[01:16] jbicha: how about moving the dash enable/disable checkbox to security-widget.vala? [01:22] mpt: no down menu icon exists. the closest is go-down-symbolic [01:25] m4n1sh: I think I'd rather someone fill the rest of the Search tab by fixing bug 1198554 [01:25] Launchpad bug 1198554 in activity-log-manager (Ubuntu) "Allow enabling/disabling Unity scopes from Privacy Settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1198554 [01:28] m4n1sh: do you want an MP for the current search tab? [01:36] jbicha: if you have it ready, then why not [01:38] for #1198554 do you want enabling/disabling selectively or all of them at once? [01:38] selectively, a big vertical list of scopes with (probably) on/off switches [01:39] yeah, that is what I was thinking too [01:39] plus moving Dash results to this view too? [01:41] yeah, although with individual toggles, I agree with Canonical that the online toggle will be less important [01:41] still I guess the online toggle is important [01:41] as I see lot of people at my workplace disabling it [01:42] due to company's it policy etc [01:43] it's not worth upsetting people now by demoting it to a dconf-editor option [01:43] true [01:43] so you working on scopes list? [01:44] so you working on scopes enable/disable now? [01:44] jbicha: ^ [01:44] I don't have the technical skills to implement it now but hopefully my research helps whoever will [01:46] I can try to work on it now [01:48] jbicha: WRT 1198546 have you fixed it in the ubuntu specific patch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/activity-log-manager/saucy/view/head:/debian/patches/06_add_unity_dash_privacy.patch#L131 [01:51] jbicha: WRT 1198546 have you fixed it in the ubuntu specific patch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/activity-log-manager/saucy/view/head:/debian/patches/06_add_unity_dash_privacy.patch#L131 [02:00] m4n1sh: that would be awesome, thanks [02:01] jbicha: can you also have a look at this https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/activity-log-manager/add-search-tab/+merge/173393 [02:01] and no, bug 1198546 needs to be fixed in Unity first; we probably need to transition the key though [02:01] Launchpad bug 1198546 in unity-tweak-tool (Ubuntu) "remote-content-search preference should be binary not string" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1198546 [02:02] I don't think Search has anything to do with Security [02:03] it's possible additional things would be added to the Security tab in the future but the Search tab will be rather full with the few dozen scopes saucy includes by default [02:04] yeah, that sounds correct. search tab will contain this and scopes enable/disable [02:11] jbicha: I see that your MP https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/activity-log-manager/add-search-tab/+merge/173393 does address "remote-content-search preference should be binary not string" [02:11] does it? or am I missing something [02:12] it does choose between RemoteContent.ALL and RemoteContent.NONE === Guest95146 is now known as mfisch === mfisch is now known as Guest57100 [02:22] if it were binary, it would just be true/false instead of needing those specific strings [02:28] oh, I misunderstood [02:32] jbicha: doesn't unity have to move first? then the apps will follow === Aww is now known as [[Aww]] === duflu_ is now known as duflu === thumper is now known as thumper-afk [06:06] Mirv: hey, don't mind still looking at sil2100's stacks for today? [06:18] didrocks: hello. ok, I was wondering about that. [06:18] Mirv: that would be lovely, I doubt he will have time with his delay to settle in and emails catchup :-) [06:19] that's true [06:20] thanks Mirv :) [06:38] very annoying, those ubuntu-html5-theme autopilot errors.. I haven't been able to reproduce them. from videos it's seen that everything seems to work but the local html file just doesn't seem to load like it does on my own computer [06:41] Mirv: let me look in a few minutes then [06:41] I did find missing dependencies, but those were something that were already installed on the test machine because of the ui-toolkit tests run at the same time [06:42] didrocks: thanks, maybe you have some idea I don't [06:42] added the dependencies anyhow https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-html5-theme/more_missing_autopilot_dependencies/+merge/173408 [06:42] (was working as well for me locally once installed the missing deps) [06:42] dpkg-dev? [06:43] Mirv: why is it a runtime dep? ^ [06:43] (we don't dpkg-source, isn't it?) [06:43] didrocks: same as ui-toolkit, the autopilot code runs dpkg -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH to find out the deep path to qmlscene [06:43] ah making sense :) [06:59] Mirv: I had something similar when the examples were not installed [06:59] but not the case here, obviously [06:59] Mirv: I wonder if the issue is that we have firewalled network connexion [06:59] which will prevent jquery to kick in [07:01] as the script isn't defer or async, it will prevent the page for loading [07:02] didrocks: ah.. right even though local qml/html file, it tries to fetch the jquery from the web. very good point. [07:04] it also fetches stuff from google.com [07:04] Mirv: yeah, with a key, that's weird [07:04] $ ping jquery.com [07:05] PING jquery.