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mzanettiSaviq: morning07:21
mzanettiSaviq: jenkins finally approved this: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/launcher-backend/+merge/17318907:21
mzanettiso if you're still happy with it I think we can try to land it07:22
mzanettiMacSlow: hey07:43
mzanettiMacSlow: all the notification tests fail for various reasons here07:43
mzanettiMacSlow: but not the one you said :D07:43
MacSlowmzanetti, did you kill notify-osd?07:44
mzanettiMacSlow: I started a new dbus session07:45
mzanettiMacSlow: the notification shows up just fine07:45
mzanettiMacSlow: but then everything starts going wrong07:45
MacSlowmzanetti, I have never seen an issue with the opacity07:46
MacSlowmzanetti, I'm not starting a new dbus-session... just getting rid of notify-osd07:47
mzanettiMacSlow: no... I don't want to reboot my machine every time I run your tests :D07:48
mzanettiMacSlow: the d-bus session is just fine... the notifications show up as expected07:48
mzanettibtw... Frank Zappa looks way better than the name would suggest07:48
MacSlowmzanetti, :)07:48
MacSlowmzanetti, I had to use the stock assets :)07:49
MacSlowmzanetti, so you just started the notification ap-test with "autopilot run unity8.tests.testnotifications"?07:50
mzanettiMacSlow: autopilot run unity8.tests.testnotifications.TestNotifications.test_sd_incoming_call07:50
mzanettibut yeah07:50
MacSlowmzanetti, ah ok... just the single one... I see.07:51
mzanettiMacSlow: the shell comes up, it unlocks the greeter and the incoming notification shows up.07:51
mzanettiMacSlow: then it times out because it waits for the opacity to become 1 while it stays at 0.99..07:51
* mzanetti believes that might be related to the layer.enabled: true thingie07:52
* mzanetti tries07:52
MacSlowmzanetti, I get some warnings/failures too... but not any issue with opacity (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5860909)07:53
MacSlowmzanetti, I'll try on my laptop07:54
mzanettiMacSlow: hmm.... Indeed adding print()s to onOpacityChanged shows it never goes to 1.07:54
Saviqmzanetti, re: launcher-backend yeah, I rebuilt it to get the actually fixed shell for testing with packages on device07:54
mzanettiMacSlow: and also, I can see the header from the dash behind shining through07:54
Saviqmzanetti, will test now and skim through again07:54
mzanettiSaviq: cool, thanks07:55
mzanettiMacSlow: I changed the check to be Eventually(GreaterThan(0.999999))07:57
mzanettiseems to work07:57
mzanettiMacSlow: so now I can reproduce your fail07:57
mzanettiMacSlow: this one?07:58
mzanettiself.assertThat (self.action_send_message_triggered, Equals(True))07:58
MacSlowmzanetti, your issue with the opacity-check is odd still... it also works on veebers machine like that07:58
mzanettiMismatchError: True != False07:58
MacSlowmzanetti, yeah... that's the issue with the callback not touching the bool flag07:58
mzanettiMacSlow: yeah... its odd... no idea why it doesn't really go to 107:58
mzanettiSaviq: any idea perhaps?^07:59
mzanettiMacSlow: actually... the heightBehavior.enabled=true would never be called in my case then08:00
veebersMacSlow, mzanetti: I'm not sure it's an autopilot issue. I tried a really simple example in a script and couldn't get my callback called08:00
MacSlowmzanetti, doh... still need to pull updates on my laptop... still seeing the "black button"-problem there08:00
MacSlowveebers, you think it's a general python-issue then?08:00
sil2100veebers: hi! Big thanks for fixing the autopilot issue ;)08:00
SaviqMacSlow you're using the Ubuntu easings etc.?08:01
MacSlowveebers, mzanetti: should we try a newer python? atm 2.7 is used iirc08:01
veebersMacSlow: or I'm not constructing the callback et. al correctly :-P08:01
veebersMacSlow: shouldn't matter08:01
MacSlowSaviq, for the anims... yes.08:01
sil2100I guess you guys are talking about the latest failures with opacity checks?08:01
SaviqMacSlow, mzanetti I suspect the same issue we found in the SDK yesterday08:01
veeberssil2100: no worries, this was the failing tests one yes?08:01
MacSlowSaviq, like what issue?08:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199550 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Panel.animating doesn't return to "false"" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:01
mzanettiSaviq: good point08:01
SaviqMacSlow the bezier easing added in rev 600 of the toolkit http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/revision/60008:02
SaviqMacSlow, seems to not reach 1.008:02
SaviqMacSlow, some rounding error08:02
MacSlowveebers, well there's one "difference" between the autopilot tests and the plain python-regression-tests...08:02
SaviqMacSlow, ideally you should look to the animation's running prop, not compare reals08:03
SaviqMacSlow, mzanetti although I would consider that a bug that an animation that's supposed to reach 1.0 doesn't because of some interpolation error08:03
SaviqKaleo wasn't convinced yesterday, but I'll have a chat with him about this later today08:04
MacSlowveebers, mzanetti: since we had to do this "from gi.repository import GLib, Notify" I had to change the parameters passed to add_action() ... needs two additional arguments now otherwise it fails08:04
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... but the panel.animating never becoming false might be caused by the same... some thing never reaching the final state because of the same08:04
sil2100Saviq: to me that's an error, especially that we sometimes assume it reaches 1.008:04
Saviqsil2100, exactly, you expect it to08:04
Saviqmzanetti, it definitely is (fixed in toolkit trunk)08:05
sil2100(like with opacity, suddenly causing failures in many autopilot tests ;p)08:05
MacSlowSaviq, ok.08:05
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... that doesn't seem like a proper fix08:06
