06:10
theadminntzrmtthihu777: Sorta what I meant06:10
ntzrmtthihu777very nice.... this worked well for me :D06:10
nyRednekok, should i make a live image, with a casper-rw partition on the usb chip, could i encrypt said partition and allow access to it with a password on boot?06:11
RalliasIs there a way to define an onfirstboot parameter in my preseed.cfg file?06:11
logavancDo can anyone even give me a keyword to google for forcing a usb device to use a certain module?06:12
Ralliaslogavanc, Deny the unwanted module via /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?06:12
logavancRallias, the problem is that the vendor and device ids are not in the modules alias list.06:13
fchmmrtheadmin: agreeing is easy to do. the swindler agrees that his actions are wrong, but he does them anyway. what i feel is that many people now are starting to accept these issues as non-issues, it becomes normal. people start to think only for themselves and the problem expands. an IRC channel is probably ineffective anyway, there are less than 1000 people here.06:13
fchmmri will find another way06:13
theadminfchmmr: Good luck.06:13
fchmmrluck is irrelevant06:13
RalliasnyRednek, Do you have an existing linux machine and a scratch space that exceeds in size your flash drive?06:13
OerHeksfchmmr, less than 1000 here? really?06:14
nyRednekRallias, yes06:14
Rallias*cracks knuckles* Are you prepared to spend about 2 1/2 hours working with it?06:14
fchmmrOerHeks: 1490 to be precise06:14
nyRednekRallias, definitely06:15
fchmmrslightly more than 1000 then,06:15
nyRednekRallias, i'm running debootstrap to start building custom livefs as we speak06:15
ntzrmtthihu777oy, what was the apt command to show a packages deps again?06:15
caskaidman apt ;)06:16
RalliasnyRednek, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto <- That's your best bet. Replace your /dev/hd* with your USB drive's devnod.06:16
theadminntzrmtthihu777: apt-cache depends package_name06:16
RalliasnyRednek, I'd be able to help, but right now I'm doing maintenence on a few too many servers.06:17
nyRednekRallias, understood06:17
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, seems I was wrongish. ubuntu-tweak needs compiz-core, which is needed by unity.06:17
RalliasnyRednek, If you need further help, I've done this kind of thing a couple times, feel free to email me.06:18
ntzrmtthihu777and as I have no use for compiz I'd rather not install it, even if its pretty useful :P06:18
theadminRallias: Posting e-mail in a channel like this is of bad idea...06:18
wilee-nilee let the spam begin06:19
Ralliastheadmin, Posting a publicly announced email in a publicly logged channel is a bad idea?06:19
RalliasWhen since?06:19
nyRednekRallias, you know, this would be easier if truecrypt would install its bootloader on a flash drive without windows(will it?)06:19
RalliasnyRednek, The problem is, as far as I'm aware, truecrypt cannot boot linux.06:20
nyRednekRallias, if it can load syslinux, that'd be fine with me06:20
nyRednekRallias, or does it even have problems there?06:20
RalliasnyRednek, AFAIK, it's designed to load ntldr with a memdisk. I don't think it's possible.06:21
RalliasAt least not with a major kernel patch that'll take a few years to push through.06:21
nyRednekRallias, meh, thanks, though...i'll do it with full disk encryption, then06:21
ntzrmtthihu777welp, I've gotten and given info needed tonite, all is well with the world. ganite all06:22
nyRednekRallias, the problem with the fulldisk encryption would be the fstab06:25
ak5hi! I switched to another terminal emulator, called termite. Now, when I ssh into my headless ubuntu boxes, I tmux complains about  missing/unsuitable terminal: xterm-termite06:26
nyRednekRallias, if i'm using a usb chip, the fstab may not fit every machine i plug it into06:26
RalliasnyRednek, If that's too big a problem, just load your usb disk in qemu as a raw image and use the ubuntu alternate install cd.06:26
Random832ak5: just set TERM=xterm before running tmux06:26
Random832tmux isn't willing to make assumptions about terminfo entries it can't find, unlike most programs06:27
theadminRallias: That sadly fails, the text installer hangs in Qemu for god knows what reasons06:27
Random832if you really care about it, figure out why its terminfo entry didn't get installed06:27
RalliasSo that's why I've got all these bloody support tickets complaining about the ubuntu iso's.06:27
Random832ak5: where did you get this 'termite' program? I don't see it in apt-cache search06:27
ak5Random832: well, I don't :P I am just going to add that to .bash_profile or something06:28
ak5Random832: https://github.com/thestinger/termite06:28
draconus2would you have an idea how to convert a png image from 27x27 pixels to 16x16 pixels using only console?06:28
theadmindraconus2: mogrify -resize 16x16\! myfile.png06:29
ak5Random832: its a very nice utf8 terminal with colors that replaces urxvt for example06:29
Random832ak5: see the .terminfo file?06:29
draconus2theadmin i love you06:29
Random832ak5: you need to run tic on that.06:29
ak5Random832: I see06:29
draconus2theadmin running to test that now :)06:29
Random832that's the real solution; I just didn't know what to point out to you until I saw the list of files06:30
theadmindraconus2: (mogrify is part of imagemagick)06:30
Random832then you won't have to set TERM06:30
Random832theadmin: what's the difference between mogrify and convert?06:30
draconus2theadmin thank you again... was just going to tell you that i couldn't find mogrify package ;)06:30
* Random832 looks at the manpage06:31
Random832oh, mogrify throws away the source image06:31
draconus2Random832 so there is convert also?06:31
theadminRandom832: convert outputs to a different file, mogrify modifies the original one (making it easier to process multiple images: mogrify -resize 16x16\! *.png)06:31
draconus2theadmin that's what i need in fact... like 400 files...06:31
Random832draconus2: convert is part of imagemagick, and I hadn't heard of mogrify before today06:31
draconus2was going to use ms paint for that... and convert one by one06:31
Random832ah, so it's for people who don't know how to write for loops06:32
CHITOque tal alguien me puede decir donde encuentro cyberlinux 1.306:32
Random832oh well, draconus2: make sure you back up your original files06:32
draconus2Random832 mate, for the fun of it i might use convert and write a nice loop :)06:32
delli have linux mint installed in my lappy with windows 7 as a dual booting. i want to replace my linux with ubuntu. what to do for that? also i have some files in linux mint. can it will be transferable?06:32
CHITOquiero instalar cyberlinux 1.3 pero no lo he encontrado alguien que me lo pase06:34
dellanyone please help.06:34
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draconustheadmin would you have an idea if there is anything in mogrify that i could switch on to make the conversion better? those are icons with quite small details06:35
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draconustheadmin or isn't there much to do about that?06:35
Random832draconus2: try -resample instead of -resize06:36
CHITOnecesito cyberlinux 1.306:36
draconusi mean different scaling algo or something06:36
draconusRandom832 hm that could do it06:36
theadmindraconus2: Well, I'm not that familiar with ImageMagick sadly.06:36
Random832draconus: or -adaptive-resize06:36
Equinox3dell:  may be you can backup your profile. and maybe backup your packages list then reinstall it back when you install ubuntu06:36
draconusmany thanks theadmin and Random832 - you saved me several hours of time...06:37
Random832or -sample06:37
Random832or -scale06:37
Random832i'm not sure if all these do what you want (some might change dpi instead), but it's worth trying06:37
nyRednekRallias, yeah, it fails...06:38
draconusRandom832 yup, i will do all of those and compare in production env06:38
nyRednekwait, what?06:39
NonaSBanned? The hell?06:40
agorayay i just finished writing my declaration of attribution unnecessity additional permissions document for CC BY SA licenses :)06:40
agoranonas banned from where?06:40
NonaSYeah, nick NonaSuomi. Server says I can't chance nick back over while I'm banned in here.06:41
_xeno_when fixing a bug is it better to create a patch or just push my branch and propose a merge?06:41
agoranonas weird. did it say why?06:41
nyRednekNonaS, well, it just quieted everyone not authed with nickserv06:42
wilee-nileeNonaS, Ask in #ubuntu-ops or #freenode06:42
nyRednekand you aren't authed with nickserv06:42
NonaSNo. I ping timeout'ed a few minutes ago, then quit and join back, ghosted my old nick, now this.06:42
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NonaSuomiThere. Huh.06:43
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:43
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nyRednekand we have a netsplit06:43
agoranonasuomi huh.06:44
CHITOnecesito cyberlinux 1.3 para pc antigua poca ram06:44
wilee-nileeNonaSuomi, This nick was probably in the server and on the channel.06:44
wilee-nileenot banned just still on.06:44
agoraCHITO que es cyberlinux?06:44
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NonaSuomiwilee-nilee: No, I ghosted it.06:44
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NonaSuomiThe exact message from the server was **435 NonaSuomi #ubuntu Cannot change nickname while banned on channel06:45
agoraCHITO este es el canal para Ubuntu06:45
agorais non-english speaking permitted here?06:45
CHITOes un sistema operativo dedicado a los cafe internet06:45
Ben64no, english only. many languages have their own channel06:45
wilee-nileeNonaSuomi, The servers have had problems, I could not get cloaked yesterday for awile.06:45
agoraben64 ok i will tell him to move to pm in spanish and then that's it06:46
CHITOesta creado en ubuntu06:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:46
agoraCHITO no podemos hablar en espanol aqui, necesitamos hablar en otro lugar06:46
agoraCHITO como #ubuntu-es06:46
Ben64CHITO: well we don't support "cyberlinux"06:46
Ben64ubuntu only06:46
agorathat too06:46
CHITOes ubuntu 10.04 modificado06:47
trap24i have ubuntu .iso when i mount it in win8 and try to run the wubi installter06:47
trap24to install ubuntu as a file within C drive06:47
Ben64CHITO: no importa, y 10.04 ya no se admite en el escritorio de todos modos06:47
agoraCHITO en #ubuntu-es por favor.  este canal solo es para ingles06:47
wilee-nileetrap24, Wubi is not on the iso you have to use the wubi downloader06:47
wilee-nileetrap24, Wont run in W8.06:48
trap24it starts to download a bi wubi-amd64.tar.xz06:48
agoraben64 CHITO si, eso tambien06:48
trap24is it normal06:48
trap24arent the installer files already in the iso06:48
wilee-nileetrap24, Wubi wont run in W8 if you uefi at the least.06:48
trap24wilee-nilee: huh.. yes i have uefi06:49
trap24i coun't install ubuntu06:49
wilee-nileetrap24, Not anymore, and wubi wont run in W8.06:49
Ben64and wubi is just for testing, and might be going away soon.06:49
agorai used to use wubi06:49
* agora shudders06:49
trap24my system has uefi, and win8 and secure boot enabled06:50
trap24i disabled the secure boot, but flash wont boot06:50
wilee-nileetrap24, virtual or dual boot are your choice.06:50
trap24wilee-nilee: i think i am done trying the dual boot option as well06:50
Ben64maybe you didn't make the flash drive correctly then?06:51
wilee-nileetrap24, check out this thread on uefi ubuntu installs. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729506:51
chunkyheadwhat is the shortcut to lock my account so it asks me password?06:52
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agoracontrol alt l06:52
chunkyheadagora: thanks!06:52
agorachunkyhead sure thing! :)06:52
_xeno_hey all, iam new to bug fixing. could someone help me with question. noting technical06:54
agora_xeno_ just ask06:54
agora_xeno_ don't ask to ask :)06:54
ak5Random832: I still have an issue in byobu, the default statusbar on the bottom left, I have a 06:55
_xeno_ok, so I fixed a bitesize bug. Now should I push the branch or should I create a patch? What is the difference between both method06:55
Campfirelight wieght ubuntu i need06:55
agoracampfire you mean a lightweight version?06:56
KurtKrautCampfire, seek for Lubuntu.06:56
Campfireidia for06:56
agoracampfire yes, lubuntu or xubuntu06:56
Campfireis server adition better then others06:56
agoracampfire server edition is for servers06:57
theadminCampfire: The server version of Ubuntu doesn't come with a graphical interface, for one.06:57
nbagstheadmin: does it still run a different kernel?06:57
theadminCampfire: It also comes with an installer that helps to optimize it better to host various kind of servers...06:57
theadminnbags: I think so, but I'm not 100% sure.06:58
aeon-ltdCampfire: also better how? like agora said server edition is for servers, though i have used it as a base for a desktop though06:58
ak5theadmin: does it?06:58
theadminaeon-ltd: Well, server editions of Windows are sometimes considered "better" because they come with nicer admin tools and less silly restrictions06:59
theadminaeon-ltd: That kind of "better", I uess.06:59
nbagshmmm ... i have some ubuntu 6.06 servers i need to do something with soon. stupid company decided they didnt need a sysadmin. what are my options? will they upgrade cleanly? they are VMs so i can snapshot them first06:59
theadminbut no, Ubuntu doesn't do that stuff06:59
agoraevan_ hi06:59
theadminnbags: Something that old can't upgrade any longer... Sadly. Your only option is a reinstall here :(06:59
ikoniaevan_: or "hello" as normal people say06:59
evan_i have question how could i change port number of serial h/w06:59
Random832ak5: no idea - probably not everything is in agreement on whether UTF8 is in use06:59
agoralol ikonia07:00
nbagstheadmin: does anyone have the apt repos still online? i would like to try an upgrade even if its 'unsupported'07:00
_xeno_agora: I fixed a bitesize bug. Now should I push the branch or should I create a patch? What is the difference between both method?07:00
Ben64nbags: much better to install fresh07:00
boy32there are girls to speak07:00
agoraagora idk i don't bugfix lol07:00
agoraboy32 this is an ubuntu support channel07:01
_xeno_ok :) lol07:01
Random832ak5: or, are you sure that's not intentional? it shows up as an ubuntu logo on my screen07:01
agora_xeno_ sorry, when i said to just ask i didn't mean i would know the answer07:01
ak5Ohhh, ok07:01
Campfirewhats best way to format hard drive07:01
Ben64Campfire: gparted07:01
agora_xeno_ i just thought someone would07:01
ak5Random832: I am on a different flavor of linux, seems like I don't have the extended utf8 that ubuntu has07:01
agorayou might try the development channel if there is one, dunno what it is tho07:01
Campfirety 6407:02
Random832I don't know what the default byobu theme is supposed to look like07:02
theadminnbags: There's old-releases.ubuntu.com but I have no idea if they still mantain repos for 6.0607:02
ak5Random832: nah, you helped me. I don't have the ubuntu logo to utf8 mapping07:02
_xeno_ubuntu bugs channel is dead.. no response there07:02
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agorastick around, you should be able to get help here07:02
Campfireif there is a boot record still on drive will it erase07:02
agoraif not then there's the forums07:02
Campfiresay a windows07:03
_xeno_yea.. thanks anyway07:03
Campfireor mircrosoft07:03
draconustheadmin, Random832: this is strange but mogrify doesn't downscale 27x27 to 16x16 as well as ms paint does... i tried several options and i either get blurred or simply less readible icon07:03
Random832ak5: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/man1/byobu.1.html search this for "logo"07:03
Ben64Campfire: with gparted you can format any drive you want, not sure what you mean07:03
theadmindraconus: Huh...07:03
draconustheadmin seriously07:03
theadmindraconus: Well, again, I'm not much familiar with it sadly07:04
Random832draconus: no idea what algorithm ms paint uses. you tried all the options i mentioned?07:04
draconusi tried the exact same image and ms simply does it better, wondering about the algo07:04
nbagstheadmin: ok, ill look into that. i cant jump ahead though right? i need to apt-get dist-update LTS -> LTS -> LTS ... ?07:04
draconusRandom832 yup07:04
theadminnbags: Yeah.07:04
draconusRandom832 one of those is close but still not the same as in ms paint :)07:04
theadminnbags: Especially with a release *that* old.07:04
Ben64nbags: just install 12.04 or something supported fresh. upgrades take a long time and stuff will surely break from 6.0607:05
nbagstheadmin: thanks. i will snapshot and give the upgrade a go. i've usually been fairly successful in untangling any apt problems with debian. hopefully ubuntu is more or less the same07:05
nbagsBen64: i dont mind stuff breaking. it should still be easier than a fresh install in this case07:06
ikoniaBen64: 6.06 is not compatible upgrade to 10.04 I think, it breaks before that07:06
Random832ak5: see here for what it's meant to look like https://plus.google.com/photos/109146476137225155095/albums/5881951730018292593?banner=pwa07:06
nbagsyeah it'll be 8.something right?07:06
Ben64nbags: no, it would not be easier to upgrade 6.06 to 12.0407:06
theadminnbags: How is this easier? You can copy configs and data over (for the most part, beware for config format changes)07:07
nbagsif it proves too hard i will roll back the snapshot and reinstall from scratch. but i dont really want to mess with their configs at all if i can get away with it. their configurations arent documented07:08
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theadminBen64: Well, I do know a person who's sucessfuly upgraded from 4.something all the way to 13.04, but that was a desktop release and upgrades were done on time07:09
nekwebdevHello everyone, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 as a webserver. My users each have their sites in their home folders, and are all part of the www-data group so that they can play nice with apache. Is my only option to restrict them to their home dir in SSH using chroot?07:10
nbagsserver release should be easier. a lot less packages to break. but as long as the repos are still online im going to give it a shot07:10
chunkyheadguys whenever i run sudo apt-get update i get the following errors. any help with that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5851883/07:10
wilee-nileechunkyhead, Open the sources list and comment out the cd's and make sure the PPA even exists.07:11
chunkyheadlocate sources.list07:12
theadminchunkyhead: It's of in /etc/apt/07:12
chunkyheadtheadmin: yeah got it :)07:12
wilee-nileechunkyhead, the PPA's may not have raring releases.07:12
nekwebdevchroot is making my head hurt :(07:13
chunkyheadam i doing it right? wilee-nilee theadmin http://screencloud.net/v/t1pL07:14
wilee-nileechunkyhead, needs a sudo07:14
chunkyheadwilee-nilee: no no my bad it's /etc/apt/ on /etc/app07:15
wilee-nileehehapt not app07:15
wilee-nileemissed that sorry07:15
chunkyhead# is commenting right? wilee-nilee btw this is which language? shell?07:15
theadminwilee-nilee: No real language, just a random format Debian made up07:16
wilee-nileechunkyhead, The PPA's may be in sources.list.d07:16
wilee-nileetheadmin, Thanks I have no idea there I barely speak my native english07:16
wilee-nileechunkyhead, comment out is # is what I Meant07:17
alocerhello guys . im on mint maya ( ubuntu 12.04) using realtek HDA Intel sound card with ALC275 chipset and snd_hda_intel module. when my sound is on 50% it seems i am on 0% no sound at all. is there anything to do in ~/.pulse/daemon.conf or default.pa ? i dont know? i appreciate any help . thanks07:18
wilee-nileealocer, You will have to ask in a mint channel.07:18
aloceri had asked there now i giving here a try . sry to bother07:19
wilee-nileealocer, No bother just not supported here. ;)07:19
ak5can someone repaste the link Random832 sent me above?07:19
alocerok wilee-nilee ;)07:19
wilee-nileeak5, ^^^^^^07:19
ak5wilee-nilee: ty07:20
djonohey all ubuntu now randmonly shutts down on me laptop. asus x201e 4gb ram07:20
aeon-ltddjono: info on what happens prior would be useful so we can establish a pattern07:21
djonoim just browsing the net using chrome and boom it shuts down07:21
mmxxyyHi. Have to compile an 2.6.9 kernel for MIPSEL. Unfortunately the 'make menuconfig' do not work as there are some issues with libncurse (even if i had installed them). The 'make config' works, but it is toooo long. How can i add modules that i want to kernel to compile them? I've tried to manually add to '.config' but it doesn't accept07:21
djonoit can happen anytime while watching video or chatting in irc etc...07:22
aeon-ltddjono: even near full battery?07:23
nbagsmmxxyy: do u have an existing configuration you are working from? or taking defaults?07:23
djonoyep even full battery. half battery. quarter battery. its so random07:23
aeon-ltddjono: heat maybe?07:24
mmxxyynbags> i have an 'default' configuration provided for that mipsel chip. it compiles fine, but i want to add some additional modules to kernel07:24
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chunkyheadwilee-nilee: is it safe to delete ppas in /etc/apt/source.list.d/ ?07:24
wilee-nilee!ppa-purge | chunkyhead07:25
ubottuchunkyhead: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:25
djonoi thought that as well but i had it under a fan and it happens as well.07:25
nbagsmmxxyy: u want to put the .config in /usr/src/linux (or whereever). then run 'make oldconfig', you can keep just pressing enter for every question if you want defaults. then edit the .config by hand or with menuconfig07:25
chunkyheadwilee-nilee: what exactly is there in sources.list.d?07:25
mmxxyynbags> i've tried to add some config lines to '.config', but on the 'make' step it just reuse the old config...07:25
mmxxyynbags> for unknown reason the 'make menuconfig' do not work..07:26
mmxxyynbags> do you want me to show you the 'menuconfig' error?07:26
wilee-nileechunkyhead, It is just another source place generally 3rd parties.07:26
nbagsmmxxyy: that shouldn't matter. but just adding lines may not work. you may also have to remove some lines07:26
chunkyheadwilee-nilee: so i'm guessing nothing's gonna happen if i del them right? coz i just did and apt-get update runs fine07:26
mmxxyynbags> what do you advice?07:27
nbagsmmxxyy:  its been years since i built my own kernels though07:27
wilee-nileechunkyhead, Purging them would probably be best.07:27
chunkyheadi dont think i can purge after i rm a file? :P now can i? wilee-nilee07:27
wilee-nileechunkyhead, No, you are probably fine since they error out.07:28
nbagsmmxxyy: i would put your .config, from the vendor or whatever into the source tree. then do make oldconfig, and take all defaults. then open the .config and search for the config options you want to change and change them. dont just add stuff at the start or the end of the .config07:28
nbagsopen .config in a text editor i mean07:28
chunkyheadwilee-nilee: i like how subtle the probably sounds. ;)07:29
mmxxyyi'll try07:29
wilee-nileechunkyhead, Purge is used most often when people add a ppa and it borks their setup, the purge removes all the updates from the ppa and sets it stock.07:29
chunkyheadalright thanks wilee-nilee07:30
wilee-nileechunkyhead, I assume nothing loaded from them, and you have no complaints associated so I use probably. ;)07:30
chunkyheadPS: to every terminal lover, use irssi as your irc client. epic shit.07:32
chunkyheadbtw does anyone know what does the package awesome do?07:34
aeon-ltdchunkyhead: the wm?07:34
chunkyheadaeon-ltd: what exactly does it do?07:34
aeon-ltdchunkyhead: it's a tiling window manager07:34
Flannelchunkyhead: `apt-cache show awesome` will give you the full description07:34
chunkyheadi tried apt-cache search couldn't understand much07:35
chunkyheadFlannel: ^ aeon-ltd ^ let me try downloading07:35
wilee-nileechunkyhead, http://keramida.wordpress.com/2012/10/18/awesome-wm-in-ubuntu-12-04/07:35
chunkyheaddo you guys know any video showing a demo? i'm trying to search w/o any luck07:37
aeon-ltdchunkyhead: learn the keybindings before using it07:37
aeon-ltdchunkyhead: imagine this, a regular wm YOU control the windows drag/min/max in a tiling the computer manages all windows for you07:38
chunkyheadaeon-ltd: wanna see a demo first, will let you know when i install :)07:38
wilee-nileechunkyhead, here is youtube set. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=awesome+wm&oq=awesome+wm&gs_l=youtube.3...1248.5030.0.5293.
