
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
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domniconannagood morning, and good job for  Ubuntu core apps hack days05:07
Noskcaji don't think they've started yet05:14
domniconannafor my time zone, Italy, will begin at 11.00 am05:17
odraencodeI wish my image viewer could replace shotwell05:21
odraencodeBut my image viewer is too hardcore.05:21
dholbachgood morning06:36
dpmgood morning all06:47
NoskcajIs anyone else having issues with clock app in qmlscene?08:27
WebbyITHi all! I did a patch for new event in Calendar app, and I worked side by side with Kunal to did it. Unfortunately in those days Kunal is very busy, so he said me to ask here if someone can review my merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calendar-app/1193090/+merge/17095708:48
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Don't Step On A Bee Day! :-D08:49
WebbyIT(Uops, I'm in advance of about ten minutes, I hate UTC :-/)08:50
NasreddineI'm new in Qml/Qt09:00
NasreddineI need a quick quide09:01
popeyhi Nasreddine09:02
NoskcajNasreddine, developer.ubuntu.com09:02
popeyyeah, we have a getting started guide on that site09:02
popeyand a simple tutorial there too09:02
popeythere's also a lot of info on the upstream qt digia website09:02
Nasreddinethanks popey, I have seen these tutotials09:03
NasreddineI have a question about Right-To-Left apps, Is it supported in the current version of the SDK ?09:04
popeyI don't think so, bzoltan09:05
dpmNasreddine, translations themselves should be supported, although we haven't tested them yet09:05
dpmNasreddine, however shifting UI elements to the other side is not yet implemented as far as I know09:06
Nasreddineso, not RTL layout till now09:06
NasreddineI'll see the translation09:07
dpmNasreddine, yeah, if you could help with the testing for translations, that'd be awesome09:08
NasreddineI'll try, in fact I'm a developer, I want to build some apps in Arabic language09:09
Nasreddinewhat about changing used font in the app09:09
popeydpm: did you see we tried to enable translations for all core apps then got a bit stuck in lp config?09:09
popeydpm: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps the ones on the right..09:10
popeymhall119: thought we may have to generate pot files for them??09:10
dpmbummer, I cannot change the channel's topic09:11
WebbyITHi all! I did a patch for new event in Calendar app, and I worked side by side with Kunal to did it. Unfortunately in those days Kunal is very busy, so he said me to ask here if someone can review my merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calendar-app/1193090/+merge/17095709:11
dpmWebbyIT, oh wow, thanks a lot! We'll get someone to review it. oSoMoN, do you think you might have some time to review this MP? ^^09:12
dpmpopey, where exactly did you get stuck in LP? Did you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Translations ?09:12
oSoMoNdpm, WebbyIT: sure, I’ll try to review it today09:13
WebbyIToSoMoN, dpm thanks :)09:13
popeyset the global settings..09:13
dpmpopey, so not it's your chance to road test the instructions :)09:13
dpmthat's excellent, 15 mins into the hackfest and we get our first merge proposal :)09:14
* popey does it now for terminal09:14
popeyhaha, excellent09:14
dpmpopey, let me know if you get stuck and if I can help. The part on configuring Launchpad on the instructions should be good to go, but the part on internationalizing the code is a bit more complex and will take me some more time09:15
popeydpm: ok, found a problem09:15
popeystep 4 of Series-specific settings09:16
popey"Click on the Change synchronization settings link in the Automatic synchronization section"09:16
popeyI see no "change synchronization"09:16
* dpm tries09:16
* dpm fixes09:17
popeywe should be keeping a track of these things we're fixing in the hackday for later reporting09:18
* popey makes a doc09:18
dpmpopey, fixed it, thanks! -> the link to click on is "Set up branch synchronization"09:19
dpmgood idea09:19
popeydone, added you to the doc and mhall119 and jono09:21
popeylets try and keep it updated as we go09:21
dpmpopey, cool, jono will just love another google doc ;)09:21
* dpm thinks it's a good idea to keep track of the activities and report them09:22
popeyok, done terminal app as per your instructions, can you check it's okay please?09:24
popeyand I'll do the others09:24
