[00:04] bcsaller: are you around still? I'm wondering how I get a configuration file to test the config file import of the inspector? [00:05] hatch: you mean an export? [00:05] well just a charm config export [00:05] not an env export [00:05] oh, config [00:07] hatch: it would be a yaml file with the name of the service and then under that key/value pairs for the various values IIRC [00:09] bcsaller: ahah I found the test [00:09] sorry I read this a few times before asking I swear :) [00:09] it's yaml with key/value pairs, doesn't look like it requires the service name [00:10] at least as per the old test [00:10] var config_raw = 'tuning-level: \n expert'; [11:50] anyone available help me branch something? [11:51] luca: branch something? [12:22] hi luca. did you get help? [12:30] rick_h, hey. any chance you could expedite huw's branch? [12:30] I'm happy to help, or arrange for help :-) [12:31] rick_h, I mean expedite the review and landing [12:33] gary_poster: sure thing. I know luca was looking at it this morning. I'll jump on it now. [12:33] thank you rick_h [12:44] nice icon-in-the-ghost change Makyo :-) [12:51] bad yes I did, thanks :) [12:53] gary_poster: rick_h theres a weird bug on hue's branch that when you open charm details, click configuration and then click a different charm token to open the charm details then it opens on configuration and not the summary tab [12:53] gary_poster is that a bug for Huw? or should I only be looking at styling? [12:54] luca, if you can't dupe on uistage then it is a bug in Huw's branch. We can address it today, rather than waiting for him. [12:54] gary_poster: I see [12:54] gary_poster: I'll test it [12:54] luca, and whether or not it is in Huw's branch, we should fix it, of course :-) [12:54] gary_poster: it happens on uistage [12:55] gary_poster: I shall submit a bug [12:56] luca ok cool. perfect, thank you. rick_h that means we don't need to treat that as a blocker for huw's branch, but it would be good to address today. [12:56] luca, would you like to talk about seeing if ant can add on a branch (or patch/diff) to Huw's work to move it farther along today? [12:57] gary_poster: k [12:58] rick_h, will you or jcsackett have time to look at that today, or should I ask someone on GUI? Either is fine [12:58] gary_poster: I'll see, I'm runing a little behind on auto complete so I'd like to keep on that today. But I know what the issue is and it's a quick one-line fix. [12:59] gary_poster: so I'll try to squeeze it out after I qa this. [12:59] cool rick_h. lemme know if we can help [13:02] for people who are interested the visuals for the browse mode can be seen here: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1SUtlREw0aHlnbHc [13:04] and final inspector designs can be seen here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1VHZyMlVlamtTTDA/edit?usp=sharing [13:09] thank you luca [13:11] sinzui: we have found a place for the social icons, who needs to seem them? [13:12] luca, jcsackett, [13:12] sinzui: mjc is blowing up on me at the moment with internal server error. [13:13] rick_h, I am not seeing this [13:13] search works, the db is up [13:13] sinzui: https://manage.jujucharms.com/api/2/charms?series=precise&text=&type=approved fails [13:14] hmm, not sure why that url was generated atm though [13:14] luca: so some diff in your linked image and the branch from huw. There's no "Summary" section in the summary tab. There's a summary field we output to. It's a bit confusing to have the dual nested. [13:15] luca: have we talked with the juju charm folks about not displaying the field from the metadata file? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/lamp/trunk/view/head:/metadata.yaml [13:15] luca: I also don't see the back link in the image you shared there. [13:15] rick_h, looks like search really wants categories in the params [13:16] sinzui: k, I'll file a bug to look into that more. I kind of hit that on accident while doing QA work [13:17] is anyone getting this when bootstrapping on ec2? error: cannot start bootstrap instance: no "precise" images in us-east-1 with arches [amd64 i386] [13:17] teknico: saw that over in #juju today I think [13:17] rick_h: thanks, looking [13:17] teknico: 2.3hrs ago in #juju [13:17] ish [13:17] rick_h: which image are you referring to? [13:18] luca: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1SUtlREw0aHlnbHc [13:18] luca: I'm comparing that link you shared with the qa I'm doing of huw's branch and finding some changes. [13:20] rick_h I see, so these are brand new so there will be some discrepancies [13:20] rick_h: the nav had to change a fair bit from the last screens