[00:00] darran, sak, Noskcaj10 thank you for coming [00:01] enjoyed, it, thank you balloons [00:03] i'll read the logs when i get home, thanks balloons [00:04] Noskcaj10, :-) [00:04] video is up as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD_e_xqlBbg [00:39] plars: ho ... can you see if maguro and mako are still alive :)? [00:40] and if autopilots are in queue on those? [01:11] asac: autopilot jobs already ran on mako, and all failed [01:12] as could be related to a bug I filed a bit ago, I tried on mako locally and the ui didn't come up on first boot. surfaceflinger segfaulted [03:08] plars: how about maguro? [03:11] asac: that one's not set up currently, I think the existing ones on grouper and mako are still being debugged [03:15] plars: grouper matches what was expected [03:15] however its super unimportant device [03:15] top prio i maguro [03:16] second is mako [03:16] unless stuff failed completely dont debug on the infrastructure side... we saw exactly what i see on the dashboard locally as well [03:16] all failing on mako should be looked at yes. [03:17] but i have no local results to cross check [03:17] only maguro i have [03:17] thats what is in here: [03:18] https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdDhEUy1nM1Jab3N4VGNQS0dQR19lTFE [03:18] plars: is setting up maguro scripted? [03:18] can you do that and kick them off? [03:18] in the hope ... :) [03:19] thomi: can you do n4 manual checks on the tests? [03:19] seems infrastructure has issues and i want to give folks a heads up tomorrow [03:19] default apps would be good enough [03:19] asac: veebers has the nv, and I'm kneck-deep trying to un-bork the unity8 tests. [03:19] just to see if they all fail localy as well [03:19] kk [03:19] veebers: ? [03:19] sorry :( [03:19] * veebers reads backlog [03:20] yeah... i think now we should kill n7 right away [03:20] veebers: its about getting manual results for the tests for n4 [03:20] seems folks always prefer n7 even though its like zero prio :) [03:21] veebers: its trying to run https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdDhEUy1nM1Jab3N4VGNQS0dQR19lTFE#gid=0 [03:21] on n4 [03:21] plars: try to just check if its infrastructure issue [03:21] asac: right, can do. Although I may have lead you astray when I said it's a nexus 4, its actually a Galaxy Nexus (the samsung one) [03:21] damn [03:21] that one i already have [03:21] asac: ah, sorry [03:21] plars: can you in some way kick off GN? [03:22] i am not sure why we didnt do GN first :) [03:22] i thougth i told everybody that GN is first prio :) [03:22] and N4 second and all the tablets are somewhere later [03:22] i really need those results to give people a heads up tomorrow... [03:22] otherwise i will just send what i did on the spreadsheet [03:22] asac: working on it, I need to make some changes to the script. Please be aware that these just ran for the first time today, and are not yet considered "in production" tests [03:22] which is outdated [03:23] asac: I take it you don't need me to run that manually any more? [03:23] plars: well.. i see all devices succeed executing commands every day [03:23] why would running the autopilot stuff be different? [03:23] asac: I'm talking specifically about the autopilot stuff [03:23] so my suspicion is that the n4 really fails all tests [03:23] even if run locally [03:23] but cant validate locally [03:24] plars: iknow... but ultimately its not much than running commands on a provisioned device, no? [03:24] asac: no [03:24] asac: it's a pretty big difference [03:24] really... odd [03:25] well. ok. [03:25] lets try to get maguro over the line tomorrow [03:25] then [03:25] asac: I can get it running tonight, if you'll give me just a minute [03:25] hehe [03:25] asac: but as I said, they are still not "in production" [03:26] i dont need warnings... i know its all hot iron... i just need one run on todays images [03:26] there are some changes we still need to experiment with on the jenkins side to ensure that they don't allow a job to slip in between them and muck things up [03:26] asac: and I'm doing that now [03:26] veebers: actually i think if plars cannot get it done getting one more run of the default apps tests on todays image would be helpful [03:26] but i really hoped we would get those results from automation :) [03:27] plars: yeah. well. dont stress yourself out :)... in worst case i veebers will do a few on GN and i will do a few tomorrow morning here and then send the results :0... but it would be slam dunk to see that on the dashboard [03:29] asac: ack, will run some app tests in a short while [03:29] asac: ok, I added it to the job generation scripts, regenerated the jobs, and kicked it off, if you have vpn access you can watch it in progress [03:38] yeah if i would be anything less than a moron i would still have VPN access.... but my NM somehow forgot the config and i didnt mangae to set it up when realizing it :) [03:38] will check out tomorrow moring [03:39] veebers: yeah... can you just put it in the column next to mine for the 08 build? [03:39] i will see how far you got and finish off tomorrow [03:39] remember to put the right build id on top [03:39] thanks a bunch [03:40] plars: thanks!! ... dont bother to wait... if they go through they will show up and i will be happy if not. no big deal. we can check tomorrow [03:40] asac: can do [03:40] and will just send