[01:10] holstein: Lumpy was probably looking for me. I know his setup a bit from the past and what he is trying to do. Ping me if he is around again. I was napping though :) [01:10] OvenWerks: will do [01:10] thanks [02:59] This is from a place of ignorance, but what makes Ubuntu Studio different from any other Ubuntu distro? Just the software with which it's packaged? [03:00] basically.. same as xubuntu vs ubuntu or whatever [03:00] ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, but its quite different [03:00] How so? [03:01] we all have access to all the repos.. for example, XFCE is in the repos.. so is unity.. ubuntu uses unity, we and xubuntu use XFCE [03:02] Excellent. [03:02] I detest Unity. [03:02] i dont [03:02] So, US is more akin to Xubuntu? [03:02] i just dont use it, because i dont prefer it.. though, volunteers work on supporting, creating, and maintaining unity, and have come a long way in a short time with it [03:03] Aethysius: xubuntu and ubuntustudio use XFCE [03:03] Right. [03:20] Sorry to be obtuse sounding. [03:21] nah.. ask what you like.. im just trying to be clear [03:22] I'm actually using Kubuntu right now; I might just switch over to US for my main distro; I just use the web browser, IRC, music, and the occasional movie. [03:22] you can use whatever you like from our packages in kubuntu or under kde [03:22] if you like KDE, you like KDE.. and might want to keep it [03:23] True. [03:24] I like KDE, it just doesn't like some of the software I like. ;) [03:24] There are metapackages for the different UbuntuStudio tasks, but seems like that'd be overkill. [03:25] Oh? [03:25] correct [03:26] !find ubuntustudio [03:26] Found: plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio, ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntustudio, ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, ubuntustudio-controls, ubuntustudio-default-settings, ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntustudio-font-meta, ubuntustudio-generation, ubuntustudio-graphics (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntustudio&searchon=names&suite=raring§ion=all [03:29] I see. [16:19] has anyone here installed ubuntuStudio 12.04 on a laptop and everything worked out the box? [16:20] occ: What is not working for you? [16:20] im just looking for a laptop to buy. and want it to be fully compatible [16:20] without tinkering [16:21] occ: Whatever works with Ubuntu will work with Ubuntu Studio, so, if you want to be 100% sure, check out the Ubuntu certified machines [16:21] yes iv looked at that list but it is very limited [16:27] occ: I'd just make sure that all the devices are supported [16:28] like, make sure the camera is not custom, or that the wifi is not supported [16:28] but, I wouldn't be able to recommend any machines myself [16:31] yeh iv been looking at individual components too. but some manufacturers seem to do retarded stuff on their machines which make anything possible [16:31] system76 makes some nice machines [16:32] https://www.system76.com/ [16:32] yeh i saw that too.... wish i could get one but cant order stuff online as i need to buy it and have it in the next couple of days [16:33] got to a store with a live DVD or usb stick, and ask if you can test boot [16:33] go* [16:35] yeh i might try that === ashams is now known as Guest64962 [22:42] hi [22:42] i can't find midi codecs for ardour [22:47] keep looking. dont give up [23:38] hi everyone [23:42] Im running ubuntu studio 10.04 and Im having difficulty with the network detection. Im a complete linux noob. [23:49] I see irc is alive now more than ever. [23:55] lumpy__: I am here now