
shaunoheh, he'll have fun with that .. geoip puts me as Shannon, but he knows I'm not there00:15
venkatcould you  help me please   i have  a problam  in ubuntu04:49
venkatmy boot  partation  full  that'y  i removed  old kernel  i got problems04:52
MartijnVdSvenkat: I think you might get a faster, better answer if you post your question t http://askubuntu.com/04:53
venkatnow i post  exat  problam04:54
venkatcan not open root device "mapper/ubuntu-root" or unlnow block(0,0):error -604:55
venkatplease append a corrent "root" boot partation04:56
venkatkernel panix-not syncing ufs: unable to mount root fs on unknow04:57
venkatthis is exat problams04:57
venkatMartijnVdS:    i can not enter  single user mod also   same problem04:59
venkatplease  tel  me   what can  i do ?05:00
venkatMartijnVdS: please    tel  me05:02
venkatcould you  help  me06:00
venkatmy  boot partation  use 100% that's y   i removed  old   kernel   after    restarting  system     got  errors06:03
venkatwhen i  select  ubunt  enter   errors06:03
venkaterror messages ;  can not open  root device  "mapper/ubuntu-root" or  unknow-block(0,0):error -606:05
venkat2)   please append  a corrent "root=" boot option; here are the avvaliable  partation06:06
venkat3)  kernel panic-not syncing : VFS: unable to mount    root fs on unknow (0,0)06:07
venkat4)  pid:1, comm :  swapper/0 not  tainted  ---------->like  problems06:08
venkatplease  could you  lehp  me06:08
venkatplease  help me  anyone06:16
MooDooif there is no one to help you here, have you tried #ubuntu ?06:19
venkati am fresher   in dot't no depth knowledge  ubuntu boot process    i tried to  login   single user mod also  same problem  i check google also     i  can't solve  my  problem  after  i am  lookin ubuntu  forum06:32
venkatmoodoo  please  can you  slove  my problem06:34
MooDooI don't know the answer without googling it06:36
venkati send  errors after  select  ununtu  enter06:39
knightwisehey MooDoo06:56
ali1234blender's implementation is really weird and has functions that do nothing at all07:40
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redtape|renegadeAnyone see the google glass post I posted last night .. (?) ::::: http://bit.ly/12kazQI :::08:26
MooDooredtape|renegade: aren't you using them yourself?08:28
BigRedS"The Bitcoin luxury marketplace" has a Lada on it?08:29
redtape|renegadeMooDoo :  just get the emails from that website , and wince over how Americanised the word *decadence* has become. So not yet, No .. but they do run Ubuntu, I'm told.08:30
MooDooah ok08:30
mungbeansaw a 7 year old boy on the train clutching a ribena and a £50 note today :-|08:31
Laneywhich one did you nick?08:33
redtape|renegaderibena or £50 note ? It's like that McCains advert of which one is more important to him ... 'dad or chips ?'08:33
mungbeani wouldn't trust 50p to a child08:33
mungbeanhe'd spend it on a kinder egg08:34
mungbeanactually i found a pound once as a boy and bought 4 kinders and 4 cola bottles with it08:34
redtape|renegademungbean: I think I bought a potatoe scallop with my new-found £1 coin .. prob.ly get a Fredo bar now ..08:35
redtape|renegadeThey say that Fredo bars are directly proportional to the rate of inflation .. i.e '02@ 5p  then '13 @ 20p.08:37
redtape|renegadeI think the bonk of England set their base rate by Fredo bars ;)08:38
christelmy son is currently at that stage where if given a pound or two to buy something for himself he will try to convince me that i should pay so that he can keep his pounds to put them in his piggy bank instead08:39
MartijnVdShaha :)08:39
MartijnVdSchristel: banker in the making?08:39
christel(mind, he is also a bit greedy -- he hoovered the dining room and i jokingly suggested that i had better start paying him pocket money soon... he turned around and told me it would be 13 pounds)08:39
christeli think he picked the amount out of thin air... he's only 3 and a half!08:40
christeli felt it was a bit steep!08:40
popeySam is saving his money to buy expensive toys08:40
christelMartijnVdS: i fear he might be!08:40
MartijnVdSchristel: sounds more and more like a banker.. :)08:40
christelpopey: :D08:40
popeyhe finds 10p here or there and squirrels it away08:40
redtape|renegadeAah the Age to pound ratio .. get them every time !08:40
mungbeani remember as a 8 year old, closing my midland account to join the halifax and i had £84. the lady said, you gonna spend it on something nice? i said, no i'm putting it in the HFX08:40