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. [07:05] -> nothing [07:05] on the machine [07:05] same for google.com [07:05] Mirv: those tests are not really offline, they needs to be I guess :/ [07:05] (eventually with a mock server) [07:06] I could try something like that [07:07] Mirv: we can use a copy of jquery, as long as it's in the examples, that's fine [07:07] (a lot of package do that) [07:07] didrocks: maybe the jquery version in archives could be enough as well.. [07:07] but if not, including one. and then a local snapshot of the google.com content [07:08] Mirv: yeah, maybe try the jquery version in archives, it seems just do to $(query-node).add/remove css === tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter === thumper-afk is now known as thumper [07:34] m4n1sh, what do you mean by "down menu icon"? [07:34] mpt: the down triangle [07:34] where is the icon? [07:35] I can only find one symbolic icon named go-down-symbolic [07:35] Oh, I have no idea, sorry [07:36] this is the only icon I can think of which looks closest [07:36] found in [07:36] in the location /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/actions/go-down-symbolic.svg === thumper is now known as thumper-afk [07:38] m4n1sh, ah, and that icon is used in similar places to mean something completely different (move the selected item down in the list) [07:38] mpt: maybe a request for an icon? upstream in gnome? [07:39] This is bizarre. Why doesn't the icon exist? Doesn't Epiphany use it in its Back button, for example? [07:39] And what do down buttons use in scrollbars? [07:40] looks like custom icons [07:40] maybe they dont use symbolic icons [07:42] m4n1sh, Ubuntu Software Cneter also uses it in its gear menu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#oneconf [07:42] Center, rather [07:46] mpt: will have alook at it. late night. need to sleep in sometime [07:46] ok :-) Goodnight [07:50] good morning desktopers [07:50] salut seb128! [07:50] didrocks, lut ;-) [07:51] * seb128 looks at proposed, unity/xorg still in there [07:51] yeah, I saw that this morning [07:51] didrocks, do you know if there was any issue or if Laney just didn't get to test/unblock it on friday? [07:51] I'm waiting for Laney to be back to know more [07:51] seb128: I'm not aware of any issues, that's why I'm waiting for Laney :) [07:51] he unblocked it, it seems [07:52] hum, he forced the firefox AP test not passing [07:52] and they are "valid candidates" [07:52] so it's not the manual block? [07:52] no [07:52] it's "standard britney" [07:52] libxfixes, libxi are valid as well [07:52] autopkgtest for firefox 23.0~b2+build1-0ubuntu1: FAIL (Jenkins: public, private) [07:52] Should wait for firefox 23.0~b2+build1-0ubuntu1 test, but forced by laney [07:53] so for me, this was dealt [07:53] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt [07:53] and all the others are just valid candidates [07:53] seems like fglrx has something to do with that [07:53] nobody updated the binary drivers... [07:53] erm tseliot should have [07:53] hum, shouldn't it be in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html? [07:54] mlankhorst, hey ... he should have, did you ask him to upload? [07:54] I thought it was already in the archive before the upload [07:54] yeah it is [07:54] Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.3), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.9.0), libfreetype6 (>= 2.2.1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), libqtcore4 (>= 4:4.5.3), libsm6, libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), libx11-6, libxcursor1 (>> 1.1.2), libxext6, libxfixes3, libxinerama1, libxrandr2, libxrender1, libxxf86vm1, lib32gcc1, libc6-i386, dkms, make, linux-libc-dev, xorg-video-abi-11 | xorg-video-abi-12 | xorg-video-abi-13 | xorg-video-abi-14, xserver-xorg-core [07:55] abi-14 [07:58] and fglrx installs just fine here.. [07:58] didrocks: this was the best I was able to achive currently: https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-html5-theme/autopilot_tests_offline/+merge/173439 [07:59] didrocks: I was able to replicate the problem by blocking ports 80+443 on my computer. jquery from locally was not enough, and the google contents refer to more google locations (plus is non-free) so I wasn't able to mockup the google side well enough [07:59] seb128: afaict from the update output it looks like it's not trying xserver at the same time as libxi/unity [08:00] Mirv: excellent work! that