chunkyheadfor some reason none of my browsers are ready to open youtube. alright ping youtube.com works just fine :'(07:39
jeetpeiHello all07:39
jeetpeii want to write a code07:39
jeetpeiwhich grep PID from logs and kill pid07:39
jeetpeii am doing this remotly07:40
chunkyheadjeetpei: use top!07:40
chunkyheadjeetpei: apt-cache search top07:40
chunkyheadtry that ^07:40
nyRednekcan the ubuntu installer isos mount luks-encrypted partitions?07:41
jeetpeiok let me check07:41
aeon-ltdi recommend htop, it's a little cleaner07:41
jeetpeisorry chunkyhead i am still confused07:42
jeetpeihere is do07:42
jeetpeigrep PID /log_file | tail -1 | awk '{print $8}' which gives me PID07:42
jeetpeii can use kill -9 with it07:42
jeetpeibut when i do it remotly i see error non zero status07:43
jeetpeianybody there ?07:44
jeetpeichunkyhead : did you see my last messages ?07:45
gregor3005hi, i try to install freecad from sources and it need the variable PYTHON_LIBRARIES set but it is empty, python is installed07:45
r0tha_gregor3005: try specifying where python is installed07:45
r0tha_which python07:45
r0tha_$ which python07:46
gregor3005r0tha_: /usr/bin/python07:46
chunkyheadjeetpei: top will give you all running processes pid etc. i havent used htop but i think it is cleaner (like aeon said)07:47
r0tha_gregor3005: this is just a suggestion.....try specifying that directory for freecad07:47
chunkyheadjeetpei: did you make a ssh connection first?07:47
jeetpeii have password login07:47
gregor3005r0tha_: i try also the following package: libpython-all-dev07:48
chunkyheadjeetpei: how do u get root access then?07:48
jeetpeii seted up root@ip passwordless login07:49
jeetpeiso i can run command with root07:49
chunkyheadi've never tried to keep anything password less. not that fear, but i guess coz i've never really had the option to go passwordless O.o things have been quite easy. try keeping a certain password. sometimes you can't gain access to root without password.07:49
jeetpeii can run other commands .. like copy file touch file etc etc07:51
gregor3005r0tha_: libpython-all-dev was the right package07:52
r0tha_gregor3005: cool, glad you got it figured out07:52
mikubuntuhaving trouble installing driver for broadcom 'firmware-b43-installer_015-14_all.deb' on a lubuntu 13.04 laptop, i wonder if anyone could help me. i have the file on a cd, and trying to install, but i got an error.07:57
mikubuntuerrors were encountered: dpkg split: error: error reading firmware-b43 ....deb Input/Output error07:57
jeetpeichunkyhead : ok i have another idea .. i have four process running .. which are depended to each other .. but i need to kill only last process not all07:58
jeetpeiis it possible?07:59
glda19can some help me with uefi motherboard and grub08:01
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI   <----- glda1908:03
llutzjeetpei: pgrep/pkill -n   might help (man pkill)08:04
wilee-nileeglda19, here is a thread as well. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729508:04
mikubuntuthe error i'm getting from gdebi now is :: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: b43-fwcutter (>= 1:015-14)08:06
glda19But i have a pc with efi motherbord with a ssd 128 GB and a HD 2 TB  and win7 installed on the ssd and the users on the 2TB08:07
glda19And now i add a 160 GB hd and there i installed ubuntu 12.10. It goes well but after install i don't see the grub. So i have to go to the efi bios and change the boot  from mij ssd to the HD160GB WHY ?08:09
aeon-ltdbecause grub is on the 160gb hdd?08:10
aeon-ltdglda19: ^08:11
glda19aeon-ltd: what ?08:12
aeon-ltdbecause grub is on the 160gb hdd08:12
glda19and why not on the ssd08:12
aeon-ltdbecause thats where you installed it08:12
aeon-ltdif you didn't separate /boot then /boot is part of / which contains everything from the ubuntu install08:13
aeon-ltdlast time i used a installer they weren;t that smart08:14
glda19how can you saparate the boot08:14
aeon-ltdno idea on how to do it post install, i've not heard many cases like that either08:14
glda19thx aeon-ltd08:15
aeon-ltdsorry i couldn't help more08:15
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glda19aeon-ltd you don't have to say sorry you could't  not now every thing08:18
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ni291187hi, how can I close an x window program if its frozen in full screen?08:23
theadminni291187: Easiest way, Ctrl-Alt-F2, log in and "killall programname" from there08:23
theadminni291187: Then Ctrl-Alt-F7 to switch back to the desktop08:23
ni291187that's theadmin08:25
ni291187err thanks08:25
ni291187is there a way i can look up the name if all the programs running on the other screen?08:25
Homie20006Has anyone here have an idea how to bridge a network card with a /32 ip address -.-08:25
theadminni291187: pgrep '.*' -u $USER -l | less # This will list all processes that are currently running as your user. Use arrows to scroll, q to exit.08:26
theadminIt's acting a bit oddly here, doesn't list the full name for some reason... hm.08:27
caoszaha,what is this08:27
GBS-NETi hav backtrack 5 running on Live CD...but i can install it on my pc.it gives me error...any idea hw i sld install it?pls help.08:28
theadminni291187: Eh, dammit -- sudo apt-get install htop and run htop, it's a command-line task manager08:28
theadminGBS-NET: Backtrack is not supported.08:28
lolcakestheadmin, oh thanks for  Ctrl-Alt-F2 tip, I never knew that one08:28
llutzhelmut_: pgrep ... -lf08:28
llutztheadmin: ^^08:28
theadminllutz: Ah, thanks.08:28
theadminlolcakes: Well, technically, Ctrl-Alt-F1 - Ctrl-Alt-F6 switch to various consoles, Ctrl-Alt-F7 usually switches to the desktop08:29
GBS-NETtheadmin....u mean not supported by my pc?08:29
llutz!backtrack | GBS-NET08:30
ubottuGBS-NET: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)08:30
theadminGBS-NET: Not supported by this channel.08:30
ni291187is there a way to use the ps command so it lists processes one page at a time?08:31
gordonjcpni291187: pipe the output to less08:31
theadminni291187: Any command's output can be paged by adding | less at the end08:31
thunderthas anyone had problems with bootloops on windows 708:36
thunderthello anyone here08:37
gordonjcpthundert: lots of people08:37
ripthejackerHow to check If my gpu is compatible with Ubuntu? Does it depend on the kernel or the X server?08:37
Ben64uh, this is #ubuntu, you're probably looking for ##windows08:37
gordonjcpthundert: what's windows 7, is it in apt?08:37
Ben64ripthejacker: what pu08:37
thundertlol i know its ubuntu just fustrated with windows 7.08:38
ripthejackerBen64: AMD Radeon08:38
thundertubuntus hasnt ever really given me problems08:38
Ben64ripthejacker: thats not a gpu08:39
glda19who use thunderbird08:39
ripthejackerBen64: Oh , What is it called then?08:39
Ben64well whats the rest of the name08:39
Ben64radeon has been around for 13 years08:40
ripthejackerAMD Radeon HD 645008:41
Ben64ripthejacker: should be fine08:43
ripthejackerHow did you figure it out?08:43
Ben64cause its not an ancient one08:44
ni291187I'm having trouble killing an application. I don't know the name of it and it has frozen08:49
Homie20006How to bridge a /32 ip address to use another /32 ip with the same gateway for kvm usage ? :|08:51
Homie20006ni291187: how you know it hangs if you dont know the application ? you have a process id ?08:51
ni291187homie I don't08:52
ni291187it's frozen08:53
Homie20006so how you can identify this app :D what is it ?08:53
ni291187how can I start a new GUI session? I'm in a new cli window08:53
ni291187I have no idea what it is, that's the problem. it's full screen and I can't figure out how to close it08:53
ni291187I did ctrl alt f208:54
theadminni291187: Ctrl-Alt-F708:54
Homie20006and you land in a console ^08:54
Homie20006its an app full screen in the X-session theadmin08:54
theadminAh right, never mind08:54
theadminni291187: Well look through the process list... Do you have anything overly important running in that X session? If not, might as well restart X08:55
ni291187how do I do that?08:55
theadminni291187: sudo restart lightdm08:55
theadminni291187: (in the console)08:55
ApplesouceHey I have a small little problem, I installed Steam and wanted to play some games but they lag so bad. My Tower should be powerfull enough to play them - also I always get an error when I install the latest drivers from nVidia08:55
theadminApplesouce: That'd be the problem... Have you tried using the hardware drivers utility that comes with Ubuntu?08:56
ni291187that worked, thanks the admin. man my system is running very unstable. it's really frustrating08:56
Applesoucetheadmin: I'm not sure where can I launch it?08:58
theadminni291187: In case that happens again (preventive measure) go to System Settings -> Keyboard Layout -> Options... and enable the checkbox under "Key sequence to kill the X server". Then you can restart X with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace at any moment.08:58
ni291187oh wow, nice08:59
Applesoucetheadmin: Do you mean additional drivers? There are none listed ...09:00
ni291187thanks. I'm gona sleep, gotta wake up early09:00
theadminApplesouce: Yeah that thing. Hm. If there are none listed it likely means that your card is not supported by NVidia on Linux, in that case there's really not much you can do, sadly.09:00
Applesoucetheadmin: But my card is neather really outdated nor is it super new :(09:01
Applesoucetheadmin: I can download a driver at nVidia, why can't I install that one ...09:01
theadminApplesouce: well, those tend to not work on Ubuntu, why is a question beyond my level of knowledge09:02
ripthejackerBen64: Is there a list of supported video cards or something?09:02
theadminApplesouce: I haz a GeForce GT 525M, it worked fine with the drivers built into Ubuntu and all games I have on Steam run perfectly well (apart from Portal which has minor flickering issues now and then)09:03
theadminApplesouce: Guess you're just unlucky :(09:03
Applesoucetheadmin: NOOOOO <.< is there a list somewhere of supported chips >.<09:03
Homie20006Try to ask again, maybe anyone has an idea ^^         How to bridge a /32 ip address to use another /32 ip with the same gateway for kvm usage ? :/09:05
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gordonjcpooh, steam questions09:05
theadminApplesouce: Uhh... There was one somewhere... But I really am unsure. Say, you *did* run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" after installing the NVidia drivers from the wesbite, right?09:05
theadmingordonjcp: No, nvidia driver questions -- boring stuff :P09:06
gordonjcptheadmin: aw09:06
Homie20006take the bridge questions xD09:06
gordonjcpI've got a GMA4500, Half Life 2 starts up but it looks weird kind of like the textures aren't loaded - where should I check first09:06
theadmingordonjcp: The Genetically Modified Abnomination? Ugh. I've always had serious problems with those and any kind of 3D even on Windows. :(09:07
ApplesouceI now installed drivers from x-swap and now did nvidia-xconfig09:07
Applesoucetheadmin: I now installed drivers from x-swap and now did nvidia-xconfig09:07
theadminApplesouce: Is it working?09:07
Applesoucetheadmin: don't I have to restart my computer for the changes to take affect?09:08
theadminApplesouce: ...well, yes, that'd be a good idea lol09:08
Applesoucetheadmin: then wait a second or two ;D09:08
gordonjcptheadmin: oh well09:09
gordonjcptheadmin: at least this machine is slightly faster and has a proper FDC connector, and more SATA ports09:09
gordonjcptheadmin: I may also be able to squeeze in an SFF "proper" graphics card09:09
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vortexanyone using smuxi ?09:13
nimeshi need help i am a noob with ubuntu and i am upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 and it has has randomly stopped09:14
gordonjcpnimesh: 11.10 is not supported any more09:15
Applesouce_theadmin: yes working <.< now I'm done with not-playing games :P Thank you very much for the mental support!!! :D09:15
nimeshi know  but can any one help me get to 12.1209:15
nimeshi mean 12.1009:16
Znooseydon't get 12.1009:16
Znooseyget 13.04 it is much better09:16
IdleOnethat's helpful09:16
nimeshhow do i do that then09:16
IdleOne!eolupgrade | nimesh09:16
ubottunimesh: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:16
IdleOnesee the second link09:16
bekksnimesh: The most easy way would be to reinstall 12.0409:16
nimeshalso my apt-get is not working for some reason09:17
nbagsnimesh: u got an error or something?09:18
nimeshand now for some reason i can't open terminal09:18
gordonjcpnimesh: easiest way at this point is probably just to do a clean install09:18
nbagsnimesh: thats to be expected09:18
nbagsnimesh: can u press ctrl-alt-f1 and continue the upgrade from there?09:19
gordonjcpnimesh: go with 12.04 if you don't want to bother with reinstalling for a while, 13.04 if you want the latest-and-greatest, and 13.10 if you like living on the bleeding edge09:19
gordonjcpnimesh: (don't go with 13.10)09:19
nbagsi never do upgrades with X running ... asking for trouble09:20
gordonjcpI never do upgrades09:21
gordonjcpI just run LTS, and when a new one comes out I do a clean install09:21
gordonjcpand at that, I usually just do a clean install onto a brand new disk09:21
nbagsgordonjcp: thats best for sure09:21
gordonjcpa few wee apt-get installs and a quick copying of some dotfiles and /etc directories, and we're bangin'09:22
nimesh1hi again09:22
JimmyGI've got some issues with CIFS09:23
nbagsgordonjcp: yeah thats fine if its your own system, but if its someone elses and you dont know their configs or the software they are using i prefer to upgrade09:23
JimmyGWhen the network share I've mounted goes down the computer becomes unreachable09:23
nimesh1some body on here told me to do ctr-alt-f1 ho do i get out of it09:23
gordonjcpnbags: if it's someone else's system chances are I configured it anyway09:23
nbagsnimesh ctrl-alt-f7, or f809:23
bekksJimmyG: Thats expected. You computer infinitely waits for the share to respond to IO requests.09:24
nimeshi'm using to ubuntu pc09:24
JimmyGbekks: Figures. Any workaround?09:24
bekksJimmyG: Ensure that the network share doesnt go down.09:24
bekksJimmyG: Thats the only solution.09:24
nimeshany way i cant upgrade using ctr-alt-f109:24
bekksnimesh: Why not?09:25
nimeshit stuck at triggers for gnome-menus09:25
nbagsbekks: yeah i still think thats pretty lame. if u have a laptop with wifi, then you plug it into lan for to do a file copy or whatever cifs should handle that, like it does under windows09:26
JimmyGSo I have to use FTP to move stuff to another computer I don't have full control over?09:26
nimeshi did do-release-upgerde09:26
nbagsnimesh: error?09:26
nimeshyeah let me do it again and i will write it down09:26
bekksJimmyG: You just have to ensure the share doesnt go down. No need to use FTP :)09:26
nimeshunable to get exclusive lock09:27
JimmyGbekks: Not everyone can control their entire network infrastructure.09:27
nbagsnimesh: sounds like the other update (gui one) is still running09:27
bekksJimmyG: Shares are normally located on servers - and they can be controlled :)09:27
nimeshi did the upgrade on the giu for 11.04 to 11.10 and it has crashed/stoped09:28
nimeshit stuck at triggers for gnome-menus09:28
nbagsnimesh: so u will have to kill the tasks, like dpkg and apt, and the upgrade script09:28
Adili bought a laptop because i needed an alternative to my pc and i thought the the only way to make it usable for me was to install ubuntu09:28
JimmyGbekks: No self respecting admin sets up a server to rely on another computer being reachable09:28
Adilive figured out  the basics but im stuck on one tghing09:29
Adili got vuze09:29
nimeshhow do i do that09:29
Adilnow that ive closed it it wont start09:29
bekksJimmyG: Thats not the point. A server normally doesnt go down - so use that share to transfer your data.09:29
chunkyheadguy i need a little help with irssi, how to change the default nick?09:29
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nbagsnimesh: im not sure what the upgrade script is called. check with 'ps -ef'. but u probably want to 'killall -9 apt' 'killall -9 dpkg', etc. but there will be some mess to clean up. this is an unsupported upgrade which has failed so you wont neccessarily be able to fix it09:30
JimmyGbekks: Well this server does go down from time to time and with it, my client.09:30
nbagsnimesh: having said that ive recovered from such a situation before09:30
nimeshok i will try it09:30
nbagslike i say, bad idea to do upgrades in X09:30
Adili minimized vuze09:31
Adilhow do i access g09:31
jeff3864do you guys mind if i ask a question about live usb?09:31
nbagsjeff3864: go ahead09:32
nimesh1can i make a live usb in ubuntu for 12.10/13.0409:32
nbagsJimmyG: you might be able to set a short timeout with a mount option. i would be checking cifs mount options09:32
gordonjcpnimesh1: yes, just dd the iso to a USB stick, there's instructions on the wiki09:33
nimesh1ok cool09:33
nimesh1can i recover data from my failed 11.04 to 11.10 upgrade09:34
jeff3864thanks, i have used multiple different pendrives and have tried redownloading ubuntu 12.04 multiple different times (most recently through torrent so i would get the error correction) and every time i try to boot from it it just hangs with the ubuntu logo and the loading dots. no error message or anything09:34
jeff3864and i have used linux mint through pendrive before09:34
nbagsJimmyG: maybe a soft mount? if thats still a thing ....09:34
bekksjeff3864: So how do yoiu finally create the bootable usb?09:34
jeff3864well i have used pendrive linux and a couple of other software after reformating the drive in windows09:35
sebrockI have a VPN connection up, I have gotten an IP. But I cannot ping or use it in any way. What might be wrong here?09:35
nbagsjeff3864: did u try to boot compatability mode?09:35
nbagssebrock: routing? firewall?09:36
jeff3864i never got a option menu come up when i boot09:36
bekksjeff3864: So how do you finally create the bootable usb?09:36
sebrocknbags: no, it works fine through my usual interface09:36
nimesh1wait i did a reboot when it crashed and now i am in 11.1009:36
nimesh1from 11.0409:36
nbagsjeff3864: i havent tried any recent ubuntu media. but you want to remove 'quiet' and 'splash' from your kernel command line. if u dont know how to do that someone here should be able to tell u09:37
wheatthinahh, should have just installed 12.04 nimesh109:37
nimesh1yeah  i am downloading 13.04 iso now09:37
wheatthinit's the lastest (oldest) one the community supports LTS09:37
jeff3864umm... ok09:37
nbagsnimesh1: an apt-get dist-upgrade might clean up the upgrade for you09:37
jeff3864do you know why it isnt giving me the standard menu that allows compatibility mode and such?09:38
nbagsnimesh1: if you can still boot your system you are halfway there ;)09:38
nbagsjeff3864: i don't, sorry i haven't booted ubuntu media since 10.something09:39
nimesh1yeah i did the command and it said o updates09:39
nimesh1how do i stight go to 13.04 from 11.1009:40
nbagsnimesh1: so it worked?09:40
nimesh1yes it did09:40
nimesh1why not09:40
nbagsthats not the way ubuntu releases work09:41
nbagsyou can only go to the next release, or the next LTS release if you are currently on LTS09:41
nimesh1so how do the next upgrade09:41
nbagsu will have to do 2 or 3. probably better to reinstall in most cases09:42
nimesh1what command09:42
nbagsdo-release-upgrade or whatever should still work09:42
nbagstake u to 12.04, hopefully09:42
nbagsif not,09:43
nbags!eolupgrade |nimesh109:43
ubottunimesh1: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:43
nbagsthe 2nd link09:43
nimesh1how long in time to get from 11.10 to 12.04 , 12.10 and then to 13.0409:43
nbagsnimesh1: depends on your system09:43
nbagsand connectionm09:44
nimesh1100 mps09:44
nbagsunless this system is heavily customised i would just install 13.04 from scratch09:45
gordonjcpnimesh1: that's a waste of time09:45
gordonjcpnimesh1: wipe it and reinstall09:45
gordonjcpnimesh1: keep copies of important config09:45
gordonjcpnimesh1: what's the system used for?  If it's just a plain ordinary desktop you probably haven't got much apart from /home that you need to keep09:46
nbagsi'm going to try upgrading some systems from 6.06 to 12.04 soon =P09:46
jeff3864alright i tried hitting esc as the system booted and i got a menue that has the options run from usb install on machine check memory and boot from first harddisk, i also have boot options the boot options under install from usb already have something written in them09:46
nimesh1ok i'll make a live usb09:47
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jeff3864can i erase what is uder run from usb and type whatever it takes to run in compatibility mode09:47
nbagsjeff3864: if you can remove quiet and splash from the boot options u will get some error reporting09:47
jeff3864i saw splash in there but not quiet09:47
jeff3864i remembered that when i was running that system on linux mint live usb i had to boot in compatibility if tha helps09:48
nimesh1my pc is a p4 2.8ghz .15gb or ram and a ati readon 9800 pro 128mb card will i be able to get 12.0409:48
nimesh1my pc is a p4 2.8ghz .15gb or ram and a ati readon 9800 pro 128mb card will i be able to get 13.0409:48
nbagsjeff3864: so why u messin around with ubuntu? ;)09:49
jeff3864for a pc im building for someone09:49
nbagsnimesh1: sure09:49
nimesh1how do i make live usb in ubuntu09:49
babueverestayone here09:49
jeff3864has an easier learning curve for basic things than windows 7 coming from windows 95 i feel09:50
babueverestany solution of read only file system ???09:50
gordonjcpbabueverest: remount with it read/write?09:50
nbagsjeff3864: u think unity is less learning curve than gnome 2 for windows users?09:50
braxtonplaxconimesh1, they have tools in the software center to make a live usb or you can use the dd command from the terminal09:50
babueverestwhenever i try to copy files to my external hard drive it says read only file system09:50
babueveresti tried but it didn't work :(09:51
nimesh1 my software center don't work09:52
babueverestwhat is the error with the software center nimesh1?09:52
nimesh1it won't download any thing09:53
babueverestwhich repo server are you using??09:54
jeff3864nbags: for verry simple things yes (it is for my grandfather09:54
nbagsnimesh1: in your case i would use dd, or apt-get install unetbootin or something. its no surprise your software centre is broken since your upgrade crash halfway thru and your on an unsupported release anyway09:54
braxtonplaxconimesh1, ok well here is how to use the dd command in a nutshell        sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX (sdx being your usb drive) and use the whole thing not a partition number like sdx1 but be careful not to wipe the wrong drive...09:55
jeff3864and when i say simple i mean browsing web and ripping/burning cd's09:55
nimesh1when i open terminal it keeps on closeing09:55
jeff3864I got rid of splash in the boot options and now i have a feed09:55
braxtonplaxcoactually the arch linux wiki has a good example on (how to make a bootable usb)09:55
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:56
jeff3864the last line it shows is09:56
jeff3864starting crash support submission daemon09:56
nbagsjeff3864: if u dont get anywhere with that u could try the alternate media. or for a bit of fun boot the mint cd and install ubuntu with debootstrap ;)09:56
jeff3864i installed ubuntu on the usb i had mint on09:58
jeff3864or i would just have installed that for him09:58
braxtonplaxconimesh1, if you need to you could try ctrl+alt+f1 (and then ctrl+alt+f7 is to get back on a graphical interface)10:00
sebrockusing traceroute I only seem to get to the first hop with the VPN. I can't get pass it. Anyone knows what could be wrong?10:00
waqari have installed ‎#Ubuntu 13.04 and format other OS. but now I want to access my internal drives. how is it possible?10:01
chunkyheadis something wrong with my computer or is everyone getting this? http://screencloud.net/v/xYL010:01
braxtonplaxcochunkyhead, I don't think 'myunity' is a real package10:03
MonkeyDustchunkyhead  maybe you have to enable a source10:03
nimeshwhich is better 12.04 lts or 13.0410:04
MonkeyDustchunkyhead  try unity-tweak-tool, instead10:04
MonkeyDustnimesh  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff10:04
braxtonplaxconimesh, I Just installed 13.04 (comming back to ubuntu after a long trip through several distros) and I'm liking it a lot10:04
nbagsnimesh: depends how often you want to upgrade the system10:04
lesshastehow do you run ssh-agent from log in and not from a shell?10:05
nimeshmy pc is dual boot with xp for fsx but i want to join the ubuntu crew :)10:05
nbagsits a personal choice10:06
Campfirewhats ubuntu mean10:06
braxtonplaxcoif it will run 13.04 go for it if not try 12.04 and if not  that go for xubuntu10:07
nimeshi know but what is best for a p4 2.8ghz single cire 1.5gb Ram and a 128mb graphics card ati readeon 9800 pro10:07
nimeshcore i ment10:07
MonkeyDustCampfire  "I am because we are" or so, better inform in #ubuntu-offtopic10:07
nimesh1 core10:07
nbagsi would put debian stable on it10:07
Campfirety i,m out10:07
sebrockI think I have some routing issue. CAn anyone assist me in setting up the route correctrly?10:07
braxtonplaxconimesh, or back box (for fun hacker tools included, with lite desktop, and ubuntu os) ;)10:08
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nbagssebrock: maybe. but you'll have to post details somewhere, and probably scrub out your ips if they are public10:08
nimeshi dnno10:09
nimesh may be10:09
nbagsnimesh or latest mint mate desktop10:09
nimeshi will go with 12.04 for long support10:09
nbagsi probably wouldnt be trying to do unity or gnome 3 on it10:09
sebrocknbags: this is my routing table at the moment: http://pastebin.ca/241978810:09
braxtonplaxconbags, just curious will mate run good on old desktops?10:09
nimeshalso what is the best unity lxde or xfce10:10
nbagsbraxtonplaxco: yeah10:10
chunkyheadguys, when i insert usb, how to change directory frm current to the usb?10:10
MonkeyDustbraxtonplaxco  mate is a mint thingy, better ask in mint support10:10
nbagsmint works great on debian and ubuntu too10:11
nimeshwhat do you mean by (mate) :(10:11
nbagssebrock: so what are you trying to do?10:12
braxtonplaxcolxde is faster, xfce is still very lite and has a lot of options, (mate is a really good option but I haven't used it that much) and unity can be heavy but I like it on my desktop because it doesn't have any problems running it.10:12
nbagsnimesh mate is like the fork of gnome 210:12
sebrocknbags: for starters I'm trying to utilize the VPN connection by pinging anything through it. But it won't let traffic through10:12
nimeshso is gnome unity or what10:12
jeriwhat is the command to terminate a process in lubuntu?10:12
nbagssebrock: is that the ppp0?10:12
sebrocknbags: yes10:12
nbagssebrock: so you need to say what ips you want going thru the vpn10:13
MonkeyDustjeri  ps -e , then kill the pid10:13
sebrocknbags: I can see control messages being sent to the remote point, but nothing else10:13
linxonjeri: or ps x10:13
sebrocknbags: can you specify what you mean?10:13
chunkyheadis there a way when i type "cp somefile ./somedirectory" for cp to show me progress of how much is completed?10:14
nbagssebrock: what ips are you trying to ping? you need a route to say what ips (or all) need to go thru the vpn10:14
bekkschunkyhead: No.10:14
nimeshi will now do the upgrade to 12.04 now10:14
jeriunsupported option (BSD syntax)10:14
chunkyheadbekks: is there any other command which would show me progress instead?10:14
nbagsotherwise your pings are just going thru the default route on eth010:14
sebrocknbags: I tried but must have it wrong. Using ping -i ppp0 www.google.com should ping through the ppp0 interface though10:15
sebrockit tries but is instantly stuck10:15
nimeshis there anything i need to do before i upgrade to 12.0410:15
MonkeyDustchunkyhead  you can open another terminal, then use the watch command, like so     watch 'ls -l [path_to_file]'10:15
nbagssebrock: i dont know if u can rely on ppp0 like that. i think u need a route10:16
nbagsi mean rely on ping -i10:16
braxtonplaxcochunkyhead, you can also do cp -v to at least get some output to know it hasn't frozen and that it is still moving steadily10:16
sebrocknbags: so how would I go about doing that?10:16
nbagssebroke something like 'ip route add <ip you are going to add> dev ppp0'10:17
jeriHi. is it ok to uninstall alsa in lubuntu? i got my mic working in pulseaudio it's working great, but in alsa it is muted, i have pulseaudio installed so is it safe to remove alsa?10:17
sebrocknbags: I want to be able to utilize both eth0 and ppp010:18
Steve^Hi, when I make a file in a directory,  a Files window won't automatically refresh and show it, and Sublime Text 2 won't detect it either - I need to manually refresh. What system handles this that might be malfunctioning?10:18
