
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
holsteinOvenWerks: i think i was about to react negatively to the removal of pulse01:10
OvenWerksholstein: Lumpy's machine is one use only. I am surprised that he couldn't get it working. He is right towards thge edge of what the machine can do. Pulling two mp3 files to audio streams then recoding to mp3 stream. Also some compression in there too. medium latency (50ms or so).05:30
OvenWerksNo reason to have pulse on it though, but rather than remove it I would just turn it off.05:32
zequenceWas supposed to get some stuff done, but been baby sitting the past two days :P06:37
zequencemaybe tomorrow06:37
Lump|AFKyeah OvenWerks I am stumped10:50
Lump|AFKthough i think the icecast server connection issues are router related10:51
Lump|AFKi shot you an email this AM10:51
Lump|AFKi will be hereish today so hail away10:51
smartboyhwzequence: OvenWerks I will be back after three weeks. See ya!11:41
Mishhello ttoine13:45
Mishzequence: I did some tests on the Audio icon. You can see them here  ---   https://www.wuala.com/Mishrito/Icons?key=CRBaTkk2DEln19:30
MishI don't know why one can;t download the whole folder at once but that;s the way it works19:30
MishThere's two of the 3d shaded icons19:31
Mishand one flat one, which is basically identical to the old one except for the blue-pale yellow colour scheme19:31
Mishis that similar to what you had in mind for using the colours?19:32
zequenceMish: quite dark, but I'd really need to see all of them used with the menu to get a good idea19:46
zequencethought you weren't going to do shaded19:47
Mishyou were undecided last time I asked, so I did tell you I'd do some tests; with both shaded and flat19:49
Mishis the flat one somewhat like what you had in mind?19:49
Mishoh and for the shaded version, there's one for light themes and one for dark19:50
zequencewill we be able to switch them? my understanding so far is that these will be custom icons, not a part of any icon theme19:52
MishIMO it'd actually be better if there were two icons sets, something like UbuntuStudio-Light and UbuntuStudio-Dark19:53
zequencemy understanding is that these icons will be for the menu specifically, and not go with any specific icon theme, since they are custom19:58
Mishyes but the manu background is affected by whatever theme the user chooses :D19:59
zequenceso, if the icons aren't apart of a theme, that means they won't be switched when you change themes20:00
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Mishicons never change automatically when themes are changed20:00
zequenceand that would also mean the icons need to be generic enough to work in any situatioon20:00
zequenceI'm talking about icon themes20:00
MishTheming in linux happens independently for all the different things20:01
zequenceare you seriously explaining how theming works in Linux to me?20:01
Mishas in you have themes for Window manager, GTK/QT theme, icon set, and cursor theme20:01
Mishno not explaining 20:02
Mishpointing out a specific thing20:02
Mishbut basically only dark and light themes need to be catered for20:05
zequenceI'm still missing the part where the icons are switchable with icon themes. Or, how the switching of the icons would be done20:06
zequencethey need to work with other themes than just ubuntustudio icon themes20:06
Mishuser would go to appearance settings and then change icon theme20:07
Mishbut that wouldn't change gtk/qt theme etc20:07
zequenceso, are you saying these icons will, or will not be a part of an icon theme?20:07
zequenceI'm still only talking about icons and icon themes20:07
Mishthey will be a part of a theme20:07
zequence...and not the menu package20:08
Mishif it's part of the menu package then it'll become default20:08
zequenceagain, my understanding is that these icons would be a part of the menu package, and not any specific icon theme. Is this correct, or not?20:09
Mishso that if user changes to a different set the menu icons won't be broken20:09
Mishcome to think of it, yes20:10
Mishsorry my mistake20:10
Mishusually icons would be part of a specific icon set, but in this case there has to be a default so it'll go into the menu20:11
zequenceI haven't looked into how exactly the icons are loaded, or what the intention is for the future. So I could be missing something of course20:11
Mishno sorry my mistake20:11
MishI was all jumbled up 20:11
Mishzequence: what about the flat one?20:20
zequenceMish: White background?20:26
MishAs in should the icon go with a white background?20:27
zequenceI still feel pretty much the same as yesterday, that it would be nice if each workflow was easily identifyable by color. 20:30
Mishin the folder that I linked to there's the flat icon which is basically the same as the old one, except the background is blue and the object is pale yellow.....is that similar to what you had in mind?20:31
zequenceMish: I was invisioning really clear colors. Something that would work with any icon theme.20:34
zequenceI thought that icon was a bit too dark for one to be able to see the color20:34
Mishok got it....so colour needs to be lighter.... and would you like to see alternate designs? may be with  gradients, transparencies etc?20:38
Mishor is that design ok?20:39
zequenceI would try without shading first. I have a feeling it will have too much of its own thematic feel20:39
zequenceMish: You know, actually it might not be a bad idea to use the classic Ubuntu Studio blue for audio20:41
zequenceand then go from there, making the other colors look similar20:41
Mishok understood20:41
zequenceI think there are lots of icons that are like that, very minimal, like traffic signes20:43
zequenceI'm open to other ideas myself, but this to me seems more or less water proof, and should work in any situation, no matter which icon themes, and other themes are used20:45
zequenceMish: Do you have the classic blue? The color scheme is at the bottom of this page otherwise https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialFeisty20:47
MishYes I do have the SVG of the Ubuntu Studio logo20:47
MishI'll take the blue from there20:47
zequencewhich logo is that?20:48
Mishthe first one on the page you linked to20:49
Mishbut the palette is handy too20:49
OvenWerkszequence: there are some problems I think with what you were discussing with Mish.23:28
OvenWerksYou may recall, we wanted to use standard categories and names for things.23:30
OvenWerksso ihave styled all the icon names after the standard icon names for other standard menus.23:31
OvenWerksWhat this means, is that some of the icons I use (or will use when they are done) in the menu package will not show up in our menu because they are "themed over" or overriden by themes farther up the theme inheritance chain.23:35
OvenWerksThat is why we are using the icon-theme to make sure our icons show up in our iso.23:35
OvenWerkszequence: there are two paths we can go with this:23:36
OvenWerks1) use icon themes as Mish suggested, one dark and one light that inherit other dark and light themes. Mish seems to have found nice ones.23:37
OvenWerks2) Rename our icons non-standard so they show up no matter what icon theme is used.23:38
OvenWerksI am sure Mish's confusion is my falt and I appologize.23:39
OvenWerksI should probably drop this in the mailing list :)23:40
lumpy__heya OvenWerks thanks for the emails23:43
lumpy__but i think i have only made it worse23:43
OvenWerksgive me a sec23:43
lumpy__take your time23:44
lumpy__i am finishing a writing assignment23:44
lumpy__so i tied up for 20-30 minutes at least23:44
OvenWerksOk, had to do an email. I am switching to the support channel :)23:54

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