
KrisNo problem, just to prove I'm not going crazy please see this for reference - I'm logged in lol http://imgur.com/QYCNU8900:00
pleia2oh wait, that is help.ubuntu.com00:00
pleia2so there are two wikis, the addresses are wiki.ubuntu.com (for team information) and help.ubuntu.com (for documentation)00:01
KrisThat's from the macro through help.ubuntu.com visiting wiki.ubuntu.com/mypagename doesn't work. Neither of them do, sorry I thought the macro set up pages for wiki00:01
pleia2two separate accounts, you log in to both with launchpad00:01
phillwpleia2: he cannot edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/krismaguire00:02
pleia2phillw: that's not the screenshot he shared00:02
pleia2Kris: can you share a screenshot of trying to edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/krismaguire ?00:02
KrisHere's a test page http://imgur.com/hKNDTH100:02
KrisThe krismaguire page I can view, but I'm not offered the option to edit, though I am logged in00:03
phillwKris: can you do as pleia2 has asked?00:03
pleia2Kris: can you share a screenshot of what you see when you view the krismaguire page?00:03
KrisMy page http://imgur.com/P0LwQNi00:04
pleia2ok, I'd submit the ticket to rt@ubuntu.com00:05
pleia2I don't know what's going on there :)00:05
pleia2your name isn't showing up at all in that screenshot00:06
KrisThank you, I'm just happy I'm not going insane00:06
phillwindeed, it should be next to "logout"00:06
pleia2that's what mine looks like00:07
pleia2see "lyz" next to "Logout"00:07
pleia2yours is just empty for some reason00:07
pleia2I suspect that's where the problem is00:07
pleia2good luck :)00:08
pleia2goofy wiki00:08
phillwpleia2: and if you go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/krismaguire you will your name and be able to edit.... I've never seen this one before :/00:08
pleia2yeah, this is weird00:09
pleia2sounds like something got messed up when the login was set up00:09
* phillw wonders to a delete and re-create.00:09
phillwI can do that... let me see if it works.00:10
KrisVery strange00:10
pleia2oh, you have admin on the wiki too?00:10
pleia2good to know :)00:10
phillwKris: can you try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/krismaguire now (it is blank)00:11
KrisStill the same Phill00:12
phillwpleia2: I'm one of the few who are https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc-wiki-admins00:13
pleia2sounds like it's a wiki-wide problem with the account, not just with a single page00:13
pleia2phillw: ah, I thought that was just for help.ubuntu.com00:13
phillwKris: raise an RT ticket as pleia2 has suggested.00:13
KrisI have :)00:14
pleia2Kris: they can be slow to respond sometimes, if you don't get a response in 24 hours you can go to #canonical-sysadmin and ask for some help00:14
pleia2but hopefully they'll be on it once it's daytime for them00:15
phillwpleia2: I keep my head down, it would need a very good reason for me to do the additional stuff. We are forswarn to not make 404 errors :D00:15
pleia2phillw: oh no, I wasn't questioning at all00:15
pleia2glad to see some community members can do wiki admin stuff :)00:15
phillwI'd like to see more able. We had a 2nd lubuntueer with such rights, but RL ended that. TBH, having just 10, is far too few :(00:17
KrisI just edited it fine in Firefox00:18
KrisProblem appears to be with Chromium00:18
pleia2Kris: oh wow, interesting00:18
phillwKris: It's the blooming cache!00:18
pleia2Kris: (and I'd reply to the ticket saying so :))00:18
KrisI cleared it earlier, I've cleared it twice and restarted the browser00:19
phillwfriking cookies etc.... :(00:19
pleia2I use chrome for all my stuff, but it is crazy aggressive about caching, which when mixed with the wiki's server-side caching can cause many headaches00:19
phillwKris: do you want me to copy back over my profile for you to then edit?00:20
* phillw is glad lubuntu is switching back to the slimmed down fire fox pleia2 you may want to keep an eye open for this problem.00:21
pleia2yeah, I'll keep "try a different browser" in mind next time ;)00:21
phillwas will I :)00:22
phillwKris: do want me to dump my page back there for you to edit?00:22
KrisI made a new page, copy it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kristopher%20Maguire  please :)00:22
pleia2probably don't want the space in the url00:23
pleia2makes it messy and it won't autolink anywhere00:23
KrisI'm not used to this Wiki stuff, well if I stick with the short link can I change my name along the top?00:23
pleia2not sure what you mean by short link :\00:24
Kriswell /krismaguire is nice and short but I'd like my full name across the top. How do I do that?00:26
pleia2oh, just https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KristopherMaguire00:27
pleia2no space00:27
pleia2the heading won't have a space either, but that's ok, we expect it on a wiki :)00:28
KrisSounds awesome00:28
phillwKris: let me know when is exists and I'll copy mine into it.00:31
KrisI will do, although I've had enough for one night!00:31
Kriscatch you on FB00:31
Krispleia2: Thanks for the help, much appreciated!00:31
phillwI'll create is for you and do the copy. Indeed, enough for one night!00:32
phillwpleia2: +100:32
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