he saw [13:20] luca: ok [13:20] rick_h, I reproduced the error on staging and have the traceback [13:21] rick_h, I'll report the bug [13:21] luca: I do think the summary issue needs to be worked out. We can't remove the field, but having the tab and the section heading both say summary kind of sucks [13:21] sinzui: 1199780 [13:21] thank you [13:21] luca: maybe we can drop the heading but keep the text. So it's just the initial text on the tab [13:22] rick_h: so your saying that 1) Currently there will be a Summary tab and then the first header under it will be Summary and 2) that we can't really stop that happening but we could choose to remove the first heading? [13:23] luca: yea, in my opinion [13:23] rick_h, looks like the issue is 1 bad charm. The listings fail if the charm is in the search results. More misadventures with dict keys [13:23] luca: but that's up for debate/discussion. Just tossing out the best fix I can see at the moment. [13:23] and __getitem__ [13:23] sinzui: ah, joy of joys [13:24] gary_poster: so I've got a couple of qa issues with huw's branch. What's the opinion on things? Push it along and get follow ups since it's not 'broken' and not public facing? [13:26] rick_h, get issues addressed by someone today, and get it landed. I can reallocate resources: getting this landed properly ASAP is probably the top priority for the entire team, and if we can get things out of the way for Huw then we should. [13:27] gary_poster: ok. https://codereview.appspot.com/11104043/ has my screenshot links and notes. [13:28] gary_poster: the share thing can probably slide as it looks like that's changing and it's not broken. The tab border issue should probably get a fix. [13:29] luca: did you file a bug on the tab being kept through navigations? [13:30] rick_h: not yet, it's on my to-do list [13:30] luca: ok, I'll file so I can add it to our board. [13:31] rick_h: ok thanks :) [13:42] rick_h, cool thank you. agree that the strange border should go. agree with summary tab. Maybe jcsackett can weigh in on what to do with share link? I don't know what the graphical plan is there [13:46] gary_poster: per luca's updated image above it looks like it goes to seperate images. [13:46] gary_poster: so I'd think this can be a temp place holder until a branch updating the sharing UI would be ok [13:46] rick_h: gary_poster wait [13:47] rick_h: gary_poster there is no longer a "share" word or anything [13:47] rick_h: gary_poster the icons are always visible [13:47] luca: but that's a future update and shouldn't hamper landing huw's work correct? [13:51] rick_h: well, yes, your right [13:51] rick_h: just making you guys aware that it's changed :) [13:53] rick_h: ok so [13:54] rick_h: we didn't know we could have bespoke icons for sharing [13:54] rick_h: so we used the standard API ones to be easy [13:54] rick_h: we kinda always wanted the bespoke ones... [13:55] luca: k [13:55] rick_h: so we are wondering if those icons can be 20x20px instead of the 32x32px and moved into the position that sharing is at here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1RFdOb3lGdWc2b1E/edit?usp=sharing [13:55] luca: sure, file a bug with the assets and we can look into that. [13:55] rick_h: ok, thanks [13:56] rick_h: gary_poster the biggest issue that I can see wrong is actually the width of the narrow panel and the charm details [13:56] rick_h: gary_poster charm details is 50px too small and narrow panel is 60px too wide [13:57] hah, gary split. we lose [13:57] abentley: could you please join the hangout again for a minute? [13:58] luca: I noted your qa assessment here https://codereview.appspot.com/11104043/ [14:00] rick_h: thanks, I'm writing them down in an email [14:00] adeuring: Done. [14:00] luca: k, but I think gary mentioned that we'd try to get resources together to update and fix before huw gets back to work [14:00] luca: so not sure I'd mess wit hthe email. We'll note them in the review and see who has bandwidth to update and go from there. [14:01] ok, I'm off to autocomplete-land. [14:02] gary_poster: http://jsbin.com/evehit/9 [14:16] * frankban back in a while === _mup__ is now known as _mup_ [14:28] hm [14:29] gary_poster, I think we need rt 62818 give a high priority. webops cite is it complex and needs to be scheduling. I don't know why I am hearing about this now since the rt has been in their queue for 9 days. [14:29] luca, let me know when you have a moment. [14:29] hatch, luca, hey. did my comments come through? looks like I was dumped out of IRC [14:29] sinzui, looking [14:29] gary_poster, Can we engage Marks super-powers to get the juju-gui charm and code updated [14:30] gary_poster: no comments for a loooong time :) [14:30] heh [14:30] hatch, perfect :-) [14:30] hatch, what is diff between "Array.prototype.forEach.call(headers, ...)" and "headers.forEach(...)"