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xnoxdo i have network connectivity to ports archive, when building arch:all packages on distro builders or ppas?11:47
cjwatsonNot guaranteed, but the archive in sources.list will be a non-split one so you should use whatever it says11:48
cjwatsonI remember writing code somewhere to parse sources.list for that ...11:49
cjwatsonAh yes11:49
cjwatsonxnox: see e.g. grub2-signed11:49
xnoxcjwatson: nice. let me see, if I can extend that for my needs.11:52
chrisccoulsoncould somebody please approve that? ^^12:12
infinitychrisccoulson: Do we have new versions for P and Q too?13:23
chrisccoulsoninfinity, yeah, 1 second13:24
chrisccoulsoninfinity, ok, those are uploaded as well now13:24
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rsalveticjwatson: is there an easy way to check why a package takes so long in proposed sometimes? just wondering if we have any sort of logs or pending tests and such so I can better track how much time it'd take still to be fully published in the archive13:59
infinityrsalveti: If it's still in proposed, it's easy to tell why.13:59
ogra_rsthat should be solved since beginning of this week13:59
rsalvetijust remember that I had to wait quite a few hours for upstart and network-manager over the past few days13:59
infinityrsalveti: NM was caught in a mini-transition of some sort, I believe.13:59
ogra_i havent had any package that took more than 50min turnaround time since monday13:59
infinityNot sure what your upstart issue was.13:59
ogra_the same package took between 4 and 6 h last week13:59
rsalveticool then, nm might be some other issue it seems13:59
rsalvetiwill let you guys know if I get such behavior again14:00
ogra_it should be gone14:00
ogra_infinity, i thought there was supposed to be an annoucement mail ?14:00
* ogra_ hasnt seen one14:00
infinityogra_: There was, I suppose I should write that this afternoon.  Though, I didn't want to write it while there were other kinks being worked out.  Things seem smooth now.14:01
* rsalveti hugs the release team14:02
cjwatsonrsalveti: We have loads of logs under http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/14:07
cjwatsonrsalveti: network-manager got stuck on a bug in our autopkgtest handling, now fixed14:07
rsalveticjwatson: awesome, thanks14:07
cjwatsonrsalveti: upstart was bitten by a bug in auto-package-testing relating to virtual package handling and had to be manually forced; the underlying bug there has been fixed since Friday14:10
cjwatson(Or so I believe, judging from lp:auto-package-testing r212)14:11
rsalveticjwatson: got it, so it's just be being unlucky, but seems it should all be better now14:14
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cjwatsonrsalveti: The last couple of weeks have had some fairly big (though quiet) archive-infrastructure changes, but the worst of it has settled down14:15
cjwatsonSo yes, I think it should mostly be better, though I'd still appreciate being told about any oddities while they're happening so that I can investigate14:16
rsalvetigreat, sure, will let you know if I get stuck again with any package14:16
ogra_i doubt you will see more than 1h turnaround time with anything now (unless it actually takes hours to build indeed)14:16
cjwatsonOr unless it's genuinely stuck in a library transition, or with build or test failures14:17
stgrabercan another AA look at iproute2 in binNEW? I've got a couple of packages that are stuck on the iproute => iproute2 transition so it'd be nice to have iproute2 in the archive14:20
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infinitystgraber: Ew, can we not fix the failure to check return values instead?  The security team is usually anal about those in MIR audits. :P14:31
infinityAlso, whoever NEWed that source to universe shouldn't have...14:31
infinitystgraber: Also a bit suspicious that we had to disable -Werror and Debian didn't?  Same glibc version...14:33
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stgraberinfinity: well, those warnings also appear in our current iproute but are ignored there, so I thought we wouldn't be any worse14:35
infinitystgraber: Anyhow.  Accepted, but it would be nice to dig deeper into that.14:35