Saviqmzanetti, well, it fixes the issue at hand, but not all the others08:07
mzanettiSaviq: it fixes one of the symptoms, but not the cause08:07
Saviqmzanetti, yup, what I meant08:09
mzanettinow... what's a bit more of a problem is that I replaced the UbuntuNumberAnimation  with a NumberAnimation and I still see the issue08:10
veebersMacSlow: ugh, I can get it working if I look at these examples: http://hashbang.fr/tutoriel-notify.html08:11
veebersMacSlow: it's using Gtk.main() at the end08:11
FernandoMiguelanyone from the am working in unity 7, that can help me debug a bug on 13.10 ? thanks08:11
MacSlowveebers, hm... in the regression-tests I'm using a dedicated Gtk-mainloop too08:11
MacSlowveebers, but I did assume that I don't need that in autopilot-tests08:12
MacSlowveebers, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/unity-notifications/trunk/view/head:/examples/interactive-notification.py#L6508:14
MacSlowveebers, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/unity-notifications/trunk/view/head:/examples/sd-example-incoming-call.py#L10208:14
MacSlowveebers, just for reference08:14
SaviqMacSlow, mzanetti can you check the output from http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5860941/08:15
veebersMacSlow: hmm thanks. I might have to ask thomi re: that one tomorrow08:15
MacSlowveebers, ok... at least we're a bit closer now to sort it out08:15
veebersMacSlow: aye08:15
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... thats the cause08:16
mzanettiSaviq: stays at 0.99999999963408:16
MacSlowSaviq, "true 008:16
MacSlowfalse 108:16
mzanettiMacSlow: you need to upgrade to the latest ubuntu-ui-toolkit to reproduce the bug08:17
mzanettiMacSlow: well, don't...08:17
MacSlowmzanetti, :)08:17
mzanettiSaviq: here's the exact output:08:17
Saviqmzanetti, this could even cause some unnecessary blending08:18
mzanettitrue 008:18
mzanettifalse 0.999999999936147308:18
mzanettiSaviq: yes, it does. I can see the background of the notifications shining through08:18
Saviqmzanetti, that's expected, actually ;D08:18
mzanettiSaviq: huh?08:18
Saviqmzanetti, they're see-through - that's per-design08:18
MacSlowmzanetti, certainly... at least in the "black" area08:19
mzanettiSaviq: If I change all the UbuntuNumberAnimations to just NumberAnimations its not the case any more08:19
mzanettiwell, I'm talking about the icon mostly08:19
MacSlowmzanetti, only buttons, text and icons are meant to be opaque08:19
Saviqmzanetti, I doubt it's visible (I doubt 8 bits can represent the difference)08:19
Saviqwhen rendered into ARGB08:19
mzanettiright... I just checked more carefully again.. its still there08:20
mzanettibut tests are passing again08:20
Saviqmzanetti, if you can see through the avatar, for example, that's a visual bug08:20
mzanettiSaviq: I do08:20
mzanettibut only with the black icon... not with the Frank Zappa lady :D08:21
MacSlowmzanetti, Saviq: maybe another newly introduced issue with the SDK? I don't have that here on my desktop-machine... let me look at the version of the installed SDK08:21
Saviqmzanetti, what should I be looking at?08:21
mzanettiMacSlow: actually... why does the same test, the incoming call one most of the times have the picture of that woman, but sometimes some grey abstract thingie?08:22
MacSlowmzanetti, ?08:22
MacSlowmzanetti, never seen that issue08:22
* mzanetti tries to reproduce08:23
mzanettiyeah... just happened again08:23
mzanettirunning this "autopilot run unity8.tests.testnotifications.TestNotifications.test_sd_incoming_call"08:23
mzanettimost of the times I get that lady in the icon. Sometimes only some grey icons with slightly orange stripes in it. thats when the background shines through...08:24
mzanettiSaviq: ^08:24
Saviqmzanetti, sil2100, MacSlow bug #119966208:24
ubot5bug 1199662 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "New easing causes animations not to reach their target values" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119966208:24
MacSlowSaviq, mzanetti: for what it's worth... I've 0.1.46+13.10.20130709-0ubuntu1 of qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin installed here on my desktop08:24
Saviqmzanetti, which branch btw?08:24
mzanettiSaviq: ~macslow/unity8/notification-autopilot-tests/08:24
jameshSaviq: I'm looking at putting together a scope to expose recent apps on the phone (something that is currently handled via custom UI).  Do you know if the API it uses to get the list of running applications is available outside of the shell process?08:26
Saviqtsdgeos, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5860963/08:26
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah08:27
tsdgeosno clue where that warning comes from tbh08:27
tsdgeoshad a look at the define08:27
tsdgeosand it has just one param :/08:27
Saviqtsdgeos, k08:27
Saviqjamesh, it is / could be, but I don't believe that's what you should be looking at08:27
Saviqjamesh, I believe we should use zeitgeist there08:27
tsdgeosSaviq: i'll have a second look08:28
Saviqjamesh, while a specialized renederer in the shell would pick up the snapshots08:28
Saviqjamesh, running apps are going to be killed arbitrarily to save resources08:28
Saviqjamesh, so your "Recent apps" would start disappearing randomly08:29
tsdgeosbut yeah, all QSKIP in Qt code are like that08:29
jameshSaviq: I remember you saying that, but when I was talking with thostr_ he said that the design still calls for it to show running apps :(08:29
tsdgeos./auto/corelib/io/qfile/tst_qfile.cpp:1900:            QSKIP("Not enough space to run test");08:29
Saviqjamesh, that's because they don't have a clue what a running app is ;)08:29
Saviqjamesh, i.e. there can't be a notion of a running app if we're killing and restarting them all the time08:30