UbuPhillupif i open calendar-app in the menu the translation for german are too long: http://ubuntuone.com/2kxGeCLQGDEtLMTnvka7Qh is this a known bug, because its in all translated core-app09:25
popeyhello andricorso09:26
UbuPhillupwhich have a menu09:26
popeyUbuPhillup: not a known bug that I'm aware of09:27
thor_hello all :)09:27
popeyhi thor_09:27
Owlreehello, people09:27
UbuPhilluppopey: so shoud i report it?09:28
rahulmahamnaanybody here ?????09:28
popeyUbuPhillup: please do!09:28
popeyrahulmahamna: lots09:28
dpmhi thor_, Owlree UbuPhillup and everyone else! Welcome to the calendar hackfest!09:31
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dpmgood morning Mirv, do you think you could help thor_ with some issues installing the SDK on 13.04? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5861100/09:35
dpmpopey, do you have the link to the upstream bug you filed for qmlscene not loading on Virtualbox handy?09:36
popeyi do09:37
popeyi have it permanently open, hoping one day someone will fix it09:38
UbuPhilluppopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/119969909:43
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1199699 in Ubuntu Clock App "German translation in the menu needs more space" [Undecided,New]09:43
popeythank you UbuPhillup09:44
dpmoSoMoN, sorry for keep adding to your TODO, I guess we'll be pinging you more today during the Calendar hack day. When you've got some time, it'd also be great if you could look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/yearview/+merge/17374309:55
oSoMoNdpm: yeah, will do09:56
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Mirvdpm: initially it sounds like not everything would have been updated10:02
MirvI'm checking how does my raring chroot look like10:02
Mirvall up-to-date, qtcreator starts fine10:03
Mirvdpm: thor_: I don't directly know what could be wrong, so it'd need some tinkering to try to find what's the issue. among else dpkg -l *qt* | grep 5.0.1 should only show qtwebkit packages10:04
Mirvthat error message occurs if some of the libraries that Qt doesn't allow to be different version, is different version, and specifically says some library would be 5.0.1 while others 5.0.210:05
Mirvdpkg -l qtcreator | cat should give 2.7.1-0ubuntu1~raring1~test10 as the Qt Creator version10:05
thor_@Mirv : i purged all qt4* and libqt5* packages, reinstalled ubuntu-sdk and it worked10:08
Mirvthor_: hmmkay :P good that you found a solution.10:08
WebbyITMy second mr for calendar app: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calendar-app/1198652/+merge/173901 (I did today my last exam, so now I have a lot of free time for utouch) :D10:13
dpmWebbyIT, excellent, thanks!10:23
dpmWebbyIT, glad to hear that, your help on calendar is much welcome :-)10:24
WebbyITdpm: i don't know if you remember, but i started to collaborate about two months ago, unfortunately university takes me a lot of time, so i didn't do much, but now i will recover the time lost :)10:26
dpmWebbyIT, I do remember, glad to have you back!10:29
dpmpopey, do you want to join #qt-labs? We might be getting some traction on the Virtualbox qmlscene bug10:34
dpmand they have some questions10:35
popeydpm: did you see above, translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps - I did terminal but it's still on the right, not on the left?10:39
dpmpopey, that's probably because we don't have a po/ubuntu-terminal-app.pot file committed to the branch. It's relatively easy to get, but it takes a bit more work to document. I'll see if I can finish the documentation today10:41
popeyok, shall I setup the others?10:41
dpmpopey, sure, it makes sense, if you want to, go for it!10:42
popeyok, will do10:42
sathyahey guys10:56
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ytuhejdjis here a discoussion started?... or just finished?...11:47
dpmytuhejdj, we're here to help everyone get started, so if you've got any questions or need any help just let us know11:49
dpmwell, too late11:49
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victorpdpm QTC seems broken in 12.0411:49
victorpI can enable ssh to the device11:49
dpmMirv, any ideas about what could be going on with QtC on 12.04? ^^11:50
dpmpopey, we're also not building the core apps packages for 12.04 in the daily PPA. Do you know whether there was any particular reason why we're not doing it? Shall we just enable 12.04 builds?11:51