sebrockand not necessarily always go through the VPN10:18
nbagssebrock: what traffic do u want to send thru the vpn?10:18
sebrockfor now I would be happy if just ping would work10:19
mns2Hello. :)10:19
mns2If I install Windows after Ubuntu, will my Ubuntu partition be wiped?10:19
nimeshno it won't10:20
nbagswell u need to use some method to route the traffic. with routes or iptables or whatever. you can match on all kinds of things like uid and pid but i dont think application level can choose which interface to use like that. linux kinda sucks in that respect10:20
MonkeyDustnimesh  no, but your grub will be ruined and you'll have to repair, which is a pain10:20
mns2Will grub be overwritten?10:20
mns2Okay thanks! :)10:20
jeriHi. is it ok to uninstall alsa in lubuntu? i got my mic working in pulseaudio it's working great, but in alsa it is muted, i have pulseaudio installed so is it safe to remove alsa?10:21
MonkeyDustmns2  ^^^^^10:21
nimeshyes but all you have to do is boot live and do apt-get update grub no ?10:21
mns2Should I use a dedicated grub2 usb drive repair thingy?10:21
sebrocknbags: OK so let's begin small. How would I route icmp packets to take the ppp0 route?10:21
braxtonplaxcothey do make a repair tool to fix it though (mentioned on the ubuntu website for duel booting with windows 8)10:21
nbagssebrock: so whatever address you want to ping, add a route (with command i gave before). now when u ping it or access it in any way it will be thru vpn10:22
braxtonplaxcofound a script to cp with a progress bar: https://chris-lamb.co.uk/posts/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget10:22
MonkeyDustmns2  install windows before ubuntu, or you will need this   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub10:22
mns2Too bad my ubuntu is already 150gb in use. :)10:23
MonkeyDustbraxtonplaxco  you can alos use rsync -a --progress10:23
carnauWhich cd install version has LVM support? I can't find the alternate one.10:23
nbagsbraxtonplaxco: sweet!10:24
MonkeyDustmns2  150 is huge, something must have gone wrong10:24
mns2no just a lot of movies and backup files :)10:24
MonkeyDustmns2  make sure you have backup, in case something goes wrong10:24
braxtonplaxcogood ol' handbrake lol10:25
mns2don't have an external hdd and idk how to backup 150gb easily10:25
chunkyheadbekks: MonkeyDust braxtonplaxco is there something like wget? ref: http://screencloud.net/v/tfTa10:25
mns2gonna wing it lol10:26
bekkschunkyhead: Of course there is wget in Ubuntu.10:26
chunkyheadyou dont know how much i love you braxtonplaxco10:28
chunkyheadbekks:  lol ok thanks10:28
braxtonplaxcolol I try my best ^^10:28
chunkyheadbraxtonplaxco: there is just one problem, where to add that script?10:30
braxtonplaxcoone moment chunkyhead, I guess in /usr/bin/ and name it something like cp_p but let me check10:31
nbagsnow i wish it showed speed, and stayed on the one line10:32
chunkyheadthere's always something you want more :P i am searching for more similar hacks. there have to be others. will let you know if i find some!10:33
mns2are there any significant speedups to ubuntu i can enable other than using lxde10:34
chunkyheadnbags: it says there "that this adds quite some overhead (30% to 50% in my tests) "10:34
braxtonplaxcoomg I found it! chunkyhead10:34
gordonjcpmns2: lxde won't speed anything up unless you're on an enormously old machine10:34
braxtonplaxcoinstall gcp and it does exactly what you want (and I like the program too lol)10:34
chunkyheadbraxtonplaxco: use locate filename10:35
mns2i thought it's super fast / responsive10:35
mns2no animation or anything; stuff just appears instantly10:35
braxtonplaxcono script needed it's in the software store10:35
chunkyheadbraxtonplaxco: let me test it10:36
chunkyheadbut first i need to take a dump brb XD10:36
nbagschunkyhead: yeah i dont think i will use it. will probably use curl or rsync10:37
gordonjcpmns2: is LXDE still so horribly buggy and unmaintained?10:37
mns2no? why would it be?10:37
sebrocknbags: so it seems to work. Now how would I make it so all traffic go through that interface? I cant make a route for everything :P10:41
nbagssebrock: you need to make it the default gateway. but u also need to keep up a route to connect with the vpn server. what vpn software u using?10:42
sebrockL2TP/IPsec so its xl2tpd and openswan10:42
sebrocknbags: thing is I want the regular route to be eth0 directly but then also be able to use ppp0 upon request. I will assign certain services to go through ppp0 only but need to keep the my regular services up aswell.10:45
bekkssebrock: that may be inhibited by the vpn server10:46
sebrockbekks: why should the vpn server inhibit this. I could set services to use a certain interface right?10:47
chunkyheadbraxtonplaxco: i had to transfer stuff from my audio player which was dying. i guess it's dead. 0_010:47
sebrockThere is need for all or nothing using vpn10:47
bekkssebrock: Because building a bridge head is disabled by default.10:47
braxtonplaxcochunkyhead: well that stinks :p10:48
nbagssebrock: you could match them on the type of traffic or port or ip address, process/user id with iptables.10:48
nbagsor if its p2p you could run a socks proxy. thats what i do10:48
chunkyheadbraxtonplaxco: this recently went in the washing machina so it had no battery life10:48
sebrocknbags: exactly.10:48
sebrocknbags: that is my main reason. I want to VPN all BT traffic10:49
chunkyheadafter it somehow managed to survive. now it's dead. isn't switching on even with usb plugged in braxtonplaxco10:49
Azjohi, i know this is irrelevant but #android is dead. can someone download an app for me and upload it to me? im blocked from downloading it :(10:49
sebrocknbags: but I will not know the IPs of my peers beforehand so?10:49
nbagssebrock: hang on ill pastebin what i do10:50
nbagsso basically i call this script as i set up the vpn (openvpn in this case)10:51
nbagsthen i point bt client to the socks proxy localhost 108010:52
chunkyheadi shouldn't have gone to the bathroom after all braxtonplaxco10:52
braxtonplaxcolol so did you ever try just copying some files from a dir to a tmp with gcp to see if it did what you wanted?10:53
sebrocknbags: thats great. However this is on a headless ubuntu box with Transmission Web Interface. So basically I just HTTP right to the box. No need for external clients. So what I need to do is to route all specific BT traffic I guess?10:53
nimeshhi again10:53
bekksbraxtonplaxco: Err, no. cp and ls are enough. Or bar, or pv.10:53
nimeshdose any one know how to get ati readon 9800 pro drivers for ubuntu10:54
nbagssebrock: well thats why you need the socks proxy. u use a socks proxy server that can select the interface, and the 'ip rule' stuff allows that to happen10:56
nimeshdose any one know how to get ati readon 9800 pro drivers for ubuntu plz10:56
nbagsthe crux is echo external $LOCALIP > /etc/openvpn/3proxy.cfg10:56
minimecnimesh: There is only one driver, the opensource driver, for your card. It is included and loaded by default in ubuntu.10:57
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nbagssebrock: but maybe you can find a better solution. it is kind of annoying to set up, but is working great10:57
k1l_!test | Guest7926410:57
ubottuGuest79264: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )10:57
braxtonplaxconimesh: have you looked at this? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man4/radeon.4.html I haven't read it fully but it looked useful cause it mentions that driver.10:57
nimeshok i will have a look10:58
nbagssebrock: my box is headless running utorrent. there is an option for socks10:58
nimeshbeacuse ubuntu 13.04 install looks really fuzzy10:59
nimeshand my pc can fsx on med-high settings10:59
bekksnimesh: Why dont you use 12.04 LTS then?11:00
nimeshis it better than 13.04 grahics support11:01
zteamHi all!11:01
nimeshcuz i am istall in it now on my other pc and it is nealy finished11:01
bekksnimesh: There is no "better" - but 12.04 is supported for a longer period.11:01
zteamJust wanted to ask if anyone have tried out the smart scope ppa for Ubuntu 13.04 yet?11:01
nimeshok i will download 12.0411:02
bekkszteam: Why?11:02
zteambekks, I want to know, if it's worth installing (ie how mature / stable it is)11:02
bekkszteam: Then you have to ask the author of that PPA :)11:03
draconusi'm looking for a method of gathering data received in telnet session, i mean i connect and send some commands and i need to process the output11:03
zteambekks,  have u tried it? :)11:03
bekkszteam: Nope.11:03
bekkszteam: But in general, PPA arent supported in here :)11:04
MonkeyDustzteam  because a ppa can harm your system and you'll come back hear to repair it11:04
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cfhowlettzteam, and we won't ...11:05
HyperbyteI have a Ubuntu 12.04 NFS client which shows -some- directories as owned by nobody:nogroup.  I know this is idmapd related, but I'm confused why some user accounts are mapped correctly, and others aren't.  idmapd.conf contains same domain on server and client and is running on both.  All user accounts come from LDAP and exist on both server and client.11:06
HyperbyteAnyone has any ideas on where to look next? :)11:06
zteamMonkeyDust, from my experience ppa-purge can correct these issues most of the times :)11:06
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cfhowlettubuntu890  greetings11:10
chunkyhe1ddoes anyone use cmus here?11:10
vlad_starkovQuestion: Could anyone provide working vsftpd.conf for virtual users and TLS/SSL/FTPS enabled?11:11
yorrdI keep getting Failed to store credentials in the keyring when trying to add accounts to the Gnome Online Accoutns settings. Anyone know a solution?11:14
sensaeI have an X120E with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS installed, and it won't resume from suspend. I just get a black screen and have to pull the battery to get it to boot again.11:14
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cfhowlettsensae, /swap issue?  Lack thereof would make suspend/resume act strangely11:16
sensaecfhowlett: good guess, looks like there isn't any swap set up for the system. Do I need to repartition with a swap partition, or will an automounted swapfile be fine?11:18
bekkssensae: a swapfile is sufficient.11:18
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sensaeI was mistaken - swapon -s lists "cryptswap1" is already set up11:20
cfhowlettsensae, encrypted swap?  that MIGHT not be the same as a garden variety swap?11:20
sensaecfhowlett: I'm guessing so, but it's nothing special I set up. I just checked the "encrypt my home folder" option during installation.11:21
cfhowlettsensae, while I know the symptoms, I don't know the cure.  Ask in the channel again and give details11:22
BluesKaj_Howdy folks11:23
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
cfhowlettBluesKaj_, greetings11:23
PeakerHey, I want to confirm my bug on bugs.launchpad.net, but none of my computers manage to load any subsite of launchpad.net11:24
sensaeLenovo X120e, running 12.04 LTS x64. I click suspend, it suspends. I tap the power button, it attempts to come out of suspend with a black screen. I can't hard-reboot it with the power button, have to yank the battery completely to get it to reboot. I can't find anything that looks wrong in dmesg11:25
Peakerfirefox/chrome both get stuck trying to load it.. what gives?11:25
sensaeI can't even find an error message in any of the system logs to post11:25
BluesKajhi cfhowlett11:25
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hjfgyjdckjhrhi do i need firewall?11:28
bekkshjfgyjdckjhr: Depends. :)11:28
hjfgyjdckjhron what?11:28
cfhowlett!firewall|hjfgyjdckjhr, no.11:28
ubottuhjfgyjdckjhr, no.: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist.11:28
hjfgyjdckjhrdo i run services thet listen on port?11:28
hjfgyjdckjhri know but i notice some people sey i dont need firewall and some sey other and i know thet linux comes whit iptables but as i notice by deafoult they arent configure?11:29
* somson 11:30
hjfgyjdckjhrgufw is a gui for iptables and i6tables11:31
PeakerI think I'll give up on reporting a bug to Ubuntu, it's the most difficult thing I've had to do in ages11:31
icerootPeaker: ubuntu-bug packagename   thats all11:31
Peakergiven that launchpad.net is somehow not accessible *just for me*11:32
Peakericeroot, it doesn't work11:32
iceroot!work | Peaker11:32
ubottuPeaker: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:32
Peakericeroot, the ubuntu-bug program runs apport, and the gui disappears, and nothing happens except it leaks the apport zombie process11:32
Peakericeroot, yesterday I managed to access bugs.launchpad.net directly to report the bug, but then it emailed me about confirming my bug, which I can't do, because launchpad.net doesn't load in my browser either, it gets stuck loading until a very long timeout11:33
Peakerif someone can "confirm" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1198556 (I added all the necessary information, no need for more logs) that would at least mean my time wasn't wasted in vain11:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1198556 in linux (Ubuntu) "The module "asus-nb-wmi" and its dependency "asus-wmi" are incompatible" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:35
icerootPeaker: it is important to add these files11:36
icerootPeaker: so we just can not set it to "confirmed" because the devs need debug-infos11:36
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Peakericeroot, This isn't a reporting of a symptom11:36
Peakericeroot, I researched the problem, found the issue, fixed it on my computer, and reported the process11:36
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GopiDear All, I have installed Ralink drivers for my Ralink USB modem, however not able to connect to wifi. Lubuntu version 12.0411:37
icerootPeaker: the bug is missing important informations. which ubuntu version, fresh install or update, what package versions and so on. that is all coming from apport11:37
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GopiPlease see result of Lsusb and lsmod at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5852336/11:38
Umairis there any ubuntu utility that creates apache virtual host for current directory on different port?11:39
Peakericeroot, the bug is not with a system configuration but within the files of a specific package I mentioned11:39
icerootPeaker: there are not tags on the bug as well (i386, amd64 and so on) so please respect that we need the normal bug-layout for that, also for creating bug-overviews and so on11:40
Peakericeroot, but I'm pointing directly to the problem with specific files in a specific package (you can add the version; 3.8.0-26.38, because I can't access the website)11:40
Peakerall this extra information is *research* information to help diagnose symptoms.  I am giving a description of a specific problem, not symptoms11:41
icerootPeaker: maybe have a look at #ubuntu-bugs how to edit the bug successful so that all neded infos are there11:41
Peakericeroot, as I said, I have a problem loading launchpad.net. It times out11:41
rThobhello world :)11:41
icerootPeaker: #ubuntu-bugs is an irc channel11:41
stellarokany anons here11:42
PeakerI understand, but how could it help me with that problem?11:42
icerootPeaker: to ask what information are needed exactly to mark is as "complete"11:42
PeakerNeither ubuntu-bug/apport nor bugs.launchpad.net are loadable here. Both get "stuck" when trying to report a bug11:42
Peakerthere are two problems here: 1) Technical, I cannot use the bugs service, so all this information will not help me.  2) I already specified all the information needed to find and fix the problem (except perhaps the specific version of the package, though it is the newest as of the date of the report, and I cannot add this information)11:43
bazhang!ot | stellarok11:43
ubottustellarok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:43
PeakerIf there's a way to help diagnose why launchpad.net times out on all my networks' computers, that'd be good. I'm guessing it relates to some ISP block or launchpad block of a whole network due to some DoS issues or such?11:44
GopiPlease can anyone help me with WIFI trouble on lubuntu 12.0411:45
stellaroki have a vpn quesion11:45
bazhang!wifi | Gopi have a read11:45
ubottuGopi have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:45
bazhangstellarok, ##networking11:45
PeakerHey, with tethering I can access the website, proving it is indeed ISP/launchpad blocking issue11:45
BluesKaj!ask | stellarok11:46
ubottustellarok: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:46
bazhangstellarok, /join ##networking11:46
Gopithank you bazhang and ubottu, if any trouble i will get back on IRC. :)11:46
FrameFeverhow can I print an enviroment variable?11:47
Tzunamiiecho "$PWD"11:47
Peakericeroot, btw, to fix the problem I had to install my own version of the package, so apport-collect would of course report false information about the package involved11:47
Peaker(i.e: that it's my package installed, so there's no bug)11:47
liquidmetalIn xchat, I've setup my Nickserv password (Network List > Freenode > Edit > Nickserv Password)11:49
liquidmetalIt works - but it never auto-joins a channel that requires identified users11:50
ducaciao a tutti11:50
ubottuduca: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:50
SonikkuAmerica!it | duca11:50
liquidmetalduca - ti11:50
ubottuduca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:50
bazhangliquidmetal, put it in the server field   username:pw11:50
bazhangliquidmetal, there is also SASL and #xchat11:50
liquidmetalbazhang, in the server field?11:51
Peakermanaged to change it to "confirmed".  don't think I'll be spending hours trying to report another bug :(11:51
Erik_dcCan someone help me how to pre-instrall ubuntu (or another distro) on a harddisk for another computer please?11:51
wilee-nileeliquidmetal, below nick server password11:52
Erik_dcI just need to get the distro on there, all the rest I can do over the network11:52
MonkeyDustErik_dc  i guess you ant a pxe install11:53
Erik_dcPreboot Execution Environment11:54
BluesKajErik_dc, the pc you intend to use with the preinstall better have exactly the same hardware , otherwise the instal will be buggy or won't woirk at all11:54
Erik_dcit is for my music pc, it just hase to auto startup JackD11:55
MonkeyDustErik_dc  start from the beginning, what do you want to achieve?11:56
Erik_dcmaybe better to just move the pc to my desktop. Just checking. Thank for the help11:56
Erik_dcwell. I have a pc with nothing more than a DAC that runs Jack audio server over the network. I can use my main computer as a slave to connect to it and play my favorite music in audacious (I also have alsa routed to jack so I should be able to play about everything)11:58
MonkeyDustErik_dc  and what brings you here?11:59
BluesKajErik_dc, what's the server OS?11:59
Erik_dcrunning Xubuntu now on the server. I just thought I could take a old 40G hdd, install a new OS on that and plug it in the music computer12:00
gordonjcpErik_dc: yes12:01
Erik_dcThought about asking if there was a easy fast way12:01
liquidmetalbazhang, wilee-nilee - figured it out - thanks!12:01
gordonjcpErik_dc: do you even need xubuntu?  Sounds like going headless would be okay too12:01
Erik_dcor arch maybe12:02
gordonjcparch is fun12:02
Erik_dconce installed I can connect to it over remote desktop or ssh12:02
gordonjcpI wouldn't use it as an everyday OS though12:02
gordonjcpErik_dc: anyway there's nothing to stop you swapping the drive into a machine that you *can* boot, then swapping it back12:02
Erik_dcrunning linux mint xfce, I like it actually12:02
Gilligan94Hi guys, so for some raison I am stuck on kernel 3.8.0-20. all manner of updates/upgrades do not work (No errors but nothing changes). Installing the new kernel manually doesn't work either (it installs correctly but rebooting and typring uname -r revealse that nothing has changed) any Ideas?12:02
gordonjcpErik_dc: I take it the machine you want to install on won't boot off USB or something?12:03
Erik_dcsure, good idea12:03
MonkeyDustGilligan94  what's the output of      cat /etc/issue  ?12:04
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l12:04
Erik_dcgordonjcp: I thought about installing a Raspberry Pi inside my DAC. But the Raspi has serious problems running Jackd12:05
gordonjcpErik_dc: it certainly does ;-)12:05
MonkeyDustGilligan94  raring has 3.8.0-2512:05
MonkeyDustGilligan94  what's this -20 kernel?12:05
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: ok?12:05
Erik_dcgordonjcp: you know a raspi alternative that can do that?12:06
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: I dont know I think I had proposed checked for a while12:06
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: I havn't done anything to install it, it's just what I had when I checked12:07
MonkeyDustGilligan94  try sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:07
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: I have, there show no updates avalible12:08
Erik_dcgordonjcp: going to #jack for more info, thanks for helping12:08
gordonjcpErik_dc: not really, you'd ideally want hardware maths though12:08
MonkeyDustGilligan94  dist-upgrade install -26 here12:10
MonkeyDustGilligan94  dist-upgrade installs -26 here12:10
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: I know, that's what I want. I actually have -26 installed but it never loads during boot -20 always loads12:11
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: and grub only shows -2012:11
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: and I have tried updating grub12:11
chunkyhe1dguys need little help, how do i make my own command, like there is ls, say i want to make a command off which does sudo shutdown now. how to go about that?12:11
Erik_dcgordonjcp: going to research a bit more, thanks a lot12:12
MonkeyDustGilligan94  use ubuntu-tweak to get rid of old kernels http://ubuntu-tweak.com/12:12
Gilligan94chunkyhe1d: sudo halt will turn off your computer12:12
Gilligan94MonkeyDust: I have tried this too12:12
chunkyhe1dGilligan94: that was just an example of many things i want to do.12:12
Gilligan94chunkyhe1d: I'd suggest looking into learning how to write programs12:13
chunkyhe1di know how to write programs. i even know bash scripting. but i dont want to write ./script.sh12:13
chunkyhe1di just want to type <command> ^ Gilligan9412:13
sensaechunkyhe1d: You could write a shell alias, "alias off="sudo shutdown now" "12:14
sensaeYou'd still need to enter your sudo password after typing off12:14
Gilligan94chunkyhe1d: well I guess you're out of luck unless you want to start modifying the kernel12:14
chunkyhe1dGilligan94: no man -_- there has to be something for that12:14
chunkyhe1dsensae: that is an option, but then again it's just an alias.12:15
chunkyhe1dhow to make a command sensae12:15
Gilligan94chunkyhe1d: the commands come from the kernel so if you want it to be like a command you'll have to add it to the kernel12:15
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sensaechunkyhe1d: Unless I'm misunderstanding what you want to do, writing a shell script is all that comes to mind. Just stick it somewhere where it's on your path.12:16
sensaechunkyhead: You can drop the .sh as long as line 1 is a properly formatted #! line12:16
chunkyheadthat's partly what i am saying.12:17
chunkyheadsensae: ^12:17
noob7can someone please tell me what ++C in http://stackoverflow.com/a/6961578 means?12:17
noob7cause there is no C (capital c) defined12:18
MonkeyDustnoob7  ask in #bash12:18
chunkyheadbash scripting can be done, no prob, but then everytime i need to give the path for the file. supposingly i want to create a script copy all which copies everything to some specific directory so can i make some command which is available globally?12:18
chunkyheadsensae: ^12:19
Gilligan94noob7: c++ is like saying c = c + 112:19
noob7I don't think so cause if I replace ++C with ++c I get an other result12:19
chunkyhead++c means first change the value of c then operate.. c++ means first operate then update value noob712:19
chunkyheadyeah because c and C are 2 different variables. trollmuch? noob712:20
sensaechunkyhead: as for having to type the path, if your shell scripts are in your path you only have to type the name of the script12:21
FrameFeverhow can I pipe the message of a compile to a file?12:22
FrameFeverI use make12:22
chunkyheadsensae: yes but if i am not in the current directory i have to list the path which i dont want to do.12:22
chunkyheadFrameFever: use this >12:22
chunkyheadFrameFever: eg: ls > filename12:22
chunkyheador ls > /directory/filename12:22
chunkyheadFrameFever: ^12:22
FrameFeverchunkyhead: seems to insert only one line12:23
noob7chunkyhead, ok thanks I thought I first have to declare C before using thanks12:23
FrameFevermake MyLib > foo.txt12:23
rypervencheFrameFever: If you want to see the output too, you can do | tee filename12:23
sensaechunkyhead: By 'in your path', I don't mean 'if the scripts are in the same working directory you're in', I mean 'as long as your scripts reside in a folder listed in the shell variable PATH, your shell will resolve the script no matter where it resides'12:23
chunkyheadFrameFever: nope, it doesn't. it saves everything that command will output. your output must be of 1 line12:24
chunkyheadnoob7: u have to declare everything before using it lol. noob712:24
rypervencheFrameFever: If your output is from stderr then you'll want to run...12:24
chunkyheadsensae: where is shell variable path?12:25
FrameFeverI got thousand compile error12:25
rypervencheFrameFever: Make MyLib 2>&1 | tee filename12:25
sensaechunkyhead: type 'echo $PATH' in your terminal to see what it's set to. Your shell sets the path, so if you're using bash you'd configure your custom path locations in your .bashrc file12:26
sensaechunkyhead: Just be careful not to overwrite your path variable, or you won't be able to find system binaries like ls12:26
FrameFeverrypervenche: ah thanks, this seems to work12:26
FrameFevercan you exlpain what it does?12:27
FolasHas anyone got the pidgin-facebookchat working on 13.04?12:27
FolasAlways gives me "Incorrect username or password." :(12:27
chunkyheadnoob7: dude use a counter. after counter reaches multiple of 3 (assuming it starts from 1) replace n-1 char with char of your choice12:27
chunkyheadsensae: is this possible? bash: /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games: No such file or directory12:28
noob7chunkyhead, got it now thanks12:29
sensaechunkyhead: What do you mean by 'possible' ? That's your path, looks like you might have typed "$PATH" instead of "echo $PATH" at your shell prompt12:29
rypervencheFrameFever: It sends standard error to standard output so that it shows up in your pipe.12:29
chunkyheadmy bad sensae12:29
chunkyheadur nick is soo cool sensae12:29
chunkyheadwhere exactly do i place my bash file? sensae12:30
mustafahi ...i have a problem regarding connecting to my server using vsftp it doent connect it respont and say ( that fzsftp ) started but dont log in with my user name and password and dont connect at all using ssh client putty did i miss any setting12:30
sensaelol ty. You should have a .bashrc file in your home directory12:30
yorrdKeep getting an error when adding an account in the gnome online accounts settings (Something like he couldn't add it to the keyring).12:31
sensaechunkyhead: You can add a line like this: 'export PATH="/my/custom/path/here/:$PATH" '12:32
sensaechunkyhead: The file should live at /home/chunkyhead/.bashrc. ^ That above line will set PATH to your custom folder, and then append all the normal system settings at the end.12:32
sensae*system paths12:33
advHi all12:37
cfhowlettadv, greetings12:38
advwant to mount device showing in lsusb device 004??12:38
MonkeyDustadv  sudo mount /dev/blah [mount point]12:39
sensae-x120eIf I need to restart an entire service, such as pulseaudio, without rebooting, is there another method besides init.d?12:39
MonkeyDustadv  or use 'disks' if you prefer the GUI12:39
advHi MonkeyDust: its not showing in disks12:40
advits iPod classic in DFU mode...12:41
advHDD got corrupted12:41
MonkeyDustadv  i missed that part in your question12:41
mustafai have a problem logging to my local server on the network using my user and password12:42
mustafadid i miss any setting12:43
MonkeyDustmustafa  better ask in #ubuntu-server12:43
mustafai have a problem logging to my sftp server from a local network pc iam writing my user and pasword12:46
mustafanot logging12:46
advmount ipod classic in dfu mode ... only info I have is lsusb....12:46
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:46
nyRedneklooking for a way to put together a semi-portable(if not fully portable) install of linux on a usb key, with an encrypted partition for data. tried using ubuntu's mini iso as a starting point and building from there...that was a failure...ideas on which direction i should go with this?12:46