my disappointing mail with the manual results we are now getting :) [03:40] i will also get someone to run through n4 tests locally to see if everything fails [03:40] :) [03:40] most likely ogra :-P [03:43] asac: I'd offer, but my n4 is tied up testing something else at the moment, and I think my isp has finally throttled me [03:43] plars: i checked the dashboard [03:43] it looks reasonable for mako [03:43] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2935/ [03:43] my download rates have slowed to a crawl [03:43] share-app succeeded [03:43] that means for me infrastructure is clean [03:43] and you shouldnt try to figure on your own what the problem is [03:43] i am almost 100% sure we will see the same stuff when run locally without utah [03:44] so all green from QA infrastructure side for now [03:44] dont spend time debugging... i will have ogra check locally and if he sees the same just throw it to the owners of those apps/tests to do everythinhg [03:44] triage/fix [03:44] etc. [03:44] asac: something went awry on notes-app it seems, no tests were run [03:45] really? [03:45] its 2/2 [03:45] thats exactly what i would expect [03:45] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2935/share-app-autopilot/ [03:45] thats looks realy ok [03:45] asac: not share-app, notes-app [03:45] asac: notes-app is 0/0 [03:45] ah-autopilot run -v share_app.tests.test_share.TestShare.test_cancel [03:46] right [03:46] asac: to clarify, which order would you like me to test: core apps then default? [03:46] thats a bit of a mystery i agree [03:46] veebers: default first... then core apps (aka community) [03:46] asac: ack, thanks [03:47] dns problems it looks like [03:47] well spotted [03:48] incidentally, I think having dnsutils in the touch images would be handy [03:48] veebers: you might want to be lazy and wait a bit and see if we get results matching roughly what i have in the spreadhseet for the GN [03:48] if so you dont need to invest in manual testing i can just through the automated results at folks [03:48] asac: cool, sounds good [03:48] not sure how long you are still on, but if you dont see results until 3 hours before your EOD just start manually [03:50] asac: heh, that's about now. But I'll be back on later so can check then [03:51] veebers: right. well. i really just care about getting fresh results for GN (maguro) and mako for defaults apps... because those are the apps where we have paid developers doing the work :) [03:51] and unity is scheduled for later :) [03:52] and unity is being fixed with lots of enthusiasm by saviq and thomi so i am sure they will be great [03:53] veebers: so just focus on getting a bunch or all of them done when you find time... as long as i dont have to run all tomorrow i am happy :) (i only have a half day for travel reasons tomorrow to fill out and send mail to folks) [03:54] plars: can you send doanac a ping to remind me to talk about dnsutils with me while you are gone? i am completely brain wrecked right now and surely wont remember :) [03:54] doanac`: ping [03:54] :) [03:55] asac: yes, we have a sync tomorrow, I'll tell him to nag you about it [03:55] asac: I see that you don't have the -n flag for phablet-test-run (disables the shell for the app test). I seem to recall that being a requirement for the apps tests, although that may be out of date now [03:55] plars: hey [03:56] veebers: dunno ... i saw tests go completely green without it [03:56] asac: ah ok, I just had 7 failures with the camera_app (marked green in spreadsheet) [03:56] and the grouper results on dashboard seem close enough to believe that what i did manyually is ok [03:56] veebers: yeah further to the right you see thomi's n7 results [03:56] i think he didnt get the scheme so its not clear :) [03:57] moved :) [03:57] asac: right, but I also have a GN and more than tests fail for me, whereas you get green [03:57] but its a throwaway spreadsheet anyway :) [03:58] veebers: which build? [03:58] 09 was completely busted [03:58] i had to go back to 08 [03:58] i woul dhope that -n would give more green :) [03:58] asac: hmm how do you get the build date, I see "JENKINS_BUILD=saucy-41" in /system/ubuntu_stamp [03:58] i dont know :( [03:59] i dont have the 08 image anymore [04:00] i have it still one sec [04:00] Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130708/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip [04:03] asac: ah good point, just did a listing of those directories to get the most recent files [04:04] dman [04:04] that ziup doesnt even have the ubuntu_stamp file [04:04] so *shrug* [04:04] asac: the maguro results are starting to show up now: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2934/ [04:05] nice [04:05] green for share [04:05] 84.2% for notes [04:05] wait [04:05] i had 15 out of 19 failures [04:05] if that is 84.2% you calc the success wrong :) [04:06] hmm. thats 78.something [04:06] feels scary close [04:06] to the upside down calc [04:06] :) [04:06] doanac`: sure you guys interpret the fail/total and not as success/total? [04:07] both me and thomi had 78% failyures [04:07] on different devices [04:07] i hope this turned to 84% success :) ... but maybe worth checking [04:07] that the real output agrees with that number [04:08] nice ... phone-app == success :) [04:08] asac: notes is 16/19 [04:08] i didnt have a SIM so that would explain my RED [04:09] doanac`: in