
=== Guest95146 is now known as mfisch
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=== bromide is now known as discopig
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== Guest57100 is now known as mfisch
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mijkhey, anyone here using a Chromebook?18:41
hrwmijk: yes18:55
mijkdid you install ubuntu using chrouton?18:56
hrwI used chrubuntu script18:59
hrwonce will sort out few things I will remove chromeos totally18:59
mijkhaha, that'd be good19:00
mijkI assume you're using the Samsung?19:00
mijkokay, did you need to flash the firmware?19:00
hrwotherwise you would not ask on #ubuntu-arm right?19:01
hrwmijk: do what?19:01
mijklol, just making sure, just making sure19:01
mijkflash the BIOS in order to go into developer mode19:02
mijkI read an article that mentions this19:02
hrwit is on other models19:02
mijkbut it's talking in general about all Chromebooks19:02
hrweach chromebook has other way of going into developer mode19:02
mijkthe ARM just needs the keypress to get to it?19:03
hrwarm one has it simple19:03
hrwkind of19:03
hrwpress Esc+F4(aka Refresh)+Power19:03
hrwkeep Esc until get white screen with some text19:03
hrwpress Ctrl-D, then Enter19:03
hrwsth like that - I always check on web19:03
mijkthat's all you need?19:06
mijkthat's awesome then19:06
mijkI thought I was going to have to use git and compile a new firmware or something19:06
mijkno, I mean to get into developer mode19:06
mijkso I still need to get a read/write u-boot then?19:09
hrwmijk: http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/tag/chromebook/ maybe will give you some more info19:12
mijkI'll just use crouton for now to be safe :P19:16
hrwnever used and do not plan to19:18
mijkchrubuntu is probably the best way to go but I don't feel like bricking my chromebook trying to get Ubuntu to boot natively ;)19:19
hrwyou can't brick this device19:19
hrwin worst case you will restore it to out-of-box system19:19
=== scrts_ is now known as scrts
benbloomI'm confused. According to my understanding TS running Precise armhf should support udf. i've installed udftools through apt-get but it doesn't seem to work. Linux 2.6+ kernel should support udf. Am I missing something?23:45
benbloomEDIT I'm confused. According to my understanding TrimSlice running Precise armhf should support udf. i've installed udftools through apt-get but it doesn't seem to work. Linux 2.6+ kernel should support udf. Am I missing something?23:46

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