k4jcwGood morning. Is there a list of packages available for Ubuntu somewhere? I've been Googling the last 10 minutes and EVERYTHING I find is how to list files in a package, how to use apt-get, etc.12:47
mustafai have a problem logging to my sftp server from a local network pc iam writing my user and pasword  my ftp client said to be respond but cant login using my user and passwd12:48
advMonkeyDust: yep its iPod Classic 80GB...12:48
MonkeyDustk4jcw  try appnr.com12:48
k4jcwMonkeyDust, thanks.12:48
gordonjcpk4jcw: have a look in Ubuntu Software Centre12:49
gordonjcpk4jcw: it's probably better to have some idea in mind of what you're looking for, though12:49
mustafai have a problem logging to my sftp server from a local network pc iam writing my user and pasword  my ftp client said to be respond but cant login using my user and passwd12:50
acovrigI'm on 12.04 desktop and randomly can't boot, I have it booting verbosely, it does for a little bit, then I drop to a black screen, why?12:51
acovrigI booted off a USB (GParted) and ran badblocks and fsck and didn't get any errors on those (I am running w/a LVM and Xen)12:51
k4jcwgordonjcp, I was looking for something small to install to prove apt-get was still working ('screen' works nicely, I use that frequently). apt-get update works, but I haven't seen any new updates in over 10 days for ANYTHING I have installed. Which is quite ununusual...12:52
MonkeyDustk4jcw  what's the output of sudo apt-get update|pastebinit ? paste the url here in the channel12:53
mustafai have a problem logging to my sftp server from a local network pc iam writing my user and pasword  my ftp client said to be respond but cant login using my user and passwd.....help any body12:54
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
k4jcwhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5852502/  It's actually a lubuntu install.12:55
bekksmustafa: Whats the very exact error you get? Please pastebin it.12:55
gordonjcpk4jcw: are you running 12.04?12:57
=== Guest80267 is now known as Computron_
mustafa<bekks> open" mustafa2@"22  and not open any thing12:57
AlkuHi all, I have installed driver for Ralink 5370 on lubuntu 12.04. However the wifi does not seem to work. Have been through a lot of support articles to no success.12:58
AlkuPlease see result of lshw -c network on pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/5852517/12:58
tsimpsonmustafa: ftp client? ftp is not sftp13:00
BluesKajAlku, I had some success with WICD network manager on ralink wifi a few yrs ago13:00
mustafa<tsimpson> you mean i cant access it using filezilla13:01
BluesKaj!info wicd13:01
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB13:01
AlkuBluesKaj, thanks please tell me how to get wicd?13:01
BluesKajAlku , in the sofrtware center13:01
MonkeyDustAlku  it's in the repos, install it like any other program13:01
MonkeyDust!info wicd | Alku13:02
ubottuAlku: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB13:02
k4jcwgordonjcp, I think so. I don't know/remember an option to display the version (I'm a Gentoo guy, switching over to Ubuntu. Lots of Linux experience, just not with Ubuntu's particulars)13:02
Alkuthanks, BluesKaj, MonkeyDust and ubottu. I will install and see.13:02
gordonjcpk4jcw: it's much the same as Debian13:02
gordonjcpk4jcw: 12.04LTS is the current stable version and hasn't really required many updates recently13:03
k4jcwYea, except with apt-get instead of emerge13:03
k4jcw13.04 raring.13:03
tsimpsonmustafa: sftp is over ssh, so you need a ssh client13:04
gordonjcpk4jcw: I'm not *hugely* surprised if there hasn't been any updates13:04
tsimpsonmustafa: you should already have sftp on the command line, as your file manager probably does sftp too with sftp:// URLs13:05
k4jcwUp untul recently it seems like I see them every few days. Particularly for some of the libraries. Oh well, guess we'll just wait and see :)13:06
gordonjcp13.04 is pretty stable now, it's been out a couple of months13:06
k4jcwHey, time to move to bleeding edge, then! :)13:06
k4jcwI <3 unstable systems.13:06
gordonjcpif you're not using anything too outré with it then you might not see updates for a while ;-)13:07
k4jcwgordonjcp, thanks for your help. I gotta take off and get ready to take the dogs up to the park for a "play date". (helps keep them well socialized).13:09
gordonjcpk4jcw: yup13:10
gordonjcpk4jcw: 73 de mm0yeq13:10
acovrigwhat exactly does nomodeset do?13:10
gordonjcpacovrig: disables kernel mode setting13:10
acovriggordonjcp: because I couldn't boot without it, what should I do to fix it?13:11
gordonjcpacovrig: add it into your grub config, I guess13:11
acovriggordonjcp: what would cause me to all of a sudden need it, I've never needed it before...13:12
gordonjcpacovrig: no idea.  Kernel update?13:12
acovrigI'm wondering, without the setting, the screen goes blank after running /scripts/init-bottom (or something like that), the last line I see (in verbose boot) is something about EXT...13:13
acovrigodd, I just commented out a drive in /etc/fstab that I don't have plugged in (going bad?), left nomadset off and it booted fine O.o I wonder if it was waiting for me to press s to skip mounting...13:14
acovrigboot takes longer though...13:14
advbye 4 now13:16
Gosset_InofensiuHello, I expose my doubt: I have an external HD in NTFS format, I've already stored lots of data, and I want to encrypt all these information, but I'm afraid that I should have create an encrypted volume before storing info in the HD... any suggestions?13:17
bekksGosset_Inofensiu: Backup the data, encrypt the hdd, create an encrypted linux filesystem.13:20
gordonjcpGosset_Inofensiu: if the hard disk is less than half full you might be able to split it into two partitons, encrypt one and copy everything across13:20
gordonjcpGosset_Inofensiu: but as bekks says, you're going to want to back up the disk anyway13:20
Gosset_Inofensiuok that's what i was afraid of13:20
Gosset_Inofensiuand if I just want to put a password, not encrypt all the data?13:21
bekksHow is that supposed to protect something?13:21
Gosset_Inofensiuthere is no app to achieve that?13:21
bekksIf you want a password, write it down on a post-it. :)13:21
Gosset_Inofensiubut how I assign a password to the existing data on the HD13:22
Gosset_InofensiuI'm a newbie sorry13:22
bekksGosset_Inofensiu: You have to encrypt that disk. "Assigning a password" is - pretty pointless.13:22
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Gosset_Inofensiuso my Ubuntu system is not secure? I13:23
Gosset_InofensiuI have my user account protected with a password13:23
bekksGosset_Inofensiu: It isnt encrypted.13:24
bekksGosset_Inofensiu: You are mixing up login protection (aka password) with encryption.13:24
Gosset_InofensiuI know there is no totally secure system but..13:24
MackwerkHi! I've installed ubuntu 13.04 on my Asus Zenbook UX32VD but it still boots directly into windows 7, but if I try to install ubuntu again this shows up in the partition manager :o http://mackwerk.dk/ubuntu.JPG - I have no idea how to get it to boot into ubuntu though :|13:24
Gosset_Inofensiuyes I am bekks13:24
Gosset_Inofensiumy question n. 2 was that13:24
Gosset_Inofensiulogin protection is secure?13:25
Gosset_Inofensiuon Ubuntu13:25
bekksGosset_Inofensiu: Yes.13:25
Gosset_Inofensiuthanks for the info13:25
nevynMackwerk: you need to press f12 or something to bring up the uefi boot selection dialog i13:25
nevynmost likely13:25
Mackwerknevyn, F12 takes me to the BIOS which isn't much help13:25
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest10824
AlkuHey i tried using wicd however it does not work. Can anybody help with wifi setup with Ralink 5370 on lubuntu 12.40. Driver is already installed however network is showing disabled13:27
AlkuPlease output of lshw -c network on http://paste.ubuntu.com/5852594/13:28
marcin82There is a nice program: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pastebinit&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all13:29
marcin82lshw -c network | pastebinit13:29
marcin82in terminal will be a link - paste it here ;]13:30
bekksmarcin82: We know it :)13:30
JucelioBom dia!13:33
bekks!pt | Jucelio13:34
ubottuJucelio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:34
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest27461
=== Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae
andrey__кто то уже пробовал убунту тач?13:38
gordonjcp!ru | andrey__13:39
ubottuandrey__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:39
jacks_coolHello. I intend to uninstall my linux ie: wubi install. Will uninstalling it affect my any windows component any way?13:40
andrey__someone already tried ubuntu touch?13:40
andrey__someone already tried ubuntu touch???13:43
kruxandrey__, not yet.. been wanting to give it a try on my tablet.. but have not tried yet...13:46
ubottue1genio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:46
=== Simson-san|away is now known as Simson-san
Seingaltbom dia pessoal14:02
Seingalteu tenho um hd aqui no notebook14:02
Seingaltque nao quer montar14:02
tsimpson!br | Seingalt14:03
ubottuSeingalt: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:03
=== sw__ is now known as sw
FolasMy friend is having issues installing 13.04, he's running into this error: Kernel Panic - not syncing: init not found. try passing init= option to the kernel14:20
FolasI know it's the wrong file system but he's selected ext4, any ideas?14:21
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
draconusis it possible to open a telnet session and autosend a few commands?14:24
gordonjcpdraconus: don't use telnet...14:24
draconusgordonjcp it's local and that's a console of some software that i need to control14:24
gordonjcpdraconus: oh, okay, that's different14:26
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gordonjcpdraconus: pipe something to telnet14:27
gar_onnhey gordonjcp you asked draconus: pipe something to telnet14:27
gordonjcpokay, who is running the bot?14:28
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )14:30
DestinyAwaitskhorchani: Hey14:38
xvzfI use an old macbook. my right alt works as an enter, how can I fix this?14:45
xvzfof course under Ubuntu14:45
Webuntucan you change the keyboard layout?14:46
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Webuntuok oh mighty smart ones... empathy is getting on my nerves with the ????? has joined and left the room messages. how in the crap do i turn of the messages? cant find it.14:49
NewWorldxvzf:  I think xmodmap , remap the keys14:51
xvzfWebuntu: I can, but that does not help14:53
valroadieI would just like to ask a general question. When I convert a video using DeVeDe into an .iso to burn to a dvd using Brasero, the movie always turns out to have sound missing every 2-4 minutes or so, it will cut out for like a second but it does it through the whole movie. This happens with multiple movies as well. I was wondering if this is normal?14:59
nimeshhi again15:00
valroadieI use the slowest burning speed and don't do ANYTHING with the computer when it is converting and burning so...any ideas on why it would? Bad hardware maybe? I don't know, I have had bad problems with media on linux anyways, I just wanted some opinions.15:00
nimeshdoes anyone know how to make ubuntu exteramly fast15:00
valroadieNimesh: it is already fast! ;) You could find a a distro with minimal install like puppy linux or something.15:01
nimeshit is fast but i want it faster15:01
nimeshi have 512mb ram on me laptop15:02
jacksHow to add hibernation facility in ubuntu?15:02
Baribal_nimesh, for OS-level tweaks, take a look at a self-compiled distro, but most performance improvements come from better hardware; more RAM, SSD instead of HDD and so on.15:02
kostkonvalroadie, i have done it 3-4 times, imported episodes in devede, (made a custom menu) and then burned the iso with brasero, everything went as normal. i would try with a different dvd writer and maybe with another brand of discs?15:03
nimeshok and is there any good app to download cuz i'm bord15:03
nimeshand how to get adb tools15:03
BluesKajvalroadie, devede is hit and miss in my experience , if youi don't mind trying a cli app that works very well and has dedicated supprt on irc try tovid and it's related apps , not foolprof but it's better than anythging i ever tried15:03
tgaryHi! I'm trying to configure bridge with network-manager, but when I try to connect, it logs to syslog: "Device given by path did not match connection's virtual interface name". How can I solve this problem?15:05
valroadiekostkon BluesKaj Thanks you guys for the suggestions. I will try better discs as the ones I used were the mid range priced ones at wal mart, memorex or something. I am willing to try anything haha so I will take a look at tovid as well. Thanks a bunch guys!15:05
d3n4riu5salut j'essais d'installer SHOUTcast DNAS 2.0 pour créer ma radio internet mais quand jessais de le decompresser en ligne de commande sa dit no such file or directory mais jai fais cd /home/user/telechargements et quand je fais ls le fichier est la15:08
Baribal_!fr | d3n4riu515:08
ubottud3n4riu5: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:08
=== DestinyAwaits is now known as Guest25667
=== DestinyAwaits1 is now known as DestinyAwaits
cretsiahok so i got ubuntu12.04LTS installed, i got dvd's + avi's + mp4's playing,I had interent access,  BUT now i have rebooted the system it is in a loop of connection and disconnection but firefox cannot find the web this is really starting to bug me15:13
compdoccretsiah, did you install a driver or something?15:14
cretsiahi attached a usb-hub15:15
o123halloHello, what can I do when I need a package which is not availabe in ubuntu (but is needed for our programm we want to package for ubuntu)15:16
o123hallothe packages missing are python-alemibc (for python3) and python-cherrpy (for python3 as well)15:16
bekkso123hallo: Then you have to create that package on your own, or you have to find a PPA for it.15:16
o123hallobekks: is there not a place to request it? Like "voting" the most needed packages?15:17
Mackwerko123hallo, have you tried pip?15:17
bekkso123hallo: No, there isnt.15:17
o123halloMackwerk: we want to package it. our programm (openlp) is already in your repos, but we are moving to python3 (and I use Arch Linux btw)15:18
varunendracretsiah, is it a fresh installation? How long did you have a stable connection?15:18
bekkso123hallo: So you have to packkage everything thats needed but not yet packaged.15:18
cretsiahits pretty fresh as in today, and i only just finished getting all the media crap all fixed up, then decided to shut it down to attach a 4 potrt usb hub to the back of the machine and reboot15:20
o123halloit is possible to trigger PIP installs when installing a package? (sry, I am just not familiar with ubuntu anymore)15:21
cretsiahprevious connection was stable for 2hrs15:21
=== Jucelio is now known as JucelioJair
varunendracretsiah, please show us the output of - "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net". If it is a USB adapter, then the output of "lsusb". Upload the output to pastebin and post here the pastebin link.15:22
Mackwerko123hallo, wouldn't you just need the source to package them?15:22
o123halloMackwerk: building and installing alembic is not difficult (just python build ... and python install), I do not know about cherrypy. I just think that pip is easier15:24
Mackwerko123hallo, sooo download it with pip?15:24
MackwerkI don't see the problem with the packages not being available in ubuntu when they are available in pip?15:25
varunendrahey oldos2er ! :D15:25
o123halloMackwerk: yes, I could use PIP, but we want to offer our package in the repo. WE don't want to tell your uses that they have to install other packages with pip15:26
MackwerkWhy not just pack your software with the python packages?15:27
o123halloMackwerk: that's what we'll have to do... unfortunately....15:28
roastedHello friends15:28
o123halloMackwerk: thanks for your time15:29
roastedIs anybody having issues with software center? I haven't been able to open it for a week. It just keeps crashing when I open it.15:29
o123hallobekks: thanks to you as well15:29
varunendraroasted, do you get any error messages when it crashes?15:32
roastedvarunendra: no. Do you know the command to run it from terminal?15:33
varunendraroasted, not USC, but you can try "sudo apt-get update". Does it return errors? Show us its pastebin link if it does.15:34
roastedvarunendra: nah, I've ran apt-get update dozens of times since last week then USC began farting on me.15:34
varunendraroasted, no "can not lock.." type errors ? Or "not found ..." type?15:35
roastedvarunendra: I haven't seen anything like that, no15:35
chrisircI created a scribus document on Ubuntu that refers to "Arial Black Regular" and "Arial Regular" and "Norasi Regular"; do you happen to know which font package those fonts are in?15:36
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chrisirc(I need to open that document on Debian and missing the fonts there, and instead of trying all the packages that refer to arial or norasi I'd rather just install the same package there was on Ubuntu;15:37
chrisircI'm sitting on Debian right now although I could walk over to the room with the Ubuntu station if necessary.)15:37
varunendraroasted, terminal command to launch USC - "software-center", although I don't think I can offer any help specific to it..15:38
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roastedvarunendra: bingo. got errors with that.15:38
cretsiahvarunendra did you want the ethernet part of that first command? or just the wifi bit?15:39
varunendracretsiah, just wifi15:40
cretsiahok  nearly done then15:41
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palomerhow do I install the latest nvidia proprietary drivers?15:45
varunendraroasted, looks like an error in the package itself. You should try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and/or "sudo apt-get install --reinstall software-center".15:45
roastedvarunendra: already did.15:46
roastedvarunendra: just found this bug. I already commented to it. - https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center/+bug/117946215:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1163886 in software-center (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1179462 software-center crashed with signal 5 with the GNOME3 PPA on 13.04" [High,Confirmed]15:46
cretsiahdont know if that helps any varunendra http://paste.ubuntu.com/5852913/15:48
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
varunendracretsiah, try - "sudo modprobe -rfv rt61pci"...... then ............ "sudo modprobe -v rt61pci nohwcrypt=Y". Don't reboot after this, try to connect and see if there is improvement.15:49
cretsiahthat is -RFV? imonly asking cos the letter in small cap are hard to read15:52
varunendracretsiah, all small letters. No caps.15:53
varunendraand yeah, it is -RFV in small letters15:53
=== Guest27461 is now known as ponbiki
awdas So i install newest ubuntu on Virtualbox. But i getting error "piix4_smbus 0000.00.07.0: SMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade bios or use force_addr=0xaddr"15:53
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awdas i look in google, and there people say that this error not effect anything15:53
awdasbut i cant connect to internet inside VBox15:54
awdasplease help15:54
sebrockhey I have a VPN up. So how do I route everything through it?15:54
yebyensebrock: what kind of vpn15:54
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sebrockyebyen: L2TP/IPSec15:55
varunendraawdas, what kind of network have you setup in VBox? NAT?15:55
awdasyes NAT15:55
yebyensebrock: i know how to do it with OpenVPN, but the principle should be the same15:55
sebrockyebyen: shoot!15:55
ExpertIThi all15:56
yebyensebrock: your gw box needs to have ip forwarding on, and you need to add a rule to iptables such that the clients you want to have tunneled are allowed to use you as a gw15:56
ExpertITe ae galera15:56
=== slackware is now known as b-max
varunendraawdas, have you made sure it is "Enabled"? And have you "Guest Additions" installed (although this shouldn't affect networking)?15:57
yebyensebrock: ip forwarding is enabled in /sys (kernel level thing) by echo 1 to some file15:57
sebrockyebyen: so I have tried to add a route to a specific IP just to test and it works15:57
sebrockyebyen: that is already done15:57
pranav1I have dual boot in EFI system. The only that I set up 1st in the boot priority boots. Every time I have to change BIOS. without it, says EFI error. Please guide!15:57
awdasyes networking is enabled. So i must install Guest Additions ?15:58
sebrockso I know it works for that specific IP, or any specific IP. But how do I set it to make so ALL traffic goes through ppp015:58
varunendracretsiah, the change I suggested is temporary, will be lost at reboot. Let me know if it seems to help, then we can make it permanent.15:58
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CaiqueFWhat is the best office for ubuntu?15:58
varunendraawdas, yes, do it first.15:58
yebyensebrock: i believe /sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward has to have a 1 instead of a 0 in it, first and foremost15:58
sebrockyebyen: it is15:58
yebyensebrock: then, two out of three from this: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#redirect15:58
pranav1I have dual boot in EFI system. The only 1 that I set up 1st in the boot priority boots. Every time I have to change BIOS. Without it, it says EFI error. Please guide!15:58
sebrockyebyen: which two?15:59
yebyensebrock: "push routes" is the part that would differ, you need the client to make the l2tp gateway its default route15:59
CaiqueFWhat is the best office for ubuntu?15:59
sebrockyebyen: this is the client15:59
bekks!best | CaiqueF15:59
ubottuCaiqueF: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:59
varunendra!UEFI | pranav116:00
ubottupranav1: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:00
pranav1I have dual boot in UEFI system. The only 1 that I set up 1st in the boot priority boots. Every time I have to change BIOS. Without it, it says EFI error. Please guide!16:00
pranav1varunendra: my problem is sth else.. I can boot both OSes16:00
pranav1its just that I need to set them 1st in priority16:01
cretsiahvarunendra nope didint appear todo anything16:01
yebyensebrock: this seems to cover exactly what you wanted to do http://vitobotta.com/l2tp-ipsec-vpn-server/16:01
varunendracretsiah, then follow thid post and give us the pastebin link to the diagnostics report : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038516:02
sebrockyebyen: no, I am configuring the client not a server16:02
awdasI cant do apt-get install dkms, becouse there is no internet connection. From where i can download them in .deb or other installer ?16:03
varunendrapranav1, what are the two OSes?16:03
yebyensebrock: ah i see, on the mac it seems to be as simple as "send all traffic over vpn connection"16:03
pranav1varunendra: ubuntu 12.04.02 and windows 816:03
gmachine_24greetings. I want to search for files >1 GB from the CLI. What is the command I use? Thanks.16:03
sebrockyebyen: I know this. I am however configuring through terminal16:03
sebrockon a ubuntu machine16:03
pranav1varunendra: there is not a single word "priority" mentioned in the page you sent.16:04
nimeshhey can anyone help me use adb on ubuntu16:04
pranav1the only thing that I do is change the priority16:04
kanliotwhat's the right way to install spotify?16:04
varunendrapranav1, was win8 preinstalled ? Is Ubuntu 64 bit? As far as I know, you can only prioritize boot devices, not OSes in BIOS.16:04
pranav1varunendra: Both are 64bit16:05
yebyensebrock: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/L2TP/IPsec_VPN_client_setup#Routing_all_traffic_through_the_tunnel16:05
yebyensebrock: it's as easy as i would have imagined, had I any imagination16:05
awdasim lame :D found now16:06
stomanataHi,  i have problems with my cardreader.  If i switch to windows all is OK. Here is dmesg:  http://paste.debian.net/14836/16:06
pranav1varunendra: There are "boot options priorities" in boot section my BIOS. Whatever I set up in option 1 only boots.16:06
yebyensebrock: make sure you add a route to your real local gateway for the IP that hosts your vpn16:06
varunendrapranav1, what are those options? By name..16:07
ActionparsnipStomanata: what is the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a16:07
pranav1varunendra: the heading is Boot Option Priority16:07
yebyensebrock: then, make the default route your vpn's gw's private address... and delete your old default route16:07
pranav1varunendra: Version 2.15.1226 2012 Americal Megatrends, Inc.16:08
pranav1varunendra: do you know ?16:08
stomanatahere is the output:  http://paste.debian.net/14837/16:08
stomanatamay be i need to install lsb*****16:09
ActionparsnipStomanata: no16:09
varunendrapranav1, yes American Megatrends BIOS is used in Asus boards. But that is not relevant. What are the options that you can set/prioritize to affect boot order?16:09
Actionparsnip Stomanata : that's normal16:09
stomanataok, but it can`t read my sd card16:09
pranav1varunendra: fast boot, launch CSM, Boot option priorities16:10
pranav1and nothing much16:10
Actionparsnip Stomanata : do you log in to lightdm as root or did you sudo  up to root in the terminal?16:10
pranav1varunendra: are the options that exist16:10
zinc1hello, networking question I did a netstat and noticed local address and a foreign address connect to barbadine.canonica:http. just curious why I have an odd local address instead of a .local address16:10
pranav1in the security there is secure menu boot control as well16:10
varunendrapranav1, so what do you set in option 1 to boot win8, and what do you set for ubuntu?16:10
stomanataas user i open termimal, then  su, then root password16:11
yebyensebrock: did it work?  or are you gone because of bad advice16:11
Smaughey all, I am having difficulty connecting to irc on my ubuntu 12.04 desktop (am on windows right now).  I've tried both empathy and kvirc, so I'm thinking it's related to ubuntu and not to a particular software not working.  Should I check some firewall settings or something?  Any thoughts?16:11
varunendrapranav1, you said "Whatever I set up in option 1 only boots." What are those options?16:12
sebrockyebyen: still here. taking a phone call now16:12
ActionparsnipStomanata : ok. You do realise that: sudo -i does the same and you can leave root locked....16:12
ExpertIT<Smaug> reinstall a irc using manager synaptic16:13
pranav1varunendra: I go to my BIOS. And then under the Boot section. I have a list called "boot option priorities". When I put Ubuntu in 1st. Win8 goes to 2nd in the list. And as I said before. Whatever I set in 1st only works. When I try to boot the other. It says me "Invalid DriveMap file, EFI error"16:13
ActionparsnipStomanata : when you last removed the sd card from a system, did you use the safe remove feature in the OS before physically removing it?16:13
pranav1varunendra: huh16:13
yebyensebrock: ok, was concerned that if i told you the wrong thing, you wouldn't be able to report back :)16:13
sebrockyebyen: phone brb :)16:13
ActionparsnipExpertIT: why synaptic?16:13
stomanatayes. always use safe to remove card16:14
stomanataif now i switch to windows it will work.16:14
ActionparsnipStomanata : great :-) What file system do you use on the card?16:14
stomanatammmm. i can`t answer16:15
varunendrapranav1, that is something new for me. I have very little experience with EFI setups. But do you have "Secure Boot" enabled in Windows/BIOS? If so, try turning it off.16:15
stomanatanow after i pull out and push the card16:15
stomanatasystem recognize it :)16:15
SmaugexpertIT, so I should install synaptic first? why is it better than apt-get or the software manager that comes with ubuntu?16:15
ExpertITso it remove all additional packages that are not working and reinstall16:15
ActionparsnipStomanata : ahh cool16:15
stomanataif you need now i can show some other output until it work16:15
pranav1varunendra: i already told you. i tried those hit and trial that are most frequently mentioned in the pages (like 1 you sent)16:16
stomanatabut it`s not good idea to pull in and out card until system recognize it16:16
varunendrapranav1, If secure boot is turned off, and you installed Ubuntu AFTER win8 as recommended on that page, I can't think of a reason for that error to come up. Can't help beyond that. Probably you should try Ubuntu Forums.16:17
Morph4mehe /she left16:18
zinc1anybody know what the server barbadine.canonical:http is used for?16:18
rainbowwarriorHI All , I am using Ubuntu 13.04 and I keep getting an error saying im low on disk space , but i have deleted a few things yet my hard drive is still getting full , anyone got any idea how to fix this please ?16:19
ExpertITeveryone used browser tails?16:20
=== Smaug is now known as Smaug_