the log? ... what the stuff outputs is fail/total and not success/total.. unless my eyes were on crack the other day [04:09] asac: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2934/ is starting to show results [04:09] ah, doanac` beat me to it :) [04:09] plars: :) [04:09] dejavu :) [04:09] its great [04:10] so i love that dejavu :) [04:10] asac: i think the timing is just perfectly bad, and the rest of the results won't show for another 30 minutes, when the dashboard polls jenkins again [04:12] doanac`: what's odd, is that webbrowser was the last one to run, but it's here [04:12] that effect is called: race :) [04:12] or fail :) [04:12] i hope its race [04:13] doanac`: can we greedily kick another poll because its late and we love to watch how it goes :)? [04:13] or is tha trisky? [04:13] (i mean: more risky than landing all thist stuff :)) [04:13] asac: cjohnston and josepht are the guys with access to do that [04:14] they aren't on [04:14] lazy guys. [04:14] sleep is for the weak i used to say when i was still a core-dev :) [04:14] doanac`: I'm on, what do you need? [04:14] lol [04:14] see if we can brute force getting jenkins reults on the dashboard was the idea [04:15] see a few lines above [04:15] smoke results? [04:15] josepht: can you make the qa-dashboard to a quick sync of smoke? [04:16] plars: so the maguro tests really got results super fast imo [04:16] given that it flashes everything etc. [04:16] doanac`: it's runnning [04:16] e.g. 30 minutes for all [04:16] hmm. maybe my perception of time is just off [04:17] asac: i flash once, then run each test only doing reboots in-between [04:18] are all jobs going on the same device? [04:18] yes [04:18] thought we had a pool and they are parallized [04:18] ok [04:18] ic [04:18] how is that done in jenkins? [04:18] doanac`: unless you beat me to it, I'll experiment with locking that master job to the subordinate jobs in the morning [04:18] nevermind [04:18] lets talk about that at another time [04:19] plars: give it a shot. i'm a bit overloaded with a couple of other things. [04:19] asac: yeah - you don't want to know the world of jenkins [04:19] "remember sammy jenkins" :) [04:19] doanac`: I'd do it tonight, but staring at xml at 12 am can only spell disaster [04:19] http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoQ3eg99RKHwAC0GJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFxMzBjMGUyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMyMjllNjZhMDQxMjIxZGEwZjU5ZGE0NGQyNWZiYzEzZQRncG9zAzQ-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3F_adv_prop%3Dimage%26va%3Dremember%2Bsammy%2Bjenkins%26fr%3Dcrmas%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D4&w=461&h=279&imgurl=i.stack.imgur.com%2FFfq6w.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmovies.stackexchange.com%2Fquestions%2F10526%2Fwhat-is-th [04:20] oops... damn long urls [04:20] i forgot :) [04:21] the dashboard pull is done [04:21] nice... 0% :) [04:21] josepht: we have a small bug [04:22] plars: doanac`: can you confirm that http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2934/ shows all jobs that were supposed to run? [04:22] we are missing 2 jobs [04:22] josepht: mediaplayer and camera. let me share links ... [04:22] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/smoke-saucy-touch-apps-maguro/ === _salem` is now known as _salem [04:25] Good morning [04:25] 6:25 and pitti is booting up :) [04:25] thats ... err... scary [04:27] i usually take it a sign i should go to sleep when I see pitti logging in for the day [04:27] heh [04:27] seems we need NZ after all to get a 24/7 sprint going [04:27] we dont need NZ i mean [04:27] THATS scary [04:27] pitti: go to bed :) [04:27] for 2h [04:27] asac: I hope you aren't in Germany ATM [04:27] no... east coast :) [04:28] monday i am back in central europe ... working 24/7 :) [04:30] hah [04:30] asac: don't forget to work in the plane :) [04:30] german mode [04:30] :) [04:33] josepht: did you figure whats going on with those? [04:34] otherwise i believe we all can go to sleep ... and plars to early vacation :) [04:34] asac: yeah those two jobs don't have any utah artifacts [04:34] asac: no, I'm here tomorrow for sure [04:34] doanac`: ^^ [04:34] plars: man. its a great achievement to cut and just take overhours swap day :) [04:34] but wll.. i know you wont listen [04:35] veebers: so can you do camera and mediaplayer only? [04:35] josepht: sorry. I could have sworn i saw yamls for them. [04:36] i'll dig into the job [04:36] sorry to waste your time [04:36] doanac`: no worries [04:36] plars: josepht: doanac`: thanks. great stuff. talk to you tomorrow! i have all i need for now [04:36] dont sweat it :) [04:36] folks should now go and run stuff locally and fix :) [04:36] asac: I've done cam, friends and gallery was about to do media player [04:36] nice [04:36] veebers: thanks! [04:36] i have enough data [04:36] and folks will have enough work for the rest of the week [04:37] :) [04:37] plars: josepht: asac: the problem: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/saucy-touch-maguro-smoke-mediaplayer-app-autopilot/1/console [04:37] we have a disappearing maguro in the lab [04:38] doanac`: that can't be good [04:38] looking [04:38] yeah. i have the results i want... so now you can do the fixes needed like fixing the locking etc. [04:38] :) [04:38] doanac`: it's actually there, looks like an adb race [04:38] ugh - i worry adb doesn't scale well [04:39] this is awesome. i think gema just got online [04:39] we are literally working around the clock [04:39] hehe [04:39] as i said [04:39] I'm wearing my "Quite Awesome" shirt [04:39] even without NZ we could work 24h [04:39] thats scary [04:39] hence... guys.. you did an amazing job [04:40] i have all i needed... why not start digging into whats going on tomorrow (at least you guys in texas :)) [04:40] thanks [04:40] good night [04:40] n8!! [04:40] see y0ou tomorrow [04:42] n8 asac === forestpi1kie is now known as forestpiskie [06:54] good morning [08:23] asac, ping [08:34] Good Morning all :-) [08:41] hi DanChapman [08:44] Hey elfy :-) === asac` is now known as asac [12:02] Saviq: bongo [12:03] asac, hey, we want to start looking into memory / performance / resource testing in unity8 [12:03] asac, can you point me at someone who I could talk to about that? [12:04] asac, ideally integrated with whatever reporting / shooting $dev solution you have for regressions [12:04] yeah... let me wake up and think :) [12:04] maybe you can join a hangout in a couple minutes with tvoss? [12:04] lets say at :15? [12:05] will ping you once ready :) [12:05] could be a couple minutes later than that [12:06] asac, hmm in McDo's now for power (outage at home) - not the best place to hang out [12:07] asac, should be back 1300UTC [12:07] Saviq: :) hope its not breakfast time for you [12:07] Saviq: thats in one hour? [12:07] yes [12:07] sounds good [12:07] asac, ah, wrong... [12:07] asac, thought I'm free until 1330UTC [12:08] asac, but I've a meeting from 1300UTC to 1450UTC [12:08] asac, can we do later? or Monday? [12:09] Saviq: monday would be best. qa team has pulled huge things last nights and i think they need some moment for recovery :). [12:09] Saviq: is this for desktop or phone? [12:09] asac, phone [12:09] cool. yeah. maybe lets chat a bit here... [12:10] Saviq: do you alreayd have some kind of tests and just want to sort how to run it on infastructure and how to make the reporting happen? [12:10] or do you want to first check sanity on your test approach? [12:11] asac, we have a set of unit tests (dpkg-build-time), isolated ui tests (CI-time) and some autopilot tests (not nearly enough) [12:12] asac, but none of them had any performance measurement in mind [12:12] asac, so we simply need to pick brainz about how to approach that [12:12] right. [12:13] i think tvoss would be the right guy to discuss the high level approach etc. first [12:13] he has been good in setting good standards for the memory budgeting thing. [12:14] and gema should appoint someone from QA team i would think to have this discussion. let me talk abit around today. === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:46] * cjohnston blames balloons for breaking the dashboard :-) [14:05] wah! [14:05] is everything I ever wanted on the dashboard done cjohnston ? [14:05] balloons: I blame you.. http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2933/webbrowser-app-autopilot/ [14:10] finally these things are coming online, sheesh! [14:10] is mir online yet? [14:34] balloons: hi balloons. sorry for bothering, when we get the time can you take a look at this? [14:34] when you [14:34] https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4-power-manager-settings/+merge/174360 [14:38] slickymaster, yes of course [14:38] balloons, Morning! .... it is morning where you are right lol [14:40] Yes, still morning DanChapman :-) [14:40] whew, so today is all about reviewing code and helping out.. so if you've got something for me to look at today's the day :-) [14:42] * DanChapman is seeing if he has anything for balloons to look at [14:44] doanac`: did you recover yet? [14:44] :) [14:46] plars: :) [14:46] asac: we're in a meeting right now [14:47] kk [14:47] talk in a bit then [15:04] balloons, I'm looking at the Terminal test in the dev branch at the moment. And can see that it can now be introspected which i will do. What would you say are the requirements of the test? I can't see how we can test the actual xterm emulator window anymore than create a file and check the file system for it. Would you say more focus on the dialog windows i.e. profiles, shortcuts, search. Aswell as the usual fullscreen, tabs e [15:04] tc [15:05] DanChapman, yes terminal is a bit more funny, but worth checking out.. Window management is a good one. we can't test the color stuff sadly.. I wonder about the fonts or "other" profile things [15:08] balloons, ok cool I was going to strip the colours and backgrounds out. I'll have a play and see how it goes [15:09] sounds fine.. Keep it simple for now and see what happens. Introspection is already going to make the whole thing saner! [15:10] It is pretty wild atm! [15:22] balloons: thanks, let us see what noskcaj and elfy had to say about it [15:23] * elfy is happy with it as it is currently [15:24] elfy: thank you, I'll leave it as it is and consider it ready to merge === zyga_ is now known as zyga [15:25] balloons: if it's also ok with noskcaj, I consider the test good and done to be merged [15:28] slickymaster: I'll check spelling and format in a moment and approve if it's ok [15:28] elfy: Thanks. I appreciate it :) [15:29] elfy, thanks mate [15:31] slickymaster: "The Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) is disabled" too L's in signalling - but I'm