=== lumpy__ is now known as Lumpy === Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK [06:58] OvenWerks: Standard categories is fine, but will those exist in non Ubuntu Studio icon themes? [06:58] I mean, the ones you have used for the menu [07:02] If these icons are meant to be used in a theme, then of course, they should go into the icon theme package [07:02] ..as they are now [07:14] But, the most important thing is that there will be menu icons with any theme. [07:16] Most, if not all icon themes inherit HiColor at the end, so it is quite possible to add a postinstall script to create symlinks to the icons in the Ubuntu Studio theme for categories if those do not already exist [07:16] That should make sure there will be icons no matter what [07:16] but, maybe this is not a problem to begin with? [07:31] Let me put this on list too, btw === saidinesh is now known as saidinesh5 === kubotu_ is now known as kubotu [15:18] interesting discussion going on in #xubuntu-devel about xMir === TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums