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apwxnox, grouper with avahi really?07:24
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smbmorning .*07:34
apwsmb, moin07:39
smbapw, Today's S at least lets you change time+date and privacy settings... win. :)07:48
apwsmb, sounds like a big improvement :)07:49
smbAbsolutely. I won't turn mad being in a different tz than my installation is. :-P07:50
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RAOFDoes anyone else find their kernel hanging processes in schedule() for minutes at a time?10:05
RAOFAh. Probably not, because no one's crazy enough to btrfs.10:35
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* henrix_ -> really late lunch13:52
apwrtg, turns out it is linux-signed skew ... cause i cannot make one of those to match ... arrgle13:54
rtgapw, hmm, gotta love that. how come there is skew ?13:55
apwcause i am making a test kernel, and i cannot make a real signed one, ever13:56
rtgah, doh! does it work OK with an archive kernel ?13:56
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henrixrtg: bjf: the EFI patchset is now queued for 3.5.y. i'll probably be sending it out for review tomorrow or friday, so early next week i should have a release with them14:19
rtghenrix, ack14:19
bjfhenrix, ack, sounds good14:19
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ppisatibjf: no more -proposed for SRU kernels, just series name, right? (e.g. precise instead of precise-proposed)14:40
bjfppisati, correct14:40
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ppisatibjf: and, did you do any modification to kteam-tools/maintscripts/verify-release-ready?14:41
bjfppisati, it should be fixed so that it doesn't require -proposed any longer14:42
ppisatibjf: but it complains here in another way14:42
ppisatibjf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861831/14:42
bjfppisati, seems pretty obvious from that error message what your problem is :-)14:44
ppisatibjf: "Error: n"? :)14:44
bjfppisati, which kernel are you working on ?14:45
ppisatibjf: i'm rebasing lucid/omap4 on top of lucid/master14:45
bjfppisati, when was the last time you worked on that?14:51
ppisatibjf: last release14:51
ppisatibjf: ~two weeks ago14:51
bjfnot lucid14:51
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ppisatibjf: sorry, i meant precise14:51
bjfppisati, it "just works" for me14:55
ppisatibjf: let me try again14:56
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* apw has to run and do some family bits in about 5 m ... laters15:35
rtgppisati, are you building bootable kernels for armhf with saucy gcc-4.8 ? None of the nexus kernels are being built with gcc-4.815:49
ppisatirtg: actually i had problems yesterday with a kernel not booting, but i thought it was my mistake in the .config since i was compiling vanilla15:50
rtgppisati, perhaps you should step back to gcc-4.7 ?15:51
ppisatirtg:  i can give it a try15:51
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zequenceapw: reminder about -lowlatency :)16:16
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ppisatirtg: you are right, same kernel src&.config16:34
ppisatirtg: with 4.7 it boots, with 4.8 it hangs16:35
rtgppisati, works with 4.7 ?16:35
ppisatirtg: yep16:35
ppisatirtg: but my 4.7 was armel16:35
ppisati[    0.000000] Linux version 3.6.11 (flag@luxor) (gcc version 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1) ) #21 SMP Wed Jul 10 18:15:43 CEST 201316:35
ppisatithis is what i have:16:36
ppisati[flag@luxor linux-2.6]$ dpkg -l | grep gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi16:36
ppisatiii  gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi                         4:4.7.2-1                                  amd64        The GNU C compiler for armel architecture16:36
ppisatiii  gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf                       4:4.8.1-1                                  amd64        The GNU C compiler for armhf architecture16:36
rtgppisati, can you build with 4.7 armhf ? do you have the right HW ?16:37
