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pittiGood morning04:43
Noskcajwhat do i need to do to package bug 1199017 ? the dsc, debian folder and tarball ar all provided?04:44
ubottubug 1199017 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ubuntuone-credentials" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119901704:44
ajmitchNoskcaj: the bug is there so that a sponsor can look at it & upload it, there's nothing you need to do if you're not able to upload it04:54
dholbachgood morning06:36
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mwhudsonpitti: hello07:16
pittihello mwhudson07:16
mwhudsonpitti: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/1196440?  would you know anything about it?07:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1196440 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "apache2-mpm-worker-dbgsym is uninstallable" [Undecided,New]07:17
mwhudson(i found your fingers on dbgsym stuff :))07:17
pittihmm, apache2's debian/control does have apache2-dbg; I wonder where it went07:19
pittiwe explicitly don't build it on ubuntu07:19
pittithat delta can be dropped now07:19
pittimwhudson: doing a test build now07:21
mwhudsonpitti: ta07:22
zyga_pitti: hey07:23
mwhudson... in the mean time, how do i lie to apt and pretend apache2-dbg is installed?07:29
zygamwhudson: you want to build something that depends on the -dbg package?07:31
pittihey zyga07:31
zygapitti: hey, I've started looking at and experimenting with your dbusmock project07:31
pittimwhudson: won't help you in this case, the -dbgsym is empty07:32
zygapitti: I wanted to say *thank you* it's really awesome07:32
mwhudsonpitti: oh ok07:32
* mwhudson rummages around for his unstripped apache build07:32
pittizyga: nice :)07:33
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zygapitti: I'm still in the early stages here, I wanted to ask if you think that dbusmock is applicable for testing server code somehow? like putting upower on a fake bus (and mocking stuff internally) to ensure that the actual implementation does what is expected07:35
zygapitti: from what I read so far it seems to be more client focused, where you put a fake server on a spare bus and have real clients talk to it07:35
evm4n1sh: apologies for not getting to that bug yesterday. Going to try to fit it in today07:36
pittimwhudson: fix uploaded07:37
mwhudsonpitti: :)07:37
mwhudsonpitti: thanks07:37
pittizyga: not quite, it's not meant for that; it's primary purpose is to test desktop-side/UI code07:37
pittizyga: like, indicators or gnome-settings-daemon07:37
pittizyga: for testing upower itself I use an umockdev approach, i. e. fake the sysfs/uevent side and test that upowerd reacts as intended07:38
pittizyga: i. e. the intention is to have the mock mirror what the real daemon does, so it's rather pointless to test the other way round07:38
* smb wonders whether there is a compelling reason to have "move workspace left+right" on ctrl+alt+<left/right> but "move workspace up+down" on super+<up/down>07:43
zygapitti: I see, how do you test upower's dbus interface itself then?07:44
smb(actually super and page up/down07:44
pittizyga: the test suite calls the "upower" CLI tool07:45
pittizyga: but you can just talk to the d-bus interface directly in tests, of course07:45
zygapitti: oh07:45
zygapitti: do you put upower on a some kind of special, standalone, test bus/07:46
pittizyga: yes, I do; otherwise you couldn't run the tests in "make check"/during package build07:47
zygapitti: I need to look at upower then, I think the solution I'm after is just putting my code on a bus does not interfere with rest of the system and see what happens when I (really) call methods over dbus, that I can mock (the actions of) internally in the test code07:48
pittizyga: you can do that with dbus-launch <program>, and setting DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS07:49
pittizyga: (and then clean up the bus after you've done)07:49
pittithere are some convenience libraries around that, but that's the gist of it07:49
zygapitti: my app runs on the session bus normally07:50
zygapitti: is it appropriate to just use that during tests/07:50
pittizyga: ah, then you only need the dbus-launch07:50
pittizyga: if your test suite is in Python, you can also use Gio.TestDBus, which is very convenient (and cleans up after itself)07:51
zygapitti: indeed it is07:51
pittizyga: yes, sure; tests shouldn't assume an existing session bus07:51
zygapitti: thanks, I need to look stuff up then :)07:51
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pittizyga: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/upower/tree/src/linux/integration-test uses Gio.TestDBus07:52
zygapitti: that looks like exactly what I wanted!07:53
zygapitti: awesome, thanks07:53
pittizyga: you wouldn't use lines 75 and 76 for a session bus07:58
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pittizyga: and of course Gio.BusType.SYSTEM → .SESSION07:58
seb128barry, slangasek: ubuntuone and software-center are broken in saucy for a week now due to the python-configglue update ... should we think about reverting the update?08:02
