
asac`ok ... i am running now camera autopilot on 08 image00:04
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asac` \o/00:08
asac`popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5860109/00:08
asac`camera autopilot works on 0800:09
asac`no error00:09
rsalvetiSaviq: do you need someone to trigger the build job for unity8? or should we wait tomorrow's build?00:28
rsalvetiasac`: nice00:28
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Saviqrsalveti, it should be daily releasing now00:33
Saviqrsalveti, so nothing we can speed up, really00:33
Saviqrsalveti, should be in tomorrow's image IIUC00:34
rsalvetiSaviq: cool, that's fine00:38
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CrusaderADHello everyone! Is Ubuntu Touch in a more usable state now? Has it evolved a bit since the initial release of the preview?00:57
OrangerCrusaderAD: Ubuntu touch is more usable than tomorrow and yesterday it will be more usable than today :)00:58
pmcgowanOranger, you are a true poet01:00
OrangerAhah ^^ pmcgowan : I feel something like irony in your words ;)01:02
asac`veebers: thomi: who of you had a device?01:02
thomiasac`: currently veebers has both devices01:02
pmcgowannot at all01:02
thomiasac`: but I can get one back as soon as he un-bricks it :)01:02
CrusaderADIt says in the wiki that nexus 7 is broken, is that still the case?01:03
asac`thomi: veebers: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdDhEUy1nM1Jab3N4VGNQS0dQR19lTFE01:03
asac`started testing the first tab01:03
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asac`(canonical apps_01:03
pmcgowanCrusaderAD, nexus 7 is working with some issues related to camera and video afaik01:04
asac`thomi: i just run through the list from the pad01:04
asac`veebers: ^^01:04
OrangerOk, it's 3 am here... Good night everyone !01:04
thomiasac`: awesome. I think veebers may be at lunch at the moment01:05
CrusaderADok thanks!01:05
thomiasac`: but I'll talk to him when he gets back01:05
thomior, I guess he'll read this01:05
asac`thomi: whats his full name? :)01:05
asac`(so i can shared)01:05
thomiChris Lee01:05
True_unRealcan you helpme out?01:09
crusaderadwhat's wrong?01:09
True_unReali did a build for ubuntu touch but in the out directory i get a cm10.1 zip that says unofficial and some .img files01:10
True_unRealand im not sure what to do with them01:10
crusaderadwhich device?01:11
asac`mhall119: awake?01:11
True_unRealthe device is a p769 its another variant of the p76001:12
True_unRealOptimus L9\01:12
True_unRealso no one can help me?01:14
asac`veebers: thomi: gallery-app autopilot is odd ... undeterministic. fails sometimes 23/2301:14
asac`sometimes 5/601:14
asac`seems not all tests are run01:14
asac`is that a known prob?01:14
thomiasac`: not that I know of - maybe pastebin the output?01:14
asac`(e.g. that sometimes not all apps are run01:14
thomiasac`: it should certainly run all the tests every run01:15
thomiyeah that seems very broken :)01:15
asac`that was me being screwed :)01:15
asac`did run a different test by hitting arrow key too many times01:15
thomiI do that all the time01:15
pmcgowanTrue_unReal, are you following the porting guide?01:15
True_unRealyea i did but its not very helpful on what to do with the files after you build01:16
pmcgowanTrue_unReal, the latest images are also not compatible with the guide and we are updating that01:17
True_unRealwhat do you mean?01:17
pmcgowannot sure I can help you, most of the devs are offline01:17
pmcgowanTrue_unReal, we made a big change to the container model01:18
pmcgowanso now we boot to ubuntu and contain android rather than vice versa01:18
True_unRealok so the build i made was useless then?01:19
pmcgowanperhaps not but I am not sure, for sure the instructions will change01:20
pmcgowanwill be revised the next couple of days01:20
veebersHi asac`, thomi: I got the phone 'unbricked'01:20
asac`nice :)01:20
rsalvetiTrue_unReal: not useless, can still work with our tagged images01:21
asac`veebers: can you make one device remotely accessible to thomi? so we can split the load of filing the spreadsheet?01:21
thomiveebers: or, would you like to work around here this afternoon?01:21
rsalvetiand with our current unflipped ones, will just not work yet with the flipped images (ubuntu booting first)01:21
asac`(just an idea)01:21
rsalvetibut the porting is still useful01:21
veebersasac`: I can do one better and hand it off in person :-)01:21
rsalvetiTrue_unReal: so if you build them, you just need to flash it :-)01:21
thomiasac`: veebers and I live about 5 minutes away from each other01:21
asac`veebers: oh NZ is so small :) ... or are you living the "geek district"? :)01:21
rsalvetiuse the cm10...zip file first (via recovery)01:22
thomihah. I wish we had a geek district01:22
rsalvetiand then the ubuntu.zip01:22
True_unRealmmm ok but can you answer me this question i flashed the cm10.1 zip file it build with some vsauce arm file zip and it boots but the screen is just black?01:22
veebersthomi: sure, let me finish this coffee and I'll pop around01:22
thomiveebers: by the time you get here I should have closed this bug I'm working on01:22
asac`ok ... i will continue testing... note that i didnt include the logs, nor filed bugs01:22
True_unRealbut what ubuntu.zip?01:23
asac`want that owners really get used to do that on their own01:23
rsalvetiTrue_unReal: the screen is just black because you're probably missing the ubuntu zip file now (the ubuntu image)01:23
rsalvetilet me find you the link01:23
rsalvetiTrue_unReal: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/raring/monthly-06/raring-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip01:24
True_unRealok thank you01:24
rsalvetithis is a tagged build, so should be stable01:25
rsalvetionce you get that running you can try the saucy based image01:25
mhall119asac`: for now01:25
asac`yay ... second app that has zero test failures is "share-app" :)01:25
asac`mhall119: how long?01:25
mhall119a while still, probably01:25
asac`wanna help running through a few autopilot tests to seed info01:25
mhall119it's only 9:30pm01:25
True_unReal <rsalveti>  is there a major difference between saucy and raring01:27
rsalvetiTrue_unReal: a few things, but it's better to start with the raring based one01:28
rsalvetias it's known to be more stable01:28
True_unRealis there anything else i need to flash after that?01:30
* rsalveti takes a break 01:31
pmcgowanrsalveti, thanks01:36
thomiasac`: colourful :)02:04
asac`scary :)02:05
asac`i will change the numbers to reflect success/total02:05
asac`currently its fail/total02:05
asac`but i think folks believe the high numbers are good02:05
asac`thomi: veebers: mhall119: i leave the "core apps tab" alone02:13
asac`continue on SDK ... feel free to split filling that out02:13
asac`i probably will drop to bed before getting to unity02:14
asac`err shell02:14
thomiasac`: ok, just getting set up02:14
asac`i started to fill some of the application names and components in the "core apps" tab02:14
asac`but... there are more in the list in the pad ... so dont forget :)02:14
asac`also note that sometimes the component name doesnt follow the same naming scheme as all the others02:15
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asac`e.g. phone-app-connected-autopilot turned out to be connected_tests rather than phone_app_connected02:16
asac`mhall119: thomi: veebers: ^^02:16
NoskcajI'm running xubuntu saucy and whenever i open the clock app it says that the alarm part has not been made yet. is this meant to happen?02:24
thomiasac`: what build are you running?02:44
thomiasac`: This device seems to be running saucy-3402:44
asac`thomi: 0802:49
asac`that should still be /current02:49
asac`so just phablet-flash might do the right thing (TM)02:49
thomihmmm... how come I have 34?02:49
asac`i refer to a date02:49
asac`20130708 == 08 for me02:50
asac`i dont know about other image version scheme :)02:50
thomiasac`: ahh02:50
asac`maybe you are still on ubuntu-touch-preview?02:50
asac`not sure what saucy-34 means :)02:50
thomiasac`: what happens when you run: cat /system/ubuntu_stamp | grep JENKINS_BUILD02:50
thomion the device?02:50
asac`but if you know what i means i am happy :)02:50
asac`yeah... that i dont know :)02:51
asac`oh wait02:51
asac`but i think we dont use jenkins anyway02:51
asac`so not sure if that number is meaningful still...02:51
asac`i think jenkins is only used for part of the image right now02:51
asac`(android parts)02:51
asac`thomi: veebers: mhall119: oki ... crashing for today... core apps and shell/unity tab would be nice to get more stuff in...02:55
asac`ignore indicators/mir tab for now i guess02:55
asac`they dont have matches in the pad02:55
True_unRealhey guys so you have to download the ubuntu images?02:56
asac`will check in 15 minutes before completely dropping02:56
asac`True_unReal: i just run phablet-flash ... that does the right thing with my device to upgrade to latest daily image02:56
thomiasac`: will try, but having some device issues still02:56
asac`n7 or n4?02:56
True_unRealmmm ok thanks02:56
asac`fwiw, i run that on my laptop with phone connected to it02:57
thomiboth :-/02:57
asac`thomi: hmm. ok... not working after phablet-flash?02:57
thomican't get the n7 to boot at all, suspect a battery issue, n4 needs flashing, but I'm having Internet issues with the flash process02:57
thomiasac`: I'll struggle on, and we can touch base tomorrow perhaps02:58
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True_unRealhey guys any idea how to fix  bootloop03:02
asac`thomi: yeah. try n4 ... if that also fails do something else and rather check with team her etomorrow what to do03:15
asac`mhall119 might do a few of the core apps03:15
asac`and with that we already have good data for this night effort :03:16
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True_unRealgot it to boot hoorah!!03:31
thomiwhere do I file bugs against friends-app? it doesn't have a bugtracker configured in launchpad03:31
thomido i file against manhattan, or....?03:31
thomimhall119: if you're still around, I guess you'd know?03:32
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True_unRealany one here?06:45
janimoogra_, hi, I just phablet-flashed the latest image on the N$ and there's no display. Is this the current status with no Mir landed yet or did I do something wrong?07:21
janimoI mean N407:21
rickspencer3hey didrocks07:24
didrockshey rickspencer3!07:24
rickspencer3so, bug list for dog-food busting bugs?07:24
rickspencer3seems like we need to be able to identify the bugs, and have a certain person decide if they are breaking dog-fooding07:25
didrockssounds like the most effective and immediatly actionnable plan to me (doesn't prevent adding more tests, but it's more a long term thing and take time to grow the list)07:25
rickspencer3didrocks, indeed, having more tests is not useful if we aren't fixing the bugs we are finding already ;)07:25
didrocksexactly :)07:25
didrocksrickspencer3: so agreed, then, we switch the image if we are happy with current image state07:26
rickspencer3didrocks, I thought that was the plan all along07:26
rickspencer3like the image would be pending or something07:26
rickspencer3and then when it proved itself, it would be pushed out07:26
didrocksI don't know who/how the image switch is done07:26
didrocksthe most difficult part I guess is to have that list public and readable07:27
didrockshence the small tool proposal I have done in the past (but it's not the only solution, maybe others would have better ones)07:27
dholbachgood morning07:27
rickspencer3didrocks, what does the tool do, exactly?07:27
didrocksrickspencer3: producing the web pages I posted on the last email, like http://people.canonical.com/~platform/olddesign/upstream.html07:28
didrocksthen, upstream can see, on their components, which bugs needs to be addressed design-wise and release-wise07:28
rickspencer3didrocks, so how do we identify "stop the line" bugs on that list?07:29
didrocksand design/release can "ack" when they confirm that the fix is working (and it cleans + archive)07:29
rickspencer3didrocks, I think a lot of these bugs are not related to design at all07:29
rickspencer3like the battery eating bug07:29
didrocksrickspencer3: see "distro priorities"07:29
didrocks(second part)07:29
didrocksso basically, we have 2 master project07:30
didrocks"design priorities"07:30
didrocksand "distro priorities"07:30
didrockswe attach that to a bug which seems important07:30
didrocksthen, some people can switch to a particular status to "ack, this is something important that needs to be addressed"07:30
didrocksset a priority07:30
rickspencer3didrocks, ok, so the tooling seems good07:30
rickspencer3but who are the "people" that do the attaching07:30
didrocksonce the bugs is fixed for upstream and in distro07:31
rickspencer3and how do they find out which bugs are blocking dog fooding?07:31
rickspencer3(for the Ubuntu Touch case)07:31
didrocksthe "people" will ack it's fixed and switch to fix released, the bugs will be archive :)07:31
didrocksrickspencer3: it was John for design and me for Unity until now07:31
didrocksI'm happy to help, I think the foundation team should give a hand as well07:31
rickspencer3didrocks, I think it's too much to ask you to do all of Desktop and Touch07:32
didrocksrickspencer3: well, days are quite long already TBH, so yeah, can't just rely on me for sure :-)07:32
rickspencer3didrocks, so, basically, you guys dredge through bug reports on lp each day and find bugs that you think need to be addressed?07:32
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, I have good filters in my inbox to quickly look over bugs07:32
rickspencer3so, it sounds like we a need a person or people to do the same thing for Ubuntu Touch07:33
rickspencer3do you think anyone considers themselves to be that person already?07:33
popeydidrocks: rickspencer3 the image switch is planned to happen once ogra_ and I have flashed multiple devices and done a shakedown test07:33
* popey is catching up07:33
rickspencer3popey, sorry, what "image switch" are you referring to?07:33
popeypointing /current at the image du jour07:34
didrocksrickspencer3: speaking of the devil, maybe popey? he knows how to find bugs and as he's talking to the community a lot, he can see which bugs are more a priority07:34
didrocksrickspencer3: TBH, the French forum helps me a lot to see what bugs needs to be addressed07:34
rickspencer3popey, so you are saying you will look at test results, confirm that the image has been manually validated, and then throw the switch? every day?07:34
popeythat was the decision we came up with yesterday after the awful image07:35
rickspencer3popey, ok good07:35
popeyi think rsalveti mentioned this in the email thread07:35
didrocks(just looking at the messages and seeing the number of complains on something is a good stats to see if something went bad :p)07:35
popeyas the image gets finished soon after ogra_ and I start our day07:35
popeyi look at all the new bugs each morning as part of my daily routine also07:35
rickspencer3didrocks, so it sounds like popey and ogra_ are the "people" who identify the bugs07:35
popeybut I don't necessarily (currently) assign priority to them, but do an initial triage/confirm07:35
didrocksyep, sounds logical to me :)07:36
rickspencer3popey, so how do we make sure that people who "broke the image" fix the issues asap?07:36
popeywell initially we need some smarts to figure out what broke07:36
rickspencer3in other words, if you "made the image awful"  it needs to be your #1 priority to unaweful it07:36
popeyI agree.07:37
didrocks"unaweful" -> /me marks on his dictionary :)07:37
rickspencer3popey, traditionally on the desktop that happened by going to the logical maintainer for the area that seems busted07:37
rickspencer3and then that person investigates07:37
popeyI agree with the thread where it's noted we have a wide spread of people across a number of components. Pat/Olli & Bill oversee AIUI07:37
rickspencer3popey, ogra_, didrocks so how do we make unawfuling the #1 priority?07:38
popeyBut we're likely to find these issues 4-5 hours before any of them start07:38