? Is it that document.querySelectorAll('.header') doesn't actually return an Array? [14:30] luca, could you please confirm the header behavior in the link hatch gave above? [14:31] hatch: can you past the link again? :D [14:31] ahh - querySelectorAll returns an array like object not an array [14:31] luca: http://jsbin.com/evehit/9 [14:31] it looks the best in FF because FF has easing on it's scrolling :) [14:31] hatch: gary_poster sort of, the headers should not stack at the top [14:32] hatch: gary_poster or at the bottom [14:32] I thought we decided on this interaction because what happens if the user is down at the bottom of a 1000 unit list and wants to get back to the top? [14:33] they should be able to 'click' on the header and get back to it [14:33] hatch: lets talk on hangout :) [14:33] hatch: is guy chat available? [14:33] luca, I agree with hatch on that. if it's a misunderstanding, it's another one to add to our list. :-( [14:33] yup [14:34] in guichat [14:34] luca, and an expensive misunderstanding [14:34] lol I'd say [14:36] hatch please ref bottom right of inspector wireframes in https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1dEFVSWh3TWtQOUk === teknico is now known as teknico-phone [14:43] wow, my UPS just stopped a lightning from frying the rest of my stuff [14:53] it sounds like an air raid today [15:05] Makyo: when you reproduced the problem with the discourse charm, yesterday, what env were you using? sandbox? also, what did you do exactly? [15:06] teknico-phone, I was using improv, and I saw the message from pyjuju in the improv terminal. [15:06] teknico-phone, then I noticed the cs: missing from the ghost of the charm on the canvas. [15:07] Makyo: it does not seem to happen in the sandbox, but for some reason I cannot set a breakpoint, so I'm not sure [15:08] Makyo: it's very weird, if I try to deploy it a second time I correctly get the notification that I can't, so the onCharmDeployClicked method is being executed, but it won't stop at the breakpoint [15:09] teknico-phone, Oh, hmm. Anything in the JS console to indicate an error preventing it from getting to that point? [15:12] I need to access the db from a viewlet but it isn't obviously available, I cheated just to get unblocked but I am curious about the recommended way to do it. Here is the code in question: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861898/ [15:16] guihelp: could anyone please review https://codereview.appspot.com/11110043 ? thanks! [15:16] frankban: sure [15:17] thank you bac [15:17] benji: I think there was an example bac did on that. [15:17] bac and frankban went through [15:17] benji: yes, there are examples [15:18] frankban: I'm actually doing it right now :) [15:18] bac: this.inspector.get('db'); ? [15:18] benji: yeah, that looks like it! [15:18] why fire db.update, we have databindings to avoid that [15:18] cool thanks hatch [15:18] cool, thanks [15:19] bcsaller: cargo culting; I'll remove it and see if it still works; thanks [15:19] anything calling db.update is suspect under the new flags [15:19] calling/firing [15:21] s/suspect/not allowed ;) [15:21] bcsaller: it worked; thanks [15:22] * benji makes mental note: "no more update events" [15:22] hatch: added your nick to my card [15:22] thanks, sorry I was in a call too [15:22] too much multi tasking :) [15:22] hatch: or we can just disconnect the handler when the flag is on ;) [15:22] lol [15:22] rick_h, am I right that OSCON autocomplete deliverable does not include categories? [15:22] ^5 [15:22] rick_h, fwiw, I'm talking about what can be delivered this week. [15:24] gary_poster: yes, I'd like to not count on it. [15:24] rick_h, cool thanks [15:29] frankban: reviewed [15:31] hatch: thanks, I merged trunk from today, so it should be fine [15:31] great [15:33] hatch: and yes, that branch only implements the logic and does not involve ux/positioning. I'll create a card like "Move the constraints under the settings in the inspector service page", correct? [15:33] frankban: yep - although that can't really be done until the scrolling story is implemented (which was just slightly changed this morning) [15:33] I'm hoping to have the scrolling code done by EOD [15:34] hatch: so, blocked on inspector scrilling [15:34] scrolling even [15:36] yup thx [15:39] luca, let me know when you have a second to check my work on SVGs. [15:43] frankban: done. didn't mark it approved as there were some oddities (i thought) during QA [15:44] Makyo, hatch: either you have any experience with using a vertical YUI slider? the thumb image (what i'd call the marker) is not rendering properly and i can't figure it out. [15:45] bac, not yet, but would be glad to take a look. [15:45] Is it rendering the thumb for the horizontal slider? [15:45] bac: thanks will take a look [15:45] Makyo: thanks. it is lp:~bac/juju-gui/move-zoom [15:47] bac: sorry I have never used the slider code [15:50] jujugui call in 10 kanban now. [15:51] bac, is there a right-sidebar.partial? [15:53] sorry Makyo, let me add that and repush [15:53] Makyo: done [15:56] bac, cool, thanks. [15:58] jujugui call in 2 [16:07] Makyo: I'm free now but your most probably in stand-up [16:07] Yep, just a sec. [16:19] hey we get mentioned in https://github.com/juju/charm-championship [16:20] luca, I'm in guichat, [16:21] Makyo: omw [16:25] Makyo: that sounds like a big dog =O [16:25] abentley: could a have a look at this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charmworld/get-file-content-from-bzr/+merge/173987 ? [16:25] luca, she's medium sized, but really, really loud. [16:25] adeuring: Sure. OTP with sinzui at the moment. [16:26] abentley: np. I'm off soon for an "evening appointment". [16:32] Makyo, when you are ready to look at Huw's branch let me know. We can prioritize some bits. Almost all of what luca said can pushed to another branch, but if we can fit some of them in now that would be cool too. [16:36] hmm [16:36] it appears that the casting of the new charm model to the old one got removed somehow [16:36] benji: did you happen to move that somewhere ? ^ [16:38] hatch: bzr grep "Charm\(" [16:38] hatch: I still see it in browser/views/charm.js [16:39] hatch: if the deploy is going through some other section of code perhaps it needs to be added and wasn't? [16:39] well it 'was' there [16:39] I'm just trying to figure out if it was removed on purpose or as part of the merge === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch [16:51] jcsackett: your code doesn't exist! https://codereview.appspot.com/11120043/ lol [16:51] rick_h: yeah, had to delete the proposal when i looked at it and realized i had the wrong "for". [16:52] and of course, this one time i forgot the -wip flag while i checked. :-P [16:59] does http://jsbin.com/ivakuc/1 seem like a reasonable place to start for the status bar? anyone have any suggestions? [17:06] sinzui: let me know if/when you want to chat this afternoon. I'm set [17:10] bcsaller: the animations seem inconsistent [17:10] sometimes it drops them when I think it should animate [17:10] other than that, I love the idea :) [17:11] ok almost got this code back to where it was pre-merge [17:11] hmm, not sure what you mean, but I'll look at it again [17:11] somehow it thinks there is a conflict though after changing the views [17:12] hatch: was it related directly to what I did or just a bad merge? [17:12] bcsaller: well it was your code - but not your fault, just the merge [17:12] I had to pretty much manually merge it [17:14] bcsaller: so I make a change to the config, save it to the model, close the inspector, open the inspector, it says that field is in conflict.... [17:14] should closing the inspector not destroy it? [17:14] it being the databinding class [17:15] hatch: put a debugger in there, I think it should, yes [17:19] hmm it does call unbind [17:19] will have to look further [17:31] hatch: I was eating lunch (and technically still am for a minute or two) did you figure it out? [17:31] benji: yep I think it was removed by the merge [17:33] bcsaller: have a second for a quick call? [17:33] hatch: hanging out [17:40] do we support IE9? I need to get more RAM before it'll be usable, but I'm looking at setting up a VM for IE testing and am wondering if I should just do IE10 or if I need 9 too [17:40] benji: I thuoght 10 [17:40] benji no we do no support 9 [17:40] t [17:40] cool, thanks guys [17:57] bac, I can't figure out why the thumb on the slider isn't being styled properly. I'm going to grab lunch in a few and should probably look at huw's branch with gary_poster to land what we can. Just not quite sure what's going on with it. [17:57] * gary_poster acks [17:57] Makyo: thanks for looking at it [17:58] (IIUC you mean we will talk after lunch) [17:58] gary_poster, yeah. [17:58] cool [17:58] thanks [17:58] Where are the new assets? I've scoured my email but can't find any reference to them. [17:58] benji, if there are any they would be here: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1Qi13X3RqR1dfaFE [17:59] thanks [18:50] sinzui or someone else who knows, I want to make the haproxy in