seb128it's getting really annoying for those of us that use u1...08:02
pittiseb128: is that the UnicodeDecodeError crash that pops up multiple times every day?08:03
* pitti tried to report it, but had outdated packages08:03
seb128pitti, no, it's bug #119848008:03
ubottubug 1198480 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with AssertionError in expand_user()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119848008:03
pittiah, it just crashed again, reporting now08:04
seb128pitti, ubuntuone-syncdaemon doesn't start for me08:04
seb128pitti, does it work for you?08:04
pittiindeed not08:04
pitti0:00 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sync/indicator-sync-service08:04
pittiunless this replaced it somehow08:04
pittibut no ubuntuone-syncdaemon process or similar08:04
seb128pitti, no, can you try running manually ubuntuone-syncdaemon ?08:05
seb128pitti, /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon08:05
pittiyep, AssertionError08:05
seb128it's broken for a week, since barry updated python-configglue08:05
seb128what happened to the "revert broken updates in the day if we don't come with a fix"? ;-)08:06
* pitti gets bug 119965908:07
ubottubug 1199659 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center-dbus crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in parse_applications_menu(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 5: ordinal not in range(128)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119965908:07
pittiseb128: well, we should08:07
pittimwhudson: argh, my upload was rejected, there is a -2.4 stuck in -proposed08:08
pittimwhudson: I'm afraid I can't fix this quickly then08:08
seb128pitti, Laney and dobey were discussing s-c but I don't know if that's this bug08:08
Laneyno I was just fixing the tests08:09
cjwatsonpitti: you could fix it in -proposed if the version there has the same problem08:10
cjwatsonpitti: we're working on getting that transition landed08:10
* pitti re-fixes his apt sources to add deb-src saucy-proposed again08:11
cjwatsonpitti: pull-lp-source is your friend08:11
pitticjwatson: ah, the -proposed version already drops teh ubuntu specific -dbg handling, so much the better08:13
seb128cjwatson, Laney, pitti: do you have any opinion on reverting the python-configglue update to fix u1? I'm pondering doing it ... or maybe I should just wait for barry to wake up to check with him first08:13
pitti+1 for reverting08:13
cjwatsonseb128: I think by now it can wait for barry to wake up ...08:14
LaneyI'm not massively up to speed with the problem, sorry08:14
cjwatsonI don't have much of a personal opinion beyond observing that the update added python3 support (afaik) and thus reverting it at this late stage would require checking whether anything's been built on top of that since08:14
seb128right, I pinged him yesterday already but nothing happened08:14
seb128but yeah, it has been broken for a week, it can be broken for a few extra hours08:14
pittiseb128: hm, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/144486841/python-configglue_1.1.0-0ubuntu1_1.1.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz doesn't seem to have ConfigParser changes?08:15
pittiseb128: ah, I guess it wasn't the latest upload, but 1.1.0-0ubuntu1 instead?08:16
seb128pitti, the issue started with 1.1.0 not 1.1.108:16
pittithat looks harder to revert08:16
seb128yeah :/08:16
pittipython3-configglue has zero rdepends, tohugh08:16
LaneyI think the problem is that the update brings in configparser which causes conflicts or something08:18
Laneyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ricardokirkner/configglue/from-future-remove-configparser/+merge/173806 was posted yesterday08:18
infinity@pilot in09:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity
* dholbach hugs infinity09:21
caribouI'm working on a patch that requires a modification to configure.ac that comes from upstream09:21
infinitycaribou: Nothing wrong with that.09:22
caribouI suppose that this means that debian/rules needs to run autoreconf but for some reason, it fails on me09:22
caribouinfinity: well, just changing configure.ac breaks the build :-/09:22
caribouinfinity: let me paste the error...09:22
infinitycaribou: One can either use one of the dh autoreconf thingees to sort that out, or your patch can hit configure.ac, configure.in, and configure all at once.09:22
caribouinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861074/09:23
caribouinfinity: that's what I did : I added an override to dh_auto_configure to run autoreconf before continueing09:23
infinityThat's not really a helpful error without knowing what it's complainign about, or what your patch is.09:23
caribouinfinity: just adding /bin/*/libc.so.* to a subshell search with 'ls'09:24
seb128caribou, you should better use dh-autoreconf and --with autoreconf09:24
seb128caribou, rather overwriting09:24
seb128rather *than* overwriting09:24
infinitycaribou: s/bin/lib/ I assume, though any autoconf check for libc is probably broken by design.09:25
seb128(though that will probably not fix your issue if autoreconf fails there)09:25
infinitycaribou: As seb says, dh_autoreconf is the way to do this, but I'm curious as to what your patch is and why it's needed in the first place.09:25
