
ToZNoskcaj10, are you there?02:11
Noskcaj10hello ToZ 02:11
Noskcaj10have you got the test onto launchpad yet?02:12
ToZHi. Still new to this bzr thing. 02:12
ToZI've pushed 2 test cases, but I guess I missed a step?02:13
Noskcaj10may i suggest you install bazaar explorer? it is a GUI version of bazaar02:13
Noskcaj10Just make sure you make a new branch for each test, we all get confused otherwise02:13
ToZHow do you make a new branch?02:13
ToZIs it the qbzr package?02:14
Noskcaj10sudo apt-get install bzr-explorer02:15
Noskcaj10to make a new branch, use "bzr push lp:~USERNAME/PROJECT/BRANCH_NAME" where USERNAME is your launchpad username (e.g. ToZ), PROJECT is the project (e.g. ubuntu-manual-tests) and BRANCH_Name is whatever you want it to be02:16
Noskcaj10bazaar explorer will do everything that bzr does except the branch command02:16
ToZdone. Now how do I attach my Ristretto test case to this branch?02:19
Noskcaj10put the ristretto test in the packages file, then add it and push again02:21
Noskcaj10but please use a fresh branch.02:21
Noskcaj10Do you think you've worked it all out? 02:22
ToZwhat do you mean by "use a fresh branch?02:23
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
NoskcajToZ, the actual manual tests branch, run  "bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual-tests" to get it02:23
ToZOkay, so after I get the branch, I add the file to the packages directory then run "bzr push lp:~USERNAME/PROJECT/BRANCH_NAME" . Do I change BRANCH_NAME for every test case I add?02:27
NoskcajToZ, you first have to use the "add" command, then the "commit" command. it's easier to do this from bazaar explorer. 02:44
Noskcajand yes02:44
ToZThanks. When I click the Push button in bazaar explorer, it asks me for a location. I will change that to the name of the test case (after I add and commit).02:45
ToZWell, it seems to have worked from my end. 02:46
Noskcaji'll merge it soon. good work02:50
ToZDo I have to do anything special in bazaar explorer now for the next one? Re-synch or something? Or do I just add/commit a new file and push a new branch?02:50
knomepleia2, good17:27
pleia2there have been jokes coming back from major conferences about how if our plane went down coming back to SFO that entire software projects would be destroyed ;)17:40
pleia2the latest was openstack, I ended up sitting next to canonical's vp of cloud17:41
pleia2and the whole flight was full of us17:41
* skellat feels decontextualized18:27
pleia2skellat: there was a plane crash at San Francisco airport yesterday18:28
skellatAh, yes.  Asiana Airlines18:28
* pleia2 lives in SF and travels often18:28
pleia2but not this weekend, fortunately :)18:28
skellatPraise be.18:28
skellatOne of the few benefits to Los Angeles County, I suppose, is that they've got multiple airports18:29
skellatSan Francisco on the other hand not so much18:29
pleia2actually we have Oakland and San Jose too18:29
pleia2I'll fly out of any of them depending on prices18:29
pleia2both of them are pretty small though, it's been tough for them to absorb the overages from SFO18:30
pleia2lots of cancelled flights once they got the in the air ones landed, and 2 of our 4 runways are still closed18:30
skellatI wind up equidistant between CLE and ERI.  Nothing directly local here in Ohio's largest county geographically.18:31
pleia2do you live near where Cheri lived?18:31
skellatI live closer to Erie, Pennsylvania18:32
pleia2when she was meeting me in Vegas there were like 3 major airports she could fly out of, all far but about the same distance far :)18:32
skellatMansfield is southwest of Cleveland18:32
* pleia2 nods18:32
skellatCleveland is technically southwest of Ashtabula18:32
pleia2I see18:32
* pleia2 has never been to ohio18:34
pleia2tempting for the OLF though18:34
pleia2maybe next year :)18:34
skellatI might need the help this year18:34