popeyso need to be able to reprioritse engineers when we get an awful build07:38
rickspencer3popey, first of all, I just saw via tab completion that someone has the irc nick "poutine", which is the most awesome nick ever07:39
popeyWithout individual engineers having numerous managers pulling in various directions07:39
popeyI keep seeing pictures of poutine online, never tried it, looks delicious07:39
didrocksrickspencer3: harassing people was the only way until now, polling doesn't work… but I think the engineering manager should be the point of contact07:39
didrockswhich is an issue for timely fixes07:39
rickspencer3didrocks, well, for the next 2 weeks, I am in Berlin07:39
rickspencer3so I can harass people the moment they awake ;)07:39
rickspencer3then I will trade places with asac07:40
didrocksrickspencer3: engineering manager -> I meant, direct manager :-)07:40
didrockslike x broke y, x's managers is responsible to get it fixed timely :)07:40
rickspencer3didrocks, popey experience with 12.04 suggests that having someone beating the daily quality drum early in "the day" is helpful07:40
didrockswell, that's what I did… but warning, it creates tensions :)07:41
rickspencer3I was based in France for a lot of 12.04, so I could spend my mornings doing that07:41
didrocks(especially when you enforcing tests for everything and having aggressive revert usage)07:41
rickspencer3didrocks, well, maybe someone like asac would be better for that?07:42
didrockssounds good to me :)07:42
rickspencer3I'll be based on the East Coast starting in August, so my schedule won't be terrible for it, like when I was West Coast07:42
popeyi would like a bot in here which announces when the build is done07:45
popeywe used to have that in an internal channel07:45
sil2100oSoMoN: morning!07:45
didrockspopey: btw, I think we want to discuss image build time07:48
popeyduration or start/end time?07:48
didrockspopey: it should be just after we've dealt with daily releases, instead of the day after07:48
didrocksstart time*07:48
popeywhat, so late in the eu evening?07:48
didrockspopey: I've no idea when you build the image TBH :)07:49
popeyogra_ sent a mail to the list, it happens ~9 am now07:49
seb128didrocks, "due to popular demand the daily image builds (flipped image) now run 5h07:49
seb128earlier (starting at 8:32 UTC)"07:49
seb128didrocks, ogra sent that yesterday07:49
popeyI'd rather it was at least ~2 hours earlier so my first activity of the day would be flashing07:50
rickspencer3I think we should discuss that time07:50
didrocksseb128: popey: ok, I think we didn't manually publish what we can publish at that time, knowing that sil2100 is starting his day now07:50
rickspencer3I think 8:31 would be better07:50
didrocksso if there are packaging changes, we won't get latest07:50
seb128right, that's good for things that autoland07:51
seb128it's too early to get things that europeans need to land07:51
seb128I don't know how long an image build takes07:51
seb128the issue by pushing it later is that we don't have the images early in the day07:52
didrocksseb128: yeah, but I think things that don't daily release (please stop use the term autolanding, everyone is confused by it :p) are less impacting/have big changes07:52
seb128like popey says, it's already late for him07:52
didrockspopey: yeah, but you need latest content and if we are in manual publishing mode…07:52
seb128didrocks, we should maybe start thinking about bi-daily release?07:52
didrocksyou will get an extra day of daily07:52
seb128one in the u.s end of day07:57
seb128and one in the european morning?07:57
seb128so u.s end of day ones would have most of the day changes and be on the image07:57
didrocksseb128: that doesn't change for manual publishing if nobody is here to manual publishing changes07:57
seb128well, the u.s guys would be07:57
didrocksthey aren't right now, so first, ensuring they can07:57
didrocksand bi-daily release means that upstream has less time to land conflicting changes07:57
didrocks(see my email about backward compatibility)07:57
didrockstelling "everything should land in a coherent piece for 00 UTC" is already hard to get respected07:57
didrocksso twice a day, not sure how it will plan07:57
didrocksbut in any case, it's not a power issues, daily release can still bi-daily, it's more a process/ensuring that everyone's on board issue07:57
popeysurely if it's building at ~5am for a 7am UTC test start nobody is up at 5am (sorry Aus/NZ) doing anything just prior to that are they?07:57
popeyor are we waiting on stuff building from 10pm utc the day before?07:57
didrockspopey: the issue is not building, it's when they are packaging changes or a stack failed07:57
didrocksthe deal with daily release and other distro maintainers is to block publication if we have packaging changes07:57
popeyright, but nobody would look at that till you guys wake anyway07:57
didrocksand someone with upload rights review the packaging diff07:57
didrocksand "ack" by publishing it to distro07:57
didrockspopey: exactly, and that's the issue07:57
didrocksor a stack failing: for instance, the apps stack isn't published right now because we are getting 28 autopilot tests failing07:58
didrocks(I guess that's why sil2100 is pinging oSoMoN ;))07:58
sil2100Yes ;) Seems like some change in the UI toolkit I guess08:00
sil2100Since there's an invalid assert going on with transperancy now08:00
didrockswe really need the sdk to run apps AP tests08:00
ogra_morning  ...08:01
AskUbuntuUbuntu touch на TurboPad 720 | http://askubuntu.com/q/31840408:02
popeyGood morning ogra_08:02
didrockshey ogra_!08:02
ogra_rickspencer3, "unawfulling" would work if *any* tests would happen :)08:02
ogra_theoretically freshly built images are supposed to come out at cdimage.u.c/$product/$type/pending .... where some automated tool is supposed to pick them up, run tests and if these are successful /pending should be moved to /current08:04
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ogra_it is kind of a coincidence that we had a broken shell at the same time i moved the images earlier .... but it showed flaws in the process08:06
ogra_so until the QA side actually happens popey and i will do manual smoketests (does it boot to shell, are all things i should see on the screen, can i start an app) .... with the hope that this automated testing starts to happen soon08:07
ogra_i wouldnt mind to have bi-dailies (or even one every two hours or so) *if* the automation is in place and *if* we can get a dedicated livefs builder08:09
ogra_at the point where we drop apt (soon), fixes will not get in through package updates anymore but your fix will have to do a whole turnaround through the whole process of landing in an image, that means fixes will take significantly longer to reach the user, doing more image builds definitely helps here08:10
didrocksogra_: the issues are that there isn't this backward compatibility/don't break ABI/API culture, so we need to be really careful in the way we builds and lands things08:13
didrocksogra_: which is what dailies are doing, ensuring we don't start building if everything that it build-deps on didn't finish to build08:14
ogra_popey, i'd liked it 2h earlier too, but there are other builds running at that time, and we would just end up sitting in a queue08:14
didrocksand not landing automatically if anything more on the "front" of the queue didn't land08:14
didrocks(so every 2 hours is not feasable with those constraints)08:14
ogra_didrocks, it is feasible if the CI jobs run in such a manner too08:15
didrocksogra_: CI doesn't pick latest of other changes and that won't fly with "we need to land those breaking changes together"08:16
ogra_i would even go further and say trigger an image build every time an upload lands that closes a bug with critical status on LP08:16
oSoMoNsil2100: hey, sorry I was out for an errand, what’s up?08:16
ogra_didrocks, hold them back until they are unbroken then08:17
ogra_can CI run in a constant loop and if all tests pass release ?08:17
ogra_*do a release08:17
didrocksogra_: I don't think it can do that, and CI doesn't build with ppas, distro builders, only daily releases does it08:17
didrocksogra_: but yeah, I would be happy if we have that, but it means that upstream needs to stop breaking API and not being backward compatible08:18
sil2100oSoMoN: hi! hm, I already poked the UI toolkit guys and it seems to be a problem in the toolkit08:18
didrockswhich isn't the target AFAIK for now at least08:18
sil2100oSoMoN: since we're getting a lot of touch failures on apps stack08:18
ogra_so with the no-packages model that means that i might have to wait two days for a fix  ?08:18
ogra_even a critical one ...08:18
sil2100oSoMoN: a lot in webbrowser - but it's due to a rounding error in the UI toolkit, so I guess we need the guys to fix that...08:19
oSoMoNsil2100: can you point me to those failures, so I can have a look, just for my info?08:19
didrocksogra_: that's orthogonal with package/no-package, isn't it?08:22
sil2100oSoMoN: righto08:23
ogra_once the android packages are in the archive (this month) you would be able to just dist-upgrade immediately once the fix lands08:23
sil2100oSoMoN: MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on Suggestions.opacity failed: 1 != dbus.Double(0.9999999999641627, variant_level=1)08:23
sil2100Is the issue everywhere08:23
didrocksogra_: but the android packages are not daily releasing, so not linked to the current discussion?08:24
ogra_with the no package model it will take the CI time and then i still have to wait for a new image build08:24
ogra_it adds up08:24
ogra_the android packages will be re-build per change08:24
didrocksogra_: defines CI, a lot of people means daily release or upstream merger or "autolanding"08:24
True_unRealhey guys can i ask a question?08:25
oSoMoNsil2100: huh, that’s weird indeed, is it confirmed that it’s an issue in the toolkit?08:25
ogra_if either something in the android git or in platform-api/hybris happens they will be rebuilt08:25
sil2100oSoMoN: so it seems! Michał just now put up a bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/119966208:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199662 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "New easing causes animations not to reach their target values" [Undecided,New]08:25
sil2100oSoMoN: since there have been some modifications made yesterday08:26
didrocksbut you agree that for that, we need to have all components not breaking API or ABI and having some kind of backward compatibility, right?08:26
ogra_didrocks, well, i refer to "run once a day to build PPA packages that i dump in the archive once i know the deps and tests pass"08:26
True_unRealguys how do you fix a bug?08:26
ogra_didrocks, imho the "once a day" needs to be switched to "at every change (or at a bunch of these)" somehow08:27
didrocks10:26:09     didrocks | but you agree that for that, we need to have all components not breaking API or ABI and having some kind08:27
didrocks                      | of backward compatibility, right?08:27
didrocksogra_: ^08:27
sil2100True_unReal: depends on what bug you have in mind, usually you find the problem causing the bug in the code and fix it there08:27
True_unRealwifi and network radio08:27
ogra_and i would love to have the image builds triggered automatically each time some package (or a certain amount of them) from the manifest has been changed08:28
ogra_that way we could get the sortest turnaround time for getting fixes out to the user08:28
didrocksogra_: can you answer my question? As I told, we all agree on this. However, seeing how this is handled, it's not pratical or doable now as long as this requirement isn't met08:28
ogra_didrocks, what does the tournaround time have to do with backwards compatibility ?08:29
* ogra_ doesnt understand the connection here .... thats a code thing 08:29
didrocksogra_: because as people are breaking ABI and not ensuring backward compatibility08:29
didrocksthey do a change in x08:29
didrocksy and z needs to be changed for working with new x08:29
didrocksand new x breaks y and z08:30
ogra_if packages build, the deps arent broken and they pass their testsuite, they are fine08:30
didrocksyeah, and then, how to deal with that situation? ^ if you don't have a "per stack validation" you are not able to handle that case ^08:30
ogra_so the API/ABI check must be part of the testsuite08:30
didrocksbecause you need the 3 of them08:30
didrocksogra_: it's not that it's broken by accident, it's because they don't want to keep it stable08:30
ogra_right, so hold the set back until all three are uploaded08:31
didrockswhen I'm arguing about it I see buzzword as "agile" :p08:31
didrocksogra_: so you need to have a notion of sets08:31
didrocks(which are the stacks)08:31
ogra_well, what we are currently doing is snailing, not agile :P08:31
didrocksat least, we ensure we are not breaking where we have tests :)08:31
ogra_didrocks, right, i see that we need the tests, i just debate that we should run these tests only once a day08:32
didrocksand being able to handle the "I don't care about previous versions"08:32
ogra_they should run constantly all the time08:32
ogra_and if the whole set passes, realease08:32
didrocksogra_: I agree with that, I'm just debating about "we can land whenever we want"08:32
ogra_i never said that :)08:32
didrocksthat's not true, you can't just think in term of isolated components08:32
didrockswe needs to have sets landing together08:32
ogra_i just want to get away from the scheduled bits throughout the whole process08:33
ogra_each step should be conditionally driven by the tests08:33
ogra_and if it succeeds immediately start over the testing08:33
didrockswe are pragmatically quite away from that :)08:33
ogra_until it passes again and releases etc etc08:33
didrockswe can dicuss starting the tests as soon as possible, but first, we need them to be reliable and in good number enough08:34
ogra_well, this is definitely stuff we need to have in place once we have an actual userbase08:34
ogra_i.e. imho that should be ready by 14.0408:34
didrocksogra_: for that, we need upstream to have better practice in term of retrocompatibility and be able to organize the sets08:35
didrocksthis idea of "stacks" is just because:08:35
didrocks- we don't have good tests granularity08:35
didrockslike we have no idea which tests only impacts indicator-x08:35
ogra_i dont say we have to do it now, but having a plan and possibly even have some bits moved to such a model by 13.10 would really be needed08:35
didrocks(integration tests I mean)08:35
didrocks- there is no culture of not breaking things and keep the old things working08:36
didrocks(indicators again changed their protocol for example)08:36
didrocksso needed to land a bunch of things together to keep it working08:36
ogra_well, dont care about upstream :)08:36
ogra_do care about your tests08:36
didrocksogra_: you have the good role :)08:36
ogra_if your testsuite covers that behavior you can just constantly run it in a loop08:37
ogra_my point is that once we have phone customers we really cant do all that scheduled shit anymore ... be it CI tests or ikmage builds08:37
didrocksbut then, you need to have clever algorithm to grow the suite of dependends08:37
ogra_right :)08:38
didrocksuntil you know "ok, I need to land x, y, z, w, p all together to have the tests passing"08:38
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_well, you have that info08:38
ogra_in your packages08:38
didrockshow come?08:38
didrockswell, not really08:38
ogra_you do08:38
didrockslet's say we change the dbus protocol for indicators08:38
ogra_if a dep is missing your tests will have to fail08:38
didrocksa dep missing?08:38
didrockswe still have old y for instance08:39
ogra_<until you know "ok, I need to land x, y, z, w, p all together>08:39
didrocksbut dbus api change08:39
didrocksand no soname bump08:39
ogra_that needs to be properly reflected in the package deps08:39
didrocksso they need to version their protocole with a virtual package08:39
ogra_worst case by hard versioned deps08:39
didrocksor they need to use breaks:08:39