varunendrarainbowwarrior, give us the pastebin link of "df -h | pastebinit"16:21
Estrobedai have a small fast question, i run ubuntu on asus k53sm laptop, the processor works pretty hard and the battery life has been reduced, i havent installed anything but updates and netflix desktop, should it be like this or is there someting wrong?16:22
occi am looking to buy a laptop, i know the network/wifi card it has.... is there a list of wifi cards compatible with ubuntu anywhere? by compatible i mean works out the box without the need for ndiswrapper or any config16:23
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest78805
varunendraocc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported16:25
NeroonHi there. Does anybody here know a thing or two about wifi?16:25
occthanks varun16:26
varunendranp :)16:26
occneroon just ask your question16:26
NeroonHow do I unblock a hard blocked wifi usb on a desktop pc with linux?16:27
varunendraEstrobeda, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity on my asus x54c with no difference in battery usage between Win7 and Ubuntu. Make sure you have proper drivers installed.16:27
Estrobedaok, im pretty new on ubuntu i have only used it some days, how do i make sure the proper drivers are installed?16:28
ExpertITi use XFCE in my opinion is more stable than unity16:29
varunendraNeroon, sometimes (miraculously, unexpectedly) "sudo rfkill unblock all" works. But most of the time it is either a hardware switch (Fn key combo, etc.) or BIOS.16:29
cretsiahvarunendra ive got the file but i wont do anything till later today as it is 2am and my baby is likely to be up at 7am so goodnight16:29
varunendragood night cretsiah ! :)16:29
Neroonvarunendra: I know about rfkill, but that doesn't help. Tried it several times, even with different distributions and 3 diff. pcs.16:30
Neroonvarunendra: And my keyboard doesn't have fn keys and I doubt, the pc would even know what to do with them ;-)16:31
varunendraEstrobeda, just check "Additional Drivers" and see if there are any drivers suggested. You can additionally install "powertop" program to check and set recommended settings to save power (sudo apt-get install powertop)16:31
Estrobedaok thank you16:32
varunendraNeroon, oh yeah, I forgot while typing that you mentioned PC ;). Just try resetting BIOS then, if it is not a UEFI setup or there is no other problem doing that.16:32
lunarjarHow to remove the Desktop folder from /home ?16:33
lunarjaryou can put it into trash but it comes back16:33
Neroonvarunendra: np ;-) But I doubt resetting the bios would do any good. As I tried it on three PCs. And I forgot to mention, that it works on an old WinXP16:34
Gabriel403What's the magical package selection thing used when installling ubuntu server? The thing that lets you select lamp mail server etc16:34
sebrockthese are my current routes: http://pastebin.ca/2420094 how do I use the VPN ppp0 for all traffic. Everything takes the normal route now16:34
k1lGabriel403: tasksel?16:34
Gabriel403That's the bugger, tah16:35
varunendraNeroon, do you know what chip it is using? and whether it has proper driver installed?16:35
rainbowwarriorsorry about that varunendra16:35
rainbowwarriorvarunendra :- http://paste.ubuntu.com/5853033/16:35
Neroonvarunendra: afair the right driver was installed. Even did a rmmod and a modprobe with no effect16:36
varunendrawhat chip, Neroon16:36
Neroonvarunendra: Sorry, RTL8187L16:37
_ffio_ubuntu is using init type scripts or systemd ?16:37
varunendrarainbowwarrior, have you used "Disk Usage Analyser" to see what is occupying most of the space?16:37
theadmin_ffio_: Ubuntu uses Upstart, it's own init system16:38
_ffio_theadmin: ok :)16:38
mirakcan bios_grub partition be other than first partition in gpt ?16:38
X-Sleepy-Xlunarjar: You could perhaps just hide that folder. To do this run the following command in a terminal: echo "Desktop" ~/.hidden16:39
X-Sleepy-Xlunarjar: Sorry, the command should be: echo "Desktop" > ~/.hidden16:40
Umairdo you know any short book about "C on Ubuntu"? I am starting to teach someone who knows nothing about programming16:41
Umair...preferably with exercises16:41
theadminUmair: C is *not* a good language to start with programming, if you ask me...16:42
varunendrarainbowwarrior, try that and see if you can get account of that much usage. Only solution is to move the data to another drive.16:42
Umairtheadmin: which is it then?16:42
theadminUmair: But really, this is offtopic here... You can PM me if you wish16:43
Umairah ok16:43
sam113101learn ruby16:43
sam113101then learn rails, then be happy16:43
Neroonvarunendra: If you got any clue what else I might try... I've got to reconnect. brb16:44
rainbowwarriorok thank you varunendra16:44
varunendrarainbowwarrior, you can get additional 5-6 gb right now, but that's not going to help much16:45
varunendrawanna try that? rainbowwarrior16:46
rainbowwarriorsure varunendra16:46
varunendrarainbowwarrior, by default 5% of space is "reserved" for root. That is about 7 GB for your partition. We can reduce it to 1% which would be large enough to serve its purpose.16:47
rainbowwarriorok thank you varunendra16:47
varunendrarainbowwarrior, do - "sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sda1"16:48
occi found this page    http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#supported ,  the wifi card i am looking at is BCM43142 , this webpage says it is not supported... does this mean it won't run out the box on ubuntu live cd? it is a new high end sony laptop so i am surprised if it wouldnnt be compatible?  i currently have a cheap netbook, a mini pc, and a pc -all their wifi cards worked with ubuntu out the box16:49
rainbowwarriorok done thank you Varazir16:49
rainbowwarriorvarunendra, *16:49
rainbowwarriortab fail lol16:49
Varazirrainbowwarrior: no problem :)16:50
varunendraocc, found something more about it?16:53
occvarun, thats all i found so far16:53
occwouldnt it be expected that ubuntu should come with drivers for the new high end laptops?16:54
varunendraocc, yeah, that card is only supported by the proprietary driver "wl", whose performance is not guaranteed. If you are choosing from broadcom, see if you can find one that is supported by b43 (won't work out-of-box, but is easy enough)16:56
varunendraocc, broadcom devices have mostly licencing issues. That's all :)16:56
occso broadcom is one of those companies that likes to cripple their products on purpose16:56
occok, the other laptop i was looking at, has the network card: qualcomm atheros ar5bmd222 , would this more likley work with ubuntu out the box? i cant find anything about it online yet16:58
varunendraocc, actually I find troubleshooting broadcoms pretty easy and one or two-step job. Once they work (which is most of times), they are stable too. But yeah, the licensing issue sucks.16:59
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occi see16:59
jewisharistocratanyone having issues with the gnome shell extensions site?17:00
sasha-I was just wondering, why is lftp faster than FileZilla?17:00
sasha-I'm almost maxing out my connection with it, whilst FileZilla uses about half my bandwidth...17:00
jewisharistocratyou have to configure filezilla17:01
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fatiusanyone remember the package that lets you change the GTK+ keyboard theme easily?17:05
Rail_HaskellHi.How to remove Top Panel on Second Monitor Only, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Thank you.:)17:06
occdoes ubuntu studio come with the exact same drivers as ubuntu(the 12.04  LTS versions)?   so if audio, video, wifi work on a laptop with ubuntu -everything will also work ubuntu studio?17:06
theadminocc: Generally, all the officially supported Ubuntu derivatives come with the same driver set, yes17:07
occi see admin. thanks17:07
varunendraocc, I got disconnected. Did you follow the link I gave you? It is further linked to categorized pages where users have also shared their personal experience, and workaround if needed. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported)17:08
occvarunendra yeh i saw it thanks. i think what ill do is make a ubuntu usb and bring it into the shop. they said i could test it on the display models. best way to be sure17:09
varunendraDefinitely best :)17:10
occjust wondering if i should spend £400 on a 13" (768p) laptop, or £800 on a 15" (1080p)17:11
brontosaurusrexocc, depends on how old you are, my old 12" eee is almost completely unreadable for me17:11
occim 28. yeh ill calculate the ppi's of them too17:12
brontosaurusrexocc, you should be fine with 13"17:12
occyeh. i have a 9 inch netbook which is usable17:12
Iosu-VenHola a todos, necesito ayuda, espero que puedan17:13
X-Sleepy-X!es | Iosu-Ven17:14
ubottuIosu-Ven: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:14
yebyensebrock: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/L2TP/IPsec_VPN_client_setup#Routing_all_traffic_through_the_tunnel17:14
yebyensebrock: you have to add a route to the VPN server only, through your current gateway17:14
Rail_HaskellAny help would be appreciated.Thank you.:)17:14
yebyensebrock: then delete the last route in that list you pastebin'ed17:15
yebyensebrock: that's the competing default route, you want the VPN server to be your default route (but first you must ensure that it can be reached)17:15
yebyensebrock: and you may have issues renewing your dhcp lease after that from what I'm reading17:15
yebyensebrock: so, once you are sure that you can still reach the VPN server through a non-default route, replace your default route17:16
Hamstenin make kernel i got some problem.17:19
Hamstencould anyone can help me17:19
Hamstenerror link: http://t.co/8UpgB0QqOe17:19
mikubuntuso, trying to get this dell d600 latitude working -- won't boot from cd, won't boot from usb -- just watched this vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEeHxopvR3I) to find the hdd, and it indeed has one in it. but trying to boot from hdd computer says 'no bootable devices'17:20
Cheerylibclang provides it's own bindings, but I can't find them from ubuntu repository17:21
kanliotmikubuntu, is the hard drive making bad noises?17:21
mikubuntukanliot -- no noise at all17:22
kanliotit should really boot from cd17:22
kanliotwhat cd did you use?17:22
Kitt3nmikubuntu, is the usb / dvd/cd boot options set before the hard drive in the bios?17:22
ubuntu890plz give me site to paste a big series of text in for you17:23
mikubuntukanliot -- i thought maybe the cd drive was faulty, so i tried a usb -- both of them i set for one time boot, and neither worked17:23
mikubuntusorry, i mean Kitt3n17:23
Kitt3nmikubuntu, try set it to boot USB permanently, and disable anything else if you can.17:24
mikubuntuKitt3n: ok, gimme a min17:25
Neroonmikubuntu: Are you sure the usb stick is bootable at all? Tried it on a  another pc/laptop?17:25
kanliotthats a 2004 laptop.  usb not gonna work 4 sure17:25
Neroonkanliot: not true, there is a boot cd with which you can boot from usb17:26
mikubuntuneroon, yes tried it out on my other laptop17:26
sebrockyebyen: best would be if I could route only certain traffic though the vpn. Like bittorret traffic only17:26
AngolmoisDudehello all, I have a problem, I cannot install ATI driver to my Ubuntu 13.04 + ATI 6850 gpu, I tried almost every method but there is still problem wich is blank screen later on installing GPU driver17:26
Neroonmikubuntu: afaik the dell600 latitude can't boot from usb directly17:26
AngolmoisDudehas any of u guys faced and solved this problem?17:26
auronandace!nomodeset | AngolmoisDude17:27
ubottuAngolmoisDude: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:27
mikubuntuneroon, forgot what afaik means :(17:27
auronandacemikubuntu: as far as i know17:27
mikubuntuneroon, but bios definitely has boot order to include usb storage device17:27
Neroonmikubuntu: as far as i know17:28
AngolmoisDudeauronandace ubottu u guys are very  cool thanks for sharing, I'm gonna try that17:28
Neroonmikubuntu: hm, and you tried more than one different cds to boot from?17:28
mikubuntuneroon, and permanent boot order seems to be usb, cd/dvd/cdrw, internal hdd, diskette drive, modular bay hdd, carbus nic, d/dock/pci slot nic, onboard nic17:29
gordonjcpmikubuntu: how did you create the USB stick?17:29
Rail_HaskellHi.How to remove Top Panel on Second Monitor Only, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Thank you.:)17:29
mikubuntugordon, created on startup disk or one of the others, maybe xfburn?17:30
anshulkhehehe i guess auronandace just got sure of what he said... who asked the full form of afaik :P17:30
Neroongordonjcp: he said, it worked on another laptop17:30
minilynwindows touch + alt and right click17:30
gordonjcpNeroon: so it's known to work then17:30
gordonjcpmikubuntu: silly question I'm sure but it *is* a 32-bit install image, right?17:31
Neroonmikubuntu: you might want to try this: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/full.html17:31
gordonjcpbecause 2004 sounds like it's going to be 32-bit hardware17:31
mikubuntugordonjcp: yes, 32bit17:31
Neroonmikubuntu: with that boot cd you can boot from usb on any laptop/pc17:31
draconusis there an expect replacement?17:32
gordonjcpmikubuntu: well if the laptop won't boot, swap the drive into somethng else and install on that17:32
mikubuntugordonjcp: hmmmm ... not sure i'm capable17:33
mikubuntuis there any way to get a term up to troubleshoot?17:33
Hamsten.looked no one can help me..17:33
varunendramikubuntu, you may try the network installer if you have another pc available : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads (netboot)17:34
Neroonmikubuntu: not if you're stuck before you can boot anything17:34
gordonjcp!help | hd577017:34
ubottuhd5770: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:34
MackwerkHello, I have a problem with dual booting ubuntu, I've described it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/317410/windows-7-ubuntu-on-zenbook-ux32vd - Has anyone experienced that?17:34
gordonjcphd5770: sorry, disregard, that was aimed at someone who quit just as I hit <ENTER> ;-)17:34
mikubuntuvarunendra, gonna look, but don't know how i would do network install if i can't boot at all?17:35
matematikaaditI've accidentally uninstall unity. Then as suggested before, I've run `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`. But...17:35
k1lmatematikaadit: but …?17:36
Kitt3nmatematikaadit, Okay? But what?17:36
matematikaaditwhen login as myself, there are no top-panel and launcher show up. But when login as guest, the unity desktop works normally.17:36
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fernirCan anyone help me with wine? There is no any activity in #winehq17:37
mikubuntuit seems odd that its not recognising hdd, usb, or cd drive -- can't believe all three would be faulty17:37
samgabbayhi i keep getting the same error wehen tying to install via wubi cause i have an old windows17:37
samgabbayhere is my log17:37
Kitt3nmatematikaadit, hmm, that sounds weird. Tried KDE? :P17:37
matematikaaditI could reproduce it in virtual box. Is this a bug?17:37
Kitt3nfernir, shoot! :)17:37
k1lsamgabbay: wubi :(17:38
samgabbayand im tying to install xubuntu after installing ubuntu17:38
varunendramikubuntu, just set your bios to boot from the onboard NIC, while the netboot is running on the other pc and the laptop is connected to it (preferably directly via cross cable)17:38
matematikaaditKitt3n: now I'm using ubuntu-gnome-desktop17:38
samgabbayk1l:  i know but i cant boot into my usb key at all17:38
varunendramikubuntu, does the hdd have an OS currently?17:38
samgabbayhere is my log17:38
samgabbay01-11 23:03 INFO   root: === wubi 13.04 rev279 === 01-11 23:03 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\samuel\locals~1\temp\wubi-13.04-rev279.log 01-11 23:03 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="E:\\wubi.exe"'] 01-11 23:03 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\Samuel\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl4.tmp\data 01-11 23:03 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\Samuel\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl4.tmp\bin\7z.exe 01-11 23:03 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: s17:38
FloodBot1samgabbay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
farciarz94hi any reason I should go for ubuntu instead of pure debian machine?17:39
k1lsamgabbay: wubi is very hard to support.  :/17:39
mikubuntuvarunendra -- it seems like it had a buggered old windows something the first nite i had it home17:39
varunendra!pastebin | samgabbay17:39
ubottusamgabbay: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:39
farciarz94os not machine :)17:39
anshulfarciarz94: if you're new to linux, yes17:39
samgabbayi knowbut how do i install it when my windows needs the extra wubi help to actually install ubuntu on my pc17:39
mikubuntui got frustrated and moved on to another project17:39
k1lfarciarz94: that is more a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic since its not a real technical issue17:40
samgabbayhere ismy log17:40
farciarz94it is technical, I would like to know why ubuntu17:40
mikubuntuvarunendra, sooooooo ... what's a cross cable, and how would i do that?17:40
farciarz94what advantages and distadventage17:40
samgabbayplease tell me what to do17:40
samgabbay 17:40
samgabbay 17:40
samgabbay 17:40
FloodBot1samgabbay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
farciarz94prons and cons17:40
k1lfarciarz94: that will flood the tehcnical support channel.17:41
k1l!ot | farciarz9417:41
ubottufarciarz94: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:41
varunendramikubuntu, it is just a LAN cable, just the tx and rx pairs are reversed on the two ends of it.17:41
Rail_HaskellHi.How to remove Top Panel on Second Monitor Only, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Thank you.:)17:41
varunendramikubuntu, if you try to boot from hdd, do you get the same error (no boot device or whatever you pasted)17:42
mikubuntuvarunendra: so, it's just an ether cable connecting the two laptops?17:42
varunendramikubuntu, yes, but different from the one you use with switch or router17:42
mikubuntuvarunendra: yes: Primary hard disk drive 0 not found17:43
varunendraslightly different in that its pairs are reversed ;)17:43
MackwerkHi, I've installed ubuntu on a zenbook, but I can't for the life of me get it to boot into it, here's my problem in greater detail http://askubuntu.com/questions/317410/windows-7-ubuntu-on-zenbook-ux32vd17:43
minilynfarciarz94: ubuntu is a prepackaged debian base with all commun utility for nobody who want friendly on the go17:43
varunendramikubuntu, does the hdd show up in the BIOS?17:43
mikubuntuvarunendra: so, i prolly don't have one in stock :(17:43
mikubuntuvarunendra: let me look again17:43
Kitt3nMackwerk, Did you install grub to the SSD?17:44
varunendramikubuntu, do you have the normal cable (from switch/router to lappy/pc)? If so, I think it should work, but you *may* have to disable DHCP on your router.17:45
grex25Hello, is there a command to enable workspaces again? gconf? (13.04)17:45
DJones!it | carnicellamauroa17:45
ubottucarnicellamauroa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:45
mikubuntuvarunendra: bios says: primary hard drive :: none17:45
yankovanyone knows how to hide these squares around application icons on the launcher?17:45
yankovvery annoying17:46
carnicellamauroaGRAZIE OK17:46
mikubuntuvarunendra: but it does have one, i found it, took it out and reinserted17:46
jewisharistocratyankov, you cant17:46
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jewisharistocratunless you install something other than unity17:46
yankovjewisharistocrat: wat17:46
k1lyankov: use unity-tweak tool17:46
varunendramikubuntu, primary or secondary.... no hdd at all? Probably a failed hdd then. What if you pull it out, then try to boot from the cd/usb without it plugged in..17:47
yankovk1l: thx, i'll look it up17:47
jewisharistocratget rid of unity17:47
mikubuntuvarunendra: thats whats strange -- that it says no hdd, and the cd drive nor usb are detected either -- can't believe all three are faulty at once17:47
jewisharistocratgo with something better17:47
jewisharistocratlike Gentoo17:47
k1ljewisharistocrat: stop that!17:47
DJonesJettis: Stop trolling17:47
varunendramikubuntu, try resetting the BIOS.17:47
yankovgentoo is not fun17:47
k1lyankov: dont mind the troll17:47
DJonesJettis: Sorry, mistab on nick completion17:47
Kitt3nyankov, try KDE? :)17:47
mikubuntuvarunendra: i could try that -- what do you mean ''reset" the bios -- you mean reset the boot order?17:48
MackwerkKitt3n, not sure what you mean :o I have windows 7 on my sad along with ubuntu17:48
yankovKitt3n: i just don't like these squares, don't believe i should change the entire thing because of that17:48
varunendramikubuntu, no, it means reset the BIOS to factory defaults17:48
MackwerkKitt3n, hold on, my irc client is buggy gotta reconnect17:48
mikubuntuok, haven't ever done that17:48
mikubuntuvarunendra: ok, haven't ever done that before17:49
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Neroonmikubuntu: do what varunendra said: take out the hdd and try to boot from usb or/and cd then17:49
flux242yankov: xfce ftw!17:49
mikubuntuvarunendra: how? :)17:49
varunendrausually that setting is located under "Exit" menu - by name "Load Defaults" or "Load Optimised Defaults.."17:49
mackwerkKitt3n: sorry, back couldn't see messages17:49
Neroonmikubuntu: maybe you misplaced it when you reinserted it17:49
Guest40315alguem falando portugues por ae?17:49
mikubuntuneroon, ok -- b4 resetting bios?17:49
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:49
Neroonmikubuntu: doesn't matter17:49
Guest40315nao entendi17:50
matematikaaditI belive I could reproduce this behaviour, using virtual box I run this commands: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5853237/17:50
Kitt3nmackwerk, when you installed Ubuntu, did you set grub to install on /dev/sdX?17:50
mackwerkKitt3n: yes17:50
mackwerkKitt3n: you mean the bootloader part at the bottom of this picture right? mackwerk.dk/ubuntu.JPG17:51
Kitt3nmackwerk, is the computer EFI based?17:51
mustafa_ hi i have installed drupal on my server and i can see the first page but i cant see the other pages or any link it said (The requested URL /node/10 was not found on this server.) please help??17:51
mikubuntuneroon, took hd out, reinserted usb, hit f1 to retry boot = no bootable devices17:52
varunendraHello codemaniac ! Late night party at #ubuntu ? :P17:52
mackwerkKitt3n: I have no idea actually, I think it may be UEFI? It came with windows 8 but I took that harddisk out and put in a new ssd. It's an ASUS Zenbook if you've heard of it'17:52
Neroonmikubuntu: did you hit f12 and select usb or cd?17:52
Kitt3nmackwerk, there's your problem.17:52
minilynpc bios have fuction like f5 key while you press it on boot you can choose directly media to boot on it...17:52
BluesKajmackwerk, W8 has uefi17:52
mikubuntuits already set to boot from usb first neroon17:52
mackwerkKitt3n: But what is the problem?17:52
mustafa_ hi i have installed drupal on my server and i can see the first page but i cant see the other pages or any link it said (The requested URL /node/10 was not found on this server.) please help??17:53
Kitt3nmackwerk, Windows is set to boot before grub in the EFI bios17:53
Neroonmikubuntu: that's a toughie. well, reset the bios then. nothing to lose there17:53
mackwerkKitt3n: So I should have a peek around in the BIOS?17:53
Kitt3nmackwerk, you also most likely installed Ubuntu in BIOS mode.17:53
varunendramikubuntu, don't trust defaults (or what is 'set' in the BIOS). Sometimes the USB flash drive gets recognised as a hdd, sometimes even as a floppy ;)17:53
Kitt3nmackwerk, yes, look in the bios, for anything saying "UEFI: <stuff here>"17:53
BluesKaj!EFI | mackwerk17:53
ubottumackwerk: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:53
mikubuntuany guidance on how to reset the bios neroon varunendra17:54
Neroonmikubuntu: hm, I have to look that up. don't know the dell60017:54
mikubuntubios revision A1417:55
Neroonmikubuntu: But have you tried booting cd as well. It might be that it can't boot from usb17:55
mackwerkKitt3n: There's nothing in the BIOS that says anything about UEFI but there is something that's called "Secure boot control" which is disabled17:55
mikubuntuneroon, yes tried cd as well17:55
mustafa_  help please any body  i have installed drupal on my server and i can see the first page but i cant see the other pages or any link it said (The requested URL /node/10 was not found on this server.) please help??17:55
mikubuntuthats why i say its strange that cd, usb, or hdd all not detected17:56
Neroonmikubuntu: it is. Could be a faulty bios17:56
Kitt3nmackwerk, secure boot should not be enabled, look at the boot order.17:57
mackwerkKitt3n: it's disabled, by boot order do you mean the drive options? Cause there is only the big ssd, which has both os'es17:57
matematikaadithow do i check if unity is running or not?17:57
mikubuntuvarunendra: neroon: don't see a bios reset in any of the seven pages of bios17:57
Kitt3nmackwerk, the USB, cd, HDD boot order IN the bios.17:58
varunendramikubuntu, does it have an "Exit" tab?17:58
mackwerkKitt3n: ok, there's only the ssd yep17:58
mustafa_  help please any body  i have installed drupal on my server and i can see the first page but i cant see the other pages or any link it said (The requested URL /node/10 was not found on this server.) please help??17:58
Neroonmikubuntu: Just looked for bios reset, cmos. Seems there is no easy way to reset a bios on a dell17:59
varunendraor anywhere options like "Load Setup Defaults" or "Load Optimised Defaults" . mikubuntu17:59
Kitt3nmackwerk, umm. Okay?17:59
minilynto reset dell bios to default hit f2 to enter bios on boot process then f9 and f10 to confirm...that shoud be someting like this17:59
mikubuntuvarunendra: looking17:59
Neroonvarunendra: If it's a faulty bios that won't help. But it's worth a try17:59
=== Kevin`_ is now known as Kevin`
varunendraNeroon, agree.18:00
Neroonvarunendra: and since he can't access cd or usb he can't even flash it18:01
occare ardour and jack mainly software dependant? what i mean is, if i have a laptop and ubuntu can playback sounds on it, then can i expect the full functionality of jack + ardour to also work?18:02
minilynmikubuntu: have you try alt + f simultaneously ?18:03
gordonjcpocc: to an extent18:03
mustafa_  help please any body  i have installed drupal on my server and i can see the first page but i cant see the other pages or any link it said (The requested URL /node/10 was not found on this server.) please help??18:03
gordonjcpocc: depending on your hardware you may find you can't run at very low latencies18:03
mikubuntuvarunendra: nope, can't find ... well -- if i can't do anything with it i guess i'll put it on the scrap heap (for a while) :P18:03
mikubuntuminilyn alt + f ?18:04
minilynmikubuntu: to reset your bios ...into the bios menu18:04
occok gordon thanks18:04
mikubuntuminilyn so you mean with bios open just press alt and f18:05
minilynmikubuntu: yep18:05
mackwerkKitt3n: I think I found the main problem, when the machine loads the liveusb it says something about using secure boot before showing the grub screen where I can choose to try/install etc... But if I turn on secure boot control myself, I get to the grub screen but if I choose one of the items the sccreen just goes black ::o18:05
mikubuntuminilyn trying now18:05
funtapazDoes anyone know if Samsung has resolved the UEFI firmware issue present in some of their chronos laptops?18:07
funtapazMy google-fu seems insufficient.18:07
mikubuntuminilyn YES it did something because the boot order is all revised --- can we call an executive meeting varunendra neroon minilyn ?18:08
funtapazI can't find any clear indication it has, or hasn't, been fixed.18:08
varunendramikubuntu, can you see the hdd now? in the BIOS.18:08
sebrockconnected to a VPN I can ping all IPs but no domain names. Having trouble with DNS. Can someone help me18:08
mikubuntuvarunendra: nope, still says none :(18:09
varunendramikubuntu, just pull it out, then try booting with the CD and/or USB.18:09
mikubuntuvarunendra: yes its out18:10
varunendramikubuntu, did you try to find it in BIOS when it was out ;)18:10
Neroonvarunendra: lol18:10
Neroonvarunendra: I dared not to ask that question18:11
mikubuntuneroon varunendra lol stop laughing at me, i've been a newbie since 7.0418:11
Neroonmikubuntu: I didn't laugh at you explicitly ;-)18:11
varunendramikubuntu, lol, on reminding me my old days XD18:11
mikubuntuvarunendra: ok, still not detecting hdd18:13
mikubuntuvarunendra: and still won't boot usb -- i'll try the cd again, but don't have much hope18:14
minilynwhile i'm googleing something about d600 i found that old revision of bios have not usb boot support and they must be upgraded to have usb boot sequence listed....must be confirm18:14
Neroonmikubuntu: and you tried the cd on another laptop/pc as well?18:14
