
=== uAirBot is now known as AirBot
=== Dazzozo` is now known as Dazzozo
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== PaulW2U is now known as Guest78283
=== Cracknel is now known as Guest66740
=== kgunn is now known as Guest40271
=== Guest78283 is now known as PaulW2U
TheHI Ladies17:57
Thehow are you ?17:57
LostKayakerYep, I can see you.18:01
TheYes hello18:01
ampYes Bacon!18:02
datradianceWe see you18:02
luk_aszYes, I can C U18:02
pulu_Yes bacon!18:02
LostKayakerYes, ICNCU18:02
TheYes i can see you18:02
Thei like your t-shirt :p18:02
testisis it qorking ?18:03
micah2QUESTION: Is it possible to write scopes that utilize a user's login credentials? For example a scope that returns private dropbox files.18:03
ampQUESTION: What is the plan for docking-the-phone-booting-the-desktop in 13.10, and 14.04?18:05
CaseyBQUESTION: Do you know when you're going to start releasing Ubuntu Touch images for additional phones?18:05
wtfANDYQUESTION: Will Ubuntu be part of the Half-Life 3 Projkect??18:05
=== Guest66740 is now known as Cracknel
pulu_QUESTION: I heard that there is terminal available in ubuntu touch. Is there some difference between touch-terminal and desktop one? As in is there something I can do in desktop and can't do on touch18:05
LostKayakerQUESTION: With the revelations on NSA/spying, and the subsequent loss of privacy, is there any change in thinking around full HD and/or file level encryption?18:06
datradianceQUESTION: Will there will be major production changes when Ubuntu moves to releases every two years?18:11
CaseyBQUESTION: I am very excited about Mir. How well do you feel you'll be able to compete with OSX?18:11
scott-workQUESTION: when is the next album coming out?18:12
pulu_QUESTION: Is there something in unity/ubuntu that you would change if it was up to you? Something in other desktops and distros that is better?18:13
LostKayakerIt is actually much more involved and complex than just "metadata". Metadata is actually data....the use of that term is to try to deflate the concern amongst the citizenry.18:13
sebsebsebQUESTION: What's the t-shirt today, and is that just a blue cap?18:14
micah2QUESTION: A lot of people are getting upset about Mir, do you think it is even remotely possible that Mir will hurt Ubuntu's quality or cause headaches for application devs?18:14
LostKayakerI'll reach out on the developers list. Thanks.18:14
carterclanQUESTION: If Ubuntu touch is successful do you envisage the desktop version to become more popular or do you feel like others that the desktop is dying and becoming irrelevant.18:15
LostKayakerQUESTION: Any thoughts on features/function of QEMU/KVM in the near future?18:15
CracknelQUESTION: Our loco (Ubuntu-RO) has received an email about a month ago regarding a conference named "Internet and Mobile World" that will take place in Romania sometime in October. They needed someone to talk about Ubuntu on mobile devices. Have they contacted you? Any info regarding an Ubuntu/Canonical presence at this event?18:16
dshimerQUESTION: What will you be doing at Ohio Linux Fest?18:17
sebsebsebQUESTION:  The big train news what do you think of that?  What about the plane news as well?18:19
sebsebsebQUESTION: Do you think you are slightly naughtey for having a t-shirt with swearing on it? heh heh  such as the one your wearing18:20
sg1asgardhi all18:22
Pantalaimon9469¿Ubuntu touch estará disponible en México? ¿Además del Nexus se podrá instalar Ubuntu en otro hardware?18:24
sg1asgardIs there a foreseeable future when Ubuntu will have Adobe having builds for it?18:25
sebsebsebsg1asgard: put QUESTION:18:26
sebsebsebsg1asgard: QUESTION: your question18:26
sebsebsebsg1asgard: and no need to pm about that18:26
sg1asgardok, I understand18:27
Pantalaimon9469¿Ubuntu touch estará disponible en México? ¿Además del Nexus se podrá instalar Ubuntu en otro hardware?18:27
sg1asgardQUESTION: Is there a foreseeable future when Ubuntu will have Adobe having builds for it? How can we speed this up?18:27
hansQUESTION: can you ask matthiew from the design team to publish guidelines for ubuntu touch icons?18:28
