[02:27] crickets === ssweeny` is now known as ssweeny [02:30] sheep [02:44] shickets === waltman_ is now known as waltman [03:16] * ChinnoDog yawns [07:17] Morning. [09:24] Morning [09:24] Hi [09:39] Low [09:40] Lo [12:11] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else [12:12] hi [12:30] lo [12:32] morning [12:36] o/ [13:24] I need a bagel [13:26] we have 30 [13:33] Send me one and then you will have 29 [13:34] You are welcome to stop by and grab one. [13:38] You are too far to go for a bagel. [13:39] You can have 2. [13:42] ha [13:43] JonathanD: i am on 76 can you toss? [13:44] yes [13:50] I think Dunkin will save me. [14:10] I need a donut [14:17] Well, maybe not *need*, but it would be tasty just about now. [14:17] NEED [14:17] COFFEE [14:17] BACON [15:31] http://www.cracked.com/article_19833_the-7-sneakiest-ways-corporations-manipulated-human-behavior.html [15:31] (bacon related) === LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime [19:39] I could use a nap [19:40] naps++ === LordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2