
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
czajkowskitdr112: seen http://socratesuk.org/index.html15:00
=== Espreon is now known as Guest7746
tdr112its great to see people taking a spin on what a con will be15:07
tdr112but during the week, its a no go , would have all my days booked off by then15:08
czajkowskiknow the feeling15:29
czajkowskinot a lover of mid week events15:29
czajkowskibut now my weekends are all full15:29
czajkowskifirst one this weekend where I am doing NOTHING15:29
czajkowskievne Jon is busy doing amature radio stuff15:29
zmoylanworked out a way to stop the fox getting into your garden?15:32
czajkowskiwell neightours have tried sonic stuff15:35
czajkowskinot working15:35
czajkowskitraps he's avoding15:35
czajkowskiso looking at next steps15:35
zmoylanhad a few foxes here but feral cats drove it off.15:37
tdr112so czajkowski should get a cat15:41
tdr112if its on IRC it must be true15:41
zmoylani don't think that would work for her.15:41
zmoylanthe house cats didn't seem to have the smarts to take on the foxes.  the ferals who've spent most of their short lives fighting did.15:42
czajkowskitdr112: eh no15:46
zmoylanone thing you could do is put up a fence around chickens made of green mesh.  cats and dogs have similar colour spectrum and to them green is near invisible to them.15:48
czajkowskiso we have a chicken run15:49
czajkowskibut we like(d) to let htem roam free in the garden15:49
czajkowskiyou'd assume at almost midday they'd be ok15:49
czajkowskibut no the fox is evil15:49
zmoylanmy dad did that when he first built an aviary in garden to teach local cats to avoid it.  they'd get tangled in it and would need to be freed.15:49
zmoylanafter 1-2 got stuck they taught their kittens.  it was weird watching generations of cats avoid that part of the garden.15:50
=== Guest7746 is now known as Espreon

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