
robert_ancellbschaefer, you can confirm it works for you?00:13
robert_ancelli.e. get into XMir?00:13
bschaeferrobert_ancell, yeah00:31
bschaeferrobert_ancell, i had the cursor, and the process was up and running00:32
robert_ancellbschaefer, awesome, thanks00:34
bschaeferrobert_ancell, np :)00:34
jono_thanks RAOF00:47
thomirobert_ancell: I believe marking ubuntu-desktop as required would do what you want, but would likely be viewed rather poorly by some people :)00:50
RAOFI was sure I fixed the signals-plus-threads-equal-pain problem before.00:50
mterryPressing alt+left reliably makes my desktop mir session freeze (alt+f1 fixes though)01:02
mterryNot sure if that's bug 1102756 or something else01:10
ubot5bug 1102756 in Mir "System compositor input events passed to console (particularly troublesome for Alt+Fn and Alt+Left/Right)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110275601:10
mterryracarr, heyo!  So I looked at the surface builder override example you provided, thanks.  It keys off params.name, but I'm not certain where that gets set originally.  Is that something that any client can set, or is that controlled by other parts of the system compositor?01:11
racarrmterry: It gets set by the client, though once the shell (and the system compositor too) implement the session authorizer01:12
racarrit can be trusted.01:12
racarrthe key off param.name is a bit of a hack. we should have a better way to01:12
racarrsort o tag it...01:12
mterryracarr, sorry, I'm a bit confused.  You say it can be set by the client, and it can be trusted, but there's an unwritten authorizer in between that lets us actually trust it?01:14
mterryracarr, so both sessions and surfaces have names, it seems01:14
* mterry is still getting used to how Mir works01:14
RAOFmterry: Yup, that's bug 1102756 - what's happening is the kernel is interpreting <alt>+<left> as a VT switch.01:57
ubot5bug 1102756 in Mir "System compositor input events passed to console (particularly troublesome for Alt+Fn and Alt+Left/Right)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110275601:57
racarrmterry: Well right now it is set by the client but hte basic path is01:59
racarrthe shell starts the clients (say through upstart and gets hey I just launched 'application-id' (i.e. session->name()) as PID pid01:59
racarrthen when the client tries to connect the shell will be told hey02:00
racarrthi PID is connecting is that ok02:00
racarrperhaps surface name should be title02:00
racarrand session name should be application-id02:00
RAOFracarr: Did we ever work out how that is meant to interact with fork()02:03
duflufork is such a great idea, and a bad one. Bad because there's often a little slice of time between fork() and exec() and you can have state/global objects as well as threads go nuts in that time.02:11
duflu-state +static02:12
racarrRAOF: Perhaps it's not02:28
racarrIs forking and opening new mir connections something clients are allowed to do?02:28
racarrI'm not sure02:28
racarrnot on the phone or the system compositor02:28
racarrperhaps for the desktop we will need02:28
racarra more complex mechanism02:29
racarri.e. DBus API in the shell02:29
RAOFracarr: An “application” being a shell script that sets some environment and then calls the real binary is a very common idiom; not all of those are going to exec.02:42
* RAOF heads to lunch.02:43
dufluracarr: I can't think of a sensible use case for us to worry about forking clients yet...02:47
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dufluThat's odd. I don't remember doing updates but EGL Mir clients are broken again03:52
* duflu updates again03:52
dufluRAOF: Ping (hopefully I won't drop out like yesterday)03:59
RAOFduflu: Pong.04:00
dufluRAOF: drmModePageFlip ... appears to require the DRM FB ID to remain valid and the buffer unchanged for the duration of the following frame. Is this confirmed in docs anywhere?04:01
dufluConfirmed in folklore even?04:02
dufluRAOF: Because if I don't keep the DRM FB alive and untouched for the duration of the frame I get tearing. So I assume I have to hold it.04:03
dufluBut holding it creates a world of deadlock pain I'm working through04:03
RAOFduflu: My expectation would be that the fb id you send to drmModePageFlip will need to be unchanged between the call to drmMode and the page flip event for the *next* fb you page flip.04:06
dufluRAOF: Yes, that agrees with my findings04:07
RAOFYou *should* be able to do any form of bookkeeping you want on it, though; unreffing it should work.04:08
dufluIt also confirms the buffer really is scanout. And any premature unsynced changes will give me tearing04:08
RAOFOh, yes.04:08
RAOFThat's rather the point, isn't it?04:08
kgunnbschaefer: just to double check...did you try the ppa from a "purged state" ?04:33