victorp12.04 is still the desktop that most people are sticking too outside Ubuntu contributos11:52
victorpwe should make sure the SDK just works for 12.0411:52
popeydpm: we can try to test them on 12.04, for sure.11:53
* victorp thanks the touch terminal developer11:54
Mirvdpm: I haven't tested, jppiiroinen may have (the latest Qt Creator precise upgrade was done during my vacation)11:56
dpmpopey, yeah, I think it'd make sense to enable the 12.04 builds, as I've already seen 2 comments where people were asking for it. Do you want to have a look at enabling those builds, or do you want me to do it?11:58
popeyfor core apps we need to speak to fginther11:58
popeyfor collection we don't.11:58
dpmjppiiroinen, could you help victorp with his QtC issue on 12.04?11:59
dpmvictorp, you mention SSH not working on QtC. Is that it, or do you have other issues with it?11:59
victorpdpm -  I have worked aroud it by installing ssh manually12:00
victorpdpm - enabling developer mode fails12:00
dpmoh actually12:00
dpmI had the same problem on 13.0412:00
dpmI thought it was a glitch12:00
popeyyou get a log in qtcreator12:00
dpmand did the same as you12:00
popeybe good to get that12:00
popeywell, console output in a window12:00
dpmi.e. manual installation of openssh-server12:00
jppiiroineni run precise myself here12:01
dpmpopey, gotcha. Why do we need to talk to fginther? Because we need to add Jenkins jobs?12:01
jppiiroinenit would be interesting to see what happened, as if there was some temporary issue with package management etc on the device12:01
dpmjppiiroinen, next time it happens to me on 13.04 I'll report a bug. IIRC, the issue on the QtC connection log was that openssh-server could not be installed, so there wasn't much I could debug from that. But I think you're right in that it might point to a packaging management issue12:03
popeyi have a clean precise VM, I could test qtcreator there (assuming it will see my phone over USB)12:03
* popey tests12:03
jppiiroinendoing the same here with my n712:04
popeySo my test plan is. Boot clean VM, follow qtcreator install instructions from developer.ubuntu.com, plug phone in, enable developer mode, right?12:05
jppiiroinenpopey: im starting from phablet-flash12:06
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popeyok, will do that too,12:06
om26ertmoenicke, so the real keyboard is nemo-keyboard package ?12:12
om26erI start the maliit-server from terminal and a transparent window appears on my desktop12:15
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popeybah, virtualbox can't see my tablet12:22
* popey tries other things12:23
tmoenickeom26er: no. maliit-keyboard and maliit-keyboard-data12:31
om26ertmoenicke, so  I just figured and maliit-keyboard is not build for any other architecture than armhf12:31
tmoenickeom26er: yep12:31
om26ertmoenicke,  I build it on i386 and installed it. now maliit-server crashed with: open /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpinyin/data/pinyin_index.bin failed!12:32
om26eris there a way to build without pinyin support ?12:32
tmoenickeom26er: can you install libpinyin?12:33
om26ertmoenicke, yes its installed, but I think the maliit-keyboard is hardcoded to use libpinyin from the arm dir  ?12:34
om26erFWIW /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpinyin/data/pinyin_index.bin does exist. its just the maliit-server is looking in the wrong dir :/12:38
deniswhi, is there already calendar-app hacking going on? :)12:53
thor_hi again does any DatePicker component exist in the available components?12:54
popeyhey denisw sure12:55
deniswunfortunately i don't have the time to help out currently (I have a bachelor thesis to write), but I hope this will change in the future12:56
deniswi'm very excited about a set of core apps directly from the ubuntu community, especially if they will scale to the desktop eventually12:57
micah2How much more do you have to go on your thesis?12:57
deniswi'll probably be done at the beginning of september12:58
micah2Cool, then you'll definitely have time to jump in before 14.04.12:59
deniswyeah, that would be great12:59
denisware there any plans to make the apps desktop-ready in the 14.04 cycle?12:59
denisw(or rather, more pleasant on the desktop, given that they already run on standard ubuntu)13:00
micah2There's been recent work on the conditional layouts, so I'd imagine it will be possible.13:03
deniswcool. is there already already an app using conditional layouting, or has only infrastructure work been done for now?13:05