sounds good to me (and nice for the caching). The opened bug is fine :) [08:00] Mirv: thanks, approving, then you can rerun a build + tests I guess :) [08:00] didrocks: thanks :) [08:00] and because we have such a thorough block in place it means that it will likely never update if nobody breaks that deadlock :P [08:02] morning [08:02] I did remove the block [08:02] there is no block [08:02] Laney, hey, how are you? [08:02] I forced the firefox test but that was late last night so I didn't yet see if that worked [08:02] no [08:02] pretty good! super hot weekend with BBQs and bike rides :-) [08:03] Laney: I mean if I look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt it looks like it never tries unity + xorg-server + libxi/libxfixes updates at the same time.. [08:03] let me see [08:03] only xorg-server will fail, only unity updating will fail too [08:03] hrm [08:04] which I guess broke things by design [08:04] I thought making xorg-server valid would get that added to an autohint [08:04] well, let me try hinting it manually [08:04] hey Laney :) [08:04] hey [08:04] straight into it :P [08:04] good weekends? [08:05] Laney: very nice, thanks! and you? [08:06] I could probably call EOD now with the extra work I put in getting my nouveau fixes to darktama :P [08:06] mm very tempting.. [08:06] I had a BBQ that would make jasoncwarner proud [08:06] heh [08:06] nice ;-) [08:06] jasoncwarner: did it have steak? [08:06] oh yes [08:06] :D [08:06] and much more besides [08:07] I bet jason has a highlight on steak but not on his name [08:14] bah, no pitti? [08:14] I left my system broken all weekend hoping that he'd help me debug this morning :P [08:15] Laney: the calendar says he's on holidays [08:15] yeah, saw [08:15] until wednesday :) [08:15] drwx------ 2 root root 80 Jul 5 08:59 pulse/ [08:15] it's a weird bug [08:16] Laney, is that a one time thing? [08:16] no [08:16] but it doesn't happen every boot [08:17] I guess some race [08:17] the pid file inside points to a process owned by my user [08:18] weird [08:20] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1197395 [08:20] Ubuntu bug 1197395 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "/run/user/$ID/pulse owned by root and not by the user" [Undecided,New] [08:28] mlankhorst: no luck [08:28] TheMuso replied on that bug, he might be debugging it [08:28] Laney: link? [08:28] TheMuso, ^? [08:28] same as before [08:28] look at the top [08:29] but it doesn't say why? [08:29] in its own way [08:29] * Laney tries in a chroot [08:29] those britney pages are hard to read [08:30] Laney: I fear it might need all the the packages in that case [08:30] that whole list from "Trying easy from autohinter: xorg-server/2:1.14.1-0ubuntu0.8 xserver-xorg-video-qxl".... [08:31] xserver-xorg-input-mtrack : Conflicts: xserver-xorg-input-multitouch but 1.0~rc2+git20110312-2build4 is to be installed [08:31] xserver-xorg-video-geode : Depends: xorg-video-abi-13 [08:32] mlankhorst, Laney: ^ geode is an issue [08:32] ugh I thought I pushed an update for those [08:32] seb128: just that one? [08:32] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-geode [08:32] no you didn't [08:33] mlankhorst, yes, seems to be those 2 [08:33] Laney, ^ [08:34] well at least geode is missing for the abi transition [08:34] not sure the input one is in the same bucket [08:34] ok doing a rebuild bump for geode [08:34] thanks [08:35] I think it might be enough, but I'm not good at reading britney, so let's see [08:35] mtrack and multitouch did get a bump [08:35] right [08:36] they are just no co-installable and I tried to install everything on that line [08:36] let's rebuild -geode and see [08:37] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-geode/2.11.14-3build1/+build/4777502 [08:37] brb shower [08:37] k, let's see [08:39] i think geode was supposed to be dropped, since there is no kernel to go with it since 12.10 [08:40] that works too [08:40] support for i586 or such got dropped [08:44] oh well it built [08:46] run the update thing again? [08:48] you need to wait for the package to be published first I think [08:50] it's automatic anyway === prassel- is now known as prassel [09:05] didrocks: the tests seem to succeed now, but check job is marked failed apparently because the number of test cases decreased. what should be done in that case? [09:05] Mirv: if you rerun it, it will pass (yeah, it's a flaw in the way regressions are computed) [09:05] Mirv: I've marked that to be better once we have the dashboard [09:06] didrocks: ah, ok.. so running with foo to rerun tests? [09:06] yep :) [09:07] thanks [09:09] yw [09:11] tjaalton, mlankhorst: do you plan to update -intel in saucy soon? [09:11] ickle asked me to retry if the corruption issue is still there with 2.21.10 [09:12] it has been 10 days I'm waiting for the update, I'm wondering if I should just do a git build :p [09:14] there were some