really not too concerned about that [15:31] given that American's can't spell colour properly ... :p [15:31] but you can change it if you want [15:32] elfy, hey mate. :-) I have made a start on getting some autopilot tests together for xubuntu. Evince worked straight away without any mods but firefox and fileroller ( which has a diff UI to ubuntu) are not working. Although I haven't tried the new firefox test yet. I will try to get those two working over the weekend :-) [15:32] you are a superstar :) [15:32] elfy: LOL [15:34] elfy: I'll fix tonight. Right now I'm at work and behind a proxy and not able to push the branch [15:35] I've approved it slickymaster - really not worried about that. [15:35] I could come up with hundreds of spelling/grammar errors in testcases [15:35] * DanChapman looking forward to seeing 0 fails on jenkins tonight [15:36] balloons: I've approved that one now - if I knew how to actually merge it I would [15:36] elfy: ok, elfy, I'll leave as it is, then and assign myself to a new one (while continuing the settings manager) [15:36] elfy, merging isn't so bad at all [15:36] yep - cool slickymaster :) [15:36] DanChapman, wahoo! 0 fails! [15:37] balloons: I doubt it is - but trying to get someone to walk through bzr things doesn't always work out :D [15:37] DanChapman, not today, but we need to get the ubiquity stuff added too.. I know we talked about it. There's some technical work and ideas to be done [15:39] balloons, yeah pitti said he had talked with jibel about it and he was going to look into how to fake a disk drive to get it working. [15:40] right, that was going the otto route I believe... it'll be more of a challenge that way I think :-) [15:40] he's up to it! [15:40] balloons: I would have assumed that doing bzr merge lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4-power-manager-settings would do the job - but then again it might not :) [15:40] elfy, checkout the trunk branch [15:40] then do a bzr merge lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4-power-manager-setting [15:41] then commit and push back to trunk [15:41] that's it.. you already knew how :-) [15:41] * elfy wanders off to try and to get a rest from writing stuffs [15:42] balloons: hang on - don't you add numbers or something? [15:42] balloons, what route do you think would be better? [15:42] elfy, I do, but that's for the sync to the tracker itself [15:43] k [15:43] so if you wanted to do that step manually, basically you would copy and paste the testcase into a new test on the tracker. Then name it id_Name [15:43] that's the format. But you don't have to do that at all. Just merge without it and I'll add the id later when I run the sync [15:43] I'd give everyone the sync tool, but it uses my apikey :-) [15:43] see - knew it - not as simple as you said - you always forget the steps you know :D [15:44] I'm telling you not to worry about that part :-) [15:44] just merge and ignore the id stuff :-) [15:44] balloons: no, not that - the other "that's it.. you already knew how :-)" bits [15:45] elfy, lol.. you did. [15:45] don't worry about it now - I'll catch up with you some time early next week [15:45] what you mean - lol you did - all I get here are errors [15:45] enjoy your weekend mate! [15:45] I hear even the UK is warm this week :- [15:45] yep [15:46] and little one is off to Big Town with her school - dad is free ... ;) [15:46] NICE! [15:46] elfy enjoy it!! [15:46] balloons: on a serious note I will catch up early next week about this - I'd like to sort out the howto [15:47] DanChapman, did you attempt or plan to attempt getting through the video I put together on autopilot? [15:47] DanChapman: I shall [15:50] balloons, I plan to have a look tonight once the little devils are asleep. :-) [15:50] balloons: of course I could hassle knome about it as well :) [15:50] what? [15:50] elfy: yeah elfy, have agreat weekend with no strings attached [15:51] knome: I could hassle you about going through merging approved testcases in the main thingy [15:52] elfy, 15mins, ok? :) [15:52] ok - cheers :) === DanChapman is now known as DanChapman|afk === DanChapman|afk is now known as DanChapman [16:46] elfy, you still around? :) [16:47] I am [16:51] knome: whenever you've time [16:54] elfy, i have time now, just go ahead and shoot ;) [16:55] knome: so how do I merge this https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4-power-manager-settings/+merge/174360 [16:55] elfy, the page says: To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4-power-manager-settings [16:55] elfy, so in your lp:ubuntu-manual-tests branch directory, run that command [16:56] then commit and push [16:56] (you probably want to move the file under Xfce before you commit) [16:56] i created the Xfce directory to keep the repository clean [16:57] the status will be changed to "merged" automatically [16:57] knome: that's better - getting there [16:59] knome: ok - moved the file to XFCE - so if I commit it tells me there's stuff missing now - do I have to bzr add first? [16:59] alternatively I can just move it later to XFCE :) [16:59] what does it say is missing? [17:00] the one I'm trying to merge - it expects it in packages [17:00] can you paste the line so i can paste you an exact command to run [17:00] (i'll also explain why it thinks you have it missing) [17:01] knome: http://pastebin.com/c3a8Djg8 [17:01] great, so as