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WebbyITA question: when I propose a merge, have I to change the bug status in Fix Commited or have to leave In Progress?13:08
micah2I know today is about the Calendar, but I'm trying to get up and running with helping with the Music app. Anyone here who can bring me up to speed with the music app?13:09
popeyWebbyIT: in progress until it lands, then it's fix committed/fix released13:10
WebbyITpopey: ok, thanks13:10
jppiiroinenpopey: i was able to enable the developer mode on my workstation, i will do next a full bootstrap flashing13:17
popeyjppiiroinen: still installing bits here, it's a precise install on a usb stick13:21
jppiiroinendpm: the best tip for victorp is to remove the openssh-server manually and try to re-enable the developer mode13:22
jppiiroinenand also to make sure that he has the latest device image13:22
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dpmpopey, joining the music app call?13:37
popeyi don't have hangout capability because my laptop is booted to precise on a usb stick13:37
popeycan't install debs right now as it's mid install qtcreator and friends13:38
popeyMirv: jppiiroinen  ok, first issue after install sdk on a clean precise install... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861669/13:47
popeylooks like adb permissions issue13:47
popeyya, sudo adb works around it13:48
popeyMirv: jppiiroinen problem is /usr/share/qtcreator/scripts/device_search then kills the adb server and restarts as non-root13:49
dpmpopey, no worries. I just talked to Daniel Holm about getting the scanning functionality in shape to get the music app in the default images and the hackfest. He's going to be there tomorrow13:50
mhall119hello hello13:53
mhall119how's the hack day going?13:53
dpmhey mhall11913:53
dpmwe had a branch submitted13:53
dpmand Kunal worked on prototypes for the week and year view. He's not here today, but he prepared it for the hackfest in advance13:54
dpmhe's a rockstar13:54
UbuPhillupmhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/119946113:54
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1199461 in Ubuntu Terminal App "The app is not translatable" [Undecided,In progress]13:54
mhall119UbuPhillup: look at popey go!13:56
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* popey is currently working on making sure sdk works out of the box on precise 14:00
HeavenlyGamesBosWhen does the calendar event happen?14:05
HeavenlyGamesBosCalendar hack a-thon14:05
mhall119dpm: wow, kunal did all of that work just recently?14:05
mhall119HeavenlyGamesBos: happening now14:06
mhall119HeavenlyGamesBos: what do you want to get started with?14:07
dpmmhall119, yeah, check out the e-mail he sent us, he's awesome14:10
popey_stupid irc14:14
mhall119dpm: can we get those new changes merged?14:15
jonohey all14:15
UbuPhilluphi ho jono14:16
jonohey UbuPhillup :-)14:18
jonodpm, mhall119 how is the hackfest coming? I see some branches :-)14:19
WebbyITWhere can I find a tutorial/documentation about autopilot test?14:24
mhall119balloons: ^^14:24
balloonsWebbyIT, you can find the information on developer.ubuntu.com. Let me get you the link: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/cookbook/mobile/how-to-write-autopilot-tests/14:25
mhall119jono: I'm looking over the MPs now, Kunal did some great work on the UI for the new designs14:25
jonomhall119, yeah I saw the vid, has that landed?14:25
mhall119not yet14:25
WebbyITthanks balloons :)14:25
Aviraldo you think that create event popup in calender app will be changed?? or will be modified??14:26
balloonsyour most welcome WebbyIT. Once you've finished with that, let me know and I can help you look at writing your first autopilot test :-)14:26
mhall119Aviral: it might be,why?14:26
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Aviralactually it lokks a bit old fasioned14:27
WebbyITballoons: ok, thanks :) I'll ping you in the evening :)14:27
Aviralthe ui of calender app is very nice and ui of the pop up  looks a bit odd14:27
mhall119Aviral: there a different look on http://design.canonical.com/2013/06/solving-multiple-calendar-views/14:28
dpmjono, yeah, WebbyIT is keen to help with the Calendar app and has already sent 2 merge proposals too14:29
Aviralmhall119: ya now it looks awesome :)14:32
dpmbfiller, did we have a mentor from your team for the weather app? With so many apps I'm losing track14:36