ppisatirtg: if i can find the toolchain, yes16:37
rtgI'm pretty sure there is a 4.7 armhf in saucy16:38
ppisati[flag@luxor linux-2.6]$ which arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc16:39
ppisati[flag@luxor linux-2.6]$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc16:39
ppisatigcc-arm-linux-gnueabi: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc16:39
ppisati[flag@luxor linux-2.6]$ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -v16:39
ppisatigcc version 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1)16:39
ppisati4.7.3 gcc in a 4.7.2-1 gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi package16:39
hallynapw: GAH!  middle of a git bisect upstream between 3.7 and 3.8, it suddenly dumped into a 3.1 version.  <rage>16:40
* hallyn looks at git bisect log and tries to restart with last known good+bad16:41
rtgppisati, so, does that mean the 4.7 cross compiler is not a hard float compiler ? does it matter for the kernel if its armel or armhf ?16:45
ppisatirtg: IIRC we are still using armel on mobile16:45
ppisatiogra_: ^16:45
ogra_the armel builds live in their own universe 16:46
ogra_(and use a bionic toolchain)16:46
ogra_i dont think we have any glibc armel cross compiler anymore 16:46
ogra_(there is gcc-arm-linux-androideabi, but thats not something anyone should use)16:48
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BenCapw, rtg: This config check is failing on powerpc saucy 3.10.017:06
BenCcheck-config: FAIL: (arch armel armhf &/ value CONFIG_GPIO_TWL4030 y) |   value CONFIG_GPIO_TWL4030 m |   !exists CONFIG_GPIO_TWL403017:06
rtgBenC, I wonder why ? that option shouldn't even exist for ppc, does it ?17:08
BenCI've set CONFIG_GPIO_TWL4030=m to get around it, but it appears to be faulty nonetheless17:08
BenCSetting it to y/n gives the check failure though17:09
rtgBenC, right. start a bug and assign apw to it. the config checker uses a completely (to me) inscrutable language.17:09
BenCrtg: It prompts for all four flavours, but I wanted to set it to "is not set"17:10
BenCconfig checker is black magic that I fail to comprehend as well17:10
rtgBenC, you could always just patch that line out of the config checker. its not like it changes that much.17:10
BenCI'm perfectly happy not having to touch the enforce file, even if it means having a useless module enabled :)17:11
rtgyeah, it wouldn't ever get insmod'd anyways17:11
xnoxogra_: i believe we have all three cross-toolchains.17:11
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ogra_xnox, i belive armel was dropped for arm64 17:12
ogra_(there might be a toolcahin, but i think there is no gcc for it anymore)17:12
xnoxogra_: right there is no 4.8 armel cross.17:12
xnoxrtg: ppisati: ogra_: i believe that kernels for mobile are compiled natively using armhf toolchain, android userspace is compiled using armel-v5-bionic based toolchain. We have armel/armhf/arm64 4.7 cross compilers in saucy, and 4.8 armhf/arm6417:14
xnox... and matching for 4.817:15
xnoxfor mobile we are sticking with 4.7 for now, as kernels fail to boot / userspace gets borked with 4.8.17:15
rtgxnox, the native gcc-4.8 armhf compiler does not produce a bootable kernel for any of the Nexus devices.17:15
xnoxrtg: correct. so 4.7 one is used instead.17:16
rtgxnox, actually, we use 4.6 on at least one device17:16
xnox /o\17:16
xnoxrtg: it's a shame....17:16
rtgxnox, are we just gonna end up ignoring the fact that 4.8 is broken for this dev cycle ?17:17
xnoxrtg: android open source project / cynogenmod / linaro should first make a toolchain & bring up bootable kernels with gcc-4.8. Until that happens, there is no intension to invest any engineering effort in doing this bring up.17:18
xnoxrtg: linaro is supposedly working on 4.8 bring up, but they are still default to gcc4.7 across the board for "stable" stuff.17:19
rtgxnox, ppisati has pointed out that we can't use it for the distro kernels either.17:19
rtgdistro armhf kernels*17:19
xnoxrtg: well.... all of our distro armhf kernels are at various stages of decay. Is any one of those flavours at the same major version as amd64/i386 kernels?17:20