usually, when you add new files into a repository, you'd run: "bzr add ." [17:01] I can understand why it thinks it's missing - it is - I can also understand why it's unknown - it is [17:01] that would make the unknown -line go away [17:01] yep [17:02] for the missing line; bzr expects you to have files that were in the merged branch [17:02] should I do that then? [17:02] if you moved those, you should run "bzr del old-name", in this case "bzr del testcases/packages/xfce4-power-manager-settings\ tests" [17:03] yup, run both the add and del command [17:03] then you shouldn't get either of the warnings when you do the commit (or see the status with "bzr status") [17:03] testcases/packages/xfce4-power-manager-settings tests does not exist [17:03] did you use "\ " ? [17:04] yea [17:04] weird [17:04] status shows the added and the pending one now [17:04] but no missig ones? [17:04] *missing [17:04] nope [17:04] ok, then you're fine! [17:04] commit shows the added and pending merges [17:05] yup, that's fine [17:05] k commited it [17:05] when it does that, it automagically handles setting the status of the MP merged [17:06] now push [17:06] ok - bit more help then :p [17:07] push how [17:07] bzr push [17:07] (you did the local commit, now push to the parent branch) [17:07] bzr push :parent ? [17:07] or bzr push if you've done :parent at least once [17:08] never done pasrent [17:08] then do :parent, yep [17:08] seems to have done something :) [17:08] you should only need to do that once [17:08] yup! so in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-testcase/ubuntu-manual-tests/trunk [17:08] you'll see your commit #165 [17:08] and in https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4-power-manager-settings/+merge/174360 [17:08] the status is merged [17:09] and effectively the merge proposal is now "closed" [17:09] thanks :) [17:10] elfy: I can confirm that, just received the email from LP stating it. [17:10] np [17:10] anything else you need help with? [17:10] knome: nope - that's cool - thanks :) [17:10] just make some notes now lol [17:10] quickly re: the id's you were asking before: [17:10] slickymaster: thanks [17:11] id's ? [17:11] elfy: it's me who thnak you, elfy. not the other way around [17:11] :) [17:11] elfy, 18:43 balloons: so if you wanted to do that step manually, basically you would copy and paste the testcase into a new test on the tracker. Then name it id_Name [17:11] elfy: i wish a very good (free) weekend [17:12] knome: oh I see - the numbering thing [17:12] elfy, so basically, now that a new test is in the repository, you go ahead and add it to the testing tracker (no bzr black magic included) [17:12] elfy, and once you've added it, the tracker will give you a test ID [17:13] elfy, once you have that, rename the file in the local branch to "thatID_testname" and commit+push [17:13] ok - that all obviously makes loads of sense to you ;) [17:14] leave it for the time being - I'll look at that a bit later [17:14] elfy, so the ID's are more for us humans to track that the tests have been added to the tracker and on the other hand, find those tests in the tracker easily. does that make sense? [17:14] elfy, well as balloons said, he can handle it [17:14] yep [17:14] (i've let him do that before, and i think he might have some tool for it) [17:14] indeed - just want to get my head around all of these things so I can at least keep up with our stuff [17:15] yup [17:15] but for the moment - that's either another day or an SEP [17:16] SEP? :P [17:16] someone else's problem :) [17:16] hehe [17:16] yup [17:16] if you need a new test in the tracker quickly, feel free to ping me [17:17] and i'll handle that stuff [17:17] one thing at a time [17:17] knome: ok :) [17:17] knome: while on the subject of tests - someone who actually uses gmb should do the testcase ... [17:18] i'm not using gmb [17:18] ....right now [17:18] ;> [17:18] LOL [17:19] * elfy can write the testcase ... open/close/wait 6 hours for it to read library/give up/use clementine :D [17:19] lol [17:19] knome: thanks for your help though :) [17:20] no problem at all [17:20] if nobody seems to be writing the gmb test later in the cycle, i can do that at some point [17:20] ok [19:07] balloons, Hi [19:13] balloons, I wanted to do some other tests on sudoku app, but I see there is a merge proposal pending, do I have to wait for the merge to be accepted before pulling the branch ? what happens If I pull it now and work on it and the merge gets accepted ? [19:13] Letozaf_, hello! [19:13] balloons, :) [19:14] Letozaf_, no worries on active mp [19:14] balloons, ok thanks [19:14] unless the merge proposal is changing something your going to change or want to change (literally the same lines) it won't have an effect [19:14] so I was looking at this: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/ubuntu-rssreader-test-add-view-feeds/+merge/173316 [19:15] did you want to make those changes? The team was ready to merge as-is but we should fix it up as francis talked about [19:16] * Letozaf_ did not see the last part [19:16] * Letozaf_ is reading it now [19:20] balloons, I will try to fix what's asked, sorry I probably missed the email [19:20] no worries.. I just didn't want to do something you might be working on ;-) [19:21] balloons, :D Let's say I kind of got used to it :D [19:21] balloons, funny eh! if I pick something, someone else does