mungbeanhow on earth i earned that muhc money as a child i'll never know08:40
mungbean25p/week pocket money ..08:41
MooDoochristel: I got that from my 4 year old, who I suggested wash the car, he said I'll do it for a tenner :S08:42
mungbeanlooks interstig for summer hols activities for kids for those in kent http://www.thewarandpeacerevival.co.uk/08:43
redtape|renegadeI think squirrelling is the main aim/moral here though :: http://imgur.com/bqxA7Wi08:43
popeyI sometimes have to borrow money from the kids for parking!08:47
popeythey ensure I pay them back08:47
mungbeanmaybe tumbleweed can be modified liek this :D08:48
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Don't Step On A Bee Day! :-D08:49
DJonesredtape|renegade: I thought squirrelling was something else then, I take my dog squirrelling every day, he's still trying to work out how to climb tree's to catch one though08:50
mungbeanmy dog caught one once08:51
mungbeanshe's a jack russell, so it didn't last long08:51
mungbeanshake shake shake drop08:51
mungbeanhow can i tell the microcode revision on my system?08:52
popey /proc/cpuinfo ?08:53
popeygrep microcode /proc/cpuinfo08:53
mungbeantried that, and dmidecode and dmesg, /var/log/*08:53
popeymicrocode: 0x2808:54
popeyi see that x408:54
MartijnVdSit's in dmesg as well08:54
mungbeannothing in mine08:54
popeyamd cpu?08:54
* popey shrugs08:54
popey<- Intel08:54
redtape|renegadeDJones: poor thing .. but yur right .. should have put the dash in .. squirel-ing  .. there are other 'shots' you can take of less harm .. http://www.fancy.com/things/264739773443219027/Big-Head-Squirrel-Feeder08:54
mungbeanhopefully problem fixed now after the bios update. just wish their changelogs actually said technical stuff instead of misleading  interpretations08:55
popey"* Bug fixes and performance improvements"08:55
mungbean* Fixed something causing instability with vmware *08:55
mungbeanactually was a microcode update that affects other OS too08:55
* BigRedS hides his commit messages08:55
mungbeanwas getting system hangs08:56
redtape|renegadeOT | an someone check if channel '0177' is still the *chillout channel* on sky, or has it expired ? redtape only knows them now thru http://www.last.fm/user/ChillDAB09:02
redtape|renegade**Can someone ...09:02
popeyredtape|renegade: http://tv.sky.com/tv-guide09:03
redtape|renegadeoh right , yes .. thank-you ..09:04
redtape|renegadeYeah, can'tb find 'Radio #channels' on that http://bit.ly/15vICGz .. put it on the back burner for 11-sies..09:11
redtape|renegade**can't find 'R..09:11
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:23
BigRedSGoooooooood Morning!09:25
* redtape|renegade thawte popeycam would be 'blazing' today .. Apparently not .. according to the MetOffig :: http://yhoo.it/12gYHvA ::: Morning bigcalm09:25
BigRedSSEO people are peculiar09:29
popeyYes. They are.09:29
popeyThey are almost all spammers too.09:29
popeythey deserve to be rounded up and put in a field IMO09:29
redtape|renegadeRonnie Bincer especially.09:29
MartijnVdSisn't SEO a synonym for spam?09:30
BigRedSour customer's SEO people have asked that we remove the 301 redirect from .co.uk to .com and replace it with an "Our site has moved" page on the .co.uk...09:30
BigRedSit is the site of an ambulance chasing company, so I feel no sympathy for the customer, though :)09:31
bigcalmName 'n shame ;)09:31
bigcalmOh, that reminds me. I need to sign and post this NDA agreement09:32
neuroBigRedS: wait, what?09:39
neuroyour seo people wanted you to put a redirect notice page up instead of just redirecting?09:40
neuro*brain asplode*09:40
* redtape|renegade wonders if it's time to think about modding a HTPC for Ubuntu-TV ? :: http://bit.ly/12Y7iGL :: .. I think I'll leave it till 14.10, next year.09:40
neurowith that spec? good luck.09:41
* redtape|renegade did say 'modd'.09:41
neurothat's not "modding", that's "upgrading"09:41
BigRedSneuro: I don't have SEO people! :) but, yeah, that's what they wanted09:42
popeyheh yeah, bit old and crusty is that09:42
neurooh, misread, customer's seo people09:42
neuroseo and domainers ... the dark musty underbelly of the interwebs09:43
BigRedSYeah. Every time I get an email from a customer introducing their SEO people I picture some dank victorian London street of an evening with two hooded shifty looking types walking towards me09:46
BigRedSI should probably drink less coffee.09:46