Saviqtsdgeos, k, throw a #pragma at it maybe at some point08:30
Saviqjamesh, but we talked about this yesterday08:30
Saviqjamesh, in the dash sync08:30
Saviqjamesh, and I think the agreement is that we should use zeitgeist08:30
Saviqjamesh, granted, you need to be able to "close" such a recent app08:31
Saviqjamesh, and that would actually kill the app, if it's running, but otherwise it should just disappear from the recent ones, that's it08:31
jameshso I guess we still need an API to identify the apps that are currently running?08:31
nic-doffaySaviq, since the OptionSelector has so many variations for content, should the delegate be set externally be the user?08:31
Saviqjamesh, the shell does, the scope doesn't08:31
Saviqjamesh, but please confirm with thostr that's where we're goinf08:32
Saviqjamesh, both launching and closing apps should be events in zeitgeist, I think08:32
Saviqjamesh, and you should just look at that and compile a list that were recently launched but not yet closed08:33
Saviqjamesh, ordering might be tricky, though - we might need to put focus events in, too :/08:33
Saviqjamesh, as in "app focused" event to order by08:34
Saviqnow it does feel like zg is maybe not the best place08:34
Saviqjamesh, greyback we might need to build a volatile stack of "apps launched, but not closed"08:35
Saviqjamesh, greyback is working on unity8 integration with Mir where all of this will happen08:35
greybackSaviq: ok. I'd expected as much08:36
Saviqgreyback, that's for "running apps", that aren't necessarily running anymore (lifecycle)08:36
Saviqgreyback, do you think it'd make sense for jamesh to build a scope that would talk to the current observer on Surfaceflinger08:37
Saviqgreyback, or would the new API be different enough that he should target the new api straight away?08:37
greybackSaviq: yep. I'd assumed App Manager will have list of all apps running or suspended or killed-with-resume-data08:38
greybackSaviq: ‌thinking... it doesn't really make sense to do the SF work, if it'll be thrown away within a few weeks.08:41
Saviqgreyback, I agree08:41
Saviqgreyback, will app manager know the difference between app-with-resume-data and app-with-no-resume-data?08:42
greybackSaviq: that I have to learn.08:42
Saviqjamesh, greyback can you please sync up on those topics?08:42
greybackSaviq: it will be the one sending the kill signal, so I expect so08:42
greybackjamesh: hey, let's have a meeting on this, so we can swap info08:43
jameshgreyback: sure.  I currently don't have any code for this, so there isn't any legacy concerns if there is a new API in development08:45
greybackjamesh: indeed.08:46
greybackjamesh: meeting scheduled, does hte time suit you?08:49
jameshgreyback: looks good.08:52
greybackjamesh: cool08:52
mzanettiSaviq: quick'n'easy one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix-1199622/+merge/17388308:53
Saviqmzanetti, obviously the "Critical" there was tongue-in-cheek ;)08:53
Saviqmzanetti, I'd never have noticed (nor did our designers, so...)08:53
mzanettiSaviq: but funnily Cimi noticed the same for the separator line, but not for the icon08:54
Saviqmzanetti, yeah remember that :)08:54
Cimimzanetti, oh michael08:55
Cimimzanetti, off topic08:55
Cimimzanetti, a friend told me that the ubuntu icon is flipped08:55
mzanettiCimi: haha08:55
Cimimzanetti, is he right? don't have the phone running now08:55
mzanettijust fixed that08:55
mzanettiCimi: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/104438618743851678614/albums/5898788268517651553/5898788275502369234?cfem=1&pid=5898788275502369234&oid=10443861874385167861408:55
sil2100andyrock: hello!09:17
andyrocksil2100, hey09:18
sil2100andyrock: do you know what's the status with compiz on saucy? Can we re-enable it for daily release?09:19
andyrocksil2100, nope... there is a bad regression09:19
andyrocksil2100, let me find the bug number09:19
andyrocksil2100, https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/119800009:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1198000 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Regression: r3751 causes all unmaxed windows to shrink both horizontally and vertically on each subsequent opening, probably by exactly the size of the decoration" [Critical,Triaged]09:20
andyrockwe can revert that revision09:20
andyrockbut than we have another regression with qml5 apps09:20
sil2100oh shit09:21
sil2100Ok, so there's a deadlock right now, hm - I see no one is assigned here09:21
andyrocki'm trying to fix it, but decor.cpp is not that simple :D09:22
sil2100Ooooh no it isn't ;) I had my share of that file09:23
mhr3andyrock, sil2100, also i can't build trunk compiz because of some gmock issues09:23
sil2100andyrock: ^ ? Did anything change regarding that?09:25
andyrocksil2100, mhr3 nope, maybe there is some cmake issue with xorg-gtest?09:25
mhr3well, i saw gmock fixes proposed for nux and unity.. so definitely something wrong there09:26
mhr3sil2100, btw is unity still failing on the dbus issues?09:28
andyrockmhr3, yeah but I still can build compiz trunk here09:28
mhr3andyrock, from clean tree? on s?09:28
andyrockmhr3, let me clean it09:28
andyrockyeah on S sure09:29
sil2100mhr3: not sure, didn't see the DBus hang this week, but there are a lot of tests failing anyway09:29
mhr3sil2100, well that is the dbus hang09:30
sil2100It is? But it's only around 21 failures per platform and all seem to be preview tests09:30
mhr3sil2100, all those other super-hangs were caused by the recordmydesktop issue09:30
sil2100MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on DashView.preview_displaying failed: True != dbus.Boolean(False, variant_level=1)09:30
sil2100These are because of DBus?09:31
sil2100http:// <- that's why I wanted someone to take a look at yesterdays failures, since to me those looked like normal failures09:32