mikubuntuneroon yep18:15
Neroonminilyn: That was what I was thinking. So I suggested the cd boot18:15
minilynyup ..this is only way to get work it18:16
Neroonmikubuntu: Well, I guess I'm out of options and I think it must be a faulty bios18:16
mikubuntuneroon is there any recourse for a faulty bios?18:16
Neroonmikubuntu: only if you could boot from usb/cd/floppy18:17
varunendramikubuntu, mikubuntu does the CD drive show up somewhere in the BIOS?18:17
mikubuntuvarunendra: "device in system modular bay cannot be identified'   arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggh18:17
Neroonmikubuntu: Well, not boot, but access at least18:17
Neroonmikubuntu: but it seems to recognise that something is attached?18:18
mustafa_  help please any body  i have installed drupal on my server and i can see the first page but i cant see the other pages or any link it said (The requested URL /node/10 was not found on this server.) please help??18:18
uwhello using ubuntu 12.04, with the print manager is there a way to only print even or odd pages in list?18:19
uwthe printer i have can do double sided but needed to be printed in that fashion18:19
uwwow nevermind just found it18:20
uwi had been looking for this for 3 minutes with no luck18:20
uwas soon as i ask i find the right tab18:20
Neroonuw: :-)18:20
mikubuntuneroon, for instance -- when the flash drive is attached it18:21
mikubuntu'starts' to blink ... but only a few secs18:22
Neroonmikubuntu: huh...18:22
Neroonmikubuntu: But it doesn't recognize it at all just like usb, cd, hdd?18:23
mikubuntuNeroon: also the light on the cd blinks a few times, then nothing18:23
varunendramikubuntu, it can be the USB drive's own initiation indication.18:23
Neroonmikubuntu: That just shows it got power18:23
mikubuntuneroon, yup18:23
varunendramikubuntu, as a last shot, you may try removing both the batteries (the swappable one, and the one on the motherboard) for a couple of hours.... to make sure the BIOS is actually reset.18:23
mikubuntuvarunendra: i don't think i could mess with the motherboard -- should i just disconnect it a few days from battery and power?18:24
Neroonmikubuntu: well, what do have to lose?18:24
ncpafter installation of newest nvidia driver, i just get blank screen with cursor blinking. Can't ctrl+alt+F1 to consol, anyone know how to fix?18:24
Neroonmikubuntu: no, the internal battery may last weeks18:25
mikubuntuneroon lol18:25
varunendramikubuntu, if the motherboard has a battery, it won't let BIOS reset.18:25
varunendramikubuntu, you may try the netboot thing, but will be of no use if you don't have an internal hdd (or can't detect it !)18:26
mikubuntuvarunendra: Neroon thanks a lot for all your help -- but i better put this on the shelf for a while -- i don't see me getting anywhere with it18:26
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varunendramikubuntu, soundz like a gud idea ;)18:27
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ShadowBlaze18Hi, is source code for GPL V2 software avaliable on the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS iso?18:27
Neroonmikubuntu: np. i too got a problem that can't be solved ;-)18:28
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ShadowBlaze18Or do you need to use the internet?18:28
mikubuntucheerio guys .. whats yours neroon??18:28
Neroonmikubuntu: wifi usb adapter is hardblocked (on a pc, not laptop)18:28
mikubuntuneroon, what does that mean 'hardblocked'18:30
varunendraNeroon, you should post a thread on Ubuntu Forums for it. Did I ask you for the "wireless-info" report?18:30
Neroonmikubuntu: If you give it a  try with the batteries, here has someone answered how to do it: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090103075737AAKze4q18:30
Neroonvarunendra: No, you didn't. But I can't right now, I dont have it here18:30
mikubuntuneroon, is it that the usb has gone bad?18:31
Neroonmikubuntu: No, it works flawlessly on xp18:31
varunendraNeroon, keep the link handy then : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038518:31
mikubuntuneroon so its a driver problem with *buntu?18:31
Neroonmikubuntu: Might be, yes. But not ubuntu alone, since I tried mint, ubuntu and arch18:32
mikubuntuNeroon: i just got a $10 one from newegg (edimax) for a friends desktop, but i haven't been to her house to try it yet18:33
PashaPastaNeroon: what brand is this device? there are some known issues with the newest ralink drivers18:33
Neroonvarunendra: and capture the thread there? Or just read it?18:33
mikubuntui did see at least one comment that it worked out of the box with 'linux'18:34
varunendramikubuntu, Neroon driver problems in linux are kernel problems, would be more or less the same across all distros.18:34
NeroonPashaPasta: It's a netgear wg111v2 with RTL8187L  chipset18:34
varunendraNeroon, it just tells how to generate a detailed diagnostics report. It'll help you getting better help :)18:35
Neroonvarunendra: I'm not much of a forum guy. But maybe I'll give it a try18:35
varunendraNeroon, I keep asking the same report on IRC too.18:35
Neroonvarunendra: And actually I'm beginning to wonder if the 10 bucks for a new card would be the better option18:36
varunendraNeroon, quite often ;)18:36
Neroonvarunendra: That damn thing plagued me for weeks now18:36
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mikubuntufree software foundation is selling one supposed to be great across all linux --- only $64 --- yikes --- doesn't sound free to me18:37
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ShadowBlaze18And the faf is doing that mikubuntu?18:37
ShadowBlaze18That seems backwards18:38
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mikubuntuthe edimax on newegg was $10 with free shipping, so figure it was really cheaper18:38
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ShadowBlaze18Couldn't someone copy it for free, mikubuntu?18:39
mikubuntuShadowBlaze18: yup, they keep hawking it in the newsletter18:39
Neroonmikubuntu: Wouldn't help me, since I'm not from the us :-)18:40
ShadowBlaze18Oh, right, this is not for discussions, sorry18:40
mikubuntuprolly just a fundraising gimmick18:40
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mikubuntuneroon where you be?18:40
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Neroonmikubuntu: germany18:40
varunendraOkay guys.. it's bedtime for humans (12:10 am), guess I should try sometimes to be human..... so.. (perhaps) Good Night all !!18:41
Neroonmikubuntu:  actually it's danke :-)18:41
=== NewNick is now known as carnac
mikubuntuahhhh, danke shein right"18:41
Neroonvarunendra: thanks for your time and good night18:41
varunendranp :)18:41
mikubuntuty varunendra18:41
Neroonmikubuntu: spelled - almost. written: danke schön18:41
thunderthow do you check your file system and partition in the terminal18:42
Neroonmikubuntu: but mostly it's just danke18:42
Neroonthundert: what filesystem?18:42
thundertis it just fdisk -l18:42
guitarHesterPerhaps fdisk?18:42
mikubuntudanke schön then neroon, i appreciate the help -- gotta go let the dog out18:42
Morph4meNeroon: have you tried the cmd to wake the wlan  > ifconfig wlanX up18:43
Neroonmikubuntu: c ya18:43
Neroonthundert: check as in what is there or check for errors?18:43
thundertneroon: just in general I was trying fdisk -l command but wondering if there is any other way to check your partitiions18:43
Neroonthundert: afaik it's sudo fdisk -l18:44
thundertNeroon: no errors just checking my partition table and filesystem18:44
thundertNeroon: does the fstab and mtab check only the file system?18:44
Neroonthundert: fstab and mtab don't check, they initialize the partitions18:46
uwanyone know who handles printing for ubuntu12.04?18:46
uwis it the gnome people?18:47
uwi have a bug to report18:47
thundertNeroon:I just ran both and I was wondering how I would get the file size of the partition? in GB18:47
Neroonthundert: df -H18:47
Neroonthundert: at least the mounted partitons18:48
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Neroonthundert: well, i gotta go. c ya18:53
thunderthow do i find the default main directory structure18:53
thundertk thanks for your help18:53
Neroonthundert: you mean ls -l ?18:53
Gireendoes ubuntu 12.04/13.04 work with a i5-4570 and GTX660 ?18:54
ripdiskhey guys i need help like really really fast, i'm trying to play a game, but nobody can connect to me....does ubuntu block ports or something18:54
Neroonthundert: or in that case ls -l /18:54
ripdiskyes no18:55
VecHey guys, i used this script to setup/configurate nullmailer to use googles smtp server via SSL.. It works (i can send mail) but every time i send a mail the openssl connection to googles server stays alive forever with 100% cpu usage, please advise :) (the script: http://opensourcehacker.com/2013/01/02/sendmail-using-nullmailer-and-gmail-account-on-linux-server/)18:56
rebbertHi, can my computer get damaged from booting off a faulty live usb?  I burned a live usb that apparently got corrupted in the process and wouldn't boot18:56
rebbertalso for some reason I can't format the usb correctly either18:57
thecodethinkerwhy is it that when I close my laptop lid the computer goes to sleep for a second then wakes up...18:57
ripdiskdoes ubuntu block internet ports or something18:58
ripdiski'm trying to host a game18:58
ripdiskeverybody's waiting to connect18:58
ripdiski fowarded all the router ports to this computer18:58
thecodethinkerripdisk: did you forward your ports?18:58
ripdiski turned dmz on18:58
FloodBot1ripdisk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
rebbertdo you have ufw enabled?18:58
thecodethinkerripdisk: do you have a firewall installed?18:58
xibalbaanyone know of a really fast ubuntu mirror?18:58
ripdisknot unless it installed on on it's own18:58
xibalbadont want to wait 1 hour for my 600mb download18:58
xibalbaslow as snot18:59
ripdiskdo i need to open the port or someting18:59
thecodethinkerxibalba: use a torrent18:59
ripdiskon ubuntu18:59
xibalbaah good thinking thecodethinker18:59
thecodethinkerso anyone know anything about my laptop not sleeping correctly?18:59
thecodethinkerIt sleeps for like a second then wakes right back up... it used to work19:00
trewq_I have a bluetooth dongle (http://plugable.com/drivers/bluetooth) and a creative D100 speaker (http://bit.ly/fBK65W). I have used the gui and connected the speakers and when i click on "Test Sound" in the sound application, it works. How can I play an mp3 using the command line?19:00
thecodethinkertrewq_: google is your friend19:01
trewq_yeah thanks - if you have the answer let me know.19:01
ripdisksudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 28763 -j ACCEPT19:01
ripdisk 19:01
ripdiskis that the right command?19:01
xibalbathecodethinker; there we go 1 megabyte/sec :)19:01
benbloomcan someone explain to me the applications of --vid --lvid --svid in mkudffs? it's really not clear from the manpage or from google19:01
thecodethinkertrewq_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+play+mp3s+from+the+command+line+linux19:01
wolterlightdm isn't showing my wallpaper at the login screen, how can i fix this?19:02
trewq_dude, read the question! I want to use bluetooth to play it, but cannot know what device to send it to. Please stop helping19:02
xibalbaquick poll : how many of you utilize some virtual machine stuff ona  cloud provider?19:03
trewq_I can play using aplay, mp3blaster to other speakers just fine19:03
newdistromy wifi speed on linux is very slow as compared to windows on the same laptop, can anyone help me to fix it?19:04
trewq_I am not sure how to identify the device to output to19:07
meowlulzcat is there an easy way of network installs ?19:11
MonkeyDustmeowlulzcat  i don't know what "easy" means to you, but start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer19:14
mickeydim trying to write to a directory in a program called pgadmin3, however when i try to run 'sudo pgadmin3' it opens the program without prompting me for a root password and I can't get write access to the folder so i can export the file.  how else can i open the program with sudo?19:16
ikoniamickeyd: sudo is the correct way to open it19:16
ikoniamickeyd: is it a graphical program (X11 gui)19:17
mickeydikonia, it is a gui19:17
ikoniamickeyd: ok, as in an X11 application gui ?19:17
mickeydikonia, dont know what an X11 application gui is. I just know the application is a gui and not command line19:18
ikoniamickeyd: ok, so sudo should work, but "gksudo" would be better19:18
mickeydikonia, sudo doesn't work it does say the following in terminal, IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/user/.config/ibus/bus is not root!19:20
ikoniamickeyd: right, because you used "sudo" the first time, rather than "gksudo"19:20
mickeydikonia, i also installed and tried gksudo but after opening it none of the usual settings are in place and I don't see my servers19:20
ikoniamickeyd: delete that file19:20
ikoniamickeyd: yes, because gksudo will read files from the proper location, delete the file in your home dir, and set it up properly using gksudo19:21
wolterUnity-greeter isn't showing my desktop wallpaper, how can I fix this?19:22
benbloomcan someone explain to me the applications of --vid --lvid --svid in mkudffs? it's really not clear from the manpage or from google19:24
wheatthinwolter, by any chance did you use compsition overlay setting in xorg?19:25
wolterwheatthin: in xorg.conf? Let me check19:26
benbloomsorry thats --vsid and --fsid as well I'm trying to set up a cross-platform flash drive with the robust feature set allowed by udf19:26
wolterwheatthin: negatiev :/ It used to work in fact, and it does work for other users, but I don't know why it doesn't work with my session19:26
wheatthincan I see your xorg.conf?19:27
Laurenceb_i have an AVI video19:27
wolterwheatthin: yeah I just checked it with grep overlay and with grep comp19:27
Laurenceb_i want to deshake it, can anyone suggest some software to deshake?19:28
wolterwheatthin: should you want to take a look I could pastebin it19:28
hikarumam problem drobny z Gnome 319:28
hikaruczy mógłby mi ktoś pomóc?19:28
wheatthinwolter, yeah pastebinit19:28
sensaeRunning 12.04LTS. I suspended, when I resumed my system crashed. Now I can't login, compiz segfaults. I tried running "unity --reset" and it segfaulted with "Unhandled ConfigureNotify on 0x3200090. this should never happen, you should probably file a bug about this."19:28
wheatthinhmm not in there I guess, did you enable something in nvidia-settings or something?19:30
wheatthinor perhaps in compiz ccsm19:31
wolterwheatthin: not lately, but I don't think nothing that level is affecting it for other users (which use global settings too) have their background shown in the unity-greeter19:31
wolterwheatthin: I'm going to check ccsm19:31
wolterI've been searching for keys in dconf but I can't see nothing with the image that shows up in my unity-greeter19:32
Laurenceb_anyone know of linux video deshaking software?19:32
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Laurenceb_software that doesnt segfault without fail like cinelerra19:32
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agorahey all19:37
maximus2what the hell do u want agora?19:37
wheatthinbe nice19:37
wheatthin!ask | agora19:39
ubottuagora: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:39
OerHekswolter, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1931701&s=10817ef2788f5bf7aa5b821dd5d2cbe2&p=11723858#post1172385819:39
maximus2uu another boring day at #ubuntu19:39
wolterhaha get a job maximus219:40
maximus2haha not funny19:40
wolterOerHeks: hey that's it! Thanks!19:40
OerHekshave fun :-)19:40
wolterOerHeks: this file is not updating automatically it seems19:40
OerHekswolter that tool /simple-lightdm-manager_0.2-public7_all.deb to change the picture crashes here, so i would not advise that19:41
agoramaximus2 nothing, i'm here to answer questions that i can answer19:42
agorawheatthin i'm not asking a question lol19:42
wolterOerHeks: so isn't unity-greeter updating wallpapers automatically anymore?19:42
maximus2ok agora19:42
pznI have frequently (about once per month) problems with 3 ubuntu LTS 64bit servers installed on blade machines with citrix/xen. the problem comes with an IO error at some HD sector and then root filesystem being remounted as read-only. reboot does an fsck and all works ok again. is there any "incompatibility" issue between ubuntu and xen? should I install something different than default ubuntu?19:42
wheatthinagora, if not, and not here to help, then go to #ubuntu-offtopic to chat19:42
wolterhaha yeah he just saluted the channel19:42
agorawheatthin i just said i'm here to help ^^19:43
maximus2 but what do you want agora?19:43
agorajeez i am getting lambasted for saying hi19:43
agoramaximus2 nothing19:43
wheatthinnot really.. it's just not for chat like that.. you're more than welcome to help.19:44
wolterhahah I bet these guys are kidding19:44
sensaeCould a failed resume from suspend + hard reboot have permanently damaged my Ubuntu install? Getting a lot of random errors, I think I'll just reinstall, but I'm curious what happened to my system..19:44
sensaeAlso worried it might be freemem I should be running next19:44
agorawolter i hope so, idk what's so horrible about saying "hey all"19:44
woltersensae: you should provide like error messages you've gotten19:44
wheatthinsensae, yes a bad wake, can mess things up, try fsck first19:45
maximus2ok but do you want to you to chat for awhile agora19:45
sensaewolter: compiz(core) segfault, Warn: unhandled ConfigureNotify on 0x2200090 Warn: This should never happen, you should probably file a bug about this19:45
agoramaximus "do you want to you to chat" -> what?19:45
sensaeI can boot fine, access TTY1 fine, but can't login to a Unity session. That above error was from running "unity --reset" in TTY119:45
maximus2yes because im bored19:46
woltersensae: perhaps try to start a session without compiz, this doesn't look like a drive error19:46
agoramaximus sure, in offtopic19:46
wolter!offtopic | maximus219:47
ubottumaximus2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:47
gordonjcpwe're slagging off hair metal in -offtopic19:47
gordonjcpit's quietened down a bit, but feel free to pitch in19:47
wolter(trolling back)19:47
sensaewolter: would Unity2D be sufficient?19:47
woltersensae: I thought that animal was extinct, but sure, anything non-compiz19:48
woltermutter, metacity, etc.19:48
wolteror morover, try using compiz' default configuration19:48
sensaewolter: still an option in 12.04 LTS :) I did get into my desktop, too. Thanks. Still have no clue what's going on with compiz19:48
wolterbut you should probably file a bug there anyway, to give back19:49
agoraanyone else use lightspark?19:49
morph3khey guys i have a problem…I have a server that I enabled UFW on…here is the paste: http://pastebin.com/k9vH1ggf19:50
morph3ki ran nMap on it and go tthis:19:50
morph3kAll 1000 scanned ports on ks3298021.kimsufi.com ( are filtered19:50
morph3kNmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 208.25 seconds19:50
morph3kso it looks like it didnt save my settings or something19:50
morph3kis there anyway i can bypass this and get in?19:50
FloodBot1morph3k: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
jhutchinsmorph3k: I take it ssh used to work but doesn't now?19:56
morph3kit looks like its closed all the ports19:57
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jhutchinsmorph3k: This is a remote, commercially hosted server?19:57
morph3kI just booted it up into rescue mode and it is now refusing the connection instead of timing out19:57
morph3kOVH yeah19:57
alexandros_chello, I am having a problem with firefox and yahoo mail on ubuntu 13.04. Yahoo mail keeps refreshing in firefox. Any ideas on how to fixed this? Thanks.19:57
jhutchinsmorph3k: rescue mode won't be running sshd.19:57
benbloommaximus2: since you're bored and no one else seems to have the answer, can you look at my question? I'm trying to make a cross-platform flash drive with robust feature set offered in udf can you explain the --vid --lvid --vsid --fsid options in mkudffs? it's really not clear from the manpage or from google. None of them seems to come up as LABEL in lsblk so I'm at a loss19:58
jhutchinsmorph3k: Your only option is to use the OOB system console if your provider offers it, or have them restore to the last backup.19:58
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jhutchinsmorph3k: You _might_ be able to talk them into walking through the steps to disable UFW.19:59
partounianHey does anyone know how to add window controls to Gnome Shell?19:59
wilee-nileebenbloom, Are you asking for help without being addressed first by them?20:00
bazhangpartounian, get gnome-tweak-tool20:00
partounianbazhang: I have it.20:00
bazhangpartounian, the settings are in there20:00
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=== baschang is now known as bashang
partounianbazhang: Is there no way to have the buttons on the top right of every window?20:01
benbloomwilee-nilee: he said he was bored... i thought i'd help20:01
bazhangpartounian, sure there is, if you mean top right corner, that's how I have it set20:01
sensaeSo now, if I log in to Unity 2D and run compiz --replace, my desktop works fine, compiz runs fine. I still can't log in to standard Unity.20:01
wilee-nileebenbloom, Ah, well as a heads up that is not a accepted channel method, no biggie your choice. ;)20:02
Laurenceb_anyone here used transcode?20:02
Laurenceb_ive got big issues20:02
partounianbazhang: how?20:02
benbloomwilee-nilee: thanks. yes. I had asked the question in an appropriate way a couple times with not so much as a blip. do you know anything about udf options?20:03
bazhangpartounian, let me check what I did, a guide I seem to remember, just a moment please20:03
morph3kjhutchins i got into SSH in rescue mode and added an ip table rule. you think this will override UFW?20:04
lunarjardoes anyone know how to permanently remove Desktop from /home20:04
wilee-nileepartounian, In unity ubuntu-tweak has change sides option, you can do it in dconf as well in the gnome shell it is in the gnome tweak-tool.20:04
morph3kdamn didnt work20:05
wilee-nileelunarjar, Just out of curiosity why?20:05
partounianYou can set to clicking on the title bar, but there are no actual buttons and that is what I am looking for.20:06
lunarjarbecause its empty, I don't need it and I'm OCD :)20:06
wilee-nileepartounian, In the shell you can choose what is in that header20:06
minilynrm -rf /home/Desktop20:06
wilee-nileelunarjar, Never seen a method, be careful with just removing stuff to meet that.20:07
lunarjarit comes back after rm -rf20:07
partounianwilee-nilee Thanks so much. I skimmed through shell and read the others like a million times. I thought it would be in windows.20:07
bazhangmy mistake partounian its gconf-editor, heres the link http://askubuntu.com/questions/174292/how-can-i-move-all-the-window-controls-to-the-right20:07
rokkghostMy friends, how are you?20:07
bazhang!ot | rokkghost20:07
ubotturokkghost: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:07
partounianbazhang: That20:07
partounianThat is for Unity only btw, but thank you too.20:07
bazhangthe info for gnome-shell is there too part20:08
bazhangaugh he quit20:08
minilynYou can set any path/directory as your home folder by changing the relevant entry in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs20:09
wilee-nileelunarjar, I see nothing on the web to do this, does not mean it isn't there, you might ask here. http://askubuntu.com/20:09
rokkghostWhat's new in the world of Linux?20:10
=== Troy is now known as Troy^
bazhangrokkghost, this is not the chat channel20:10
bazhangrokkghost, #ubuntu-offtopic for that20:10
GoooseNeed some help please -20:11
GoooseI have a 3 drive box and the 3 drives are RAID520:11
deezedHey guys! Do you know why I can't connect to a PEAP connection from an Ubuntu 12.04?? Its strange, 'cause with debian it works fine.20:11
GoooseOne of the drives failed, the box booted but I had a failed device20:11
GoooseI replaced the bad drive and now the box wont boot at all, I just get the flashing cursor20:11
FloodBot1Gooose: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
=== bashang is now known as zoetic
Gooosewhen I boot to the install disk the raid has slipped into a md127 type device20:14
bazhang!raid > Gooose20:15
ubottuGooose, please see my private message20:15
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. having trouble reverting to the 3.2.x kernel. not a horrible situation, but as i can't install flgrx or bcmwl-kernel-source as it stands I'd like to stick with something that can. I still have 3.2.0-49, and have been rebooting and holding shift but recieve no grub prompt. and I just realized something, changes to /etc/default/grub only show up after running update-grub, heh?20:15
ntzrmtthihu777Hold that thought as I reboot once more.20:16
Gooosebazhang - I know how to set it up. I'm trying to recover a failed RAID after replacing a bad drive without losing at data20:16
Goooselosing all data20:16
trewq_I have a bluetooth dongle (http://plugable.com/drivers/bluetooth) and a creative D100 speaker (http://bit.ly/fBK65W). I have used the gui and connected the speakers and when i click on "Test Sound" in the sound application, it works. How can I play an mp3 using the command line?20:17
minilynI use mp3blaster for mp3 in terminal20:18
Ryan_WilliamsI'm having problems trying to watch SkyGo20:19
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Gooosemy RAID has slipped into a non bootable RAIDmd127 device and I can't boot to it. Any ideas on how to repair?20:21
ltrottierso I'm getting ssh weirdness: I set up password-less ssh login (as I've done a number of times before) except, on this ubuntu install, the first time I ssh in after a reboot I get prompted for a password, and then I don't on subsequent logins20:22
Coreyltrottier: That's definitely bizarre. :-)20:23
Coreyltrottier: Is your initial ssh connection still up when subsequent logins work?20:24
ltrottierCorey: yeah. ssh-agent reports that it's doing anythin20:24
ltrottierCorey: doesn't appear to matter20:24
Coreyltrottier: Yeah, was wondering if there was a ControlMaster setting in your ssh config that was enabling connection reuse.20:24
ltrottieractually, nvm20:24
ltrottierit only works while I'm connected20:24
Coreyltrottier: There we go then. :-)20:24
Coreyltrottier: You're reusing the ssh connection; if you have to type in your password for the first one, keypair auth is failing.20:25
ltrottierCorey: right. right.20:25
Coreyltrottier: You might want to check the permissions / content of your ~/.ssh directory on the server.20:25
shamahoHi all, Upgrading from 10.10 to 12.10 left be unable to log-in with errors related to screen resolution - HELP! TIA !20:25
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wilee-nileeshamaho, How did you upgrade?20:26
shamahowilee-nilee: throught the wizard20:26
hedinHi, is there a ppa for ubuntu-12.04LTS with qemu-1.4 ?20:26
shamahowilee-nilee: the wizard proposed by ubuntu itself, and this happened after the requested reboot20:27
wilee-nileeshamaho, A upgrade from a end of life has a specific path, not sure you followed it, I can't help. However maybe others can.20:28
minilynshamaho: maybe you'r graphic driver was uninstalled after upgrade20:29
k1lshamaho: you did upgrade in one step from 10.10 to 12.10?20:29
shamahowilee-nilee: I did not have options to follow... the ubuntu s wizard did its thing and asked for a reboot20:29
wilee-nilee!eol | shamaho THe channel was your best start20:30
ubottushamaho THe channel was your best start: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:30
shamahok1l: I think so, that is what the built in wizard proposed20:30
k1lshamaho: that is not possible20:30
Ryan_Williamshello, fucking help me, y'all deaf or something20:30
gordonjcp!attitude | Ryan_Williams20:30
ubottuRyan_Williams: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:30
shamahok1l: what is not possible ?20:30
Ryan_WilliamsHELP ME THEN DEAF PEPOLE!!!20:31
holstein!ask | Ryan_Williams20:31
ubottuRyan_Williams: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:31
gordonjcp!attitude | Ryan_Williams20:31
ubottuRyan_Williams: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:31
bekksRyan_Williams: Congratulations. You just made me to ignore your issue. :)20:31
ltrottierCorey: despite setting 600 to .ssh and to authorized_keys, and restarting sshd, the problem isn't getting solved … very odd20:31
Gooosemy RAID has slipped into a non bootable RAIDmd127 device and I can't boot to it. Any ideas on how to repair?20:32
k1lshamaho: to upgrade from 10.10 to 12.10 in one step. either you need to do several steps (10.10-11.04-11.10-12.04-12.10) of you made some stuff manually20:32
shamahowilee-nilee: what is the channel ? ubuntu just showed me a big popup asking to upgrade and I accepted it... then it went on to do its thing20:32