it [19:21] balloons, lol [19:25] balloons, just another doubt, when I've done the changes to the rssfeed app, do I just have to commit an push it to the same branch it's now , will it be ok ? never made changes to an already proposed to merge branch so no quite sure what's the right way [19:28] yes, push to the same branch [19:28] you'll see it'll just update the diff below on the merge proposal :-) [19:29] balloons, thanks [20:18] balloons, the ubuntu-rssreader-app test should be fine now, I applied fginther's suggestions [20:18] Letozaf_, cool :-) [20:18] balloons, :) [20:18] hopefully you'll stop being followed on writing tests eh? [20:19] balloons: hi - got that thing merged in the end - I'll try and keep an eye on manual tests - most seem to be coming from xubuntu atm anyway :) [20:24] balloons, :p yeah hope so :D it's a bit weired [20:24] balloons: while I remember do you not want underscores in testcase names then? [20:24] balloons, well I'm doing a lot of exercise in autopilot tests "for nothing" lol [20:29] elfy, please no underscores :-) [20:29] :) [20:30] Letozaf_, lol, I think it's over for now.. no one is following you on rss reader for sure [20:30] oh I should approve so jenkins will merge your fixes [20:32] Letozaf_, odd, does the changes run on your box/ [20:36] balloons, yes I tried the test before pushing it [20:36] wild.. I guess it just dislikes me! [20:36] balloons, isn't it working on yours [20:37] balloons, let me try to move the test to another dir and pull the one that's in the branch [20:37] balloons, maybe the push did not work correctly [20:37] no worries.. the build bot will solve it for us [20:37] if it works for jenkins, it works :-) [20:37] give it a couple mins to pick it up and try it [20:37] i have funny things on my box sometimes [20:38] balloons, ok because it already happened that push sort of left files on my box and did not find them in the branch [20:40] what's bzr status say? [20:40] if it doesn't look right to you, then it's worth fixing :-) [20:41] ideally bzr status should be blank and show nothing after you commit and push [20:41] if there's stuff in there, then you have local modifications that didn't get pushed up [20:43] Letozaf_, ^^ what's bzr status say? [20:44] balloons, nothing [20:45] Letozaf_, then you should be good :-) [20:45] balloons, hope so :) anyway I ran the test again and it worked [20:45] balloons, I mean the one on my box [20:45] right right.. [20:46] me wonders where the build bot is\ [20:46] ohh silly me, I didn' thit approve [20:46] argh [20:51] balloons, :( I see a fail [20:52] Letozaf_, so if you click that link it links to this page [20:52] [20:52] which has videos of the runs :-) [20:54] balloons, cool, but there must be something wrong with my browser, I only see a black screen with a white mouse pointer [20:54] [20:55] one of the tests the app doesn't launch.. so it's blank [20:55] that one shows the other test run [20:55] balloons, now I saw the other one [20:56] balloons, cool, let me try to pull the branch on my box and see if the same happens, because it works here [20:57] balloons, I pulled the branch and it says 17 revisions, they should be 18 [20:57] ll [20:57] ahh [20:57] did you bzr push? [20:58] maybe you forgot to push that last one :-) [20:58] ohh wait, no I do see i have r18 [20:58] balloons, that's strange [20:59] balloons, I mean that I pulled the branch and see 17 instead of 18 :? [20:59] ahh.. I did get rev 18 when I pulled is all [20:59] balloons, I will try again [21:01] balloons, zzz I pulled the lp:ubuntu-rssreader-app and not mine lol [21:01] balloons, mabye if I pull the right one .... [21:03] balloons, I confirm it works on my box [21:03] balloons, that's quite weired [21:05] Letozaf_, lol gotcha! [21:05] ok, well let's fix this before it's too late for you there :-) [21:05] got 10 mins? [21:06] balloons, ok [21:07] balloons, but I pulled the right branch now and it works :? [21:08] Letozaf_, hmmm.. so yea, i see some changes we can still tweak in here [21:09] I think fginther is saying that the buildbot will randomly not work [21:09] if I approve again it may work just fine [21:09] so his fixes and suggestions are to try and prevent it from randomly failing [21:09] balloons, hope so :) [21:10] so your lambda: self.assertThat lines [21:10] he was trying to explain how to do that a bit differently [21:11] you want to use lambda: to allow you to use the eventually operator [21:11] so you can do this: [21:11] canonical_feed = lambda: self.main_window.get_canonical_feed() [21:11] #does it exist? [21:11] self.assertThat(canonical_feed, Eventually(NotEquals(None))) [21:11] vs [21:12] canonical_feed = self.main_window.get_canonical_feed() [21:12] #does it exist? [21:12] lambda: self.assertThat(canonical_feed, Eventually(NotEquals(None))) [21:12] make sense? [21:13] * Letozaf_ is looking at here code [21:13] balloons, yes [21:15] Letozaf_, let me take a look at some of those failures, one of them looks like the app couldn't start [21:15] go for it.. I'm going to try and clean up the code a little with some edits I would make.. we'll see what we think [21:15] Letozaf_, also I can't view the pretty videos from chromium, I have to use firefox or wget [21:16] fginther, same here had to use firefox [21:31] Letozaf_, new tests results [21:32] Letozaf_, 78 failed because the jenkins config had been reset and lost my latest