sil2100But I might be mistaken09:32
mhr3sil2100, i see preview failures, hud failures, search timeouts, bamf failures, all dbus stuff09:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199696 in unity (Ubuntu) "SIGSEGV, unity-panel-service crashes and eats a core" [Undecided,New]09:34
FernandoMiguelif anyone from unity7 can look it up09:34
mhr3sil2100, is there any way to re-run the testing with bustle-pcap running?09:35
mhr3sil2100, but probably just for one run, cause 50minute bustle-pcap session will produce a file that will be a few hundred mb09:35
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sil2100mhr3: hm, I guess we could do that, but not sure how to do it only for one run, although we might modify the configuration of otto temporarily and then resume it back to the way it was10:22
sil2100mhr3: good to know it's all caused by dbus issues10:23
sil2100mhr3: since really, the logs don't say anything about that10:23
sil2100At least not explicitly10:23
mhr3sil2100, guess we can just connect to the lxc once the testing starts and run it manually10:23
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mhr3sil2100, although i see that libunity on powerpc failed10:24
sil2100Yes, and one scope, looking into that10:24
sil2100(for i386)10:24
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sil2100Need to re-try the jobs10:25
mhr3sil2100, ping me once the ap testing will be about to start i'll try to do the bustle capture10:25
mhr3jibel, if i want a log file to survive and be exported as a result in jenkins is it enough to just put it some special dir?10:27
sil2100mhr3: ok - what about the libunity failure for powerpc? I saw some unit test failing I think... although I also think we're not really caring about the powerpc status10:27
sil2100mhr3: I think it's sufficient if it land in some non /tmp directory10:27
sil2100We can fetch if from the diff then10:27
mhr3sil2100, looks like some odd race, just re-run10:27
tsdgeosSaviq: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32338#comment-209093 and https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,6080910:33
jibelmhr3, put it in /var/local/autopilot/10:34
jibeland it will be attached as artifact under results/autopilot/10:34
mhr3jibel, great, thx10:34
tsdgeosSaviq: nic-doffay: any reason this is not top-approved? https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/improve-openeffect/+merge/17375210:40
sil2100mhr3: re-ran the stack, will poke you once the check job gets pushed to otto10:42
mhr3sil2100, cool thx10:42
sil2100mhr3: ok, autopilot job started10:43
nic-doffaySaviq, figured you might want someone else to take a look. But I'll do it now.10:51
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Saviqnic-doffay, this is a simple enough change, and easy to test (did you get to test on a Nexus 10, where the slowness is most visible?)11:17
Saviqnic-doffay, but it's mostly about assuring that you see no regressions11:18
Saviqtsdgeos, awesome11:19
Saviqtsdgeos, src/quick/items/qquickgridview.cpp only has whitespace change, is that allowed in Qt patches?11:21
tsdgeosSaviq: hmmm, hmmm11:21
* tsdgeos looks at the code11:21
Saviqtsdgeos, scratch that11:22
Saviqtsdgeos, I just can't read the gerrit diff11:22
tsdgeosi moved the code outside the if11:22
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah11:22
Saviqtsdgeos, too bleak colors there :)11:22
tsdgeoshe he11:23
nic-doffaySaviq, I didn't test on a Nexus 10 which is part of the reason I held off.11:27
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Saviqnic-doffay, you don't have one, right?11:27
nic-doffaySaviq, negative.11:27
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti you guys have a n10?11:28
mzanettiSaviq: I do11:28
tsdgeosi do11:28
Saviqmzanetti, could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/improve-openeffect/+merge/173752 quickly11:28
mzanettiSaviq: sure11:28
Saviqtsdgeos, if you want to, try that↑, too11:28
Saviqit's a simple fix for nasty UX :)11:28
tsdgeoswell, it'll take ages11:28
tsdgeoshave to charge, flash, try :D11:29
mzanettisame here ^^11:29
mzanettiat least I already have the flipped image on it... so maybe a reflash is not required11:30
Saviqguys, it only takes like 10 minutes to download & flash here ;P11:30
Saviqand anyway most of the download is common between devices, so :P11:31
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... but charging it enough to survive a flash takes a bit longer11:31
Saviqmzanetti, :P11:31
mzanettiSaviq: nah... 10 mins should be ok11:31
sil2100mhr3: any luck?11:32
mhr3sil2100, did it finish yet?11:33
sil2100mhr3: still running - did you start bustle-pcap?11:34
mhr3sil2100, yea, it's half a gig already :)11:35
sil2100jibel: hope there's enough space for that?11:35
mhr3that's why didn't want to do it on every run :)11:35
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jibelsil2100, enough space for what where ? :)11:40
sil2100jibel: additional logs from bustle-pcap - it weights over 0.5GB already! ;)11:42
sil2100(just for one run)11:42
Saviqtsdgeos, some of the filters are taken from unity-2d, so © Kaleo 2011 might be right :)11:42
* Saviq loves compose :D11:42
jibelsil2100, it will be fine on the test host but will maybe causes some problem with the publication to jenkins.qa.u.c11:43
sil2100jibel: can we not publish that one build?11:44
Saviqtsdgeos, I just love how small the Qt patch is :)11:44
tsdgeosyep :-)11:44
jibelsil2100, if it's running it's too late11:44
Saviqtsdgeos, it might actually get in upstream :D11:44
Saviqtsdgeos, will setting null / undefined to those props call reset*?11:45
tsdgeosthat is a good question11:46
tsdgeosi was wondering what uses the RESET property function11:46
tsdgeostbh not sure11:46
tsdgeosthat's why i added the Q_INVOKABLE to reset*11:46