didrockswhich is what I'm getting flammed at while writing this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I_need_to_break_an_API.2BAC8-ABI08:40
didrocks"because it's too complicated and I want to break something without having all the breaks"08:40
ogra_give them a script :)08:41
didrocksdoesn't fly for external customers having their own components using that lib/protocol08:41
ogra_dh_update_abi ;)08:41
ogra_i dont care about external customers, they wouldnt use any of that at all, they will use the released images and whats on them08:42
didrockswell, once they refresh their image, they will have their "shell implementation" not working anymore08:42
ogra_have some tooll that, at source package creation, asks the uploader to define the proper hard dependecies and versions08:43
ogra_use these hard depped versions in your jobs and be sure to have the right ABI in all of the packages .-.. easy :)08:43
didrocksbetter to statically link then :p08:44
ogra_thats what click packages might do ...08:44
didrocksas we are recreating a similar system adding more hard time to handle this08:44
ogra_which is what your third party guys will likely use anyway08:44
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ogra_we need to get from a schedule based system to an event triggered one to actually be "agile" ... (unless you mean agile should be "wait two days for a fix to land on my phone") and we should start planning this now to have something ready by LTS08:46
didrocksogra_: agreed, but I don't think that you should put the quality issues on that08:47
didrocksogra_: and it's not 2 days, when things are passing builds and tests, it's the next day if the phone image schedule was right :)08:47
ogra_the image schedule wasnt suitable08:48
didrocksogra_: we went from a system which took 1, 2, 3… weeks to get a release, to releasing everyday, it's already an improvment08:48
didrocksogra_: well, then new one isn't as well…08:48
ogra_thats why there was agreed at the sprint that we need to move the image builds earlier08:48
ogra_or even have multiple builds08:48
didrocksogra_: but in accordance with the daily build schedule if I remember the sprint discussion08:49
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Don't Step On A Bee Day! :-D08:49
ogra_didrocks, we wnet from a system where i only had to watch the publisher to have my (locally tested) upload in the archive after at most 30min to a system where a unity8 fix took 2 days to land in todays image08:50
didrocksogra_: well, you had no integration tests running at the time though08:50
ogra_it just happens, its broken and we cant get the fix in ... right now today08:50
ogra_no, the time i refer to we didnt have any tests indeed08:51
didrocksogra_: and you landed a lib change to a ppa which can potentially breaks the rest08:51
ogra_and it was really bad at the beginning of this cycle ...08:51
didrocksogra_: the 2 days is because of the new schedule I guess08:51
ogra_but the publisher is now event triggered08:51
didrocksand the "point of sync" was "build the image"08:51
ogra_and runs per package upload08:51
ogra_which shoved off about 1-1.5h08:51
didrocksas we have points of sync with daily release08:52
ogra_we need to get the other systems to that point too08:52
didrocksogra_: what about having image starting to build everytime a stack is published?08:52
didrocksas we can have stack rebuild on demand, in case of urgency, that can help08:52
ogra_didrocks, the fix wasnt even remotely on the horizon at 13:32 yesterday08:52
ogra_it wouldnt have changed a thing if the image schedule hadnt changed08:53
ogra_we would still sit here and wait for it08:53
ogra_it would just not have been noticed that early08:53
didrocksogra_: you are talking about unity8 fix?08:53
didrockscan we look at this, it's weird?08:53
didrocksso which commit rev id exactly?08:54
didrocksApproved by:Michael Zanetti 10 hours ago08:54
Saviqit's merged08:55
didrockshow can it be merged 2 days ago?08:55
Saviqreleased, even08:55
ogra_Saviq, yeah08:55
didrocksogra_: ? ^08:55
ogra_didrocks, during our testing popey and i found the shell is broken08:55
didrocksthe fix wasn't even remotely *approved* on the horizon at 13:32 yesterday08:55
ogra_we talked to Saviq who had a code fix a short while later08:55
ogra_then itr took 6h for someone to notice that there is a CI job that has to be manually triggered08:56
ogra_which then happened08:56
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, we had tragic jenkins issue yesterday08:56
ogra_and showed that there were fixes needed08:56
didrocksbut it's not daily release issues?08:56
Saviqdidrocks, no08:56
ogra_which then took another few hours08:56
didrockswhy ogra_ is pushing on daily releases dealying for 2 days then?08:56
ogra_well, one day, sorry08:56
didrocksI don't understand…08:56
ogra_still not "agile"08:56
Saviqogra_, it wasn't daily release fault08:56
ogra_the fix was ready a few hours later08:57
Saviqogra_, it was CI / autolanding that we had a fair with yesterday08:57
ogra_but didnt reach the archive08:57
mhr3seb128, ping?08:57
True_unRealhey guys where would i go to fix wifi?08:57
Saviqogra_, we could've (I wanted to) pushed a release during the day08:57
seb128mhr3, hey08:57
didrocksogra_: the fix was in trunk 9 hours ago08:57
ogra_Saviq, my point is the "pushed"08:57
Saviqogra_, but CI / autolanding issues made it merge almost at 0000UTC08:57
didrocksogra_: rev 9308:57
mhr3seb128, morning, how is it going?08:57
didrocksthen, 4 hours later, the daily publish it08:58
seb128mhr3, good, thanks! you?08:58
didrocksogra_: I don't see either 2 days nor a day turnaround…08:58
didrocksogra_: I don't really follow you…08:58
mhr3seb128, not too bad :)08:58
ogra_Saviq, this needs to happen automatically after you uploaded without anyone "pushing" or having to wait for something scheduled08:58
ogra_didrocks, 24h ago a broken image was built08:58
didrocksogra_: give real examples instead of spreading some "2 days" FUD :/08:58
ogra_thats a day in my book08:58
didrocksogra_: well, we can't fix the image before the fix is merged in upstream trunk08:58
mhr3seb128, i wanted to ask about the settings app, some time ago you were asking about how to get all the info in qml, how did you end up solving that? a plugin?08:58
didrockssorry, not that magic, daily release don't write code…08:59
ogra_and the fix only happens to be building right now08:59
Saviqogra_, but the fix wasn't even merged for like 16 hrs later08:59
True_unRealguys you know where i need to go to fix the wifi in what folder08:59
Saviqogra_, releasing every commit isn't an option, IMO08:59
ogra_whys not ?08:59
seb128mhr3, yes, a plugin for some stuff, qtsystems helped as well (getting vendor/model/disk space/imei number/...)08:59
didrocksogra_: it seems you are totally targetting the wrong target for justifying something else being broken08:59
ogra_it is exactly what we did before08:59
Saviqogra_, not true09:00
didrocksogra_: and advancing bad infos isn't the right way to get stuff evolving09:00
Saviqogra_, we haven't had releases for weeks at a time09:00
ogra_Saviq, we released every time someone tagged an upload before09:00
Saviqogra_, we only pushed quickfixes (and manually) when needed09:00
mhr3seb128, is the plugin something that's generally usable by other apps as well? what can it do exactly?09:00
ogra_not every commit09:00
Saviqogra_, that was a manual effort just the same09:00
Saviqogra_, releasing daily, with optional release in between for quickfixes09:00
seb128mhr3, no, it's not ... what "plugin", it's just a piece of cpp exposed to qml09:00
ogra_didrocks, calm down please, i'm not attacking you, i just want to improve things09:01
Saviqogra_, is much better than what we had before, then09:01
seb128mhr3, we opted to have a plugin by panel when needed (most will not need one)09:01
didrocksogra_: yeah, but please provide good arguments, not wrong ones or justifying bad timing, that's more constructive09:01
ogra_Saviq, you mean when i could do an upload right after a fix and had the binary deb about 1h later on my disk ?09:01
seb128mhr3, it's trivial to add one to your app or whatever you are writing, and you can do anything you want in cpp there09:01
didrocksogra_: you can still do that for urgent fix, ask for a daily for that component to be triggered once merged in trunk09:01
ogra_didrocks, well, the fact is that it took 24h (and will still take some more hours) to get that fix out to users09:02
mhr3seb128, ah i see, i was just wondering whether there's some new component that other apps can use09:02
ogra_didrocks, thats not the same09:02
didrocksogra_: right, but not because of dailies, we need to give time to upstream to fix those…09:02
didrocksogra_: why?09:02
ogra_i know that i can force fast-path everything09:02
seb128mhr3, no, we didn't made that public/to share09:02
ogra_i want the fast-path for everything :)09:02
mhr3seb128, ok, sounds reasonable, thx for the update09:03
seb128mhr3, if you need something that is useful for apps etc you should probably consider add a proper api to some of our lib and do bindings around09:03
seb128mhr3, yw09:03
didrocksas Saviq told, there was no release per commit and realistically, this can't be done until we are 100% in our tests09:03
Saviqogra_, I'm not sure how long a push through daily release takes, didrocks?09:03
seb128mhr3, let me know if you need to do the same thing and need help getting started09:03
ogra_Saviq, so every time i set debian/changelog from UNRELEASED to the distro name and do a debcommit in my bzr branch we do a release ... thats how it worked in the past in many distro packages09:03
didrocksSaviq: can tell you for the unity8 stack case, one sec09:03
mhr3seb128, not atm, just my curiosity :)09:04
ogra_Saviq, and imho a similar process of doing the release should still happen, but then the whole process should be triggered by that event and be automatic09:04
didrocksSaviq: 49 minutes for yesterday's one09:04
ogra_i'm not proposing a per commit model09:04
Saviqogra_, so really what you're proposing is to replace "ask someone" with "put a release changelog entry in"09:05
Saviqogra_, that I could agree with09:05
didrocksbut then, you will have some components not releasing for days09:05
ogra_didrocks, does daily bypass the archive britney tests ? (else add 2h to that for britney and a publisher run)09:05
didrocks(or weeks)09:05
Saviqdidrocks, no, no09:05
Saviqdidrocks, daily should happen all the same09:05
didrocksogra_: no, it doesn't AFAIK09:05
Saviqdidrocks, but if there's a release changelog entry, it could be fast-tracked09:05
ogra_didrocks, getting the mails in your inbox doesnt mean the binary is downloadable09:05
didrocksSaviq: that's similar to "run manually the daily" then09:06
ogra_there is significant delay after that09:06
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, the only thing would be the lack of manual intervention09:06
didrocksogra_: well, not something I can help on though, and not sure cjwatson wants dailies to bypass britney09:06
ogra_i didnt say it should09:06
didrocksSaviq: it's still manual as it's a tag?09:06
Saviqdidrocks, sure, but manual by dev09:06
Saviqdidrocks, not manual by your team09:06
SaviqI can't comment on the speed of things, though09:07
ogra_didrocks, but you claimed that a unity8 fix would be in in 49min above09:07
didrocksSaviq: yeah, it's part of a bigger change I want to make: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/12IlT4zsDzuV1cDsLiO2dOQMWTq0pVAe_PgdzAkOkSZg/edit09:07
cjwatsondidrocks: they definitely must not09:07
didrocksogra_: this is the daily release part09:07
ogra_it took 49min to get through the daily stuff ...09:07
didrockscjwatson: I agree :)09:07
cjwatsondidrocks: but proposed-migration slows things down less than people think, especially given the last week's work09:07
ogra_cjwatson, yeah,. it gotf awesomely faster09:07
didrocksSaviq: the system needs to be more "friendly for upstream" though, I don't want you to have to learn how the jenkins workflow is used09:08
cjwatsonthe baseline overhead that you can actually attribute to proposed-migration now is under half an hour, I believe09:08
ogra_cjwatson, what i'm proposing is to make all bits we can event based like that09:08
cjwatsonogra_: Please stop quoting 2h for proposed-migration plus publisher run - that's very out of date!09:08
didrockscjwatson: same for daily releases as I heard of 48 hours when it was 4 on that case :)09:08
cjwatsonquoting excessive numbers makes problems for me09:08
ogra_instead of having things run once a day by a scheduker09:08
Saviqdidrocks, sure, I think that us adding a "release" entry that would then be mangled by daily release and released could be ok09:08
Saviqdidrocks, only problem there is potential conflicts09:09
didrocksSaviq: you will still have to wait for "upstream stacks" to be built if they run09:09
Saviqdidrocks, sure, but that, as you said, is 49 mins?09:09
Saviqthat will probably grow quite a bit, though :/09:09
didrocksyep :/09:09
didrocks49 minutes is only the unity8 stack09:09
cjwatsonogra_: the publisher generally takes under 20 minutes now, or more like 5 if it only has work to do in saucy-proposed, and it tries to run every 5 minutes if there isn't another run in progress09:09
didrocksbut let's say a dependent stack is running09:09
didrockslike indicators09:09
ogra_cjwatson, right09:09
didrocksas there is no ABI/dbus protocol garantee09:10
didrockswe have to wait for it to finish first09:10
ogra_cjwatson, and i would like to see *all* other bits behave like that09:10
ogra_cjwatson, including image builds ... CI  and whatever is in the loop09:10
didrocksogra_: I think image builds reacting as soon as a stack is published (but in fact, move to the release pocket) would be a first step09:11
didrocksinstead of being time triggered09:11
ogra_cjwatson, my issue is that we have things running from cron in many places, moving one piece around breaks the process or makes it extremely long09:11
didrocksthen, we can work upstream and have that dailies triggered by upstream09:11
ogra_didrocks, i would go further09:11
cjwatsonogra_: cron isn't necessarily bad in itself; the publisher is still from cron but I would argue that it is no longer a problem09:12
didrocksbut still respecting the synchronization between stacks09:12
cjwatsondidrocks: that'll take a while - we need to make their build resource handling saner first09:12
ogra_as soon as any package from the former manifest changes an image build should be triggered (unless there is one running already)09:12
didrocksogra_: starting working on that? :-)09:12
ogra_cjwatson, no cron in itself isnt, multiple pieces in a complicated process running by cron and depending on each other is09:13
didrocksif one is running, you append a new build (otherwise, you won't have that important-last-fix)09:13
ogra_didrocks, happy to, but it will be moot if we dont also work on all other bits that run scheduled09:13
ogra_all i want us is to stop talking about "agile" if it really isnt :)09:14
didrocksogra_: well, what you propose with Saviq for dailies are: scheduled-base + a way to relaunch some stacks on demand (being a tag in the changelog or something else)09:14
ogra_lets make it behave "agile" instead :)09:14
didrockswhich is basically what it does, the only missing part is to be upstream friendly to enable them to relaunch the stacks on demand (they have to ask us for now)09:15
Saviqdidrocks, I think what ogra_ would like, too, would be to reduce the time it takes to go through daily machineryt09:15
ogra_didrocks, no i'm proposing a change triggered model that doesnt involve schedules :)09:15
ogra_Saviq, yeah09:16
didrocksogra_: so, we'll end up with some components not releasing for days09:16
cjwatsonogra_: only if the frequency is too low09:16
ogra_didrocks, if there were no changes, why should they release ?09:16
didrocksogra_: even if they have changes09:16
ogra_then the model would be broken :)09:16
didrocksas you don't want (understandbly) per commit trigger09:16
didrocksas the discussion above ^09:16
ogra_a change needs to trigger a build and publishing of the stack09:16