rtgxnox, of course. the omap series, vexpress, and some others. mostly those that use device tree blobs17:21
xnoxrtg: "ignoring the fact that 4.8 is broken for this dev cycle" sounds a bit weird to me. "ignore the fact that old kernels do not support building with gcc-4.8, and target devices are not ported to newer kernels, and instead frozen in-time by their manufacturers"17:22
rtgdamned if I know if they even work, though17:22
xnoxrtg: I guess we should care to build armhf generic most recent kernel for calxeda and friends.17:22
rtgxnox, exactly. I think calxeda _does_ work, though I'd have to make sure with ppisati first.17:23
xnoxrtg: we have two rigs available and before they go into production, could test kernels on them, I guess.17:23
xnoxrtg: but i think, everyone now knows that it's fact of life that ac100/panda/$(nexus devices) are shipping old kernels and cannot be build with gcc4.8.17:24
ppisatirtg: correct, 4.7 arm[el|hf] are ok, 4.8 armhf is bad17:25
rtgxnox, agreed. Then I'm gonna mark ricardo's bugs complaining about gcc-4.8 "won't fix"17:25
ogra_it needs to be armhf in any case 17:25
ogra_we dont have an armel archive anymore :)17:25
rtgppisati, gcc-4.8 fails even on calxeda ?17:25
ogra_you would have to do a lot of tricks to actually cheat that into the archive 17:26
ppisatirtg: didn't test calxeda, omap4 only17:26
ogra_what do you do with omap4 anyway ?17:26
ogra_we still use the quantal kernel for it 17:27
ppisatiogra_: i test toolchain :)17:27
rtgppisati, well, I guess it makes no difference if it works or not. it fails on omap, so we have to use an older compiler regardless.17:27
ogra_and that wont change17:27
ppisatiogra_: btw, [flag@luxor ~]$ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -v17:27
ppisatiogra_: gcc version 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1)17:27
ogra_yeah, 4.7 17:27
ppisati[flag@luxor ~]$ dpkg -S arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc17:27
ogra_we dropped armel from 4.8 for arm64 17:27
ppisatigcc-arm-linux-gnueabi: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc17:27
ppisatiogra_: so we have bot armel and armhf for 4.717:28
ppisatiogra_: and armhf only with 4.817:28
ppisatiok so17:28
ppisatiboth 4.7 are good17:28
ppisati4.8 armhf is bad17:28
xnox(and arm64 with both 4.7 & 4.8)17:28
xnoxrtg: where is that bug? =)17:28
rtgxnox, bug #1176255 and #118104617:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1181046 in linux-manta (Ubuntu) " linux-manta keeps rebooting when built with gcc 4.7 or 4.8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118104617:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1176255 in linux-mako (Ubuntu) "linux-mako fails to boot when built with gcc 4.8" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117625517:29
rtgI don't we bothered making a bug for the other platforms17:30
ogra_someone could at least have added the ram console dump 17:30
xnoxrtg: mark those bug as affecting project "gcc-linaro" =)17:30
* ogra_ needs to write a wikipage how to debug android boots without serial console 17:31
rtgI'll create a meta bug, make those other duplicates, and reference all of the relevant packages.17:31
rtgbut first, I'm gonna eat lunch 'cause I'm starving.17:32
* rtg -> lunch17:32
ogra_a ram console dump is the least bit that should be attached to kernel boot bugs17:32
infinityppisati: Building the ARM generic kernel with 4.8 breaks, or do you mean that ti-omap4/3.5.0 breaks?17:34
infinityppisati: The latter seems entirely reasonable, the former would be a bug.17:34
ppisatiinfinity: buidling a vanilla kernel (3.6 omap2_defconfig in this case) hangs on boot when cross compiled with 4.8 armhf17:35
ppisatiinfinity: same src & .config with 4.7 is ok17:36
infinityppisati: I don't much care about 3.6, we've moved on to 3.10...17:36
infinityppisati: Hence why I asked about the "ARM generic kernel".17:37
ppisatiinfinity:  i do care about a toolchain that can't compile a kernel, dunno about you17:37