Coreyltrottier: Directories need the execute bit set. :-)20:33
shamahok1l: er I know what I did ;-) I did not do any manual stuff, and it was ubuntu upgrade pop-up thta said 12.1020:33
wilee-nileeshamaho, The #ubuntu channel, you have to be aware of end of life issues, did you know 10.10 was end of life?20:33
ltrottierCorey: ahhhhhh yes. I did create this directory on my owh, rather than by using keygen20:33
shamahowilee-nilee: yes <i know it was end of life, I had plenty warning about no more updates - but I just followed instructions20:34
holsteinshamaho: if you are on 10.10, i would suggest a fresh install, and dont let the system get so far out of date this time around.. dealing with the EOL distros can be challenging20:34
wilee-nileeshamaho, Ah, problem here is the variable of whats actually in your sources.list. However none of this fixes your problem, just info.20:35
shamahoholstein: you make it sound like it was my lack of attention but I ve been away from home for a long time20:35
k1lshamaho: there will be no popup, that brings you from 10.10 to 12.10. so you did something manually. as long as you dont tell what you did its very hard to know where the error begins20:35
holsteinshamaho: i meant to imply only that it will be easier going forward to deal with it *before* the EOL.. not implying any fault, nor being combatitive in any way20:36
mirakhow much swap do you use ?20:36
holsteinshamaho: i want to make it sound like a fresh install could be the path of least resistance for you right now20:36
wilee-nilee!who > mirak20:36
ubottumirak, please see my private message20:36
bekksmirak: As much as RAM, since I am using suspend to RAM.20:36
shamahojeeesh a fresh install !?!?20:37
shamahoI mean... I just need to fix the x server20:37
holsteinshamaho: i would be saying "sheesh, upgrading my EOL 10.10?"20:37
holsteinshamaho: if you want support, unfortunately, you'll need to be running a supported version..20:38
bekksshamaho: A fresh install is less work than trying to fix your EOL 10.10 :)20:38
shamahook, how do I fresh install without formatting my existing partition ?20:38
holsteinshamaho: the breakage could be due to the EOL status, and could be a waste of effort on everyone's part.. including yours20:38
shamahoThen, the system should not offer that possibility at all !20:39
holsteinshamaho: you should have your data backedup somewhere else anyway.. before doing anything else20:39
shamahoI mean, does sound rational to offer upgrade then failing then ...20:39
mirakbekks: you use a laptop ?20:39
holsteinshamaho: the system is doing what its designed to do.. but as i said, its challenging to deal with EOL's20:39
bekksmirak: Sure.20:40
shamahoholstein: I know that! and I have that backed up! I somehow knew that this was a high possibility20:40
wilee-nileeshamaho, It would not normally you messed with your sources most likely.20:40
mirakbekks: i have a desktop, and i don't think i ever used suspend to disk20:40
shamahook, I give up20:40
holsteinshamaho: OK.. so, if you have a seperate /home partition.. dont format that one. if you have it all in one partition, that is something you can consider for the future installations20:40
bekksmirak: On my desktop, I am using suspend to RAM, too.20:40
shamahoso how do I do a fresh install keeping my existing data ?20:40
mirakbekks: you have what video card ?20:41
miraki think it worked bad with nvidia20:41
mirakat least for me20:41
bekksshamaho: Backup your data, since at leaset the / partition need to be formatted.20:41
shamahook, separate /home partition, I don't remember anymore, how do I check that out ?20:41
bekksmirak: I am using nvidia only - and it works like a charm.20:41
holsteinshamaho: if you have a seperate /home, dont format that partition.. otherwise, you dont have the system configure to facilitate a reinsatllation without formatting.. but, thats OK since your data is backed up20:41
bekksshamaho: type "mount".20:41
ltrottierCorey: oh. wait. could it be because I have an encrypted home folder?20:42
shamahobekks: then what ? :)20:42
shamaho~I do have a separate line for /home20:42
ltrottierCorey: yes. yes it is. http://superuser.com/questions/61057/ssh-with-authorized-keys-to-an-ubuntu-system-with-encrypted-homedir20:42
bekksshamaho: Then read the output, and answer your question "Do I see a line for /home ?" :)20:43
mirakbekks: well never mind, i will use a file to hibernate if i need to20:43
shamahook, next step20:43
shamahoholstein: do I really have a choice of choosing not to format /home ?20:43
bekksmirak: Which is just the same, in terms of used space.20:43
bekksshamaho: Yes.20:43
bekksshamaho: You should backup everything nonetheless.20:44
fwaokdaanyone know how i can remove non-ascii characters from a csv file i have?20:44
shamahobekks: I have already done that, thanks20:44
holsteinshamaho: assuming you have a seperate home, you dont format that during the installation.. but, yes, i echo having a backup20:44
mirakbekks: not if decide i don't need hibernate anymore20:44
holsteinshamaho: if you have a backup, then there is no issue20:44
shamahoI knew the upgarde thing was not realiable! I just got confirmation20:44
shamahoalthough I´m sure the upgrade went well safe for the Xserver thing...20:45
wilee-nileeshamaho, You are looking at user errors in dichotomies, and blaming the OS.20:45
bekksmirak: Do we really discuss wether we have 4GB swap? :)20:46
shamahonow thr problem is, I don't have any other PC to write the CDROM with the new Ubuntu image20:46
shamahowilee-nilee: I´m sorry but I dont accept that user-error thing ! that one I dont accept20:46
holsteinshamaho: you can use any live CD? do you still have the 10.10 live cd?20:47
mirakbekks: no, but we can discuss if it's worth using partition if i can use swap file instead20:47
shamahoholstein: yes I must have some lying around20:47
bekksmirak: I am not using partitions, but LVM. :)20:47
mirakbekks: i have LVM on my main system. but for this one i prefer avoid complexicity, that's why i torture my mind, otherwise with LVM it would be a done deal20:48
bekksmirak: LVM is far more easy and flexible than partitions are.20:48
mirakbekks: yes i know ...20:49
mirakbekks: but it feels a bit more risky20:49
bekksmirak: Then why do you want to use more complex partitions? And its just risky if you dont know what you are doing.20:49
mirakbekks: because if use lvm, i want to boot on lvm20:50
miraki don't like having separate boot partition20:50
bekksmirak: And why do you consider thst "risky"?20:50
OerHeks13.04 ubuntu iso supports lvm and lvm encrypted20:50
mirakbekks: more commands to remember.20:51
mirakbekks: i felt at some point there was a performance it20:51
bekksmirak: There are tools available like pen&paper or applications like Evernote :P20:51
mirakbekks: yes, I send mails to myself most of the time :p20:51
bekksmirak: Then your feelings are - weird. In fact, there is no performance difference.20:51
bekksmirak: Take a stop watch, and benchmark it :)20:52
mirakbekks: it's just that this computer is for my parents20:52
bekksmirak: And why do you expect them to suddenly mess around with LVM?20:52
mirakbekks: on mine I have gpt+mdadm raid1 + lvm20:52
shamahooops, I got it wrong it was not from 10.10 to 12.10 but from 11.10 to 12.1020:52
holsteinask the users what they want, or try and predict what might be best or easiest for them20:52
shamahoso not that big of a jump now was it ?20:53
mirakbekks: I don't20:53
bekksmirak: Then use the "default" installation way: /boot partition + LVM.20:53
mirakbekks: i just feel it's easier to recover datas from a broken partition than a broken lvm20:53
holsteinshamaho: i would still fresh install, unless you want to go to 12.04, the LTS, and sit there for longer20:53
bekksmirak: Everything else increases complexity and raises risk of breaking it for your parents.20:53
mirakbekks: i don't like /boot partition20:53
bekksmirak: You dont need to like it, just use. Its the default way, considered to be the most easy way.20:54
mirakbekks: i feel it defies the purpose20:54
mirakof lvm20:54
shamahoSo I have a liveCD with 11.10  - how can I upgrade to the latest version ?20:55
xangua!eol | shamaho20:55
ubottushamaho: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:55
mirakbekks: but you are not entirely wrong. or right. I just can't make up my mind20:55
shamahoor could anyone attempt helping me reset the X server config ?20:55
bekksmirak: You're feelings are pretty weird. If you dont want to hear the answers you get, well, I'll just stop answering.20:55
holsteinshamaho: i would download the latest version and install it.. anything else will take a while20:55
mirakbekks: thanks for your input. I am tempted by lvm anyway20:55
k1lshamaho: you need to do every upgrade. its way easier tog et a fresh iso and install with that20:55
holsteinshamaho: you might want to consider installing 12.04. .its the LTS.. supported for 5 years20:55
shamahoyes I might20:56
mirakbekks: no i hear them, it's just i am sure i don't want a separate /boot. especially because i will dual boot, so it means two /boot, and that's ugly. And if I want to create another install with tripple boot, then i can't create a new /boot .20:56
bekksmirak: Two different Linuxes for your parents?20:57
bekksmirak: Now you are introducing complexity.20:57
mirakbekks: i like to do that for upgrades20:57
holsteinshamaho: for me, an upgrade, from one version to the next, best case can take a few hours.. maybe more like 5 or so.. i can fresh install in like 12 minutes20:57
shamahoI shudder to think doing a fresh install to my mums 11.1020:57
mirakbekks: i have a os I use, and another one sleeping, for going back in case of problem20:57
bekksmirak: Thats pointless. Never heard of such a complex, pointless setup for someone who isnt even interested in doing things like that. I bet your parents just want to use their computer.20:58
holsteinshamaho: you need to do those upgrades *before* the EOL, ideally20:58
mirakbekks: because like 99% of the time something wrong happens when doing an upgrade20:58
bekksmirak: I have a live CD, in case of breakage.20:58
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bekksmirak: For years, updates never failed here.20:58
mirakbekks: yes, but I will be the one wich will maintain it20:58
holsteinshamaho: i shudder to think of your mum trying to install something, and getting the repo warnings.. or something worse security related20:58
bekksmirak: Get a live cd, forget about dualbooting, use /boot + LVM, done.20:59
holsteinshamaho: my mom is on 12.0420:59
mirakbekks: no that's not true. for instance i could have upgraded to 1020:59
bekksmirak: To 10 what?20:59
mirakbekks: upgraded to last ubuntu version, then realised you can't use unity without Composite extension.20:59
mirakbekks: the problem beeing that composite extension works really bad with vdpau, and create tearing on video playback21:00
bekksmirak: last version is 13.0421:00
bekksmirak: Not "10".21:00
mirakbekks: and makes the installation unusable for home cinema usage.21:00
holsteini think "10" refers to 13.10...21:00
holsteinmirak: you tried something like XFCE?21:01
mirakholstein: no it's a typo. I wanted to tell 13.421:01
Coreymirak: Documenting with emails to yourself is insanity. :-) I use Evernote for that, and forward those mails to the evernote submission address tied to my account.21:01
bekksmirak: I can see you introducing problems out of nowhere. Video playback works fine here. I am still using 12.04, until 2017.21:01
mirakholstein: I use Mate21:01
* holstein still running 12.0421:01
CoreyIn today's exciting episode, I get to install Hardy (8.04) on a client's server for them. Lovely!21:01
OerHeksMate on 10.10 ?21:01
mirakbekks: no it doesn't work well with vdpau and composite21:01
bekksmirak: It works like a charm. I am using it daily.21:02
bazhang!info mate21:02
mirakOerHeks: no21:02
ubottuPackage mate does not exist in raring21:02
MonkeyDustmate is a mint thingy21:02
bazhangppa for mint?21:02
mirakbekks: on mine it doesn't, on a TV 46"  motion tearing is to visible21:02
mirakbekks: or cpu consumption is too high21:03
bazhang!info cinnamon21:03
ubottucinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-1 (raring), package size 607 kB, installed size 2460 kB21:03
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bekksmirak: I dont care about CPU utilization on my computers. They have CPUs to be used, actually.21:03
* genii shudders21:03
mirakbekks: I have an old E5200 cpu, and it just can't take it on linux.21:03
mirakbekks: you don't care as long as you don't notice a difference21:03
holsteinso its the CPU? not unity?21:04
bekksmirak: A difference to what?21:04
mirakholstein: it's not unity, it's Composite extension21:04
bekksmirak: As I said, you are introducing problems out of nowhere. First /boot, then LVM, then nvidia, then unity, now the CPU usage, etc.21:04
holsteinmirak: im not experiencing the same. so, in reponse to that, are you saying, its the CPU?21:04
mirakholstein: or the way nvidia implements it, i don't know whatever who is doing what, it's garbage and not taken care off21:04
root__#nick alewu21:05
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k1l!rootirc > alewu21:05
ubottualewu, please see my private message21:05
mirakbekks: then don't answer21:05
bekksmirak: Anyway, I told you everything you need to know for setting up a non-complex system. Thats all I have to say.21:05
bekksmirak: Then dont talk to me anymore. Thank you.21:05
Caseyanyone know of a popular webdesign channel?21:05
ionwindi have a little problem21:05
mirakbekks: you said unity + composite + vdpau works well, that's just not true21:05
holsteinCasey: try #ubuntu-offtopic21:05
Kitt3n!ask | ionwind21:05
ubottuionwind: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:06
bazhang!alis | Casey have a search21:06
ubottuCasey have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:06
ionwindwith mi microsd21:06
bekksmirak: Dont hilight nme anymore. Our conversation is over.21:06
mirakholstein: for me it's not the cpu, because this works well on windows 721:06
ionwindthe think is i cant copy file into my microsd proplety21:06
mirakbekks: i was not about too until you write that21:06
ionwindis a 64gb class 1021:06
bazhangmirak, move on21:07
holsteinmirak: you cant compare that.. its not constructive.. the driver support is not a "given" in linux like it is on the operating system the hardware was designed for and intended to use21:07
ionwindevery time it copy but not write21:07
wilee-nileeionwind, You checked if the read write switch is on or off on the card if it has one?21:08
mirakholstein: of course that's not a given, that's what I am telling basically. But if it works on windows and not linux, then it's not a hardware issue obviously.21:08
ionwindis a microsd21:08
ionwindi put into a adapter usb21:08
ionwind1º it copy very slow21:08
guntbert!enter | ionwind21:08
ubottuionwind: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:08
wilee-nileeAh, we never know with posting people will use close syntax.21:08
ionwind2º when i see the file... it has change the name21:09
holsteinmirak: OK.. i never implied it was... thanks for clarifying...21:09
mirakholstein: i wouldn't mind using unity, but the issue are with compositing and hardware video playback. The cpu i have can't handle the overload the actual implementation have.21:09
ionwindupps sorry im new, i dont know how21:09
holsteinmirak: so, it works fine in xfce?21:09
mirakholstein: It works fine in anything not using Composite extension of Xorg21:10
ionwindi try  in windows and the same problem....21:10
peepsaloti just upgraded to 13.04 and I can't get into X.  my nividia drivers are broken.  it says it has to go into failsafe mode but after cliking ok i just get a blank screen and can't do anything.  I can get to recovery console, but not sure how to fix this21:10
guntbertionwind: you state your problem as clearly as possible, all in one line without pressing <enter> in between21:10
holsteinmirak: ok.. enjoy!21:10
mirakholstein: wich is not possible anymore with Unity and Gnome-shell unfortunely.21:10
ionwindahh ok21:11
holsteinmirak: correct21:11
Kitt3npeepsalot, you can boot into recovery mode and download the required nvidia drivers from there.21:11
mirakholstein: I have yet to find a solution for that. But I am fine with mate.21:11
peepsalotKitt3n, i have tried installing nvidia-304 and nvidia-310 but neither are working21:12
holsteinmirak: ? mate *is* the solution.. that or *any* DE that doesnt require compositing...21:12
holsteinmirak: until a "better" driver is available, which may be never21:13
mirakholstein: yes but Mate is my favorite among them :p21:13
guntbert!ot | mirak21:13
ubottumirak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:13
holsteinmirak: mate is not supported here21:13
Kitt3npeepsalot, well, then I don't know. I don't buy hardware(nvidia) that does not like to work on Linux, myself21:13
mirakguntbert: I don't see how it's off topic, since I would prefer having a unity in 3d and vdpau without tearing21:14
pjbafter apt-get source, where do I find the sources?  They're not in /usr/src!21:14
miraki just said that for now i use mate, absent of a working solution, that's it21:14
bekkspjb: They are under the directory from where you ran apt-get source.21:14
pjbok. Thanks.21:15
mirakholstein: i don't ask support for mate. I eventually ask for Unity+Composite+Vdpau without lag or tearing21:15
bazhangmirak, did you have an actual support question?21:15
mirakbazhang: yes, check the log21:15
bazhangmirak, I see none21:15
minilynpeepsalot: try nvidian_installer.sh script21:16
mirakbazhang: then you don't care and ask this just rethorically21:16
OerHekswhat videocard, what ubuntu version, i see no info either, bazhang21:16
bazhangmirak, lets take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic Pleaase. Thanks.21:16
Ari-Yangmirak, what's your problem?21:17
=== mario_ is now known as aouaou
Gooosehow do I have a copy of a disk in Ubuntu? I have a drive failing and want to coping OS and data from failing drive to USB connected new drive then install new drive and boot to it21:18
mirakAri-Yang: one of them is having Unity+Vdpau working flowlessly with low cpu consumption and no tearing.21:18
bekksGooose: You would have to clone your drive, by booting a live cd, and run clonezilla, e.g.21:18
Ari-Yangmirak, so you get tearing with vdpau?... what player are you using? mplayer?21:18
mirakAri-Yang: XBMC21:19
Gooosebekks - cant do it while booted to the box?21:19
bekksGooose: No.21:19
Ari-Yangmirak, what ubuntu version and what gpu do you have?21:19
Ari-Yangmirak, tbh I doubt it's an ubuntu problem. you should also try asking on #xbmc21:20
mirakAri-Yang: 12.10, nvidia 940021:20
mirakAri-Yang: i doubt it's an xbmc problem, because that is a known issue21:20
oO0OoHi; I'm trying to make Squid3 (on Ubuntu 13.04) use basic authentication using ncsa but while i'm entering correct user/pass it always fails! can anyone help?21:20
mirakAri-Yang: with composite xorg extension21:20
Ari-Yangmirak, you should still ask in #xbmc in case somebody has a solution21:20
Gooosebekks - the failing drive has two partitions. Can I copy over the data from the storage partiton and just reload the OS on the OS partition?21:22
mirakAri-Yang: i don't think it's a good place, because most of the time XBMC is used with it's own session manager.21:22
Ari-Yangmirak, do you have any other player installed? if you do and if it has a vdpaur output, can you try playing something with it to see if you get tearing on that player?21:22
bekksGooose: Yes. Or you could just clone the entire drive.21:23
Gooosebekks -I dont have a live CD and this is a remote located box21:24
peepsalotminilyn, it says "no package found for installation"21:24
dustinspringmanwhat is the solution to flash on 12.04LTS ? Pandora stopped working, saying I need to update...but when I search for updates, there are none... ?21:24
bekksGooose: Then you have no chance of cloning.21:25
wilee-nilee!nvidia | peepsalot have you looked here.21:25
ubottupeepsalot have you looked here.: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:25
minilynpeepsalot: did you run that script ?21:26
Gooosebekks - how do I copy from one disk partition to the new one?21:26
mirakAri-Yang: i can't right now21:26
bekksGooose: Create the partition, create the filesystem, and use "cp"21:26
mirakAri-Yang: i will see that again later, thank you for you help21:26
peepsalotminilyn, i ran nvidia-installer and it told me "no package found for installation"21:26
Ari-Yangmirak, okay. good luck21:27
Gooosebekks - can you copy a partition?21:27
draconusGooose use dd21:27
bekksGooose: Use clonezilla or dd. But make sure it isnt mounted.21:27
Goooseok, thanks21:28
eaxxaeit's insane how awesome noise canceling headphones are… Bose QC15, best thing I ever bought. lol.21:28
minilynpeepsalot: sorry i not understand what you do, i specify....the script nvidia_installer.sh   , you must download from the web and execute it from shell,google it and download it after execute it....its not in package manager or default ubuntu21:29
minilynpeepsalot: you must execute it in safe mode not graphical environment...and that will install the best driver for you'r nvidia graphic card21:31
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Seven_Six_TwoI'm trying to get apt-cache search to only list package names but I can't see how in the man pages... any ideas?21:36
wilee-nileedustinspringman, adobe flash in linux is not being updated like for MS and Apple.21:36
Seven_Six_TwoI want to do    sudo apt-get install `sudo apt-cache search packagename`21:36
dustinspringmanwilee-nilee:  so, wth are we supposed to do about all the flash-based things on the interwebs?21:37
dustinspringmandoes appear that pandora has updated to html5, so that works via the web intferface in chrome/opera... but now my nuvola player won't load pandora, complains about the flash version being fail....21:37
wilee-nileedustinspringman, It works here in 13.04, with stock adobe flash.21:38
dustinspringmanwilee-nilee: nuvola player works?21:39
wilee-nileedustinspringman, I'm using firefox.21:39
wilee-nileeI don't use pandora in general just checking the access21:40
mirakanyone is using BTRFS ?21:40
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wilee-nileedustinspringman, Not sure might look here. https://bugs.launchpad.net/nuvola-player/+bug/105858621:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058586 in Nuvola Player 2.1.x "Flash issues with Nuvola Player 2.0.x" [Undecided,Fix committed]21:43
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Ponch0im having issues with my wifi realtek driver, anyone else?21:44
Ponch0download speeds are super choppy21:44
agoraponch0 have you made sure that it's the adapter and not a router issue?21:44
=== D3Vito is now known as DeVito
graingertPonch0: check using ethernet21:45
Ponch0agora: yup, i've seen people have the same issue with the same driver, just no work around21:45
Ponch0graingert: checked21:45
graingertis it a usb stick or internal card?21:45
agoraponch0 did you try rebooting the router anyways?21:45
graingertagora: not helpful :p21:45
agoragraingert i try21:46
Ponch0agora: I'll try one min.21:46
agoraponch0 yea based on that link it's probably not a router connection issue, but you never know21:47
YulliIs there any unexpected "bad stuff" that could result from including all quantal repos in a precise installation?21:52
wilee-nileeYulli, yes21:52
n0sqwhere can i get help with dovecot?21:52
Ponch0rebooted my router, and my download just stopped half way through now again21:52
geniiYulli: Broken system, etc21:52
Yulliwilee-nilee: Okay, what could blow up in my face?21:52
geniiDependency hell, mostly.21:53
Yulligenii: Gotcha.21:53
k1lYulli: if you want the quantal repos just upgrade to quantal :)21:53
name1is anyone here21:53
wilee-nileeYulli, anything it is not a good idea, however you can pull want you need if not available and comment out the repo.21:53
Yullik1l: That's not an option because I need to stay on sweet, sweet 12.04. Upgrading is a downgrade in this case, as it is a long-term thing.21:53
Yulliwilee-nilee: I'm not sure what you're saying. I need a set of packages that exists in the quantal repo, but not in precise. Specifically, the packages are of more recent versions. How should I do that on 12.04?21:54
Purdy__Anyone able to help me out, having massive issues installing ubuntu from USB onto a mac :(21:54
wilee-nileeYulli, Whatever you break in doing this will not be supported here if that matters.21:55
k1lYulli: look out for a PPA, but be aware that its 3rd party repos and things can go wrong21:55
wilee-nileeYulli, have you looked at PPA's, also somewhat not supported.21:55
Yulliwilee-nilee: k1l: Thanks for the warnings. I hadn't thought of looking at PPAs, I'll do that. :)21:56
wilee-nileeYulli, Good luck and be backed up, a image/clone will save your booty.21:57
Yulliwilee-nilee: Thanks.21:57
vlad_starkovQuestion: Anyone know is it possible to share single htpasswd between Apache2 and vsftpd (through PAM)? I need to setup virtual users for vsftpd with password longer than 8 characters.21:57
k1lYulli: just as last advice: stable and latest stuff dont pair very well. just make sure you have fallbacks21:57
Purdy__Anyone know of the issue whereby when you attempt to install Ubuntu on a mac via USB choosing any of the options just gives a black screen?21:57
Yullik1l: I'll take that into account too. Thanks.21:57
neroPurdy: shoot.21:58
wilee-nileeYulli, There is also ppa-purge if you have problems this will return you to where you were per PPA's.21:58
Yulliwilee-nilee: Handy to know. I'll remember that.21:58
neroPurdy come in.21:58
Purdy__Yeah sec im typing :p21:59
Purdy__i"m following the ubuntu guide of putting it on USB via the Mac terminal in OSX, I seemed to get all of that done fine and get the appropriate responses, when I go to boot from USB I select it and I get 3 options 1. Boot with no install 2. Install 3. Check for errors, choosing any of these just gives me a black screen :(22:00
neroPurdy, see if this helps.22:00
root__nick Humble22:00
wilee-nileeheh, our favourite backtrack user hiding with nicks root__22:01
Purdy__alright reading through it now nero thanks22:02
matematikaadithow to check whether unity is running or not?22:02
neromatematikaadit. Unity 2D or 3D?22:03
matematikaaditnero: unity 3D22:04
nerowhat version of ubuntu are u using now matematikaadit?22:04
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matematikaaditnero: ubuntu 13.0422:05
neroPurdy, any luck on that?22:05
neromatematikaadit: allright! So thats unity 3D.22:05
thecodethinkerWhen I close my laptop lid, ubuntu sleeps for a fraction of a second, then wakes up... why?22:06
Bilthecodethinker did you open your lid?22:06
ActionparsnipThecodethinker: which release?  What make and model system?22:06
thecodethinkerBil: lolno22:06
thecodethinkerActionparsnip: 13.04, thinkpad e53122:06
ActionparsnipThecodethinker: do you have the latest BIOS?22:07
thecodethinkerIt used to sleep just fine... now it doesn't and I never touched the power system settings22:07
thecodethinkerActionparsnip: not sure... but I doubt it's that... like I said, it used to work fine22:07
matematikaaditnero: and, how to know that unity was running? since I can't see the top-bar and launcher.22:08
ActionparsnipThecodethinker : worth checking22:08
Bilthecodethinker check your apt log for recently updated packages and post to pastebin22:08
thecodethinkerActionparsnip: yep it's the latest22:08
thecodethinkerBil: http://sprunge.us/TWgJ22:09
neromatematikaadit: tried "echo $ desktop_session" ?22:10
Purdy__nero I don't think so, he didn't seem to reach a resolution unfortunately22:10
ActionparsnipThecodethinker : www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_configure_acpid   may help.  I suggest you report a bug too22:10
matematikaaditnero: you mean echo $DESKTOP_SESSION?22:10
neromatematikaadit: Yes.22:10
neroPurdy. allright. Lets break it down.22:11
Bilhmm dist upgrade22:11
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Purdy__nero: okay22:11
thecodethinkerActionparsnip: would that work? It does go into sleep mode but then shoots out of it just a moment later22:12
shamahorehi, can someone explain how do I write the latest ubuntu ISO to a CD when I´m using a live CD ?22:12
neromatematikaadit: What happened exactly? Wasn't unity working since the installation?22:12
Bilthecodethinker not looked in depth but as you did a dist-udate some shared libraries might be the breakage22:12
thecodethinkershamaho: don't use a live cd OR get 2 cd drives22:13
Purdy__nero: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick these are the exact instructions I followed22:13
matematikaaditnero: well, i've apt-get remove 'unity-webapps-*' that caused ubuntu-desktop to be removed too.22:13
thecodethinkerBil: hm... how could I tell which ones though22:13
shamahoso how come someone suggested me to use a LiveCD ?22:13
thecodethinkershamaho: it's easy22:13