didrocksbut having upstream tag09:16
didrocksogra_: that's not what Saviq and you were discussing09:17
cjwatsonalso I thought the point of giving more of you image build access was so that you could make more intelligent decisions about building when appropriate09:17
cjwatsonhonestly, at the moment I think that's better than bluesky discussions about refactoring the image build process ...09:17
ogra_cjwatson, its not the image build process ... thats only one small part09:17
didrocks10:59:37        Saviq | ogra_, releasing every commit isn't an option, IMO09:18
ogra_my concern is the scheduling all over the place09:18
didrocksogra_: ^09:18
ogra_<ogra_> Saviq, so every time i set debian/changelog from UNRELEASED to the distro name and do a debcommit in my bzr branch we do a release ... thats how it worked in the past in many distro packages09:18
ogra_<ogra_> Saviq, and imho a similar process of doing the release should still happen, but then the whole process should be triggered by that event and be automatic09:18
didrocksogra_: which is the same than tagging09:18
ogra_didrocks, ^^ that was a few lines above09:18
didrocksand we'll end up with components not releasing for days09:19
ogra_didrocks, right (debcommit actually tags)09:19
didrocksbecause the state of components X will not be good enough for releasing right now09:19
didrocksand so, nobody will release anymore09:19
didrockswe'll have even fewer new components per day09:19
ogra_how do you handle that today ?09:19
cjwatsonogra_: you keep dodging me :)09:19
didrocksthe scheduling is taking anything that has new relevant diff09:19
ogra_obviously someone needs to fix componentX in both models09:20
cjwatsonogra_: we can only fix anything by focusing on each specific element of the pipeline09:20
didrocksand have an optional "on demand" model for urgency stuff09:20
cjwatsonso it doesn't help to dodge comments about specific elements by saying you meant the whole thing ...09:20
didrocksit seems you want to remove the schedule part09:20
didrocksand only be "on demand"09:20
didrocksbut I can ensure you in the end, you will have a lot less "on demand"09:20
ogra_cjwatson, right but i want us to agree that event based should replace scheduled (scheduled can be a fallback, but shouldnt be the default if you have multiple steps depend on each other)09:21
cjwatsonI don't agree with that as a rule for everything.  In many cases it makes sense09:21
ogra_cjwatson, there is obviously a requirement for bi-daily touch image builds ... when seb128 proposed that and i agreed didrocks said that wont work due to the daily process only running once a day on a schedule09:22
cjwatsonI am in favour of people who understand each part of the pipeline having a mandate to make it go as fast as possible, and the flexibility to do whatever makes sense for them.  Event-based triggering of very long processes can actually slow things down in net terms because you batch less efficiently09:23
didrocksogra_: as I told, it can be twice a day if upstream agrees to land stuff coherently twice a day09:23
cjwatson(Where "very long processes" includes human QA, too)09:23
didrocksogra_: it's the only blocker, and as I told, it's more a social/process issues than anything else09:23
ogra_didrocks, and thats the wrong apparoach imho ... the tool should cope not the human :)09:23
didrocksogra_: well, if they don't do that and the test coverage is good, the stuff just won't release as tests are failing :)09:23
didrocksso, let's say the sdk breaks their API09:24
didrocksmost of the components won't release09:24
didrocksbecause they didn't handle the transition in one shot09:24
ogra_cjwatson, well, i dont say we should blindly go through the stack and ignore individual reqs :)09:24
didrocksogra_: you should work more with upstreams to understand the concerns :)09:24
ogra_if a step needs to be different it has to be different09:24
ogra_didrocks, the tests will pass at the point wheer someone fixed the issue .,... and if upstream gets mail bombed by a test running in a loop they better do their fix :P09:25
ogra_thats not a matter of scheduled vs unscheduled09:26
didrocksogra_: yeah, the "coherence" is just for "ensure that everything is in place at the same time to not blocking landing of our components"09:26
didrocksit is09:26
ogra_if it is not passin in scheduled it wont release either09:26
ogra_its is the same thing, just faster :)09:26
didrocksbut again, unscheduled is in a per demand basis09:26
didrockswhich is already supported09:27
didrocksin the current model09:27
didrocksthe only difference is that upstream will trigger it instead of the desktop team09:27
didrocks(this on demand)09:27
ogra_right, i would like to get rid of having to use manual triggers :)09:27
didrocksbut tagging the changelog *is* a manual trigger…09:28
didrocksand that's what you are proposing…09:28
ogra_i mean any manual triggers beyond that09:28
didrockssame than "launching a stack"09:28
ogra_sure, you need exactly one event to start the process09:28
didrocksthe only difference is you debcommit instead of running another command09:28
didrockswhich are both one event09:28
ogra_but there shouldnt need to be any other step09:28
didrocksyou just argue over what needs to be starting something manually, it's one command vs one command09:29
ogra_one element of the process should trigger the next09:29
ogra_instead of having more or less well adjusted schedules09:29
didrocksyeah, so you need the image to rebuild once something in the manifest lands in the release pocket09:29
didrocksand having daily release once upstream wants it09:30
didrocks(being debcommitting the changelog or something else)09:30
didrockswhich are way fewer changes to the current model09:30
ogra_well preferably i want no human interaction after committing the change to debian/changelog09:30
ogra_(the change that triggers my release)09:31
didrocksbut still, I'm sure you will end up with way less releases09:31
ogra_and i dont want any scheduler involvement either :)09:31
didrockswhen we had on demand release for unity, we end up with 3 months without any release because "nothing is ready"09:31
didrocksand we end up with broken trunks at runtime09:31
didrocksbecause they know they can fix it later on09:32
ogra_i might end up with less releases but my fix will reach the user a lot faster09:32
didrocksonce they "tag for release"09:32
ogra_and changing one single element in the setup wont break the whole process09:32
didrocksI can ensure you it will diminish overall trunk quality09:32
ogra_i dont see how09:32
didrocksexperience with unity/compiz/nux…?09:33
ogra_if it is broken today it wont release either09:33
didrocksbecause trunk isn't sacred09:33
didrocksyep, but there is no more pressure to fix it09:33
didrocks"I can break trunk now, and fix it later on"09:33
didrocksas it will only release when I tag for release09:33
didrocksI can ensure you it's working like that09:33
ogra_"i get tired of getting that nagging mail every ten minutes, i better fix what holds up the others"09:34
didrocksfilters seems to work well :)09:34
* didrocks had FTBFS and all upstream filtered them to not receive them09:34
ogra_well, managers ranting at you too :P09:34
didrocksI can just ensure that daily quality will go down for individual trunks09:35
didrocksand we'll end up with big chunk of code landing at once09:35
ogra_make a rule :) trunk can break but not longer than x hours :)09:35
didrocksthen -> regression -> no idea which of the 50 commits is the culpurit09:35
ogra_seriously, as a packager i have to follow some rules09:35
didrocksogra_: acceptance criterias are "trunk never breaks"09:35
ogra_i dont see why an upstream dev cant too09:35
didrocksbecause they don't care about integration?09:36
ogra_you just said trunk isnt sacred09:36
didrocksI can clearly see that in ABI handling :)09:36
didrocksogra_: I said if we just switch to on demand, they won't see it as sacred09:36
ogra_why ?09:36
ogra_they dont even see the change we do09:36
didrocksthe last 20 lines? ^09:36
ogra_it happens after their involvement09:36
didrocksno, because they know it won't even try to build or release09:37
didrocksas they won't tag it09:37
didrocksand nothing will try to trigger it09:37
ogra_well so make a rule that they have to tag once the stuff is ready09:37
ogra_cant be that hard really09:37
didrocksogra_: I'm still unsure what you want, you have schedule + on demand today09:37
didrocksyou just want on demand09:37
didrockswhich will result in less releases09:37
ogra_i want on demand by default :)+09:38
didrocksso you want less releases than current model?09:38
didrocksnot more :)09:38
ogra_i want faster releases than the current model09:38
ogra_no matter what the frequency is09:38
didrocksso you expect upstream tagging multiples times a day their trunk?09:38
didrocksto tell "release commit 1"09:38
didrocks"release commit 2…"09:38
ogra_well thats what i do since years ... if i work on a specific feature set it might involve multiple uploads of the same package per day09:39
ogra_and i see others doing the same09:40
didrocksI think you are not hearing me when I keep telling you that on demand is already possible, so we have a better model IMHO with regular + on demand :)09:40
ogra_i dont get why that cant be true for bzr branches09:40
didrocksthe only thing I think we need to cover is "upstream can directly ask for the on demand"09:40
didrockswhich is what I plan, but need some work09:40
ogra_i would like to drop the "ask" here :)09:40
didrocksogra_: ask is a ping on IRC, ask will become a command09:41
ogra_again, what i'm proposing is on-demand by default ... across the whole process from merging to releasing the image09:41
didrocksyeah, and it's dangerous IMHO to only have that09:41
ogra_didrocks, it shoudl just monitor the changelog ...09:41
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ogra_nobody should need to ask or go on IRC09:41
didrocksogra_: patch welcomed :)09:42
ogra_if i tag the changelog, the process should just start without me worrying09:42
ogra_and in say 3h i should see an update notification on my phone09:42
* popey notes 20130710 is on cdimage09:42
ogra_ah, let me re-locate09:43
didrockspopey: well, as told, the fix was in distro 4 hours after the fix was merged upstream :)09:43
popeyi was more raising awareness so me and ogra_ can do our morning flashing09:43
didrocks(I'll assume the wrong the 4*8* hours time was just a typo, not an exageration :p)09:44
popeydamnit, lenovo engineer here to fix my screen09:44
popeyback in a bit09:44
ogra_... our morning flashing ... that sounds so wrong ...09:48
popeyogra_: ☻09:52
ogra_sigh still 20min to download ...09:52
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popeyflashing here09:55
ogra_lucky you ...09:55
* ogra_ watches bytes drip through his 2M line09:55
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popeyi used to have ADSL, where the upstream was often faster than the downstream09:56
popeyswitched to cable09:56
ogra_i have SDSL (which is my problem, no proper offer here to upgrade)09:56
ogra_the house has a to old phone system, so i have a specific line for the SDSL ... SDSL isnt a product other providers offer ... to get ADSL or VDSL in a high speed i would have to pull new wires from the street to the house09:57
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popey\o/ fixed laptop09:59
popeythats 15 mins from arriving at my door to leaving, having changed the display and wrist rest on my x220!09:59
popeyhe's fast!09:59
popeyshell looks better10:01
popeyapps start10:01
ogra_still 2 min for me10:03
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popeymako also looks good.http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-07-10-110922.png10:09
AskUbuntuError setting 3G connection on Ubuntu Touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/31845110:10
popey3g doesn't start still10:10
popeyError: Connection activation failed: The connection was not supported by oFono.10:11
popeythat used to work10:11
ogra_argh !10:16
popeystep on some lego?10:16
* ogra_ blindly fired off his sync script ... indeed it pulls from /current 10:16
ogra_another 20min ... sigh10:17
popeydo we have ways to debug 3g connectivity issues?10:21
davmor2Morning all10:22
ogra_well, essentially it is just another NM connection10:22
davmor2popey: only by the minute10:22
ogra_so i guess the normal NM debug procedure applies10:22
ogra_and general netwroking stuff indeed10:22
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popeyit _is_ working10:25
ogra_what was the issue ?10:26
popeyi am not mad, that's working isnt it?10:26
popeynot sure, I didnt do anything10:26
popeyi have a script I run to bring 3g up, it gave me that error above which I've never seen before10:26
popeydo we bring 3g up automagically now?10:26
ogra_it clearly owns the default route10:27
ogra_yes, there was a mail about that ...10:27
popeyand it works given I just pastebinit'ed from it and did an apt-get install of pastebinit first10:28
ogra_"Ubuntu Touch Summary (week 26)" ... and the followup mails10:28
Mirvogra_: could you perhaps check out https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.saucy.add_documentation/+merge/17365910:40
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ogra_Mirv, np, will merge soon10:45
Mirvdanke schön10:46
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ogra_popey, maguro works too ... moving to /current10:54
popeyphablet-flash pulls from where by default?10:55
popeywe had this conversation yesterday i suspect10:55
ogra_so i wonder if QA is actually working on fixing the issue10:55
davmor2ogra_: pick on balloons till he tells you ;)10:56
ogra_hmm, well, i asked sergiusens  and he said "it is easy to make it pull from /current"10:56
ogra_so i suspect it doesnt yet10:56
ogra_davmor2, for automated testing ?10:56
* ogra_ thought thats rather plars10:56
davmor2ogra_: ah gema_ is possibly your best bet then10:56
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Chipacahey all11:02
ChipacaI'm finally getting around to writing an ubuntu touch app :)11:02
Chipacafollowing http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/getting-started/currency-converter-phone-app/11:03
Chipacabut there's no “Projects > Ubuntu > Simple Touch UI” in qtcreator11:03
Chipacaand that was launching qtcreator, as nothing turns up in the dash when searching for 'ubuntu sdk'11:04
Chipacanot sure what i'm missing :)11:05
netcurliChipaca: what ubuntu version do you use?11:05
Chipacanetcurli: saucy11:05
netcurliand you have installed ubuntu-sdk from the ppa?11:09
Chipacanetcurli: no; the ppa says it's not necessary for saucy11:10
netcurliMirv: can you help with this? ^^11:11
Chipaca“Ubuntu 13.10 has Qt 5.x, Ubuntu UI Toolkit and SDK uploads directly to the archives during the development cycle.”11:11
Mirvnetcurli / Chipaca: sorry, an updated Qt Creator is the only piece missing from archive, and it's hopefully finally coming this week. for now apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa gives a newer Qt Creator (with the new templates among else)11:13
ChipacaMirv: ah, ok11:13
Mirvthe toolkit and others are all in the daily release, but Qt Creator is manually uploaded11:13
ChipacaMirv: but just that ppa, not the qt5-edgers' one11:13
MirvChipaca: yep, just that, there's nothing of interest in the qt5-proper for saucy11:14
* Chipaca dances the ppa dance11:14
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davmor2so ogra_ is it safe for me to flash my galaxy nexus now?11:15
Chipacaand the apps dash now knows about 'ubuntu sdk' :)11:15
ChipacaMirv: still no "ubuntu" visible in the new project thing11:17
ChipacaMirv: is that bit outdated? should i just create a "qt gui application"?11:19
MirvChipaca: and 'ubuntu-sdk' is installed? (which pulls qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu)11:19
MirvChipaca: then it might be the Qt Creator configuration that is botched11:19
ChipacaMirv: yes, ubuntu-sdk is installed11:20
MirvChipaca: depending on how much custom configuration you have, you could either delete the current Qt Creator configuration or take a backup11:20