infinityOld kernels need old compilers is not a new situation.  And could be cherry-picked to hell to fix, if we're still shipping ancient kernels in an LTS.17:37
infinityppisati: Can't compile a kernel we don't ship?  We have no 3.6 omap kernels in the archive, last I checked.17:37
infinityNo toolchain can compile all kernel sources.  The kernel plays pretty fast and loose with GCC misfeatures, and they tend to need to be of a similar vintage to be happy.  This has been true for literally decades.17:38
ppisatiinfinity: someone else reported that it can't compile a supported kernel with 4,8, isn't it enough?17:38
xnoxppisati: no.17:39
infinityppisati: If we need to keep 4.6 to compile our crappy old Android kernels, so be it.17:39
infinityppisati: If 3.10 compiles and boots fine with 4.8, that sort of proves the bug has been addressed upstream, and if we cared, we could cherrypick the kernel fixes to our Android kernels.17:39
infinitySo, the question is, do we care?17:40
infinityIn almost no way does any of this constitute a GCC bug.17:40
ogra_no, we dont 17:40
ogra_(for the android kernels)17:40
infinityogra_: doko may disagree. :P17:40
ogra_then he can ask for it 17:40
ogra_from a phonedations POV we dont :)17:40
xnoxppisati: supported means - we will make a package available that will work. supported - doesn't mean we will backport frankenstein changes from recent kernels back to something 6 kernel releases back make it compile with optimized 4.8 toolchain, do benchmarks and conclude that it doesn't gain us anything.17:41
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xnoxinfinity: doko, had a sad moment that 4.8 didn't work with kernels, and went on to upload 4.7 point release update into saucy.17:42
infinityNow, it's probably entirely valid that if the only toolchain that can cross these old kernels is 4.6, we might need to reintroduce the 4.6-cross packages.17:42
xnoxinfinity: well most work with 4.7 fine, one seems to need 4.6 (the oldest kernel).17:43
infinityMeh.  Kay, if it's just the one, people can suffer and build that natively.17:45
infinityI assume that's the platform still stuck on 3.1, for whatever reason.17:45
xnoxinfinity: it's not like that kernel will ever change though.... so it has already been build once......17:45
infinityxnox: You don't watch rtg's uploads, clearly.  He seems to upload Android kernels more often than mainline. :P17:45
xnoxmaguro: 3.0.0; grouper: 3.1.10; manta/mako 3.4.017:45
infinity(But I suppose once the config syncing and other bits are sorted, he'll stop)17:45
ogra_infinity, 3.1 ? modern stuff :P17:45
ogra_maguro (omap4) uses 3.0 17:45
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# uname  -r17:46
xnoxinfinity: i guess it might make a little sense to poke the 4.6 one and see if can be patched up to use 4.7 (maybe somebody in cynogenmod et al did it already)17:46
infinityIronic, given all the years we supported omap4.17:46
ogra_well, its alll about the binary blobs17:46
xnoxogra_: by the way, I solved my fetching sources problem with: chdist + python-apt magic17:49
ogra_hacks FTW :)17:49
ogra_nice one though 17:49
xnoxogra_: it's slightly better than PULL_LP_BIN 17:50
* ogra_ hopes nobody ever looks deeply into ubuntu-touch-initrd-generic 17:50
ogra_it does funny things too 17:50
xnoxogra_: cause, my hacks should work on the distro builder as well.17:50
xnoxinfinity: one can always compile those kernel in the last release that had gcc-4.6-cross and then copy up.....18:00
* xnox hides18:00
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hallynapw: I plead for help.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5862473/   18:33
hallyndoes the fact that it was testing a merge point confuse git-bisect afterward?18:34
hallyn(I tested that on tangerine as well as my precise builder, so it's not just the git version)18:34
rtghallyn, you can't bisect across a non-linear space. 18:35
rtgat least, not very easily18:36
hallynI thought Linus' tree was supposed to always be bisectable18:36