jppiiroinenpopey: afaik, that was a workaround for some other bug with adb14:37
dpmwow WebbyIT is on fire, I just saw another merge proposal from him, now for the weather app!14:38
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mhall119balloons: I'm getting an error trying ot run autopilot on the calendar14:48
mhall119  File "/home/mhall/projects/Ubuntu/sdk/pure-qml/ubuntu-calendar-app/tests/autopilot/calendar_app/tests/__init__.py", line 12, in <module>14:48
mhall119    from autopilot.input import Mouse, Touch, Pointer14:48
mhall119ImportError: No module named input14:48
balloonsmhall119, I'm guessing your didn't install autopilot from the ppa14:48
balloonssudo apt-add-repository ppa:autopilot/ppa14:48
balloonssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libautopilot-qt python-autopilot14:48
mhall119ah, yeah, probably not14:48
balloons:-) It needs the newer 1.3 version which isn't in the archive14:49
mhall119why not?14:49
balloonswell it launched well afterwards, but that's how they want to handle it.. leave the version of autopilot that shipped with the release in the release14:50
balloonsso saucy has 1.3, raring does not for instance14:50
balloonswell I guess your on saucy.. so hmm.. let's check14:50
bfillerdpm: I think weather was gusch but need to check15:13
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WebbyITdpm: and here another one for clock :) Very small, but there is an open bug https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-clock-app/119129115:14
mhall119WebbyIT: you are rocking it today!15:15
WebbyITmhall119: oh, thanks :) I just finish my exams, so i have a lot of free time15:16
WebbyITis there a way to run ticker app not on port 8080? I can't access it15:30
mhall119ticker app?15:37
balloonsthe stock ticker?15:39
WebbyITballoons mhall119 yes, the stock ticker15:40
mhall119what does it use port 8080 for?15:49
mhall119I'm confused15:49
WebbyITmhall119: i don't understand, it's looking for ttp://www.surgemcgee.com:8080/?f=sabl1vpghojkc8dre7j1n&s=yhoo15:49
WebbyIT* http://www.surgemcgee.com:8080/?f=sabl1vpghojkc8dre7j1n&s=yhoo15:50
WebbyITmhall119: because i cannot access to it remains endlessly turning circle on startup15:50
mhall119oh....yeah, yeah can't have that15:50
mhall119surgemcgee_: there's a server-side component for the stock ticker?15:51
surgemcgee_Yes, I even published a npm module for it https://npmjs.org/package/apache-log15:53
surgemcgee_That code is antiquated as well. Do not use.15:53
WebbyITBTW, not being able to use it I have created an error message, more userfriendly https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/stock-ticker-mobile-app/error-dialog/+merge/17397715:54
nik90|Mobile2hey WebbyIT I will review your mp for the clock app in another hour or so?15:54
nik90|Mobile2will u be online then?15:54
WebbyITnik90|Mobile2: np, when you have time :) Yes, for next 5-6 hour i'll be available15:55
nik90|Mobile2thanks a lot for it15:55
surgemcgee_Ok, I will take a lokk at it.15:55
WebbyITnik90|Mobile2: if you prefer I'll be available also in next days15:57
nik90|Mobile2this weekend?15:57
WebbyITnik90|Mobile2: yes, also15:58
mhall119surgemcgee_: where is the code for the server-side component?15:58
nik90|Mobile2I work during the day..so am very busy with that. however when I get home I am free :)15:58
surgemcgee_I wasn't sure if I sure ptu it publis15:58
surgemcgee_I wasn't sure if I sure put it public*15:58
nik90|Mobile2perfect WebbyIT.  thanks for the support. It is very much appreciated at this crucial stage.15:59
mhall119surgemcgee_: since the stock ticker is in the core apps now, we should try and get the server-side piece running on Canonical's servers15:59
WebbyITnik90|Mobile2: thanks you for your time16:00
surgemcgee_Cool, can I admin?16:00
surgemcgee_I am quilifies.16:00
surgemcgee_I am quilified.* Jeesh (speeling)16:00
kaleomhall119, nik90, bug of disappearing tabs fixed16:05
kaleomhall119, nik90, now I want a cute screenshot :)16:05
mhall119kaleo: \o.16:05
mhall119was it a bug in the SDK or Clock?16:05
kaleomhall119, sdk16:06
kaleomhall119, you need to pull from the dark_gradient_themes branch16:06
nik90|Mobile2mhall119 can u16:07
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mhall119kaleo: same branch as yesterday?16:10
kaleomhall119, yes16:10
surgemcgee_Has anyone got any thoughts regarding the spining loaders at the app start up which rely on a internet connection?16:12
