
adam_ghazmat, is the websocket module used by python-jujuclient available anywhere in the ubuntu archive?00:00
hazmatadam_g, no00:00
adam_gdidnt think so. darn.00:00
hazmatadam_g, andreas has a package/ppa for python-jujuclient00:01
hazmatadam_g, https://launchpad.net/~ahasenack/+archive/python-jujuclient00:02
adam_ghazmat, ah, thanks00:04
josehey marcoceppi or anyone around, is there a link to the charm design template?00:13
marcoceppijose: yeah I just uploaded it for the docs, http://marcanonical.com/icon.svg00:14
marcoceppithat section of the charm author docs should be landing soonish00:14
josegreat, thanks! :)00:14
josemarcoceppi: how should I do the copyright? to Canonical Ltd.?01:21
marcoceppijose: no! You're the copyright holder :D01:21
marcoceppiWe jsut ask that, in order to be in the store, the charms are licensed under a free license01:22
* jose continues working01:27
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alok_hi there05:23
alok_i cant find installation for juju local05:25
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davecheneyaaaand, he's gone05:39
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pavelhello, guys11:10
pavelcan somebody help me with this error?11:11
pavelerror: cannot start bootstrap instance: no "precise" images in us-west-2 with arches [amd64 i386]11:11
paveljuju version:1.11.2-precise-amd6411:11
pavelok, I switched to backported 1.10 and it works11:25
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jamespagepavel, where are you pulling 1.11.2 from to get that issue?12:11
jamespagepavel, there are some problems with earlier golang versions - I think we should have that fixed today...12:11
paveljamespage, from devel ppa12:14
jamespagepavel, yeah - looks like the amd64 builds are still waiting to go through12:15
jamespage~1hr - if that does not happen I'll go see if we can get the priority bumped12:16
paveldon't worry, 1.10 is ok for me12:16
pavelwhen I run bootstrap from amd64 it looks for amd64 machine in ec2?12:18
pavelor it runs amd64 by default?12:18
mgzpavel: I think this is an issue with the cloud images format having been changed, which breaks deploying on ec2 with 1.1112:23
mgzwallyworld: ^is that the symptom?12:23
melmothjamespage, looks like it s working now....i ll play with it a bit, adding master and stuff, just to see what happen.12:25
jamespagemelmoth, great12:29
jamespageI'll propose that for merge12:29
jamespageadam_g, merged both of your updated charm-helpers branches - thanks!12:45
jamespagewallyworld, when you have some simplestreams juju-tools avaliable happy to test that for you12:49
wallyworldjamespage: awesome thanks. i'm waiting on some sample data to test with myself. will let you know when we are at the stage where it can be consumed12:50
* jamespage thinks that is a real enabler12:51
* wallyworld does too12:51
wallyworldfor most cases, it will be configless for the user12:51
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pavelhm... was the 'debug-hooks' command removed from 1.10?12:52
mgzas in, was it in juju-core and removed? no.12:53
mgzit hasn't been implemented in the rewrite.12:53
mgzsee bug 102787612:54
_mup_Bug #1027876: cmdline: Support debug-hooks <cmdline> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1027876>12:54
pavelI see...12:55
pavelis there any guide to upgrade charms that was written for 0.7 to 1.10 ?12:55
pavelfor example I see that structure of config.yaml changed a bit12:56
mgzpavel: no doc on charm relevent changes from pyjuju to gojuju that I'm aware of12:57
mgzevilnickveitch: ^is there anything along those lines?12:57
mgzpavel: that said, the aim was for charms to basically be compatible12:57
pavelI still didn't figure out why, but my overrides in custom config for service deployment doesn't override default value12:58
pavelnow I changed format of config.yaml and trying again12:58
mgzwell, that sounds familar12:59
evilnickveitchmgz, pavel there isn't anything on rewriting charms for 1.x as yet. But I would be happy to hear of any issues with that so I could include something13:00
mgzfwereade: ^what's the answer to default values not getting overridden?13:00
fwereadepavel, mgz, I'm not familiar with that... any more detail? are you using a yaml file with --config?13:01
mgzevilnickveitch: I think several of the issues should just be bugs for us, but we have made several deliberate changes that we really should get recorded somewhere, I'll do some poking13:02