caribouoh, btw if I rm acinclude.m4 & rerun autoreconf --force --install in the schroot it works09:26
caribouinfinity: let me paste it...09:26
caribouinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861086/09:27
caribouseb128: ok, I'll do that09:27
infinitycaribou: I think what I was driving at is *why* does it do that?  Nothing should need to know the path to libc.09:27
cjwatsonYeah, dh-autoreconf is the way, the truth, and the life09:28
seb128caribou, hum, for that patch you might want to try to make the change the configure manually as well and avoid autoreconfing at all09:28
caribouinfinity: well danted fails to start because it cannot find the lib. I'm just following pitti's advice on the bug; let me dig it09:29
cjwatsonseb128: ugh09:29
cjwatsonpatching autogenerated files is a timebomb09:29
infinitycaribou: I don't doubt that the patch is necessary in the current incarnation of whatever crazy thing the package is doing, I'm just arguing that fixing it to DTRT is better than perpetuating hacks, especially if it's going to be upstreamed.09:30
seb128cjwatson, well, patching both configure.ac and configure should be fine ... but yeah, better to autoreconf when you can09:30
infinitycjwatson: I do it all the time (patching the source *and* the generated file, never just the latter)09:30
seb128cjwatson, sometime you can get away with patching the autogenerated ones though09:30
cjwatsonsounds like you need to find the bug in acinclude.m4 and patch that so that autoreconf works09:30
cjwatsoninfinity: For "timebomb", I meant just the latter.  But the more I work with dh-autoreconf the more I find it night-and-day from previous "patch both files" approaches.09:30
caribouinfinity: here's the bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dante/+bug/112404809:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816153 in dante (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #1124048 dante-server using the wrong libc.so" [Medium,Triaged]09:31
caribousorry I pasted the Dupe : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dante/+bug/81615309:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816153 in dante (Ubuntu Precise) "dante-server using the wrong libc.so" [Medium,Triaged]09:32
cariboubtw, I had the same build failure before adding the autoreconf bit09:34
caribouwell, this was last night, need to test it again09:34
infinitydlopening libc makes me a sad panda.  But fixing that looks like it would be a massive patch.09:35
infinitycaribou: You could just add --with-libc=libc.so.6 to configure.09:37
caribouinfinity: isn't that hardcoding the version ? not that it should change much09:38
infinitycaribou: It is, and it's wrong for Debian (since it's not always 6)09:38
infinitycaribou: Meh, I guess fixing their weird search works.09:38
infinityFixing their dlopens would be better, but that looks painful.09:39
caribouok FYI, just patching configure.ac & rebuilding w/o autoreconf yield to the same error09:39
cariboufull build error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861110/09:40
caribouwell doesn't look like there is an easy answer to that; sorry to bring that noise09:41
* Laney hears Public Enemy09:41
infinitycaribou: That just looks like a missing build-dep.09:43
* infinity tests here.09:44
cjwatsonpatching configure.ac and rebuilding without autoreconf is always wrong09:44
caribouinfinity: I added automake1.9 but it didn't change a thing09:44
cjwatsonand the failure is strictly less interesting than what you get from autoreconf09:45
cariboucjwatson: yeah, I know I figured out the autoreconf afterward (I'm an autotool noob)09:45
cjwatsondon't add automake1.9, that entire path is unreliable and not worth debugging09:45
cariboucjwatson: but I seem to get the same failure with & without the autoreconf09:45
infinityI wish I hadn't read that debian/rules.09:45
cjwatsoncaribou: that's as may be, but without autoreconf you get a weirder set of failures appended that you really do not want to debug09:46
cjwatsontake my word for that :)09:46
cjwatsonthat's one reason I prefer the dh-autoreconf approach, because it makes us make things easier for other people modifying the source09:53
cariboucjwatson: I can add that in my patch, since it won't build without. Or a separate quilt patch ?09:54
infinityYeah, I wouldn't argue against the m4 being fixed regardless.09:54
cjwatsoni.e. if somebody had converted this to dh-autoreconf before, then we'd have seen this as a build failure at the very least and you wouldn't have been dragged into this09:54
cjwatsoncaribou: I'd do it in a separate patch but I don't think it's that important09:54
cjwatsononce you patch a .m4 file, you'll probably find that the maintainer-mode rules evidently in use here will try to rebuild Makefile.in files and such09:54
infinityBesides, my patch could get you into timestamp skews and force and autoreconf which would hit build failures anyway. :P09:54
cjwatsonso I don't think fixing acinclude.m4 is compatible with infinity's patch-the-generated-file-as-well approach09:55