skellatThat's the subject for the next Burning Circle18:34
* skellat wanders back to scripting18:41
pleia2nice to see folks jumping in with test case writing \o/18:42
pleia2so, if I wanted to change the text of our Xubuntu tab in the About Xfce option in our menu, where would I go?21:49
pleia2currently it's not really about Xubuntu, it tells you where the Debian Xfce team lives21:49
micahgpleia2: xprop | grep CLASS tells me xfce4-about21:51
pleia2micahg: thank you :)21:51
* ochosi pokes micahg about gtk-theme-config21:51
* micahg hides21:51
micahgochosi: on my list, but other things are above it, what's our timeline?21:51
* knome get micahg from under the table21:51
* micahg needs to find a new hiding spot21:53
ochosimicahg: dunno, my motto is "getting things done"21:53
pleia2 This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for21:53
pleia2 libxfce4ui-1-0 which are:21:53
pleia2   - xfce4-about21:53
pleia2that's the only mention I can find for xfce4-about21:53
ochosipleia2: yes, it's part of that package21:54
ochosipleia2: so we'd have to ship a patch for that in xubuntu21:54
micahglibxfce4ui-utils is the package21:54
knomeochosi, we most probably do already, we have a tab called "Xubuntu"21:54
ochosiah right, i don't see that cause i'm using the one from git-master21:54
knomepleia2, if you want to work on the actual text now.. i suppose i could join you on a pad ;)21:55
pleia2so where would this patch live?21:55
pleia2knome: the husband is grumping about being hungry, so we're about to wander out to find some foods ;)21:56
knomeheh, okay :)21:56
pleia2(I was fine eating M&Ms)21:56
pleia2knome: but yes, soon we should do this21:56
* knome is eating grapes21:56
pleia2I wonder if we want to put the current Xubuntu tab stuff somewhere? but I don't know why any user would actually want to know where the Debian packaging team is21:57
knomewell, we could make the current xubuntu tab say debian xfce or so21:57
pleia2I wonder if it should say "Debian" on that tab, but since we're sucking it in it magically updated it with the OS name we're using21:57
knomemr_pouit, stop hiding and tell us details if/since you know about this21:57
pleia2(in that case, we're aren't carrying a patch at all, just magic)21:57
mr_pouithuhu, I just came online and you jump on me21:58
pleia2mr_pouit: <3 <321:58
knomemr_pouit, what did you expect?!21:58
mr_pouitI think there shouldn't be any tab in Xfce 4.1021:58
ochosimicahg: so what's your timeline?21:58
knomemr_pouit, i have that21:58
micahgochosi: week or two21:58
pleia2in my About Xfce I have: About, Credits, Xubuntu, Copyright21:59
pleia2(this is an upgraded system, not fresh 13.04)21:59
knomesame here21:59
ochosimicahg: mind if we set a deadline?21:59
mr_pouitknome: oh, really? I thought I has disabled it to have only "Xfce 4.10, distributed by Xubuntu" in the title21:59
micahgochosi: I would like to, but I'm juggling a lot ATM21:59
ochosimicahg: i really don't wanna keep poking you every other day ;)21:59
knomemr_pouit, says that too21:59
mr_pouitthe content of the tab can't be translated, so it's a pain22:00
* pleia2 food seeking22:00
knomepleia2, bon appetit!22:00
mikodoCan you guys answer how well Xubuntu will transition to MIR only in14.04 without XMIR?22:00
micahgmikodo: not planning on that22:01
knomemaybe we should look at getting that tab removed completely, and get the about stuff in the docs22:01
micahgochosi: I'll try to get something up to mentors this week22:01
knome(which we should be get translatable/translations working for them)22:01
mikodomicahg, can you explain22:01
micahgochosi: I think I need to do at least one PR to github though22:01
ochosimicahg: ok, so i'll bug you again towards the end of the week, ok?22:01
mr_pouitknome: do you have /usr/share/xfce4/vendorinfo ?22:01
ochosimicahg: PR?22:02
micahgmikodo: upstream Xfce isn't planning on leaving X, so we'll use XMir if we go the Mir route22:02
