
henningeWelches ist der aktuellste API-Branch?09:28
henningeIch will auf staging einen Stand bringen, der juju und API hat.09:29
henningeups sorry, wrong window ;-)09:29
dpmhallo henninge! :-)09:59
henningeHallo dpm! ;-)11:08
dpmhenninge, long time no see, how's life?11:10
henningedpm: very good, thanks. This is my first day of Urlaub, actually. :-D11:11
dpmhenninge, nice, glad to hear all is well. I should of course remind you IRC is prohibited during holidays ;)11:12
henningeI know, Iknow. Still some loose ends to tie up but we leave tonight for Italy11:13
henningedpm: How are you doing?11:13
dpmcool :)11:13
dpmhenninge, doing well, no longer working full time on translations, I now work as App Development Liaison growing our app developer community :)11:14
dpmit's fun stuff11:14
henningesounds cool11:18
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