MirvChipaca: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/116450411:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1164504 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "No automatic reconfiguration / reconfiguration feature when system environment changes" [Wishlist,Confirmed]11:20
Chipacaand i can run qmlscene on an ubuntu qml app without it throwing a hissy fit11:20
Chipacai can nuke qtcreator's config no problem :)11:20
Chipacait's not like my .emacs :-)11:20
Mirvthere have been situations where people have something in the Qt Creator configuration files which prevents stuff from showing up, but everything works after nuking the config11:20
Chipacanow yes11:22
ogra_davmor2, it is11:22
davmor2ogra_: excellent11:23
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xnoxogra_: do we have a bug tracker?11:30
xnoxogra_: for android packaging..... i have a things.11:30
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xnoxogra_: how I am going to depend on linux-image-mako:armhf to build the bootimg? or does cdimage construct bootimg?11:40
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davmor2popey: where is this ubuntu logo meant to be?11:51
ogra_xnox, envsetup should do it ...11:54
xnoxogra_: not without network connectivity =)11:54
xnoxogra_: colin gave me a hint on how to fetch debs from the archive at build time.11:55
ogra_xnox, well, you can indeed build depend on all kernels11:58
xnoxogra_: how? my current thought it so poke internal mirror and fetch .deb from there, instead of doing pull-lp-bin.11:59
ogra_oh, and while currently cdimage creates the bootimg, that should indeed move into the android build again, the current setup is rather an interim solution11:59
xnoxogra_: i'm cross-building, so the arch:all build will be on :i386 needing to fetch :armhf packages.12:00
xnoxogra_: right, that will mean full android source rebuild just to get a new kernel.....12:00
ogra_xnox, you build dep on it for the all package, then change the build scripts to just cp the kernel (and modules) into the right place in your build tree12:00
ogra_i see what you mean now12:01
xnoxogra_: cjwatson pointed to me the grub2-signed solution http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/grub2-signed/saucy/view/head:/download-grub212:01
ogra_right, you definitely have archive access12:02
xnoxit's a full, non-split mirror. so i could initiate new cache with armhf & fetch armhf packages.12:02
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xnoxogra_: but do we really want to rebuild full android to get the new kernel into system & bootimage.... well i guess at the moment we are changing a lot of bits....12:03
ogra_do you do actual cross building or do you have a fakechroot you build in ?12:03
ogra_i think the latter would be easier so you could just apt-get install what you need ... but indeed the above will wrok12:04
xnoxogra_: yeah, it's cross-compile of everything. But kernel is pre-build.12:04
xnoxogra_: right I'll file a bug.12:04
ogra_right, yeah, then you need to fetch the deb from pool12:04
xnoxogra_: ideally those kernels would be somehow shipped as arch:all packages as well.12:05
ogra_thats tricky, they are native builds12:05
ogra_the meta could become arch all probably12:05
ogra_but that doesnt help you if you cant access the arch at all12:05
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ogra_you could indeed use a fakechroot as a side thing12:06
ogra_just to pull the packages and copy the binaries over as needed12:07
ogra_but that would use qemu-debootstrap, which in turn needs to update binfmt handling of the build host, not sure that can work12:08
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janimo`ogra_, hi, is N4 not booting into a GUI with the image flashed this morning a known issue?12:44
ogra_janimo`, well it was tested and worked12:45
janimo`ogra_, hmm I must need to do something other than just plain phablet-flash then12:45
* janimo` will try again12:45
janimo`maybe I did not use the latest phablet tools thinking there's no need for a PPA if on saucy12:46
ogra_there isnt12:47
janimo`ogra_, good to know. Then this is out of date12:47
janimo`"The PPA has the tools and dependencies to support Precise, Quantal, Raring and Saucy. Add the Ubuntu Touch PPA by adding the following custom source "12:48
ogra_mind to fix that ?12:48
janimo`ogra_, so not needed for saucy but needed for all previous ones?12:49
janimo`I did not fix as I do not know the situation12:49
janimo`ogra_, oh weird. I looked at the phone again after a few hours of leaving it and it has a GUI12:51
janimo`most strange12:51
ogra_slow boot12:51
janimo`it hung at the Google logo and only adb worked this morning12:51
janimo`we need to improve boot itme by 3 orders of magnitude then :)12:52
pmcgowanthere are certainly races at boot12:52
pmcgowanespecially on first flash12:52
ogra_janimo`, we need Mir and lightdm before working on that12:52
janimo`pmcgowan, if it is something that can occur on first boot it's ok by me. I just did not try UTouch in a couple months and I thought I may be way out of sync with the install procedures12:53
ogra_pmcgowan, races are being worked on12:53
janimo`ogra_, so is Mir replacing SF this week?12:53
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ogra_this month if we are lucky12:54
janimo`ogra_, just because I heard that would happen Real Soon Now two months ago as well :)12:54
ogra_it will happen *real soon* !! in the light of the age of the galaxy12:55
pmcgowancyphermox_, whats the networking behavior now with 3g data on by default? there is a thread on how to control it12:58
cyphermox_where is that?12:58
cyphermox_on the mailing list?12:58
pmcgowancyphermox_, re the weekly update12:58
Saviqogra_, uh oh "WARN: / is world writable!\nWARN: / is group writable!"??13:03
ogra_Saviq, where do you get that13:04
Saviqogra_, freshly flashed maguro13:04
ogra_no, i mean what spits that warning ?13:04
Saviqogra_, apt-get install ssh13:04
Saviqogra_, manta, too13:04
ogra_well just ignore13:04
ogra_thats the current setup ... wll change soon13:05
Saviqogra_, ok, simply didn't see that before13:05
ogra_wasnt there on unflipped for sure :)13:05
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Saviqogra_, I don't think it was there before today, but might be wrong there :)13:06
ogra_well, / is world writable since we flipped13:06
cyphermox_pmcgowan: I can answer as how to control it, but I don't know about when things land13:07
cyphermox_pmcgowan: landing an UI control is dependent on renato's branch13:07
Saviqogra_, ok, never noticed that before, sorry for the noise, then13:08
pmcgowancyphermox_, I thinkt he question is what folks should do today13:08
cyphermox_use nmcli.13:08
cyphermox_just like before to connect the mobile data, except you don't need to explicitly connect it13:08
esigolocyphermox_: what do you mean by that ?13:09
popeyi have two scripts in my home directory, up.sh and down.sh which just use nmcli to do it13:09
ogra_add ril0 to /etc/network/interfaces13:09
cyphermox_esigolo: by what?13:09
cyphermox_ogra_: not really13:09
esigolocyphermox_> just like before to connect the mobile data, except you don't need to explicitly connect it13:09
ogra_cyphermox_, that wont make NM ignore it ?13:09
cyphermox_esigolo: cf. my response on the mailing list13:09
cyphermox_ogra_: maybe, but that's not the right way to do it ;)13:10
cyphermox_esigolo: basically, you can use nmcli to control everything NM does13:10
ogra_cyphermox_, thats a quick hack for people that dont want 3G13:10
cyphermox_esigolo: instead of having to manually connect, now it just brings up the connection automatically like it should13:10
esigolocyphermox_: ahh sorry13:11
ogra_i didnt mean to provide something proper :)13:11
esigoloI thought that now he would connect himself with a connection available13:11
cyphermox_esigolo: however you will need to disconnect manually if you want to disconnect13:11
cyphermox_ogra_: probably works well as a quick hack, yeah13:11
cyphermox_esigolo: that is what happens -- if there is an available APN to connect to, and you're registered to the network and have GPRS, then you'll get connected13:12
cyphermox_renato_: around? can we discuss fixing your indicators-client branch today to get people a nicer UI ? :)13:12
esigolocyphermox_:would by helpfull if i compile some config files for connections?13:13
esigolocyphermox_: to use as example?13:13
cyphermox_esigolo: not really, it depends on a package named mobile-broadband-provider-info13:13
esigolocyphermox_: sure. :)13:14
rickspencer3hey all, do we still need to create a nm config on our desktops and copy to our phones and all that to get data working?13:14
cyphermox_rickspencer3: not if you have the right provider information on your desktop without modifying the files13:15
rickspencer3cyphermox_, not sure what you mean13:15
cyphermox_rickspencer3: normally you shouldn't, but it depends on what is in mobile-broadband-provider-info and if ofono is able to figure out the provider for you13:15
ogra_rickspencer3, it should just connect now13:16
rickspencer3cyphermox_, how should I test out if I need to do the whole create the config and copy it over thing?13:16
cyphermox_rickspencer3: if it doesn't successfully connect as you boot the phone (or within 5 minutes), then check the files under /var/lib/ofono/*/gprs13:17
ogra_thats the point you shouldnt need to anymore13:17
rickspencer3cyphermox_, ok, so I bought a new SIM with data13:18
rickspencer3popped it in13:18
rickspencer3no connection13:18
cyphermox_new SIM is probably not known in the database13:18
rickspencer3got back the apartment, it connected to my wifi (which I configured yesterday)13:18
rickspencer3I disconnected the wifi13:18
rickspencer3no data (so far as I can see)13:18
davmor2rickspencer3: what happens if you do a flash with the new sim in?13:19
cyphermox_rickspencer3: could you ship me the contents of /var/lib/ofono by email?13:19
cyphermox_rickspencer3: and I'll need to know what provider you use, to check if the settings are correct13:19
rickspencer3cyphermox_, ok13:20
rickspencer3cyphermox_, should I update first?13:20
rickspencer3my image is from Monday morning13:21
popeyrickspencer3: todays image is good AFAICT13:22
rickspencer3I can't figure out how to input international numbers :/13:23
rickspencer3trying to text the US :/13:23
rickspencer3Send button stays insensitive :(13:23
davmor2001 for us iirc13:24
rickspencer3ah, an extra 013:25
* rickspencer3 tries13:25
rickspencer3no love13:25
popey+(countrycode) (area) number13:26
popeyis the GSM standard for numbers, no need for additional zeroes13:26
popeyso +1 555 1234 or whatever ☻13:26
rickspencer3popey, does that work when you compose a message?13:27
popeyI haven't tried, will try now13:27
popeyif it doesn't it's a bug13:27
cyphermox_Rick, I also can't text for some reason13:28
popeythe phone app is really laggy / unresponsive for me13:28
rickspencer3popey, so, I can't tell how to enter phone numbers so that they work with international texting13:29
rickspencer3unless I am doing it correctly and the messaging app is horked13:29
popeyhold down 0 for +13:29
popeyyeah, I can't figure that out either13:29
rickspencer3popey, that's only available in the dialer13:29
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popeyright, so you want to text someone who isn't a contact..13:29
popeygot it13:30
popeyconversations, swipe up from bottom, compose13:30
popeyin the To: field, type +1 nnn nnnn13:30
popeytap compose field, type your message, press send.13:31
sergiusenspopey: rickspencer3 you have the full keyboard, so you could just go to the symbols part13:31
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rickspencer3and I don't want to manually enter every international number I try13:31
rickspencer3so, the scenario is, I have in Germany, with a German SIM, and I want to text my wife, who is in my contacts, and has a US number13:31
rickspencer3I can't figure out the UI for this13:31
popeyrickspencer3: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-07-10-143127.png  <- thus13:31
popeyedit her contact rickspencer313:32
popeychange her contact so it's +1 nnnnnn13:32
popeyon android/ios I _always_ store contacts in that format, so it works when roaming with no effort13:32
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rtgjdstrand, how are the ufw tests with todays touch image ?13:38
jdstrandrtg: grouper, mako and manta are all fine. something failed on maguro, let me see what it is13:39
jdstrandrtg: actually, maguro is fine too. the first test run seems to have been aborted, but the second passed (though the highlevel report shows it as failed)13:41
jdstrandrtg: in others words: we're good! :)13:41
rtgjdstrand, hey, that works for me.13:41
rtgapw, ^^13:41
jdstrandgema_: hey13:43
jdstrandgema_: if I look at http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/, it shows maguro as '75%'13:43
esigolowho is taking care about calendar app?13:43
jdstrandgema_: however, if I click through to http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2909/, I see that the security test failed at 2013/07/10 06:07, but then passed at 2013/07/10 11:07. shouldn't http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/ show as 100% since a later test passed?13:44
apwrtg ... yay13:44
gema_jdstrand: let me see13:46
gema_jdstrand: no it shouldn't, the reason it was designed like that is because we didn't want to hide any past failures under the carpet13:47
gema_jdstrand: now your tests are passing so you are good13:47
gema_jdstrand: did the previous run fail due to environment?13:47
jdstrandgema_: I see. ok, if its intended, fine13:47
jdstrandgema_: re previous failure> it looks like it never ran the tests, it failed before13:48
gema_jdstrand: ok, so there is no bug attached to it or real reason for the failure13:48
jdstrandgema_: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-maguro-smoke-security/18/console - looks like scp failed13:48
jdstrandgema_: so yeah, not my problem :)13:49
gema_jdstrand: we have ways of hiding runs if they are very problematic, I'd say leave this one there and let's keep an eye on that scp13:49
gema_jdstrand: just in case there is something in the environment htat needs fixing13:49
gema_or in the lab13:49
popeyogra_: is there some magic update to adb to make it not need root?13:50
gema_jdstrand: maguro seems to be a bit unstable13:50
jdstrandgema_: on an unrelated note, should I file a bug for adding these security tests to the desktop and server smoke tests? I realize it might not be a high priority, but I'd like for it to not be forgotten either13:50
popeythe old issue we had where we had to start the adb server under sudo13:50
ogra_popey, we somply start it as root13:50
gema_jdstrand: let me find you a blueprint for that13:50
ogra_popey, oh, you mean the PC side13:50
ogra_might need fixes to the udev rules13:50
popeyis there a bug for it?13:51
ogra_i thik they dont match properly anymore13:51
popeyon precise it seems broken still13:51
gema_jdstrand: I am going to add it to our backlog (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-s-backlog)13:51
ogra_popey, not sure, sergiusens would know i guess ... worst case just file a new one13:51
jdstrandgema_: may I just add a work item?13:51
gema_jdstrand: I am adding two for you13:52
gema_trying to figure out who should do it13:52
jdstrandawesome, thanks :)13:52
esigoloAnyone knows if we are going to use google maps or we another option for maps?13:52
gema_jdstrand: I gave them to plars, he'll dispatch them if needed13:52
jdstrandmuch appreciated :)13:52
ogra_esigolo, someone was working on a port of navit13:52
* ogra_ doesnt remember who13:52
esigoloogra_: great13:53
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Mirvseb128: FYI I found myself some time to check the qtsystems a bit, and reported my findings at the bug report I noticed being talked about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/119754214:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1197542 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "System Info module not integrated with platform" [High,New]14:03