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infinitycaribou: Just fix it all and autoreconf.  Being in maintainer-mode makes this a bit of a nondeterministic rabbit hole if you don't.09:55
cjwatsonso I would: (a) add a patch adding a blank line to the end of acinclude.m4 (b) add a patch for the configure.ac fix you were trying to apply in the first place (c) make the package b-d on dh-autoreconf and use it09:56
cjwatsonshould be safest all round09:56
cariboucjwatson: ok, will do that & let you know that comes out09:57
caribouit will have to be sponsored anyway09:57
cariboucjwatson: infinity thanks for the valuable help & learning experience :)09:57
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zygapitti: quick question, your upower test code uses Gio.DBuxProxy, is there any advantage over using python-dbus proxy objects?09:59
pittizyga: not much except avoiding yet another dependency10:00
pittiI already need GI there anyway, so I'm using the GI bindings instead of python-dbus10:00
zygaok, thanks for the explanation10:00
pittizyga: but they are both roughly equivalent in terms of comfort and functinoality10:00
zygaI was just looking for hidden dependencies10:01
evpitti: do you have any time today to discuss whether https://code.launchpad.net/~ev/apport/automatic-reporting/+merge/173553 is the correct approach?10:17
pittihey ev10:17
pittiev: still catchign up with stuff after my short holidays; I haven't yet looked at it, but will do this afternoon10:17
evpitti: awesome, thank you. And welcome back :)10:17
pittiev: reviewed, I left some commentary in the MP10:36
evpitti: thanks!10:37
apacheloggercjwatson, Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/119973110:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1199731 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "config script thinks grub.d contains all variables" [Low,Triaged]10:53
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evmanish: also, I'm going to split the dbus service out of activity-log-manager as I need it available for the mobile platform settings10:56
evthe WhoopsiePreferences service, that is10:57
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cjwatsonapachelogger: thanks, fixed in Debian bzr now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861279/11:01
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apacheloggercjwatson: will that land in saucy?11:02
cjwatsonI'll probably roll up an unstable upload this weekend, and merge it11:03
cjwatsonif that's OK11:03
apacheloggercjwatson: awesome :)11:03
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ we'll have plymouth again ;)11:04
Riddellapachelogger: ooh exciting11:05
mlankhorstsforshee: bisected11:23
mlankhorstI hate guessing correctly11:23
mlankhorstbreaks my macbook efi boot11:23
mdeslaurcjwatson: did rbasak get back to you regarding the php5 merge?11:47
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cjwatsonmdeslaur: Not as yet11:50
zygapitti: I cannot import Gio.TestDBus, is that available on precise?11:56
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halfieduring the process of building packages, is accessing internet OK or is it forbidden?12:14
ogra_forbidden ...12:15
cjwatsonaccessing internet resources other than the archive itself (for build-deps and the like) is a recipe for unreliability anyway12:18
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pittizyga: ah, it was added in glib 2.33, so no12:20
pittizyga: OOI, why do you need this on precise?12:21
halfiecjwatson, agreed. I was wondering how you guys are able to build scala without internet access12:21
halfiewhile building scala, ant does some dependency resolution and downloading12:21
zygapitti: welcome to the PES area, everything we do needs to be on precise12:23
zygapitti: I started running precise not to get used to all the shiny good stuff added later12:24
pittiwell, that's why we call it a development release :)12:24
zygapitti: can I somehow spawn dbus as non-root and use it to register my service there12:24
zygapitti: well, 12.04 is quite older than 12.10 and 13.0412:24
pittizyga: so you won't have umockdev either; if you need this, I'll need to jump through some hoops12:24
zygapitti: it's not about saucy sadly :/12:25
pittizyga: sure, all of this (like upower's test suite) runs as normal user12:25
* ogra_ hopes pitti at least takes a video for us when doing that :)12:25
pittizyga: dbus-launch just starts a session bus12:25
pittiogra_: tried, but broke the camera during jumping!12:25
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caribouinfinity: cjwatson: Does that look like a decent use of dh_autoreconf : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861491/12:42
caribouI patched acinclude.m4 so I no longer have the aclocal failure12:42
cariboubut it now fails at compilation :-/12:43
* caribou is wondering if those kind of questions would be better suited for #ubuntu-app-devel12:47
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smosernot a big deal, and i'm just going to not upgrade right now12:59
roaksoaxsmoser: don't dist-upgrade :)12:59
smoser(alpine and firefox are specifrically held) but the xserver stuff is odd and rmoving ubuntu-desktop didn't seem right.12:59