Pantalaimon9469¿Ubuntu touch estará disponible en México? ¿Además del Nexus se podrá instalar Ubuntu en otro hardware?18:28
b1ackcr0wQUESTION What new revenue streams will Ubuntu Touch open for the Ubuntu Project?18:28
Pantalaimon9469¿Ubuntu touch estará disponible en México? ¿Además del Nexus se podrá instalar Ubuntu en otro hardware?18:30
b1ackcr0wto translate the question submitted in spanish.. Ubuntu? Touch will be available in Mexico? Nexus? Addition ubuntu can be installed on other hardware?18:30
b1ackcr0wShot of Pal has no swearing in it :)18:31
sg1asgardtahnk you :)18:32
sebsebsebQUESTION: Oriely has an event coming up soon I belive, what you doing at that?18:33
sebsebsebQUESTION: Half an hour or so of gutiar, if out of or lacking questions? :d18:34
Pantalaimon9469QUESTION: I'm sorry, but I've had some problems in Rhythmbox and in Totem. I use Ubuntu 13.04 and I can't solve this.18:34
carterclanQUESTION: Did you see that Ubuntu touch got a mention and a small clip of it in use on BBC's Click programme.18:35
b1ackcr0wQUESTION: I'm interested in the revenue stream thing because of the politics for the developers cut of the app sales, I believe Apple's scheme is unfair. So I was wondering how much discussion has been going on to ensure fairness to devs has been going on?18:36
b1ackcr0wPantalaimon9469: http://www.ubuntu.com/support is the best place to start to get help18:37
pulu_yes to guitar!18:37
sebsebsebyes to guitar18:38
sg1asgardEnter Sandman in this case \m/ :D18:38
hansno to guitar18:38
Pantalaimon9469I've had problems with the webapps integration in Ubuntu 13.04 and in Ubuntu 12.10, something is wrong, I think.18:38
xwheelsxyes guitar18:38
nixxdyes to guitar18:38
UbuPhillupNo to guitar ;)18:39
Munnuno to guitar!18:39
sebsebsebleave at the end if you don't want guitar :D18:39
Pantalaimon9469I've had problems with the webapps integration in Ubuntu 13.04 and in Ubuntu 12.10, something is wrong, I think.18:39
b1ackcr0wThx, it's good to know. A strong "Selling" point, qdos to the chaps 4 that18:40
sg1asgardQUESTION: do you have suggestions on how the community help Ubuntu ?18:40
sg1asgardfor the near future18:40
b1ackcr0wYou going to sing?18:40
carterclanhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b036zdhg/Click_06_07_2013/ goto 17.04 mins18:40
Markcortbassquestion: Is it possible that android apps will run in Ubuntu phone with a Dalvik VM port? Or will this slowdown the performance?18:40
ampQUESTION: Why not Unity 8 in 14.04?18:40
CaseyBQUESTION: What kind of tools are going to be available for developers to target multiple screen sizes?18:40
sebsebsebamp: oh  thought  would be, but I guess 7 is more develoepd so that's your answer :d18:41
suckmydickwhy ubuntu didn't support boardcom wi-fi cards18:41
sg1asgard\m/ :D brings back memories18:41
sg1asgardQUESTION: regarding latest developments form Steam for OpenGL, are we QUESTION: seeing a transition in gaming industry soon? what's your opinion on this?18:43
cheerockieHi Jono !!!18:43
cheerockiePlease stop playing ;)18:43
sebsebsebmore like keep playing :d18:44
Pantalaimon9469Why not Unity 8 in Ubuntu 14.04? :(18:44
hansQUESTION: what do you think of CRYTEK developing cryengine for linux18:44
sebsebsebhans: DId you ever use Cygwin hans question  is making me think of that for some reason.18:45
sebsebsebwhoops should have done QUESTION:18:45
sebsebsebQUESTION:  Did you ever use Cygwin hans question is making me think of that for some reason.18:45
neuroto the user with the rude nick: broadcom wifi cards aren't fully supported because broadcom haven't provided completely open specs for the chipsets18:47
carterclanQUESTION: Do you think Firefox OS will be a major rival18:47
cheerockieWhat do you think about MS Office  next release on linux?18:47
neuroQUESTION: what's in the flask?18:47
sg1asgardQUESTION: Ubuntu for consoles in any plans?18:47
suckmydickQUESTION: Do you think ms windows 8.1 will be better than Ubuntu18:48
cheerockieQUESTION: What do you think about MS Office  next release on linux?18:48
neuroyour nick sucks, sir/madam18:48
beidlQUESTION: when I develop a touch app I have to use the toolbar api for certain things. how is that going to work on the desktop? put its content in the global menu automatically?18:48