Mirvmterry: you were btw also talking about some patch last week if I recall correctly, but I didn't hear anything more of that14:06
Mirvmterry: related to that qtsystems14:07
mterryMirv, looks like it won't be necessary after all14:07
seb128Mirv, thanks14:07
mterryMirv, it was a bug, but I'll just try to get it upstream, no need to rush yet with a distro patch14:07
esigoloogra_: qemu is already working?14:08
ogra_not for touch images, no14:08
pete-woods-lunchmhall119: hi - I was looking to publish the docs from the library I'm working on in the same way as mir does - is this something you can help me with?14:08
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rickspencer3mhall119 would know14:08
Mirvmterry: ok, thanks14:08
rickspencer3mhall119 how do I send a text to an international number14:08
rickspencer3i.e. text a US phone from Germany14:09
ogra_+01 $number14:09
ogra_should theoretically work14:09
rickspencer3ogra_, I have tried that so many times14:09
rickspencer3the send button stays insensitive14:09
ogra_sounds like a UI bug14:09
rickspencer3ogra_, don't forget, this is a text, so I don't get the dial pad14:09
rickspencer3I have to use the "+" from the osk14:09
rickspencer3I have no idea if it's the right character, etc...14:10
rickspencer3I'll update the image and try again14:10
* ogra_ still has no company SIM to test such stuff14:10
mhall119pete-woods: what documentation do you want up there?14:10
mhall119rickspencer3: Sorry, I have no experience with that, as I have a CDMA phone which doesn't even work overseas14:11
pete-woodsmhall119: so I'm working on https://launchpad.net/libusermetrics - one of the unity APIs14:11
pete-woodsand we want to get people making data sources for the greeter infographic14:11
pete-woodsand figured getting the docs online would be sensible14:11
pmcgowanogra_, bye a sim14:11
mhall119pete-woods: would this make more sense to go on developer.u.c?14:11
ogra_will do14:12
pete-woodsmhall119: err, what's developer.u.c?14:12
pete-woodsmhall119: d'oh :$ yeah, that would be good too!14:13
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popey_victorp: i just enabled developer mode on my nexus 7 using ubuntu sdk, only bug 1199804 hit me, but i worked around that, and don't think that's what you hit.14:20
popey_victorp: also created sample app and sent to device and it's running14:20
ubot5bug 1199804 in Ubuntu QtCreator Plugins "adb permissions issue from qtcreator on precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119980414:20
victorppopey_, mmm, oh well. Must be my set up14:21
victorppopey_, thank you for checking it out14:21
* didrocks saw libusermetrics14:21
didrockspete-woods: if you want your branch still building on saucy, you will need: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/libusermetrics/build-new-gmock/+merge/17394514:21
pete-woodsdidrocks: okay, will grab it :)14:22
didrockspete-woods: I have nothing against a review + approve btw (just ensure you have google-mock 1.6.0+svn437-0ubuntu1) :)14:22
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pete-woodsdidrocks: well I'll probably move the stuff back out into a FindLocalGMock.cmake module14:23
pete-woodsinstead of having it all inline14:23
didrockspete-woods: want me to do that, and just include it?14:24
didrockspete-woods: for all the other components, we have done that inline, but I have nothing against the internal module approach :)14:24
pete-woodsdidrocks: that'd be cool :)14:25
pete-woodsI guess we want this done quickly, as otherwise I'll start blocking the indicator stack releases14:25
didrockspete-woods: exactly (as soon as you have a new commit pending in it)14:26
didrockspete-woods: one sec, doing that + a sanity rebuild14:26
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didrockspete-woods: rev 93 pushed, builds fine, tests pass14:31
pete-woodsdidrocks: woot!14:31
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pete-woodsdidrocks: could you change it so that the module doesn't force include_directories? - i.e. move the include_directories lines outside the module14:36
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didrockspete-woods: ok, so you want that including the module itself not being enough, but an explicit include_directories in test/CMakeLists.txt, right?14:39
pete-woodsdidrocks: yeah, so that it behaves like a standard FindThingy.cmake module14:40
didrockspete-woods: something like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861813/?14:40
pete-woodsdidrocks: exactly!14:40
didrockspete-woods: ok, committed and pushed (rev 94) :)14:41
dpmtmoenicke, for some days I've been unable to use the search feature on the Apps scope to find apps on my device: whenever I type a character, the keyboard hides and the character is not recorded. Is this a known bug? And if not, where can I report it?14:42
tmoenickedpm: yep I have a fix for that, should land soon14:43
dpmok, cool, good to know you're on it, thanks tmoenicke14:43
sil2100tvoss_: hi!14:44
pete-woodsdidrocks: fantastic, will pull your branch now!14:44
didrockspete-woods: sweet ;)14:44
tvoss_sil2100, hey, how goes?14:44
sil2100tvoss_: pretty well - I have been wondering about the ubuntu-platform-api-headers package from platform-api14:45
sil2100tvoss_: it's a transitional package, yes?14:45
sil2100tvoss_: since I'm trying to build qtvideo-node, it requires ubuntu/ui/config.h but can't find it even though I have libplatform-api-headers and ubuntu-platform-api-headers installed14:46
sil2100(on i386)14:47
sil2100(or amd64 even)14:47
tvoss_sil2100, that header was removed in a recent mp14:48
sil2100Oh, what about applications that use that?14:49
didrockstvoss_: btw, did you see my ping for https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/mir/use-system-googlemock/+merge/173008? would be good to get that action done :)14:49
didrockspete-woods: I see you merge directly to trunk, it seems though you have the upstream merger setup, don't you?14:51
pete-woodsdidrocks: yeah, I just didn't want to wait for breaking anybody14:52
didrockspete-woods: ok, the changelog will have wrong author, but I don't care ;)14:52
didrocks(as long as it's building fine as done locally ;))14:52
rickspencer3bfiller, who would be the right person to write a test to confirm that sending a text to an international number works and keeps working?14:54
tvoss_sil2100, yes, saw the ping, but it's failing ci14:54
didrockstvoss_: not sure if you wanted to speak to sil2100 or me, but if it's me, the failing ci is before the new gmock was in distro14:58
didrocksas you can see by the date :)14:58
sil2100tvoss_: I was asking about the removed header ;p14:59
sil2100tvoss_: did you bump upstream version? Since a header removal is an API break, hope all projects that use it are ready for re-writing14:59
tvoss_sil2100, I *think* I did :)15:01
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didrockstvoss_: no worry, I'll find someone to do the Mir review, it seems you are busy15:05
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tvoss_didrocks, that would help me15:06
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davmor2popey: if you open notes do you get 2 app preview windows in the apps lens?15:09
popeydavmor2: yes15:09
ogra_these are backup notes :)15:09
sil2100tvoss_: from where should I now fetch the info about UBUNTU_USE_GLES ?15:09
popeyRAIN (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Note-taking-apps)15:10
popeyor something15:10
tvoss_sil2100, I don't think you need that15:10
tvoss_sil2100, should work perfectcly fine without the macro15:10
sil2100tvoss_: what should I use instead? Since in qtvideonode this macro was used in an #if15:11
tvoss_sil2100, mind pinging me the branch again?15:11
sil2100tvoss_: which one ;) ?15:11
tvoss_sil2100, the qtvideonode :)15:11
sil2100tvoss_: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtvideo-node/trunk15:12
sil2100 lp:qtvideo-node15:12
sil2100http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtvideo-node/trunk/view/head:/src/shadervideomaterial.cpp <- here is the usage15:12
tvoss_sil2100, looking15:12
bfillerrickspencer3: boiko probably15:13
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* xnox ponders to use ccache while building x4 images =))))15:15
tvoss_sil2100, a question though: isn't qtvideo node built by the daily release machinery?15:16
sil2100tvoss_: yes, it is15:17
sil2100tvoss_: but there hasn't been much development recently, so we didn't know it doesn't build15:18
sil2100tvoss_: and now it no longer builds15:18
tvoss_sil2100, hmmm, where can I see the build status in general?15:21
sergiusensxnox: watch out with ccache, it may fail to build with weird reasons, so wipe it after every repo sync (or similar)15:22
xnoxsergiusens: yeah, and it's not parallel safe.15:22
xnoxsergiusens: i am thinking to create a bank cache: build 4 images, wipe cache. Should help a lot on the latter 3 images.15:22
sil2100tvoss_: I was building it locally, since it was last built 2013-06-0715:24
sil2100tvoss_: building locally fails because ubuntu/ui/config.h is missing15:24
swordfishHello popey! I'm sorry to bother you but I just wanted to tell that yesterday i pushed some big changes to my minesweeper application. I think you should update the collection ppa... Thanks!..15:24
sil2100When I remove that include, it works, but I guess on armhf it might fail then15:24
tvoss_sil2100, sure15:24
popeyok swordfish will do!15:24
swordfishyou're welcome!... Today i officially finished my exams, so I will dedicate more time to the cause :D ....15:25
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RoTechi everyone I have a quick question. on the wiki it says that the grouper images aren't working properly. is that still true? I bought a grouper (wifi, 32GB) a few days ago and was just about to flash the daily when I remembered that15:39
ogra_RoTec, works for me15:44
ogra_could be snappier but works15:44
davmor2popey: weirdly I see no networks once I connect to the wifi is that because it doesn't know how to display being connected to 2 currently?15:45
RoTecawesome thanks. I'll try it later15:46
rtgrsalveti, do you know of any gcc-4.8 changes that might have changed whether a bootable kernel can be built ? I was just reviewing bugs against the Nexus kernels and stumbled across bug #1176255 (which reminded me that _none_ of Nexus the kernels are built with the standard compiler).15:48
ubot5bug 1176255 in linux-mako (Ubuntu) "linux-mako fails to boot when built with gcc 4.8" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117625515:48
* davmor2 puts ogra_ 's n7 in a crocodile , there you go that should be much snappy for you :)15:49
ogra_yay !15:50
* ogra_ likes living on the edge15:50
mfischsfeole`: okay, so what exactly is happening on the n4?15:51
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mfischsfeole: you have the screen off, not suspended, and the on/bright request doesn't turn it back on?15:53
sfeolemfisch: via powerd-cli , I can issue requested states such as "powerd-cli display on dim"  a cookie is issued but the display still remains off.  Prior to doing this I made sure in a separate window that I issued an active request, "powerd-cli active"15:53
mfischsfeole: okay let me try it here15:53
sfeolemfisch: this works on the N7 but not the N415:53
mfischgive me 1 minute to finish up another test15:53
rsalvetirtg: no, didn't investigate that further15:55
rsalvetiI can take another look into that, got the uart cable for n4 here now15:56
mfischrsalveti: where is the code that makes the power button bring up the welcome screen?15:56
rsalvetibut I guess you can boot the broken kernel once, and reboot to recovery later, and check last_kmsg15:56
rsalvetimfisch: Saviq might knkow better15:57
rtgrsalveti, I'll give that a try.15:57
Saviqmfisch, lp:unity8/Shell.qml:12215:57
mfischSaviq: is that a design decision? pmcgowan filed a bug on it against powerd15:58
mfischsfeole: well, it works for me :(15:59
mfischsfeole: can you get me the contents of tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep powerd when you do it?15:59
Saviqmfisch, the fact that it animates on power press?15:59
mfischSaviq: let me give you a use case. You're on a call, the screen times out because you don't hit anything. You press power to get the screen back. You see the call screen, but then the Welcome screen animates over top16:00
mfischpmcgowan was saying that pressing the power button in that case to turn the screen on should just take you back to the call16:00
Saviqmfisch, yeah, that's wrong obviously16:00
Saviqmfisch, I mean the current behaviour16:00
mfischSaviq: since powerd is not doing it, I wanted to move the bug to someehwere it would get attention16:01
Saviqmfisch, but it's a shell bug rather than a powerd one16:01
mfischagreed ;)16:01
Saviqmfisch, unity816:01
mfischSaviq: thanks16:01
Saviqmfisch, we actually already have a similar bug (but obviously I can't find it...)16:01
sfeolemfisch: working on it here, 1 sec16:01
sforsheeSaviq, mfisch: about display requests not working ...16:01
sforsheesorry, I meant sfeole, not Saviq16:02
Saviqgot it! bug 118625616:02
ubot5bug 1186256 in touch-preview-images "Welcome screen slides in on resume" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118625616:02
Saviqsforshee, 's fine16:02
sforsheeanyway, if the screen is turned off using the power button that acts as an override of the requested screen state16:02
mfischSaviq: shall I dupe?16:02
mfischhere's this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/118754516:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1187545 in Unity 8 "power button press when screen off while on a call should not result in welcome screen" [High,New]16:02
mfischsforshee: I think sfeole was just letting the screen timeout16:03
mfischsforshee: but that sounds like another good test case16:03
sfeolesforshee: if the requested screen state is overridden via a power button does it kill off that old screen state?16:03
Saviqmfisch, powerd won't send SysPowerStateChange when on a call,right?16:04
Saviqmfisch, so assuming we listen to that we should be golden?16:04
mfischSaviq: no, we will not suspend16:04
mfischSaviq: I think so16:04
Saviqmfisch, k, dupe'ing, then16:04
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sfeolemfisch: working for me now, i may have pressed the power button 1 first attempt16:05
mfischsfeole: ok, thats a good test case to add then16:05
andrewhaigh_cellhi all, i have a Qt Creator/ubuntu SDK question: The debugger doesnt work for me, I get "Unable to read JIT descriptor from remote memory!" . I know its a gdb bug, but does anyone know the solution/why I get it?16:05
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WebbyITHi mzanetti. I have to implement a TimePicker for ubuntu-calendar-app, and oSoMoN said me to talk with you16:37
mzanettiWebbyIT: oSoMoN is right :)16:38
mzanettiWebbyIT: one sec16:38
mfischsfeole: we need to talk when you get back16:38
sfeolemfisch: i'm here16:38
mfischandrewhaigh_cell: You may get a better answer on the mailing list if nobody here knows16:38
mfischsfeole: sorry bro, I mean sforshee16:39
andrewhaigh_cellmfisch: ok, thank you16:39
sfeolemfisch: np bronski16:39
mfischwe need to limit this channel to 52 people, 1 for each capital and lowercase letter16:39
mzanettiWebbyIT: here's a video: http://notyetthere.org/?p=21716:39
mzanettiWebbyIT: and here's the code: https://github.com/mzanetti/fahrplan/tree/master/src/gui/ubuntu/components16:40
ogra_mfisch, thats cool, and each can be OP for exactly one week then16:40
WebbyITmzanetti: awesome! Can I use it?16:41
mzanettiWebbyIT: ofc16:41
WebbyITmzanetti: thanks you :)16:41
mfischsfeole: can you help me test something?16:42
sfeolemfisch: sure16:43
esigolopopey: I'm trying to buy an oppo! Hard to find it here (Brazil) :(16:47
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mfischrsalveti: can you answer a hybris question since Chicken is out?16:54
rsalvetimfisch: sure16:54
mfischrsalveti: android_input_stack_stop() is hanging when powerd tries to exit16:54