evilnickveitchmgz thanks13:02
pavelfwereade, yes it's yaml file, but named with .yml13:02
pavelmaybe it's my fault, I have to try several options more13:03
fwereadepavel, that shouldn't be a problem; but there was a format change there, we released accepting a format that didn't match python13:03
fwereadepavel, the python format is `servicename: {...}`13:03
pavelyes, I found new format in the docs13:03
fwereadepavel, huh, the docs included the new format? bah13:04
pavelnew format for default values13:04
pavelcharm: mediawiki service: mediawiki settings: {}13:04
fwereadepavel, I am not familiar with that format at all, would you link me where it came from please?13:05
pavelmy mistake13:05
fwereadephew :)13:05
pavelI looked at ' juju get mediawiki'13:05
fwereadepavel, just one note: inside the charm, the name "config.yaml" is special, and configs with different filenames will not be picked up; so far as we are aware we have not changed how that works13:06
pavelyes, this is clear13:07
fwereadepavel, but when you're specifying service config settings, the format of the file you pass to --config has changed back to how it was in python, after a regrettable period of incompatibility13:07
pavelfor 1.10 it's service: {}13:07
fwereadepavel, however the file name there should not make any difference13:07
fwereadepavel, for 1.10 it's just a naked map without the service name13:07
fwereadepavel, sorry about that one :(13:08
pavelno problem, thanks a lot for your help13:08
pavelin the official docs it's service: {} now, thought the recommended installation is 1.1013:10
mgzwe may need a note there, though we can probably get 1.11 out to everywhere when it's release13:12
pavelis there a date for 1.11 release?13:17
mgzthis week!13:17
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teknicoI'm also getting the same error as pavel with juju trunk: error: cannot start bootstrap instance: no "precise" images in us-east-1 with arches [amd64 i386]13:21
mgzteknico: ec2 is borked right now as the cloud images data changed13:22
fwereadeteknico, *that* I am afraid to say is because the image metadata format on cloud-images.ubuntu.com changed unexpectedly13:22
mgzyou can either use 1.10, or --upload-tools if you build locally13:23
teknicofwereade, mgz, thanks, I have i386 locally, can I still use --upload-tools?13:24
pavelfwereade, juju deploy ... --upload-tools ?13:25
pavelsorry, juju bootstrap --upload-tools ?13:25
mgzteknico: good question, not sure.13:28
fwereadeteknico, pavel: sorry, it's the ubuntu image metadata we've lost13:28
fwereadeteknico, pavel: so far as I'm aware the tools are all still around13:28
mgzpavel: yeah, bootstrap, but it's uploading your own builds (so, you need all the deps and so on locally)13:29
pavelcrap, I'll wait for fix :)13:29
mgzah, yeah, pants, probably not the right work around13:29
teknicook, I'll downgrade too :-)13:30
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fwereadepavel, we are just waiting for someone to get in so we can figure out exactly what happened13:35
pavelfwereade, hope it will be an easy fix13:37
fwereadepavel, it really should be but we want clarity and certainty so we actually unbreak it, rather than just breaking it differently13:37
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teknicopavel: how did you switch back to 1.10? I can't come up with the right command14:04
pavelwhat ubuntu distro do you use?14:05
teknicopavel: I'm on raring14:08
pavelok, then14:09
pavelsudo apt-get autoremove juju juju-core14:09
pavelsudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:juju/devel14:09
pavelsudo apt-get update14:09
pavelsudo apt-get install juju-core14:09
teknicopavel: thanks, but the devel ppa has 1.11.2, hasn't it? https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/devel14:10
pavelthere is '-r' there14:11
pavelit's for removing14:11
teknicoaah, right14:11
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teknicopavel: it worked, thanks14:20
fwereadepavel, teknico, others: smoser has resolved the image metadata issue and I am able to bootstrap again14:26
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pavelfwereade, yes, it's working!14:36
fwereadepavel, great, sorry for the problem in the first place14:37
pavelfwereade, thanks for such quick fix14:37