tsdgeoslet me see if undefined indeed calls the reset* and then don't need the Q_INVOKABLEs11:47
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Saviqtsdgeos, btw, should we allow only setting one of them? I know it doesn't make much sense... and printing debugs will just spew errors out on normal usage due to lack of sync12:07
* Saviq wants tuples ;)12:07
mzanettiSaviq: improves things a little yes.12:12
mzanettiSaviq: there is still a small hickup when it loads the image for the first time12:12
mzanettiSaviq: but once that happened, its perfectly smooth now12:12
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, the hiccup... hickup? hikkup? stupid speller12:13
Saviqmzanetti, it's the Image / UbuntuShape12:13
Saviqmzanetti, we have the same in the dash views now when whole categories are created at a time12:13
Saviqmzanetti, we should try and isolate that to either and make sure we fix it if it's the shape12:14
pete-woodscan anyone point me in the direction of the media player app's QML plugin for the MPRIS API?12:15
SaviqI knew it was "hiccup", both en_US and en_GB, stupid aspell or whichever12:15
pete-woodsI'm told it uses the C API generated from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity/trunk/view/head:/src/unity-sound-menu-mpris.vala12:15
pete-woodsbut I just can't see it in the mediaplayer-app12:15
Saviqpete-woods, jhodapp and renato would be the best PoCs12:15
pete-woodsSaviq: thanks12:15
Saviqpete-woods, they might not be here yet12:15
pete-woodsSaviq: okay, seems everyone I need today is in the wrong timezone :)12:16
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* mzanetti wonders if its actually a good idea that we install app-specific plugins (not intended for usage in other apps) int QT_QML_DIR12:20
didrocksmzanetti: not sure what QT_QML_DIR is set to, but it should be some kind of libexec/<app_name>/(plugin?) as a private library dir12:21
mzanettididrocks: QT_QML_DIR is /usr/lib/<arch>/qt5/qml/12:22
mzanettididrocks: basically where Qt stuff itself is too12:22
didrocksyeah, should s/qt5/<appname>/ IMHO12:22
mzanettididrocks: yeah. I agree12:22
didrocksif it's not going to be reused by multiple apps12:22
Saviqmzanetti, didrocks +1, what we did for the shell12:24
Saviqmzanetti, which plugins are you thinking?12:24
mzanettiSaviq: PhoneApp, Browser, CameraApp...12:25
mzanettiSaviq: bascially everything in there except Qt stuff itself and Ubuntu.Components12:25
mzanettiand a few other exceptions12:25
mzanettilide Dee probably12:25
mzanettiShareApp might be an exception too... depending on whats in there12:26
Saviqmzanetti, then yeah, +112:29
Saviqmzanetti, they should be installed in private under $LIBDIR/<app_name>/qml12:29
* mzanetti just realized that the terminal-app uses KDE's konsole :)12:31
mzanettitsdgeos: ^12:31
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-away
pete-woods-awaythe terminal-app could do with exiting when you type exit! :p12:34
sil2100mhr3: the AP tests finished12:34
mhr3sil2100, yep, downloading the log12:35
sil2100mhr3: 511 MB ;)12:35
=== pete-woods-away is now known as pete-woods
kgunnSaviq: ping12:42
Saviqkgunn, pong12:43
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
tsdgeosmzanetti: yep12:56
Saviqmzanetti, add =2 to pkg_check_modules(LAUNCHER_API REQUIRED unity-shell-launcher) maybe?13:01
mzanettiSaviq: is that really a question?13:01
Saviqmzanetti, you decide :D13:02
Saviqmzanetti, it'll fail if the version is different, so yeah, probably makes sense :)13:02
mzanettiyes. I agree13:02
* mzanetti fixes13:02
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mzanettiSaviq: pushed13:08
Saviqmzanetti, thanks13:08
mhr3sil2100, ehm, so great, the bustle tools can't really handle huge captures13:20
mhr3$ bustle --count dbus.bustle13:20
mhr3Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.13:20
mhr3oh and yes, it was using 6gb of ram13:21
sil2100So we're again with nothing? Or can you13:25
sil2100read something from what we got?13:25
sil2100(or we got nothing)13:25
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Saviqmzanetti, hmm =2 didn't work13:32
mzanettiso... who is going to take notes... Saviq or Cimi?13:32
dednickSaviq: jenkins approve!!13:33
mzanettiSaviq: hmm. I did a test run here... printed "found launcher (version 2)"13:33
Saviqdednick, nice13:33
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, change it to 1 or 313:33
Saviqmzanetti, says that it found (version 1) etc.13:33
mzanettihuh? stupid pkgconfig13:33
SaviqCimi, standup?13:34
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-lunch
Saviqmzanetti, ok, so - if you can get pkgconfig to fail if !=2, that's the last thing I have there13:46
tsdgeosSaviq: do we really not need any ppa anymore?14:00
Saviqtsdgeos, not for build dependencies, for runtime... potentially, but those should start popping up in distro14:00
Saviqtsdgeos, we might need to add ppa:ubuntu-unity/next later, though14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, for stuff that's not yet distro-ready14:01
tsdgeosso waht do we do with https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/clean-build-scripts-coding/+merge/173847 ?14:01
tsdgeoswant me to get a VM and see if i can build and run with that code?14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah please14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, but I can tell you that you can14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, indicators are not gonna be there, but they're not really there today either14:02
tsdgeossure, but we're supposed to review the changes, no?14:02
Saviqtsdgeos, :F14:02
tsdgeosSaviq: we only support saucy, right?14:03
Saviqtsdgeos, +114:04
Saviqdednick, hmm I just tried "autopilot run unity8.indicators_client"... I noticed that was wrong, but shouldn't we keep all our AP tests under unity8?14:05