neuro"nice website ... would be a pity if something ... happened to it ... 's google pagerank"09:46
MartijnVdSneuro: hahaha :)09:46
neuroBigRedS: badumtsh09:55
Laneyso, something in London went down, eh? :-)10:07
redtape|renegadeLnay How So ?  (I thnk this is the main one atmo. :: http://ind.pn/1aax3ph ::)10:12
mungbeanwhy does my pc have so many ipv6 addresses?10:17
mungbeannamely, 810:17
davmor2Morning all10:22
JamesTaitdavmor2, you're late!10:22
JamesTaitdavmor2, I already have my elevenses, that's how I know!10:22
JamesTaitdavmor2, but good morning all the same. ;)10:23
davmor2JamesTait: Late is a relative term I finished 40 minute over yesterday and an hour over on Monday so technically I'm still way ahead of myself :P10:23
JamesTaitdavmor2, ah, you're like me. I'll let you off. ;)10:24
davmor2JamesTait: My Mom is here this morning to pay us a visit and I just lost track of time it was like 10 when I last looked at the clock :)10:25
JamesTaitdavmor2, no explanations required, I managed to get my elevenses without my usually-reliable alarm clock. ;) Say hi to your mom for me!10:26
mungbeanall spelling must be approved by the #ubuntu-uk overlords :D10:27
davmor2mungbean: that will be Mom for Mother rather than the wussy southern version of Mum for Mummy :P10:27
JamesTaitmungbean, "it's complicated". ;)10:28
JohnRobertipv6 is cheap10:28
Laneymom for mother?!10:28
* Laney grows perplexed10:28
mungbeanbut why do i get 8 addresses?10:28
mungbeanmy bot just exited and reappeared with another address...weird10:28
redtape|renegadeOT : redtape wonders if there's a manual *basque* after noting the 'bulls are running today' (click right for pictures) :: http://yhoo.it/152l6P2 ::  it appears not.10:30
redtape|renegade**manual in *basque ..10:30
JamesTaitmungbean, off the top of my head, you'll have at least a loopback (::1) and a link-local (fe80::...), then possibly an auto-configured global, and a dynamic global with privacy extensions.10:31
mungbeanyes i have 8 global10:31
mungbeanattached to eth010:31
mungbeanand 1 link .10:31
JamesTaitAll native?10:32
JamesTaitOr are there tunnels, teredo (sp?) and stuff?10:32
mungbeandon't think there's any funky tunnels10:32
JamesTaitmungbean, they'd probably be attached to a tun interface rather than eth0, actually.10:36
mungbeani only have eth0 and lo010:36
mungbeani might be confused though, i dont know much about ip610:37
mungbean Xeon Processor E5-2660 8C 2.2GHz 20MB Cache 1600MHz 9510:37
mungbean"The Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor runs Linux. It10:39
mungbeanreally is an x86 SMP-on-a-chip running Linux. "10:39
mungbeanyou can get a shell session on the card.10:40
JamesTaitmungbean, ip -6 addr show eth0 will give you a bit more information about those addresses.10:42
mungbeanmost are  scope global temporary deprecated dynamic10:43
mungbeanone is scope global dynamic10:43
JamesTaitI think that means they were allocated by IPv6 privacy extensions and have been superseded, but I'm not sure.10:44
JamesTaitThe auto-configured IPv6 address normally contains your adapters MAC address in a trivially-encoded form, so the privacy extensions obfuscate that in some way.10:45
JamesTaitAt least that's how I understand it.  I'm not intimately familiar with the whole thing, tbh.10:45
* JamesTait glosses over the missing apostrophe.10:45
JamesTaitmungbean, so the global dynamic one (not temporary) should look startlingly similar to the MAC address of eth0. It'll have ff:fe in the middle.10:48
JamesTaitAnd the first byte will be different (bit 2 is flipped, I think).10:48
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mungbeanhey,cloud cover, what's that?11:03
mungbeanjust in time for lunch :(11:03
SuperMattcloud cover? is that were you drape a tarp over your cloud servers to stop them getting wet when facilities forgets to fix the loos in the floor above?11:05
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MartijnVdSSuperMatt: it's the money you pay to get into the cloud in the first place11:12
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: like a cover charge11:13
andylockranhey dudes; anyone keen on varnish?  Can't work out how to avoid it caching either large files, or files by type?11:20
andylockranand I keep taking down the server when I try :(11:22
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MonotokoI am absolutely fed up of dealing with link spam today11:33
popeyand the day is young11:33