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jcastrom_3_: new charm in the queue, mailman!14:41
m_3_jcastro: ack14:42
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fwereadepavel, direct all praise toward smoser please :)14:55
pavelsmoser, thank you so much :)14:56
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jamespagejam: any chance you will get to bug 1189507?15:45
_mup_Bug #1189507: juju-core duplicates quantum security groups <serverstack> <juju-core:Triaged by jameinel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1189507>15:45
jamespagejam: soonish anways15:48
marcoceppiWell be starting charm meeting soon!15:55
arosaleskirkland, pad with notes is @ http://pad.ubuntu.com/7mf2jvKXNa16:05
pavelcan you grant me an access?16:06
arosalespavel, to the google hangout?16:06
kirklandarosales: thanks!16:06
pavelto the pad? or I don't need it?16:06
arosalesyou shouldn't need access, are you getting an error16:07
pavelYes, I'm getting an error16:07
pavelis this correct hangout url? https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/ajVxODVtbWk2dWp2anRpaTVzMW4zbGk1aW9AZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.p11le79ijn643h9hl7bmc36hbg16:07
pavelit's empty at the moment16:07
arosalespavel, try: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b32ae1008a86dcde437cb82a07c95aa5edb9c329?authuser=0&hl=en16:08
arosalesfor the hangout16:08
arosalespavel, http://pad.ubuntu.com/7mf2jvKXNa for the pad with notes16:08
arosalespavel welcome, we see you now :-)16:08
arosalespavel, thanks for joining16:08
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arosalesjamespage, sorry we were just ending16:28
jamespagearosales, yeah - I missed the time16:28
jamespagearosales, was busy raising bugs on juju-core :-)16:29
arosalesjamespage, well thats time well spent then :-)16:30
jamespagemarcoceppi, are you reserving the tests top-level directory for charm tests?16:35
pavelarosale, I'm not able to access pad16:40
pavelarosales, "Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again."16:41
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arosalespavel, hmm .. .16:45
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pavelarosales, maybe smth is wrong with my ubuntu one account )16:45
arosalespavel, let me check another lp account and see if they can access the pad16:46
pavelarosales, looks like it's issue with my account16:47
arosalespavel, ok ping me if you continue to have issues16:47
pavelarosales, I'll create a brand new account and try again16:48
arosalespavel, ugh. ok16:49
pavelarosales, still getting this error16:51
arosalespavel,  "Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again." is that the error16:53
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Davieymgz, jamespage: How are we looking for a saucy upload?17:10
mgzDaviey: we really need a release first, which... is proving annoying, with several breakages, not all juju-releated17:14
mgz(eg, today, 1.11 hasn't been working on ec2, because the cloud images data got changed)17:15
Davieymgz: Honestly, i'd be happy if we got something nonfunctional into saucy right now.17:16
DavieyThere is always one more bug, delaying it.17:16
mgzthis is true.17:16
Davieymgz / jamespage: Is there any reason we can't just upload the daily from the PPA?17:18
Daviey(I know it's not quite reproducible source that i'd like)17:18
ahasenackDaviey: I don't think the ppa has "dailies"17:23
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ahasenackit does have a recent build, though17:25
Davieyahasenack: https://code.launchpad.net/~dave-cheney/+recipe/juju-core ?17:30
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ahasenackDaviey: nice, that's news to me17:38
ahasenackDaviey: so just the tools story isn't handled by that, meaning, if you push this into saucy, people will have to remember to bootstrap with --upload-tools17:39
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ahasenackand, hm, that also won't work. They need a full development environment17:45
ahasenackin which case they already have juju-core installed by source17:45
adam_gjamespage, where can i find the  nvp-transport-node subordinate?17:55
wedgwoodadam_g: jamespage: looks like charm-helpers tests are broken on revno 46 for systems without python-dnspython installed18:25
adam_gwedgwood, gah, ok. ill take a look now18:30
wedgwoodadam_g: jamespage http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5862461/18:30