bschaeferkgunn, hmm no, I just had a broken system, ie. my intel driver was failing to load due, and I was running unity in software mode04:35
bschaeferdid an upgrade and then the intel driver was being loaded correctly, and xmir and x11 started working correctly04:35
bschaeferkgunn, would you like me to try purge my ppa and test it out?04:37
kgunnso just because i'm crazy i purged first....took system back to "default"....and now, i'm hitting "broken" packages....lightdm not updated, due to u-s-c, due to libmirserver04:37
kgunnbschaefer: hey thanks...good to get a second data point04:38
bschaeferkgunn, yup, hmm it could be that libmirserver was updated in the ppa recently04:38
* bschaefer goes to check04:38
bschaeferkgunn, do you also have the mir staging ppa?04:39
kgunnbschaefer: nope04:41
kgunn...but double checking for stupid mistakes04:42
bschaeferhmm strange, have you also pined the unity system compositors ppa?04:42
* bschaefer was unaware of this until yesterday04:43
bschaeferfrom : http://www.olli-ries.com/running-mir/04:43
kgunnbschaefer: oh yes...altho, when i purged...i unpinned & removed the deb ref to -testing04:43
kgunnrebooted into x no prob etc04:44
kgunnbut yes...i repinned just now04:45
bschaeferkgunn, so you have a working lightdm still, and mir isn't working?04:45
bschaeferor is it uninstalled?04:45
bschaeferyeah, re-pinning should help downgrade your packages :)04:45
kgunnligthdm yep & yep.....installed04:46
kgunnchecking all my versions now against -testing04:46
bschaefercool, cause usually when I ran into broken packages it would uninstall my lightdm :(04:47
bschaeferso xmir *should* be working hmm04:47
RAOFAs far as I can tell u-s-c in -testing *should* be installable from testing.04:48
kgunnwell...it seems that all the versions look ok, except lightdm is one behind04:50
bschaeferwhat is your apt-cache policy on it?04:51
bschaeferI've got:   Installed: 1.7.5bzr1634saucy004:51
bschaeferfrom: 1002 http://ppa.launchpad.net/mir-team/system-compositor-testing/ubuntu/ saucy/main i386 Packages04:51
kgunnbschaefer: what the command there "sudo apt-cache <what> -p lightdm" ?04:54
bschaeferkgunn, "apt-cache policy lightdm" should do it04:54
bschaeferno need for sudo :)04:54
kgunnbschaefer: ta04:54
kgunnright...Installed: 1.7.4-0ubuntu104:55
bschaeferstrange! hmm have you missed an update?04:55
kgunncandidate is 1.7.5....however if i attempt to install...it complains04:55
kgunnabout unmet deps on u-s-c04:56
kgunnwhich in turn complains about libmirserver004:56
bschaefermind pasting the error :)04:57
RAOFWhat version of mirserver0 is it complaining of?04:57
RAOFBecause the version in -testing depends on = 0.0.6bzr832saucy0, which is the version in the PPA.04:57
kgunnDepends: libmirserver0 (= 0.0.6bzr831saucy0) but 0.0.6bzr832saucy0 is to be installed04:58
RAOFI suspect you may need to apt-get update?04:58
RAOFThe deb that I downloaded from the PPA just now depends on 83204:58
kgunni have a few times04:58
kgunnhmmm...might repurge and try again04:59
RAOFapt-cache policy ubuntu-system-compositor?04:59
kgunnnone installed...but again, that's because of the whinging about libmirserver005:01
bschaeferkgunn, unity-system-compositor05:01
bschaeferhmm strange still05:01
kgunnbschaefer: yeah ;) i corrected it...i knew05:02
bschaeferkgunn, what is the versions Candidate?05:02
bschaeferfor u-s-c?05:02
bschaefer  Candidate: 0.0.1bzr33saucy0.144 should be yours?05:03
kgunnone moment...got impatient, repurged, trying again....05:04
bschaefercause your libmirserver0 is the correct version, but for some reason u-s-c wants a lower version?05:04
bschaefer:), good luck!05:04
kgunn...i think it worked...rebooting05:06
kgunnbschaefer: RAOF ...hooray! never so happy to see my annoying friend "extra mouse cursor"05:09
bschaeferkgunn, awesome :)05:09
kgunnnot sure what happened...i'm sure it was due to my futzing around earlier today05:10
duflukgunn: It's a /watermark/ to tell you Mir is working ;)05:10
kgunnduflu: yes....serious investment in that "feature"05:11
tvoss_good morning :)05:11
kgunnkind reminds me of bob the paperclip05:11
dufluIntentional or not, it's very useful05:12
kgunntvoss_: ditto05:12
duflutvoss_, Hi05:12
tvoss_guys, I need some help as lightdm from the ppa won't install its configuration file05:12
robert_ancelltvoss_, which config file?05:13
tvoss_robert_ancell, I don't see the 10-unity-system-compositor in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d05:13
robert_ancelltvoss_, did you delete it previously?05:13
tvoss_robert_ancell, might well be, yeah :)05:14
robert_ancelltvoss_, it's provided by unity-system-compositor and debian remembers if you delete stuff - see http://serverfault.com/questions/82801/linux-how-to-restore-config-file-using-apt-get-aptitude05:14
robert_ancell"debian remembers if you delete stuff in /etc"05:15
robert_ancelltvoss_, or failing that just make it yourself05:17
RAOFrobert_ancell: Or dpkg --purge then reinstall.05:21
kgunndidrocks: morning05:28
didrockshey kgunn! it's quite late for you, isn't it?05:28
kgunndidrocks:  or early...yes.05:29
dufluRule of thumb: If you're talking to Australia then you probably should not be awake :)05:37
dufluUnless it's only early evening...05:38
dufluOr you're in Europe05:38
dufluOr you're in Asia05:38
robert_ancellRAOF, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1195811 - this is because XMir doesn't limit frame rate from X clients right?05:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1195811 in Mir "Abnormally high FPS (no vsync) on natively mir testing demo-clients. Ubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,New]05:38
duflurobert_ancell: It's a driver-specific bug (nouveau). I have not got around to doing manual testing on nouveau yet05:39
duflunouveau has a long history of not vsync'ing05:39
robert_ancellduflu, but I believe no X client in XMir vsyncs right?05:39
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah, what duflu said. You're correct that XMir doesn't do vsync yet, but that bug appears to be about native Mir clients, which *should* vsync05:40
duflurobert_ancell: Yes compiz enforces vsync for everything on the screen, except when it's full screen and bypassed05:40
dufluUmm, that's a misleading statement I made. The point is that our custom GL for nouveau is failing to vsync in clients even when it should05:41
dufluI have two nvidia cards. I guess I should install one to keep the room warm during winter05:43
RAOFI should get my netbook bootable again so I can use it's BLAZING FAST geforce 930005:50
dufluYou mean blazing (hot) ?05:51
* duflu wonders how Mir would go on the old N270 netbook05:51
RAOFHm. Trunk doesn't build for me?05:53
kgunndidrocks: did i understand right that we were going to leave our version of gmock in mir tree ? just want to make sure this is the plan (to get into universe)05:56
didrockskgunn: hum, no, I mean we can leave it unresolved for daily release into a ppa05:56
didrocksnot for universe05:56
kgunndidrocks: so what's the mandate ?  as i understand it, we actually use features in the latest gmock...not available via the version used in ubuntu today05:57
didrockskgunn: knowing that I spent a day making most of the stuff, the only remaining one for making the gmock transition is nux to be adapted05:57
didrockskgunn: well, I spent an extensible amount of time updating to latest gmock05:57
didrocksand updating all components (mir included) to use that distro version05:57
didrocksthe only remaining piece is nux05:57
robert_ancellkgunn, RAOF, duflu, racarr, kdub_, meeting05:58
kgunndidrocks: ah....thanks...its clear now05:58
didrockskgunn: bregma was asked to do nux 2 days ago, not sure what's the status (he told me he would do it yesterday)05:58
robert_ancellthomi, too if your internet got solved :)05:58
kgunndidrocks: thanks...tvoss had his name there...but i'll pester bregma tomorrow05:58
didrockskgunn: the most important one is the armhf tests failing (some needs to be separated in autopilot tests I guess)06:01
kgunndidrocks: again, i understand bregma is going to disable valgrind tests for arm06:03
didrockskgunn: but they should be run as part of autopilot tests, right?06:03
didrocksso that we run them in the phone image06:04
didrockswith the actual hardware, and so on06:04
kgunndidrocks: right, i believe it was qemu failing...but mobile hw ok06:04
didrockskgunn: can we ensure they are not just disabled but converted to AP tests? loosing possibly valuable tests isn't good for quality (nobody is running tests manually on the long term ;))06:05
kgunndidrocks: thanks for pointing that out...i'll followup with bregma06:05
RAOFHuh. Mir lttng fails to build with -std=c9906:25
dholbachgood morning06:36
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tvossRAOF, thanks for your answer :) I was thinking that we actually have less context switches for the shell when linking against libmirserver, right?07:24
RAOFtvoss: The shell has no context switches at all.07:24
RAOFAs long as it's in-process.07:24
tvossRAOF, yup, I will add that to the answer :)07:25
RAOFIf it's not in-process, then, again, it's one context-switch per frame.07:25
dufluI'm pretty sure libmirserver has ~3 basic threads +N (number of clients up to the thread limit ~10), hence context switches a fair bit07:28
dufluSo 4 threads with a single client07:28
dufluIt would be really nice if the number of wakeups per second matched the frame rate, but that's not an immediate goal07:28
tvossduflu, sure, but still: let's wait for hard numbers until we start optimizing that part07:31
duflutvoss: Yeah I have no evidence that waking up hundreds of times per second like Mir does, is affecting frame rates yet07:31
dufluOnly power consumption that's not ideal for sure07:31
RAOFSeveral years ago, several-year-old hardware managed 20,000 context switches/sec. We're not going to be dropping framerate :07:32
tvossduflu, that reminds me: I need to log a bug about some build time flags that we introduced to satisfy the buildds07:32
dufluYeah, it's just the modern day race to zero watts :)07:32
RAOFWe do want to stop waking up to save power, though.07:32
tvoss_didrocks, ping08:13
didrockstvoss_: pong08:15
tvoss_didrocks, good morning :) how goes?08:15
didrockstvoss_: I'm fine, thanks! Ensuring that the temperature remains hot with building nux :p08:15
didrocksand you?08:15
tvoss_didrocks, looking through the list of open bugs08:16
didrockstvoss_: FYI, nux package doesn't build, there seems to be a PREFIX override08:21
tvoss_didrocks, *sigh*08:21
didrockstvoss_: seems like people don't try to bzr bd :/08:22
didrocks(it's easy though :/)08:22
tvoss_didrocks, looking into disabling tests on powerpc now08:22
didrockstvoss_: no need anymore08:23
didrockstvoss_: I've disabled powerpc builds08:23
tvoss_didrocks, oh, do we have a branch?08:23
tvoss_didrocks, okay08:23
didrocksas per the discussion08:23
tvoss_didrocks, okay, mind closing the bug?08:23
didrockstvoss_: doing so :)08:23
tvoss_didrocks, thx08:23
tvoss_RAOF, mind giving me a quick status on the system-compositor-testing ppa before you eod?08:25
pete-woodshey guys! So you publish your docs to http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/08:47
pete-woodshow can I do the same with my library?08:47
tvoss_pete-woods, talk to mhall11908:47
pete-woodstvoss_, cool, thanks!08:48
tvoss_pete-woods, yw08:48
RAOFtvoss_: As far as I'm aware, system-compositor-testing is ready to roll.08:48
tvoss_RAOF, ack, so nothing to be copied over right now?08:49
tvoss_RAOF, rolling fine on my machine :)08:49
RAOFNothing particularly to be copied over, no.08:49
tvoss_RAOF, ack, thanks08:49
RAOFXserver 1.14 is in there, with the xmir changes to not hate hybrid.08:49
* tvoss_ wonders if putting that information in the channel title would make sense08:49
alf__hikiko: alan_g: Have time for a nested mir sync/chat?08:52
pete-woodstvoss_: are you guys in any kind of dialogue with vmware, parallels, etc to get them to think about Mir drivers for their virtualisation tech?08:52
alan_galf__: hikiko 8 mins?08:52
tvoss_pete-woods, not yet08:52
pete-woodsokay, thanks for the info08:53
hikikoalan_g, alf__ sure can you wait for 5 mins?08:53
hikikoI have to go downstairs to collect something brb in 5mins alan_g alf__08:53
alf__alan_g: hikiko: sure, I will create the hangout, join when ready08:54
alf__alan_g: hikiko: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/1c0bb852740e0eb0560f57be1e1c793df9897a89?hl=en08:55
hikikoalan_g, alf__ back08:58
tvoss_RAOF, ping09:05
RAOFtvoss_: Pong.09:05
RAOFpete-woods: I've been in contact with a VMWare developer; all that's needed there is dma-buf support for their mesa driver. It's basiacally the free stack.09:05
pete-woodsROAF, that sounds pretty cool. It's a shame things like the Parallels stuff is more restrictively licensed. Although if 13.10 does have Mir on by default (or maybe even an option) I guess they will have lots of users nagging them to support it!09:07
tvoss_alan_g, ping09:53
alan_gtvoss_: ?09:53
tvossRAOF, okay, not an issue with xfce10:08
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duflualf__: Can you point me to where in the server the client's choice of swapinterval is implemented?10:32
alf__duflu: src/server/compositor/switching_bundle.cpp10:33
duflualf__, thanks10:34
dufluOh, I forgot the terminology changes to "frame dropping"10:34
dufluOf course10:34
alf__duflu: the path on the server side is mf::SessionMediator::configure_surface() -> msh::Surface::configure() -> msh::Surface::allow_framedropping() and propagates down to the buffer_bundle10:41
duflualf__: Yep thanks. I'm trying to figure out what I've done to make synchronous clients hang. Something is deadlocked10:42
dufluAnd I think it might be too late in the day to continue10:42
duflualf__: I did notice this, but it doesn't seem related to my problem now... https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/119971710:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199717 in Mir "BufferSwapperMulti::in_use_by_client counter drops below zero" [Undecided,New]10:43
alf__duflu: thanks, I will take a look10:43
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dandraderIs mir going to get AppArmor support?11:14
tvossdandrader, sure, you mean in terms of having a SecurityManager server-side?11:14
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dandradertvoss, in term of a call mir_surface_set_type(mySurface, mir_surface_type_inputmethod) failing (i.e., server reports back failure) if the client is not allowed to have an input method surface11:16