https://launchpad.net/~juju-gui/+archive/ppa/+packages to be available in raring now, in addition to precise. I tried copying, but got "haproxy 1.5-dev17-1 in precise (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)". What's an easy and approximately correct way of doing this? [18:50] yuck [18:51] I know the wrong way to do it: append something fake onto the version number, like bump the "-1" to "-2" or add a "~1". [18:52] gary_poster, benji is correct if we cannot delete the existing binaries [18:52] benji, gotcha. so download the package, mutate it and re-upload. ugh. [18:53] gary_poster: is this genereated by a recipe? [18:53] benji, no [18:53] don't think so [18:54] oh wait [18:54] maybe it is working? [18:54] gary_poster, maybe I mis-understand [18:54] https://launchpad.net/~juju-gui/+archive/ppa/+packages [18:54] gary_poster, I see the package is already available for raring [18:55] oh, pending [18:55] sinzui, it is pending. I tried rebuilding and it immediately complained as I described. I'm trying to copy now in case that works. [18:55] yeah. me too. [18:56] We need to delete the pending one to make way for a replacement [18:56] oh [18:56] gary_poster, https://launchpad.net/~juju-gui/+archive/ppa/+delete-packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=raring [18:56] deleting can take a hour because the db and file system need cleaning [18:57] sinzui, actually that is your copy there. it might work? [18:57] maybe we should let it try? [18:58] gary_poster, I tried a copy with rebuild (because the rebuild will conflict with the precise version) [18:59] you tried a copy without rebuild, you mean? [18:59] sinzui, it published! [18:59] sorry, I should have tried to do it without rebuilding myself [19:00] ok, thanks, giving this a try [19:00] sinzui: did you want to chat? [19:00] gary_poster, np. It is not obvious when rebuild will fail, but I think Lp could no and not offer the option [19:01] yeah woud be nice [19:01] l [19:01] rick_h, in 5? [19:01] sinzui: rgr === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [19:10] rick_h, I am ready [19:10] sinzui: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e325fa1b54867af5f8bd68ddb8a8b235a4fb3887?hl=en [19:11] sorry, my usb went dead [19:12] rick_h, Ah. I was tried several times and just got your picture [19:13] gary_poster, I'm free to take a look at that branch. [19:14] Is it the visual-update-3 branch? [19:14] Makyo, yes [19:14] Okay, pulling now. [19:15] Makyo, https://codereview.appspot.com/11104043/ . I'd like to address Rick's concerns ASAP and land, and then maybe talk through what to tackle from the remaining tasks from Luca. [19:15] Luca's comments were a laundry list of things to be done [19:16] oh, jcsackett should we just leave the share icon alone from Huw's branch or should we put something back? [19:17] gary_poster, cool, on it. [19:17] Thanks Makyo [19:22] * hatch sitting waiting for lbox to finish.....notice that I didn't hit enter [19:22] *facepalm* [19:29] jujugui looking for reviews https://codereview.appspot.com/10872045/ [19:30] hatch: I'll do one [19:30] thanks [19:31] * hatch rages because he wants to use the sticky header code he wrote [19:31] :) [19:56] grabbing lunch [20:17] gary_poster: it's fine to be landed without the icon, but the call in views/charm.js should remove the call to the sharing widget, since it'll bork without a button. [20:17] sorry for the delay in response; missed the alert earlier. [20:18] gary_poster: i'm working on adding the new sharing stuff back in; it's much simpler, so the sharing widget goes away, but i'll do all the other cleanup in my branch, if huw's just kills the call to create the widget. [20:18] np jcsackett. is that the easiest fix, do you think? sharing seems to be working in his branch [20:19] * jcsackett blinks [20:19] I could start a tweet just fine :-) [20:19] one sec, lemme do a full QA on sharing on his. [20:19] * jcsackett just glanced at the branch [20:24] gary_poster: actually, this is all safe. [20:24] ignore what i said earlier. [20:25] the sharing buttons are getting re done, so there's no point in adding a new icon back in. [20:25] jcsackett, cool. so land as is, in this regard [20:25] thank you [20:25] indeed. [20:25] yw. [20:25] Makyo, ^^^ [20:25] Thanks. [20:29] Makyo: you have time to chat? [20:30] bac, sure [20:34] abentley, How do we get a download-cache package change into production? [20:34] * sinzui doesn't see any documents telling webops to pull the branch [20:35] sinzui: err... [20:35] sinzui: don't they just package our branch when they package the other tarball? [20:35] sinzui: Package may be the wrong