
vastkahunaI am fairly new to Linux and was wondering does Ubuntu have a firewall built in or do I need to install one myself?00:48
holstein!firewall | vastkahuna00:48
ubot93vastkahuna: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist.00:48
vastkahunaOK so is it automatically turned on or do I need to do it myself?00:49
holsteinvastkahuna: i suggest reading the info, and determining for yourself if your current sitution is setup as you want00:51
holsteini usually run "sudo ufw enable" if i want it on00:51
vastkahunaOK thanks00:51
holsteinsudo ufw status should tell you the state00:51
vastkahunaThanks a lot00:52
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veebullhey there05:01
veebullrecently reinstalled (x)ubuntu on my laptop this afternoon, and this evening I was re-joining various rooms in Xchat05:02
veebullbut I get a message that I'm 'banned' from #ubuntu05:02
veebullany ideas on how to find out why/what for?05:02
veebullI asked over in #ubuntu-irc-council but it was a ghost town05:03
duanedesignhello veebull05:27
duanedesign@bansearch veebull #ubuntu05:30
duanedesignhmm. Ill ask in the channel for you what you should do05:30
veebullThat'd be nice... btw, where would I normally run the above command irc command?  Tried running it from the freenode server window, and it complained about needing to join a room05:32
veebullor is it a moderator/admin-only sort of thing05:32
duanedesignveebull: ok05:36
duanedesignveebull: join #ubuntu-ops they can help you their.05:37
veebullthanks, will do05:37
duanedesignveebull: night be an issue of an accidental flood from your client05:37
duanedesignveebull: good luck sir05:37
veebullduanedesign: well, they think someone with a 'similar' hostname was being a problem child and an op banned a block, which apparently included me.05:59
veebullhave to wait til the op who did it is back on shift though05:59
duanedesignveebull: im sure they will get it sorted06:06
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Shark84hey, so empped to be a part of some thing so big18:37
Shark84hi, trying to run my VM in  full screen mode but all l get is full screen with my OS window minimiszed/just at the center of the black screen. l get an error when syaing unable to mount the media/drive when l try  to "Install Guest Additions". l m using Virtual Box19:02
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zryanhi all22:53
zryanhow to fix crash my system , ubuntu 10.04 LTS22:58
holsteinzryan: desktop?22:59
zryanno laptop22:59
holsteinzryan: install either 12.04 or 13.04.. 10.04 for the desktop is EOL22:59
zryanmy laptop is older device22:59
Unit193You can try a lighter flavor, if you'd like.23:01
holsteinzryan: lubuntu 13.04 would be a nice solution23:02
holsteinzryan: 10.04 is EOL... its not supported for the desktop (or laptop) anymore23:03
zryan1GB of RAM and CPU is celeron23:03
zryaninstall ubuntu 13.04 to be slow23:04
holsteinzryan: 10.04 is not supported anymore.. try lubuntu 13.0423:04
ubot93lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.23:04
zryanHP Compacq CQ40-312-tu23:05
Unit193I have a Lubuntu computer with 1G of ram, it's a P4.23:05
zryanthanks for holstein  Unit193 and upot9323:07
ubot93Hi! I'm #ubuntu-beginners's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:07
zryancan i upgrade lubuntu replace to ubuntu?23:10
holsteinzryan: you just install lxde, or lubuntu23:11
zryanthanks again23:13

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