Saviqdednick, they don't necessarily need to run with `autopilot run unity8`14:06
Saviqmzanetti_, thoughts ↑?14:06
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dednickSaviq: dont understand. you want them to run with unity8 or not?14:09
Saviqdednick, not necessarily14:09
Saviqdednick, don't know, really14:09
Saviqdednick, it's cool keeping them separate14:10
dednickSaviq: the ap tests are in the unity8-autpilot package, but they are separated into a different suite14:10
Saviqdednick, but referenced by "unity8.indicators_client" nevertheless14:10
Saviqdednick, it's probably just a case of moving them under the unity8 dir14:10
Saviqdednick, I think we shouldn't install them directly on PYTHONPATH14:10
dednickSaviq: i c.14:10
dednickSaviq: although in that case they would run with unity8 i'm guessing14:11
Saviqdednick, not if they're not in unity8.tests14:11
dednickSaviq: ah. right14:11
Saviqdednick, you'd have to import them in there, I think14:11
* Saviq checks14:11
Saviqdednick, yeah, imports need unity8. but that's about it14:12
Saviqdednick, nope, it recursively looks for tests14:13
Saviqdednick, I'm still better with that than polluting PYTHONPATH, to be honest14:13
Saviqmzanetti_, ↑ need your opinion here14:14
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pete-woodsis there a process for getting your API HTML docs onto developer.ubuntu.com?14:21
seb128dpm, ^ seems like a question for you ;-)14:24
seb128pete-woods, dpm can probably help there14:24
pete-woodsseb128: thanks :)14:25
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dpmpete-woods, essentially get all the HTML docs in a -doc package and pinging me or mhall119 to get them imported into d.u.c14:27
pete-woodsdpm: I already have them in a -doc package - it's libusermetrics-doc14:27
dpmpete-woods, for the nitty gritty details there's http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~api-doc-publisher-hackers/api-doc-publisher/trunk/view/head:/README#L3714:27
dpmpete-woods, ah, cool. What kind of API docs are they? I.e. which generator do you use? qdoc? doxygen? And for what programming language is the API for?14:28
pete-woodsdpm: it's doxygen, the language is Qt/C++, there's also a pure C API14:29
dpmpete-woods, let me see if I can get the docs published now. I assume they are for saucy only?14:30
pete-woodsdpm: yeah, the package is saucy only atm14:30
pete-woodsdpm: and thanks!14:32
mhall119pete-woods: why doxygen and not qdoc?14:32
dpmpete-woods, there you go: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/cplusplus/usermetrics/14:33
pete-woodsmhall119: er, no good reason?14:33
pete-woodsdpm: awesome!14:34
=== mzanetti_ is now known as mzanetti_sa
=== mzanetti_sa is now known as mzanetti
mzanettiSaviq: dednick_: yeah... make them separate please14:39
* mzanetti was cooking14:39
mzanettiwe can then add multiple test suites to jenkins14:39
dednick_Saviq: unity8/shell & unity8/indicators_client ?14:47
mzanettidednick_: tests/autopilot/unit8 (the existing ones) and tests/autopilot/indicators_client (the new ones)14:49
mzanettidednick_: can be both in the same autopilot package tho14:49
dednick_mzanetti: yeah, that's what it is at the moment, but Saviq's issue is the pollution of the PYTHON_PATH folder.14:50
dednick_although it's a sep app, so i dont see an issue really.14:50
mzanettime neither... also, I believe (not entirely sure) that it neds to be top level for autopilot being able to process it14:50
mzanettibut that would need to be proved... as I said. not sure14:51
dednick_mzanetti: apparently not14:51
dednick_just need to import the folder in __init__14:51
dednick_i think Saviq may be cooking as well.14:53
nic-doffaymzanetti, need your thoughts on something super quick.14:53
mzanettinic-doffay: I'll b back in 20 mins14:54
nic-doffaymzanetti, cool no rush.14:54
nic-doffaymzanetti, it's basically "how much of a hack do you think think this is"14:54
dednick_if you have to ask that...14:56
nic-doffaydednick_, good point.14:59
nic-doffaydednick_, I guess I wanted to check how guilty I am. :P14:59
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nic-doffaySaviq, my expandable component currently inherits from ListItems.Base. I'm trying to wrap it around the ListView in my OptionSelector so that the expandable can handle the expansion.15:14
nic-doffayIt's obscuring all the items in the list view though :P15:14
nic-doffayAny idea why? Even when I set it to opacity: 0 it doesn't make a difference.15:15
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
Saviqdednick_, mzanetti, well indicators_client is not really an app, is it...15:17
Saviqdednick_, should we just go unity8.shell and unity8.indicators_client, then?15:17
Saviqnic-doffay, I'd say Expandable should inherit from Empty at most15:18
Saviqnic-doffay, or is Base even higher up the stack?15:18
* Saviq doesn't remember15:19
nic-doffaySaviq, empty is.15:19
nic-doffaySaviq, done. However I still need to disable the MouseArea support for the expandable component because it's swallowing the clicks that should be sent to the ListView delegates.15:19
nic-doffayAny ideas on how to achieve this?15:19
mzanettiSaviq: dednick_: if autopilot can handle it, its fine with me15:20
mzanettinic-doffay: would be here now if you still need me15:20
Saviqnic-doffay, Empty doesn't have a MouseArea15:21
Saviqdednick_, ah, see! you read my mind :)15:22
dednick_Saviq: :)15:22
Saviqdednick_, I'd go for "autopilot-shell" for the target name, though ><15:23
dednick_Saviq: yup. when i make the changes to the folder structure i'll add a name to the add_autopilot_test macro15:24
Saviqdednick_, ah now I get what you said... was thinking you already moved the folders around15:27
Saviqdednick_, you probably need an empty __init__.py there15:28