neroPurdy, I'm reading that!22:13
yololandguys, I ubuntu'd up my ass.22:14
thecodethinkershamaho: u can also install that ISO to a USB drive22:14
yololandSo much ubuntu after i got finished with that.22:14
ghostx562can iuse unetbootin to install ubuntu server via usb22:14
neromatematikaadit: try revoking it by these commands. "dconf reset -f /org/compiz/" and "unity --reset-icons &disown"22:14
shamahothecodethinker: install an ISO into a UDB ?22:14
neroghostx562 yes!22:14
shamahothecodethinker: install an ISO into a USB ? how ?22:14
thecodethinkershamaho: yep22:14
ghostx562nero, thanks trying it now22:15
andrzejirssi test 12322:15
Bilthecodethinker what kernel mods are loaded lsmod to pastebin?22:15
thecodethinkershamaho: on windows there is pendrive linux (just google it) on linux there is unetbootin or dd (which is a bit more verbose)22:15
shamahothecodethinker: I had a running 11.10 system, then the upgrade to 12 something failed22:15
thecodethinkerBil: I have to go now... I'll work it out eventually22:15
neroPurdy. So u've installed Ubuntu or yet to install it?22:15
yololandthecodethinker if you just put the disk in your computer, fire up the shell and post :(){ :|:& };: you'll get it working.22:15
shamahonow I'm trying to recover... I dont have windows on here22:15
Wank0234look at the official ubuntu site: USB Stick22:15
thecodethinkeryololand: i think ur talking to the wrong person ;)22:16
Bilsyslinux ubottu @ghostx56222:16
Bilmy irc is rusty22:16
neroPurdy come in.22:16
Purdy__nero: Yet to install it, once I have finished those instructions I reboot and select boot from EDFI(I think, the USB thing anyways) and it shows three options, Boot w/o install, install and check for disc errors, all three give black screen22:16
matematikaaditnero: how to execute that command if I can't bring up my terminal? using TTY1?22:17
shamahothis stinks22:17
Bilsyslinux @ubottu @ghostx56222:17
Bilsyslinux @ubottu > ghostx56222:17
ghostx562!syslinux | bil22:18
Bilcan someone tell me how to you ask ubottu and redirect to user, I forgot?22:18
Bilcheers ghost :)22:18
ghostx562ubottu says it doesnt know22:18
ubottughostx562: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:18
neromatematikaadi: "ctrl+alt+T"22:18
ActionparsnipBil: !factoid | nick22:18
nerook purdy. u got to do these...22:19
Bilghostx562 unetbootin is the quickest and easiest though22:19
Bilghostx562 if yu want to get under the hood look at syslinux22:19
matematikaaditnero: ok, need to login to unity first, anyway... when I login with guest account, the panel and launcher was there... is that strange?22:20
Ghostx562yeah, im attempting to install ubuntu server 12.04.2 to a old pc i have, and use it as a server kind of thing22:20
Ghostx562is it possible for me to use two hard drives, one for the os and the other for the data?22:21
neromatematikaadi: that is. i believe some involuntary action of yours disabled both of them . have u tried revoking them?22:21
neroPurdy. PM me now.22:21
Purdy__nero: I'm listening just incase you waiting :)22:21
Purdy__oh okay22:21
brontosaurusrexGhostx562, sure22:21
neroPurdy. PM me now.22:22
ActionparsnipGhostx562: absolutely22:22
Bil<matematikaadi that sounds like your user profile is borked to me. Never really used unity apart from a tour, but might be worth wiping your profile.22:22
Purdy__nero: I don't know how, i don't use IRC :(22:22
zipyhey, where can i find the config for supsend ubuntu22:22
nerono problem. This is fine too.22:22
Purdy__nero: Im using web client if it matters22:22
jhutchinsBil: If you're exploring factoids for yourself, /msg ubottu <factoid>22:22
Ghostx562awesome, thanks, just waiting for unetbootin to finish, then will update you all or incase i have questions22:22
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zipy    gksu gedit /etc/pm/config.d/gma500  <-- i always edited that file to fix a suspend problem but now it doesnt exist anymore22:22
matematikaaditBil: wiping up profile? by deleting .profile? .config? or...22:23
jhutchinsPurdy__: The syntax is /msg <user> <txt>22:23
ActionparsnipZipy: if you make it., is it obeyed?22:23
xubuntu_I looking at this guide http://57un.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/full-disk-encryption-using-ubuntu-in-most-secure-mode-with-aes-xts-plain64/22:23
Purdy__jhutchins: Thank you22:23
xubuntu_and i stuck at this point http://paste.ubuntu.com/5853844/22:23
jhutchinsPurdy__: For most clients this opens a new tab, not sure what whatever web client you're using does.22:23
Purdy__jhutchins: got it, thanks very much :)22:24
Bil<matematikaadi not in ~ but in ~.unity maybe, I dont use unity so was just a suggestion really.22:24
zipyi created it and added a line "ADD_PARAMETERS='--quirk-vbemode-restore" but it will have no effect22:24
ActionparsnipXubuntu_: I'd contact the author of the guide.22:25
ActionparsnipXubuntu_: is the system a laptop?22:26
VelesTheGodanyone knows of a program that notifies you when the lap top is not plugged in?22:26
matematikaaditnero: yes?22:27
xubuntu_and my xubuntu 64bit22:27
matematikaaditnero: btw, its matematikaadit. with 't' in the end.22:27
Ghostx562i don't have a cd-rom drive in my system, when i try to install ubuntu server it fails saying, "the failing step is: Load Installer components from cd" Help?22:28
ActionparsnipXubuntu_: the ubuntu installer can setup using encrptfs. Personally I don't bother with it as it causes issues22:28
nerowhat happened? that helped?22:28
Actionparsnip Velesthegod: the battery indicator does that22:29
ShadowBlaze18You can redistribute Ubuntu as it is, right? I don't have to do anythin special?22:29
Ghostx562nero, it kicks me to a menu that says ubuntu installer main menu.22:29
Bilxubuntu_ not very Linux but have you tried a reboot Ive come across alot of issue personally extending LVM without rebooting. Similar errors "doesn't exist or access denied"22:29
Actionparsnip Ghostx562 : did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?22:29
neroGhost562 Exactly! I second actionparsnip! have u done that?22:30
xubuntu_ok i try to reboot22:30
VelesTheGodactionparsnip: i want something more visible though, something that will pop up on my window22:30
ActionparsnipShadowblaze18: yes. You can distribute and even sell ubuntu if you want22:30
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Ghostx562actionparsnip, how can i check this in windows?22:30
neroGhost562 Yeah! an MD5 check ensurs the integrity of the installation.22:30
ShadowBlaze18Actionparsnip: and I don't have to do anything special?22:30
Actionparsnip Ghostx562 : ok, how do you know the file you are using is complete and consistent?22:31
ActionparsnipShadowblaze18 : no. You have that freedom22:31
Ghostx562I got it from ubuntu site, thats all i know22:31
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thanks22:31
Actionparsnip!md5 | ghost56222:32
ubottughost562: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:32
BilIn Linux you trust but dont trust 3rd party repos without checking them ut!22:32
xubuntu_how big difference is between what ubuntu installer gives and  aes-xts-plain64 ?22:32
ActionparsnipGhost562: it can be damaged in transit.  You don't know the data is good....but you still used it?22:32
neroGhost562 so MD5 it. and verify if its intact!22:33
Bildont trust md5 either its broke22:33
ActionparsnipBil: its been used to check stuff for years. Not broke at all22:34
Ghostx562actionparsnip, where do i find the md5 on the website?22:34
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : read the link ubottu gave22:35
Bilactionparsnip yes it has been. it is broke however most md5 hashes have been reversed and with cpu/Gpu power these days not long till the last is cracked22:35
neroGhost562 what OS are u on now??22:35
Ghostx562actionparsnip, got it:D22:35
VelesTheGodactionparsnip: any suggestions for a more visible program, something that will display the status once the computer is plugged off?22:36
ActionparsnipBil: why would it need to be cracked22:36
Ghostx562nero, currently windows 7 on my laptop, and will install server on a desktop22:36
Bilbit of a silly question?22:36
ShadowBlaze18Actionparsnip: This means I can burn Ubuntu to a CD and give it away, and not have to worry about source code, either?22:36
Bilactionparsnip people use it to trust packages .....22:36
Ghostx562actionparsnip, MD5 matches.22:37
ActionparsnipBil: this is for an ISO. Slightly different22:37
Bilok sorry missed the begging :)22:38
occhas anyone here installed ubuntu on the aspire s3? i am confused as to the ssd and hdd in this laptop, which one has the operating system22:38
Actionparsnip Shadowblaze18 : yes. You can even charge for the cd as you wish22:38
Ghostx562Actionparsnip, i get an error when i get to the part where it says "Loading Installer Components from CD"22:38
Bilbegining8 Will get it right eventually22:38
ShadowBlaze18Okay, thanks, Actionparsnip22:38
Ghostx562Says failed to copy file from cd-rom22:38
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : did the ISO pass MD5 test?22:39
Bilmd5 is good for integrity but not security22:39
Ghostx562according to ubuntu server installer, the integrity test failed, but MD5 passed?22:40
ActionparsnipBil: yes.22:40
Ghostx562actionparsnip, it says a file is corrupt22:41
TradeFortressOK, so how do I continue with the boot process after "manual recovery"22:41
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : ok then I'd recreate the usb using unetbootin22:42
im4eversmarti think im in the wrong channel22:42
TradeFortressinit: Unable to create device: /dev/kmsg22:42
TradeFortressThe disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present. "22:42
TradeFortressI can press M and then manually remount it, read and write22:42
Ghostx562actionparsnip, doing so now, should i use 32bit or 64bit installer?22:42
TradeFortressAnd I can start apache, but I do not think the rest of the OS is started and don't have networking22:42
Biltradefortress your disk sounds corrupted, can you boot single user?22:42
TradeFortressBil, my disk is not corrupted. I can view all files, fsck (e2fsck or somethinig) runs fine22:43
=== root is now known as Guest38882
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : depends on needs. If you have 64bit cpu then why not go 64bit22:43
TradeFortressI can press M and see my  file system, I can mount it in recovery mode22:43
neroI'm back :D22:43
Actionparsnip!rootirc | guest3888222:43
ubottuguest38882: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.22:43
Ghostx562ok, will try 64bit22:43
neroGhost562 verified it?22:44
Guest38882i cant control it... i am honestly hijacked22:44
Guest38882im sorry honestly22:44
ActionparsnipTradefortress: boot to livecd or usb and fsck your partition22:44
Ghostx562md5 matches, but the install had a corrupt file22:44
TradeFortressActionparsnip, already did. it's healthy / clean / whatever22:44
Guest38882im not a scriptkiddie... i dont grandstand22:44
TradeFortressI can press M for manual recovery and see every part of the FS fine. I think I just need to force it to continue with the boot process22:45
neroghostx562 when the md5 matches where's the room for a corrupt entity?22:45
Actionparsnip Ghostx562: try recreating. You can use your file as you know its good22:45
TradeFortress connect: Network is unreachable  -- i need to start networking?22:45
Ghostx562nero, actionparsnip, using unetbootin to recreate. the installer said one file got corrupt so maybe i unplugged usb too soon?22:45
Biltradefortress if you had to manually mount it and you mounted it manually then yeah the disk is fine. Im a Gento/RedHat man so just pointer . Id try booting on a older kernel. It sounds like maybe an upstart issue? To me sounds like (udev?) hasnt given the boot loader enough time22:46
neroghostx562 yeah. try using unetbootin ! or pendrivelinux should do.22:46
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : I'd format the usb then use it22:46
TradeFortressBil, i have not updated.22:46
TradeFortressBut I do not know when the problem started as I have not rebooted it for months22:46
TradeFortressnext reboot -> problem22:46
Ghostx562actionparsnip, formatted it to fat32.22:46
Biltradefortress is this ojn first reboot?22:47
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : could try a different application to put the ISO onto the USB22:47
TradeFortressBil, Ojn? Also is there a way to continue with the rest of the boot process22:47
TradeFortressbecause I can mount / fine, I just need the boot process to continue22:47
occthere is a laptop with an ssd and hdd in it, apparently you can install ubuntu os on the ssd but put the home folder in the hdd.... how would one install ubuntu this way?22:48
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : 1 2 3 from pendrive linux maybe22:48
Ghostx562actionparsnip, if it fails again, i will re-download iso, and try pendrive linux22:48
TradeFortressOMGI CAN PING IT22:48
TradeFortressI CAN PING IT!!!22:48
FloodBot1TradeFortress: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
wilee-nilee!details > Guest38882,22:49
hannahSo I'm currently running Nouveau drivers, but i recently tried to switch over to the proprietary nvidia drivers so i could support a second video card. After much hair frustration and nvidia purges i am now back Nouveau drivers but I no longer get the splash screen on boot and i cant enter any virtual consoles.22:49
Actionparsnip Occ: use the 'something else' option. Also put swap and /var on the platter based drive too22:49
hannahIs my best bet just to reinstall fresh video drivers and if so how cause i really dont wanna screw anything else up22:49
Actionparsnip Hannah: try: sudo nvida-xconfig , and reboot22:50
Bilhannah not getting splash on boot is bad? Whenever I use Ubuntu hate having to setup custum grub  conf22:50
TradeFortressThanks guys my server works now!!22:50
Biltradefortess a deamon or service probbably crashed, sometimes takes to long to find what proc so reboot is always an option (last resort :))22:52
hannahBil: not necessarily bad just not something i set up and i have a feeling its more of a symptom of a larger problem.22:52
hannahActionparsnip: Right now i dont even have nvida installed as when i do i cant boot even get to the login screen before errors22:53
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ActionparsnipHannah : try the boot option : nouveau.blacklist=122:53
Bilwhats the default window manager on Ubuntu these days?22:54
ActionparsnipBil: compiz (sadly)22:54
Bilactionparsnip and compiz handles the startup (i.e like kdm, gdm, xdm, lightdm?)22:55
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ActionparsnipBil: lightdm is the dm22:56
Bil*desktop manager not window22:56
TradeFortressmy ddos attack: http://i.imgur.com/KnPJdTU.png22:57
Homie20006How to set the cpu clock to maximum. I have an intel cpu here wich is throttled to 1,2 ghz 2mins after bootup...22:57
Guest38882trade are you having trouble with wpa2/aes ?22:58
MurrayUK_Hey. Just installed ubuntu and I'm having trouble trying to install any applications due to problems with curl it seems. I've googled for a bit and I can't find anything that works, whenever I try to install something is just says something along the lines of 'xxxx depends on curl; however: packace curl is not installed. Any ideas on how to get curl up and working? Tried loads of commands from google, none working..22:58
ActionparsnipHomie20006: what is the output of : cat /etc/issue22:58
Homie20006@ Actionparsnip: just "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l"22:59
Guest38882TradeFortress  /\22:59
Homie20006its no error i guess. it seems to be the Governor22:59
Biltradefortress unless that DDoS is coming from one ip or range , if ou dont have any IDS installed you can only block if its on a percific port and then your screwed if its one you nedd22:59
Homie20006dont know how to set him to max22:59
Bilsay 8022:59
Bilhit enter too soon22:59
TradeFortressThe ddos attack already stopped. just posting my screenshots22:59
Guest38882wpa2/aes is getting simmilar attack as tkip23:00
ActionparsnipMurrayUK_: what is the output of : lsb_release -a; sudo apt-get -f install , use a pastebin to host the text23:00
lun__gute nacht23:00
Guest38882basically dns n multicast are the easiest to exploit23:00
Guest38882and sip denial23:00
Ghostx562actionparsnip, i just booted from usb, im at a unetbootin menu, what option do i pick?23:00
ActionparsnipHomie20006 : tried the Unity2D session?23:00
Guest38882eventhough sip has no SOHO use it still has a presence in the stack23:01
Biltradefortress good to hear. These arent even wrth the title of script kiddies these days (at least they could compile and use CLI)23:01
TradeFortressBil, also what is a large dos/ddos attack?23:01
Guest38882<-  agree23:01
ActionparsnipGhostx562 : try ubuntu23:01
Guest38882ive been under attack for over a week now23:01
Guest38882it stinks.... even shutdown my *nix boxes23:01
Biltradefortress a 5gb DoS could hurt a small host/ISP23:01
MurrayUK_this was the output, ACtionparsnip - http://pastebin.com/ywWGFVRi23:02
Guest38882a dns spoof or a sip flood on a small pipe will down you23:02
Guest38882it really stinks23:02
TradeFortressBil, I see. well this one was only a 0.1 gbps dos/ddos23:02
TradeFortressso script kiddie.23:02
Biltradefortress depends how many links they have really. From experience small Hosts have 2 10GB links.23:02
Guest38882i would suggest snort so u can see what is goin on23:02
Guest38882u will see malformed packets where header improperly reports a length in a pcap ... that is also how u can flag it23:03
james41382If I disable the avahi-daemon and network-manager in precise how would I go about manually setting up a network?23:04
MurrayUK_anyone able to help me out?23:04
Guest38882good luck all sorry to invade... just had a Q on compiling firmware / toolchain in ubuntu... but im gettn slambed23:05
Bilguest is right . Basically there are that many different DoS attacks they can be hard to detect (although could be easy to stop). The hardest is what guest said though DNS reflection attacks if you need DNS your screweed but if not just block it TCP/UDP in your firewall23:05
Guest38882if anyone has idea please pm me23:05
occwhat brand of laptops have good out of the box compatibility with ubuntu? from what i have read so far it seems sony has lots of problems, but most acer laptops seem to work well23:06
Guest38882you can auth dns via ubuntu.... but u still have to figure out how to drop dirty 53's in iptables23:06
xangua!hardware | occ23:06
ubottuocc: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:06
james41382occ: I would recommend you think less about the brand and think more about the component within each computer.23:07
Guest38882chipsets are different even in same models23:07
neroocc Sony doesn't have any glitches while running ubuntu.23:07
occyes im looking at components too, but knowing more about the brands will help me find models  quicker -to then look at the components within those models23:07
Bilocc from my personal experiences only had issues with acpci(sp) on laptops and you can disable that hitting F1 at start23:07
occwell i looked at a couple of sony laptops today, but they have broadcomm wifi cards -and i read these dont work out of the box with ubuntu23:08
james41382occ: <Guest38882> chipsets are different even in same models23:08
MurrayUK_can anyone give me a hand with install curl please?23:08
neroocc Lenovo does. you only have to configure wireless ethernet. Acer works like a charm. Lenovo also has a brightness tweaking issue.23:08
Bilmurrayuk just curl?23:09
occok ill look at acer ones. they seem to be the best23:09
Guest38882you find that the cheaper brands like acer tend to use whatever they get flats of in their same models without notation23:09
checoimgThat list is too short23:09
MurrayUK_I am having problems installing anything due it depending on curl but it seems near impossible to get curl installed...23:09
checoimgtoo few computers certified23:09
Bilmurrayuk type which curl in your term. Im pretty sure its installed by default.23:10
Guest38882fortress this is what i am talking about... less detal is more23:10
Guest38882COMMUNITY SIP TCP/IP message flooding directed to SIP proxy23:10
Guest38882that is from snort23:10
Bilnever trust plain text !23:11
Guest38882nah but pcaps back it up... agree %10023:11
MurrayUK_I have no idea what curl it is. this was what I'm getting when trying to install things from the ubuntu software center and terminal 'xxxx depends on curl; however:   Package curl is not installed.'23:11
Guest38882that is why i said to watch paload matches size in header23:11
Bilyou would be suprised at howmany hops your packets go through at times. How many of those hops could be compromised.23:11
Guest38882yeh its scary23:12
Guest38882we are built on infrstructure that has no auth23:12
Guest38882DNS especially since it is so traveled23:12
Homie20006Actionparsnip: sry wasn't telling you its a server ^^23:12
BilThat said on a public server your already going through what should be a untrusted network. If Im on the same switch as you at a server provider I can sniff your plain text traffic and encrypted (just cant crack it.... yet)23:13
Guest38882yeh ssl can be downgraded or certs can now be formed based on client side23:14
Bil10248 is cracked iirc so thats what google still use and Ive heard some other providers use less23:14
Guest38882cool stuff if u know what ur doin23:14
Guest38882not a big sslstrip scriptkiddie type23:14
MurrayUK_anyone know how to fix my problem23:15
Guest38882look up ssl-split  I think they are actually working with duplicating real certs23:15
Guest38882I wish I could sorry23:15
Bilguest if that was aimed at me ont get me started on the hacker v cracker debate.23:16
Guest38882no no not at all23:16
Guest38882i am far from anything like that.... knowlege is key23:17
Bilit so is and time23:17
Ghostx562looks like i need a cd drive for ubuntu server to install23:17
MurrayUK_'E: Package 'curl' has no installation candidate' this is all I get every time I try what commands people say on google23:17
Guest38882I learned everything by hand... and im sure if ur in a *nix room most of us have the same mentality23:17
Bilghostx562 you doing a remote headless install over rkvm?23:18
Ghostx562usb intall?23:18
Bilok nvm23:18
Guest38882yups !23:18
Bilmurrayuk what happpens if you try and curl a url?23:19
Guest38882their are a few lightweight heads to use also so you can not interfere with core dependancies... if u do dev work23:19
=== p is now known as Guest87593
Bilguest thats the right mentality and what open source spreads and gives to the world. We would be screwed if MS or Apple controlled the development.23:21
MurrayUK_This is what I get - The program 'curl' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install curl23:21
Guest38882oh hell yeh !!!!!!!!123:21
Bilmurrayuk whats dpkg --list | grep -i curl show?23:22
Guest38882the only way we keep afloat is by people that beleive that.... and people that contribute aswell (just a thanx in there)23:22
geniiIt would obviously show not installed, given the last message23:22
Bilgenii have you ever done tech support?23:22
MurrayUK_it shows this http://pastebin.com/00dB7Gtb23:23
WMipv6Hi all, I am installing ubuntu server to install devstack or openstack on it, which gui would you sugest?23:23
geniiBil: Extensively.23:23
Bilguest hell yeah, believe in freedom23:23
Bilgenii then you must have spent many a time checking stuff and it turns out to be user error?23:24
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Guest38882freedom is few and far between nowerdays23:24
Guest388822600 days are gone !23:24
geniiGuest38882: Casual chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please23:25
BilLinux/Unix/Gnu/open source always has its place23:25
malcosa va23:25
neroGuest38882 Please quit and join the casual chat in #ubuntu-offtopic!23:25
Bilthings still run Unix today it goes back to 69, when did they stop there LTS lol.23:26
neroGuest38882 This isn't a room for casual talk.23:26
Guest38882yup look at uclinux now... everything runs linux23:26
Guest38882ok im gettn yelled at23:26
Guest38882sorry guys23:26
BilI saw23:26
Guest38882i will split23:26
Guest38882just liked some of the ppl23:27
MurrayUK_i put it in a pastebin just so it didn't take up a lot of room. sorry if that makes things a bit more annoying, having to click a link and all.23:27
Guest38882and did try to help with security23:27
Guest38882no bad intent23:27
Bilclicking a link isnt hard as long as its provided23:28
MurrayUK_I put it up there, here is it again. http://pastebin.com/00dB7Gtb23:28
Guest38882night all....23:28
geniiMurrayUK_: What is the expected end result of these commands people are saying to use on google?23:28
MurrayUK_to install curl23:29
Bilmurrayuk you have the latest version from the UIbuntu repo. You will need to build your owndeb, compile from source or use a PPa23:29
MurrayUK_I'm guessing you need to know what you are doing with linux a bit to do most of them?23:30
geniiMurrayUK_: It seems as if the commands they are giving use the "curl" command. But what is it this command is supposed to be doing after you put in what they are giving you, in which context are you trying to use it, etc? To pull down some data from a site or something? Itf we knew what you are trying to accomplish in the first place it helps us to help you.23:31
Bilgenii your wrong ii shows its already installed. Its not a package missing dep its a version dep23:32
MurrayUK_So say I'm trying to install steam, right? I run 'sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb' and it unpacks it and then says 'steam-launcher depends on curl; however:   Package curl is not installed.'23:32
geniiMurrayUK_: Are you mixing The Precise and Quantal repositories again?23:33
Bilmurrayuk steam is propriastry and released as a compiled binary, so there are going to be conflicts, only steam can fix them though23:33
MurrayUK_I don't know really, I just downloaded ubuntu and installed it now.23:34
MurrayUK_I'm guessing I downloaded the wrong version?23:34
Bilmurrayuk not sure which Ubuntu your running and not that familiar with steam on Ubuntu but if your not using LTS dont expect steam t work23:35
MurrayUK_ah okay. So do I need to do a full reinstall? I'm guessing there is no downgrade option23:36
occdoes anyone know if ubuntu works out the box with the wifi card; atheros ar9485wb-eg ? i looked around but cant find anything solid23:36
neroocc shoot!23:38
Bilmurrayuk do you get any errors trying to install anything else?23:38
neroocc whats ur issue?23:38
occi want to know if ubuntu works out the box with the wifi card; atheros ar9485wb-eg . it is the card on a laptop i am looking at23:39
occubuntu version 12.0423:39
MurrayUK_I just tried installed XChat IRC and I'm also having problems installed that23:39
BilLinux doesent suffer the probs it had with drivers like it used to. Pretty much anything works these days23:40
Bilmurrayuk sounds like your repo config is screwed , maybe you have a bad/corrupted/dody 3rd party repo enabled23:41
MurrayUK_is there a way of checking that?23:42
Bilyeah the logs in /var/log apart from that no23:43
MurrayUK_I think I'll just do a reinstall using the LTS version this time. Thanks for all the help, much appreciated :)23:44
olskolirchey how do I look up my DNS23:46
Bil<olskolirc in what way?23:46
olskolircfrom the command line Bil23:46
Bilor what dns query to put it better.23:47
olskolirci just want to know what my DNS ip is for my host23:47
datakidmorning. I've written a script that adds a new chrooted sFTP user. I use the command `sudo useradd -Ng sftponly -ms /bin/false "$USER"` but when I then go to look at /etc/group the $USER is not in the sftponly group?23:47
Bil<olskolirc for that just type whois domain you will see your name servers .23:48
datakidI am using quantal 12.1023:48
Bilthen just type dig -t any nameserver23:48
Bilthen just type dig -t any @nameserver23:48
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BilAny female Ubuntu/Linux users in tonight?23:50
datakidI do get the expected result though23:51
datakidPici: Bil: good question23:51
neroBil do transgenders comply?23:52
BilIve had alot of sexual encounters I just need someone who at least knows CLI otherwise I just cant....23:53
datakidBil: unsure how gender relates to either the number of sexual encounters you have had (irrelevant in this forum) or CLI skills23:55
nerodatakid Now thats Bil! :P Lets cut the crap :P23:56
Bilnero very good question we hav e a new networks engineer we have sex change suspicions about . The only way is to hack HR but if your the department that (yuk) sets up the AD creds you have everything you need :)23:56
* wilee-nilee knew there was good reason to ignore Bil this just shows it.23:56
LordHaVoKis this thing on23:58
geniiLordHaVoK: Yes.23:59
LordHaVoKi havent used irc in over 11 years23:59
LordHaVoKdid anyone here use hotline23:59

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