wore. [20:36] s/wore/word/ [20:36] abentley, I have not read what this command really does: [20:36] ./build-charmworld $REVNO [20:36] I know it pulls the app branch and makes a tarball from it. [20:37] I will as webops. [20:38] bac, we have some metrics! [20:38] quite a few metrics [20:38] gary_poster: oh, cool. i haven't looked in a while [20:38] I'm now trying to remember how to look at the deployment info [20:38] abentley, I feel like I could save tie and just shell out to file to get the mime-type rather than add another dep [20:39] ah right, events [20:39] gary_poster: i wired up my vietnamese site the other day and got interesting data from it too [20:39] sinzui: I've never worried about it until now-- it's always just worked. [20:40] well then, abentley, I'll add python-magic to the requirements.txt and cache and cross my toes [20:40] bac, heh, 22 people have deployed juju-gui from juju-gui. should we be worried? :-) [20:41] If you take away mysql, wordpress, haproxy, memcached, admediawiki, you have very few [20:42] isn't that our example set? [20:42] and they are all updates [20:43] gary_poster, that is madness. Do you think people are attempting to engineer a gui that behaves like read-only [20:43] deployed the gui from the gui? [20:43] is that like gui inception? [20:43] :-) [20:43] Morning [20:43] hey huwshimi! branch was great, thank you [20:43] huwshimi: holy crap it's early there! [20:43] :) [20:43] I was writing an email to you [20:44] :) [20:44] huwshimi, Makyo is fixing up two small things from Rick's qa. he then plans to land it before his EoD [20:44] then for the laundry list from luca, [20:44] gary_poster: just FYI about the scrollview indicator https://github.com/yui/yui3/issues/983 [20:45] hatch, cool, thanks, and interesting replies [20:45] yeah....damn browsers are like a moving target haha [20:46] :-) [20:46] jujgui looking for another review https://codereview.appspot.com/10872045/ plz [20:47] jujugui ^ [20:47] gary_poster: i don't understand where you got that data. from 'real time - events'? it looks like those numbers are only for the last 30 minutes [20:47] huwshimi, for that laundry list, you can outright dump three of them, and the rest simply gradually do what you can in a day and get it out there [20:47] gary_poster: there was a leaked geekbench test for a 15" macbook pro with haswell which was almost identical to the current gen which means....same performance more battery life....yay! [20:48] bac, no, content -> events -> overview -> event action -> update -> secondary dimension/events/label [20:49] hatch, yeah I saw. sounds good to me :-) [20:49] looks like it will come out with mavericks [20:49] yeah and with the 5000 gpu plus the nvidia card it's going to be a powerhouse with good battery life [20:49] huwshimi, will get back to email to give details :-) [20:50] hatch, I saw some people questioning if it will have nvidia. probably, but some question [20:50] gary_poster: Thanks, just going through the comments now [20:50] cool [20:50] ohh really? dropping the separate card alltogether? or just going with another manufacturer? [20:51] hatch it was pure fanboi speculation but the idea was dropping, because the intel high end chips have plenty of power to drive many use cases, including secondary retina monitor IIRC. probably graphics people still need their nvidia though. [20:52] ahh - yeah I suppose I could see the usecase for that - although then they could probably just get by with the Air [20:52] gary_poster: Would you be happy with me landing all Luca's comments as a new branch? [20:53] huwshimi, yes, that was what I was going to suggest. As I said, Makyo is handling your current branch, so you can make a new one based off of trunk + yours and gradually make changes, and add what you can today [20:53] gary_poster: Great! [20:53] :-) [20:54] huwshimi, to be clear, I think luca feels that what you have today is good enough that if we had to ship now, they would be happy enough. he said ale was very happy too, but I don't know if she would go that far or not. :-) but anyway, IMO the emergency has passed, is my point. [20:54] thanks to your work [20:55] oh meh [20:55] gary_poster: No problems. I'll try and polish what we have now and maybe get a few additional things done on Friday, but not sure if that would get landed in time. [20:57] cool huwshimi. I think user tests will be on the basis of whatever you prepare for landing today. OSCON will probably be roughly on the basis of whatever you prepare for landing on Friday. [20:58] gary_poster: OK that sounds good. Was "oh meh" related to me? [20:59] huwshimi, "oh meh" was because I thought freenode