dednick_Saviq: yeah. just with the imports in it i think15:28
nic-doffaySaviq, it does have an onClicked15:32
Saviqnic-doffay, Empty doesn't?15:32
dednick_Saviq: ok, done. Jenkins should be able to test it without manual trigger now there is only 1 suite.15:33
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
Saviqdednick_, indeed, we'll modify it later to have separate unity8.shell unity8.indicators_client maybe15:33
Saviqnot sure that's desirable, though15:33
Saviqbut doesn't really matter much15:33
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm pretty sure it does :P15:34
nic-doffayIt doesn't compain with my onClicked logic.15:34
Saviqnic-doffay, ah! it's an AbstractButton of course15:35
nic-doffaySaviq, which brings me to the swallowing touches question.15:35
Saviqnic-doffay, but then it shouldn't matter, anything you add _into_ it will be on top, why should it swallow the touches?15:35
nic-doffaySaviq, at the moment the Expandable is a parent of the ListView.15:35
Saviqnic-doffay, sure, Empty > Expandable { ListView }15:36
Saviqnic-doffay, so ListView is on top15:36
nic-doffaySaviq, yep.15:36
Saviqnic-doffay, so it takes over all mouse events15:36
nic-doffayWhich I thought would be cool.15:36
Saviqnic-doffay, it is15:36
nic-doffayBut it doesn't.15:36
nic-doffaySaviq, there might be some other issue though.15:37
nic-doffay^ most likely the case.15:37
Saviqnic-doffay, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5861973/ works15:39
Saviqnic-doffay, so I see no reason why yours wouldn't15:39
tsdgeosSaviq: should i top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/clean-build-scripts-coding/+merge/173847 or want kgunn to have a look?15:41
mzanettiSaviq: found the issue... pushed the fix15:44
kgunnMacSlow: hey, so strehl and i were just chatting15:45
MacSlowkgunn, about the autopilot-issue?15:46
Saviqmzanetti, cheers15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, I assigned kgunn for it really to push it to the website15:46
kgunnMacSlow: sorry about notifications in general15:46
kgunnMacSlow: questoin is for things that want to produce  sound or haptics15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, so you can approve15:46
tvoss_sil2100, could you please try including QGLShaderProgram and getting rid of the manual gl version detection there?15:47
MacSlowkgunn, there's an optional "sound-file" hint... http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/x344.html15:48
kgunnMacSlow: so do we have that ? (sorry i'm on a nexus7 ...w/o modem)15:49
MacSlowkgunn, regarding "haptics" ... since we introduced our own hints... there's nothing stopping us for doing that for haptic-feedback on notifications should we chose to do so.15:49
tvoss_sil2100, you can just check for the default gles version macro then to define the texture target15:49
MacSlowkgunn, not atm... Design never pushed for this.15:49
kgunnMacSlow: but aren't notif's used for phone calls/sms's etc....15:49
kgunnvibra would be needed15:50
MacSlowkgunn, but at first glance it doesn't seem to be too much trouble to implement it... if there's a solid spec for it :)15:50
kgunnMacSlow: ok...sounds like we should add it as a work item in the bp15:50
MacSlowkgunn, since sound and haptic/vibration are not visual it could all just happen on the backend without the frontend/renderer needing to know?!15:51
* tedg always wanted his phone to vibrate the calling number is Morse code15:52
kgunnMacSlow: this is why i was asking...who would really own15:52
kgunnMacSlow: strehl was thinking we should own15:52
kgunnMacSlow: is notif spec silent on this topic ?15:53
MacSlowkgunn, that question was never really answered... nobody really owns it... I tried what I can to cover for this in the mean-time... but having a team really own the spec (functional-design, tech-spec) would be great15:54
nic-doffaySaviq, see this is giving me the issues: https://pastebin.canonical.com/94121/15:54
nic-doffayThe Expandable which is an Empty still swallows the clicks and I'm unable to see any of the ListView delegates.15:55
MacSlowkgunn, what spec are you refering to? ours or the freedesktop/galago one?15:55
sil2100tvoss_: k, thanks!15:55
tvoss_sil2100, yup :)15:55
tvoss_sil2100, let me know if that works15:55
kgunnMacSlow: galago one15:55
MacSlowkgunn, there's just this optional "sound-file" hint in http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/x344.html15:56
Saviqnic-doffay, what's your ListView's height, then?15:56
nic-doffaySaviq, 0 for some reason.15:56
nic-doffayBut the delegates all print out their correct heights.15:56
Saviqnic-doffay, ListViews don't grow to their delegates by default15:57
MacSlowbut speaking of the "incoming phone-call" use-case... wouldn't the phone-app ring/vibrate anyway?15:57
Saviqnic-doffay, height: contentHeight if you want it15:57
nic-doffaySaviq, kk thanks.15:57
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
Saviqdednick_, you didn't add the __init__.py in tests/autopilot/unity816:10
Saviqdednick_, it can actually be empty16:10
Saviqdednick_, autopilot goes recursively through them it seems16:11
Cimiseb128, who do I need to ask if xorg crashes?16:15
seb128Cimi, #ubuntu-x you can try ping mlankhorst or tjaalton directly but they might be eod already16:16
Cimiseb128, like segfaulting :(16:16
Cimion vmware16:16
Cimiafter last update16:16
Cimior I try mir16:17
mlankhorstvmware doesn't have support for mir16:17
Saviqmzanetti, hmm, I'm not sure I'm liking what you did in CMake16:18
mzanettiSaviq: I feared that16:18
Saviqmzanetti, ;)16:18
mzanettiSaviq: whats your reason?16:18
Saviqmzanetti, my hope is that the plugins are as self-contained as possible (and I know they're not, yet)16:19
mzanettiSaviq: so... the thing is, it I do the check_pkg thingie twice, the second (in mocks) will override the first16:19
