
rick_hso there you go, one path to a CI/CD process01:34
brouschrick_h: Do you have a roommate for PyOhio?12:36
rick_hbrousch: nope12:37
brouschI have a room at the Blackwell and another GRPUG guy has one12:38
rick_hbrousch: I've got one as well.12:39
brouschI wish we had a weirdo I could ask to bunk with you, but I'm probably the worst12:42
rick_hbeen there/done that12:43
brouschUntangle is working well so far. I installed it last night12:56
brouschOpen source/commerical firewall12:58
brouschBased on Debian it looks like12:58
brouschIt has the usual firewall stuff, plus virus blocker, spyware (tracking) blocker, adblocker, application blocker, snort, vpn, all with a pretty nice web GUI13:00
snap-lSorry I had to bail last night on MUG, but JoDee managed to burn herself pretty good with some boiling water13:01
snap-lShe's fine13:01
brouschThat's all free and open source, then have modules you can buy to enhance those, add caching, bandwith control, etc. they also have appliances you can buy with it all pre-installed13:01
snap-lbut I went out to get some gauze and pads and such13:01
rick_hsnap-l: :/13:02
snap-lYeah, she was all "you don't need to come home" but when she was describing what happened, I couldn't leave her alone13:02
rick_hsnap-l: yea, burned my hand on the camper this past weekend 2nd degree and it sucks!13:02
snap-lYeah, imagine that on your chest. :)13:02
rick_hsnap-l: yea, take care of the fam13:02
brouschDid you ban her from the kitchen?13:03
snap-lFunny thing is she wasn't in the kitchen13:05
snap-lShe was trying to open up her sinuses, so she boiled some water in a mug13:05
snap-land she leaned back and lost her balance13:05
snap-lFortunately it was pretty localized13:06
snap-lunfortunately, it was localized enough to cause second degree burns13:06
brouschHas anyone here tried DigitalOcean for VPS hosting?13:13
snap-lFirst I'm hearing of them13:14
brouschIt sounds like a great deal ($5/mo, 20GB SSD storage, 512MB RAM, 1TB traffic)13:14
snap-lSounds like a reseller13:14
brouschI hadn't heard of them either, but we moved the GR wiki to them from Linode last night13:14
snap-lLinode too much?13:14
trevlarI've fired up a few boxes with them just to test things out13:15
brousch$5/mo vs $20/mo13:15
brouschtrevlar: Did you see any problems?13:15
trevlarI'll probably be switching from linode to them too13:16
rick_hthey're getting a lot of love recently.13:16
trevlarnah, I kind of like linode's dashboard better.. but it just takes a little getting used to13:16
rick_hthere was an article comparing perf recently though and linode won out13:16
snap-lI've been happy with Linode. They've giiven me wht I want in a hosting service: not having to think aboutmy hosting service.13:17
brouschI still have my own VPS on linode13:18
brouschWe also got CKAN set up for Grand Rapids. It's a Pylons site for data portals http://data.grcity.us/13:21
brouschDave did most of that since he's worked with PYlons a lot13:21
trevlarbrousch: one of the biggest complaints is they still don't have private IPs for multi-vm setups13:23
brouschtrevlar: private IPs don't bother me right now13:40
brouschbut good to know13:40
snap-ljcastro: http://www.rushisaband.com/blog/2013/07/10/3706/New-Rush-audio-odditiesrarities-from-MitA14:38
=== lmorchard23 is now known as lorchard
rick_hfor greg-g https://twitter.com/phatduckk/status/35498965487493120016:48
greg-grick_h: where was that? SF?16:51
rick_hgreg-g: sanmateo it says16:58
rick_hat least per hashtag16:58
greg-goh, heh, totally ignored the hashtag16:58
rick_hso spitting distance of SF :)16:58
snap-lThat's some serious ego working there16:59
brouschThere's no Golden Gate Bridge in that photo17:29
snap-lWoah, just ran across a neat tmux command20:17
snap-lctrl-b )20:17
snap-lruns through all of your tmux sessions20:17
greg-goh netsplits :(20:25
greg-goh ddos's on freenode :(20:25

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