
duanedesignhello. A user came to #ubuntu-beginners and was trying to rejoin his channels and is getting msg he is baned from #ubuntu channel. Who should he contact about this?05:32
IdleOnehe should join here05:33
duanedesignthanks IdleOne05:36
veebullhello folks05:37
IdleOnehello veebull05:38
veebullA gent by name of 'duanedesign' suggested I pop in here05:38
veebullI reinstalled (x)ubuntu this afternoon, and was busily re-joining various ubuntu-related forums this evening on xchat05:38
veebullbut got a notice that I was 'banned' from #ubuntu05:39
veebullI'm trying to find out why/what for...05:39
IdleOnelet me see if I can find out05:39
IdleOneah, right. We have had some issues with a particular user from a similar host as yours.05:41
IdleOneJust give me a few minutes to figure out what is what05:42
IdleOneveebull: the op who set the ban is not active at the moment. They should be on in about 6 hours if you could come back then and speak with them, they should be able to get you sorted05:46
veebull'kay... I am kind of interested in what I supposedly 'did', though.  Is that logged/recorded for posterity anywhere?05:49
IdleOneI'm not sure it is anything you did. I think you just got caught in a large net.05:49
IdleOneBut I prefer letting the op who set the ban sort it.05:50
veebullfair enough05:52
IdleOneThanks for understanding.05:52
IdleOneI left them a message to take a look at it when they come back online. If you would be nice enough to part this channel and return in about 6 hours that would be great05:53
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=== jpds is now known as Guest46086
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1607 users, 0 overflows, 1607 limit))13:24
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1602 users, 0 overflows, 1602 limit))13:25
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geniiIt always amazes me that there's people out there that want to attack freenode.14:00
k1l_sometimes i am not sure if its caused by attacks or some staff pressing randomly buttons :)14:05
geniiLike Ren and Stimpy. "Don't press the BIG SHINY RED TEMPTING BUTTON!" etc14:07
* Myrtti pees on the button in protest14:26
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Picianyone else want ops in #ubuntu while we wait for services?14:56
Pici(also just in case I manage to deop myself accidentally)14:56
MyrttiPici: sure14:59
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=== Guest69594 is now known as 20WACQ4ZX
geniiHeh. "ChanServ, this is a check to ensure that you're human and not a spambot: Type the number 6 in letters, not in digits"15:27
20WACQ4ZXwhat happened here15:28
20WACQ4ZXi go out for an hour and i find the house all wet with hard rain, and Konversation dead15:29
=== 20WACQ4ZX is now known as LjL
bazhangI thought Konversation died years ago15:49
Guest46086bazhang: The conversation did die years ago.15:50
Guest46086Oh wait.15:50
LjLjust because y'all have somehow started using Quassel because of reasons that include that someone else had started using it for no discernible reason15:53
LjLdoesn't make Konversation dead15:53
bazhangyeah, I was kidding15:54
* genii stabbity-stabs Konversation but it keeps crawling away15:55
bazhangxchat is deader than Konv15:55
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
LjLwhat's even left that's not dead then15:56
geniiI guess Empathy and Chatzilla15:58
geniiWell, and of course irssi15:59
Jordan_Uirssi, like polka, can never die.16:00
LjLgenii: are those even IRC clients16:06
geniiLjL: Nominally.16:07
bazhangin nominos patrii16:16
bazhangout Satan out!16:16
LjLwell only someone conquered by Satan would mangle Latin like that!16:17
bazhangI'm caught out :|16:19
* genii contemplates what to have for lunch16:19
* genii curses his cheap crappy router for deciding to power itself off for no good reason17:11
Piciat least you don't need to constantly power it off and on to use it17:21
PiciMy parent's router does that... and it uses WEP.  I keep begging them to replace it.17:22
bazhangit's like $30 for a nice new one17:22
LjLoh goodie, i can cancel that Verizon plan i planned for when i go to NJ17:23
geniiThis same one, when I set it up had the dsl line disconnected until I had all the routing tables and port forwarding set up... kept trying to sync with the dsl and chewing up it's cpu so that the config pages timed out. I'd get something different if I had a choice but it's what work gave me to use and I just have to live with it.18:38
ikoniaI suggest someone get ops somehow in #ubuntu and required channels18:48
k1lPici: and Myrtti have ops. they just need to spread the power :)18:49
IdleOneme too please18:49
ikoniaahhh pick has it18:49
ikoniapici even18:49
Picithe pick indeed does have it18:49
ikoniasorry, fat fingers18:50
Piciits okay iconia18:50
IdleOneerr fat fingers here too18:50
Myrttiaw, man18:50
MyrttiI was just eating vanilla-apple turnovers18:50
LjLpicpicpic i pickyou!18:51
k1leverybody stop! Myrtti is eating yummy stuff!18:51
geniiI cannot ever recall eating anything that had apples and vanilla together in it.18:55
Piciit sounds very food18:55
IdleOnesweet vanialla frosting with sour apples :)~~~18:55
IdleOnevanilla too18:55
* genii makes a note to try this sometime soon18:58
Piciits not freenode's fault that someone keeps shoving it off that wall19:03
tomawI assume you guys are doing okay for ops where you need it?19:30
IdleOneseem to be good for now19:39
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=== Guest71967 is now known as genii
=== Guest24508 is now known as LjL
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genii@comment 56136 Testing as per Unit193's suggestion21:01
ubottuComment added.21:01
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