Monotokoindeed - how're you popey ?11:34
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BigRedSandylockran: we've a varnish fan here, I'll ping him11:39
kirrusandylockran: hey, BigRedS told me you've a varnish question11:41
kirrusandylockran: it's easier to filter based on request, rather than file type/size, so for example, don't cache requests for ^/*.avi11:41
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andylockrankirrus: thanks for getting back to me11:53
andylockrankirrus: does this make sense for you : http://pastebin.com/ym6wHP3A11:54
neurotemp outside is < 20º, yay12:03
neuroooh, new email12:04
neurofrom virgin atlantic12:05
neuro"We are always looking for ways we can improve to make your experience on future flights better and would be very grateful if you can spare around 5-8 minutes of your time to share your views."12:05
neuro*rubs hands together*12:05
kirrusandylockran: that looks fine after a quick look, though varnish can choke on large files.. it might be worth piping the connection instead of passing12:06
kirrusandylockran: if I remember rightly, there's a bug in varnish that makes it crash the worker handling large files. Newer versions should be patched12:08
neurohmm, didn't get much of a chance to put the boot in on virgin's flight survey other than to rate punctuality of the outbound flight as "poor" (it was over 3 hours before we got on a plane after the departure time)12:11
BigRedSI do like those surveys where the closest you can get to complaining is marking them as 0 for 'would you reccomend us to your friends'12:12
neuroi rated them a five12:13
BigRedSI had a council send me a survey about paying council tax. It asked me to rate my chances of doing it again...12:13
neurothe inbound flight was excellent12:13
neurowell, there's a difference between *wanting* to pay your council tax and actually *having* to pay it ... :)12:14
BigRedShaha, yeah12:14
neuroi phoned up some credit types today who i have some old debt with that i'm paying off12:15
neurowanted to get the current balance12:15
neuroand they said "oh and there's the other account with (blah blah) pounds on it"12:15
neuroi was like "whaaaaaat? when did i last pay anything against it?"12:15
neuro"oh, something something 2010"12:15
neuro"um, so I should start paying something to that then, eh?" "yes, that would be great!" :)12:16
neuroglad i called now12:16
neuro"Sync failed. Please commit all your changes before syncing."12:20
neuroGIIIIIIIIIT *shakes fist*12:20
neurowhat happens when you work on stuff on one machine, then copy the changes to another machine, commit from there, then go back to the first machine ...12:21
neuroMartijnVdS: do you have a macro set up for that or something, you always seem to be able to type weird symbols pretty quickly :)12:28
MartijnVdSneuro: I have, yes :)12:29
neuroha, knew it12:29
MartijnVdSI also have:12:29
MartijnVdS( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)12:29
MartijnVdS(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻12:29
neurowhat's the first one?12:29
mungbeananyone here do backups of a gpfs filesystem?12:30
MartijnVdSmungbean: gpfs?12:30
mungbeanyes, GPFS12:30
MartijnVdSmungbean: an AIX box should be able to do it )12:30
popeyadding one drop of Daves Insanity Sauce to my lunchtime soup, probably not the best idea12:38
MartijnVdSpopey: concentrated capsaicin oil?12:42
mungbeanthat would hospitalise me12:42
mungbeani have intolerance to capsaicin12:42
mungbeanmy kryptonite12:43
popeyjust a bit12:48
popeyapparently i should have dipped a toothpick in the bottle then dipped it in my soup12:49
popeyand that would be sufficient12:49
MartijnVdSand they sell this stuff to mortals?12:49
popeyit was a present12:49
popeyit was on my amazon wishlist12:50
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mungbeanwho does quidco?13:41
MartijnV1Smungbean: as in, who owns it, or who uses it?13:42
mungbeanwoops (2) who uses it13:42
mungbeanClaim your13:42
mungbean£5 bonus13:43
mungbeanWe've extended your bonus for another week and doubled it! The rules are the same - simply purchase at any retailer before midnight Sunday, 14 July.13:43
Monotokothe hell is quidco?13:43
mungbeanhowever no T&C are provided so unsure what the conditions are13:43
mungbeanquidco is an afficilate company. you buy after clicking their links and you get a bit of the afficiliate moneys13:43
Monotokoahhh... like the thing my ol' boss used to sell dumb people for $2000...13:44