smoserspecifrically .13:00
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah someone reported something similar over the the ML13:00
roaksoaxsmoser: but i have the latest upgrades and have not seen any issues13:00
roaksoaxbut better to hold off13:00
roaksoaxsmoser: do you have -proposed enabled? maybe that's it?13:00
smoserdoesn't look like it.13:01
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rbasakcjwatson, mdeslaur: sorry, I'm working on it (php merge)13:07
mdeslaurrbasak: thanks13:07
dobeyif i add autopkgtest support to a package, and upload it, how long before i see those tests happening on jenkins?13:10
jibeldobey, when binaries are in -proposed13:20
dobeyjibel: and if i don't see the tests on jenkins, even after the binaries are in release?13:21
jibeldobey, which package?13:21
dobeyjibel: dirspec13:22
* jibel looks13:23
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rbasak_Is there any need to prefer libpng12-dev when a package in main depends on libpng-dev, and the only thing that provides libpng-dev is libpng12-dev in main?13:45
rbasak_I presume not, unless we do something to avoid future breakage or something. But if the buildd doesn't include universe, I don't see that it would break.13:46
dobeyjibel: i take it you didn't find it either? :)13:47
jibeldobey, still looking, but right I didn't find why yet13:47
jibelcjwatson, I cannot see why dirspec tests have not been requested, would you know? I can see it for the first time in 2013-07-09/22:09:33.log but there has never been any test request13:48
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cjwatsonhalfie: I don't know specifically about scala.  Usually Java packages build-depend on packaged versions of the things they need and I think there's some scheme to stop ant going off to the network13:59
cjwatsoncaribou: Fine as far as it goes, but you need to call dh_autoreconf_clean immediately before dh_clean too13:59
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cariboucjwatson: ok, will  do that. unfortunately, right now, this breaks compilation later on13:59
cjwatsonrbasak_: You need to explicitly prefer libpng12-dev so that germinate knows which to prefer13:59
rbasak_OK, thanks14:00
cjwatsonrbasak_: However, are there any other providers of libpng-dev in universe, even?14:00
rbasak_cjwatson: not that I can see14:00
cjwatsonrbasak_: I don't see any - which means it's unambiguous and you can just Build-Depends: libpng-dev14:00
cjwatsonrbasak_: It's just that "only one in main" isn't enough14:01
rbasak_Right. Useful to know - thanks.14:01
rbasak_Two more issues. Is there a standard answer for a build depends on "locales-all | language-pack-de"? I don't see any locales-all package.14:02
cjwatsonjibel: Unfortunately I don't have any more data than what's in that log :(14:02
cjwatsonrbasak_: locales-all is in Debian14:02
rbasak_And there's a Suggests on php5-json, which we don't seem to have imported. I could drop that entirely, but I wonder why we're not importing it at least into universe?14:03
cjwatsonrbasak_: So that looks like a build-depends constructed to do the right thing on both distros14:03
rbasak_OK - great.14:03
cjwatsonrbasak_: php-json has source in the archive but is waiting for a json-c merge before it can build.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-json/0~git~1+c05ebf+dfsg-2/+build/463879114:05
cjwatsonWhich should be on jodh`'s list by default, I believe, since he touched it last14:06
cjwatsonrbasak_: You should leave the Recommends in place anyway, IMO14:06
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cjwatsonUnsatisfied Recommends are maybe unsightly but don't cause a problem, and in this sort of case where they're expected to turn up eventually, better to leave them there14:06
rbasak_I'm a bit confused. In Debian, php5-json's source package is php5-json, which is why I couldn't find it in Debian. You've pointed me to php-json, whose source is in saucy-proposed but the source is in universe.14:08
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rbasak_why I couldn't find it in Ubuntu14:08
rbasak_OK, it looks like my chdist cache was out of date. But if I keep php5-json, I still need to drop it to a Suggests since php5-json wont be in main when it's built, right?14:11
cjwatsonWell, it's arguable; perhaps it should be promoted?  I don't know, up to you14:12
cjwatsonrbasak_: And no, in Debian, php5-json's source package is still php-json.14:12
rbasak_OK, got it. Thanks for going through this with me.14:13
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evanyone know how we're handling policykit on mobile?14:16
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cjwatsonjibel: It kind of looks as though adt-jenkins didn't think it had an XS-Autopkgtest header at the time p-m was processing it, but it's meant to be looking at guaranteed up-to-date Sources files ...14:19
jibelcjwatson, it seems that test requests are submitted only on dependency change but not the first time a package is uploaded.14:19
jibelfor example plv8 yesterday14:19
cjwatsonjibel: Hmm, it shouldn't make any difference to the code on my side14:20