surgemcgee_I was tempted to put "loading..." text into the listviews with a error message if the conection was un-successfull.16:13
mhall119kaleo: nik90: http://ubuntuone.com/0ga6FiDINrvXJtzs71LfIi16:14
kaleomhall119, nice16:14
nik90mhall119: u joinging hangout?16:34
mhall119nik90: finishing up a calendar backend call, I'll join when I can, but don't wait on me16:36
nic-doffaykaleo, so I've done two additional components for the SDK.16:41
nic-doffayA generic expandable item which is now used in the OptionSelector too.16:42
nic-doffayand am now working on a ScrollingContainer which will be used hand in hand for that.16:42
nic-doffayAny suggestions for another name are welcomed too...16:42
kaleonic-doffay, sounds ok16:42
limurxHey there, may I ask if a whatsapp app is in scope of the developement? Matthias Gehre wrote first implementation and even held a presentation about it, but this project was discontinued.17:03
limurxOr do you want the whatsapp devs to handle this by their own?17:04
ayr_tonlimurx, https://answers.launchpad.net/whosthere/+question/23105517:04
mhall119limurx: the whosthere app required a hack to get an auth token, which was unsustainable17:06
mhall119and whatsapp wasn't agreeable to working together with us to come up with a more official solution17:06
limurxThanks for your answers. Sad news, gotta hope the Ubuntu Phone gets too popular to ignore17:08
mhall119limurx: you can help by asking the whatsapp developers to support it :)17:09
limurxmhall119: You bet! (Or the people start using a more open technology like WebRTC till then)17:12
rapturhello, is this thing up and running yet?17:24
mhall119raptur: if you mean the hack day, yes17:39
rapturthanks michael17:44
nik90WebbyIT: you there?17:52
WebbyITnik90: yap17:52
nik90we can discuss your MP.17:52
WebbyITnik90: this one?  ListItems.Subtitled {                     id: timePickerButton                     text: qsTr("Time")                     subText: Qt.formatTime(selectedDateTime, qsTr("hh:mm"))                     anchors {                         left: parent.left                         right: parent.right                     }                     visible: timeModeSelector.selectedIndex !== 0                     onClic17:53
WebbyITSorry, bad paste :-/17:53
nik90yes I was referring to it17:53
nik90First of all, I do not think that the bug report is valid in the first place.17:54
nik90I had a meeting with the platform developers and mhall17:54
nik90They believe that QDate() will get the timezone of the system.17:54
nik90So I am not sure why this was reported in the first place as a bug.17:55
WebbyITproblem is in the code: first pick up the time with Date (that get right timezone) and after sums the difference with UTC, so it's become UTC17:56
nik90this bug was reported before that code was merged into trunk17:57
nik90the line you are referring to17:57
nik90Although I do agree to your logic that the diff is messing stuff up17:57
nik90but the diff is necessary to allow the user to set a world city as his current location17:57
WebbyITso, is necessary to check if city and timezone are the same?17:58
nik90so I am guessing we might need a if loop or something which allows other cities to be set as the current location or take the timezone from the system17:58
nik90WebbyIT: yeah I guess so. Although I am not sure how to do that17:59
WebbyITnik90: gotcha. I have to think on it, it's not simply17:59
nik90WebbyIT: I am actually a bit confused as well17:59
nik90WebbyIT: We have to first consider both cases. I will try to put this into a google docs and share it with you.18:00
WebbyITnik90: great18:01
nik90kaleo: can we expect your dark-gradients branch to land by this week end?18:02
WebbyITnik90: thanks for your availabilty :)18:02
kaleonik90, yes18:02
nik90kaleo: awesome, thnx.18:03
nik90WebbyIT: no. thank you for helping :)18:03
mhall119thank you both for being awesome :)18:20
nik90Anyone interested in participating in the whole clock, world clock can take a look at https://docs.google.com/document/d/10f7sU1POjFWc1y1afiV3IynJxDQartyFsXcpexI--7w/edit?usp=sharing18:26
MadTuxwhat's going on here?18:57
mhall119hi MadTux19:01
mhall119MadTux: how are you interested in getting involved?19:03
MadTuxHave to go now19:05
UbuPhillupSo no ;)19:05
zeokilaSo what exactly happens on htis channel, is it only for the hack days, or is it for all Ubuntu applications development based stuff?19:44