regressions with .10 & .11 [09:14] i want to finish the transition first [09:14] so i was holding back on updating it [09:14] ok [09:14] also because of the transition [09:14] seems like there is a kernel patch needed as well anyway [09:15] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1189850/comments/92 [09:15] Ubuntu bug 1189850 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "saucy has frequent image corruption (intel, sna)" [High,Fix committed] [09:15] I wonder what's holding it back atm [09:15] tjaalton, can you get the kernel team to include that? ;-) [09:15] mlankhorst, holding what back? === thumper-afk is now known as thumper [09:16] transition of x1.14 into the archive [09:16] mlankhorst, -geode? [09:16] sarvatt said .11 was broken [09:16] so i guess there is .12 soon [09:16] mlankhorst, the publisher runs every half an hour and takes around half an hour, so you need ~1h after upload, which is not done yet [09:16] tjaalton, ok [09:16] ah [09:17] tjaalton, do you know if that kernel patch is going to flow in our version or if we should nag the kernel team about it? [09:17] tjaalton, you probably know who to ask there? could you do that? ;-) [09:34] I'm having issues with whoopsie in precise, which is getting re-installed even though I had previously removed it, likely due to a new ubuntu-desktop release. The issue is that both installing and removing the package crash my X session. I've narrowed it down to the user adding/deleting, and I suspect this is due to the /var/crash handling. [09:34] I checked the bugs, expecting this to be reported, but it's not, so I'm unsure if it's something specific to my setup, or so recent that nobody else has seen it/identified it yet. [09:35] marga, hey, try pinging ev on #ubuntu-devel [09:35] he maintains whoopsie [09:37] didrocks: ubuntu-html5-theme now in NEW queue [09:37] Mirv: \o/ [09:37] Mirv: NEWed :) [09:38] thanks :) [09:38] thanks to you! we finally got it ;) === Guest68691 is now known as evilissimo [09:39] seb128, ok, thanks. [09:44] next up, one more update to qt creator and then hopefully continuing to upload that as well [09:46] heh ;) [09:56] Ok, I found the bug. It was not whoopsie's fault after all. It's this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/+bug/1004515. I'll investigate and follow up there. [09:56] Ubuntu bug 1004515 in gdm (Ubuntu) "segfault in accounts-daemon when logging in / gdm crash if user account is added or deleted" [Undecided,Confirmed] [09:58] marga, that makes sense, it also explain why we didn't get report about it, since gdm is not our default login manager [09:59] Indeed. [10:00] I normally use lightdm, but switched to gdm to test something completely different. [10:22] seb128: I'll check it out, but I guess the patch is the "real" fix and the -intel driver can work around the issue. so just having the latter should be fine. also, I think it'll end up in 3.11 anyway and maybe 3.10.x too [10:22] tjaalton, thanks [10:58] seb128: do you know if the gcc-4.8 in saucy fixes that bug we were hitting with gtk? [11:02] seems not === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [11:08] Laney, I don't know but http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=57637 has 4.9 in its title and is still open [11:08] gcc.gnu.org bug 57637 in rtl-optimization "[4.9 regression] Miscompare on 178.galgel in SPEC2000 on arm" [Normal,New] [11:08] Laney, check with doko? [11:08] I just checked the source [11:08] Laney, he said he would include the fix iirc [11:09] Laney, do you plan to do a gtk upload? (asking because I've backported some fileselector fixes that I'm about to commit, wait for that if you do an uploadà [11:09] ) [11:09] yes, was going to merge with debian to get the postinst improvements (or just cherry-pick those) [11:11] Laney, did you already upload? [11:12] Laney, ignore that, I forgot to pull [11:12] no [11:13] Laney, I commited/pushed my backports, please pull before starting your work ;-) [11:13] sure [11:13] thanks [11:29] Hello desktoppers! [11:29] sil2100, hey, welcome back! how are you? [11:31] seb128: hi! Tired! During our trip to Naples we were walking a lot, doing much much sightseeing - how about you? [11:31] sil2100, I'm good thanks [12:05] Anyone using chromium on saucy: do you have menus? [12:07] Laney, yes and no [12:08] mmm [12:08] happens even with UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= [12:10] Laney, aiui Chromium lacks menus, you use the little button to the upper right with the 3 lines [12:10] rickspencer3: the same version (28) has them in saucy [12:10] erm, precise [12:11] Laney, ok, to answer your question, I don't have chromium menus on saucy ;) [12:11] :-) [12:12] it could be a deliberate decision to turn them off now? [12:12] qengho: could you enlighten me please? :-) [12:13] i definitely have them in raring heer [12:13] *here === psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch [12:14] (with 28 on the chromebook) [12:14] I guess the hud breakage there is related to that [12:15] Laney, the issues is a known one [12:15] so [12:15] - saucy is outdated [12:15] (the update is in proposed because it failed to build on arm, which seems a builder issue, I'm going to retry it) [12:15] - the unity menu work is what broke menus [12:15] ++ [12:15] which is why it works on other series [12:15] the issue is not there with appmenu [12:16] - qengho was supposed to do another upload to fix webapps and the menu issue [12:16] but it's still broken when unsetting the env var [12:16] it seems he did for other series but not saucy [12:16] Laney, what env? [12:16] Laney, GTK_...? [12:16] UBUNTU_MENUPROXY [12:16] is that still supposed to work? [12:17] it was an appmenu thing [12:17] well, it works for normal apps [12:17] ok, maybe there is another issue there ... [12:17] it's how I normally check issues like this [12:17] but in any case it's known to be broken and Chad was supposed to upload the fix while fixing weapps [12:17] could start setting GTK_MODULES though [12:17] anyway, cool [12:18] qengho: unping-ish [12:18] qengho, hey, is that worth for me to retry chromium-browser arm build on saucy? [12:18] or do you plan another upload today anyway? [12:32] seb128, Laney: a fix for chromium menus should have landed in S already. I'll check around. I shouldn't rely on #security to push into non-security repos. [12:32] qengho, hey [12:32] qengho, the most recent saucy upload is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/28.0.1500.52-0ubuntu2 [12:33] Right, should be 3, iirc. [12:33] qengho, it's from june 26 [12:33] k [12:33] should I retry that one on armhf meanwhile? [12:33] it failed there so it's stucked in -proposed [12:33] seb128: Aaaah. yes, please. === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:33] I just don't want to waste a day of armhf builder if we are going to do another upload soon [12:34] oh, well, builders are all mostly idle [12:34] let's retry [12:34] seb128: well, I will upload another before end of Wednesday. [12:34] I retried it [12:34] armhf is not short on builders and we don't have any backlog [12:38] I have heard that we might have some really nice ARM hardware in a month or so, for builders. [12:38] hahahahahahaha [12:38] * ogra_ wipes off the tears [12:39] * ogra_ still has that 2 year old calxeda t-shirt he got when we were promised to have them for the next cycle :P [12:40] ogra_: we have actual silicon in a rack in Massachusetts, I hear, testing. [12:40] since about a year, yes [12:40] Oh. [12:41] ogra_: Damn. You're ruining my optimism. [12:41] but yeah, it's getting closer :) [12:41] Maybe before ARM64 is out! [12:41] that woud mean before saucy ... so yeah, hopefully [12:42] Really? I was half joking. [12:43] well, i'm hearing this "next month probably" since about one cycle ... i guess at some point it will be true :) [12:43] i know there is active work going on [12:43] didrocks: hi! Quick noob question - is there a neat way of getting the source package name from the binary package name? [12:43] sil2100: apt-cache show | grep Source [12:44] hey ;) [12:44] or grep-dctrl [12:44] Un-coool! ;p [12:44] dpkg -s package | grep Source | cut -d ' ' -f 2 :) [12:45] sil2100, especially on touch where we will disable apt soon :) [12:45] Mirv: that's even less cool! [12:45] ;) [12:45] * ogra_ thinks grep=dctrl is the most elegant way) [12:45] *grep-dctrl [12:47] good morning [12:49] I stumbled across bug 1195365 this weekend. It looks like attente proposed a fix a while ago but just needs someone to review it [12:49] Launchpad bug 1195365 in Unity GTK+ module "virt-manager's menus show gtk-internal names for stock items" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1195365 === cking_ is now known as cking === psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley === Guest57100 is now known as mfisch === mfisch is now known as Guest86601 [14:23] didrocks: I'm doing the packages: cleanup right now, what should I do with packages that were listed there but are in universe, not main? Currently I was leaving them on the lists if they seemed required [14:28] didrocks, looks like we are having a problem running autopilot tests with otto [14:28] E: A problem occurred while trying to add user ubuntu to group autopilot [14:28] is that a know problem? or maybe a configuration issue with the stack? [14:29] hmmm [14:29] humm [14:29] kenvandine: hi! We recently added that, let me see how it looks right now and what could have went wrong [14:29] other stacks are working [14:29] kenvandine: in what stack does that happen? [14:29] friends [14:29] * kenvandine compares the config [14:34] kenvandine: the only moment this might fail is if otto doesn't find the autopilot group or the ubuntu user [14:35] kenvandine: you sure it tries installing