had dumped me or something, and you maybe hadn't heard me. NickServ was giving me another auth challenge, and they have been attacked today [20:59] gary_poster: Ah ok :) [20:59] :-) [21:00] next person to comment has to review my branch https://codereview.appspot.com/10872045/ [21:00] mohohahaha [21:01] hatch I will do so if I have time after finishing this email and before date night :-) [21:01] haha that's ok [21:01] Makyo: can do it [21:01] :P [21:01] heh [21:01] he's busy with another crunch task :-P [21:04] gary_poster: The new sharing format is probably not going to make it as I don't think I'll have time to implement such a change. Should we just remove the link for now? [21:05] huwshimi, that's one of the things off your plate. Jon is handling it. [21:05] huwshimi, we will land what you have now in that regard, and that's the last you have to worry about it [21:06] gary_poster: OK, I'll probably still need to place it correctly though. [21:10] gary_poster: There are quite a few things from Luca's comments that won't make it. We don't have breadcrumbs so I'll have to add in back buttons, I can't removed the bottom bar as we're still using it for a bunch of things. etc. [21:10] huwshimi, agreed. Almost done with the email then we can confer [21:11] gary_poster: Sure, I keep interrupting you :) [21:11] lol, np [21:13] does anyone have the wiki link to the sprint? [21:13] the search is failing me [21:13] https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/Juju/GUI/Sprints/July2013 [21:14] hatch, I am trying to keep links to all important bits on https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/Juju/GUI fwiw [21:14] Makyo: thanks [21:14] gary_poster: ahh cool I'll bookmark that [21:14] thx [21:14] welcome [21:18] Gah, finally. I hate pseudoselectors. [21:21] gary_poster, huwshimi Alright, some of rick_h 's comments addressed in lp:~makyo/juju-gui/visual-update-3 The outlines around tabs makes me feel dumb, since it was a UA style. [21:22] great Makyo, will look. [21:23] huwshimi, just sent email. lemme know what you think pls [21:23] gary_poster: Just looking [21:24] gary_poster: Am I overloooking something with the back button? I don't see one in that mockup... or is it the breadcrumbs? [21:25] afternoon marcoceppi [21:28] photospheres on G+ are so cool [21:28] can't wait until that's available on all android devices [21:35] huwshimi, you are right. If we can't do the breadcrumbs could we add home link alone in same location for now? it is annoying to use without it [21:35] IMO :-) [21:36] gary_poster: Sure, I'll see what I can do. [21:36] cool thank you huwshimi. will reinstating the test results be problematic? [21:37] gary_poster: At the moment they only appear if there are failures. I'll have to see if we can make it just change the status. [21:37] huwshimi, oh right. is that a question for orange, then? [21:39] gary_poster: Well, that would give me one less (not necessarily simple) thing to change where I haven't touched the codebase yet... [21:41] sinzui, ^^^ we are supposed to make test results show always, not merely when there are failures. Could either rick_h or jcsackett tackle that? It is an important one for ecosystems. If it is a big task for them, let's talk, but if it can be done quickly that would be fantastic [21:41] Makyo, ship it [21:42] * hatch smashes red button on Makyo's keyboard "SHIP IT!" [21:42] :-) [21:42] gary, yes we want to show all results on the QA view. [21:42] My keyboard! D: [21:42] lol [21:42] haha [21:43] huwshimi, can you submit branches? If so I'll LGTM your branch asking you to merge Makyo. And then ask Makyo to LGTM also, in lieu of rick's LGTM [21:43] gary_poster: Yeah [21:43] well, maybe merge his branch, rather than Makyo himself [21:43] cool [21:43] on it [21:45] huwshimi, LGTM'd [21:45] gary_poster: Thanks! [21:45] hatch, looking at your branch before I run because I feel sorry for you ;-) [21:46] sinzui, do you know if that is an easy task? [21:46] hey, I'll take what I can get! Although I don't want mrs Poster to be mad at me for making you late for date night [21:46] :-) [21:46] gary_poster: it's easy. The data is there. It just needs to be adjusted in the tempalte side. [21:46] so far so good [21:46] gary_poster: the only big thing might be any asset related stuff as I've not seen the latest/greatest of designs [21:47] rick_h: I can style it. [21:47] gary_poster, I think it is easy. about 2 branches get the info and then make links to it. [21:47] rick_h, fantastic. Would it faster for you (that is, in your own personal schedule) to do it (maybe make a branch and give it to me to get it landed) or to