
stokachuare canonical employees eligible for the charm contest?00:32
jcastrostokachu: nope00:58
jcastroarosales: one way00:58
arosalesjcastro, whew, may want to confirm that on the list.01:24
stokachuaw and i had some good ideas01:24
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=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
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=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
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cjwatsonSo - after upgrading from Python juju to juju-core (by way of a general saucy upgrade, I wasn't specifically trying to upgrade), I can no longer access my existing deployment: juju status returns "error: no CA certificate in environment configuration".  How do I fix this?09:17
cjwatson(Don't say "bootstrap again".)09:17
* cjwatson files https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core/+bug/120087809:26
_mup_Bug #1200878: Upgrade breaks existing pyjuju deployment <regression-release> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1200878>09:26
marcoceppicjwatson: this is a known issue. you need pyjuju to access pyjuju environments. you should be able to update-alternatives and select 0.7 for juju11:50
AskUbuntuCan I make the MAAS server Juju machine 0? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31961814:36
bmullandoes juju GO have LXC support fully implemented yet?16:11
cjwatsonmarcoceppi: Thanks.  That seems as though it might have been worth some documentation in the package, such as a debian/NEWS file.16:12
cjwatson(I would have read such a thing; I use apt-listchanges.)16:13
marcoceppibmullan: not yet, it's due to land soon-ish16:15
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=== defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
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=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
=== defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz
=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
=== defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz
=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
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