autopilot? [14:35] yeah, but what would cause that? [14:35] Since then the autopilot group gets created [14:35] the failure seems to be finding the ubuntu user [14:35] oh! [14:35] That's hm, strange, since the otto images should have the ubuntu user [14:35] hm? [14:36] the sdk stack, which is working [14:36] has this [14:36] configurations: [14:36] saucy-armhf: [14:36] but friends-app is saucy-amd64 [14:36] only thing i see that looks like it might be related [14:36] different image [14:37] hm, shouldn't be a problem, but maybe one of the images is broken? But on the other hand, we only run otto for i386 anyway [14:37] (at least a week before it was like that ;p) [14:38] ok... media also worked, let me compare that one [14:39] friends-app doesn't have a hooks line... could that matter? [14:46] sil2100, any ideas? [14:48] kenvandine: are the tests failing always? [14:49] I mean, the otto job [14:49] yes [14:49] well a few times in a row [14:49] so i assume [14:49] hm, I see the problem probably [14:49] Or wait, no [14:50] Scratch that [14:50] Ok, let me take a look at the logs [14:50] sil2100, thx! [14:56] sil2100: the cleaning? would still be needed :) [14:57] sil2100: kenvandine: the hook line has nothing to do with this [14:58] it's for the upstream merger, not otto [14:58] kenvandine: do you have a handy link? [14:58] [14:58] didrocks: I'm looking at it and I see that python-autopilot is not being installed as in the other stacks during the otto job [14:59] ah... missing depends? [14:59] kenvandine: I checked those and they looked fine? hmmm [14:59] add user ubuntu to group autopilot [14:59] yep sil2100 is right :) [14:59] But before "I: Executing hook 10-autopilot" I don't see python-autopilot [14:59] Trying to find out why, but hmm [14:59] kenvandine: your friends-autopilot package should have the dep :) [15:00] that's what i was thinking [15:00] But it does! [15:00] oh? [15:00] friends-app-autopilot [15:00] python-autopilot, in deps [15:00] Along with autopilot-qt5? [15:00] yes [15:00] ; [15:00] it's not installed in [15:00] That's what makes me wonder [15:00] (friends-app-autopilot) [15:01] Ah [15:01] But it's in test-packages? [15:01] friends-app-autopilot [15:01] AH! [15:01] TYPO! [15:01] Typo in friends.cfg [15:01] It should be testpackages: [15:01] test-packages: friends-app-autopilot [15:01] Not test-packages: ! [15:01] yeah :) [15:01] yep, well done sil2100! [15:01] * kenvandine fixes [15:03] https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/typo/+merge/173523 [15:04] didrocks, sil2100: ^^ [15:04] if one of you could kindly approve [15:04] * didrocks sees that sil2100 is kind :) [15:04] didrocks, do you know if robru had friends-app added to the whitelist? [15:04] kenvandine: you can deploy directly from your branch btw [15:04] didrocks, i did :) [15:04] kenvandine: he didn't ask me, I can pull [15:04] kenvandine: great! [15:04] please confirm it is whitelisted :) [15:05] on lillypilly answers… [15:05] once* [15:05] * didrocks looks at the load average… [15:05] yeah... i need to fix that ssh key still :) [15:05] kenvandine: hum, you shouldn't have access to that machine, should you? [15:05] load average: 30.96, 30.25, 22.71 [15:05] i think i should [15:06] but i forgot the pass phrase for my key :) [15:06] kenvandine: ah, maybe the platform account and yours :) [15:06] wow [15:06] not the ubuntu-archive one :p [15:06] right [15:06] not that one :) [15:06] it's just germinate apparently [15:06] kenvandine: forget your pass phrase? bad bad bad ;) [15:07] yeah... that's what happens when i create a new key the day before going on vacation for 2 weeks :) [15:07] kenvandine: ah, maybe the platform account and yours :) [15:07] * sil2100 kindly approved [15:07] kenvandine: whitelist refreshed! [15:07] didrocks, thx [15:07] kenvandine: yw ;) [15:12] yay... autopilot tests passed :) [15:12] sil2100, can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/friends/instagram_deps/+merge/173527 [15:12] the publish block because of packaging changes proved useful :) [15:16] kenvandine: +1 [15:16] thx [15:16] np :) [15:17] oh damn... i forgot the trailing comma! [15:17] shame on me [15:17] * sil2100 shames on himself for approving that [15:17] :| [15:17] hehe [15:17] * kenvandine pushes fix [15:46] mpt: for "Require my password when logging in" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings; changing autologin settings requires admin authentication [15:46] trailing coma missing *detected* [15:46] comma* [15:46] kenvandine: !!! [15:46] :-) [15:46] (happy that packaging change review helps btw ;)) [15:47] indeed [15:47] Trailing Coma is my metal band's name. [15:47] hehe [15:47] :) [15:47] jbicha, does that mean it applies to every user account, not just yours? [15:47] ahah, it's a good fit :) [15:48] mpt: uh I think it's global, yes [15:48] I think only one account can be set for autologin [15:49] Sure, but