mhall119zeokila: this channel is always here, for any kind of app development on Ubuntu19:45
mhall119we're just using it as a place to gather for the Core Apps hack days19:45
zeokilaOk, thanks19:46
mhall119no problem19:46
mhall119did you want to get involved with one of the core apps?19:46
zeokilaWell maybe not just yet, I've actually started developing a non-core app19:46
kaleonik90, the AnimationContainer class is odd, weird and unexpected19:47
kaleonik90, can we remove it? what's its use?19:47
mhall119zeokila: oh? what does it do?19:47
kaleonik90, (if you need to have scrollable content you should use http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-flickable.html)19:47
nik90kaleo: It provides the swipe up/down animation19:48
kaleonik90, what is that animation?19:48
nik90kaleo: in the clock app, you can swipe up to show more options. It does indeed work like a flickable19:48
nik90kaleo: but at that time, we had some issues implementing the flickable. May be I should give it a try again19:49
zeokilamhall119, it's going to be (if I manage) an eBook reader, but I'm pretty much new to QML, and have no C++ experience (though I have knowlege in other languages) so I'm going to have quite a lot to learn, which is great, build and learn :D https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-read/19:49
kaleonik90, definitely19:49
kaleonik90, especially because the swipe behaviour is behaving oddly19:49
nik90kaleo: what do you mean by behaving oddly?19:50
kaleonik90, it gets stuck19:50
nik90I had renato_ 's help in implementing it19:50
mhall119zeokila: nice!  I've been wanting an ebook reader, now I don't have to write it myself :)19:50
kaleonik90, and it does not bounce like usual19:50
kaleonik90, well renato_ did not do his best :)19:50
nik90kaleo: yes it does not bounce.19:50
kaleonik90, oh, and if you don't use a Flickable the content might not be clipped correctly by the header with the gradient19:50
kaleonik90, with the new gradient background19:50
nik90kaleo: alrite, I will change that to a flickable19:50
kaleonik90, thanks!19:50
zeokilahaha, well lets hope I manage to develop it ;)19:51
kaleonik90, less code makes me happy :)19:51
nik90kaleo: :)19:51
mhall119zeokila: make you you talk about it on a blog, Google+, and elsewhere, you'll probably find other interested developers19:51
nik90kaleo: I already have 2-3 local branches doing just that.19:51
zeokilamhall119: good idea, though I think maybe I should get the core functionality starting before?19:52
mhall119FYI, there's also a PDF renderer available that was created for the ubuntu-docviewer-app project on Launchpad19:52
mhall119zeokila: I'd say promote it as soon as you have even enough for a screenshot19:52
zeokilamhall119: oh, well I might do that now then ^^ though how do I make it so others find it, hashtags (for g+)?19:53
mhall119zeokila: post it to https://plus.google.com/communities/11135078027092554054919:53
zeokilamhall119: thanks :) also, thanks for your tutorials, they helped kickstart me a lot :D19:54
mhall119zeokila: glad they're useful19:57
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nik90kaleo: is there a way to change the color of a transparent button? When I used the transparent color, the text is white and hence not visible.20:01
nik90kaleo: I meant change the *text color* of transparent button20:02
kaleonik90, where do you use that kind of button?20:03
nik90kaleo: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XFEE_1vaxYE/UdlfDshUE9I/AAAAAAAAB2U/LQtRqO9oul4/s1600/stopwatch_home.jpg20:04
nik90because of this I am currently defining a lable and an image within the button to change the color of the label myself20:05
kaleonik90, for now you should use AbstractButton and layout an icon and a label20:06
kaleonik90, for the colors of both you should use Theme.palette.normal.backgroundText20:07
nik90kaleo: ok. This shouldnt be an issue once the backgrounds lands. THe text will then become visible20:08
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AskUbuntuQt creator HTML5 project -lsqlite3 | http://askubuntu.com/q/31866620:56
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AskUbuntuWhy is the libindicator reporting all scroll event signals as UP? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31869722:54
popeyoh look a bug I confirmed and isnt fixed ☹22:56

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