wedgwoodcool, thanks18:30
adam_gwedgwood, actually, im working on cleaning up other stuff in that area. ill fix that as part of that18:31
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jamespageadam_g, lp:~james-page/charms/precise/nvp-transport-node/trunk18:36
jamespageadam_g, you need access to NVP bits and pieces to make it work18:36
adam_gjamespage, thanks18:36
adam_gjamespage, cool. was trying to get the full picture when looking at the nova-c-c merge. im wondering if it might be a good idea to encapsulate all of the additional nvp config in an nvp subordinate, to keep nova-c-c's config.yaml minimal18:37
adam_gdunno if that + the transport subordinate would be awkward18:37
jamespageadam_g, maybe18:38
jamespagethe transport sub gets used on nova-compute and quantum-gateway nodes18:38
jamespagenot nova-cc18:38
jamespageme thinks18:38
adam_gjamespage, thinking out loud... would it be possible to use a single subordinate that can be related to all 3 services?  if its related to nova-c-c, it just exports its nvp-related config. if its related to q-gateway + nova-c, it goes thru the installation18:40
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jamespageadam_g, that might work; however I'm concerned re the bits and pieces that configure quantum networking in ncc19:09
jamespagewhat we are really talling about is a redux on the way we integrated quantum into nova19:09
adam_gjamespage, hmm, i think a lot of that is going to change heavily anyway as soon as it moves to templating19:11
jamespageadam_g, agreed - that might be the right point in time to make this happen19:12
jamespagethe pattern is similar to the cinder backends stuff we discussed a while back19:12
jamespageadam_g,  I think the nvp-transport-node sub stands as it is19:12
jamespageadam_g, the other bits are less than ideal but I don't want to waste to much time pushing them in to charms which are going to be re-written anyway.19:13
adam_gjamespage, im just thinking about when/if we have an NVP subordinate for  nova-c-c, we'll have an aditional NVP subordinate for q-gateway and nova-compute. other quantum plugins would require the same, probaby. might be better to have 1 subordinate with multiple interfaces19:14
jamespageadam_g, I don't disagree19:15
jamespageso actually maybe a nvp suboridinate that does different things to different charms determined by relationship is a good idea19:15
jamespageadam_g, how about we park the charms for the next few weeks while we figure this stuff out19:15
jamespage(the NVP updates that is)19:16
adam_gsounds good19:17
adam_gwedgwood, that should fix the tests19:19
adam_gjamespage, ^ theres some cleanup we talked about yesterday, gonna propose the context + templating next then start on the nova-c-c charm so we can figure out how we want to do the subordinates19:20
wedgwoodadam_g: I'll defer to jamespage for landing. I see some lint issues - I know he'll mention them.19:27
adam_gwedgwood, oh thanks for reminding me. :)19:27
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BeatsMusicCan someone pls help with this error23:19
BeatsMusic2013-07-10 23:18:06,519 ERROR SSH forwarding error: bind: Cannot assign requested address23:19
BeatsMusicIs it trying to connect to a bind server ?23:19
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sarnoldBeatsMusic: no, 'bind' in this case means bind(2) system call, to request a specific address23:30
BeatsMusicJust got that23:30
BeatsMusiclooks like juju can't connect to zookeeper23:30
BeatsMusic2013-07-10 23:29:10,123 DEBUG Spawning SSH process with remote_user="ubuntu" remote_host="m03.ops.nyc1.beats" remote_port="2181" local_port="45778". 2013-07-10 23:29:10,239 ERROR SSH forwarding error: bind: Cannot assign requested address23:30
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BeatsMusicAfter juju bootstrap23:49
BeatsMusicall i get is this23:49
BeatsMusicserver refused to accept the client23:49
BeatsMusic2013-07-10 23:48:55,504:19440(0x7f489e5c3700):ZOO_ERROR@handle_socket_error_msg@1579: Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server refused to accept the client 2013-07-10 23:48:55,522:19440(0x7f489fdc6700):ZOO_ERROR@handle_socket_error_msg@1579: Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server refused to accept the client23:49
BeatsMusicThe host is up,  should i wait it out ?23:50

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