rtghallyn, Linus's tree is, but not Ubuntu18:36
hallynok - I'll take a different approach.18:36
hallynthis is on Linus' tree18:36
rtghallyn, what is HEAD in your example ?18:37
hallynat which point?18:37
hallynright nwo it is c5482bbd9607bf38cbc952eacaa429e6ba3160a018:37
rtgthe starting value for 'git bisect start'18:37
hallynrtg: that shouldn't matter right?  it's been different, but with the same result - it takes the git bisect good and bad values to start with18:38
rtgI guess it makes no difference really.18:38
hallynall right - was hoping there was some magic pixie dust i didn't knwo about to fix it.  i guess i'll just focus on changes to kernel/{exit,signal}.c, which are few18:38
hallynI've got my eye on af4b8a83add95ef40716401395b44a1b579965f4 pidns: Wait in zap_pid_ns_processes until pid_ns->nr_hashed18:39
rtghallyn, maybe its because those SHA1 IDs are merge commits18:43
hallynrtg: I just would expect git bisect to DTRT...  (maybe it *did* do the right thing, but that's not how I see it)18:45
rtghallyn, sometimes git still surprises me18:45
hallyns/surprises/disappoints/ in this case :)18:45
hallynrtg: thanks.  i'll track it down by hand - ttyl18:46
hallyni was right, that's the bad commit.  19:25
hallynapw: ^ the signal weirdness was introduced there (af4b8a83add95ef40716401395b44a1b579965f4 pidns: Wait in zap_pid_ns_processes until pid_ns->nr_hashed)19:25
hallynjust fyi, since i KNOW you're losing sleep over it :)19:26
FernandoMiguelapw: Sarvatt: FYI been running 3.10 with intel_pstate=disable, so far no major problem detected and heat, cpu management , battery back to previous values19:26
SarvattFernandoMiguel: I've been running a kernel using intel_pstate with the changes on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1188647/comments/6 and not having any problems -- http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/intel_pstate/19:30
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1188647 in linux (Ubuntu) "Please change intel_pstate default to disable" [High,Fix committed]19:30
Sarvattbut i haven't been tracking battery usage, just heat19:30
hallynah, maybe i see the problem19:43
* rtg -> EOD19:57
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* cooloney waves at apw ogasawara smb bjf vanhoof22:08
vanhoofhi cooloney 22:11
vanhoofcooloney: bu yao! :)22:11
cooloneyvanhoof: how's going? you're a busy man!22:17
vanhoofcooloney: not too bad, busy as always :) ... how about you?22:19
cooloneyvanhoof: very good. i'm working on V4L2 camera stuff on Tegra.22:19
cooloneyvanhoof: hope to meet you guys somewhere22:20
vanhoofcooloney: I'll be in the bay area later this month I think22:21
vanhoofcooloney: come pick me up from sfo :)22:21
cooloneycool, let's hangout.22:21
cooloneysure, i will drive my lamborghini22:22
vanhoofcooloney: gucci leather?22:24
manjocooloney, does the camera work ? 22:26
manjocooloney, I hear Lamborghini's don't have AC ... 22:29
cooloneyoh, manjo, you are always ask the key question22:29
ohsixthey do22:29
cooloneyvanhoof and manjo, you know, I mean there is a bus from SFO named Lamborghini, not that one you guys expect22:30
vanhoofcooloney: don't toy with my emotions :)22:30
manjowhy drive a 250k car when you can ride in a 1/2 mil bus22:30
manjocooloney, now I see the logic in your v4l camera device 22:31
cooloneyalso I have bike named Maserati, if you guys wanna ride22:32
manjomotor or foot powered ? 22:32
vanhoofcooloney: with pedals?22:32
manjodoes it go ding ding ? 22:32
cooloneyoh, one pedal works and the other not 22:34
cooloneymanjo: it always goes dingding except the bell.22:36
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manjocooloney, you are always full of surprises !  22:36
cooloneymanjo: will you come with vanhoof this time?22:37
manjovanhoof, am I going with you to CA ?22:37
manjocooloney, peons don't get to go I think ... 22:38
manjocooloney, are you going to plumbers in NO this sept ? 22:41
cooloneymanjo: probably not. if it is in bay area, i might go.22:52
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