=== kees_ is now known as kees [04:22] dupondje: taking a look [05:51] thx micahg :) [05:51] at least we can listen to music again this evening then :P [06:43] good morning [07:26] Morning dholbach. [07:27] hey iulian [07:27] good morning [07:37] Hi there geser. How are you doing? === Lutin is now known as Guest11889 [07:48] Hi, iulian. I'm fine and you? [08:12] geser: I'm not too bad, thanks. === manish_ is now known as m4n1sh [08:16] we're at 62 sponsoring items - does anyone have a bit of time today to go through a few? === andreas__ is now known as ahasenack === s1aden is now known as sladen [15:22] dholbach: thanks for sponsoring me I really appreciate it [15:22] anytime :) [15:24] Can I apply for Ubuntu membership now? [15:26] obounaim, I'd write you an endorsement, but in the end that'd be a question for the DMB or a Membership Board [15:28] ok [15:29] In your opinion should I apply or do more work? [15:38] obounaim, what I'd recommend to do is: set up your application (you will have to do it anyway) and ask the people you've worked with for comments - soon you're going to see what they all think :) [15:38] Ok thanks for your advice dholbach [15:38] :) [15:38] all right - time to call it a day over here - have a great weekend everyone [15:39] dholbach: Enjoy! [15:39] you too [16:27] How to build on multiple architectures using a ppa? thanks [16:37] architectures other than i386 and amd64 like powerpc and arm [16:46] because when upload packages they only build in i386 or amd64 === andreas__ is now known as ahasenack === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville