=== shirgall_ is now known as shirgall === mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett === lubotu1` is now known as lubotu1 [20:27] ugh [20:27] why does ia32-libs depend on bluez [20:28] Isn't ia32-libs deprecated with multiarch? [20:37] yes but for some reason boinc-client wants it === thefinn93_ is now known as thefinn93 [22:46] c_smith: hello [22:46] tgm4883: do you still do world comm grid? [22:46] bkerensa, on and off [22:46] ahh [22:47] I am setting up some boinc servers right now [22:47] I got pretty high on the ubuntu team list [22:47] I think this new setup will surely blow me top the top somewhere [22:47] Rackspace has given me this big $600 credit per month [22:47] I barely use any of it [22:47] so I am going to deploy! :)