* bigcalm shakes fist at VirginMedia's cable modem and then at their DNS servers13:46
* bigcalm hugs opendns13:46
mungbeanhear the yum lead dev got killed? :(13:48
MartijnV1Syeah, hit & run by a car while bicycling or something?13:48
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neuroweirdest linkedin connection request in a while14:07
MartijnVdSneuro: oh?14:07
neurosome random guy from canada wearing a cowboy hat and tan leather jacket, employment says a B&B from 2011-2013 and he's written a book14:07
neuro*i don't know this person*14:07
BigRedSbut surely you want to know this person!14:08
MartijnVdSand/or buy his book14:08
neuromy opinion would appear to veer towards the contrary14:08
mungbeanlinkback mountain14:09
neuroit's actually quite easy to quit linkedin :)14:10
BigRedSI use linkedin only when it emails me14:12
neuroi really only use it if/when i'm job hunting14:13
* bigcalm tickles freenode14:19
davmor2freenode screams in shock and instantly finds a solicitor to sue bigcalm for harassment14:23
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bigcalmI've had enough of today. I want steak now14:42
SuperMattbigcalm: that sounds like a wonderful idea14:45
SuperMattI wish to subscribe to your magazine14:46
bigcalmSuperMatt: well, if you had a LUG meeting tonight, you too could have steak14:46
SuperMattwhy don't I have a LUG tonight?14:46
bigcalmSuperMatt: join the Wolves LUG, have steak!14:46
SuperMattbut I don't live near wolves!14:47
bigcalmI would say 'sucks to be you'. But not living near Wolverhampton is a good thing ;)14:47
* davmor2 steaks bigcalm , I didn't realise he was a vampire but you have to admire his honesty :)14:48
SuperMattis anyone here a member of a london LUG?14:49
mungbeanwow, who are these people buying ": EXT4 defrag tool HDD Ranger, priced at $7.99" from software centre14:50
SuperMattwhy not?14:51
SuperMattdefragging still works to some extent ;)14:51
SuperMattbut yeah, it's one of those things that everyone thinks is the magical cure14:51
SuperMattI imagine it's because it took so freaking long, back in the day14:52
SuperMattanything that takes so long must be good14:52
SuperMattyeah, I know14:52
mungbeanfor some snake oil?14:52
SuperMattit's silly14:52
directhe`defragging helps, on moderately full filesystems14:53
directhe`it doesn't do anything on mostly empty ones14:53
SuperMattwhich is most disks these days14:53
directhe`the command "filefrags" will tell you how fragmented a given file is14:54
directhe`directhex@barnabas:~/Downloads$ filefrag en-gb_windows_8_x64_dvd_915412.iso14:54
directhe`en-gb_windows_8_x64_dvd_915412.iso: 95 extents found14:54
SuperMattcan it tell you how fragmented a filesystem is?14:54
directhe`no, because that doesn't mean anything in linux filesystems14:55
directhe`windows packs filesystems from the start, so any time a file grows, it becomes fragmented. linux packs filesystems randomly so often, growing files does not incur a fragmentation penalty as there is free space to grow, on a per-file basis14:56
bigcalmdavmor2: you so scary15:03
davmor2bigcalm: I know15:03
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* bigcalm kicks nickserv15:06
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bigcalmDoes w3m have an in page search feature?15:06
mungbeanxen server now has ARM support...15:06
davmor2mungbean: ex-windows users at a guess who believe it is necessary :)15:06
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davmor2bigcalm: I think so try either /word or ctrl+g I can't remember if it's options were based on nano or vim15:18
davmor2bigcalm: did you find out which it is?15:19
bigcalmI ended up using wget and then less on the file :)15:20
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bigcalmSomebody is having a bad day on freenode15:33
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bigcalm2.5 hours to steak15:59
brobostigon:) nomnom16:02
neurodammit, now i want steak16:02
bigcalmTonight my steak will be at a Weatherspoon's. So you don't need to be too jealous16:11
neurosorry :)16:16
MartijnVdSwetter spoons?16:16
neurovetter schpoons16:17
mgdmneuro: I showed that RBS logo thing to someone from work who was working on the site for it. Turned out he designed the logo. 'Ooops'.16:18
neurohahaha nice16:18
neurowhat was the reaction?16:19
mgdmneuro: not suitable for a family channel16:19
neuroDue to the unique way Freenode is funded, other channels are available :)16:19