mr_pouitknome: if yes, that's a bug, I'll remove it and the tab will disappear22:02
knomemr_pouit, yes, i have it22:02
knomemr_pouit, but again, this is an upgrade22:02
micahgochosi: pull request22:02
mikodomicahg, Cool!22:02
ochosimicahg: ah ok, i was thinking pre-release or something :)22:02
ochosimicahg: ok, thanks then!22:02
micahgochosi: currently, the images aren't shipped and not generated at build time AFAICT22:03
knomemr_pouit, that sounds fair22:03
knomemr_pouit, (removing the tab et al)22:03
ochosimicahg: hm, what images?22:03
mikodomicahg, Interesting you said "if we go the MIR route". So, things are not decided yet. 22:04
knomemikodo, we're having a community meeting on thursday, and the mir issue is on the agenda.22:04
mikodomicahg, Yes, i plan to attend. Looking forward to hearing jono has to say22:05
mikodomicahg, I hope you guys ask lots of questions. I don't have knowledge or understanding to ask pertinent ones.\22:07
mr_pouitThat's easy: if xmir doesn't provide proper xrandr and xi compatibility, that's a no from me22:08
mikodoIs Xorg going to be continued to be developed?22:10
mikodoAfter wayland and/or MIR takes hold22:11
mikodoSo, Xubuntu can continue to use XMIR, in 14.04 if you choose, even after Ubuntu is just on MIR?22:14
mikodoAlright, I guess these are topics I shouldn't be asking here at this time. Thanks everyone.22:16
skellatmikodo: I suggest tabling this for the meeting later this week where we are likely to have a boisterous, lively discussion22:16
skellatmikodo: The meeting is open and in this channel on Thursday22:16
mikodoskellat, Thanks22:17
skellatmikodo: Jono Bacon will be along to discuss the matter so I do think things will be certainly boisterous22:17
ochosiskellat: wow, nice new word for my vocabulary. boisterous.22:22
micahgmr_pouit: would pkg-xfce take gtk-theme-config?22:23
micahgmr_pouit: I don't think it would be a proposed option without those things, but I'd agree with that22:24
mr_pouitmicahg: from what I could find (there's nearly zero doc on xmir), there was compatibility with RandR 1.022:25
mr_pouit(which is basically as useful as Windows 98 for managing multiple outputs)22:25
micahgmr_pouit: it's certainly not complete, but it's got to be usable as there are so many apps for X22:26
micahgI"m hoping by feature freeze it's good to go, otherwise, we can opt out as well22:26
mr_pouitmicahg: gtk-theme-config isn't xfce specific, so I'd say no.22:29
micahgok, I'm planning to ITP with ochosi as uploader22:31
micahgdidn't make sense to me to have it just in Ubuntu as it's not Ubuntu specific either22:31
micahgand I've got to start my path to DD sometime22:31
micahgmr_pouit: care to be uploader as well?22:32
micahgand are you a DM/DD yet22:32
mr_pouitpleia2: filed 1198746 about your issue22:32
knomelp 119874622:32
mr_pouitmicahg: yes, why not, and no, not yet :P22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1198746 in libxfce4ui (Ubuntu) "Drop /usr/share/xfce4/vendorinfo" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119874622:32
knomemr_pouit, awesome22:33
mr_pouit(I should start my path to dd too, before ubuntu replaced xorg with MIR and the kernel with ISS)22:34
mr_pouitso, after this awesome horrible joke, good night22:34
skellatmr_pouit: ISS?22:34
knomegood night mr_pouit 22:34
micahgmr_pouit: did you mean IIS?22:34
micahgoh, no22:34
micahgI get it :D22:34
mr_pouitthis ISS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Space_Station ;-)22:35
* skellat smacks head22:35
knomehar   har22:35
skellatmr_pouit: Your humor is subtle, not unlike that of some relatives of mine22:35
knomesome slapstick humor now and then works though22:35
micahgsoon, desktop will make you appear, da?22:36
knomebbl ->22:57
Noskcajknome, when will you have a saucy version of the shimmer PPA up?23:29

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