tvossdandrader, yes, that's not there, yet, though11:17
dandradertvoss, sure, but the plan is to have it implemented with AppArmor, right?11:18
dandrader(sounds like I'm repeating the same question with different words but I do like to have it made clear :) )11:20
tvoss_dandrader, might have lost some of your messages11:25
dandrader<dandrader> tvoss, sure, but the plan is to have it implemented with AppArmor, right?11:25
dandrader<dandrader> (sounds like I'm repeating the same question with different words but I do like to have it made clear :) )11:25
dandradertvoss_, ^11:25
tvoss_dandrader, right our technology of choice is apparmor11:25
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dandraderok, thanks (because in the e-mail discussion I've suggested discretionary access control)11:27
tvoss_dandrader, I think we need mandatory access control, too11:28
dandraderyeah, that's more powerful11:30
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didrocksbregma: give me a sign once you will win over the PREFIX override for nux :)12:32
bregmadidrocks, I fixed that last night, MP should be OK now12:33
didrocksbregma: ah, you just didn't push it in the previous MP then?12:33
didrocksbregma: let me rebuild the package then12:33
didrocksbregma: thanks for taking the opportunity for -X.la btw ;)12:34
bregmawell, what actually happened was I kicked off a local build to verify it and went to bed, then pushed the branch up to LP when I woke up, but MP should be good now12:35
* didrocks builds, with ccache, should be quick now12:35
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didrocksbregma: beautifully build!12:38
didrockstvoss_: kgunn: ok, so pushing new google-mock snapshot to distro12:39
didrocksonce published, switching all MP to approved12:39
didrocksthanks bregma for nux! :)12:39
kgunnbregma: didrocks \o/12:40
didrockskgunn: already awake? really really short night :)12:40
kgunndidrocks: zzzzzz, huh?12:40
* bregma slurps yet another mug of coffee12:45
didrocksbregma: another? it's not your first? :-)12:45
bregmano chat or email until at least the second mug or I always regret it12:46
kgunnbregma: .....a wise man12:50
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didrockstvoss_: can I get 2 quick acks for https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/libusermetrics/build-new-gmock/+merge/173945 and https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/mir/remove-local-google-mock/+merge/173946? (I didn't propose them for merging apparently previously)13:46
mterrygreyback, where is the unity8 branch that uses mir?13:59
mterrygreyback, oh, nm: lp:~unity-team/unity/unity8-integrate-mir/14:00
greybackmterry: yep that's it. Any luck with mir?14:00
mterrygreyback, I haven't tried reflashing my nexus4 in a couple days.  But now I'm investigating how surfaces will get assigned names14:01
greybackmterry: ok. Look up ua_ui_window_properties_set_titlen14:02
greybackmterry: that's used in the qtubuntu plugin, which sets the surface name that shell will get14:03
mterrygreyback, ah, OK14:03
greybackis in platform-api. yw14:03
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mterryracarr, so in that surfacebuilder example you gave me yesterday, I assumed that "Window 1" was just some testing name.  But it seems that qtubuntu actually does use that title for all its windows.14:15
mterryracarr, is there an easy way to change that name on a per-window basis, so that I can actually treat the greeter window differently?14:15
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mterrygreyback, about mir+unity on nexus4, do you know if there's a bug about the black screen issue?14:39
greybackmterry: no I don't. You'd need to talk with ricmm about it, since I guess you're using his images14:41
greybackmterry: quick question: what version of "ubuntu-touch-session" is on the image you've installed?14:42
mterrygreyback, hm, ok14:42
mterrygreyback, 0.57 (though 0.56+mir2 is available and unused...  seems bad)14:43
greybackmterry: switch to the mir package and reboot14:43
greybackmterry: I think that's hte culprit14:43
mterrygreyback, yup, that fixed it for me14:45
greybackI didn't realise it until last last night when I was slowly building a working stack of Mir+Platform-api+qtubuntu, that when I updated that package, the crash happend. That package seems to configure things inside the android chroot, maybe also the graphics14:45
greybackricmm_: ^^14:45
ricmm_greyback: mterry yup, setting up a recipe for that now14:46
kgunnalf__: ping14:48
alf__kgunn: pong14:48
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tvoss_alf__, ping15:07
alf__tvoss_: pong15:07
didrocksalf__: your patches for google-mock was for clang build?15:16
alf__didrocks: no, for g++ 4.7 (but it could be that clang needs them too)15:18
alf__didrocks: issues?15:18