mzanettiSaviq: that was the reason why the check didn't work16:19
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I get it, but if both have =2, it'll work, right?16:20
mzanettiSaviq: I could copy/paste the same into both16:20
mzanettiso the first one in plugins would be just "documentation" but basically useless16:20
Saviqmzanetti, the mock one will remain with us while Unity.Launcher can get moved to a separate project16:20
mzanettiSaviq: thats true, yes16:20
mzanettiok... I can move it back into there16:21
Cimimlankhorst, if pitman segfaults?16:21
Saviqmzanetti, dednick_ it's a race, btw, your branches conflict in debian/control. so whoever gets in first gets to not fix the conflict ;D16:22
Saviqunless one of you merges the other one's branch in and prerequisites it, of course ;D16:22
tvoss_mzanetti, ping16:23
* mzanetti runs16:23
mzanettitvoss_: pong16:23
mzanettitvoss_: the run was not meant for you :D16:23
Saviqgreyback_, can you invite me to your chat with jamesh please?16:25
mlankhorstCimi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-vmware/+bug/1199403 ?16:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199403 in xserver-xorg-video-vmware (Ubuntu) "Xorg crash" [Critical,Triaged]16:25
Cimimlankhorst, might be16:26
Cimimlankhorst, I have the same issue16:26
Cimiso I guess it's the driver16:26
greyback_Saviq: we had it at 11am UTC today16:26
Saviqgreyback_, lol16:27
john-mcaleelymfisch, ping...16:27
mfischhey mhall119, john-mcaleely spotted a typo in the scopes tutorial, can you fix it?16:27
Saviqgreyback_, thought jamesh was EOD by that time16:27
mfischmhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/119983916:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1199839 in Ubuntu App Developer site "typo in writing-a-unity-scope" [Undecided,New]16:27
mfischits just a misspelling of "apt"16:27
sil2100tvoss_: strangely, now it doesn't find glUniformMatrix4fv when trying to build with GLES216:37
sil2100tvoss_: even though it seems to include the right headers16:37
sil2100tvoss_: no, wait16:38
john-mcaleelymhall119, while I'm at it (spotting bugs), I'll have a look at adding some packaging to that example.16:39
Saviqdidrocks, indicators-client is going away, like, tomorrow17:02
Saviqdidrocks, i.e. it's getting merged into lp:unity817:02
didrocksSaviq: I'm sure you will be happy the autopilot tests will run with nothing :p17:02
didrocksSaviq: thanks for the head's up!17:02
didrocksfginther: I see a lot of B09googletests hooks used in jenkins17:10
didrocksfginther: but most of the time, we already run the tests as part of the package17:10
didrocksso they are run twice17:10
didrocksfginther: we should maybe look at remove those which makes sense (and if we see that one isn't running tests while building the package, activating that?)17:11
fgintherdidrocks,yes. It's really a project by project check17:11
didrocksfginther: ok, I'll have a look tomorrow at that17:12
didrocksfginther: if nothing in the stack runs the tests, we don't need to have the googletests_cmake and _install?17:12
fgintherdidrocks, I'm not following.17:13
fgintherdo you mean project?17:13
didrocksfginther: I mean, if we don't nede the B09googletests hook in any project of the stack17:13
didrocksfginther: we should remove the other *googletests* hooks from the stacks?17:13
fgintherdidrocks, ah, right17:13
didrocksok, will work on that tomorrow :)17:14
fgintherdidrocks, cool!17:14
mzanettiSaviq: ok. moved it back.17:14
Saviqmzanetti, thanks17:15
mzanettiSaviq: I left the add_subdirectory where it is now... next to the other one and the comment17:15
mzanettifits better there17:15
Saviqmzanetti, k17:15
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mzanettiSaviq: still around?19:45
Saviqmzanetti, knida19:48
Saviqkinda, even19:48
mzanettiSaviq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5862687/19:48
mzanettiSaviq: run this and watch your CPU19:48
mzanettinoticed unity8 going crazy when I left it with a popover opened19:49
Saviqmzanetti, ah, same issue I believe19:49
mzanettiah, the animation?19:50
Saviqmzanetti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/revision/58419:50
Saviqmzanetti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/119780119:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1197801 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Unity8 is hogging the CPU when idle" [Critical,Fix committed]19:52
mzanettiSaviq: but I only see this when I open a popover, I believe19:54
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that's because the popover uses the shape (and is only created when you open it)19:54
Saviqmzanetti, and destroyed when you close it19:54
mzanettiSaviq: oh... is it the UbuntuShape that can clip everything, not just images19:54
mzanettiI see19:54
Saviqmzanetti, well, Shape itself can, there's an issue with updating the textures19:55
Saviqmzanetti, I commented on the bug and pinged Kaleo19:56
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mterrytvoss|dinner, poke about meeting20:04
Saviqdednick_, you still around?20:08
Saviqdednick_, there's no need for the imports in unity8/__init__.py IIUC?20:09
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Saviqveebers, hey, so I didn't get to getting you the data you requested, but the VM is up and I'm leaving it that way22:02
veebersexcellent, thanks Saviq22:02
veebersSaviq: if you're still around, I get a connection time out w/ that machine22:06
kgunn_Saviq: did you want me to try ...https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/clean-build-scripts-coding/+merge/17384722:21
kgunn_sorry just catching up on the todo's22:22
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dednick_Saviq: imports removed22:43

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