auto-unlock doesn't necessarily imply auto-login :-) [15:51] mpt: you mean login without a password...but there's still a password for random authentication prompts? [15:53] jbicha, no, almost the reverse. I mean it's conceivable that someone might want authentication required to log in, but not when returning from blank screen [15:53] though that depends on the length of the screen blanking, really [15:54] So in Ubuntu, anyone can personalize the length of time before the screen blanks, but whether they need to authenticate after returning from the blank screen is a global setting [15:55] A little eccentric [15:58] jbicha, so maybe this checkbox should still be here , but should have a separate introductory label to visually separate it from the personal settings [15:58] something like "Require anyone's password when: [/] They return from blank screen" [15:59] That wording is bleagh [15:59] huh, it's not a global setting [15:59] And mdeslaur swoops in to save the day! [15:59] mpt: so how's my restart later button coming along :) [16:00] czajkowski, I'm just a designer, so I have a good excuse to say "patches welcome" [16:00] bah [16:00] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#Reminding_you_to_restart [16:01] I've done my bit [16:01] so who does one need to send cake to now! :) [16:02] jbicha, so since it's not a global setting after all, maybe just an unlock button next to that checkbox, with the checkbox being insensitive until you unlock? [16:02] jbicha, mpt: the three settings on that security tab are per-user. There is an additional global settings which can only get set by the admin which determines who's account gets automatically logged in when the system is started. [16:03] I think whose account gets automatically logged in probably belongs in somewhere [16:03] mpt: yes [16:03] mdeslaur: isn't the top setting for automatic login? [16:04] jbicha: no, it's for passwordless login...ie: the nopasswdlogin group [16:04] although...you need to be an admin to set that [16:05] there's no fancy accountsservice-type library for doing that then? [16:05] could we allow a user to set that for themselves without authentication? [16:05] jbicha: I don't think the current control panel allows setting autologin and nopasswdlogin separately, no === tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner [16:07] didrocks, publishing is failing for friends [16:07] Permission denied (publickey). [16:07] I'd have to check, I can't remember [16:07] didrocks, [16:07] didrocks, ideas? [16:11] kenvandine: seems the propose for merging failed? [16:11] jbicha: ah, yes, you can select "log in without a password" instead of your password in accountsservice [16:11] kenvandine: you did deploy with only -U, right, not -US ? [16:11] oh... no i didn't :) [16:11] i wasn't changing branches... [16:11] kenvandine: I bet the branch config is wrong :) [16:11] so didn't think i needed that [16:12] * kenvandine redeploys again [16:12] you need at least one time to have the branch with the right config [16:12] so, let's see if it's ok then [16:12] well it was right before :) [16:13] mdeslaur: ok I see, let me see if it requires admin privileges [16:13] you did add new components? [16:13] jbicha: yeah, it does [16:13] jbicha: so that one is per-user, but requires admin [16:14] didrocks, no i didn't [16:14] that was added last week, just with the typo [16:14] didrocks, i redeployed with -U and tried publishing again [16:14] same error [16:14] do i need to rebuild too? [16:15] jbicha, mdeslaur: So changing "Require my password when: [/] Logging in" would also require admin authentication? [16:15] kenvandine: let me look closer [16:15] thx [16:15] mdeslaur: can we hack it that doesn't require admin? [16:15] the propose is failing with permission denied [16:15] kenvandine: I need to see why bzr push failed [16:16] jbicha: I think that would bypass security restrictions: ie: if the site enforces use of long passwords, that would let a user simply disable theirs [16:17] I'm thinking that it disables use of passwords all over when that's activated [16:17] mdeslaur, jbicha: Do any of those options *not* require admin authentication to change? [16:17] If they all do, that makes the design simpler :-) [16:17] mpt: only the top one requires admin authentication; I implemented the bottom two already [16:17] mpt: waking from suspend and switching the screen on is a user preference that doesn't require privileges [16:18] yeah, those two are set in gsettings [16:18] ok [16:18] I think "Logging in" should probably simply be removed from there [16:19] mpt: or you could do like the User Accounts panel and have an Unlock button for the top option [16:19] jbicha, yeah, that's what I was thinking of [16:19] jbicha: but that wouldn't make sense, because if you allow a user to be passwordless, it also makes it passwordless for suspend and switching on the screen [16:19] But I guess it's more about, is this something an individual would legitimately do (so it goes here), or is it something only admins should do (so it goes in User Accounts) [16:20] mpt: it's something only admins would do, IMHO [16:20] and is more tied to the password policy than lock screens [16:21] mdeslaur, that the latter two depend on the first would actually weigh towards keeping it here. It would explain why they were insensitive+unchecked [16:21] hmm hmm [16:21] mpt: so, there a difference: if you disable your password, you still get the lock screen, but with an unlock button [16:21] mpt: if you disable the password requirement, you don't get the lock screen dialog at all [16:21] * mdeslaur -> lunch - bb in 15 [16:23] kenvandine: see latest run [16:23] ['bzr', 'push', 'lp:~ps-jenkins/friends/latestsnapshot-0.2.0+13.10.20130708.2-0ubuntu1', '--overwrite'] [16:23] this fails [16:25] fginther: any idea? did you change anything to the ps-jenkins config? [16:25] Permission denied (publickey). [16:25] fginther: like, did you change its ssh key? [16:28] kenvandine: I'm replacing with a valid key now [16:28] kenvandine: the old one was invalidated by ps-qa… [16:30] * mdeslaur is back [16:30] didrocks, thx [16:35] jbicha, so we also need a new home for the lock slider from Brightness & Lock, right? [16:42] oops, not the slider, the menu [16:45] kenvandine: ok, looks fixed now, new key worked :) [16:53] mpt: the brightness settings are moving to Power, here's the lock settings http://i.imgur.com/hXqNwCt.png [16:55] heh [16:56] jbicha, I was frantically drawing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=security.png [16:56] We are converging at least. :-) [16:57] jbicha, so upstream, where does the screen blank time go? [16:57] here's the 3.8 power panel, the 3.6 one won't look quite as nice but the same idea https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.8/figures/settings-power.png [16:58] Having those two time settings appearing in the same panel would be nicely explanatory [16:58] "First it waits for this long, then it blanks, then it waits for that long, then it locks" [16:59] That "Power Saving" list is a nice collection of shortcuts, similar to , but I wouldn't like it to be the primary home of any of those settings [17:00] mpt: how long until you guys just fork gnome-control-center? [17:01] jbicha, I dunno, I'm not Damocles :-) [17:02] well the wifi toggle is also in Network and Bluetooth has its own toggle [17:02] good [17:02] didrocks, thanks [17:02] jbicha, I'm off now, but tomorrow I'll add the "if screen has been blank for X" to that design [17:03] you could maybe duplicate the auto-blank-screen timer; I'm not sure if it would get too complicated on the security tab though [17:03] kenvandine: yw [17:15] * didrocks waves good evening [17:26] fginther, autolanding is failing because of the ssh key issue too === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [17:33] kenvandine, ack. I have a number of systems to update, should be done soon [17:33] fginther, thx [17:33] fginther, can you give us a shout here when it should be updated? [17:34] kenvandine, will do [17:34] thx [18:09] arg [18:09] gtk ICEd === tvoss|dinner is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss [19:24] ogra_: I'm having trouble with Neon detection. I wonder, do you think it would be possible or smart to perform some Neon instruction and catch the error (!?) to detect whether a CPU has Neon support? [19:24] "EAFP instead of LBLY." [19:25] seb128, ping [19:27] tvoss, hey === ara is now known as Guest89175 === [[Aww]] is now known as Aww [20:32] robru, hey, autopkgtest failed for friends [20:32] so it isn't getting published [20:32] stuck in -proposed [20:32] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-friends/ARCH=i386,label=adt/lastCompletedBuild/console [20:33] crap [20:34] not sure why none of the others fail [20:34] looks like tmpdir inconsistencies for instagram [20:34] but that shouldn't be any different than the other plugins [20:43] bazhang, remember when someone thought you were a bot? [20:57] kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/friends/fix-instagram-avatars/+merge/173595 [20:59] kenvandine, did I ever mention that auto-landing is working again? [21:03] fginther, yay! [21:04] fginther, no... but i noticed :) [21:04] fginther, thanks === Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho [22:55] attente: ping [22:59] jbicha, pong [23:01] attente: thanks for cleaning up your merge proposals [23:02] jbicha, thanks for bringing it to my attention [23:03] what's the purpose of gnome-desktop-3-8.patch? is that something we need just until we get g-s-d 3.8? [23:04] gnome-desktop 3.8 removes a function that g-c-c 3.6's region panel used to use [23:05] so the patch uses an alternative method of getting the language info [23:06] er. [23:06] sorry, this is g-s-d [23:06] oh ok