didrocksalf__: yeah, with the google-mock version I pushed today in distro (so the snapshot without your patch), I see:15:19
didrocksalf__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861927/15:20
didrocksis that what your patch would prevent?15:20
didrocksalf__: this issue doesn't seem to appear with gcc15:20
didrocks(at least, it's at 72%, passed that point)15:21
alf__didrocks: that shouldn't be relevant to my patch15:21
didrocksalf__: let's wait for the gcc build to finish, but then, I think CI will reject it if it doesn't build with clang, right?15:22
didrockskdub_: I'm afraid I'll need help on that one then :)15:24
kdub_hopefully clang just goes through :)15:27
didrockskdub_: I'm pushing the fix first to add the missing build-deps to setup-partial-armhf-chroot.sh (this script should really take build-deps from the packaging)15:27
kdub_didrocks, oh, thanks! that script was just kinda 'kevin's first way to get mir armhf running' that evolved into 'everyone use just this thing'15:29
kdub_probably needed a revamp15:29
didrockskdub_: I'll give it a shot for grabbing the build-deps from the packaging. In exchange, let's hope someone can help on clang :p15:30
kdub_i can help get it going, but if its a large compilation failure requiring a fair amount of gtest fixes, don't know if i have the time to sort through it15:32
didrockskdub_: it's working with the inline version, right? so it should be a patch you pushed to it that I need to put in the distro gmock, right?15:32
kdub_didrocks, might be, but I know there were other patches too, potentially15:34
* didrocks loves it:15:40
didrocksdpkg-deb: building package `mir-build-deps' in `../mir-build-deps_1.0_amd64.deb'.15:40
didrocksAttention, the package has been created in the current directory,15:40
didrocksnot in ".." as indicated by the message above!15:40
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didrockskdub_: hum, in your script, you even don't install the packages, just extract them in random dir?16:23
didrocks  add_subdirectory given source "/usr/src/gmock" which is not an existing16:23
didrocksis what I get16:23
kdub_didrocks, yeah, just enough to provide headers and linking16:23
didrockskdub_: do you have a generic way of dealing with this hacked path then?16:24
didrocksin cmake?16:24
kdub_we use cmake's cross compilation system16:25
didrockskdub_: hum, I will try something to point to the google-mock usr/ path16:26
didrocksbut doesn't sounds sane TBH ;)16:26
racarrgreyback_: Anything I can do to be helpful on application module?16:33
racarrkind of inbetween tasks16:33
racarrso have to pick something new up16:33
greyback_racarr: Hey, lp:~gerboland/+junk/qml-demo-shell/ - please open an app (using buttons at the bottom) and then try to interact with the app16:35
racarrgreyback_: Is it a trap? :(16:39
racarrthe way you phrase it makes it sound like a trap16:39
greyback_racarr: gah, foiled again!16:40
racarrsegfault, probably16:42
racarrabi mismatch16:42
racarron my machine16:42
racarri.e. can't even start it16:42
racarrI think I need a mesa upgrade16:42
racarrwill be a ew minutes16:42
racarrgreyback_: I don't see any calls to set_input_region16:44
racarrso how would you be able to interact with an app?16:45
greyback_racarr: aha, that's what I was missing16:46
greyback_yes, stupid me16:46
greyback_how did I completely forget that??16:46
racarrforgetting is easy!16:47
racarrhow will that bit work?16:47
racarrI've been wondering about the least troublesome way to wire that up16:48
greyback_Yeah me too. I'd love to define InputRegions that shell should accept, and all other regions the input passes through16:53
greyback_I've idea how to do it, is next on the list16:53
greyback_racarr: if you want to look at my app manager code, you're welcome to it. ATM I've #ifdef'd in Qt manually starting the processes, not upstart. I'm also not using the session authorizer still17:00
greyback_so please put those together and check everything works17:01
greyback_but right now, I'm away :) Talk later17:01
racarrgreyback_: Excellent. Thanks17:03
racarrsee you17:03
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kgunnkdub_: did you read  Jim Haddops mail ? i'm wondering if he's highlighting a "new" requirement....e.g. if the intent is to get rid of surface flinger, then something would need to take care of19:04
kgunnbinding the output video buffers as textures to the surfaces (for egl streaming)19:05
kdub_ah, haven't read yet19:05
kgunnso its most likely a backend to gstreamer (which ends up being a native mir client....like qmir)19:05
kgunnah...i'll give you a chance19:06
kgunnbtw....per session mode setting still more important than that discussion ;)19:07