mfischrsalveti: any ideas on how to track that down further?16:55
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mfischrsalveti: it seems to not hang if we abort our startup (which happens when a 2nd copy is running)17:04
mfischrsalveti: so maybe we have something still in-use that causes this17:04
rsalvetimfisch: hm, right17:05
rsalvetilet me see17:05
rsalvetiStskeeps: hey, do know you if we have any other upstream for timed besides http://gitorious.org/meego-middleware/timed?17:07
rsalvetiStskeeps: we're also investigating what is needed to use that, and want to make sure we're using what ever is more recent and upstream :-)17:07
Stskeepsgithub.com/nemomobile/timed , has qt5 port17:07
rsalvetiStskeeps: awesome, thanks17:08
fredoustballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5862263/17:13
fredoustI got this error on installing this packages17:13
balloonsfredoust, did you add the ppa?17:13
balloonsalso, what distro are you running?17:14
balloonsquantal, raring, saucy/17:14
balloonsfredoust, ^^17:15
fredoustsorry trying something17:16
fredoust12.04.2 LTS17:16
balloonsfredoust, ahh that's the trouble. The new stuff needs raring or saucy17:17
fredoustok thanks I will update17:18
balloonsfredoust, a VM works fine if you wish17:19
fredoustYes I am on a VM17:19
rsalvetimfisch: global_state->input_reader_thread->requestExitAndWait();17:19
rsalvetithat's probably the reason17:19
rsalvetitvoss_: hey, we want to call android_input_stack_stop without getting stuck17:20
esigolorsalveti: flashing the last  image here (mako) any test needed? :)]17:21
rsalvetiesigolo: ofono should be working better on this one, you might only get bug 119957517:22
ubot5bug 1199575 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[touch] network-manager crashes with sigsegv when enabling data connection with ofono" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119957517:22
fredoustthanks again balloons17:22
rsalvetiawe_: mind sending one email to ubuntu-touch announcing how to manually unlock the sim card?17:22
rsalvetithat will help people in europe it seems17:22
rsalvetiogra_: ^^^17:22
rsalvetiin case you want to test that as well17:22
esigolorsalveti: okay !17:23
mfischrsalveti: I've been waiting 10 minutes, I don't think that thread is going to exit17:26
rsalvetimfisch: even after pressing the button again?17:26
mfischrsalveti: this happens when powerd shuts down, nothing to do with a button17:27
rsalvetimfisch: right, just trying to compare with the behavior in test_input17:27
rsalvetibut that uses android_input_stack_start_waiting_for_flag instead17:28
mfischsforshee: android_input_stack_stop()17:28
rsalveticheck from libhybris soruce17:28
mfischsforshee: android_input_stack_stop() gets hung when we try to shutdown17:28
mfischrsalveti: looking17:28
tvoss_rsalveti, need dinner, drop me a mail with the issue please17:31
=== tvoss_ is now known as tvoss|dinner
rsalvetimfisch: ^17:31
rsalvetitvoss|dinner is the one that created that compat layer17:31
mfischrsalveti: pressing the power button allows powerd to die17:32
mfischsforshee: ^17:32
rsalvetiright, so it seems it waits for at least one more input17:32
rsalvetiwe need to be able to exit before that17:32
sforsheemfisch: so I'd guess the input thread is stuck in epoll()17:33
mfischis that an issue in hybris?17:33
rsalvetimfisch: well, in the input compat layer17:34
mfischrsalveti: okay, but not in how powerd uses it17:34
mfischrsalveti: I'd like to move this bug out of powerd, where is the input compat bucket?17:34
rsalvetimfisch: you can file the bug against libhybris, and assign that to tvoss|dinner17:35
mfischrsalveti: will do17:35
rsalvetiwonder if that would work better if we use requestExit() instead of requestExistAndWait17:36
esigolorsalveti: what is the point to requestExistAndWait ? wait for?17:37
rsalvetiwait for the thread to exist17:38
pmcgowanrsalveti, unity8 is running twice17:38
pmcgowanrsalveti, htop must be reporting each core17:38
rsalvetipmcgowan: oh, how that?17:38
pmcgowanI must be reading this wrong17:38
rsalvetimaybe something crashed and made ubuntu-touch-session restart itself17:38
sforsheersalveti, mfisch: I don't see a need to wait17:38
pmcgowanhtop shows lots of double entries17:39
rsalvetisforshee: yeah17:39
rsalvetimfisch: let me get you a binary with that change17:39
mfischrsalveti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/libhybris/+bug/119989717:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199897 in libhybris "powerd fails to properly exit because android_input_stack_stop() is hung" [Undecided,New]17:39
mfischrsalveti: thanks17:39
mfischrsalveti: after you do that can we get your opinion on an upstart change to powerd?17:40
rsalvetimfisch: sure, what do you need to change there?17:40
pmcgowanrsalveti, tell em whats up with this https://pastebin.canonical.com/94132/17:40
mfischrsalveti: we want to clean-up all the cruft, ping me after you have a minute17:40
awe_rsalveti, ack17:41
pmcgowanrsalveti, gonna reboot and see what it looks like17:41
pmcgowanbefore my phone melts17:41
rsalvetimfisch: sure17:41
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ogra_pmcgowan, bah, 2fa17:42
rsalvetipmcgowan: that's weird17:42
rsalvetimfisch: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/libis_compat_layer.so into /system/lib/libis_compat_layer.so17:43
rsalvetireboot and test it again17:43
rsalvetibrb, ~20 min17:43
mfischrsalveti: thanks17:43
ogra_wow, weird, indeed17:43
AskUbuntuHow to build ubuntu touch for unofficial cyanogenmod device | http://askubuntu.com/q/31859517:44
mfischsforshee / rsalveti: well, _stop works now,  but _shutdown hangs17:48
awe_rsalveti, when you tested pin support, did you use the script from ofono-scripts, or dbus-send per my MR instructions?  I wasn't able to get the right syntax for the ofono-script17:48
mfischogra_: can we remove the powerd.override upstart file?17:50
mfischogra_: there are changes it is missing and more changes it will be missing, along with some massive cleanup17:50
ogra_mfisch, could we merge them ? (or at least move some fixes over from there)17:50
mfischogra_: we have all your fixes I think17:51
mfischogra_: like the start on dbus17:51
ogra_and the proper exec call17:51
mfischogasawara: and respawn I just added today17:51
mfischsorry leann17:51
ogra_she still steals my pings :)17:51
mfischogra_: actually you can weigh in on the changes here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/powerd/lp1195800/+merge/17400017:52
mfischogra_: its much cleaner now17:52
mfischogra_: as far as I call tell all those variables are not useful17:52
ogra_yeah, they come from pre=flipped i think17:53
ogra_mfisch, could we turn off debugging by default ? it produces gigantic upstart logs17:54
mfischogra_: that makes sense17:54
mfischogra_: we log to syslog now17:54
mfischogra_: for a few weeks now, but we could probably turn it off17:54
mfischcomment it out anyway17:54
mfischsforshee: any opinions on turning the DEBUG off by default?17:55
ogra_but yeah, if the MP above works fine i'm happy to drop the override17:55
sforsheemfisch, ogra_: I'm okay with dropping debug by default. Might mean a little more work for bug reporters though ;-)17:55
mfischsforshee: we can put it on our wiki page17:56
mfischsforshee: code review updated17:57
sforsheemfisch: I'm +1 on the MR but would still like to get rsalveti's feedback on the upstart job changes18:01
mfischjenkins is off doing something atm anyway18:01
sforsheejenkins is such a slacker18:02
mfischogra_: once this lands can you remove the override file? and actually it doesn't seem to be functional anyway18:03
mfischnot sure why18:03
ogra_hmm, it is used on my image here18:03
ogra_but yeah, i'll remove it18:04
mfischI have debug messages here with my copy, and that flag is not set in the override file18:04
ogra_if i set the flag i get about 300 messages per second ... if i unset it there is one line per second ... not sure thats the upstart job actually18:06
mfischogra_: well the flag will be usnet in my MR18:08
mfischbut I need to retest with your override out of the way18:09
ogra_no, i mean i suspect there is something that sneaks through even if the variable is unset, are you sure its not that what you are seeing ?18:09
mfisch"ofono_proxy_connect_cb succeeded", for example, that should only happen with debug enabled, right sforshee ?18:10
sforsheemfisch: anything printed via powerd_debug should only print with debug enabled18:10
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# grep powerd_debug /var/log/syslog18:11
ogra_ok, then it is quiet here18:11
mfischogra_: grep for powerd18:11
sforsheeogra_: that's not part of the printout18:11
mfischnot powerd_debug18:11
* mfisch sneaks in a "HI OGRA!" debugu statement into his MR18:11
ogra_only some messages from the first start18:11
ogra_Jul 10 10:52:14 ubuntu-phablet powerd[393]: Using backlight at /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/backlight/s6e8aa018:11
ogra_Jul 10 10:52:35 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [   29.741668] init: powerd main process (393) killed by SEGV signal18:11
ogra_Jul 10 10:52:35 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [   29.741760] init: powerd main process ended, respawning18:11
ogra_Jul 10 10:52:35 ubuntu-phablet powerd[930]: Using backlight at /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/backlight/s6e8aa018:11
mfischogra_: okay those are NOT debug messages18:12
mfischUsing backlight is an "info" message18:12
ogra_the rest are matches against the kernels powerdomain messages18:12
mfischso thats what we should have once this MR goes18:12
ogra_well, thats what i have with todays image18:12
sforsheeogra_: believe me, if debug was enabled you'd see a lot more messages18:12
mfischogra_: so that is using your override, which means all is well with the world18:12
mfischsforshee: if you restest my upstart change, be sure to move ogra's override somewhere18:13
ogra_sforshee, yes, i was only wondering why the override doesnt work for mfisch18:13
mfischogra_: I have a theory, let me try it18:13
sforsheethe override definitely works for me, because I always have to change it18:13
ogra_let me rip that out right now :018:13
ogra_so you dont have to move it away18:13
mfischogra_: I think before I must have been manually starting it, I didn't know about the override until 20 minutes ago ;)18:13
mfischthis one day a week on powerd tends to leave me behind18:14
ogra_oh, sorry for causing confusion then :)18:14
mfischsforshee: _shutdown hanging makes little sense to me18:16
mfischits just 1 line18:16
mfischthanks ogasawara18:17
mfischdang it!18:17
mfischthanks ogra_18:17
sforsheemfisch: which package provides android_input_stack_shutdown?18:18
mfischsforshee: hybris: https://github.com/libhybris/libhybris18:18
mfischthere's probably a version in bzr also18:18
sforsheeI like git better anyway :-)18:18
mfischthe code has 1 statement: global_state = NULL;18:18
mfischwell git may not be whats running on here18:19
mfischwe can ask rsalveti where the source is when he comes back18:21
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sforsheemfisch: there are two versions of that function in the code I'm looking at18:23
sergiusenssforshee: mfisch if it's hybris it's bzr branch ubuntu:hybris (or libhybris)18:23
ogra_and https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/libhybris/trunk18:23
sergiusensah, yeah, https://launchpad.net/libhybris is the packaging branch18:24
mfischsforshee: show me?18:25
sforsheemfisch: hybris/input/is.c18:25
sforsheeis the other version18:25
* rsalveti back18:25
sforsheewhich just tries to call some dynamically linked symbol18:25
rsalvetiawe_: I used the python script18:26
awe_rsalveti, would you mind sending me the command you used?  I had trouble with the python arg formatting...18:26
awe_and thus used dbus_send18:27
mfischrsalveti: this is the MR we wanted your opinion on, specifically the upstart changes: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/powerd/lp1195800/+merge/17400018:28
rsalvetiawe_: just lock/unlock "pin" code18:28
rsalvetisforshee: the packaging branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/libhybris/ubuntu18:28
rsalvetibut better just grab the source package18:28
rsalvetigot a bunch of patches in there18:29
rsalvetimfisch: will see18:29
rsalvetimfisch: hang on shutdown makes no sense18:29
rsalvetisforshee: and the compat part needs to be built as part of the android image18:30
awe_rsalveti, hmmm...  I thought "type" was required18:31
sforsheersalveti: okay, so the one powerd calls finds the corresponding call in the android part, and the call in the android part just sets global_state=NULL. Is that right?18:31
rsalvetiawe_: well, type is "pin"18:31
rsalvetisforshee: yes18:31
awe_yea...and it may be that I didn't figure that out before moving to dbus_send18:31
awe_the errors messages weren't too clear18:32
rsalvetimfisch: did it really get stuck in the shutdown part?18:32
rsalvetior later on?18:32
mfischrsalveti: let me confirm18:32
awe_rsalveti, I'll retry later before sending the email18:32
rsalvetiawe_: ok18:32
awe_rsalveti, did the upstart expect fix land?18:33
rsalvetimfisch: and also, please confirm if pressing power releases the process again18:33
rsalvetiawe_: you mean that respawn issue we had?18:33
awe_rsalveti, ie. the bug that was causing shutdown to hang waiting for ofono?18:33
rsalvetisure, that landed last week18:33
awe_because upstart lost it's pid18:33
awe_ok, cool18:33
mfischI had a few more prints after18:33
awe_meant to ask you earlier18:33
mfischlet me try18:33
mfischrsalveti: it's hanging on shutdown and power button press frees is18:35
mfischfrees it, I mean18:35
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marcelluxhi. I'm getting soon a HTC One X and I was following some lists of supported devices and it was on it. Anyway, I visited some forums and there are many things not working yet. the forums were not so fresh, I must say. Is it possible to install Ubuntu on that device?18:39
WebbyITAny possibility to have u-touch on S4?18:40
rsalvetimfisch: mind trying http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/libis_compat_layer.so-2 ?18:43
rsalvetiput it at /system/lib/libis_compat_layer.so18:43
mfischrsalveti: k18:43
rsalvetithen please also paste me the output of /system/bin/logcat after you tried that18:43
mfischrsalveti: now it works18:45
mfischdid you change anything besides printfs?18:45
rsalvetimfisch: also removed the exit and wait from the class destructor18:45
mfischE/InputStackCompatibilityLayer( 2575): ANDROID INPUT STACK: Stopping18:46
mfischE/InputStackCompatibilityLayer( 2575): ANDROID INPUT STACK: Shutting down18:46
mfischE/InputStackCompatibilityLayer( 2575): ANDROID INPUT STACK: DONE18:46
mfischrsalveti: well it's fixed now18:46
mfischwe stop pretty much instantly18:46
rsalvetimfisch: I'll push that fix in hybris later today then18:46
mfischrsalveti: thanks18:46
nik90tvoss|dinner: would you recommend moving the stopwatch code (which calculates the new time and other calculators) to a workerScript in QML? I believe workerscript are the only way of creating another thread to do something.18:47
mfischrsalveti: this is the bug #119989718:47
ubot5bug 1199897 in libhybris "powerd fails to properly exit because android_input_stack_stop() is hung" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119989718:47
nik90tvoss|dinner: This would mean that the stopwatch calculations will be in the workerscript while the ui is all done in the QML timer itself.18:47
mfischrsalveti: any objections to the upstart change in that review?18:47
rsalvetimfisch: thanks18:47
rsalvetimfisch: do we need powerd_warn at all?18:48
rsalvetiI think you should just print that message to sterr instead18:48
rsalvetiand return the error18:48
mfischrsalveti: if it happens in the main instance, I'd like it to be logged18:49
awe_rsalveti, mfisch, powerd's not using syslog, correct?18:49
sforsheeawe_: it is using syslog18:49
mfischit is using syslog18:49
awe_rsalveti, then why print to stderr?18:50
rsalvetiit should18:50