jibelthere test as been submitted only when libgcc1 has been uploaded14:20
dobeycjwatson: isn't the header XS-Testsuite: ?14:20
cjwatsondobey: Sorry, yeah14:20
jibeldobey, the header is okay, it is a bug in the interface, I'm trying to find where14:21
jibeldobey, here you go https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-dirspec/1 and it broke adt-run BTW :/14:21
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dobeyjibel: adt-run was already broken :)14:25
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cariboucjwatson: any reason why the dh_autoreconf would create a configure script that is sensibly smaller than the one in the tarball ?14:32
cjwatsoncaribou: IIRC autoconf started making use of shell functions to make things more compact14:33
cariboucjwatson: it also comes up with many more warnings like "configure: WARNING: unknown option 'enable_dependency_tracking', ignoring ..."14:34
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cariboucjwatson: ok, I suspected that the newly created configure script was wrong14:35
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cjwatsoncaribou: I wouldn't recommend this line of investigation; the odds of success are slim14:38
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cjwatsoncaribou: Investigate the compilation failure directly instead.  If it leads you to a bug in the generated configure script, fine14:39
cjwatsoncaribou: The warning you quote is entirely harmless14:39
cariboucjwatson: good advice,thanks14:39
unixabg_cjwatson: greetings, I have persued the boot iso from hard drive a bit and I would like to ask your thoughts on adding a14:40
unixabg_persistent option which could be used as a read only stack against defalut iso images?14:40
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unixabg_I have read throught the casper code and not sure it is the best thing to offer. But I am not sure how to inject changes14:41
cjwatsonunixabg_: Sorry, I don't think I can help14:41
unixabg_against defalut iso images. Oh ok.14:41
cjwatsonI only work on casper when I need to fix something specific14:41
cjwatsonFeel free to send a patch - in this case I suspect you'll have difficulty getting design advice in advance, though, sorry14:42
unixabg_Is there a way to inject on boot changes like knoppix or live-boot does with hooks?14:42
cjwatsonI normally just extract the image by hand and repack14:43
cjwatsonOr, for small things, break=top and edit it on the fly (although tools are limited)14:43
unixabg_Ok I appreciate your assistance and dialog.14:44
infinityrbasak: locales-all is a Debian thing, though we may grow it here after I have a talk with pitti.14:45
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jibelpitti, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/ubuntu/saucy/autopkgtest/fix_atmostone/+merge/173965 when you have a second.14:59
jibelpitti, do I need to forward it to Debian too or you can fix it in git directly?15:00
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pittijibel: I can apply it directly in Debian15:06
pittijibel: is there some existing bug associated with this? (doesn't need one, just checking)15:06
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dobeybarry: can you please review pindonga's configglue branch asap?15:14
barrydobey: yes, although right now i'm in a meeting and then i have two other high priority bug fixes to land.  i will definitely get to configglue today15:15
dobeybarry: ok. i need to make a release of ubuntuone-client, and this is blocking it, as almost all the tests fail as a result :)15:16
barrydobey: :(  it's definitely the third top thing on my list ;)15:17
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Sarvattbarry: updated your bug if you wouldn't mind giving the x-x-v-vmware update a shot, it should fix it and i'll try to get it sponsored if so15:26
barrySarvatt: fantastic, thanks.  it will be a little while before i can test this, but hopefully today if nothing else comes up ;)15:27
seb128barry, hey, did you see my ping earlier about reverting python-configglue to unbreak u1?15:39
barryseb128: sorry, i did not.  but pindonga has a new version in mp that eliminates the dep.  i plan to review it as soon as my other two higher priority bug fixes have landed ;)15:40
seb128barry, just curious, what is higher priority than unbreaking u1 not working at all?15:40
barryseb128: phone stuff i have to land15:41
seb128barry, hum, k, good luck, I hope you get to the u1 fix today15:41
barryseb128: and the meeting i'm in right now ;)15:41
barryseb128: i shall not sleep or eat until then :)15:41
jdstrandtedg: responding to your email here-- are you implementing the "simple change"?15:52
jdstrandtedg: and hi! :)15:52
tedgjdstrand, Uhm, sure.  It should be easy.15:53
tedgmdeslaur, Did you change it so that the apparmor line in the upstart job can be the null string?15:53
jdstrandtedg: well, I wasn't sure what you had in mind15:53
tedgjdstrand, I'd like to start using libupstart there, but we can put a quick hack in to call initctl15:54
jdstrandtedg: so, short term, what I said, slightly longer term, libupstart?15:55
tvoss_slangasek, ping15:55
