
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
NoskcajAre there any xubuntu "needs-packaging" bugs?04:27
micahgNoskcaj: gtk-theme-config needs packaging, but it requires some upstream patches (or debian/rules configuration) for generating images04:44
micahgare you up for generating images from svg files?04:45
Noskcajok. back to random package that i hope are easy04:45
micahgNoskcaj: you can hijack my ITP in Debian if you like :)04:45
Noskcajmicahg, i have no idea what i'm doing, i'm looking at bug 1199017 ATM04:45
ubottubug 1199017 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ubuntuone-credentials" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119901704:46
micahgNoskcaj: that's already packaged and needs review/sponsorship04:46
Noskcajcan you walk me through what i have to do for that debian RFP?04:48
micahgNoskcaj: pull the Ubuntu packaging, clean it up, push to mentors.debian.net04:52
micahgoh, and upgrade the package to the latest version04:52
micahgwas 0.10.3 last time I checked (about 6 months ago)04:53
micahgI'm happy to be an Uploader for the package if you want a co-maintainer04:53
Noskcajand none of what you said means anything to me04:53
micahgor I'm happy to be the maintainer04:53
micahgNoskcaj: so, maybe start working with packaging rather than trying to package from scratch?04:54
micahgthough, the RFP might be a good way to do that04:54
micahgthe packaging works, you can use lintian to tell you what needs to be cleaned up04:54
micahgthough this would be OT here, more appropriate for -motu04:55
* micahg actually needs to go to sleep now, maybe another night04:55
Noskcajok, good night. 04:56
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elfybluesabre: thanks - as soon as the artwork is in we'll get it tested somehow 05:58
elfyNoskcaj: not sure what went on there - but got around to pushing the 1574_xfce4settings tests again now06:27
Noskcajelfy, you might want to work out the conflicts first06:35
elfyconficts with what 06:37
elfyI really do wish that people didn't use cryptic comments06:37
elfyNoskcaj: I can't see anything wrong with it06:39
NoskcajOn the LP page notice the diff says "conflicts". that mean you have to make sure you're using the latest version of the trunk, because something changed since you last merged from the trunk.06:40
elfyI'll look later - I'll repush it when I've done that - I've abandoned that branch for the time being06:42
elfyseems a bit illogical to me, though I'm not surprised by that 06:43
elfysomeone moved the damn thing into XFCE06:47
Noskcajthat was either me or knome. 06:48
elfymight have been me :p06:48
elfyoh good lord diverge issues now - not doing this now - not got time06:50
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pleia2forestpiskie: thank you :)20:56
* pleia2 still not a guy20:56

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