infinity(And promoted to main, where it should have been)14:36
cjwatsoninfinity: No human NEWed it into universe - it was auto-synced in bulk14:39
infinitycjwatson: Ahh.  That makes more sense.14:42
stgraberinfinity: I'm not seeing those warnings in the Debian sbuild log at all (and it's clearly building with -Wall -Werror there too) ...14:43
infinitystgraber: So, this could be because it's not been built with gcc-4.8 in Debian.  Maybe.14:47
infinityOh, hrm.  No.  The armhf buildd, at least, was 4.814:48
stgraberinfinity: yeah and 4.7 also had the warning, our old iproute from raring has the warnings in its buildlog14:48
ScottKIs Debian gcc on armhf Linaro or FSF?14:48
infinityScottK: I think doko just went Linaro across the board for Debian to save his sanity.14:49
infinitystgraber: Weird.14:50
infinitystgraber: Maybe those functions only grow a __wur when built with FORTIFY_SOURCE or some such.14:51
* infinity is too lazy to look right now.14:51
infinityOh, or maybe __wur itself only triggers when building with FORTIFY_SOURCE. :P14:53
infinityIt's amazing the things one forgets.14:53
cjwatsonThe latter, I think.14:54
infinityAnd how quickly one forgets them at my advanced age.14:54
cjwatsonUsing dpkg-buildflags in Debian would probably show it up.14:54
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, that "or maybe" was more of a "in fact, it's like this".14:54
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ogra_infinity, do you know if livefs builders can see jenkins ?19:05
ogra_or cjwatson ^^^19:05
sergiusensbetter said lillypilly or nusakan19:05
ogra_sergiusens needs to get the click packages into the build somehow ... preferably without having to post-process them on nusakan indeed19:06
sergiusensit's for adding click packages to the touch builds, I'm creating them on jenkins and can copy them over to nusakan scriptiseally19:06
infinityThey almost certainly can't see jenkins.19:10
infinityThey *can* see archive-team.internal (which is ~ubuntu-archive/public_html on lillypilly), but we could poke a hole for something more appropriate, perhaps.19:11
infinityI assume these click packages will have some slightly more public and sane archive than jenkins at some point? :P19:11
sergiusensinfinity: they certainly should (I'm not on the hook for that one though)19:12
sergiusenswhen you say poke a hole, it means all the way to jenkins or some other location?19:20
stgraberor I suppose we could have something pulling from Jenkins and pushing to ~ubuntu-archive/public_html on lillypilly (seems vaguely cleaner than direct access from the buildds to jenkins, though adds an extra delay)19:25
stgraberit'd also be slightly better for non-Canonical people as they'd actually be able to see what's being pulled in19:25
infinityYeah, that would be preferable as an interim solution.  But I think we probably need to discuss how these packages are being built and published.19:31
infinityI'm not a huge fan of all of this happening outside the usual developer playground.19:31
sergiusensinfinity: cjwatson would have the long term plan for that I think19:49
sergiusensclick is just too new to have a nice workflow19:49
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knomeapparently, none of the flavors still show up at status.ubuntu.com20:29
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jbichagnome-online-accounts seems stuck in saucy-proposed, the libgdata and e-d-s tests seem to have passed22:56
ScottKupdate-excuses says libgadata is still running.23:00
ScottKSee what happens after the next publisher run, I'd say.23:00
cjwatsonIt's been allegedly RUNNING for a good ten runs now ...23:04
cjwatson./data/adt/saucy-proposed/amd64/archive/2013/07/10/saucy_amd64_libgdata_20130710-205401.result:saucy amd64 libgdata 0.13.3-2 PASS gobject-introspection 1.36.0-2 liboauth 1.0.1-1 libgdata 0.13.3-2 libxml2 2.9.0+dfsg1-4ubuntu5 libsoup2.4 2.42.2-6 glib2.0 2.37.3-1ubuntu2 eglibc 2.17-0ubuntu5 gcr 3.8.2-4 gnome-online-accounts 3.8.2-1ubuntu123:08
cjwatsonso, huh, what's it doing23:08
cjwatsonOh, it thinks it's still running on i38623:08
cjwatsonI've forced it and will check with jibel in the morning23:10
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