tedgjdstrand, Yeah, I was hoping that we could use the apparmor line in the upstart job instead of calling aa-exec15:55
tedgjdstrand, But that doesn't mater too much.15:55
jdstrandtedg: right, we will soon, but can't today15:56
jdstrandtedg: we still need to know the profile name though and export that as an env var, right?15:56
tedgjdstrand, Yup15:57
jdstrandtedg: ok, so that part was what I thought you were saying was the simple change, and I was curious how you were going to do it without calling desktop-exec twice15:57
jibelpitti, there is no bug associated with this.15:57
tedgjdstrand, Flip it so that desktop-exec calls initctl directly.15:58
jdstrandah yes15:59
jdstrandtedg: fyi, once that kernel bug is fixed, we can simply do:15:59
jdstrandapparmor switch $APP_EXEC_POLICY15:59
jdstrandexec $APP_EXEC15:59
jdstrandassuming apparmor switch won't barf if APP_EXEC_POLICY is not defined16:00
jdstrandmdeslaur: ^16:00
jdstrandI wonder if we could do:16:01
jdstrand  if [ -n "$APP_EXEC_POLICY" ]; then16:01
jdstrand    apparmor switch $APP_EXEC_POLICY16:01
jdstrand  fi16:01
jdstrand  exec $APP_EXEC16:01
jdstrandend script16:01
jdstrandI don't know how 'script' works in upstart jobs though...16:02
tedgjdstrand, I think that could work, but I thought there was a profile command in the upstart job syntax that mdeslaur added.  We should probably just use that.16:04
jdstrandtedg: 'apparmor switch' is the profile command16:04
jdstrandtedg: 'man 5 init'16:04
slangasektvoss_: hi16:05
tedgjdstrand, Ah, I see.  I don't think that can be used in the script area.  I think that's in the body of the job.16:05
jdstrandthat is what I kinda figured. so:16:06
jdstrandapparmor switch $APP_EXEC_POLICY16:06
jdstrandexec $APP_EXEC16:06
jdstrandis what we would want, assuming upstart can handle that when $APP_EXEC_POLICY is not defined16:07
cjwatsonjdstrand: I'm not convinced it will, from the code ...16:11
jdstrandwell, we can fix that16:13
tedgIt's just a simple mater of programing.  :-)16:18
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pedronisSarvatt: hi, barry pointed me to you about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-vmware/+bug/1199403, I tried the ppa, it fixed the broken vm I had around, X starts, get greeter, dash looks working16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1199403 in xserver-xorg-video-vmware (Ubuntu) "Xorg crash" [Critical,Triaged]16:24
Sarvattpedronis: thanks a ton, finding a sponsor now :)16:24
Sarvattgoing to just do a version update instead since we needed to and it was only 2 commits (both of which would be backported..), just waiting on test builds of http://sarvatt.com/downloads/merges/vmware-saucy/16:26
seb128Cimi, ^ is that the issue you are having?16:28
Cimiseb128, could be16:29
Cimiseb128, you know how I stop the greeter to respawn?16:29
Cimiseb128, I can't switch TTY cause it gets back16:29
seb128Cimi, boot in recovery mode?16:30
CimiI don't have grub options here :-\16:31
seb128Cimi, it's in the grub menu16:31
seb128that should give you a text console16:31
mdeslaurjdstrand, tedg: that's not what we decided on16:31
tedgmdeslaur, For click, yes.  This would be for legacy.16:31
mdeslaurjdstrand, tedg: we decided that since desktop-exec needs to spawn a new upstart job anyway, we'd have two different upstart jobs, one for legacy, and one of click16:32
cjwatsondebs aren't legacy, they're just a different audience16:32
mdeslaurok, wrong terminology16:32
tedgI think for user-facing applications they are, no?16:32
cjwatsonDepends how simple the application is.16:33
cjwatsonclick is quite deliberately not trying to solve all problems.16:33
mdeslaurjdstrand, tedg: since desktop-exec knows if a job is click w/apparmor, or a regular app, it simply uses the appropriate upstart job16:34
tedgCertainly.  But I can't think of a user application that has those problems.  Almost all are leafs even in a deb repo.16:34
mdeslaurjdstrand, tedg: we really shouldn't be running a zillion processes each time a user wants to start something16:35
tedgmdeslaur, Yes, the question is about if the non-click application defines an app-armor profile in it's desktop file.16:35
mdeslaurtedg: we don't support that16:35
cjwatsonPlenty of user applications don't fall within the limited set of frameworks permissible in click packages, or have non-trivial additional dependencies.16:35
cjwatsonThey're just not the sort of thing you'd generally run on a phone.16:36
mdeslaurtedg: they can use path based attachment for that16:36
jdstrandmdeslaur: well, why can't we support it?16:37
tedgApps packaged with Click aren't only for phones.  And I may also use my phone connected to a monitor and keyboard.16:37
CimiSarvatt, works for me too with vmware ^^16:37
jdstrandmdeslaur: it is already implemented in upstart-app-launch16:38
mdeslaurjdstrand: because we don't care?16:38
Sarvattits uploaded so that nightmare will be over soon :)16:38
jdstrandsure we do16:38
mdeslaurjdstrand: of course not16:38
jdstrandtraditional packaging isn't going to magically disappear16:38
tedgmdeslaur, I think we care as a migration strategy.16:39
jdstrandit isn't difficult, ted already implemented it16:39