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jo-erlendthere is a discussion going on at the Elementary OS mailing list following a chat with jono.. They seem to be under the impression that Canonical does not intend to create a GTK+ backend for Mir and unless the community does it, eventually you won't be able to run GTK apps in Ubuntu. Surely, this must be the result of some confusion?22:01
jo-erlendI know Ubuntu SDK does not support GTK+ and that's kinda reasonable from the arguments I've heard. But not making sure the display server supports one of the big toolkits around, seems almost unthinkable.22:02
jo-erlendThese people have lots of listeners, so if it is indeed a misunderstanding, I hope it gets rectified asap.22:05
jonojo-erlend, I mentioned that I didn't know if we were creating a GTK backend, and that I would get back to them22:05
jo-erlendjono, they seem to have interpreted that as "extremely unlikely".22:05
jonojo-erlend, I will weigh in, I am on the list22:06
jo-erlendgreat. :)22:06
jo-erlendjono, but wasn't this talked about in the Mir interview? That things would be written, but that you couldn't be sure it'd be accepted upstream? Perhaps I misunderstood.22:07
racarrWe've always said that we were creating a GTK  backend22:07
racarrbut it's behind anything for the phone or the system compositor of course :)22:07
jo-erlendracarr, good to hear. It seemed very strange to me that anyone writing a display server would neglect GTK support.22:08
racarrrobert_ancell: So the thing is, I think we need to move to a model where the Shell sets the 'Application-id' or session name22:10
racarrrather than relying on the client to provide it, and verifying22:10
racarrbecause if there are two clients starting up at the same time (say one trying to impersonate another), just PID isnt enough to verify22:10
racarrso instead of, say like bool SessionAuthorizer::is_allowed_to_connect(pid_t)22:11
racarrit's like std::string SessionIdentifier::identify_session(pid_t) throws-exception22:11
racarror some such22:12
racarrand I just wanted to know how this affects the system compositor22:12
racarri.e. is this easy to accomodate22:12
robert_ancellracarr, currently lightdm picks the IDs, then tells XMir to use a given ID, then lightdm tells u-s-c to switch sessions based on id22:13
robert_ancellracarr, potentially we could switch the id with a PID, but there's no current convention that the PID the display manager launches is the process that connect back (e.g. there are often shell scripts in between)22:13
racarrok, so instead of lightdm telling xmir, it just needs to tell u-s-c22:13
racarrPID blabla is XMir22:14
robert_ancellbut only if there's no forking22:14
robert_ancellIt feels like there must be something nicer we can use than just the pid of the process lightdm forked, something that will propogate down22:14
robert_ancellPerhaps some sort of cgroup thing22:15
robert_ancellracarr, note, these are logind sessions that are connecting to u-s-c, so they should be identifiable. That is a different case to applications within a session though where they are all in the same logind session22:16
racarrits a different kind of case for u-s-c, the thing is its difficult22:16
racarrto let unity act as22:16
robert_ancellracarr, yeah. I'm treating the ID as a kind of secret at the moment, which is reasonably* secure22:17
racarrthis "SessionIdentifier" and pick all the application-id's22:17
racarrwithout removing22:17
racarrclient provided session names completely22:17
robert_ancellracarr, what does an application-id mean then>22:17
robert_ancellis this the .desktop association?22:17
robert_ancellracarr, ok, if the client session names remain then that should be sufficient for u-s-c I think. We can just ignore the application-ids since they don't mean anything at the system compositor layer22:18
racarroh well22:18
racarrI was thinking session->name basically becomes session->application_id22:18
robert_ancelland the client session names might become unnecessary if we can use logind22:18
racarrI dunno, it's tricky22:18
robert_ancellracarr, it can have a different meaning for unity-shell than in u-s-c right?22:19
racarrbecause session->name doesn't have any meaning for unity8 really22:19
racarrbut application_id doesn't really have22:19
racarrany meaning for system compositor22:19
racarrat this point I am just thinking about names :)22:19
robert_ancellracarr, and unity-shell implements the application id assigner and u-s-c leaves it stubbed22:19
racarr...the name or the name member22:20
robert_ancellor vice versa22:20
racarrMm ok.22:21
racarrIll take a crack at it in the next week or so, the current solution is sufficient for now (just the shell can only let one app be int he launching state at a time)22:21
racarrthanks :)22:21
racarrfor...exactly now, I think I am going to the bakery.22:21
kgunn_bregma: wrt disabling the arm valgrind tests on qemu, are you going to also ensure they'll run via autopilot on real mobile hw ??22:38