sg1asgardmuch appreciated :)18:49
beidlQUESTION: also, what's your opinion on the scopes-like functionality in windows 8.1?18:49
sebsebsebQUESTION:  BBC had a breif mention of Ubuntu Phone and FIrefox OS in  latest BBC Click,  I guess your reaction to this is awesome or cool? :d18:49
Pantalaimon9469I've read about Windows 8.1 and I saw that MS copied "smart scopes". What do you think about that?18:49
neurojono layeth the smacketh down18:50
neurosuckmydick: i thought people in Mauritius had better manners18:52
suckmydickQUESTION: why ubuntu apps doesn't install directly like windows and mac18:52
nixxdQUESTION: will ubuntu develop its own packet manager ? Can you give any details on this?18:52
sg1asgardQUESTION: Metro interface for Ubuntu sooner or later?18:52
hansthe latency on this cast is amazing.18:53
suckmydickQUESTION:why ubuntu have so slow boot18:53
cheerockieQUESTION: Is the chacne to dominate Europe OS world by ubuntu? Are there some plans for TVs commercials or something similar to popular? Sorry for my english I still learning.18:54
neurooh wait, did i say mauritius? i meant morocco18:54
hansQUESTION: will there be click packages for the desktop as well as the phone?18:54
MarkcortbassQUESTION: are there any plans of upgrading the look, en features of Ubuntu TV?18:55
suckmydickQUESTION: does ubuntu will make a "ubuntu office " because libre office haven't so much features18:55
neurojono: Fifteen to One, you philistine!!!!18:55
Pantalaimon9469Is there any way to start working at Canonical? What are the requeriments? :P18:55
neurojono_: it was you and aq, around 200318:55
CracknelPantalaimon9469: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/careers18:56
neurojono_: in that dodgy internet cafe :)18:56
suckmydickQUESTION: why no there are ubuntu commercials in TV18:57
neuroQUESTION: how could you forget Question or Nominate was from the quiz show Fifteen to One? Tsk.18:58
cheerockieQUESTION: Is there any chance to make ubuntu.com in polish lang. I'm from Poland And My friend don't know english?18:58
Richie442cheerockie: http://ubuntu.pl/18:59
cheerockie@Richie ubuntu.pl is not official18:59
hansThanks jono!19:00
Pantalaimon9469Jono, Why?19:00
sg1asgardtank you too Jono. SG1 Asgard :)19:00
Pantalaimon9469Why no there are comercial about Ubuntu on TV?19:00
cheerockieTake care!19:00
neuroi can go get my dinner now :)19:00
xwheelsxThanks and Bye19:00
MarkcortbassThanks Jono! (:19:00
suckmydickQUESTION:does ubuntu is really safe because there are a new virus type created to destroy linux19:00
hanstoo late smd19:00
neurodon't feed the troll, i've realised :)19:01
MarkcortbassLinux is safe. Mac OSX have fewer virusses than Linux19:01
neuroand the moroccan with the daft nick is outta here!19:01
hansI̖̝̤͙̻̜͎̦̻̮̋̒̀̋̑ͤ̀͢͠ͅ ̰̦̼̘̹̫͇͍̞̿̏ͥͬ̀͟͡͝t̷ͯͧ̃͂̿ͧ̈ͦ͘͏҉̣̞̲̭͈̻h̴̛̥̮̪̳̼̆̓̆͐ͦͮ͒̏ͥ͋̍̉̒̄̓̏͢i̶̡̗̲̬͍̼̥̙͚̪̦̣͉̜̼͕̠̘͗̂ͦͯ̋̅̕ͅn̦̼̩̗̣̱͍͙ͣ͒ͩ̉ͣͣ̂ͩ͟͢ķͨ̑͌ͮ͗͋̔͒ͩ҉͙͇̰͍͇͔̖͔̝͍͈̬̦͙̻̪͍̀̕͡ ̷̴̴̵̵̝̹̦͎̭͓͖̮̰͈̼̜̟͉ͥ͐̊̋̄ͫ̑ͨ̐̍̇̍̍͛ͅŞ̗͙̭̜̣̗͊͗̿ͣ̎ͫͦͯ͗̀19:04
hans͈̞̪̟̯ͅ ̷̧̯̭̭̪̩̫͕̮̳͖̗̃̒́̂̐̏̓͜a̴ͣ͒̉ͤ͗ͦ͗ͪ͐̂ͯ̃̈́͒̕҉̡̗͎̞͍̼̱͉̩̩̖̹̗̠̯̬̣̥ͅ ̷͆ͬ͐̉́ͬͩ̔ͩ̿ͨ́͋̚͞͡͏̨̯̦͉̙̳̰̙͎̟̲̬̯m̲̖̹͉̫͉̗̪̺̹͍̳͔̝̭͍̙̖̓̑͒̕͟ăͩͯ͂͌̆̂ͬ͑̏̓̚҉̢̻̮͍͔̭͖͔̮̮̩sͣͥͭ͗̆ͪͧ̑͗͂̌̓̾ͣ̔̇̚҉̴́҉̹̻̹͕̻̹͍͚̱̜̺̯̣ͅs̵̢̛̮͉̣̩͙̪̏ͥ͋̏ͪ̀͠i̷ͦ̒̌̎̏̊ͤ̒ͫ̆̊̊́̚19:04
suckmydicka new virus has been created for linux is very dangerous19:05
* neuro lols at the level of intelligence on display here19:06
jzoricyou are online :)19:16
Azrae|yeah, looking good!19:40
Azrae|arrrggg my eyes19:41
phingersQUESTION - do i need a password to see other people questions19:58
=== kgunn is now known as Guest55003
=== Cracknel is now known as Guest61409
=== Guest61409 is now known as Cracknel
=== ad is now known as Guest83884
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== YoBoY_ is now known as YoBoY
=== Guest55003 is now known as kgunn
=== kgunn is now known as Guest77008
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
tedeusyes bacon i can see you23:43
tedeuswhen ubuntu touch will be released ?23:44
tedeusQuestion: When Ubuntu Touch will be released ?23:47
boss2022003I hear you23:50

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