mfischthis is a special case that debuggers run into18:50
rsalvetiawe_: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/powerd/lp1195800/+merge/17400018:50
mfischwhere you start powerd manually to test something and its running in upstart18:50
mfischso just for that case I log it and print it18:50
mfischseth and I have hit it a few times18:50
sforsheefor this case stderr makes even more sense than syslog, imho18:50
awe_ah, k18:50
rsalvetican we make exit return an error code somehow18:51
rsalvetiotherwise it'll look like it's returning successfully I guess18:51
mfischthats a good idea18:51
rsalvetisforshee: +118:51
sforsheemfisch: make powerd_exit take an exit code18:51
mfischalready done18:51
rsalvetiso I'd have just one print, to stderr and return an exit code meaning error18:51
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asacawe_: whats the ETA of SIM/PIN support?19:19
asaci am right now in the US and have a prepaid sim and enjoy my phone very mich .... but once i come back my sim will again be locked19:19
asac(note: not saying fastpath this ... just wondering)19:20
asaccyphermox: maybe thats on your plate rather? ^^19:20
sergiusensasac: I think awe_ already landed it and just needs to post instructions on how to enable19:21
cyphermoxasac: awe deals with it, yeah. though there will certainly be a need to hook this up to UI19:21
awe_asac, yes should be landed as of today.  requires command-line magic till it's hooked up in the greeter ui19:27
awe_asac, I'll be sending an email to the ML later today19:27
asacnice ...19:27
asaci might ask for a private instructor lesson if the mail is too complicated :)19:27
asacbut i am not back until next week19:28
True_unRealcan anyone help me  out?19:38
cyphermoxTrue_unReal: with what19:39
cyphermoxyou should just ask your question, someone will see it and answer :)19:40
True_unReali wanted to ask how do i fix bugs where do i go?19:40
esigoloTrue_unReal: what kind ?19:41
True_unRealwell wifi and i dont get any network signal either19:41
esigoloTrue_unReal: so do you want to solve a problem not a bug right ?19:42
True_unRealoh my bad yes19:43
esigoloTrue_unReal: wich model and touch version do you have19:43
True_unRealsorry for being such a noob but im not sure what you mean by that...19:44
esigoloTrue_unReal: I mean is it a Nexus 4 ? 7 galaxy Nexus or other phone?19:45
True_unRealits another phone19:45
True_unRealto be exact a Optimus L919:45
esigoloTrue_unReal: there is a broken flag on Wifi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/P76019:46
True_unRealyes i know but that dev gave up on the project19:46
djjeffUbuntu uses Xorg what does Ubuntu-Touch use?19:48
esigolocyphermox: would be a problem if i tell  he will have to w8 to another person ! carry on the project?19:48
esigoloTrue_unReal: i'm asking because as far i know the dev team are focused on Nexus devices right now19:48
cyphermoxesigolo: I know about wifi19:49
djjeffwhy are they missing the NEXUS S19:49
esigolocyphermox: :)19:49
djjeffNEXUS S is a great phone19:49
cyphermoxTrue_unReal: have you copied any firmware files you may need to bring up wifi, for instance, do you actually get a wlan devices?19:49
cyphermoxdjjeff: someone has to work on it. Feel free to start a git tree if you have a nexus S19:50
esigolocyphermox: thanks :)19:50
cyphermox(personally I certainly don't, and I don't have spare money for yet one more device :)19:50
True_unReali havent tried copying files because im not even sure where to copy it to19:50
esigolodjjeff: yes it is19:51
cyphermoxTrue_unReal: you should take a look at the cyanogenmod tree for the Optimus L9, there should be a script that grabs the files for you from the phone before you flash Ubuntu on it19:51
esigoloi'm trying to buy a oppo find 5 to use as my main phone ! until i'm using my n 4 to work on ubuntu touch19:53
True_unRealThis one ? "./extract-files.sh"19:53
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diogobaederHi guys! Is anyone aware of some web page that might contain a list of apps that are already available for Ubuntu Phone?20:07
NoizeHow do i partition my device so i can dual boot current rom and ubuntu Touch?20:09
pmcgowandiogobaeder, I dont think there is one list, but good question20:09
zoktarmultirom just got support for ubuntu touch20:10
Noizeany others that have had support for a longer term?20:10
zoktariv been using it since ubuntu desktop for n7, works great20:11
diogobaederpmcgowan, is there, at least, something like a preliminar list? Like, a number of apps that were already ported?20:11
pmcgowanmhall119, or popey do we have a consolidated apps list?20:11
Noizeok thank you zoktar :)20:11
Noizezoktar, is there multirom for N4?20:12
zoktarNoize, think so search on xda20:12
tassadar_no, there isn't20:13
mhall119pmcgowan: of non-core-apps?20:13
pmcgowanmhall119, one list of all the apps, ours, core, installable, ....20:13
tassadar_but I would think there is some dual-boot solution for n4 on XDA20:13
mhall119pmcgowan: not a definitve list, no20:14
pmcgowanmhall119, we should make one20:14
mhall119pmcgowan: we have https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection but it hasn't been kept up to date20:14
pmcgowanright and its all the optional sort of apps20:14
mhall119it's impossibble to have a complete list of all 3rd party development20:14
pmcgowanmhall119, take that page and add the installed ones and core ones20:14
NoodleAnyone running ubuntu-touch on the N7 (WiFi) successfully? Saw the note about the Grouper release of Saucy not working properly and was wondering if this was still the case.20:15
mhall119pmcgowan: what would be the purpose of this list?20:15
pmcgowanmhall119, see in one place all the available applications20:17
mhall119Noodle: it mostly works20:17
mhall119Noodle: you don't get audio or camera, but everything else works20:17
pmcgowandiogobaeder was just asking for such a thing20:17
pmcgowanthere is also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps20:17
tassadar_Noodle: I'm running yesterday's build, it's okay20:17
mhall119pmcgowan: "available" meaning installable?20:17
pmcgowanmhall119, it seems weird to have a page for core apps but not the ones canonical authored20:17
NoodleJust grabbed today's build and I'm having very strange UI issues and couldn't seem to get the wifi turned on..20:17
mhall119pmcgowan: well the ones canonical made are listed on the Launchpad project group: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview20:17
pmcgowanmhall119, rather than have a core apps wiki page, lets have an apps page with everything20:17
pmcgowanthats too hard to figure out20:18
mhall119pmcgowan: ok, we'll need to still have a core apps wiki page, we use that for our regular project management, but we could put together a page that listed everything20:18
diogobaederpmcgowan, mhall119 , thanks!20:19
zoktarNoodle, installed today on n7, you can setup the wifi if you get the keyboard up, then just reboot and should work.20:19
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zoktarNoodle, you get a Empty! after you enter password, just reboot.20:21
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Noodlezoktar: Funny thing is that it's picking up the networks around me but when I select one, it just puts an orange check mark next to it and then doesn't seem to do anything else.20:22
zoktarNoodle, try pushing on the name or on the wifi icon, donno if thatl help, what i do.20:26
Noodlezoktar: If I go to "System Settings > Wi-Fi" all I see is a white screen. I feel like I have the wrong ROM or something...20:30
mfischawe_: tony, sforshee mentioned some emergency call work. What special stuff does powerd need to do when someone dials 911?20:30
NoodleMy "Last Updated" also says 2013-04-09 That can't be right.20:31
zoktarNoodle, dont do it from system settings, do it from the topside icon thingy20:32
awe_mfisch, prevent the call from being cutoff20:34
mhall119Noodle: in the System Settings app?20:34
mhall119Noodle: the system settings is in the early stages of development, a lot of things in there aren't implemented yet or are using hard-coded placeholder data20:34
mfischawe_: sounds like what we do for a regular call20:35
NoodleYea. I think I found my error though. Following the guide on Ubuntu wiki site lead me to install "saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf" rather than the one meant specifically for Grouper20:35
awe_mfisch, I haven't spent much time on emergency calls yet, was just giving sforshee a heads-up20:35
awe_mfisch, this might even trump low-battery shutdown20:35
mfischawe_: ah, so there's a special case then20:35
mfischonce we enable low battery shutdown ;)20:35
awe_mfisch, and there are other instances where the flag might be raised due to a network initiated request20:35
awe_so in general, it's something power should  monitor20:36
awe_mfisch, that said, I'm pretty sure there's more work to do on my end... so still to come20:36
rsalvetisergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/phablet-tools/remove_hybris_checkout/+merge/17405220:39
esigolo_ow lord !20:52
esigolo_nickserv not working and i'm not able to ghost my nick20:53
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esigolorsalveti: Do you know when we will have a ubuntu hour São Paulo?21:02
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rsalvetialoisiojr: alright, pushed21:09
aloisiojrrsalveti: tks :)21:09
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mhall119bzoltan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/318666/qt-creator-html5-project-lsqlite321:13
mhall119looks like there might be a missing dependency for the html5 template21:14
pmcgowanalex-abreu, ^^21:15
pmcgowanmust be the sample app needs it, may want to do it differently21:15
cyphermoxrsalveti: uploaded NM with the fixes21:15
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rsalveticyphermox: awesome, will test21:38
alex-abreupmcgowan, mmmh werird though ..21:41
pmcgowanalex-abreu, I just tried and it works fine for me21:43
pmcgowanmhall119, I installed the music app, seems its not compatible somehow21:47
pmcgowanshell locked up21:48
pmcgowanalex-abreu, I have that package, though21:49
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popeypmcgowan: our music app on the latest build on nexus 4?21:51
pmcgowanalex-abreu, removed it and it still works so who knows21:51
pmcgowanpopey, yes21:52
* popey gets his n421:52
popeyyou sure you're not using the cardboard cutout?21:53
popeyi just "adb shell" and then "apt-get install music-app" and it pulls in ours (I have the PPAs enabled)21:54
pmcgowanpopey, yep deleted that before loading21:54
pmcgowanlog says it starts music app21:54
* popey takes a look21:54
pmcgowanpopey, working for you?21:54
popeynot yet, wasnt installed21:54
popeyi had the cardboard one21:54
popeysorry, its slow, i think it's defaulting to 3g21:56
mhall119pmcgowan: do you have a lot of music in /home/phablet/Music ?21:56
pmcgowanpopey, I just tried again and it worked21:56
pmcgowanpopey, something more to it then21:56
popeybah, networking a bit borked for me21:57
pmcgowannow I need to load some music21:57
pmcgowanpopey, so nm, its related to something else I did first21:57
popey  Something wicked happened resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net:http' (-11 - System error)21:57
mhall119pmcgowan: it may have been it's sub-optimal media scanner just consuming a lot of CPU21:57
popeythat error needs to die in a fire21:57
popeyhmm, i appear to have a zillion gsm connections21:58
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pmcgowanmhall119, hmm added music files but dont see em22:01
popeyknown bug possibly22:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1193633 in Ubuntu Music App "Doesn't recurse directories" [Critical,Fix committed]22:02
pmcgowanall at top level22:02
popeyit doesnt find files at top level for me either22:03
RobbyFjust got a samsung sIII SGH-I747, I hope i can run daily's on it22:03
* popey tries trunk music app22:03
popeytrunk works22:06
pmcgowanpopey, whats trunk22:07
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popeylooks like that22:07
popeyso I did a bzr branch of the bzr trunk and build a deb22:07
popeywhich will land in the ppa once jenkins does its stuff22:07
popeywget that on the device then dpkg -i music-app_0.3_all.deb22:09
popeyif you want to try it right now22:09
popeyplays audio too ☻22:09
Wellhi peoples ?22:10
popeyhello Well22:10
AskUbuntudifferences between ubuntu touch and ubuntu-touch-preview | http://askubuntu.com/q/31868422:10
popeyand still plays after the screen blanks22:10
WellI need a hint, I want to install ubuntu on my phone xperia j22:11
popeyis it listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ?22:11
pmcgowanvery nice22:11
popeyworking for you pmcgowan ?22:11
pmcgowanpopey, it does22:11
pmcgowannow I eod for a while22:12
popeysome UI issues22:12
popeywill file bugs ☻22:12
pmcgowanmay not be worth bugs yet22:12
pmcgowanui seems not done22:12
Wellcan someone give me a hint, I will get will be? ?22:12
popeyWell: if someone ports Ubuntu Touch to your device....22:13
WellI'm from Brazil. I've been reading the wiki but it does not have a legal support in Portuguese. so I came here.22:14
alex-abreupmcgowan, I'll play w/ it a bit ...22:14
pmcgowanalex-abreu, ok but seems fine to me, who knows what he did22:14
alex-abreuI don't really any specific connection22:14
alex-abreuat first I though it was somehow pulled out by something like localstorage but no it doesn't make sense22:15
alex-abreupulled in22:15
pmcgowanhe must have run a different project, thats easy in qtc22:15
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ax562Sup mbm?22:44
ax562How is the ubuntu touch forefront?22:45
ax562Is this past preview ed yet?22:46
murrayukhey guys, I'm just putting Ubuntu touch on my N4 now and in bootloader downloading the boot.img, etc I got an error while executing adb push. I can only get into the bootloader now and nowhere else and my device isn't showing in adb. Not really sure where to go from here... any ideas?23:28
sergiusensmurrayuk: there is no adb in the bootloader, that could explain your issue23:29
murrayukah okay. How do I get ubuntu fully installed from here then? Since I can't go anywhere else?23:29
sergiusensmurrayuk: your description of what you've done seems pretty vague, so can you start by clearly stating what you did, I'm assuming you did this manually.23:30
popeymurrayuk: you using our instructions? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install ?23:32
murrayukI did it through the guide on the ubuntu webside. Did everything through terminal that it said, all went well. it rebooted into bootloader and started installed everything then I got an error while executing adb push of the autodeploy.zip.23:32
popeywhat error?23:32
murrayukI'll put it into a pastebin. one second.23:32
popeydoes "adb devices" show the device?23:33
sergiusensmurrayuk: so you are indeed in recovery and not in the bootloader23:33
murrayukIt didn't go into the recovery23:33
murrayukmy phone powered off afterwards23:34
murrayukIt shows in adb devices if its powered off23:34
murrayukI'm guessing something went wrong and I should reflash android back onto it and try again?23:37
sergiusensmurrayuk: powered off? just reboot into recovery and run phablet-flash -d mako23:38
murrayukI tried going into recovery last time and it just rebooted but its worked this time funnily enough. Just ran the command and it seems to be doing something... Thanks :)23:40
fanglihello guys! Do you think it's worth to move from Android to Ubuntu on my LG Nexus 4?23:41
murrayukis there a way to go back? can't seem to figure it out :p23:53
popeymurrayuk: figure what out?23:57
murrayukhow to back inside the os23:58
popeymurrayuk: we have this process quite well documented on the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install23:58
popeywhat have you done?23:58
murrayukgot stuck on a network error screen. You know how android has a back button in the bottom left? How do I do that on ubuntu touch.23:59

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