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* bigcalm hugs christel 16:31
* christel hugs bigcalm 16:31
neuroevery time i get a global notice, i think the op that's sending it is /msg'ing me16:31
MartijnVdSchristel: ah, is that why I got disconnected from a v6 host earlier?16:31
MartijnVdSPoor network..16:32
bigcalmneuro: you can troll people by sending them a notice and begin it with [Global Notice]16:32
neuroMartijnVdS: you're lucky, i can't do v6 irc16:32
MartijnVdSbut.. private messages get their own window for me16:32
MartijnVdSwhile the op messages go in 116:32
MartijnVdSwith the status messages16:32
christelneuro: I SEND THEM TO YOU ONLY16:32
neurohe.net block irc egress :(16:32
neurochristel: awwww :)16:32
MartijnVdSneuro: \o/ bigv.io16:32
MartijnVdSbigcalm: that ended up in the channel16:32
neuroMartijnVdS: bloody expensive16:32
neuroand also doesn't solve my ipv6 at home problem :)16:33
bigcalmI wondered if you could do it to a channel or just a nick. Back to work I go16:33
MartijnVdSneuro: come to .nl, we get 100mbit fibre AND ipv6 :)16:33
neuroMartijnVdS: don't make me come over there16:33
neurooh wait16:33
neurosee the thing is, i have 80mbit fibre and ipv616:34
neuroactually 2x80Mbit fibre and ipv616:34
MartijnVdSbut not at home/16:34
neurojust that opening irc outbound is a pain in the bum16:34
neuroyes, at home16:34
MartijnVdSbut not native ipv6 then16:34
neurono, he.net tunnel16:34
neurowhich is good enough, i guess16:34
* MartijnVdS just dhcpv6's on the pppoe link16:34
neuromost of my traffic goes via london anyway16:35
neuroworst case i get an extra ms or two on the latency16:35
neurothroughput seems reasonable too16:35
neurobt and sky both have a habit of adopting reasonable features and policies eventually, so i've no doubt at some point i'll have native ipv616:36
neurono idea how that'll work multihomed, but there you go16:36
* neuro shakes fist at bytemark16:36
neuro"yay, look at us, 1GiB servers from £10 a month! Big sticker graphic! £10 a month! Look! £10!"16:37
neuro"<font size=-100>Excludes VAT</font>"16:37
bigcalmErm £216:38
bigcalmIf it were a business expense, you could claim that 2 quid back16:38
neuroi was about to say16:39
bigcalmI feed them £18 for my yummy vps16:39
neurothat would be interesting16:39
neurosince i'm not vat registered16:39
bigcalmYou tax dodger you!16:39
directhe`you don't need to register for VAT if your revenue is below... £53k a year, iirc?16:39
bigcalmThe Moon Under Water better have working air con tonight16:39
neurohow is not registering to avoid paying VAT tax dodging, you pillock? :)16:40
neurodirecthe`: i thought it was 65k16:40
neurobeen a while since i looked16:40
neuroi've never pulled that much revenue in per annum anyway, so16:40
neurojust logged into my bytemark account16:43
neurothe registered credit card's expiry date is in 201016:43
neuroso it's been a while :)16:43
bigcalmWhen was the last time you paid them?16:44
neuroprobably the last time i had a VM with them16:44
neurowhich was some time ago16:44
neurojust searched my mail for 'bytemark'16:45
neuroi sold my old sony blu ray player to matthew :)16:46
neuroback in 201016:46
bigcalmCan one list the commit messages from HEAD back to a given tag in git?16:48
bigcalmI really should ask open questions :)16:48
MartijnVdSgit log [revision range]16:48
MartijnVdSbut how to specify a revision range..16:48
bigcalmMartijnVdS: ta16:48
directhe`git log foo..HEAD16:48
MartijnVdS           see the "Specifying Ranges" section of gitrevisions(7).16:49
directhe`e.g. git log 4a46aae5878ca39f531a686e13ee630548d6b4a3..HEAD16:49
Daraelbigcalm: As a shortcut, omit the HEAD from what directhe` said.  If either since or until in the since..until form is omitted it'll default to HEAD.16:49
DaraelSo git log foo.. is the same as git log foo..HEAD.16:50
bigcalmGood to know. Thank you peeps :)16:50
bigcalmgit log v1.0.0..16:50
MartijnVdSisn't that pre-electricity?16:50
directhe`you want a tag, then, not a revision?16:51
DaraelMartijnVdS: Very much depends on the poject, no?16:51
Daraeldirecthe`: That is, looking at the log, what the question was, yes.16:51
MartijnVdSDarael: well git is at 1.6(?) now16:51
DaraelMartijnVdS: Yeah, but there's no reason to assume bigcalm is wanting git logs for git itself.16:52
directhe`funny thing is, it works anyway16:52
MartijnVdSsure, but if "git log" outputs a version that's not its own.. what then?16:52