guide someone else to do it [21:47] rick_h: Or rather provide a branch with styling in it for you guys [21:47] huwshimi: Well, either way [21:49] muttering to yourself now, are you? uh oh [21:49] gary_poster: if someone can do it I can point if it needs to be done this week. Otherwise I can do it. I know where that part is as I wrote the failingProvider stuff [21:49] gary_poster: I don't agree with all the changes in this branch.... [21:49] huwshimi, lol :-P [21:49] gary_poster: but hoping to push intiial autocomplete tomorrow and fix a few bugs we've found the last two days [21:49] rick_h, exactly I don't want to be in your way [21:50] gary_poster: but bzr grep failingProviders points to where everything is currently. Just needs to not be failing, but all providers in the data set. [21:51] rick_h, ok. I think/hope benji will be ready for this tomorrow morning-ish. huwshimi, otoh, if that ^^^ helps you tackle it today, all the better. :-) [21:51] thanks! [21:52] gary_poster, rick_h: I'll take a look at providers today and email if I get to it. [21:52] huwshimi: rgr [21:52] cool thanks huwshimi [21:52] gary_poster: One of the changes in this branch will break the fonts, one of them will break accessibility [21:52] huwshimi, you mean in Makyo's branch? Is it easy to fix? [21:53] huwshimi, I thought you were joking that you didn't agree with yourself [21:53] I assume the fonts is easy to fix [21:53] just include the thing that Rick asked about and Matt probably omitted [21:53] on that basis [21:54] accessibility though... [21:54] gary_poster: Yeah, I can just revert the changes. In fact what it leaves are not really QA issues and are trivial things I could fix up in a new branch (changing a CSS property to a variable and adding a heading) [21:54] (the heading change is a guess as to what Luca wants anyway) [21:55] huwshimi, the two improvements I cared about was removing the duplicated "summary" heading and removing the UA-driven link highlight [21:55] can we keep those? [21:55] s/was/were/ [21:55] gary_poster: If you remove that highlight you will stop any users from seeing where they have tabbed to [21:55] they're only that ugly on Chrome [21:56] huwshimi, that's our primary target though :-P [21:56] huwshimi, so... [21:56] huwshimi, is the problem that luca has not given us a design for indicating a selected tab? [21:57] Selected tab is indicated with an orange bottom border. [21:57] huwshimi: No the problem is that the YUI tab has recieved focus and the way chrome represents that an element has focus is by adding a yellow outline [21:57] gary_poster: ^ [21:57] I'm talking to myself again :P [21:58] heh [21:58] You can focus on other tabs by clicking and dragging slightly. It won't fire a click event, but will show UA focus. [21:58] um [21:58] In fact, you can tab away from links to the sub-headings of the content of the tab and those will be outlined. [22:00] huwshimi, I am afraid I don't understand the problem with removing the yellow outline, given the orange bottom border. I'm sorry for not looking at the code, but I'm desperately trying to finish up for date night. :-) Can't we disable the UA styling only for these tabs? Perhaps that's what Makyo's already doing? [22:01] gary_poster: That's what happens, but it adds an accessibility regression. If we're happy with that then it's fine to land [22:02] huwshimi, accessibility for whom? blind users? [22:02] gary_poster: Anyone who is using the keyboard to navigate [22:04] Is it worth utilizing the :focus pseudoselector to introduce a less intrusive style to indicate focus? [22:04] A question for design, of course. [22:04] sigh, I really need to go :-) but I don't understand. huwshimi are you available for super fast hangout? Makyo you are welcome if you are up for it. [22:04] guichat [22:09] o/ hatch [22:10] hows the competition coming? [22:15] hatch, LGTM with apology for no qa :-P [22:15] * gary_poster runs away! [22:15] bye all [22:15] ttyl [22:15] have a good night, thanks [22:55] hatch: pretty good so far, I think the repo's been forked 10 times and a bunch of people "watching" it [22:55] ahh great - I am trying to think of something to write [22:55] tbh, that's all mims and jorge, I'm just watching from afar [22:55] but I can't think of any 'environment' to make [22:55] I can think of a bunch of helpful charms but nothing that would make an environment [23:59] rick_h: Any idea how to make the sidebar view navigate from search results or a category back to the initial content? I know I need to fire this.fire('viewNavigate'... but I don't know what value to set. I suspect we might have to add something, but not sure what.