kgunn_this was a didrocks query...and i wanted to make sure if you _weren't_ doing it...that we got you some help to do so22:38
kgunn_robert_ancell: ^ was this the integrated AP tests you were speaking about in the other testing thread....or were you thinking of other tests22:39
robert_ancellkgunn_, not sure what you're referring to22:40
kgunn_robert_ancell: the "what's keeping us from saucy" thread....with olli22:40
robert_ancellkgunn_, As I understand it these are unit-tests that are failing on build. So if there're disabled it wont affect autopilot22:41
thomirobert_ancell: could I get you to take a look at this MP please? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/mir/remove-close-fd-workaround/+merge/17407122:42
kgunn_robert_ancell: right...but didrocks was saying we should move those tests to ap for arm22:43
kgunn_...i'll let you look at that mp22:43
kgunn_we can catch up later22:43
thomirobert_ancell: also, I'm still able to reproduce this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1195089 - I wonder if we could bump the priority of that bug?22:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1195089 in Mir "mir_stress suite causes mir_demo_server to crash" [Critical,Triaged]22:43
robert_ancellthomi, higher than critical?22:43
thomiyeah :)22:43
thomiok, so maybe bump the status22:43
robert_ancellthomi, that bug is driving me insane :)22:44
robert_ancelloh, I thought it should be in progress22:44
thomiConfirmed -> In Progress would be nice :)22:44
* robert_ancell fixes22:44
thomicool - I hadn't realised you were looking at it22:44
robert_ancelldone and done22:44
thomirobert_ancell: anything I can do to help you fix it?22:44
robert_ancellthomi, find the problem? :)22:44
thomiI'll fire up valgrind and see if I can get anything sensible from it22:45
robert_ancellI can reproduce it reliably, but really lost trying to find out where the problem is occurring22:45
robert_ancellthe stack traces seem to change over time and they're not pinpointing the problem22:45
thomiis the stack constant to a certain point? I wonder if we're corrupting the stack somehow22:46
robert_ancellthomi, it definitely seems to be a threading issue when releasing the surface22:46
racarrrobert_ancell: Oh I found and fixed one of those I think22:47
kdubracarr was talking about something like htat22:47
kdubright :)22:47
racarrin client-focus-notifications let me find it22:47
robert_ancellracarr, yeah, I've been seeing a number of fixes in that area, but none are fixing the problem for me :(22:47
robert_ancellracarr, is there a new fix on a branch somewhere?22:47
racarrrobert_ancell: https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/client-focus-notifications/+merge/166440 at 25322:47
robert_ancellracarr, ta, I'll try that22:47
racarrhmm I don't know if it can actually crash22:48
racarrit was a deadlock in my case22:48
robert_ancellRAOF, can you check https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/mir/mesa-xorg-docs/+merge/174073 for accuracy22:57
robert_ancellkgunn_, you might also be interested22:57
robert_ancellkgunn_, aha, I knew I'd missed something :)23:20
RAOFrobert_ancell: Looks good, let me double check.23:26
robert_ancellkgunn_, can you re-review23:26
RAOFHeh, cool. Glyph cache corruption. It's been a while!23:27
racarrRAOF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_experience23:28
racarrI love glyph cache corruption23:28
RAOFrobert_ancell: You've misspelt “--enable-xmir” in that doc; you've got “--with-xmir”, which doesn't work.23:29
robert_ancellRAOF, fixe23:30
RAOFSă̜ͪ̃̀̀v̧̞̭͊͊ͦ̏ͭ͂ề̬̭̹̣ͣ̈́̓̚ ̫͕͔͔̰̬̐͛̈ͤͭ̽c̶̘̿͗͒ͤh̯̤äͥ̾̒͒͞n͉̗̆ͪ͟g̰̙̗͇̺̻̅e̩͖̫̤͌͢s͜ ͦ͏̲t̯̪̂͒o̬ ̶̃͆̀̑ͦͫX̰̙͚̉͐ͤ̾̄ͩ̀oͭ̿͝r̙̼̳̣̠̼ͪ͊̍̌́͋̊g̣.̥̯͍̤͗͒̈́͒̐ͧ0̛̝̫̰̮̝̝̮̍ͮͨ̍̎ͨ̎.̢̣̯̯̩ͯ̒͊͆͌́̚l͒ͦ̈́͂͡o̮͎̹͌ͤͪ̈̌̒g͇̺̞̯̰ͬ̓ͬ̌̏̆̊ͅ?̬̺̲ͮͭ̀ͮ23:30
robert_ancellhow many bytes is that string23:32
robert_ancell395 :)23:33
robert_ancellkgunn_, woah, that's a lot of critical bugs :)23:43
robert_ancellRAOF, if you're happy with https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/mir/mesa-xorg-docs/+merge/174073, can you put your stamp on it? thanks23:47
kgunn_robert_ancell: yeah...critical means need to address for 13.1023:47
robert_ancellkgunn_, yep, I agree, just scary to see so much red23:47
RAOFrobert_ancell: Doing a build of both xserver and mesa to check that those instructions really really really work.23:55
robert_ancellRAOF, thanks. I did them to the configure stage but no futher23:56
RAOFOh - you should probably say at least “--with-egl-platforms=mir,drm”. If someone configures mesa with only --with-egl-platforms=mir then Mir won't run, because it needs the drm platform.23:58
* kdub has always put the wayland platform in the mesa config23:58
kdubi remember once it tried to link to something in there23:59

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