directhe`       <refname>, e.g. master, heads/master, refs/heads/master16:52
directhe`            3. otherwise, refs/tags/<refname> if it exists;16:52
directhe`so if there's a v1.0.0 tag, it'll Just Work16:52
bigcalmBest not have a branch called that then16:53
bigcalmYes, v1.0.0 is a tag name. Soon to create the v1.0.1 tag16:53
DaraelMartijnVdS: It outputs the log for the current repository, surely.  Why should we assume bigcalm is in git's own source repo, rather than a git repo for something else?16:53
bigcalmI assure you that I am not in the git git repo16:54
Darael...would git 1.0 even *be* in the git git repo?  At what point did they start keeping git in git?16:55
MartijnVdSdirecthe`: heh, we actually still use that at work16:55
bigcalm1.5 hours to steak!17:00
bigcalmAnd I should stop working at this point17:00
MartijnVdSbigcalm: T-bone minus 01:30:00 ?17:00
christeli really fancy steak now17:00
MartijnVdSgo to bigcalm17:01
christelhe is so far away!17:01
bigcalmI would have fillet if they had it. Will make do with sirloin17:01
christeland he only offers weatherspoons...17:01
bigcalmchristel: this is (one of) the downside to Wolverhampton17:02
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* brobostigon has pork steaks for tea. 17:03
christelhehe lack of decent steak? :)17:03
christeli texted gareth and informed him that i expected him to divert via waitrose to pick up steak for tea17:03
christel(i also expect him to cook it when he returns home!)17:03
christeli havent told him the latter part yet17:04
bigcalmWill be a nice surprise for him :)17:05
christelfsvo nice ;)17:05
bigcalmNew wine rack please: http://www.designlaunches.com/lifestyle/gottacha_wine_rack_dont_try_and_dart_the_bottle.php17:10
MartijnVdSdoes anyone else have the "new" google maps on android yet?17:15
MartijnVdSI got it earlier today17:19
MartijnVdSit looks a lot like the new web-based maps17:20
MartijnVdSI'll miss offline maps17:20
MartijnVdSand Latitude is now in Google+ I think?17:20
brobostigonosmand to the rescue,17:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I'll just get local data sims until Neelie's plans are done ;)17:21
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: (big pan-European mobile providers)17:21
brobostigonMartijnVdS: :)17:21
MartijnVdS(who.. can't charge for roaming!)17:21
popeyyou can still do offline maps17:29
popeyyou have to type "OK Maps" into the search field17:29
brobostigoni heard that aswell, not tested it.17:30
brobostigondoesnt work here, it just sent me to oklahoma.17:31
MartijnVdSpopey: oh?17:34
MartijnVdSpopey: sounds "OK Glass"ish.. or trollish17:34
popeyits in their official blog post17:34
MartijnVdScan I un-cache as well?17:35
popeyi haz no idea17:35
popeyi dont have the new app yet17:35
MartijnVdSthe new navigation auto-routes around obstructions, apparently17:40
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* neuro just watched jono rather tactfully negotiate ubuntu on air questions from some numpty from morocco using a rather rude nick19:03
brobostigonoh dear.19:04
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neuroMartijnVdS: can't believe you recommended bigv.io to me earlier :)19:29
neurowhat a total disaster19:29
czajkowskiLaney: popey  http://i.imgur.com/vzKoS83.gif19:41
AlanBellthat is quite possibly better than a cat on a roomba wearing a shark suit19:42
mungbeanmy wife baked a big batch of choc brownies \o/]19:53
mungbeanmy workmates never appreciate them19:55
mungbeanseem not to eat cake19:55
brobostigonoh dear.19:56
mungbean29 degrees on saturda19:59
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Laneyczajkowski: now that is travel in style20:04
ali1234"the floor is lava"20:08
n1md4can any one help with booting to openbox automatically?20:19
n1md4i'm thinking startx, xinitrc.. that sholud do it, but I can't figure how to auto-start startx20:20
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AlanBelln1md4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox has some instructions on how to get it to turn up in the lightdm screen20:21
AlanBellor maybe GDM20:22
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession#LightDM_configuration is probably the answer for lightdm20:22
n1md4i've read those.  the system requirements are pretty tight, as it's an htpc, i don't want to install a display manager20:24
n1md4so, ideally auto-launching startx .. is there something I could put in upstart .. or something :\20:25