mdeslaurok, so implement a third upstart job for regular apps that specify an apparmor profile16:39
mdeslaurno biggie16:39
* jdstrand -> phone16:39
mdeslaurbut much better than spawning a zillion processes and mangling environment variables16:39
mdeslaurtedg: where's the upstream tree reside now?16:40
tedgmdeslaur, We only increase the number of processes by one if they've defined a profile, otherwise it's a wash.16:40
tedgjdstrand, Can you try: lp:~ted/upstart-app-launch/split-profile16:40
tedgmdeslaur, lp:upstart-app-launch16:40
mdeslaurtedg: ok, now I fail to understand all the stuff that's in upstart-app-launch16:43
jdstrandmdeslaur: to echo tedg's comment, it is very lightweight right now16:44
mdeslaurjdstrand: I disagree...we're spawning helpers, shells, etc.16:44
mdeslaurfar from lightweight if you ask me16:44
jdstrandits one process16:45
mdeslaurjdstrand: but you've got "script" stanzas all over16:45
mdeslaurjdstrand: which spawns shells16:46
jdstrandit is launched for click, we can also launch it for legacy/traditional16:46
jdstrandaiui, that isn't for the apparmor bits, that is for application lifecycle tracking16:46
jdstrand(the post ones that is, the pre is the one I am referring to16:46
mdeslaurjdstrand, tedg: ok, I'm going to leave you two figure it out, as I'm getting dizzy just thinking of how complex this has gotten16:47
* jdstrand doesn't see how it is so complex16:47
jdstrandit is an upstart job that calls desktop-exec to in a pre-script to set two env vars16:48
jdstrand(well, atm it is just one, but we want two)16:48
jdstranddesktop-exec is needed to handle parsing the manifest file16:48
jdstrandtedg just made it able to parse a desktop file too16:48
jdstrand(and honor XCanonicalAppArmorProfile=<profile> if it is set)16:49
jdstrandpeople can of course continue to use path-based attachment, but that doesn't always work fantastic with interpreted programs, like we've seen with qmlssene16:50
mdeslaurso you have 1- an upstart job, which spawns 2- a shell, which spawns 3- another upstart job, which spawns 4- another shell, which spawns 5- desktop-exec, which opens 6- the manifest file, and opens 7- the desktop file, which spawns initctl to set the variable and then finally spawns the calculator16:52
cjwatsontedg: And click isn't for all apps, just the common case that is sufficiently simple.16:52
cjwatsontedg: I have absolutely no intention of perpetrating second-system-effect by making the mistake of scoping them too widely.16:52
jdstrandnote, I was speaking only of application-legacy.conf, not the whole scheme of determining if something is legacy or not16:56
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tedgmdeslaur, If we could have the apparmor switch command handle the NULL case we could probably just drop the sub jobs.17:00
jdstrandtedg: is your thinking that desktop-exec would look at the manifest, then if it didn't exist, look at the desktop file?17:02
tedgjdstrand, Uhm, not sure exactly what would do it.  But something like that.17:02
* jdstrand nods17:02
tedgI don't think it could be called "desktop-exec" anymore :-)17:02
jdstrandheh, yeah17:02
tedgI think we could have one *something* in pre-start and that would set the vars for the job.17:03
jdstrandtedg: yep17:03
mdeslaurtedg, jdstrand: ok, if that will simplify it, let me fix upstart to skip stanzas that are null17:09
mdeslaurs/stanzas/switch stanzas/17:09
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mdeslaurtedg: what uses lsapp?17:17
tedgmdeslaur, Nothing, just me to debug17:17
tedgmdeslaur, Doesn't work with the split right now though.  Should work if we can reunify.17:18
mdeslaurtedg: is that the code that will send a message if the app is already running?17:18
tedgmdeslaur, I haven't written that code yet.17:19
tedgmdeslaur, It's just a utility to list instances in a sane way.17:19
mdeslauroh! my mistake17:19
mdeslaurtedg: so how is the message code going to be run?17:19
mdeslaurtedg: I think we need to start a diagram or something :P17:20
tedgmdeslaur, Hmm, good point.  I was going to do that in the application job.  Still might have to have two layers.17:21
tedgmdeslaur, initctl2dot  ;-)17:21
mdeslauroh. wow. :)17:22
infinitytedg: I thought you were joking.  initctl2dot(1) convinced me otherwise.17:23
tedgHa, I never joke about visualizations :-)17:24
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mdeslaurtedg: got a few minutes to mumble/hangout?17:47
mdeslaurtedg: I have a few random thoughts to throw at you17:47
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tedgmdeslaur, Back from lunch, anytime.18:28
mdeslaurtedg: want to start a hangout?18:31
tedgmdeslaur, Uhm, no, you start it.  /me can never figure it out :-)18:31
mdeslaurtedg: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/62f0f0f42b1b8fc854906922474629e2c7556059?authuser=1&hl=en18:32
mdeslaurwow, I can't believe I managed18:32
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xnoxinteresting on doing android build I'm getting zero ccache hits20:34
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cjwatsontjaalton: reminder to fakesync/merge (as appropriate) libapache2-mod-nss ...21:54
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