changes. [21:32] fginther, :( [21:33] Letozaf_, The error in 79 is caused by a missing import for "StateNotFoundError". I gave you some incomplete advice. [21:33] let me find the right module for that [21:33] fginther, thanks [21:33] fginther, I just changed it to be an open expect [21:33] *except [21:33] my wip is herE: lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-rss-reader/carla-feed-commit [21:33] that works too :-) [21:34] we don't really care why it didn't work :-) [21:34] so Letozaf_ your before and after piece for the insert [21:34] we can long tap on the feed name and tell it to update [21:34] sometime we do :-) It can mask the real failure and make it a pain to debug [21:34] otherwise I don't see how it will work [21:35] fginther, well, true I suppose [21:35] but your blind returning anyway [21:35] if it's a non state error, then it could be confusing === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:37] Letozaf_, "from autopilot.introspection.dbus import StateNotFoundError" [21:37] fginther, ok let me insert this [21:38] balloons, fginther or are you guys going to do it ? [21:39] Letozaf_, I'll give it a try, don't want to have to tell you I was wrong twice :-) [21:40] fginther, :-) [21:41] mm ok I'm seeing why I'm having issues [21:41] this return self.app.select_single('Subtitled', objectName='feedItem') [21:41] more than 1 feed means this returns multiple [21:43] balloons, yeah, the testing expects a clean slate [21:46] wahoo success [21:46] balloons, fginther \o/ [21:54] bah [21:56] wow.. [22:00] Letozaf_, balloons, I pushed my wip attempt here: lp:~fginther/ubuntu-rssreader-app/test-update-take-2 [22:01] Letozaf_, balloons, I have to drop off soon [22:02] this is my as-is code: lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-rssreader-app/carla-feed-commit [22:03] balloons, fginther my problem is I cannot test on jenkins ... so I have to rely on you [22:04] basically the one test works [22:04] Letozaf_, I understand. I sometimes use a VM (like virtual-box to create an environment similar to jenkins) [22:04] the other doesn't [22:05] the issue is the bloody select_single call for grabbing the feed AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text' [22:05] balloons, that probably means the feed object wasn't available yet [22:05] fginther, but how is it configured, I mean the VM [22:05] fginther, I'm sure your right.. but the check isn't working.. I suppose looping on sleep [22:06] Letozaf_, balloons, I gotta go (my wife will yell at me if I don't) I'll try to help out later this evening [22:07] fginther, :) [22:07] Letozaf_, the general idea of a VM is that it just runs a raring desktop, the fact that it runs *really* slow is what makes it interesting for running autopilot tests, you get completely different timings [22:07] balloons: Hi, do you mind I ask you a quick question? [22:07] fginther, oh so maybe I will try on a VM [22:07] fginther, thanks [22:08] there's actually a cooler trick you can do [22:08] use Xephyr [22:09] nest an xserver and launch the app into it [22:09] you can make it unaccelerated [22:09] balloons, Xephyr ? never heard of it but I will google to find out [22:12] Noskcaj: Hi, do you mind I ask you a quick question? [22:13] slickymaster, sure [22:13] !ask [22:13] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [22:14] Noskcaj: so, I'm continuing, in order to finish it, to work on the settings manager test. But I see that this test already has an ID abd is on the XFCE folder [22:15] Just branch ubuntu-manual-tests and work on it. Request a merge when you think what you have should be added [22:15] iand now, when I'll want to bzr push the some alterations I've made, do i use the bzr branch lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/ [22:15] or do i use bzr branch lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/ [22:15] Xfce ? [22:15] Letozaf_, well it's all around late [22:15] I'm leaving my branch as is.. [22:16] I guess we fail.. for now :-( [22:16] balloons, quite... [22:16] balloons, ok maybe during the week end I can try on a VM or xephyr... [22:16] Noskcaj: is the bzr any different? [22:16] balloons, and see if I get your problems [22:16] Letozaf_, yes, until then ;-) [22:17] have a good weekend [22:17] food time for me! [22:17] balloons, enjoy [22:17] bye [22:17] slickymaster, the for bzr, just skip the "add" bit [22:18] use lp:~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/WHATEVER-YOU-WANT [22:18] Noskcaj: and do I keep the ID number in the test name? [22:18] yep [22:19] Noskcaj: ok, thanks a lot. I won't bother anymore [22:19] * bother you [22:19] remember: The changes don't do anything till balloons or i merge the test, and we won't do anything that breaaks the tracker [22:19] Noskcaj: good to hear it, and to know it [22:19] slickymaster, it's not bothering us. Being on IRC is good because it's easier to contact you [22:20] balloons: can you have a look at the latest email posting from Vasudevan Kottilil i'm not a unity user. [22:20] Noskcaj: I know that, thing is during the day it's difficult for me to conciliate work hours and 'this' hours [22:20] or anyone? :) [22:21] slickymaster, ok. [22:21] Noskcaj: I'll try to show up here more. anyway, thanks, again [22:21] This does count as volunteering and can be used as a referral or previous experience [22:22] see you tommorow :) [22:22] ok, bye.