diddledann1md4: is rc.local still executed at boot these days? if so then you can use that20:36
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n1md4diddledan: not sure, ubuntu changed a bunch of stuff (some time ago) since then I never know.20:46
diddledan/etc/init.d/rc3.d/S99rc.local exists on my system so I'm assuming creating /etc/rc.local as executable bash script will work fine20:49
diddledan/etc/rc3.d/S99rc.local linked to /etc/init.d/rc.local20:49
mungbean_does lightdm use resource when you are runnig the openbox though? its very light20:51
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diddledanok. I'm wondering why ubuntu installer is failing to boot on my desktop over there --> it's running a gigabyte hybridefi system which makes it a pain to begin with, but the problem isn't with that it's after grub has been dismissed. the system seems to hang after the kernel is loaded but before the initrd is executed23:15
diddledanI've had ubuntu on there before so it's definitely capable23:15
diddledanI'm thinking maybe there's an issue with the fact it's currently got windows 8 installed on it which doens't like to shutdown properly (windows 8 seems to prefer to suspend to disk in response to "shutdown")23:16
directhexdiddledan, you can disable that23:19
diddledanok, trying again with fast startup disabled23:23
diddledannope, that wasn't it23:24
diddledanperhaps the bios is just fscked in the brain23:25
diddledanit completely locks up to the point that the keyboard is unresponsive.. and always in the same place: dismiss grub, get a spurious warning about being unable to read a disc sector on hd0 and the "press any key to continue" message, then nada23:27
diddledanpressing any key don't work, and the dvd doesn't run merrily away reading stuff, so it's defo hung23:27
diddledanI've tried two separate drives. and each one has different problems - an ide using an ide-to-sata bridge gets to the point I've just detailed, and a native sata bluray drive just hangs before grub gets loaded with the flashy cursor in the top-left of the screen23:29
diddledangonna try an apple usb superdrive next23:30
directhexso you're trying to boot the installer in efi mode, not legacy23:31
directhexwhat's the motherboard?23:32
diddledangigabyte 990-fxa-ud5 (the version before they put a real efi bios in)23:33
diddledanI think real efi came in version 323:33
directhexit's entirely likely that the fake efi implementation is confusing the hell out of the kernel23:35
directhexi doubt gigabyte tested much beyond windows 723:35
diddledanthey're supposed to have used the tiano-core(?) implementation from intel23:36
directhexparts of it23:36
diddledanwhich is efi on-top of bios23:36
diddledanthey completely failed to include the shell tho23:36
diddledanwhich sucks23:36
directhexputting efi on top of bios makes as much sense as gluing wheels to a horse. silly gigabyte.23:38
directhexi'm showing problems for people with that exact motherboard, dating from last year23:42
directhexto be honest, if i were you, and i had a firmware made of cheese, i'd abandon getting it to boot via efi, and settle for good old 1970s BIOS emulation. well, not emulation in this case23:43
diddledanmmm, cheese23:44
diddledanthing is, I'm sure I've had it booting through efi before, which just makes me annoyed the more23:44
diddledanoh well.. was worth the try.. back to non-efi23:45
diddledanmeans either I reinstall windows OR virtualise it23:46
directhexwell, not neccessarily23:46
directhexlinux can boot from a GPT disk, in BIOS mode23:46
directhexif you can beat your firmware into allowing it, you can have an EFI OS and a BIOS OS both installed to the same GPT disk, and usable23:46
directhexthe only issue is trying to boot BIOS Windows from GPT, which doesn't work23:47
directhexbut that's not what you're trying to achieve23:47
diddledanyeah, that's not gonna happen. the bios has exactly one option for efi-related stuff: "EFI CD/DVD Boot Option" with the choice of "Non-EFI", "EFI", and "Auto"23:48
diddledanauto references the size of disk rather than what's on it23:48
diddledani.e. >2.2TB = EFI; <2.2TB = BIOS23:49
diddledanbit of FUD there: "EFI is essential to support >2.2TB HDD"23:50
directhexGPT is defined in the EFI spec23:52
directhexand GPT is needed to support >2.2T HDD23:52
directhexso it's not a total lie, more a lie of omission23:52

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